Home perennial flowers How to properly store breast milk in the refrigerator. How long can breast milk be stored in the refrigerator. Can expressed milk be stored?

How to properly store breast milk in the refrigerator. How long can breast milk be stored in the refrigerator. Can expressed milk be stored?


Parameter name Meaning
Rubric (thematic category) Technology

3.1 Network matrices

Network matrices are the most effective tool in project management. Οʜᴎ represent a higher level of scientific development of network diagrams and are used at all stages of the project life cycle.

In the network matrix, design work is depicted graphically in a certain sequence and taking into account the relationships and dependencies between them. Let's take a fragment of the network matrix as an example (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9 Fragment of network matrix

The network matrix is ​​combined with the calendar scale time grid. The horizontal "corridors" of the grid correspond to officials, structural units or management levels. Vertical "corridors" correspond to individual time intervals.

When constructing a matrix, three basic concepts are used - work, event and path.

Work- ϶ᴛᴏ a process that requires time and resources. On the graph, it is depicted as a solid arrow.

The word "work" also refers to expectation and addiction.

Expectation- ϶ᴛᴏ process requiring time expenditure, but does not require resources. On the graph, it is indicated by a dotted arrow with an indication of the waiting time.

Addiction (dummy job) indicates only the existence of a connection between the activities, when the start of the activity depends on the completion of other activities. There is no need for time and resources. The dependence is indicated by a dotted arrow without indicating the time.

Event It is indicated, as a rule, in the form of a circle and represents the result of the completion of all the work included in it. At the same time, the event allows you to start all the work that comes out of it.

From the above example (Fig. 9) it can be seen that four events take place within the framework of the control process, with event 1 being the initial one, events 2 and 3 being intermediate, and event 4 being the final one. These events are related to the execution of work, with work 1-2 and 2-4 being performed by the director, work 1-3 and 3-4 by his deputy, and work 1-4 by the chief engineer.

The sequence of work from the initial event to the final one forms path. The path that has the longest duration in the network matrix is ​​called critical and is indicated, as a rule, by a thickened or double arrow.

When building network matrices, it is extremely important to adhere to the following basic rules.

· The rule of designation of works.

It is not allowed to designate parallel works with the same code (Fig. 10a). This means that there should be only one arrow between two adjacent events. Otherwise, it is extremely important to introduce an additional event and dependence into the matrix and separate one of the works with them (Fig. 10b).

· The rule of prohibition of "dead ends".

There should be no events in the network matrix from which no work exits (except for the final network event). The presence of such events means that extra work has been introduced or there is an error in the technology for their implementation.

· The rule of prohibition of unsecured events.

There should be no events in the network matrix that do not include any work (other than the original network event). In this case, the start condition will not be set for the activities coming out of such unsecured events. Therefore, the work will not be done.

· Delivery image rule.

Supply- ϶ᴛᴏ the result obtained outside the project management system. The delivery is depicted as a circle with a cross inside. In the given example (Fig. 10c), delivery is required to perform work 2-3. As a rule, next to the circle of delivery indicate the number of the specification that reveals its content.

· The rule of organizational and technological links between works.

The network matrix takes into account only the directly indicated dependence between jobs (Fig. 10d). To show that activity 4-5 must be preceded not only by activity 3-4 but also by activity 1-2, the matrix additionally indicates the relationship between events 2 and 4.

· Technological rule for constructing network matrices.

To build a network matrix, it is extremely important to establish which works must be completed before the start of this work, which ones are started after its completion, which are extremely important to complete simultaneously with this work.

· Event coding rule.

All events in the matrix must have independent numbers. For this event, encode integers without gaps. In this case, the subsequent event is assigned the next number only after the assignment of numbers to all previous events.

Rules for specifying activities, expectations and dependencies:

1) the arrow (work) must always be directed from an event with a lower number to an event with a higher number;

2) the belonging of the work (arrow) to a certain horizontal "corridor" is given by its horizontal section;

3) the duration of work or waiting is determined by the horizontal projection of the distance between the corresponding events;

4) dependencies between jobs without waiting are indicated by vertical arrows. In this case, their projection on the time axis is equal to zero;

5) the tilt of the arrows along the time axis to the left is not allowed.

Let's consider the procedure for constructing a network matrix using the example of the fragment "Preparation of proposals for improving the organization of project management in a construction trust" (Table 1).

Table 1

"Preparation of proposals for improving the organization of project management in a construction trust" (option)

Let's transfer the presented works to the network matrix, taking into account their sequence, duration and performers (Fig. 11).

Figure 11 - Network matrix of the fragment of the project "Preparation of proposals for

improving the organization of project management in a construction trust"

The advantage of the network matrix is ​​a visual display of the time parameters of the project, knowledge of which is extremely important for maneuvering project resources and managing the project as a whole.

