Home perennial flowers The twins had twins. The difference between twins and twins: how to distinguish children similar to each other. What is the probability of having twins

The twins had twins. The difference between twins and twins: how to distinguish children similar to each other. What is the probability of having twins

Hello dear readers of my blog! Most often, women who are concerned about the birth and upbringing of twins turn to me for advice. Someone dreams of their "Hansel and Gretel", and someone is afraid of their appearance like fire. I'll try to help both. What is your chance of having twins? I will reveal all the secrets of conceiving two babies at once.

The history of twins begins in the same way as in all other children - with the fertilization of an egg by a sperm. Immediately after this, miracles begin. Depending on whether these miracles happen with one egg or several, they are born.

Modern science defines three types - monozygotic (identical), dizygotic and mixed type - polar twins. There are also Siamese twins and other options. But we are now talking about cases where everything is within the normal range.

If the zygote is divided into several parts, one-zygous twins are obtained with the same genotype. These are always children of the same sex, precisely those about whom programs are often filmed and research is carried out. After all, they are like two drops of water similar to each other. They have similar characters and even the facts of life often coincide.

The later the zygote splits, the more likely it is that the babies will be "" - one is right-handed, the other is left-handed, one has a birthmark on the left, the other has the same place on the right, etc.

If a mother carries two zygotes, twins are born with different genotypes. They differ from ordinary brothers and sisters only in that they come into this world during the same birth. Interestingly, the fertilization of these eggs can occur with a time difference. Not necessarily during one sexual intercourse. Sometimes such twins are born even from different fathers!

Unlike the other two types, polar twins are just twins. They inherit identical genes from their mother and different genes from their father. The beautiful concept of “royal twins” refers to just such a polar type, when a boy and a girl are born, outwardly completely similar to each other.

The probability of twins as a gift from ancestors

The appearance of twins is influenced by several factors, in determining which science relies, for the most part, on statistics. Let's start with the natural, more precisely, the genetic factor, which plays its role even on the scale of civilizations.

We are talking about dizygotic twins, because it is possible to inherit multiple pregnancy, and not the ability of the egg to divide. Representatives of the Negroid race have twins more often than others. Europeans are next in frequency, but in Latin America or Japan, the birth of twins is a rarity.

Science has clearly defined the line through which multiple pregnancy is transmitted. The probability of twins is greater if one or both parents already had twins in the family. In this case, the gene for multiple pregnancy is transmitted through the female line.

Let me explain. If in your family your parents (grandmothers, great-grandmothers) or their cousins ​​or sisters have already had twins, then you are in the probability zone.

In the male line, the transfer of the desired gene is possible through the generation. If a man is one of the twins, then he can, theoretically, become a transmission link between his mother and his daughter. However, the appearance of twins in him will not be influenced by his family, but by the heredity of his wife.

Natural factors of multiple pregnancy

In addition to heredity, age is of great importance. The older a woman is (after 30 and up to 40-45 years old), the more likely she is to become a mother of twins. This is due to the potential increase in the production of a hormone responsible for the functioning of the sex glands and affecting the emergence of ovarian follicles.

Hormones are also produced in greater quantities in the summer - during a longer daylight hours. Therefore, it is believed that the summer period for conceiving twins is the very thing!

Another natural factor is the health of the expectant mother. The body controls the balance between the capabilities of a woman and the load on her during pregnancy. The probability of twins is:

  • if a woman eats well and is in excellent physical shape;
  • perhaps more complete than the fashion magazines require.

The body also becomes stronger, activating with each new birth. The chance of having twins increases if you already have children.

Artificial "probability" of twins

Hormone therapy is one of the artificial factors of multiple pregnancy. After the abolition of long-term use of oral contraceptives, the woman's body happily restores the functions of conception. Hence the likelihood of multiple pregnancy.

It also increases if hormonal infertility treatment is carried out, aimed at stimulating ovulation. This is not to mention artificial insemination (IVF), in which several embryos are implanted into the uterus of a woman. The chance of twins is high.

