Home Perennial flowers Dhow cartoon project. Project "Wonderful World of Animation" Project "Wonderful World of Animation" municipal state-owned preschool educational institution for children. While working on the project, we complied with a number of conditions

Dhow cartoon project. Project "Wonderful World of Animation" Project "Wonderful World of Animation" municipal state-owned preschool educational institution for children. While working on the project, we complied with a number of conditions

Private educational institution "Boarding school No. 24 of secondary general education of the open joint-stock company" Russian Railways "


Making a cartoon

at home

Pahorukov Fedor

Project Manager:

Avkhadeeva Raisa Ivanovna

Explanatory note

Objective of the project on animation is to determine whether it is possible to make a cartoon with your own hands and what benefits can be derived from this entertaining process.

To achieve the set goal the following tasks are being solved:

Define cartoons, conduct a historical excursion.

Describe what cartoons exist.

Determine the processes required to create a DIY cartoon.

Try to create a cartoon yourself with your own hands. If you need help from adults, then determine at what stages it is needed.

Draw conclusions in animation project.

Stages of work in creating a cartoon

First, I studied various Internet sources and found out what animation is and how it appeared, what techniques are used to create cartoons and what of this can be applied at home.

Then I am with my parents thought out the script my future cartoon film, determined what the heroes and scenery will be... We made the heroes from plasticine, and the decorations from paper.
Of course, it takes a lot of time and patience to create a big cartoon, and it's usually not just one person who creates it, but a whole group. And the longest stage began - photographing by frames.
Then I downloaded all the photos to my computer and processed them using a special program Windows Movie Maker. Mom helped pick up the music and overlay the music on the video.

In the course of work, I made several conclusions.

Making a cartoon with your own hands is a great way to "take" your free time.

In the process of working on the project, I studied a lot of informative literature, with the help of which I was able to create my first cartoon.

I got my family members - my mother, my little sister - interested in creating a cartoon, and also involved them in a joint creative process.

While creating my cartoon, I learned to use a special computer program Windows Movie Maker.

In my cartoon, I used plasticine animation techniques.

In the process of creating a cartoon, I learned how to make cartoon characters and decorations from paper and plasticine.

During the creation of the cartoon, I learned to think more creatively. I learned to listen to the advice and tips of adults.

I think that the goal of my project has been achieved... I created my first cartoon.

Project presentation

The formation of a new education system focused on entering the world space requires significant changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of preschool institutions, intensifies the search for new, more effective psychological and pedagogical approaches to the process of organizing preschool education and training.

The revealed contradictions between the need to form cognitive interest in older preschool children and the insufficient use of the means of forming this interest in preschoolers through the creation of cartoons in preschool educational institutions made it possible to identify the problem, which consists in finding means of forming cognitive interest in older preschool children by creating cartoons in preschool educational institutions.

Purpose: Theoretically substantiate and implement the means of forming cognitive interest in older preschool children through the creation of cartoons in preschool educational institutions.

Object: The process of the formation of cognitive interest in older preschool children.

Subject: Means for the formation of cognitive interest in older preschool children through the creation of cartoons at a preschool educational institution.

Hypothesis: the formation of cognitive interest in older preschool children through the creation of cartoons in a preschool educational institution will be effective if cartoons are the main means.


  1. Analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on the research topic, concretize the concept of the cognitive interest of older preschool children.
  2. Consider the features of the formation of cognitive interest in older preschool children through the creation of cartoons at a preschool educational institution.
  3. Theoretically substantiate and in practice test the means of forming the cognitive interest of older preschool children.

Research methods: analysis of psychological and pedagogical data presented in the literature on the structure of cognitive interest and on the patterns of its formation in older preschool children; pedagogical experiment, during which the level of formation of cognitive interest was determined; processing of data obtained in observations and experiments.

One of the important means of forming cognitive interest is the use of creative tasks in the educational process, which can transform traditional activities by rationalizing children's interest, optimizing the processes of understanding and memorizing material in the main areas of preschool education, and most importantly, raising the interest of children in independent learning to a higher level. activities.

Cognitive interest, first of all, arouses and reinforces the educational material that is new, unknown for students, makes them wonder, strikes their imagination. Surprise is a strong stimulus for cognition, its primary element. But the cognitive interest in educational material cannot all the time be supported only by vivid facts, and its attractiveness cannot be reduced to surprising and striking imagination. Even K. D. Ushinsky wrote that a subject, in order to become interesting, should be only partly new, and partly familiar ... The new and the unexpected in the educational material always appears against the background of the already known and familiar. That is why, in order to maintain and develop the cognitive interest of older preschoolers, it is important to teach them the ability to see new things in the familiar.

Creating a cartoon with preschool children is a modern type of design technology, very attractive for children.

Animation, animation - a kind of cinematography, the works of which are created by the method of time-lapse shooting of the successive phases of movement of the drawn (graphic or hand-drawn animation) or voluminous (volumetric or puppet animation) objects. Cartoonists are engaged in the art of animation (animators)... The cartoonist comes up with cartoon characters, sketches the main scenes, works out the facial expressions and gestures of the characters, looks for interesting techniques that make it possible to distinguish the film from the crowd of others. Engaged in storyboarding and coloring of the future film, character animation (works through their movements, drawing intermediate phases)... Usually several specialists work on a cartoon, and each of them does his part of the work.

