Home Perennial flowers Beautiful DIY angel dolls. Master class Doll - amulet “Christmas angel. Textile angel dolls as a gift

Beautiful DIY angel dolls. Master class Doll - amulet “Christmas angel. Textile angel dolls as a gift

Master class on making a doll – amulet “Angel”


Teach how to consistently, step by step, make a traditional amulet doll: “Angel”.


Familiarization with the history of the origin of toys-dolls.

The educational impact of dolls on the emotional and favorable atmosphere of children.

Instilling children's interest in folk signs, traditions associated with children's games and toys.

Formation of skills in making a rag doll.

Fostering love and respect for the culture of the people.

Fostering hard work, patience, accuracy, observation, as well as developing children’s creative abilities.


Explanatory and illustrative, consistent practical work.

Lesson form:

Joint creative work of children and teacher.


Scraps of white and colored fabric.


Samples of ritual dolls.

Illustrations with photographs of antique dolls from toy museums.

Lesson plan:

Organizing time

Testing students' knowledge

Topic message

Conversation from the history of dolls

Statement of the task for this lesson.

Practical activities of students


Progress of the lesson:

Organizing and checking readiness for the lesson.

In ancient times, every peasant family played an important role in the doll. But besides a rag doll, what kind of object turned into a doll in the hands of girls?

An ordinary log became a doll. The children swaddled him in a sheet, tied him with a scarf, bows and rocked him to sleep like a real doll.

Then, with the help of well-aimed blows from the father’s ax, they turned the wooden log into a “punk” doll (demonstration of illustrations with similar dolls)

What else could a doll be made from?

That's right, good, interesting dolls were made from straw, clay

(demonstration of illustrations with accompanying explanations by the teacher)

In the Russian village, the most common one was a rag doll. It was in every family, and in some huts there were up to a hundred of them. The people believed; The toy brings health and well-being to the child. People have noticed that when a child plays with dolls a lot, it means the family will live in abundance and well. If the child handles toys carelessly; to be in trouble at home. They also believed that the toy protected children’s sleep and peace, and they placed the toy in the cradle next to the child. All these folk beliefs and signs were passed down from mouth to mouth according to tradition, like fairy tales and songs. The girls made rag dolls together with their mothers and grandmothers. And they dressed up the doll with great diligence, knowing that people would judge their skill by it. They carried dressed dolls in their arms, danced around them, sang songs for them, and started games. There was a belief that when making ritual dolls it was forbidden to use piercing or cutting objects that could injure a person. Therefore, the fabric and threads for the dolls only had to be torn by hand. But often the doll remained faceless. According to popular beliefs, a doll with a “face” seemed to acquire a soul, looked like it was alive, and such a doll became dangerous for the child. Playing with a faceless doll stimulated the child’s imagination and imagination; they imagined it in different play situations. But time passed, life and everyday life changed, and the world of toys also changed. Much was forgotten in people's memory, but traditions did not change. Gradually, the toys lost their supernatural powers. The faceless doll became of little satisfaction to children and they began to embroider its face, draw it in ink, and mark it with pencil or charcoal. Despite the fact that people were very busy with hard work, they always found a minute for childish fun. In songs, fairy tales, and toys, the concept of the world around us, of good and evil, of happiness and beauty was conveyed to the child. There are many ritual dolls that had their own purpose. But the most beloved and memorable one has always been the doll that was made with one’s own hands. So, the doll is not born on its own, it is created by a person. (the story is accompanied by a demonstration of dolls-amulets made by the hands of the teacher).

Today we will also make an angel doll with our own hands.

People have long made angels as amulets against negative influences for themselves and their homes. These are magical creatures that not only children, but also many adults believe in. They decorated the house with their figures, gave them as gifts,

because they filled the surrounding space with warmth, magic and comfort, brought happiness, good luck and protected from adversity

(demonstration of angel dolls)

Practical activities.

The sequence of step-by-step production of the “Angel” amulet doll.

All children receive scraps of fabric of different colors in the form of a square. Take a cotton ball and cover it with a colored patch in the center. We tie threads around the neck and form the head. As a result, we get 4 ends from the fabric. We collect the side ends into a bun and tie them at the base of the neck. At the end of this fabric we also tie it with thread and thus form arms. The angel's dress is formed from the remaining two ends of the fabric. Then we take the next square-shaped piece and assemble it diagonally at the two corners of the fabric. We tie it in the middle with thread. The result is wings, we tie them behind the angel “crosswise” below the neck. We make a rim around the head from a thin ribbon. The doll is ready, you can play with it or give it to someone for “good luck.”