The fact that the production of hormones can be stimulated does not mean that you can purposefully influence the number of your future children by taking hormonal drugs. This effect is possible only as a side effect of the treatment prescribed by the doctor. Self-selection and taking such drugs can cause irreparable damage to health!

You can't predict what to do?

Even taking into account all natural and artificial factors, their gestation, birth and further life will be under the supervision of doctors and scientists from all over the world for a long time to come.

We cannot calculate the number of children before conception and influence this number before conception - neither can we. Did you inherit the “twin gene” from your ancestors or not? Are you a slim woman or a fat one? If you are going to be a mom, accept the fact that nature will choose for you. Trust me, as a mother of twins. Any number of children is only for the best!

Healthy kids! Don't forget to subscribe to the blog and leave your comments! See you soon!

The issue of planning children is extremely exciting. In addition, modern couples want to know and control everything in advance. For example, the gender of the child, the sign of the Zodiac, and someone really wants to give birth to twins.

This is where the questions arise how to contribute to this, along which line the twins are transmitted, etc. We'll figure out.

Twins vs Twins - What's the difference?

Twins and twins are two different concepts, although pregnancy in both cases is called multiple. The fact is that twins are identical children, and twins are fraternal babies.


In order for twins to be born, it is necessary that for one ovulation in the body of a woman two eggs ripen at once, each of which would be fertilized by two different spermatozoa. During twinning, each fetus is protected by a separate placenta. A "couple" can consist of a boy and a girl, be of the same sex, children can be very similar to each other in appearance, but in the same way they can be completely different.


Twins are more unique than twins. At the very beginning, one egg is fertilized naturally, after which it is split into two, sometimes more, embryos. Why this happens, scientists cannot say for sure. The genetic material of such fetuses is exactly the same, when the babies are born, outwardly they will be very similar.

What are the chances of having twins?

There is no definite answer to this question, since different factors contribute to the maturation of several eggs at once:

  • hormones;
  • age;
  • repeated pregnancy;
  • taking contraceptives;
  • race, etc.

Moreover, not all factors are fully understood.


One of the reasons for the conception of twins is the presence of follicle-stimulating hormone - FSH. It regulates the maturation of the follicle in the ovary. Before ovulation begins, its level usually rises, which leads to the release of the egg.

The older the woman, the higher the FSH level.


We smoothly move on to another important factor that is important for the birth of several children at the same time. After 35 years and somewhere up to 40, there is a peak in FSH levels, which is why women of this age are more likely to have a couple of babies at once.

How to conceive twins naturally?

How to conceive twins

How to get pregnant with twins

How to give birth to twins

Purposefully getting pregnant with twins

Plus, with age, the female body no longer produces eggs every month, and there is nothing wrong with that - this is how nature intended. Hormones that are not used up in the cycle when the egg does not mature begin to work at the time of the next ovulation. This leads to the release of two or three eggs at the same time.

Number of pregnancies

When a woman becomes pregnant for the second, third time, etc., she has a much greater chance of conceiving twins. If a woman has already given birth to twins, next time she can also give birth to another charming “couple”.


There are cases when, after the abolition of hormonal contraceptives, girls became pregnant with twins or triplets.

Artificial insemination

With the development of medical technologies that help infertile couples acquire the desired children, twins began to be born more often. The procedure, after which “double” happiness appears, is called in vitro fertilization, abbreviated as IVF. For greater reliability and success of this method, a woman is implanted with several fertilized eggs at once, and it happens that they all take root. Race

Black girls are much more likely to have twins than fair-skinned girls. Asians are in last place in terms of the chances of getting pregnant with twins.

As you know, the possibility of childbearing is directly affected by ecology, i.e. the degree of environmental pollution. Naturally, the cleaner the air around the potential mother, the better. However, the situation with the birth of twins sometimes defies any logic: in some highly polluted areas of our planet, not a single case of the birth of twins has been recorded, while in others it is the norm.

