Home Perennial flowers Walk in the winter forest middle group. Walk in the winter forest. Floor bush fox house - squats

Walk in the winter forest middle group. Walk in the winter forest. Floor bush fox house - squats

Part 1: Introductory part

Children are included in the group. Game Zone. The teacher holds an envelope in his hands (the envelope shows snowflakes and winter patterns).

Guys, what do I have in my hands?

And what is depicted on it?

Guys, it says on the envelope here - an invitation.

What do you think is an invitation?

I wonder who this invitation may be from, what do you think?

Now I will ask you a riddle, and we will find out who sent us such a beautiful envelope with an invitation.

I have a lot to do - I am a white blanket

I cover the whole earth, I take it into the ice of the river,

I whitewash the fields, at home, my name is…. (Winter).

Guys, who sent this invitation?

The invitation was sent by Zimushka herself - Zima. And she invites us to visit her, for a walk in the winter forest. Let's go?

Guys, what should we do if we are going to go to the forest in winter?

Of course, you need to dress warmly.

Physical education

Everyone on the street - forward!

(one hand on the knees with the palm, the other hand bent at the elbow, fist (change).

We'll put on warm pants

(we run our palms along the legs).

Hat, fur coat, felt boots

(we run our palms over the head, hands, stamp our feet).

Warm hands in mittens

(circular motions with the palms of one hand around the other palm)

And we'll tie the scarves

(we put our palms on top of each other to the base of the neck).

Are you all dressed warmly?

Now let's say the magic words together:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (clap our hands)

Let's go for a walk in the winter forest

(walking in place)

Left, right lean

(tilt left, right)

Turn around yourself (turn around)

Find yourself in the winter forest.

Part 2: Main part

Guys, here we are in the winter forest. Look, what a beautiful path (there is a "path" of snowflakes on the floor). What is unusual about it?

Let's go through it and name the signs of winter without repeating each other.

(children, alternately walking along the snowflakes, name the signs of winter: there is a lot of snow in winter; in winter the sun is shining, but does not warm; it's frosty outside; people are warmly dressed; there are no leaves on the trees; etc. and go to the "meadow with a green herringbone")

Look where we come from, what do you see here?

And what's around the tree, under the tree?

And how about snow can you say what it is?

Let's check, take some snow, touch it, hold it in your palms (children take snow in their hands).

You are right, we can say about snow that it is fluffy, white, cold ...

Guys, how can you play with snow?

Can we make snowballs out of the snow now?

Let's blind with you (children and the teacher make snowballs).

What kind of snowballs did we get? (small and large, hard, strong)

Try to roll your snowballs, throw and catch, roll in your palms.

What happens to the snow in your hands?

Why does snow turn into water in my hands? That's right, the snow melts in warmth, and a person's hands are warm

Stack snowballs under the tree, wipe the handles(children fold snowballs and wipe their hands with napkins).

Finger gymnastics

One two three four…

(children and the teacher clap their hands and say the words)

You and I made a snowball

(squeeze your fingers rhythmically)

Round, fragile

(fingers "clasp" an imaginary snowball)

Very smooth

(rotating movements with the palms)

And not at all sweet

(shake a finger)

Once - toss

("Throw" an imaginary snowball)

Two - we'll catch

(clap their hands)

Three - drop and break

Another path ahead(there is a "path" on the floor, lined with snowflakes), let's walk along it and say what kind of snow happens in winter.

Just do not repeat each other's answers (the teacher is the first to walk along the path and say his own version: "In winter, the snow is crisp," then each child walks along the path, names what snow is like, without repeating the options of other children).

So we found ourselves in another clearing.

What do you see here? That's right, there are 2 chests under the tree).

I wonder what is in these chests?

Let's see what's in them. First, we will open this chest, and we will not open the other for now, let it stand under the Christmas tree.

The teacher opens the first chest and takes out pieces of ice.

Guys, what is this?