Cartoons (end product of animation) are created by either time-lapse shooting of manually moved stationary objects step by step, or by drawing (on celluloid, paper or computer) phases of object movements, with their further combination into a single video sequence.

The main pedagogical value of animation as a form of contemporary art lies, first of all, in the possibility of complex developmental education for children. In addition, it is animation that helps to bring the interests of an adult and a child as close as possible, differing in the accessibility and originality of the genre. It can help make learning a pleasure for preschoolers. The positive impact of animation can be an excellent developmental tool for the liberation of thinking, the development of the child's creative potential.

The process of creating a cartoon is an interesting and exciting activity for any child, since he becomes not only the main artist and sculptor of this work, but also voices it himself, forever preserving the result for himself in the form of a finished video product. You can create a cartoon with both children of primary preschool age and older preschoolers. It all depends on the involvement of children in the process of creating a cartoon. So, children 3-4 years old can, with the help of an adult, create decorations, draw or dazzle cartoon characters; during shooting - move the figures, they can voice it. Children of older preschool age can already act as an operator, screenwriter, director-animator. (animator), artist, actor and composer .

Creating a cartoon is a multifaceted process that integrates various types of children's activities: speech, play, cognitive, visual, musical, etc. As a result, pupils develop such significant personal qualities as curiosity, activity, emotional responsiveness, the ability to control their behavior , possession of communication skills and abilities, etc. .

The filming process includes:

  • inventing and discussing a plot;
  • creation of characters and decorations;
  • shooting a cartoon - an average of 200-300 frames (photos);
  • mounting.

The algorithm for creating a cartoon is as follows:

  1. Choosing a famous fairy tale, story or poem (or remembering a story from experience, or inventing a story ourselves), idea - script
  2. Preparing to shoot a cartoon, making characters.
  3. Preparing the scenery and background
  4. Setting up the scenery on the shooting site.
  5. Shooting a cartoon - animation (one of the children, plays the role of an operator, takes a place at a video camera or a camera (fixed on a tripod), and the rest carry out actions in the frame, rearranging the characters and scenery in accordance with the intended plot):
  6. the more detailed the character's movement is, the more natural and smooth the movements will be;
  7. during shooting, it is necessary to ensure that static objects (background) did not move;
  8. do not forget that changes may occur in the scenery (the wind blew - the tree swayed);
  9. foreign objects, the hands of animators, shadows should not fall into the frame;
  10. to make the movements of the characters clear, you need to shoot from one point, fixing the camera (preferably in a tripod) without removing or zooming in on the image.
  11. Cartoon montage (all footage is transferred to a computer, viewed, extra frames are deleted):
  12. the more frames per second, the smoother the characters' movements; the less, the more intermittent. Timing: we usually do 4 frames per second, sometimes 1 (it all depends on the program)... Accordingly, at a speed of 1 frame per second for a minute of the film, you need to take 60 photos.
  13. it is not at all necessary to make every movement of the hero, you can later combine them on the computer. For example, a nod of your head - you can take 2-3 shots, and then repeat them.
  14. Then the children take turns recording the voice accompaniment, pronouncing their lines on a suitable frame:
  15. if necessary, write down the text in small pieces;
  16. there must be absolute silence during recording "in a studio" (no extraneous noise);
  17. sound effects can be used (door creak, surf noise ...).
  18. Musical accompaniment, credits.

The cartoon can be done in various techniques:

  • transfer (drawing characters on paper and cutting, for each frame, the cut pictures move)- well suited for those who like to draw;
  • plasticine animation (modeling from plasticine)- well suited for those who like to sculpt. May be flat (as transfer) and voluminous (like puppet animation);
  • object animation (ready-made toys are used: Lego , cubes, little men, cars)- allows you to bring your favorite toys to life, suitable for those who like to build and design, and for those who do not really like to draw;
  • free flowing animation (drawing with bulk materials - cereals, semolina, coffee)- from 10 years old, no more than 4 participants;
  • pixilation (animation with the presence of the participants themselves in the frame makes it possible to do various tricks - animating objects, transforming, passing through a wall, flying, etc.) You need good lighting indoors, or the ability to shoot outdoors.

Techniques can be mixed.

When creating a cartoon, children reinforce the ability to take on different roles in accordance with the plot, improve their ability to independently choose a fairy tale, poem or song. They can create a story for their family, tell about our country, or go on a journey to a distant planet. You can create a cartoon about your kindergarten, and the characters will be the children of the group, talk about how they spent their day today, or maybe about how they swam in the pool or helped the kids get dressed for a walk. The theme of the cartoon can be any, it all depends on the imagination of the child and the teacher.

Creating a cartoon with preschool children is one of their effective means of forming cognitive interest. Animation helps to bring the interests of an adult and a child as close as possible, differing in the accessibility and originality of the genre. It can help make learning a pleasure for preschoolers.

Thus, the creation of a cartoon is a technology that allows a teacher to solve many goals and objectives.

The organization of work suggests the implementation of the following stages:

First step. Conducting a primary contrasting experiment. In the process of working on the problem at the search stage, a diagnosis of the level of development of cognitive interest was carried out. Carrying out such diagnostics is necessary both for identifying the initial level of development of the studied characteristics and for the targeted selection of tasks that contribute to the formation and development of research skills.