The dotted lines on the network diagram show the slack in the execution of work.

Works that do not have time reserves form critical path. For the considered example (Fig. 11), one of the critical paths is the sequence of works: 1 - 3 - 6 - 11 - 13. Their total duration is 6 days.

The duration of the critical path allows you to determine the directive duration of the project:

where is the duration of the critical path;

Probability of project implementation under given conditions. The normal value of this indicator is in the range from 0.6 to 1.0;

Duration dispersion i th activity on the critical path.

The actual duration of an individual work is a random variable with a normal distribution law. Its parameters can be calculated using approximate formulas:

where , , , - the most probable, optimistic, expected and pessimistic duration of work, respectively;

The variance of the actual duration of work.

Main parameters of the network model

The main parameters of the network model include:

Event number (N);

Early date of occurrence of an event - ϶ᴛᴏ the earliest possible moment of occurrence j-th event and it is determined by the time of execution of all the work preceding this event. Obviously, the early date for the occurrence of an event can occur when all the work of the maximum length of the path is completed:

T (P) j = max (T (P) i + t ij), for (i,j)нV + j ,

where V + j , is the set of arcs on the network model included in the event j;

Late date of occurrence of the event - ϶ᴛᴏ the latest of the admissible moments of occurrence i-th event, at which it is still possible to perform all subsequent work without exceeding the deadline for the entire project. The determination of the late dates for the occurrence of events is carried out strictly sequentially in descending order of event numbers, starting from the final event, according to the formula:

T (P) i = min (T (P) j - t ij), for (i,j)нV - i ,

where V - i , is the set of arcs on the network model coming out of the event i;

Reserve - ϶ᴛᴏ the difference between the late and early dates of the event:

R k \u003d T (P) k - T (P) k .

The parameters of the network model are specified in the vertices as follows:

Consider the definition of the basic parameters of the network model using the example of a project, the initial data for which are presented in Table 2.

table 2

Initial data for the project

Job number Job Title Previous work number Duration, days
Coordination of customer requirements -
Development of documentation and building design -
Completion of design work
Foundation works
landscape design
Building a fence 2, 3
Construction of the first floor
Completion of the construction of the fence
Entrance gate installation
Completion of the construction of the first floor
Garage door installation 8, 10
Installing the rafter system
landscape works
Installation of the roof, windows and doors 9, 11, 12
Internal work and delivery of the project to the customer 13, 14

The network model of this project is shown in fig. 12.

3.3 Matrix of separation of administrative tasks of management

For a clear division of job duties and responsibilities in the project management process, a matrix for separating the administrative tasks of management (RAM matrix) is being developed.

The RAZU matrix is ​​a table, in the title of the rows of which the management tasks are indicated, and in the title of the graph - performers (officials, departments and services). At the intersection of the lines and the graph, the relation of the corresponding executor to the corresponding task is indicated by a conventional sign (Table 3).

Table 3

Matrix of separation of administrative tasks of management (option)

Let's consider a possible variant of conventional signs of the RAZU matrix for various aspects of management.

Symbols for determining responsibility for solving a problem:

I am the sole decision (signed) and personal responsibility;

! – personal responsibility and participation in collegial decision-making (with a signature);

P - participation in collegial decision-making without the right to sign.

Symbols for defining activities for the implementation of tasks:

P - planning;

O - organization;

K - control;

X - coordination;

A is activation.

Symbols for defining activities for the preparation and maintenance of the implementation of tasks:

C - approval, sighting;

T - direct execution;

M - preparation of proposals;

± – calculations;

- non-participation in work.

To determine the attitude of each performer to each management task, an expert survey is used, most often based on a preference matrix.

The preference matrix is ​​a ϶ᴛᴏ square matrix, the rows and columns of which correspond to the set of conventional signs of the matrix ONCE (Table 4). Each element of the preference matrix is ​​an integer:

0 - if the character corresponding to the row is less preferable than the character corresponding to the column;

1 - if the signs are equivalent;

2 - if the character corresponding to the row is preferable to the character corresponding to the column.

Table 4

Conventional signs T I P O X BUT To ! Total

It follows from the table that, for example, the symbol "T" is preferable to the symbols "I", "P", "O", "A" and "K", is equivalent to the symbol "X" and is inferior to the symbol "!".

It is obvious that all symbols are equivalent to themselves, in connection with this, the diagonal of the matrix is ​​​​unit.

For each row of the matrix, the sum of the values ​​of its elements is calculated and this sum is considered as an estimate of the significance of the corresponding symbol by a separate expert.