What is ice? That's right, ice is frozen water

How can you tell about ice what it is?

Let's take the ice in our hands. What do you feel, what kind of ice does it feel? Yes, ice is cold, hard, smooth, slippery

Guys, what's going on with the pieces of ice in your hands?



Let's put ice floes under the Christmas tree, dry our hands and see what Zimushka has prepared for us - Winter in another chest(children fold ice, wipe their hands with napkins and, together with the teacher, open the second chest).

The teacher takes out ice cubes with frozen toys from the second box, shows the children and asks:

Guys, what is this?

And what is unusual about them?

Zimushka - Winter has hidden gifts for you in these pieces of ice.

How can we free gifts from ice? Answers of children are heard(you can hold it in your hands and the ice will melt, you can put the ice in the water, you can put the ice on the battery, you can break the ice).

Let's get back to kindergarten as soon as possible and free the gifts from the ice.

Let's say the magic words together:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (clap our hands).

We went for a walk in the forest

(walking in place).

Left, right lean

(tilt left, right)

Turn around yourself

(spinning around).

Find yourself in kindergarten!

The chest is placed on the table, the children are placed around the table.

Guys, you suggested different ways of defrosting ice: you can hold the ice in your hands and it will melt; ice can be dipped into water; put on the battery.

Let us and you and I try to defrost the ice in different ways.

The teacher shows a plate with the symbol of the first defrosting method "Drop of water":

Which way do you think this picture means? That's right, if the ice is immersed in water, it will melt.

The teacher shows a plate with the symbol of the second method of defrosting ice "Hand":

Which method is shown in this picture? Also right, ice can be

hold in your hands and it will melt.

While the music is playing, defrost your ice in the chosen way, as soon as the music ends, we will all gather in a circle and see who received what gift from the winter - winter (music sounds, children

conduct experiments using the chosen method of defrosting ice, the teacher provides individual assistance).

At the end of the music, the children and the teacher gather on the carpet, stand in a circle, examine and name the toys they have found.

Part 3: Final

Generalization of the educator

Guys, today we went for a walk in the woods.

And who invited us there?

What did we see in the winter forest?

What was interesting for you today, what did you especially like and remember?

This was the end of our journey.


directly educational activities

in the older group on the topic:


Direction: cognitive and speech development.

Educational area: cognition.


Educational: to form a generalized idea of ​​children about winter as a season, the peculiarities of animate and inanimate nature, the peculiarities of children's activities in winter. Expand ideas about how animals and birds winter.

Developing: to develop the cognitive activity of children: to establish cause-and-effect relationships; develop a dialogical form of speech.

Educational: foster a desire to help animals and birds in winter, a positive attitude towards winter.

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction", "Physical culture".


Pictures with images of wintering birds, wild animals, winter entertainment, the image of a tree.

1. Organizational moment.

A knock on the door, Dunno enters with a basket in his hand.

Dunno.- Hello! Do you guys recognize me? (Yes). Guys, I want to invite you for a walk in the forest. We will pick mushrooms and berries.

Educator.- Guys, do you want to go to the forest with Dunno? (Yes). Can we find mushrooms and berries now? (No). And why? (Because it's winter now.)

Probably Dunno knows nothing about winter.

Guys, let's go with Dunno to the winter forest and tell him about winter. But where are we going?

Dunno.- And I have a magic wand! One, two, three - carry us into the forest with a stick!

2. Conversation about winter.

Educator.- Well, here we are in the forest. Look how beautiful it is!

White fluffy snow

Is spinning in the air

And quietly to the ground

Falls, lies down.

And under the morning snow

The field turned white

Like a shroud

Everything clothed him.


How did you know it was winter?

What signs of winter do you still know?

Why is it cold in winter? (The sun does not warm well, gives little light and heat, because the day is short and the night is long.)

What is the ground covered with in winter? (Snow covers the ground.)

What are rivers and lakes covered with? (ice).