Second phase. Development and testing of a program for the development of cognitive interest in older preschool children through the creation of cartoons at preschool educational institutions for the formation of a higher level.

Stage three. Conducting a repeated control experiment.

The purpose of the third stage is:

  • conducting a repeated experiment to diagnose the level of cognitive interest;
  • analysis of the results obtained during the initial and repeated experiment.

Diagnostics of the level of development of cognitive interest included various methods. (Annex 1)

Based on these indicators, I assessed the level of development of cognitive interest in preschoolers of the senior preparatory group.

To determine the initial level, the method of observation was used, conversations with educators working with these preschoolers, studying children in the process of joint preparation and carrying out collective creative work. The results were evaluated according to the following criteria: cognitive, emotional-volitional, motivational, efficient-practical. The results obtained were summarized.

To identify the level of development of cognitive interest according to the criteria, an observation sheet was used. The results for the first two methods are presented in table. 1. (Appendix 2)

Evaluation of the results was carried out according to a five-point system, with the derivation of a total score. An analysis of the results obtained can be seen in Figure 1. (Appendix 3)

As can be seen from the diagram, the total score does not exceed 2.3 points, which corresponds to the second level of the ability to structure theoretical material. Criterion "Cognitive" was 2.3 points. The result obtained is low, which suggests that preschoolers have practically no interest in learning, both in computer science and in other subjects. By criteria "Motivational" and "Emotionally strong-willed" the results were obtained, respectively, 2.1 and 2.2 points, which is also a rather low result. Especially low result for such a criterion as "Efficient-practical" ... In general, the results obtained are very low, which indicates that the cognitive interest of preschoolers is not formed and does not have a tendency to develop.

As a result of the research carried out according to the method of D.B. Godovikova, we obtained the following results.

- A high level of development of cognitive activity was shown by 25% of senior preschool children who took part in the experiment. These children demonstrated sustained interest and attention to the object that interested them, interacted with it for a long time, told how they could play with this object. (for example, “I also have a designer at home. From it I build towers and garages for cars " ) ... While interacting with the selected objects, these children demonstrated joy, surprise, concern and other emotions as if they were verbal. ("Hooray! I managed!" or vice versa, "Something's not working out for me" ) and on a non-verbal level (smiled, frowned, scratched the back of the head, etc.).

The high level of development of cognitive activity is also evidenced by the desire of these children to involve an adult in their activities. (experimenter)... During the experimental study, children often turned to the experimenter with a variety of questions, most of which were aimed at obtaining additional information about objects and objects that interested the child. (for example, "How does the clock work?" , "Why is the sea water salty?" etc.).

These children showed particular interest and cognitive activity in relation to the box with "Secret" ... They twisted it, shook it, felt it, examined it, asked questions (Why is the box closed? , "I wonder what is hidden in the box?" ) , offered various ways to open it (for example, they said: "Can be opened with a key" , "Or break her" etc.)... Showing perseverance and perseverance in achieving the desired result, the children opened the box with "Secret" that brought them joy, satisfaction and pride ("Hooray! It has opened! " , "I was able to open it myself" etc.).

- The average level of development of cognitive activity was demonstrated by 44% of children of senior preschool age. They are characterized by a certain level of development of cognitive activity. However, these children paid particular attention to familiar toys. (cars, constructor, dolls)... In the process of interacting with objects, children showed both positive and negative emotional reactions to verbal ("Ouch! Nothing works " , "And I like to play with dolls" , "A very beautiful book" etc.) and non-verbal (smiled, laughed, frowned, got angry, etc.) levels. A certain level of development of the cognitive activity of these children is evidenced by their desire to ask questions to an adult on topics of interest to him. (for example, "What is this car made of?" , "What brand of this car?" etc.)... However, in contrast to children with a high level of development of cognitive activity, children with an average level of development of cognitive activity mainly asked questions of an ascertaining nature and orientation. ("What is this?" , “Who is in this picture? etc.)... Cognitive questions are not typical for them.

They were interested in these children and the subject with "Secret" ("And what is it?" , "What a beautiful box!" etc.)... They tried to open the box with "Secret" (for example, "We must open it!" , "Where's the key to open the box?" ) ... However, having failed to open the box from the first or second time, they did not show persistence and perseverance in interacting with this object, did not seek to open it, but lost interest in it. (“Doesn't open in any way! Well, okay" , "I'd rather play cars!" etc.).

- A low level of development of cognitive activity was recorded by us in 31% of children. During the study, from the entire list of the proposed material, these children preferred games of only well-known content. However, interest in these subjects was not stable enough. Children were attracted only by the brightness and colorfulness of the chosen objects. (for example, the boy took a bright and large construction set, turned it over in his hands, put it aside, began to sort through books, etc.)... Emotional manifestations during interaction with the selected object were not observed in these children. The children did not ask questions and did not comment on their actions in any way. The subject with the secret did not interest them at all.

To obtain more accurate results, a survey of parents was carried out.

The data from the analysis of the questionnaires are presented in Table 2. (Appendix 4)

As can be seen from Table 2, in the opinion of parents, the group of preschoolers is on the average (2) level of development. 10% from the experimental group at the 1st level of development of cognitive interest, 90% - at the 2nd level of development.