Summarizing the material covered and organizing a mini-exhibition.

What new did you learn in class today?

Why did the doll used to be faceless in the old days?

Now let's all take a photo together with our dolls. You can give a doll made by yourself to your closest person as a souvenir, since you put a piece of your soul into it, or you can keep it for yourself to admire or to protect against all troubles and sorrows.


1. Protective folk dolls: beautiful and simple / Yulia Morgunovskaya. – Moscow: Eksmo, 2014. - 32 p. (Craft a million ideas).

2. Slavic dolls-amulets for good luck and women’s happiness / O.A. Sklyarenko - Moscow: AST Publishing House, 2016. - 96 pp.: ill. – (Handicraft: from A to Z).

While looking for a gift for my little niece, I was faced with the problem of choosing a soft doll. The choice is huge, but either the price is “astronomical”, or most of the dolls are made of oilcloth. Why not sew it yourself? In this way, all issues will be resolved. You can be absolutely sure of the quality of the toy; it will be unique, with its own character and overflowing with love for the baby. He will be her toy keeper. I made up my mind. And this is what happened.

doll body

Making the head

First, you need to decide what style the toy will be in. I chose a Waldorf doll as a basis. Everything that was at hand was used. Instead of wool, I used Velsoft strips for the head. You can place a ball of thread, a ping pong ball, or a wad of tape in the center.

Having decided on the size of the head, tie a tight ball with nylon thread.

Pull the sock over the workpiece.

Start marking the shape of the face and eye line.

Sew a beaded nose under the eye line.

We will make the “skin” of the doll from beige knitwear.

Making the torso, legs and arms

Let's mark out stencils on paper for the body and legs, and separately for the arms.

Using the received stencils, we will cut out blanks for body parts, making allowances.

We sew together the blanks of the doll's body parts. We fill them with fabric strips to add volume.

Shaping the doll's body

After this, we combine the blanks of the torso, legs and head into a single whole.


We sew the ends of the legs on one side so that they form an angle. Thus we form the feet.


Let's dress the doll in a dress. To do this, draw a circle with a diameter of 30 cm on the fabric, cut a 5 cm hole in the center (waist), and sew on lace. We put it on the doll. We sew two strips of lace as a bodice.

Face decoration

It's time to put some emotion on your face. Sew on the button eyes.

We embroider eyelashes. For shine on the eyes, you can put dots with a corrector. Using a pencil, draw the line of the mouth. We embroider.


Hair is a whole story. There are many options for their execution: from threads, wool (using the felting method), ready-made wigs and others. I decided to make my hair out of white satin ribbons. They bloom on one side and are treated with fire on the other. At first it was decided to make a doll with bangs, but after the face was ready, it became clear that it didn’t suit her. Therefore, I soaked the loose ribbons in sugar water and wrapped them around a pencil (if the baby decides to stuff a toy in his mouth, at least it will be delicious), and dried them on a radiator.

Distribute the strands over the top of the head. Sew using a needle back stitch.

At ear level we fix the hair in the same way.

We do not sew the final row of hair on the sides. Don't forget to cut off the sealed part of the tape. This is how the hairstyle turned out.


We sew boots, a fur coat, shorts according to the pattern.

We cut a hole in the fur coat on the back for the wings.


The wings are knitted using the Tunisian leaf knitting pattern.

We sew them to the back of the doll.

We put on a fur coat and thread the wings through the hole.


Angels are given a halo. But we don’t need details made of wire or similar material, so I stylized the halo in the form of a knitted headband.

Additional details

Blush the angel’s cheeks and nose with regular eye shadow.

My angel for the girl Vasilisa, so I put a cornflower flower made of satin ribbons into the hands.

Its core is made of loose ribbon (like hair), and the petals are folded according to a pattern.

Pull the petals (6 pieces) into a circle with a thread, insert the core into the center. Wrap the wire with wool thread, coat the stem with PVA glue.

In my opinion, he turned out to be a charming angel. The height of this doll is 33 cm, but you can choose the size that suits you.

Lesson plan:

1).Organizational moment.

Preparation of the workplace.