What kind of wind is there in winter? (cold)

That's right, there are often blizzards in winter. Everything is covered with snow, it is very cold, the sun shines a little, the water is frozen, the trees are bare.

Dunno.- Why are trees without leaves, what have they died?

Educator.- Let's explain to Dunno, is it so? (Trees sleep in winter).

And when will the leaves appear on the trees? (When spring comes)

Dunno.- How quiet in the winter in the forest. All the birds flew south.

Educator.- Guys, did all the birds flew away? (no) - What wintering birds do you know?

(The teacher puts the wintering birds on a tree.)

Dunno.- Probably the birds are starving?

Educator.- Guys, what do the birds eat in the forest? (berries, plant seeds, cones). - How do people help birds to endure severe frosts? (They feed the birds, hang the feeders.)

Right. Birds find little food in winter, so they fly closer to people. And people feed them.

Dunno.- I understood everything about birds. Let's play!

Physical education:

We are skiing into the forest,

We are climbing the hill.

Suddenly a strong wind rose

He twists the trees, twirls.

And it rustles among the branches.

Snow flies, flies, flies.

A bunny jumps along the edge,

Like a white soft ball.

One jump and two jump -

So our friend disappeared!

Although it's nice to ride here,

We must study again.

3. Conversation about wild animals.

Dunno.- And all the animals probably run away to Africa?

Educator.- Guys, let's tell Dunno how animals adapt to winter.

What kind of animals can you see in the winter forest?

Educator.- Guys, tell Dunno about the squirrel.

Where does the squirrel live? (In the hollow)

She's not cold at all, why? (She is in a warm fur coat.)

The squirrel is not hungry. What does she eat? (Nuts, mushrooms.)

How does she escape danger? (He quickly jumps from tree to tree, from branch to branch.)


Guys, tell Dunno about the hare.

How does a hare winter? (by winter it grows a warm white coat)

What does the hare eat? (Tree bark, branches.)

- Does the hare have enemies? How is he saved from them? (Fox, wolf, quick legs save, coat color.)

Dunno... In the winter forest and on tall trees, the twigs are eaten - after all, the hare cannot get them. Who could it be? (Elk)

Educator- Do people help the elk to endure the hardships of winter? (They put troughs with hay, salt.) - What is the enemy of the moose? (Wolf.) - How does he escape from him? (Either runs away or defends itself with the front hooves.)

Dunno.- Guys, tell us about the wolf.

Educator.- How does a wolf get its food? (He has strong legs, runs long distances in pursuit of prey. He usually comes across weak and sick animals. The wolf is the "orderly of the forest".)

Educator.- The forest is beautiful in winter, the snowdrifts are high.

Why does steam sometimes come out of a snowdrift? Who could it be? (Bear. He hibernates.)

How does a bear winter? (sleeps in a den all winter) - Is he cold?

Dunno.- And I like the fox. Tell me more about her.

Educator. - Where does the fox live? (In the hole.) - Who is she hunting? (The fox hunts hares and mice, and she also steals chickens.)

Educator: Dunno, do you understand now how wild animals winter?

Dunno.- I understood everything about the animals: they have adapted to winter in the forest.

Educator.- Guys, it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Dunno.- Here is my magic wand! One, two, three - bring us to kindergarten!

4. Conversation about winter fun.

Educator.- Guys, do you like winter?

Educator.- What do we like to play in winter?

Didactic game "Winter Games".

Let's play:

We play snowballs in winter

We walk through the snowdrifts

And we run on skis

We fly on skates on the ice

And we make the snow maiden,

We love Winter as Guest!

Dunno. How good it is in winter! I loved our winter walk so much.

5.Bottom line:

- Where were we with you?

-What new have we learned?

- Dunno, now you understand what winter is.

Dunno: Thanks guys! I understood everything: mushrooms and berries cannot be found in the forest in winter. I'd rather take skis and go skiing. Goodbye.