Thus, based on the results of the initial research, we conclude that it is necessary to introduce a program for the development of cognitive interest in older preschool children through the creation of cartoons in preschool educational institutions.

The results of the experimental study formed the basis for the development of a system of measures to optimize the process of developing the cognitive activity of older preschool children through the creation of cartoons in preschool educational institutions.

This system includes two areas:

  • work with older preschool children;
  • work with the teaching staff.

The purpose of the first direction, we determine the development of a system of correctional and developmental classes with children, aimed at optimizing the process of developing their cognitive activity. We have determined the basic principle of building a system of these lessons:

  • the principle of an integrative approach to the development of cognitive mental processes (perception, memory, attention, imagination), the intellectual sphere of children (thought processes and operations, verbal-logical, creative and critical thinking), emotional volitional and personal spheres of each child (formation of adequate self-esteem, increasing self-confidence) as well as communication skills and abilities;
  • the principle of individualization, which presupposes taking into account the characteristics and capabilities of each child in terms of the manifestation of his cognitive capabilities.

Particularly important for optimal results. In my opinion, there is a need to pay attention to the level of fatigue of children based on the results. At the first sign of fatigue (This can be evidenced, first of all, by the frequent distractions of children, the distraction of their attention, the inability to concentrate on the process of solving the proposed problem, etc.), the teacher has the right to deviate from the planned structure of the lesson, conduct breathing exercises, relieve muscle tension, etc.

As part of the studio creation project "Multi-Multi" , for pupils of the senior preparatory group of ADOU "Yurginsky kindergarten of the Yurginsky municipal district" , the following goal was set: updating the pedagogical process aimed at the all-round development of the child's personality and disclosing his cognitive, speech, artistic and creative capabilities through the creation of a cartoon.

The implementation of this goal involves the solution of a number of tasks: to form in children an elementary idea of ​​the secrets of animation, to enrich the vocabulary of children, to develop cognitive, artistic and aesthetic interest in creating cartoons, to develop an initiative creativity, the child's ability to non-standard solutions to any issues, to raise interest, attention and consistency in the process of creating a cartoon, to form the skills of benevolence, independence, cooperation in the interaction of a child with peers and adults.

The process of creating an animated film was a joint work of all participants in the educational process: educators, children, parents, which included several stages:

Preparatory stage. The emergence of an idea. At this stage, we talked with the children about their favorite cartoons. Then we talked about the secrets of animation, found out that cartoon characters are not living beings and they are brought to life by people. We found out the name of the professions of these people: producer, screenwriter, director-animator (animator), artist, cameraman, actor, composer.

The master class on the creation of a drawn and puppet cartoon, which we conducted for children, aroused a great desire in them to create a cartoon with their own hands. We created the first cartoon in the simplest way - by transferring. It was called "Path to the Moon" ... Children drew the stars, the moon, painted the pictures I suggested. Then the very process of creation began. We took several pictures, rearranging our pictures, I did the editing myself, and the children were present. Having received the first cartoon made with their own hands in their lives, the children were delighted.

Then I decided to try a more complex version of creating cartoons. Considering the age of the children, well-known Russian folk tales were proposed for the plot. As a result of immersion in fairy tales through their dramatization by children, a fairy tale was chosen "Cat, Fox and Rooster" .

Development of the plot and sketching of the cartoon. At this rather long stage, the children, with my help and the help of their parents, thought out the plot of the fairy tale, we discussed the place where all the events take place, who are the main characters and what we need in order to play the fairy tale.

We united children into working groups. When necessary, they provided the children with practical assistance, as well as guided and supervised the implementation of the project.

While working on the project, we complied with a number of conditions:

  • children should not impose their opinion, all decisions are made collectively, on the basis of dialogue;
  • all suggestions, wishes of children must be written down so as not to miss anything;
  • the child can leave the project at any time and carry out his own project. In this he needs help;
  • children in the course of work on the project join temporary and permanent micro-groups. It is necessary to create conditions for joint partnership activities in each group.

Each child's contribution to the project was different, unique, which is the value of the project method.

Children themselves created the forest, blinded animals. The children expressed a desire to sculpt, not paint. For preschool children, playing with plasticine doll characters turned out to be more interesting than sketching. The forest was made from scrap materials, the sky with the sun and grass were painted by subgroups of children. Well, and the house, was instructed to make the father of one of the pupils, who himself "gave out" his dad, saying that he saws well. At the same time, delicate guidance of the child's creative process is very important, since the immoderate intervention of adults can destroy the main thing - the child's naive view of the world.

Filming and dubbing the cartoon. At this stage, in individual work, the expressiveness of speech, the tempo and timbre of the voice were practiced. When we, together with the children, concluded that the children were ready to present the cartoon, we made a shooting.

During this period, work was carried out with small subgroups of children, while a fairly simple and accessible transfer technique was used. With all the simplicity of this technique, children needed to constantly monitor their actions: rearrange the animal figures at a minimum distance, remove their hands from the frame. Despite the well-known plot of the fairy tale, the children faced storyboard technologies that were new to them. (drawing up a detailed plan for a fairy tale and dubbing)... The use of these technologies teaches the child to work carefully with the text, lays the foundations for analytical work and means of artistic expression. During the dubbing, we came up with and embodied all kinds of noises and remarks in front of the microphone, we selected music.