Each expert fills in a preference matrix for each performer. Further, in relation to an individual performer, for each symbol, the average value of its significance is calculated based on the estimates of all experts. As a rule, this is the arithmetic mean or median. Based on the average values, the symbols are assigned ranks and one of them with the highest rank is selected, or several of them in case of equal ranks.

Determination of the labor input coefficients for solving control problems ( To r) is also made on the basis of filling in the preference matrix by the experts. At the same time, tasks are compared according to their complexity. As a result, for each task, an average conditional value of labor intensity is obtained. When dividing this value by the sum of similar values ​​for all tasks, the value is obtained To t.


4.1 Basic concepts and definitions

Essence of planning consists in:

a) setting goals and ways to achieve them on the basis of the formation of a set of works (measures, actions) that must be performed;

b) application of methods and means for the implementation of these works;

c) linking the resources necessary for their implementation;

d) coordination of actions of organizations - participants of the project.

The activity of developing plans covers all stages of the creation and execution of the project. It begins with the participation of the project manager (project manager) in the process of developing the concept of the project, continues with the selection of strategic decisions for the project, as well as with the development of its details, including the preparation of contract proposals, the conclusion of contracts, the execution of works, and ends with the completion of the project.

On the planning stage all necessary parameters for the implementation of the project are determined:

Duration for each of the controlled elements of the project;

The need for labor, material, technical and financial resources;

Terms of delivery of raw materials, materials, components and technological equipment;

Terms and volumes of involvement of design, construction and other organizations.

Project planning processes and procedures should ensure that the project is feasible within the specified time frame, at the lowest possible cost, within standard resource costs, and of adequate quality.

In a well-organized project, a specific management body should be responsible for the implementation of each goal: the project manager for all goals (project mission), responsible executors for private goals, etc. That is, the tree of project goals should match the subsection structure of the organization responsible for the implementation of the project. For this, the so-called responsibility matrix is ​​being developed, which determines the functional responsibilities of the project executors, specifies the set of works for the implementation of which they are personally responsible.

The higher the level of the governing body, the more generalized, aggregated indicators it makes decisions on the management of subordinate units. With an increase in the level of the hierarchy, the time interval between the issuance of plan targets, the control of their execution, etc., increases. work independently, regardless of subdivisions of the same or neighboring level. The independent functioning of units should be provided with certain reserves of resources, which are also extremely important to plan.

The main purpose of planning consists in building a project implementation model. It is necessary to coordinate the activities of project participants͵ with its help, the order in which work should be performed, etc. is determined.

Planning is a set of interconnected procedures.
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The first stage of project planning is the development of initial plans, which are the basis for developing the project budget, determining resource requirements, organizing project support, contracting, etc.
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Project planning precedes project control and is the basis for its application, as a comparison is made between planned and actual indicators.

4.2 Planning processes

Planning is one of the most important processes for a project, as the result of its implementation is usually a unique object, product or service. The scope and detail of planning is determined by the usefulness of the information that can be obtained as a result of the process and depends on the content (intention) of the project.

These processes can be repeated and be part of an iterative procedure performed until a certain result is achieved. For example, if the original project completion date is unacceptable, then the required resources, cost, and sometimes the scope of the project must be changed. The result in this case will be the agreed terms, volumes, nomenclature of resources, budget and content of the project ͵ corresponding to its goals. The planning process itself should not be completely algorithmized and automated, as it contains many uncertain parameters and often depends on random factors. For this reason, the plan options proposed as a result of planning may differ if they are developed by different teams, whose specialists assess the impact of external factors on the project differently.

Basic planning processes can be repeated several times, both during the entire project and its individual phases. The main planning processes include:

♦ project scope planning and documentation;

♦ description of the scope of the project͵ determination of the basic stages of the project implementation͵ their decomposition into smaller and manageable elements;

♦ drawing up a budget, estimating the cost of resources required to carry out the work of the project;

♦ definition of works, formation of a list of specific works that ensure the achievement of project goals;

♦ arrangement (sequence) of work, definition and documentation of technological dependencies and restrictions on work;

♦ assessment of the duration of work, labor costs and other resources required to perform individual work;

♦ scheduling, analysis of technological dependencies of work execution, work durations and resource requirements;

♦ resource planning, determining what resources (people, equipment, materials) and in what quantities will be required to complete the work of the project. Determining in what terms the work is completed, taking into account the limited resources;

♦ budgeting͵ linking estimated costs to specific activities;

♦ creation (development) of the project plan͵ collection of the results of other planning processes and their combination into a common document.