I approve

Head of MBDOU d / s number 101

L. N. Savrasova

Summary of GCD for familiarization with the outside world.

Walk in the winter forest (middle group)


1 . Expand and enrich children's knowledge about how animals spend the winter, what they eat in the winter season.

2 . To acquaint children with the rules of behavior in nature.

3 . To form in children the foundations of ecological culture.

4 . To cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

Educator:-Today I want to invite you to the winter forest. Let's close our eyes and say: -1,2,3-find yourself in the winter forest. Open your eyes. (s teaches the music "Sounds of the Forest")

Slide1.See what forest. Everything is covered with snow. Everything is so quiet, calm.

Guys, do you know how to behave in the forest?

Children: do not make noise, you cannot break trees, tear grass, disturb animals and birds, you cannot leave garbage after yourself.

Educator:-Let us remember these rules of conduct in the forest and try not to violate, we will behave quietly and carefully.

Guys, listen to how quiet it is in the forest, maybe there is no one?

Slide2 What do I see, someone left footprints in the snow? What animal do you think left this trail?

Children's answers.

Slide 3.

Educator:- Guys, look, it's a fox. It was she who left a trail in the snow. -Guys tell us about the fox, what is she like?

Children's answers.

Look at her fluffy tail. And why does a fox have such a tail?

Children's answers.

Guys, what color is her coat in winter? Why does the fox change her?

Children's answers.

Guys, look at her ears and paws, and who knows what the fox eats in winter?

Children's answers.

Slide 4.

Guys, look at someone else's footprints? Who do you think left them?

Children's answers.

This trail was left by a hare. And here he is.

Slide 5.

Perhaps he is hiding from someone? Do you think the hare is cold in winter? How will a hare protect itself in winter? Children's answers.

Guys, what does a hare eat in winter? Children's answers.

Educator:-Let's imagine that we are all hares, we will warm ourselves a little in the clearing.

Physical minutes:

The little white hare sits, and wiggles his ears ( showing the ears of a hare with our hands)

The bunny is cold to sit, it is necessary to warm the paws ( stroking and three hands)

The bunny is cold to stand, the bunny needs to jump ( we jump in place)

The wolf scared the bunny, the bunny immediately ran away ( we run away to the place).

Educator: - Guys, look what I found on the tree?

Slide 6.

What do you think it is? Who left him?

Children's answers.

Slide 7.

And here is the squirrel itself. Look how beautiful and fluffy she is. Guys, they say, the squirrel is red, but here it is gray? Why? Look at her unusual ears and fluffy tail? Why do squirrels have such a big tail? What do squirrels eat in winter?

Children's answers.

Guys, can we see a bear in winter?

Children's answers.

Slide 8.

In winter, the bear hibernates in a den. What is a den? Why does the bear sleep all winter? What does a bear eat in summer?

Children's answers.

Slide 9.

Educator:-That's how we visited the winter forest. We saw how animals live and winter, what they eat in winter. Let's listen: the forest has become quiet again and only snow is falling and covering the ground with a fluffy veil.

You and I tried and did not violate the rules of conduct in the forest, for which the animals are grateful to us. It's time for us to go to kindergarten.

Let's get up and say: 1,2.3-turn around yourself and find yourself in the group again. We are in the group again.

Did you guys like the forest? What new and interesting things have you learned? What kind of trip would you go on next?

Children's answers.






"Walk in the winter forest"

Middle group


Rudi Galina Anatolyevna


Target: clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals.

Tasks : to acquaint with the life of animals in the winter forest; develop cognitive interest, observation; coherent speech, the ability to adhere to schemes - models in storytelling; teach to analyze, draw conclusions; foster respect for wildlife.

Dictionary activation: predators, flock.

Equipment: Christmas trees (artificial); cones, cotton wool for simulating snow, slides (forest animals), multimedia installation, TV layout.Prior work:A conversation about the life of animals in the forest using illustrations. Observation of trees on the site. Sokolov-Mikitov reading the story "Snowy Hare". Drawing up creative projects about animals according to model schemes.