Mounting. I edited all the parts of the cartoon myself using a special program. This stage was carried out without the participation of children due to their age.

The result of our work was presented at the event "Family movie show" ... It was a wonderful holiday for children and parents who were amazed that their children were able to create such a work of art.

At the same time, this type of project technology did not end with watching the cartoon, since the children began to vying with each other to offer their own plots for shooting a new cartoon. Ideas just became "In full swing" .

Working on the project allowed us to solve the following tasks:

  • To increase the level of cognitive and creative activity of children: to strengthen their independence, initiative, activity, self-confidence, children began to better plan their actions.
  • To strengthen the interest of parents of pupils in the life of children in the kindergarten group, their desire to participate in them.
  • To expand the educational space of the kindergarten thanks to: organizing the work of a multi-console studio, organizing work with children to create cartoons, organizing master classes for children of their peers, giving children and teachers the experience of organizing a show and presentation of a cartoon.

Thus, in the process of working on a cartoon, cognitive interest is formed. Parents of pupils are very actively involved in the work, which makes it possible to solve pedagogical tasks for the upbringing and development of preschool children by joint efforts. This is how the continuity in the work of the preschool institution and the family is carried out. And the development of the universal abilities of children is taking place at a faster pace.

A control experiment was carried out to test the effectiveness of the proposed system of classes for the development of the cognitive interest of preschoolers in the older group. To identify the level of formation of cognitive interests, the methods of the ascertaining stage were used. The results were assessed according to the criteria of the level of formation of the cognitive interest of preschoolers in the older group.

The results of the first two methods were also recorded in the observation sheet. (table 4). (Appendix 5)

The analysis of the results according to method 1 is presented in table 5. (Appendix 6)

As can be seen from Table 5, the experimental group is at an average level of development. During the experiment, 1 person reached the 3rd level of cognitive interest formation. 1 person remained at the same level (1st level)... Thus, 90% of preschoolers have reached level 2 of the formation of cognitive interest.

As can be seen from Table 7, the experimental group remained on average (2) level of development. 10% of the experimental group remained at the same level 1 of the development of cognitive interest, 90% - at the 2 level of development. That is, the parents did not notice changes in the cognitive activity of their children.

The results of the analysis are presented in Figure 3. (Appendix 9)

The generalized result showed that 95% of preschoolers after the experiment have a 2nd level of cognitive interest formation. 5% or 1 person has reached level 3.

To reveal the influence of the experiment performed, compare the results of the initial experiment and the control experiment. (Figure 4, Table 8). (Appendix 10)

Statistical analysis of the results obtained showed a positive trend. The positive dynamics in the change in the levels that characterize the formation of cognitive interest shows that the implementation of the developed methodology contributes to the development of the cognitive interest of preschoolers in the older group.

During the implementation of the project to create a cartoon, we have achieved certain results. Involving preschoolers in active joint activities with the teacher will contribute to the development of cognitive interest in the further educational activities of preschoolers of the now preparatory group.

I and the teacher of the senior preparatory group carried out experimental work aimed at assessing the level of formation of the cognitive interest of older preschoolers. A total of 20 people took part in the study. Based on the results of the initial research, we concluded that it was necessary to introduce a corrective program for the development of a higher level of formation of cognitive interest.

In the process of creating cartoons, senior preschool children acquire certain knowledge, skills and abilities:

  • The manifestation of emotional responsiveness, the development of thinking, imagination, the ability to express their feelings through art.
  • Development of personal qualities: independence, initiative, mutual assistance, involvement in a common cause, responsibility, respect for each other, self-esteem.
  • The development of communication skills, the manifestation of creative independence, activity in creating an image, the development of fine motor skills of the hands, the opportunity to show their talents. This gave a new impetus to play activities.

The generalized result showed that 95% of preschoolers after the experiment have a 2nd level of cognitive interest. 5% or 1 person has reached level 3.

Thus, this study made it possible to conclude that the creation of cartoons in preschool educational institutions contributes to the development of genuine cognitive interests.

The cognitive interest of older preschool children is characterized by the following features: breadth, depth, efficiency and stability. By the breadth of cognitive interest, one should understand “the subject orientation of children's curiosity, the presence of ideas about objects, phenomena of the surrounding reality, their subject direction, the choice of educational subjects, individual types of activity. The depth is manifested by the nature of the cognitive attitude to the surrounding world.

Efficiency and stability characterizes the activity of students in the manifestation of curiosity, the preference of cognitive activity over other types.

The presence of interest in the process of cognition in older preschool children allows them to be a subject of learning, to easily navigate in the modern world. An indispensable characteristic of a child's readiness to learn at school is the presence of an interest in knowledge, as well as the ability to voluntary actions. These abilities and skills are formed from strong cognitive interests, therefore it is quite important to identify these interests in younger schoolchildren in time for future successful learning.

The methodological foundations of the cognitive development of preschool children are based on modern psychological principles.

The possibilities of its development in preschoolers of the senior group, in the process of upbringing and teaching through the subject content of the activity and the emerging relations between the participants in the educational process, have been revealed. This is facilitated by the creation of cartoons at the preschool educational institution.