Psychological mood.

3). Explanation of new material.

Explanation, technological sequence of execution.

View illustrations.

4). Practical work.

Performing Christmas Angels

5). Summing up the lesson.

6). Cleaning workplaces.

The date of the: November 29, 2016

Lesson topic: Traditional rag doll "Christmas Angel"

Lesson type: combined.

The purpose of the lesson: making toys from fabric in accordance with folk traditions.

Learning Objectives:

1). Introduce students to protective and ritual dolls and

rituals that are associated with them;

2). Learn how to make protective dolls.

Educational tasks:

1).Introduce to national culture as a system of universal values;

2).To foster patriotic feelings and a moral attitude towards the world through aesthetic development.

3). Cultivate interest and a positive attitude towards knowledge.

4). To cultivate emotional responsiveness to beauty, the ability to notice the features of various types of decorative creativity.

5). To educate and instill a reverent attitude towards the history of the past in the arts and crafts.

6).Cultivate accuracy when doing work.

7). Foster discipline and independence.

8). Cultivate the desire and ability to complete the work started.

Development objectives:

1).Develop children's cognitive interest in folk art;

2).Activate the creative potential of students.

3). To develop the artistic and creative abilities of students, the ability to creatively approach solving problems.

4). Develop mental operations, memory and attention of students.

5). Develop sensory qualities and accuracy when performing work.

Teaching methods: explanatory and illustrative, conversation and story, creative work of students.

Materials: To make a Christmas Angel you need a square of white fabric measuring 20x20cm, a square of white fabric measuring 15x15cm, a rectangle of white fabric measuring 9x15cm.
To make the head and body of an angel, a 20x20 cm square of fabric. A small piece of padding polyester.

Lesson format: group

To conduct an open lesson, the following preparatory work has been done:

    Multimedia materials and reproductions have been prepared.

    Schemes for making a traditional rag doll “Angel” have been made.

    Materials for making an angel.

During the classes:

1).Organizational moment.

    Preparation of the workplace.

    Preparing students for the lesson.


    State the topic of the lesson and its purpose.

2).Updating students' knowledge.

    Conversation on questions and summarizing answers.

    Rules of behavior in the classroom.

3).Explanation of new material.

Guys, a very interesting task awaits you in today’s lesson. You are ready? Smile at each other. Thank you! Take concentration and friendliness to help.


On this holiday every year

We decorate the Christmas tree

The stars dance in circles

Angels flutter.

Who guessed what holiday this poem is about?

Guys! One of the most beloved holidays is approaching - New Year and Christmas. In preparation for these holidays, we take special care to decorate our home. We decorate the Christmas tree, create New Year's compositions, buy garlands. Today, I suggest you create with your own hands a wonderful decoration - a talisman - of the Christmas Angel. When we talk about Christmas, we always remember the Angels, because it was the Angel who brought the Virgin Mary the news of the birth of the Baby Jesus, and when the Baby was born, the Angels were the first to announce the birth to people Savior. On January 7th came the Nativity of Christ. This day is considered one of the greatest holidays. It was installed in memory of the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. On this day, children walked in groups around the courtyards and glorified Christ. Carolers were always given gifts, and the exchange of gifts between relatives promised prosperity in the coming year. On this day, the symbol of the Nativity of the Christmas angel was always made.

An angel, figuratively speaking, a guardian angel, is our friend, he loves us and takes care of us.

Each person has his own guardian angel. The word "angel" translated from Greek means "messenger". The Lord endowed them with a perfect mind, free will, strength and many wonderful abilities. Since ancient times, people have tried to imagine what angels look like, and they made or painted figurines of angels. Since then, the Christmas Angel has become a necessary decoration for the New Year and Christmas holidays.

All toys have their own story, and so does the Christmas Angel. Listen to her.

(Teacher's story)

“Once, many years ago, a girl Masha was mistaken for an Angel. It happened like this.

One poor family had three children. Their dad died, their mom worked where she could, and then got sick. There wasn’t a crumb left in the house, but I was so hungry. What to do?

Mom went out into the street and began to beg, but people passed by without noticing her. Christmas Eve was approaching, and the woman’s words: “I’m not asking for myself, but for my children...for Christ’s sake!” drowned in the pre-holiday bustle.

In desperation, she entered the church and began to ask Christ Himself for help. Who else was left to ask?