Methodical techniques:play method, use of visualization, observation, verbal methods and techniques, design.

Types of integration of educational areas:communication, socialization, cognition, music, physical culture, fiction, artistic creation.

GCD move:

Before the start of the GCD, the teacher arranges Christmas trees, spreads cotton wool on the branches, scatters cones, hangs birds on trees.

Educator: Guys, we were invited to speak in the program "In the world of animals" and talk about the life of wild animals. But, in order to find out more about them, we will now go on a visit, but guess where you are.

Reads a riddle:

There are a hundred aspens in this house,

One hundred birches and one hundred rowan trees,

Pines, spruces, and oaks,

In the summer, berries, mushrooms.

There are many inhabitants in it,

Name this house (forest)

It is cold in the forest in winter, we need to dress (imitation).

They walk along the path to the forest to the music. We walk carefully, raise our legs so as not to fall into a snowdrift.

Educator: So we came to the forest. Slide1

Educator: Take a closer look at what you see in the forest?

Children: Christmas trees in the snow, cones, birds in the trees.

Educator: Guys, what does the forest smell like?

Children: Needles, Christmas trees, freshness, coolness, forest air is very beneficial for health.

Educator: Guess who lives here? (slides)

Makes riddles:

At the red-haired baby

In the hollow of mushrooms and cones (Squirrel)

Sly cheat, red head.

The fluffy tail is a beauty, who is it? (Fox)

The scythe has no den.

He doesn't need a hole

Legs save from enemies

And from hunger - bark. (Hare)

Clumsy feet

Sleeps in a den in winter.

Guess and answer

Who is this? (Bear)

Who walks angry, hungry in the cold winter? (Wolf)

Angry touchy, lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread. (Hedgehog)

Educator: Do you think that only adult animals live in the forest?

Children: Kids live in the forest.

Find the baby game (slides)

Educator: Children, the animals are so happy that you helped them find the cubs that you decided to help you and tell you about your life in the winter forest, look at the screen (conversation using a multimedia installation). What do you think helps the hare to run fast and jump far?

Children: Paws.

Educator: His hind legs are strong and long, slightly longer than the front ones, so the traces of the hind legs are in front of the front ones. A hare is running, winding. But if everything, the enemy overtakes him, then the hind legs help. Think how?

Children: The bunny begins to fight back with its paws.

Educator: Who is the hare afraid of?

Children: Fox, wolf.

Educator: Wolves eat not only hares. They attack larger prey, wild boars, elk, and deer. Wolves hunt in packs, usually a wolf family: a she-wolf with wolf cubs and a wolf. It is difficult for wolves to walk in the snow, so they prowl along the roads. Here's another thing! Even from small slides, they do not go with their feet, but lie on their side or stomach and roll down. Wolves are very hardy. They can chase prey for a long time.

Physical education minute:

There was one baby - a bunny.

He was too afraid of everything.

I was running through the woods,

Ile sat under a bush.

He hid from all the animals,

He went to bed first.

And, falling asleep, he saw a dream,

That he is brave and strong.

(All movements are performed in accordance with the text.)

Educator: Guys, what are the bear and the hedgehog doing in winter?

Children: They are sleeping.

Educator: What do the fox, wolf, bear eat?

Children's answers: Meat of other animals.

Educator: What do a hare, a squirrel, an elk eat?

Children's answers: mushrooms, nuts, lichen, grass, bark ...

Educator: Animals can be divided into groups, which ones?

Children: Carnivores and herbivores.

Educator: Guys, how to call in one word all those who live in the forest?

Children: Wild beasts.

The teacher sums up the walk. Yes, it's good in the forest! How much joy is given to people by the beauty of trees, funny animals, so the forest needs to be loved and protected, not to break branches, not to frighten the animals.