Currently, cartoons are not given an important educational and developmental value. The organization of circles and the joint creation of animated films can have a positive impact on children and make an invaluable contribution to the educational system of the younger generation. This is an effective method, since such an activity will be remembered by children for a long time, will contribute to the development of fine motor skills, objective activity, creative, aesthetic and moral aspects of the personality.

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Annex 1

Method 1. "Guess the subject" ... The purpose of the technique is to identify the ability of children to ask questions of a cognitive nature, the desire of children to tell about the subject, highlighting its functional purpose, properties, material, scope of the subject, the manifestation of activity, the desire to bring the matter to the end. Material: pictures of a vacuum cleaner, video camera, washing machine, phone, truck, bus.

Move. The child is asked to guess the object conceived by the experimenter. To do this, the child must consider objects and ask questions about them.

If the child did not manage to guess the object, he was asked to make a riddle about the object himself: to describe the object without naming it.

Method 2. Problem situation: "A subject from the past" ... The purpose of the technique is to identify the ability of preschoolers to ask cognitive questions, manifestations of focus on cognition of the objective world, initiative and activity.

Material: spinning wheel.

Move. The experimenter put a spinning wheel in front of the child and said that they would get to know it, but only after the adult was free. The experimenter monitored the actions of the children: whether he was active in cognizing the object (examines, examines, tries to act with it. After 3-4 minutes, the adult invited the child to ask what he would like to know about this object.

Method 3. Method D.B. Annual.

In order to study the level of development of the cognitive activity of children, I used the methodology of D.B. Annual , the purpose of which is to identify the level of development of the subjective cognitive activity of children.

The experimental study was carried out with each child individually. In a specially designated room on the children's table, toys were laid out, allowing you to deploy games of different content (constructor Lego , board games and lotto "Animals" , "Vegetables and fruits" , "Shop" , "Salon" , as well as cars and dolls, children's books and encyclopedias, etc.)... Among them were also special items containing "secret" , "Riddle" ... Children were encouraged to play with toys. At the same time, the adult acted as an outside observer, recording all the verbal and non-verbal manifestations of children. Particular attention was paid to whether the child shows interest in subjects with "Secret" , whether it seeks to explore these subjects and how it works.

Method 4. Questioning of parents.

The questionnaire is aimed at identifying the position of parents in solving the problem of the formation of cognitive interest in the objective world in preschoolers.

Parents were asked to answer a number of questions on the questionnaire:

  1. What interests your child?
  2. Are your child's interests permanent or are they changeable, unstable?
  3. What are the interests of your child in the objects of the man-made world?
  4. What is being done in the family to develop the interests of the child?
  5. Why is it necessary to develop cognitive interest in children from childhood?

Diagnostics of the process of formation and development of the cognitive interest of children 5-6 years old involves the allocation of criteria and evaluation base. For this purpose, cognitive interest was presented by us through the following criteria:

  • cognitive - asks cognitive questions, the child is emotionally involved in the activity (1 - 5 points);
  • motivational - the purposefulness of the activity, its completeness is noted (1 - 5 points);
  • emotionally strong-willed - shows positive emotions in the process of activity; duration and stability of interest in solving cognitive tasks (1 - 5 points);
  • efficiently practical - shows initiative in cognition; persistence (1 - 5 points).

The development of cognitive interest is characterized by different levels of manifestation.

For the first (low) level (1 - 2 points) it is common not to show initiative and independence in the process of completing tasks, loss of interest in them in case of difficulties and the manifestation of negative emotions (upset, irritation), preschoolers do not ask cognitive questions; need a step-by-step explanation of the conditions for completing the task, showing the way to use one or another ready-made model, and the help of an adult.

For the second (middle) level (3 - 4 points) the formation of cognitive interest is characterized by a large degree of independence in accepting a task and finding a way to accomplish it. Experiencing difficulties in solving the problem, older preschoolers do not lose an emotional attitude towards them, but turn to the teacher for help, ask questions to clarify the conditions for its implementation and, having received a hint, complete the task to the end, which indicates the child's interest in this activity and the desire to look ways of solving the problem, but together with an adult.

Level Three Skill (high 4.5 - 5 points) characterized by the manifestation of initiative, independence, interest and desire to solve cognitive tasks. In case of difficulties, students are not distracted, showed perseverance and perseverance in achieving a result that brings them satisfaction, joy and pride in achievement.

Project type- a long-term, joint creative project for children and parents.

Project participants: group educator, children, parents.

The essence of the project: mastering and using the skills of sculpting, drawing, designing, making appliqués and crafts, children make characters and decorations for games, staging performances and shooting cartoons.

Target: Uncover the secrets of making cartoons. Create a cartoon with your own hands.

Hypothesis: We assumed that if we reveal the secrets of creating cartoons, we will be able to create our own cartoon.



  • To acquaint children with the history of the origin and development of animation.
  • To acquaint children with the technology of creating animated films.
  • To expand the knowledge of children about the professions: screenwriter, director, animator, cameraman, sound engineer.


  • Develop creative thinking and imagination.
  • To develop artistic skills and abilities.
  • Form the skills of coherent speech.


  • Cultivate interest, attention and consistency in the process of creating a cartoon.
  • To foster an aesthetic sense of beauty and harmony in life and art.
  • Instill a responsible attitude to your work.