Supporting planning processes are performed as a matter of utmost importance. These include:

♦ quality planning, defining quality standards appropriate for a given project and finding ways to achieve them;

♦ organizational planning (design), definition, survey, documentation and distribution of project roles, responsibilities and subordination;

♦ selection of personnel, formation of the project team at all stages of the life cycle of the project͵ selection of the necessary human resources included in the project and working in it;

♦ communication planning, determination of the information and communication needs of the project participants: who and what information is needed, when and how it should be delivered to them;

♦ Identification and assessment of risks, determination of which factor of uncertainty and to what extent can affect the course of the project's implementation; identification of a favorable and unfavorable scenario for the project's implementation; documentation of risks;

♦ supply planning, determining what, how, when and with whom to purchase and supply;

♦ planning proposals, documenting product requirements and identifying potential suppliers.

4.3 Planning levels

Determination of planning levels is also the subject of planning and is carried out for each specific project, taking into account its specifics, scale, geography, timing, etc. During this process, the type and number of planning levels corresponding to the allocated work packages for the project, their content and temporal relationships are determined.

Plans (graphs, networks) as an expression of the results of planning processes should form in the aggregate a certain pyramidal structure that has the properties of aggregating information, differentiated by levels of awareness management, separated by development periods (short-term, medium-term and long-term). The planning levels and the system of plans should be built using the principles of ʼʼʼʼʼ feedback, ensuring constant comparison of planned data with actual data and have great flexibility, relevance and efficiency.

Aggregation of calendar-network plans (schedules) is an important and highly effective tool for managing complex projects. Using this tool, project participants can receive network plans of varying degrees of aggregation, in scope and content, corresponding to their rights and obligations under the project. Simplified, the aggregation of network plans for three levels should be presented in the form of some information pyramid (Fig. 13). Here, based on the detailed network plan (at the bottom of the pyramid), only the plan with key stages (milestones) is passed to the next level of management.

Network plans are agglomerated due to the fact that the general network plan consists of many private network plans. In each of these private plans, the longest path is determined. These paths are then put in place of individual parts of the network. With this incremental aggregation, layered network plans are obtained.

Usually there are the following types of plans:

♦ conceptual plan;

♦ strategic plan for project implementation;

♦ tactical (detailed, operational) plans.

Conceptual planning, the result of which is a conceptual plan, is a process of developing the main project documentation, technical requirements, estimates, integrated schedules, control and management procedures. Conceptual planning is carried out in the initial period of the project life cycle.

Strategic planning is a process of developing strategic, enlarged, long-term plans.

Detailed (operational, tactical) planning associated with the development of tactical, detailed plans (schedules) for operational management at the level of responsible executors.

Plan (aggregation) levels should correspond to the levels of management. The higher the level, the more aggregated, generalized information is used for management. Each of the levels has its own representation of the input data, which are usually:

Contractual requirements and obligations;

Description of available resources and restrictions on their use (terms, intensity, placement, etc.);

Estimated and cost models;

Documentation for similar developments.

Strategic planning level related to two main questions:

What are we going to do?

How will we do it?

As a rule, the private (specific) goals of the project may change as it is implemented, while the strategic goals of the project, its mission, remain unchanged. For this reason, the strategic planning stage is of particular importance. Here, the utmost clarity should be obtained on the project, on the main stages of its implementation, on the goals to be achieved.

Strategic planning model may contain several sub-stages (Fig. 14). The sub-stages of strategic planning may not have a definite, predetermined sequence. As a rule, they are performed several times, when the information obtained after the next stage of the analysis or the execution of the procedure is used at the next stage, returns again to the previous or previous stages with already refined or some additional information.

SWOT analysis methods(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats - advantages, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) are often used for strategic planning purposes, especially to assess the specific parameters of the organization itself and its environment. Table 5 is used to conduct a SWOT analysis. To complete it, it is extremely important to answer the following questions:

♦ what are our advantages, how can we realize them?

♦ What are our weaknesses, how can we reduce their influence?

♦ what opportunities exist, how can we capitalize on them?

♦ What could prevent threats?

♦ What could we do to overcome the problem?

Table 5

Table for SWOT analysis

According to the results of the SWOT analysis, in particular, it is possible to determine which of the strategies should include the strategy for a particular project.

Twelve possible strategies for projects:

♦ construction-oriented;

♦ finance-based, involving non-trivial financing arrangements, possibly using debt or subsidies, and where there is a focus on cash flows or cost of capital;

♦ state;

♦ design, when the design technology provides significant advantages over other technologies;

♦ built on customer-contractor relations, which uses various forms of partnership between the customer and the contractor;

♦ technological, focused on the use of the most modern, but also more risk-prone technologies;

♦ commissioning oriented;

♦ providing optimization of the relation of expenses, quality and terms;

♦ resource-oriented, especially in case of limited or high cost of resources, their scarcity and uniqueness;

♦ focused on the scale of the problems being solved or on a given volume, for example, providing a given number of jobs in the region;

♦ oriented towards chance or unforeseen contingencies;

♦ passive, when there is no strategy at all and the behavior of the environment is unpredictable.