In winter, the forest is very cold and hungry, what do you think, how can you help birds and animals? (slides)

Children hang a feeder with seeds for birds and bread for squirrels. The guys say goodbye to the forest, walk back along the path.

Educator. Children, look, what are these drawings in the forest glade? I think I know. This artist painted, but that's just something is missing here. Drawing "Let's help the artist" (finish drawing ears, tails, and so on).

Finger gymnastics "Like snow, snow on a hill ..."

Children draw. Assessment of the teacher.

Educator: You guys know so much about the life of animals in the forest. I suggest you speak on TV so that all residents of our city hear about the life of animals.

The children sit down.

Educator: (into microphone) Attention, attention! The TV show "In the world of animals" begins. It is conducted by the announcer Full Name and her little assistants (lists the names of the children).

Children will present their creative projects "In the world of animals".

"Wolf": The wolf lives in the forest in a deep hole. He looks like a dog. The wolf is a predator, chasing a hare. This animal is gray in color. Wolves are also called the orderlies of the forest, because they eat weak and sick animals.

"Squirrel": Squirrel lives in the forest. Arranges nests in hollows or tree branches. She climbs beautifully on branches. At the same time, it uses a long fluffy tail as a rudder. The tail also serves as an excellent heating pad for the squirrel in the winter cold. In winter, the fur coat is gray, and in summer it is red. The protein feeds on seeds of spruce or pine, nuts, acorns, berries, mushrooms. When storing food for the winter, the squirrel makes many pantries: if one cache disappears, the rest will remain intact.

"Elk": Elk is a large animal. It has hooves on its legs, and on its head there are large horns that look like tree branches. Elk fur is very warm, so it is not cold in winter. Elk eats moss, berries, mushrooms, grass, and leaves. In the forest, moose have many friends - mice, bunnies, chanterelles, squirrels. There is also an enemy - a wolf.

Educator: Well, guys, we did not notice how we went for a walk in the forest and appeared on television! Well done! What new things did you learn during the trip?

At the end of the GCD, an exhibition of children's creative projects "Animal World" is arranged.

Natalia Khazardzhan
"Walk in the winter forest", a complex lesson in the middle group

Walk in the winter forest

Target classes: Enrich children's knowledge about the life of animals in the forest in winter season.

To form the ability to highlight and characterize the features of the external appearance of animals, their way of life.

To foster a respect for nature, a sense of kindness, belonging and empathy for all living and beautiful things that surround us.

Teach children to get used to the game situation, creating the necessary images.

Continue to lay the foundations for environmental education.

Preliminary work: Learning songs, playing games, viewing animal pictures (Pictures)... Reading a Russian folk tale "Winter house of animals".

Visual material winter glade "Den" "Drifts" made of cotton wool, paper; "Snowflakes" beasts

Complex lesson in the middle group

On the topic: « Walk in the winter forest»

Target classes: Reinforce and enrich children's knowledge of winter and wildlife in winter forest... Develop the creativity of children. Conduct a musical and game class using musical rhythmic movements and staging songs.


To bring up in children a love for nature, animals.

Learn to convey in motion the content of the text of the song, the features of the game image.

Foster goodwill and sincerity in children

Develop the ability to convey the character of characters through expressive movements in music.

Sing according to the character of the song.

Preliminary work: Learning games, songs. Viewing animal images (Pictures)... Making animal hats for games.

Visual material: The music hall is designed in the form of a forest winter glade: Artificial Christmas trees are placed, trees with figures of bullfinches attached to them, in "Den" a bear is sleeping, a bunny is hiding under a bush, a hedgehog is sleeping in a mink, a squirrel is sitting on a Christmas tree, a fox is hiding under a tree; "Drifts" made of cotton wool, paper; "Snowflakes" hanging from the ceiling; beanies beasts: bear, fox, wolf, hare, hedgehog.

« Walk in the winter forest»

Children enter the hall, stand in a semicircle and sing a song.