She did not notice how the all-night vigil ended, did not see how anyone approached her.

What are you crying about? – a gentle voice came from behind her.

The woman woke up, looked up and saw in front of her a small, richly dressed girl. Clear children's eyes looked at her. An old nanny stood behind the girl.

Are you in grief? Yes? Poor you, poor you! “These words, spoken in a gentle, childish voice, deeply touched her.

Woe! My kids are hungry; they haven’t eaten since morning. Tomorrow is such a great holiday...

Didn't you eat? Are you hungry? – Horror was expressed on the girl’s face.

Nanny, what is this? The children didn't eat anything! And tomorrow they will be hungry! How is this possible? A small child's hand slid into the muff.

Here, take it, there is money here... how much, I don’t know... feed the children... for God’s sake... Oh, nanny, this is terrible! They didn't eat anything! Is this possible, nanny!

Tears welled up in the girl's eyes.

She was surprised to learn that a poor family lived in the next basement.

The happy mother flew home as if on wings. Soon the stove was blazing and the samovar was boiling. The children warmed up, satiated and became quiet. The table laden with food was an unexpected holiday for them, almost a miracle.

But then Nadya, the smallest one, asked:

Mom, is it true that on Christmas night God sends an Angel to children, and he brings them many, many gifts?

The children looked at her warily, waiting for an answer. And my mother confirmed:

This is true. But the Angel comes only to those who believe in God with all their hearts and pray to him with all their hearts.

“But I believe in God with all my heart and pray to Him with all my heart,” Nadya did not back down.

May He send us His Angel.

Mom didn't know what to say. In the silence that followed, one could hear the crackling of logs in the stove. And suddenly there was a knock. The children shuddered.

A little fair-haired girl Masha stood on the threshold, and behind her was a bearded man with a Christmas tree in his hands.

Merry Christmas! – Mashenka joyfully congratulated the owners. The children froze...

Here's to you, have a merry Christmas! – a child’s voice sounded. - Happy holiday!

The girl put the basket on the table and disappeared before the children and mother came to their senses.

The “Christmas Angel” flew in, brought the children a Christmas tree, gifts, joy, and disappeared like a radiant vision.

Guys, who do you think was the “Christmas Angel” for this poor family? (Mashenka.)

Yes, the girl herself gave up the Christmas tree and gifts and gave everything to the poor children. She really looked like a Christmas Angel.


It is difficult for a modern person to imagine the life and traditions of a Russian village. On the one hand, he was filled with hard everyday work. On the other hand, riotous village holidays dedicated to calendar church dates are well known. The holidays were colorful and vibrant, accompanied by a variety of symbols.

Village holidays were varied and numerous. They were subordinated to the calendar cycle of agricultural work. According to the beliefs of the peasants, the rituals performed during the holidays were supposed to contribute to the offspring of livestock, a bountiful harvest, and the health and well-being of members of the peasant family.

Dolls became intermediaries between man and the unknown forces of nature as the most accessible and understandable image.

Already from the age of 7-9, the girl began to spin, and the first thing she made from fabric was dolls.

These were not just toys, but dolls - amulets.

The doll is the first among toys. She has been known since ancient times, remaining forever young. Its history can be traced from the construction of the Egyptian pyramids to the present day. It is not affected by time; it still finds its way to the hearts of children and adults.

Wherever a person settles and lives, from the harsh snow-covered Arctic expanses to the sultry waterless sands of deserts, the doll is his constant companion. It is simple, but in this simplicity lies a great mystery.

Various magical properties were attributed to dolls: they could protect a person from evil forces, take on illnesses and misfortunes, and help a good harvest. Many talisman dolls were carefully kept in the family and passed down from generation to generation along with traditional techniques for making them.

Teacher: Today in class, you and I will make a doll like this (doll show).

Now, we will determine the order of work(application)

Requirements for practical work:

When performing the Christmas angel, maintain uniform diagonal folding..

Observe the correct sequence of work.

Accuracy in execution is required.

Summing up the lesson.

Now let's see what interesting “Christmas Angels” we have made. What did we do in class today?

Cleaning workplaces.






To make a Christmas Angel you need to take a square of white fabric measuring 20x20cm, a square of white fabric measuring 15x15cm, a rectangle of white fabric measuring 9x15cm.
To make the head and body of an angel, take a 20x20 cm square of fabric and fold it diagonally. For the volume of the head, prepare a small piece of padding polyester.