Poor nutrition, i.e. a poor and unbalanced diet, a lack of important elements that enter the body with food, also does not contribute to the appearance of twins. This trend has been observed in countries experiencing economic crises.

They also say that maternity hospitals discharge mothers with twins in their arms from March to May, i.e. these babies were conceived in the summer, when daylight hours are the longest. It is at this time that the hormone gonadotropin is actively produced, which stimulates the production of all the same eggs.

Inherited twins?

However, of all the above reasons for the birth of several babies at the same time, the factor of heredity is in the lead, when a woman is genetically predisposed to multiple pregnancies.

So when is twins inherited?

Twins appear in a generation?

The most common theory is that twins appear after a generation, but this is not entirely true.

The so-called "hyperovulation gene" can indeed be inherited, and to whom, if not a girl, inherit it. From men, this gene can also be transmitted to the future generation, but ovulation is a process that occurs exclusively in the female body. It turns out that if a mother gives birth to twin sons, their children will not necessarily be born in pairs. If one of the male twins has a daughter when the time comes, she may well become pregnant with twins, i.e. History will repeat itself in a generation. This is where the "legs" of this delusion come from.

It turns out that a girl from each next generation can give birth to several children at once in the female line, especially when she herself has a twin.

What to do to give birth to twins?

Modern science has sound reasons for the birth of twins, so there are methods to increase the chances of giving birth to twins.

Based on the information received, we can conclude that if a woman is already raising one child, the second time her happiness can become “double”. If the age is also close to 35 and beyond, when FSH (see above) reaches its peak, the probability only increases.

Summer vacation, in extreme cases, the spring period, will also be a good period for conceiving several fruits at once. It is also recommended to reduce the number of sexual intercourses, i. resort to long-term abstinence. Then the man accumulates more semen.

If your lover is from the Middle East or Africa, the chances of twins are not small, these peoples often give birth to twins.

You can go to the healing spring in the village of Velyka Kopan, in the Transcarpathian region (Ukraine). According to the villagers, thanks to the spring, children are always born in pairs here. The village of Denisovka in the Rostov region is famous for the same.

Of course, no matter which method is described, the hyperovulation gene, which is inherited by women, gives the greatest likelihood of becoming a mother of many children at one time.

So carefully study your family history and, just in case, the history of your husband - nature is so unpredictable!

Gemini is a rarity in human nature. They are considered to be different from other people. In this article, we will try to dispel a number of myths about twins, as well as answer the question "why are twins born?"

Before answering this question, we will try to acquaint you with some basic concepts, and also mention in more detail some of the processes that take place in the body of a woman before and during fertilization.

Female germ cells - eggs - are formed in the ovaries, located on both sides of the uterus in the lower abdomen. Usually only one egg matures, which is ejected from the ovary most often at 28-day intervals. The egg enters the oviduct and there it can be fertilized by a male germ cell - a spermatozoon. After that, one human embryo begins to develop in the uterine cavity.

But in exceptional cases, it happens that in one month two or more eggs mature either in one or in both ovaries. All of these eggs can be fertilized and a woman can give birth to twins, and in very rare cases, give birth to three or four children. At the same time, each human embryo develops completely independently, in a separate fetal egg and with a separate children's place. Born arose, in fact, from two different eggs, which were fertilized by two different male germ cells. Such twins are not more similar to each other than other brothers and sisters, and may even be of different sexes. These twins are called fraternal twins.

Unlike fraternal twins, there are also identical twins that arise from a single fertilized egg. The fact is that in addition to normal human eggs, there are, as an exception, eggs with a large nucleus and a double or even multiple number of so-called chromosomes, i.e. particles that are carriers of human properties. Eggs of this kind are called multiple. In the same way, male germ cells may, in rare cases, have a double or even multiple number of chromosomes. Experts call such germ cells multiple.