Forms of work:

  • Viewing the presentation "Soyuzmultfilm".
  • "Magicians of Animation" (acquaintance with the professions: screenwriter, director-animator, animation artist, sound engineer, cameraman, etc.)
  • "Secrets of animation" (acquaintance with the world of animation).
  • "The game is a journey through the stations of the country of Multi-Pultia."
  • Viewing videos "Meeting with the Cartoon and the artist Malyavin".
  • Viewing cartoons (acquaintance with the types of cartoons: plasticine, drawn, puppet).
  • Conversations "The history of animation", "How to shoot a cartoon", "What are cartoons."
  • “A trip to the past - the childhood of parents” (filmstrips were an alternative to cartoons).
  • Viewing filmstrips.
  • Experimenting with colors - getting different shades by adding white paint.
  • Working on the background using unconventional painting techniques.
  • Work on the scenery for the cartoon, using unconventional drawing methods.
  • Modeling of heroes from plasticine.
  • Drawing "Favorite cartoon hero".
  • Drawing stories in pictures (coming up with stories and drawing up mnemonic tables "Young screenwriters").
  • Riddles about cartoon characters.
  • Quiz "Cartoon Connoisseur", "In the Country of Multi-Control".
  • Drawing vegetables on a tray sprinkled with semolina.
  • "Vegetables in the garden" - the method of plasticineography.
  • Work on the splash screen, the ending - microgroups.
  • Shooting a screensaver.
  • Retelling of a fairy tale, storytelling by roles.
  • Staging a fairy tale.
  • Drawing up a story on behalf of the subject "Reanimated objects".
  • Games "Journey to the World of Emotions" (the ability to distinguish the emotional states of characters); "Guess the character by facial expressions and gestures."
  • Recording a fairy tale.
  • Consultations for parents "Secrets of animation", "Methods and techniques of non-traditional ways of drawing."

Stages of work:

  • Choice of theme.
  • Goal setting.
  • Putting forward a research hypothesis.
  • Search for material on animation.
  • Examination of children on this topic.
  • Studying the history of the emergence of animation.
  • Types of cartoons.
  • Studying the process of creating a cartoon.
  • Development of an algorithm for working on a cartoon.
  • Preparation of materials and equipment necessary for the implementation of the project.
  • Creation of a creative group of parents interested in this topic.
  • Immersion in a fairy tale.
  • Storyboard.
  • Development and creation of characters and decorations.
  • Revitalizing characters.
  • Playing on the plot.
  • Shooting a cartoon.
  • Editing footage on a computer.
  • Scoring (distribution of roles).
  • Determination of the level of formation of generalized educational skills.
  • The premiere of the cartoon. View (result of work).
  • Final lesson on the topic "Posters production".
  • Parents' meeting on the topic "Children and animation".
  • Project presentation.

Expected Result:

Within the framework of the Do-it-yourself cartoon project, children received certain knowledge, skills and abilities:

The manifestation of emotional responsiveness, the development of thinking, imagination, the ability to express their feelings through art.

Development of personal qualities: independence, initiative, mutual assistance, involvement in a common cause, responsibility, respect for each other, self-esteem.

The development of communication skills, the manifestation of creative independence, activity in creating an image, the development of fine motor skills of the hands, the opportunity to show their talents. This gave a new impetus to play activities, children borrow fabulous plots and begin to make heroes for their games themselves.

Thus, use of project activities gives us the opportunity to:

- stimulate children to achieve a particular result;

To achieve a definite and real goal, the product of project activities;

Use different types of productive activities in one project;

Show cognitive, creative, business activity, independence, as well as previously mastered knowledge and skills;

To form communication skills and moral qualities.

Children have the opportunity to contribute to the common cause, to show individuality, to win a certain position in the group.

The result of participation in the project is also the liberation of thinking, the development of creative potential, the formation of the ability to observe, fantasize, compare, experience what he saw, reflect his impressions in creative works, as well as improve communication skills in a team and socialization.

Marianna Rozova
Creative project "Cartoon with your own hands" Video

Dear Colleagues! I invite you to the presentation of the creative project "Cartoon with your own hands". As part of this project, my children and I shot our own cartoon based on the Russian folk tale "Pikh". Children with great interest worked on the creation of the cartoon: they created, played, communicated, created everything with their own hands: scenery, characters. They showed independence when creating crafts, characters, decorations, used techniques familiar to them, put into practice the skills that they had already formed. We learned new interesting techniques, acting. We tried ourselves as screenwriters, illustrators, decorators, actors. Parents also got involved in the work, and in general we made four cartoons for the project. I would be glad if someone is inspired by our project!

Project type- a long-term, joint creative project for children and parents.

Project participants: group educator, children, parents.

The essence of the project: mastering and using the skills of sculpting, drawing, designing, making appliqués and crafts, children make characters and decorations for games, staging performances and shooting cartoons.

Target: Uncover the secrets of making cartoons. Create a cartoon with your own hands.

Hypothesis: We assumed that if we reveal the secrets of creating cartoons, we will be able to create our own cartoon.

Relevance of the project: In recent years, a certain vacuum has emerged in high-quality domestic cartoons for children and youth, and the modern television space has been flooded with low-quality Western cartoons: either vulgar or propagandizing aggression, anger and immoral behavior, designed mainly for schoolchildren and adults.