4.4 Work breakdown structure

The structure of the division (decomposition) of works (SPP)(WBS - Work Breakdown Structure) - a hierarchical structure of the sequential decomposition of the project into subprojects, work packages of various levels, detailed work packages. CPP is the basic tool for creating a project management system, as it allows you to solve the problems of organizing work, distributing responsibilities, estimating costs, creating a reporting system, effectively supporting procedures for collecting information on work performance and displaying the results in an information management system to summarize work schedules, cost, resources and completion dates.

CPP allows you to align the project plan with the needs of the customer, presented in the form of specifications or job descriptions. On the other hand, CPP is a convenient management tool for the project manager, as it allows you to:

♦ determine the work, work packages that ensure the achievement of sub-goals (private goals) of the project;

♦ check whether all the goals will be achieved as a result of the project implementation;

♦ to create a convenient reporting structure corresponding to the objectives of the project;

♦ define milestones (key results) at the appropriate level of detail in the plan, which should become milestones for the project;

♦ distribute responsibility for achieving the goals of the project among its executors and thereby ensure that all work on the project is responsible and will not fall out of sight;

♦ Provide team members with an understanding of the overall goals and objectives of the project.

Work packages usually correspond to the lowest level of detail of the CPP and consist of detailed works. Work packages can be subdivided into steps if they are of the utmost importance. Neither detailed work, nor, moreover, steps, are elements of the CPP.

CPP development is either top-down or bottom-up, or both approaches are used simultaneously. The iterative process used for this purpose may include different approaches to information discovery. For example, the technique of ʼʼbrainstormingʼʼ is used, carried out both within the framework of the project team and with the involvement of representatives of other project participants. As a result of the construction of the CRR, all the goals of the project should be taken into account and all the necessary prerequisites for its successful implementation should be created.

CPP Detail Level depends on the content of the project, the qualifications and experience of the project team, the management system used, the principles of distribution of responsibility in the project team, the existing document management and reporting system, etc. In the process of creating a CPP, detailed technical specifications or only functional specifications with requirements for I work in the most general way.

Hierarchical structure of the project͵ created on the basis of the CPP, allows you to apply the procedures for collecting and processing information on the progress of the project in accordance with the levels of management, work packages, milestones, etc., to summarize information on work schedules, costs, resources and deadlines.

Project management system should include the ability to present information on the planned and actual data of the project in accordance with the CPP structure, except, of course, standard layouts built on the basis of filters by project indicators (terms, resources, responsible, etc.).

The basis for the decomposition of the CPP can be:

♦ components of a product (object, service, line of business) resulting from the implementation of the project;

♦ process or functional elements of the activities of the organization implementing the project;

♦ stages of the life cycle of the project͵ main phases;

♦ divisions of the organizational structure;

♦ geographical location for spatially distributed projects.

In practice, combined CPP structures are used, built using several decomposition bases.

The art of project decomposition consists in the skillful coordination of the basic structures of the project, which include, first of all:

Organizational structure (OBS - Organization Breakdown Structure);


ORGANIZATIONAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOLS - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "ORGANIZATIONAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOLS" 2017, 2018.

If your family has a baby, the whole life of the household revolves around the baby. But sometimes it becomes necessary to express mother's milk for storage in order to feed the baby in the absence of the mother. Several hours of storage at room temperature are allowed, but if left for a long time, put the product in the refrigerator.

Is it possible to preserve the usefulness of breast milk?

Preserving precious nutrition so that vitamins and trace elements remain, as in direct feeding, is not an easy task. Scientists from different countries have conducted studies on whether it is permissible to leave breast milk in the refrigerator for an hour, for a day, for several days. After all, breastfeeding involves warm, natural, sterile milk, which is easily absorbed by the child, protects him from diseases, and participates in the formation of children's immunity.

It is also important that when breastfeeding, the baby receives the biologically active substances necessary for its growing body, which contribute to the production of digestive enzymes, immune modulators, and regulating hormones. Will this healthy, baby essential product also be useful after pumping and storing for some time? How many hours or days it remains fresh, we have to find out.

But most importantly: when breastfeeding, the baby is emotionally and physically in contact with the mother, and this is a lot for the formation of the psychological health of the child. In a bottle, expressed milk, even if heated to the right temperature, will not give the baby that feeling of warmth, care, love, protection that he receives when in contact with his mother.