If a multiple egg meets a multiple sperm cell, a form may arise from which not one human embryo will develop, but two embryos - identical twins. This second type of twins is much less common than the first, and it can only be reliably established after childbirth. Identical twins are always of the same sex, i.e. either two boys or two girls. They are so strikingly similar that it is almost impossible to tell them apart. In addition to the physical similarity, the mental properties of identical twins are also extremely similar. That is why they are called "twins".

Pregnancy with twins is characterized in most cases by some deviations. Due to the fact that the internal content of the uterus is larger than usual, the pregnant belly is very large. A quarter of all twin pregnancies end before the expected due date.

While triplets, quads, quintuplets, and even more are born, these occurrences are so rare that they are reported on the Internet, TV, and radio, and sometimes become a worldwide event. In most cases, such and their parents enjoy the attention of trade and public organizations.

Statistics show that twins occur approximately once in 80 births, triplets - in 7100 births, and four children - in half a million births.

Usually the doctor detects with twins already during the examination in consultations, but this is possible only in the last months of pregnancy. In very rare cases, when children lie in the uterus one after another - one child in front and the other behind, it is impossible to detect twins during pregnancy.

What are the hopes of having twins? In general, small. Most often this happens in cases where a woman in labor, or her husband, or one of their ancestors were born as twins?

But do you know?

Myth #1: Twins are born in a generation.
Predisposition to have twins is genetically transmitted, really. But this "feature" may never appear.

In general, with twins, everything is not so simple. Babies that have appeared from more than one egg may well be born in different generations of the same family. And the chance of twins coming out of the same egg is still a mystery to science.

Myth #2: They are always born by caesarean section.
Not always. Some gynecologists perform caesarean sections with twins even less often than with one child. Of course, the likelihood of a caesarean increases with the number of twins expected. But you can give birth to two brothers or sisters on your own!

Myth #3: All twins are born premature.
The risk of preterm birth is high. But not all twins are born prematurely. The full gestational age at the birth of one child is 40 weeks.

But experienced obstetricians say that it is normal if the twins are born a little less - 37 weeks.

Myth #4: All twins have the same set of genes and chromosomes.
For those who came from one egg - yes. So-called dizygotic twins are no more genetically similar than normal siblings. Although twins, whatever they are, always have different fingerprints.

Myth #5: Geminis have different personalities.
No, everything is like ordinary brothers and sisters. Another thing is that they are constantly trying to compare. Therefore, everyone wants to prove their own separateness. Sometimes it comes to fights. If you remember that each of them is an independent person, the relationship can be balanced.

Myth number 6. The older twin is the first in everything. The younger one is the follower.
Minutes pass between the birth of twins, during which time nothing important can happen. And even more so such that would affect the development of personality.

Myth #7: All twins are "psychics." They feel each other from a distance.
There are no clear data on this. The twins spend a lot of time with each other. It is quite understandable that they can assume the thoughts of another at a certain moment.

Although the twins themselves convince others that this is not a myth, but the pure truth.

Myth #8: Twins are best separated at school. Or vice versa - to plant at one desk for all eternity.
For teachers and educators, separating twins may be better. But no permanent form of school placement is suitable for twins. They must sit together. But also apart. How? Yes, just change places every year, as all students do!

It is better for twin children to start learning in the same class. When twins are separated before they have learned independence, they will not be able to concentrate on their studies.

Myth No. 9. Due to their external similarity, they cannot be distinguished.
Some twins look alike, and some don't. But even identical twins with identical faces have subtle differences. A mole, a protruding ear, a manner of smiling... To see the difference, you just need to get to know them better.

In which case you may be concerned about the question: after how many generations are twins born, and who can have twins or twins? Let's say you have twins. Where? After all, no one remembers about the cases with twins in your relatives. Then the question of who can have twins will become relevant for you. And for your children, the question will be interesting: after how many generations twins are born, i.e. they have something like - maybe or not two babies can be born at once. What about your grandchildren, your children's children? Here we will tell you who can have twins using specific examples, and show how many generations twins are born.