Place the padding polyester in the middle of the folded square and form a ball by wrapping it with thread.

We form the handles: bend the edge - corner inward and tie it with thread.

Let's mark the waist by rewinding it with thread.

Making a skirt for Angel. Take a rectangle of white fabric 9x20 cm and carefully fold it around the waist and tie it with thread.

Making wings. To do this, take a 15x15 cm square of white fabric (the edges can be slightly frayed) and fold it diagonally. Gather the wings in the middle with thread but do not cut it.

Tie the wings to the Angel's body, crossing the thread on the chest.

Decorate the Angel's head with chenille gold wire or ribbon. We tie two satin ribbons at the waist. You can decorate the Angel as you wish.

Svetlana Mezentseva

Target: To introduce children to folk traditions in products of arts and crafts and household design.


1. Introduce the history of the emergence of amulets dolls.

2. Develop creative thinking, imagination and instill skills in creating folk toys.

3. Cultivate a love of folk art and aesthetic taste.

Exercise: make spin doll« Christmas angel» .

Equipment: collection of dolls made in folk traditions, multimedia with presentation « Dolls amulets» , musical compositions: Alexey Arkhipovsky "Way home"; "Russian hut"- performer unknown.

Materials for production dolls - amulets« Christmas Angel» :

1. Cotton wool for stuffing the head.

2. Scissors.

3. White threads.

4. A square of white fabric with a side of 20 cm (for the torso).

5. A square of white fabric with a side of 20 cm (on the wings).

6. For the skirt – sewing 5 cm.

7. Gold or silver braid for decoration.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment.

The teacher checks readiness for the lesson, availability of necessary materials and tools.

Introducing the teacher to the children.

II. Posting new material.

A folk toy is not subject to fashion. Like any work of art, it is part of the culture of the people, a bearer of sacred values ​​and ancestral information. It served as a kind of standard, reflecting centuries-old ideas about beauty and aesthetic perfection. People have always cared about the beauty and entertainment of toys. That's why masters- toy makers put all their imagination, invention and ingenuity into the image of a toy. They brought poetry and beauty into everyday life with their art. A toy is one of the oldest forms of creativity; over the centuries it has changed along with the entire folk culture, absorbing its national characteristics and originality. Therefore, a folk toy is always a story about the history of a people, about its values ​​and ideals.

Life changes along with views on old traditions. Interest in folk dolls is reviving. Many technologies were lost or forgotten during the turbulent times of the Russian revolutions, almost a hundred years ago. Dolls are reborn from memories, legends, records, individual fragments. Therefore, each folk doll - a talisman - is also a share of the author’s work, your understanding of ancient creativity. Traditional dolls filled with new content, "getting younger", thanks to their authors, become clearer to contemporaries.

For a long time, rag doll was a traditional toy of the Russian people. Game of dolls was encouraged by adults, because on it the child learned to run a household and acquired the image of a family. Doll was not just a toy, but a symbol of procreation, a guarantee of family happiness. In many Russian fairy tales there are dolls to whom the heroes entrust their sorrows and joys and share their thoughts. And small ones dolls assistants do not leave them in trouble.

The topic of our master class: « Christmas angel» . Today we will get acquainted with the types of twist dolls, their place in the life of peasants and the method of making one of them.

Since ancient times, rag dolls divisible by three kind: ritual, gaming, protective. The first ones replaced living people in the rituals of sacrifice; this is, for example, Straw Maslenitsa, which is burned so that spring will come sooner.

Dolls-amulets were intended to protect people from the influence of evil forces. They were made without the use of scissors and needles. The doll was dressed up, but they didn’t draw her face. According to popular belief doll without a face, it was considered inanimate, inaccessible for evil forces to instill in it, and therefore harmless to the child, therefore a faceless toy was both a toy and a talisman.

View the presentation « Dolls amulets» .

The teacher invites the children to make Christmas Angel- on the eve of the holiday.

Angels are good spirits, defenders, amulets, assistants in business. Images angels– special home decorations, amulets. You can decorate your home with them or give them to your loved ones and friends for any occasion. But some special warmth and strength of the images little angels purchased for us on New Year's and, of course, Christmas holidays.