In order to preserve the maximum of useful substances in milk, it must be properly expressed, namely, before pumping, wash your hands (if the process is done manually), sterilize the breast pump and the container for the product. The resulting milk cannot be sterilized in the future, otherwise nothing useful will remain in it.

Rules for storing breast milk

Everyone understands that in the refrigerator, protein products of animal origin, including much longer than without a refrigerator, and frozen even longer.

In order to properly preserve the nutrients and taste, pour the expressed milk in portions for one feeding of 60-120 ml into the intended dishes. Use a bottle, a plastic container, and preferably a special bag for freezing milk. Dishes are used sterile, tightly closed.

It is important to choose the right container for storage: it can be glass or plastic bottles. Ideal - special bags for freezing milk. Bottles must be sterilized and sealed with lids.

But immediately after pumping, putting the bottle in the refrigerator is not recommended. Dishes with precious liquid cool for some time at room temperature, then put into storage in the refrigerator or freezer.

Mandatory rule for long-term storage of products: it is necessary to mark the day, month, year and time of pumping. Do not rely on memory, sign the bottles so as not to inadvertently feed the baby with spoiled milk.

How long does breast milk last

Let's see how long breast milk is stored at different temperatures, whether it can be left indoors or must be kept in the refrigerator:

  • at a temperature of +20-+25°С - 5-6 hours;
  • at a temperature of +15-+16°С - 24 hours;
  • at a temperature of +3-+6°С - 5-7 days;
  • at a temperature of -18°С-24°С - up to 12 months.

The temperatures for storage and use of human milk are given for healthy babies. For children with health problems, reduce the indicated expiration dates by a third, or even by half. .

Where is the best place to store milk in the refrigerator?

The latest models of refrigerators include a freshness zone, the temperature of which is automatically maintained at 0-+1°C. Bottles or bags in the freshness zone are cooled but not frozen. Such cooling allows you to store the product for 1-3 days without loss of useful properties. The temperature of the freshness zone slows down the reproduction of bacteria, allows you to preserve the taste and usefulness of the products.

If the refrigerator does not have a freshness zone, put the milk on the shelves under the freezer, where it is cooler than on the lower shelves. The temperature inside the refrigerator keeps +3-+6 degrees. This is enough to store fresh milk for up to a week.

Try to put the bottles closer to the back wall and open the refrigerator door less often, as temperature changes adversely affect the products. It is not recommended to store bottles on the refrigerator door, as the temperature drops sharply when opened.

Appearance and taste of frozen milk

Not all mothers know that when cooling and freezing, the appearance of milk changes. Therefore, when cooling the bottle in the refrigerator for the first time, seeing the strange appearance of the contents, the mothers get scared, they pour out the milk, the children remain hungry. The fact is that stratification occurs from the cold, fats float up, and a fat-free residue remains below. This does not spoil the product, one has only to shake the bottle until smooth.

Not only does the type of milk change, but the taste can also change, which the child does not always accept. The taste should not be bitter or sour. This would mean that the product is gone and it is not recommended to give it to the child.

Before you give your baby thawed warm milk, you should taste it. If it is bitter or sour, then the milk is gone.

Freezing milk: important nuances

If too much milk is collected or you are planning to be away for a long time, frozen stocks are allowed. Long-term feeding of the baby requires a large amount of reserve supplies. If the mother’s absence is not long, 3-5 servings are enough for a reserve.

If possible, always breastfeed your baby or breastfeed milk that does not last long. With the growth of the newborn, the composition of milk changes. For a one-month-old and one-year-old child, different useful substances are required; milk for a long period of freezing is not suitable for a constantly growing child.

The freezer allows food to be stored for up to a year. The temperature of the freezer compartment is minus -18°С-24°С. Optimum cooling at -18°C is sufficient. At a constant temperature of -20°C, milk can be stored in the freezer for up to 12 months.

  • The freezer container should not be filled to the top; since liquids expand when frozen, the integrity of the packaging may be compromised.
  • Be sure to note the date the milk was expressed.
  • Before storing the product in the freezer, first cool the bags or bottles at refrigerator temperature for a couple of hours, then send them to freeze.
  • Put the bags in the freezer and try to open the door as little as possible.

Set the thermometer relay to -18 degrees. This is a normal temperature for constant cooling; milk in such a cold is stored for up to a year without losing its beneficial properties. If it is not possible to set such a low temperature, it is enough to freeze and store at -5-8 ° C, the milk will remain fresh and suitable for feeding a child for six months.

After defrosting milk, it should not be re-frozen in any case.