We talked quite a lot about the probability of having twins, how it turns out and what needs to be done to make it born. We even wrote a separate article on how twins are inherited, on which line twins are transmitted or the story: how twins are inherited. In it, we described in detail who can have twins. Even in it, we promised to give concrete examples. It's time to do it.

Here, by default, we believe that the possibility of giving birth to twins manifests itself immediately. Then who can have twins? Those who had her in the family. That is, if the appearance of twins is possible, then it will be. But this is ideal. It doesn't exist in life. In most specific cases, even those who have many relatives with multiple pregnancies in the family are less likely to have twins than having one child at a time.

It must be understood that twins are born only in about 1% of all births. Therefore, anyone who can have twins is very lucky. The maximum percentage on planet Earth is 10%, and then in the "capital of the twins" Candido Godoy, Brazil.

Who can have twins

Twins can be those who have twins or twins in the family. For nature, this is basically the same thing. In generations, only the super-or hyperovulation gene, which is responsible for the maturation of two or more eggs, can indulge. The gene manifests itself in the form of the birth of twins or twins.

How many generations are twins born when passed from woman to woman

The transfer of the gene from woman to woman occurs immediately and with a high probability of its manifestation, i.e. twin birth.

Who gives birth to twins and twins when transmitted from a woman to a man

A man's gene does not affect the ability of another woman to give birth to twins from him. And the man himself does not give birth, so the manifestation of his gene is possible only if he has a girl. Here she can give birth to twins, but with less possibility than her grandmother - her father's mother.

As mentioned above, the male gene does not help other women give birth to twin children from them. The gene will appear only if a woman possesses it. So to find out
after what generation twins are born when passing from man to man, it is necessary to count the number of generations from the last twin in the family, to the first girl on the paternal side.

Who can have twins when passed from a man to a woman

Actually, twins can be born to this woman. After all, it is in her body that the gene can, in principle, manifest itself. In this case, after how many generations twins are born - after one generation, from the first twins on the father. In fact, an analogue of the case of the transfer of women-man-woman in the succession of generations.

How many generations are twins born

It seems that from a formal point of view, one should argue like this: twins are approximately equal to twins, then after how many generations twins are born:

  • or immediately after one generation, if the transfer was to a girl
  • or through a generation, if it was transmitted through a boy, and that girl was born
  • or through two or more generations, when transmitted through a boy-boy

Then who can have twins? Those who had either them or twins. In general, everything is the same as in the case of twins.

However, there is one nuance that is very important for twins and twins.

Twins, they dizygotic fraternal twins, is indeed inherited due to the transmission of the superovulation gene. For their appearance, TWO separate eggs ready for fertilization. And twins, they are twins in the everyday sense, they are monozygotic identical twins are independent of this gene. This is because in this case ONE egg after fertilization at the stage of early division, it is split into TWO different parts, two future organisms.

Then who can have twins? - in any woman, the superovulation gene has nothing to do with it. Note that the mechanism of formation of monozygotic identical twins is known, and the reasons are not fully understood.

It turns out that after how many generations twins are born is unknown, because monozygotic twins cannot be inherited in any way. Their appearance remains so far an accidental phenomenon.

After how many generations twins are born - examples

To better understand how many generations twins are born and who can have twins, here are a few examples.

Through what generation are twins born if you are a woman and there was a grandmother with twins

So, the question is who can have twins if you are a woman. You have a grandmother who once had twins in her family, but no one remembers anything for sure. It is known for sure that your grandmother had twins (maybe even twins) - boys. In total, my grandmother had three children, the third was a girl.

If you are a descendant of twin boys, then the possibility of having twins is great. Your dad may have given you his superovulation gene from his mother, who is also your grandmother. Moreover, the pope himself never had, and never will have twins. Then who can have twins or twins is easy to answer - you.

If you are a descendant of a third child - a girl, then there will be two more options for you.

Who can have twins if your mom didn't have one.

You can still have twins, because. there is heredity. However, you have a small chance of having twins.