Song "Once-snowflake" muses. L. Olifirova

The host conducts a conversation about winter:

1 What time of year?

2 What kind of winter is there?

3 How do we dress when it's cold?

4 Guys, what do you think the animals are doing in the forest?

5 Do you want to know what happens in the forest in winter? Children's answers.

Today we will go to a walk in the fairy forest, at present winter kingdom... There we will meet different birds and animals, let's take a treat for them.

Children take nuts, seeds, mushrooms, an apple, a carrot, a barrel of honey, and they bring a treat on a sled.

A fragment sounds in the audio recording "December" from the cycle "Seasons" P.I.Tchaikovsky.

Ved. Do you guys hear what kind of music? This is Santa Claus playing on icicles.

Points to "Snowflakes"

“Look - a snowflake is spinning,

Like a dandelion fluff.

We watch her for a long time,

As she flashes between the branches.

Gently sank on a twig,

Frozen like a white spider. S. Pronin.

Children come up to bullfinches, a logo-rhythmic exercise is carried out on the poem by N. Nishcheva "Bullfinches".

The exercise "Bullfinches"

Ved. Here on the branches, look (children clap their hands 4 times on the sides)

Bullfinches in red T-shirts (4 head tilts)

Dissolve the feathers

They bask in the sun (on the first word, frequent shaking with their hands, on the second - cotton on the sides).

They turn their heads

They want to fly away! (two turns of the head for each line).

Ved. Guys, let's treat the birds. (children take out seeds and put them in the feeder).

Ved. Just look around!

In the enchanting winter

The forest is bewitched.

And under the snow fringe,

Motionless, dumb,

He shines with a wonderful life. (F. Tyutchev)

Look children, what beautiful snowflakes are flying in the air. I'll catch one snowflake and smell it. (slowly sniffs "Snowflake" making noisy breaths in and out several times. Smelling one last time, inhaling, pronounces:

Oh! Aro-mate! Aro-mate! A wonderful aroma! Wonderful aroma!

Then invites the children to smell "Snowflake" and pronounce chorus: "Aro-mat!"

The exercise is repeated several times.

Ved. Now let's sing a song.

Song "Snow-snowball" muses. and sl. E. Makshantseva

Ved. Guys, what smells in winter forest? (the air smells fresh, clean, cool).

In winter, it is cold in the forest, you can not hear the cheerful chirping of birds, you can not often meet forest animals on the paths. It's cold now. But before that, the animals worked all autumn - they insulated their minks, made supplies, changed their fur coats. Do you want to see how animals winter? (children's answer)

The presenter with the children approaches the first "In a snowdrift"- bear den.

Ved. Who is there in a fur coat

Sleeping in the cold winter?

It's big, but here's the trouble -

He always puts his paw in his mouth. (children's answer)

Ved. Children, do you think we can wake up the bear?

Children: No, no, don't. In winter, bears hibernate and should not be disturbed.

Ved. When the bear comes out of hibernation in the spring, it will be hungry, completely exhausted. Let's leave a treat for him too. Let them rejoice at our surprise. (children leave a barrel of honey, the host offers to play a game)

"Playing with the Bear" muses. and sl. L. Olifirova

Children stand free group near the side wall of the hall. Sitting on the opposite wall on a chair or bench (lies) Bear (child, sleeping sweetly.

Children come up to Mishka and sing: "Along the path, along the path, we will approach the den, clap everyone in our hands and wait a little." They stop, clap their hands and hide their hands behind their backs for the last beat. The bear wakes up, stretches, gets up. The bear sings, addressing first one, then another child nku: "You clapped here, did you stomp here?"... Children respond to Mishka by gesturing that they are not were noisy: "No, not me. No, not me"... The bear sings, stamping his foot angrily, the children are standing, listening. The bear sings, raising his hands up, in parties: “You clapped here, you stomped here! I'll catch up with you! "... And at the end of the game he catches up with the children.