Defrosting milk

Defrosting milk requires the following rules:

  • Remove the product for defrosting in advance, approximately 8-12 hours before use.
  • Defrost only one serving of milk.
  • Take the portion that has been frozen longer than the rest.
  • Let the product thaw first in the refrigerator or in a bowl of cold water until the ice has melted. Just warm up the melted milk.
  • Store thawed milk for no more than 4 hours in the room or no more than 24 hours in the refrigerator.
  • Before warming the milk or giving it to the baby cold, gently stir until smooth.
  • To warm the milk, use a bottle warmer that does not overheat above 37°C, or dip the container in warm (37°C) water. It is not recommended to heat milk on the stove, in boiling water or in the microwave.
  • Be sure to smell and taste the warmed milk. A spoiled product should never be given to a child.
  • Put a few drops on your wrist to make sure it's warm and not hot.
  • It is absolutely impossible to freeze the product again.

If the baby has grown up and is happy to drink a cool drink at room temperature, then it is better not to warm the milk, but to give it cool.

But always remember: The healthiest milk comes directly from the mother's breast. Eating such milk, the child receives everything necessary for life, health and well-being.

The most valuable and useful for your crumbs, of course, is breast milk. And not one alternative food can compare with. Almost every mother knows about its benefits, but not everyone knows how to store expressed breast milk correctly in different conditions. During lactation, a young mother may face various problems and situations, for example:

  • the need to go to work;
  • the child has bitten through the chest;
  • the baby suddenly refuses to breastfeed;
  • need to leave urgently;
  • any other life circumstances when a child has to be left at home with a nanny, grandmother, with loved ones.
Proper storage of breast milk

And during these periods, in order to solve problems as accurately as possible, mothers try to express and leave milk so as not to disturb the child's diet (). And a natural question arises, in what way to store breast milk and how long can it be stored without losing its beneficial properties?

Important! There is no need to sterilize expressed breast milk! Do not use milk after the expiration date!

Containers for storing expressed breast milk

There are several types of storage containers: glass, plastic and plastic. It can be packages and various containers, cups, bottles.

Video instruction on how to use milk storage bags

The main criteria they must meet are:

  • sterility;
  • closing density;
  • ease of use;
  • it is desirable to have a measuring scale.

Before purchasing a container, you should decide for what purpose it will be intended.

If for freezing, it is better to buy special disposable plastic bags. Their advantage is that they are airtight and easy to seal, sterile, made of very dense polyethylene and ready to use. Also, they already have a measured scale and there is a place for inscription of the date and time. Such packages are sold in any pharmacy.

bag for storing expressed breast milk

Some mothers use disposable plastic bottle liners for freezing, but this is not reliable. They are not suitable for storage and when frozen, the seams may burst. When defrosting, all contents will simply flow out. But if you are forced to still use them, then for reliability, pour milk into a double bag. And don't keep it too long.

The most popular among solid containers is glass, in second place is plastic, and in third is plastic. But scientists have proven that milk can be stored both in plastic and in glass without compromising quality.

For convenience, choose a container that will only contain enough dose for one feeding. Be sure to indicate the date and time of pumping on the container.

How to store breast milk while walking

Young mothers may face another problem - how to store expressed milk during a walk. For these purposes, there are several options for thermal bags on the market, as well as special thermoses for bottles. This is quite convenient, especially if you are on vacation for a long time and at the same time you can stock up on several servings of food.

Where to store breast milk

Between feedings and pumping, you need to adhere to certain conditions for the proper storage of breast milk.

  1. If you plan to store milk for a long time, freezing is the best way. Freeze only freshly expressed milk, but before freezing it must be left in the refrigerator for a period of 1.5 to 2 hours. And don't forget to write the date and time. A frozen product, of course, loses a number of its useful properties, but it is definitely better than artificial mixtures.
  2. If the expressed portion of milk will be used within a few days, then it is better to store it in the refrigerator. Chilled milk will retain almost all useful substances. The main rule is not to store on the door.
  3. If fresh milk will be drunk during the day, then it is better to store it in a room in a sterile container and tightly closed.

Rules for defrosting and heating milk

To defrost a portion of milk, first place it in the refrigerator so that there is no sharp temperature drop. Then pour the portion into a feeding bottle and heat it in a water bath. For the convenience of heating milk, you can purchase a bottle warmer.

Never heat nursing milk in the microwave, heat it in saucepans, or boil it - it will lose all its beneficial properties.

Never refreeze thawed breast milk again. In this case, too, all properties are lost.

How long to store breast milk

When leaving stocks of breast milk, you need to know where, how long and at what temperature it can be stored.

In a refrigerator:

In the refrigerator, expressed milk can be stored for up to 24 hours at a temperature of +4 + 6 degrees. At the same time, you need to place it as deep as possible. Fresh milk must be cooled before being placed in the refrigerator.