In our market, cartoons have just begun to appear, based in their creation on the classical school of domestic animation. Therefore, this problem is of an educational and upbringing nature, since a further deterioration of the situation can lead to the spiritual degradation of youth. Since the consciousness of the nation is formed from the totality of the worldviews of different social strata of Russian citizens and, first of all, the country's youth, I would like to emphasize the importance and relevance of this project.

Now, thanks to new technologies and modern kindergarten equipment, preschoolers from passive consumers of cartoon products become active participants in the creation of a cartoon, that is, they try themselves in a new quality. Mastering and using the skills of sculpting, drawing, applique, design, children make characters and decorations for filming their own cartoons; get acquainted with the device of photo and video equipment; come up with scripts; are directly involved in the filming process; voicing their heroes - there is a co-creation of an adult and a child. Perhaps in the future, acting as creators of cartoons, they will have a different approach to choosing and evaluating a cartoon.



To acquaint children with the history of the origin and development of animation.

To acquaint children with the technology of creating animated films.

To expand the knowledge of children about the professions: screenwriter, director, animator, cameraman, sound engineer.


Develop creative thinking and imagination.

To develop artistic skills and abilities.

Form the skills of coherent speech.


Cultivate interest, attention and consistency in the process of creating a cartoon.

To foster an aesthetic sense of beauty and harmony in life and art.

Instill a responsible attitude to your work.

Forms of work:

Viewing the presentation "Soyuzmultfilm".

"Magicians of Animation" (acquaintance with the professions: screenwriter, director-animator, animation artist, sound engineer, cameraman, etc.)

"Secrets of animation" (acquaintance with the world of animation).

"The game is a journey through the stations of the country of Multi-Pultia."

Viewing videos "Meeting with the Cartoon and the artist Malyavin".

Viewing cartoons (acquaintance with the types of cartoons: plasticine, drawn, puppet).

Conversations "The history of animation", "How to shoot a cartoon", "What are cartoons."

“A trip to the past - the childhood of parents” (filmstrips were an alternative to cartoons).

Viewing filmstrips.

Experimenting with colors - getting different shades by adding white paint.

Working on the background using unconventional painting techniques.

Work on the scenery for the cartoon, using unconventional drawing methods.

Modeling of heroes from plasticine.

Drawing "Favorite cartoon hero".

Drawing stories in pictures (coming up with stories and drawing up mnemonic tables "Young screenwriters").

Riddles about cartoon characters.

Quiz "Cartoon Connoisseur", "In the Country of Multi-Control".

Drawing vegetables on a tray sprinkled with semolina.

"Vegetables in the garden" - the method of plasticineography.

Work on the splash screen, the ending - microgroups.

Shooting a screensaver.

Retelling of a fairy tale, storytelling by roles.

Staging a fairy tale.

Drawing up a story on behalf of the subject "Reanimated objects".

Games "Journey to the World of Emotions" (the ability to distinguish the emotional states of characters); "Guess the character by facial expressions and gestures."

Recording a fairy tale.

Consultations for parents "Secrets of animation", "Methods and techniques of non-traditional ways of drawing."

Parents' meeting "Children and Animation".

Stages of work:

Stage I:

Choice of theme.

Goal setting.

Putting forward a research hypothesis.

Search for material on animation.

Examination of children on this topic.

Studying the history of the emergence of animation.

Types of cartoons.

Studying the process of creating a cartoon.

Development of an algorithm for working on a cartoon.

Preparation of materials and equipment necessary for the implementation of the project.

Stage II:

Creation of a creative group of parents interested in this topic.

Immersion in a fairy tale.


Development and creation of characters and decorations.

Revitalizing characters.

Playing on the plot.

Shooting a cartoon.

Editing footage on a computer.

Scoring (distribution of roles).

Stage III:

Determination of the level of formation of generalized educational skills.

The premiere of the cartoon. View (result of work).

Final lesson on the topic "Posters production".

Parents' meeting on the topic "Children and animation".

Project presentation.

Expected Result:

Within the framework of the Do-it-yourself cartoon project, children received certain knowledge, skills and abilities:

The manifestation of emotional responsiveness, the development of thinking, imagination, the ability to express their feelings through art.

Development of personal qualities: independence, initiative, mutual assistance, involvement in a common cause, responsibility, respect for each other, self-esteem.

The development of communication skills, the manifestation of creative independence, activity in creating an image, the development of fine motor skills of the hands, the opportunity to show their talents. This gave a new impetus to play activities, children borrow fabulous plots and begin to make heroes for their games themselves.

Thus, the use of project activities gives us the opportunity to:

Encourage children to achieve a particular result;

To achieve a definite and real goal, the product of project activities;

Use different types of productive activities in one project;

Show cognitive, creative, business activity, independence, as well as previously mastered knowledge and skills;

To form communication skills and moral qualities.

Children have the opportunity to contribute to the common cause, to show individuality, to win a certain position in the group.

The result of participation in the project is also the liberation of thinking, the development of creative potential, the formation of the ability to observe, fantasize, compare, experience what he saw, reflect his impressions in creative works, as well as improve communication skills in a team and socialization.

Cartoon "MOUSE and SUN" of the Khozyainov family:

Cartoon "CAT and FLOWER" of the Filippov family:

Cartoon "CAT, FOX and COCK" by the Minchenkov family:

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