The leader with the children approaches the following "In a snowdrift"- the hare's house.

Ved. White in winter and gray in summer.

He does not offend anyone, but he himself is afraid of everyone. (children's answer)

Ved. Bunnies change their fur coat for winter, it becomes white. White color is not noticeable in the snow, and it is easier for hares to hide from predators: wolves and foxes.

Cold zainke, cold gray

How can I be in winter

My tail is freezing.

Ved. Do hares fall into hibernation?

Children: No! They don't sleep in winter!

Staging a song "Bunny"

The little white bunny sits and wiggles his ears (children squat down, hands "Paws" bent in front of the chest)

Like this, like this! He wiggles his ears. (wiggle "Ears" to the beat of the music) Bunny is cold to sit, he needs to warm his paws (children, hugging themselves "Shiver from the cold")

Like this, like this! We need to warm the paws. (clap their hands)

The bunny is cold to stand, the bunny needs to jump (children, hugging themselves "Shiver from the cold")

Like this, like this! The bunny must jump. (easily jump in place)

Ved. What do hares eat in winter? Are they stocking up on food?

(Hares do not store, but feed on the bark of trees, dig up plant roots, dry grass from under the snow). Let's give our treat to the bunny. (children give the carrot to the bunny)

Ved. (points to a squirrel sitting on a Christmas tree)

What a little animal

Up and down the tree, gallop and gallop? (children's answer)

Ved. Do you know where the squirrel's house is? (in a hollow in a tree)... What does she do in the fall to prepare for winter? (does stocks: dries mushrooms, stores acorns, nuts, cones. Insulates his home)

The game: "Who will collect the most cones"

Ved. Now, kids. Let's treat a squirrel. What have we brought for her? Children give dried mushrooms, nuts, cones to the squirrel).

Ved. Guys, guess more riddle:

Redhead, with a fluffy tail,

Lives under a bush? (children's answer)

The presenter with the children find a fox under the tree.

Ved. The fox is a predatory animal. This is a cunning animal. She can indulge in various tricks in order to get her food. The fox feeds on field mice, rodents, frogs and game.

Staging a song "Red fox"

Round dance, round dance - claps of hands

Dancing Little People - Squats

Dance, jump and jump - jumping in place

We Are Ready All Year Round - Squats

Under a bush, under a bush - torso bends

Someone with a red tail - left-right

This is a red fox - jumping in place

Floor bush fox house - squats

Ved. Something has become cold, the frost grows stronger, a blizzard sweeps the path.

Children: And we are not afraid of the cold, we know how to warm ourselves.

Massage game « Winter warmer» (M. Kartushina)

If the hands freeze, we begin to rub them,

Quickly we will be able to hands, as on the stove to warm up (slowly rub one hand against the other)

At first, the palms are just like ice,

Then like frogs, then like pillows (rubbing their palms faster and faster)

Your palms are warmed, they are burning for real, and not pretend.

I burn like fire, you touch me! (stretch out open palms forward).

Ved. So we visited with you in winter forest, fed all the animals! Did you like our stroll? (children's answer)... Fun in the winter in the forest. (blizzard music sounds)... But you hear, the wind whistled, it means a blizzard begins and soon all the paths will be covered with snow! It's time for us to return! (children walk quickly, stepping over "Drifts" looking for a path).

Ved. Guys, look, what is this snowdrift? Let's come closer and see. (find icicles, and chocolates are wrapped in them) It was the animals who left gifts for us. We thank them for the treat and promise that we will love animals and take care of them. We will remember that the forest lives by its own laws and we must not violate them. And if you succeed in doing this, then for many more years communication with the amazing and always mysterious world of nature will last. And now it's time for us to group.


Magazine "Musical palette" No. 7, 2015

Educational edition "Reader for senior preschool children", compilers Rez Z. Ya., Gurovich L.M., Beregovaya L.B.

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