Images Angels can be seen in almost every apartment. At all times, creative people, each in their own way, depicted these unusually touching and bright creatures in paintings, cut out of paper, in the form of various figurines.

Angels are a miracle that appears before your eyes. Angels work miracles, the main thing is to believe in it!

These dolls are easy to make and very beautiful. On Christmas they can be made airy white or blue, decorated with braid, gold and silver threads. Christmas It is customary to give the inhabitants of heaven to loved ones, friends and always to your godparents with love in your heart and gratitude in your soul.

Manufacturing technologies « Christmas angel» - some. The traditional version is very simple. No wonder that masters They try to embellish it in every possible way. Inhale a piece of your love for creativity into the doll.

III. Manufacturing dolls« Christmas angel» .

Manufacturing Christmas Angel

1. Place the filler in the central part of the square and twist the resulting head with a thread. Straighten the frame dolls.

2. Tuck the sleeve sections inside, fold the ends of the sleeves inward. Shape "palms", wrapping the edges with thread.

3. Wrap the thread around the waist.

4. Fold the second square in half and tie it with thread.

5. Attach the resulting wings to the frame dolls like that

6. Attach the skirt to the waist so that the thread passes directly under it. The skirt itself, until the thread is pulled tightly, is in an unfolded form, and its edges should overlap each other in the middle of the back Angela. To secure the skirt you need to use a gold ribbon. Straighten the skirt, lower the upper panel onto the lower one. Tie a gold ribbon to your head - a headband.

Christmas Angel – ready!

You can use another method of making wings for Angela.

Fold the second square diagonally and tie it with thread. Attach the resulting wings to the frame dolls like that so that the thread runs crosswise across the chest and back.

IV. Practical work of students.

During production Angela, musical compositions are played (Alexey Arkhipovsky "Way home"; "Russian hut"- performer unknown).

The teacher provides assistance in making dolls.

V. Summing up.

The teacher offers to see how beautiful The guys made the angels.

A comparative analysis of the work performed is made, all works are examined and discussed, and those that are more accurate and done with taste are identified.

They will look very nice Angels on the Christmas tree!

Publications on the topic:

Goal: Continue to introduce children to technology, teach children to be creative in their work. Increase your vocabulary on the topic, Christmas,.

Soon we will celebrate the New Year. Of course, together with the children we will decorate our group and put up an elegant Christmas tree. This year as a decoration.

Christmas is one of the greatest and most beloved holidays, which is accompanied by beautiful folk traditions and symbols. WITH.

Everyone knows that Our Christ was born on Christmas Day. And an Angel descended from heaven to those lands! Dear colleagues, on the eve of Christmas.

simplest DIY fabric angel created from a handkerchief or a piece of burlap, and is called a primitive. More complex figures are made using soft toy technology from full-fledged patterns. Knowing the principles of sewing souvenir angels, you can fantasize with patterns, decorate products with beads, decorative thread and rhinestones.

Methods for making textile angels

A primitive angel can be made on its own in a couple of minutes if you have a piece of fabric and filler material. Soft toys require more time, more painstaking work and special skills.

Primitive Angels

A budget option for a festive angel figurine are primitives. They got their name for the following reasons:

  • waste from fabric cutting is used
  • simple manufacturing methods are used
  • the shape of the dolls turns out to be primitive, only the general appearance of a recognizable character is outlined
  • workpiece– a square piece of 20 x 20 cm of textile (poplin, organza, tulle, linen, burlap, matting) for the body, 15 x 15 cm for the wings and knitting thread (best of all, with lurex, acrylic)

  • edge decoration– 1 – 2 cm around the perimeter must be “swept” by extending the longitudinal wefts of the textile

  • head– cotton wool or padding polyester rolled into a ball is placed in the center of the square (can be wrapped with thread), textiles are rolled diagonally

  • neck– formed with a thread below the head, the “face” needs to be straightened, folds can be made on the sides to more clearly outline the contours of the face

  • hands– the edge is bent inward by 2–3 cm, folded into an envelope, tied with thread, as in the bottom picture, the second brush is formed in a similar way

  • wings– a small square is folded diagonally, then into an “accordion”, which is tied with a thread to the angel’s back with the long part of the accordion, as in the photo

The last operation is the most difficult; when attaching the wings to the body of the toy, it is necessary to gather it into a bun. Three turns obliquely are enough for normal fixation; the thread passes through the left shoulder under the right arm, then over the right shoulder and below the left arm.