In the freezer:

In the freezer, expressed milk at a temperature of -13 to -18 degrees is stored for a month or even up to three months, and at a temperature of -18 to -20 degrees for no more than a year. Cool the milk in the refrigerator before freezing.

At room temperature:

At room temperature (from +19 to +22 degrees), a fresh product can be stored for no more than 10 hours. At a temperature not higher than + 25 °, milk can be stored for no more than 6 hours (4-6 hours). More than 25 ° - up to 3 hours. Scientists have studied that the substances that make up breast milk can counteract the multiplication of various microbes, so milk does not spoil.

Shelf life of breast milk (illustrative table)

Storing expressed breast milk is a great solution to many of your baby's feeding problems. Even if you are forced to be away for a period of time, your baby will not stop receiving your love, protection and all the useful vitamins. The most important thing, of course, is to know the rules and conditions for storing this indispensable food for your crumbs.

On the topic of pumping:

No alternative food can be compared in terms of usefulness and nutritional value with breast milk. Therefore, even if the mother cannot feed the baby regularly (due to work, the child's refusal to breastfeed, and for other reasons), do not switch to artificial mixtures. The way out of this situation will be.

Storing breast milk will easily solve problems with violation of the feeding regime of the baby. Even in the absence of a mother, he will continue to receive nutritional and protective elements.

If you decide to express milk, then you must store the product correctly. It is important that it retains useful and nutritious properties, and the baby receives the necessary substances. Let's figure out how much and how to store expressed breast milk.

storage utensils

First of all, you need to choose the right container. For freezing, choose plastic bags that are made from dense polyethylene. The container is easily and hermetically closed, does not require preparation. Packages can be used immediately for their intended purpose. In addition, the packaging has a measuring scale, a place to record the time and date.

Disposable plastic freezer bags are not suitable. The seams break easily, and when defrosted, the contents flow out. A plastic bag is more reliable and convenient, which you can buy at any pharmacy.

The main criteria by which it is necessary to choose a container:

  • sterility of dishes;
  • closure density and tightness;
  • ease of use;
  • It will be convenient if there is a measuring scale on the package.

As for solid containers, glass is in the first place. Indeed, many nursing mothers prefer a glass bottle. The second place is occupied by plastic utensils, and the third by plastic.

The type of material does not play a big role when choosing dishes. Studies have shown that milk can be stored in both plastic and glass without sacrificing quality.

It is important to indicate the time and date of pumping on the packaging! If you still decide to use a disposable plastic bag, then take two bags and do not store milk for a long time. It is better to choose a container that can hold only one dose.

After choosing a container, you need to know how much to store and how to store expressed breast milk.

How and where to store

If milk needs to be stored for a long time, then freeze it. You can only freeze fresh milk, which is left in the refrigerator for about two hours and then left in the freezer. Of course, the frozen product loses some of its useful properties. But it is much better than artificial food.

If expressed milk does not require long-term storage and will be used within two to five days, then the product is left in a conventional refrigerator. It has been proven that chilled milk retains beneficial elements.

And if the milk is drunk within one day, then safely leave the product in the room. The main thing is to choose a sterile container for storage and tightly close the package.

How to store breast milk if there is no refrigerator nearby, and you need to keep it for more than a day? You can use other means. An excellent option would be a cooler bag with freezer elements.

You can also take a regular thermos. Fill the thermos with ice cubes to cool the container. Use only filtered water for ice! Before pouring milk, ice must be poured out. Fill the thermos and close tightly.

To ensure the storage of breast milk without losing the beneficial effect, follow the rules for freezing and thawing.

Defrosting and Freezing Rules

  1. Do not store milk in the door. Choose a cold area in the refrigerator. Perfect for the back of the shelves;
  2. Fill dishes ¾ full. Leave the remaining space until the liquid expands;
  3. Don't forget to set the date and time;
  4. If the milk has been stored in the freezer, place the liquid in the refrigerator to thaw. This will help to avoid a sharp temperature drop and preserve the usefulness of the product;
  5. Do not heat milk in the microwave or in a bowl of boiling water. This method will lead to the loss of minerals and vitamins;
  6. To thaw breast milk properly, leave the liquid in the refrigerator overnight. Then heat in a water bath (place the container with milk in warm water);
  7. After defrosting, do not stir or shake the milk. To stir the separated fat, shake the contents of the bottle or bag lightly.

How much to store

Respecting the shelf life of milk is very important for any nursing mother! After all, a spoiled product not only loses its beneficial effect, but can also cause great damage to the still fragile body of a newborn.

Recommendations apply to mature milk, the shelf life of colostrum is slightly different. - milk produced in the first six days after childbirth. Such food cannot be frozen. It is recommended to store at room temperature 27-30 degrees Celsius for no more than 12 hours.

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