Attention: The cross is made on the chest, the knot is tied on the back of the doll in the form of a loop for hanging the angel.

For the category of craftsmen who prefer sewing to the knitting technique, angels made of matting or burlap stuffed with soft material are more suitable. In this primitive, “recognizability” of the character’s appearance is achieved due to the shape of the blanks:

  • piriform body
  • round head
  • graceful little wings

This option can be classified as soft pillows, toys, pendants and primitives at the same time. If necessary, angels can be hung on a Christmas tree, in the car interior, on windows and in any other convenient place.

Stuffed Toys

Depending on your drawing skills, patterns for soft toys in the shape of cute angels can be made in several ways. The main task of the master is how to make the figures recognizable; it is solved using the following methods:

  • required attributes– the figurine may be completely shapeless, but if it has wings, a star and a halo, one can recognize it as an angel
  • motion simulation– by giving the doll’s body an arc shape and sharpening the edges of the workpiece, you can ensure the swiftness and airiness of the craft, evoking associations with an angel on a subconscious level
  • similarity of outlines– legs, torso, wings and arms are created from separate patterns, the figure is complemented by a star or halo, special symbols embroidered on the torso

By default, angels have miniature sizes for easy placement on key rings, inside car interiors, and on the branches of New Year trees. Therefore, simple pattern outlines for small thread stitches are preferable.


The easiest way to sew a doll is with “humanized” contours, in which it is easy to identify an angel by the wings on the back.

Master Class for the manufacture of a primitive suspension looks like this:

  • cut– 2 “head” parts, 2 “torso-dress” parts, 2 “wings” parts
  • suspension– a fabric loop is sewn to one part of the “head” from the inside
  • sewing– each “head” piece is sewn to the “torso” element with a transverse purl seam, then the halves are stitched to each other and turned right side out, a hole should be left in the lower part of the doll for filling the figure

  • stuffing– made with padding polyester, foam rubber or cotton wool, the hole is sewn up with 1 – 2 stitches

12. Padding

  • hair– can be made from threads, cotton wool, and other materials suitable for texture, gluing them in the form of a hairstyle

13. Hair, face and wings

  • face– decorated with markers, paint or pencils
  • wings– toys are attached to the back
  • bow– pinned with a pin or sewn on with thread, decorated with rhinestones and beads on the figurine’s belly

Using this method, in a day you can build up to two dozen Christmas tree decorations with your own hands from the remaining textile scraps and scraps.


An alternative to the previous “fat ones” are “floating” New Year’s angels made of light flannel. Their recognizable shape was made popular by author Sylvia Sartorio:

  • the body is curved in the lower back
  • arms spread apart at approximately 45 degrees
  • the doll has no neck, but has a stylish hairstyle and beady eyes
  • wings of equal length with arms are decorated with embroidery or rhinestones

  • cutting and preparation of parts– the torso with the head, legs, arms and wings are sewn separately
  • assembly– all elements are stuffed with soft material and sewn to each other, as in the bottom photo

15. Patterns

Following these principles for making soft toys, you can modify the shape and size of the patterns, use additional elements, and experiment with materials.

From a simple pattern

Do-it-yourself elegant Christmas angels are made from bright fabric using a very simple pattern:

  • torso– a conical cap, the development of which can be made without special education
  • stub– installed in the lower part of the cap so that the stuffing material does not fall out of it, the figurine has greater stability
  • wings– sewn from 2 parts of the same size in the shape of a heart

16. Step-by-step production

To assemble a funny figurine from fabric with your own hands, you need to follow these steps:

  • the tip of the textile cone is wrapped with the seam facing outward, grabbed to the doll’s body with a stitch of thread, these will be the lowered hands of an angel, into which you can “put” (sew from below) a bell, a horseshoe, a bead, or any other decorative little thing, as in the bottom photo
  • in the place of the bend, a “head” made of a large bead or a part sewn from textiles is sewn onto the doll

The templates for this doll are given below; there are no problems with patterns and sewing, even with minimal skills in working with a needle. A master class on making an original primitive angel is given in detail in the video:

Thus, there are quite a lot of options for making a textile angel for Christmas, Valentine's Day, New Year and other holidays. This allows you to choose the best option taking into account specific conditions.

Thank you for your attention! Happy New Year, everyone!

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