Who can have twins if your mom had them

It's still easier here, you can have twins with a high probability. And not necessarily you yourself are a twin sister. That is, you can be a single child, and you also have twin brothers or sisters. And if you are also a twin yourself, then the possibility of having twins is already very high for you. It is the largest compared to the other cases in this example.

Through what generation are twins born if you are a woman, and there was a grandfather with twins

And again, we ask the question
who can have twins if you are a woman. This time you have a grandfather who once had twins in his family, and again, no one remembers anything for sure. It is known for sure that my grandfather had twins. Your grandfather had three children in total. The third is not a twin. The gender of the third child is not particularly important for this example.

  • If your mother is a twin, then your chances are the highest.
  • Suppose that your mother is still not a twin, then the possibility of having twins is about 2 times lower for you. In any case, who can have twins - you, only with a different degree of possibility.
  • Unless your dad is a twin. Then he could pass the gene on to you, and the probability of being born is also high for you.
  • And if your dad was a twin, then you yourself have a higher chance of twins and is comparable to the case where your mom is a twin.

After how many generations are twins born - ATTENTION

To finally understand
after how many generations twins are born in this example, you need to pay attention to the following words. In this example, in ANY case, your grandfather with twins could not influence the birth of his own twins. And since there were still twins, then you need to look from the side of his wife - your grandmother. Then we return to the first example, everything is by analogy there.

Who can have twins or twins if you are a man

It's simple, twins or fraternal twins can only be born on your gene line to your female descendants. And the farther they are in generations from the fact of the birth of twins or twins, the less they themselves have the opportunity to give birth to twins.

It turns out that you are guaranteed not to have twins, even if your parents had one and you yourself are a twin-twin, you must be a boy by gender yourself. And it is better for you to have children of boys. If there are girls, see the examples above.

Not all parents dream of having twins in their family. Still, they are afraid of the increased load that will appear when caring for newborn twins, increased simultaneous spending, problems with infectious diseases, etc.

It's no secret that parents of twins always a little more difficult than if the children had some age difference, when the elders can already help a little, they can be taken to child care facilities, and clothes do not need to be bought at the same time. But some dream on the contrary, oh the birth of twins. Many future parents are wondering what is the probability of having twins, and are trying to plan for its appearance.

Watch a video about how twins behave on ultrasound (22 weeks)

According to statistics, the probability of having twins appears only in one case out of two hundred. Only once in 200 cycles do two viable eggs mature simultaneously. And if the combination of circumstances is favorable, then two little men are born at once. Usually they look alike, but only like ordinary brothers or sisters, they can also be of different sexes, weights, and natural features.

About the same frequency of birth of identical twins when the development of two embryos requires the division into two equal parts of one fertilized egg. In this case, the twins will look like two peas in a pod, and they will be of the same sex. According to the researchers, for every hundred pregnancies that occur, only one is multiple. Parents of twins can only rejoice at their appearance and accept congratulations.

How to get pregnant with twins

Sometimes parents dream of having two babies at once. They are often interested how to get pregnant with twins. Indeed, this question is far from idle, because it happens that there is no time for a big difference between children, but you really want to have several children.

Causes of multiple pregnancy

So, let's try to take into account the causes of multiple pregnancy. The fact is that with age in women, the concentration of the FSH hormone, which is responsible for activating the maturation of eggs, increases. So cases of simultaneous maturation of two or more eggs are becoming more frequent, which increases the chances of having twins.

Sometimes a multiple pregnancy occurs after giving up contraceptives that a woman has used for many years. And sometimes she is simply being treated for infertility, taking quite powerful drugs, which give impetus to increased production of hormones that affect ovulation processes. The probability of having twins in such cases increases several times.

Cases are not uncommon in vitro fertilization, after a woman's unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant in a natural way. Doctors intend to implant several fertilized eggs into the body of a future mother at once, in the hope that at least one of them will develop into a full-fledged fetus. But it happens that all or several of them take root. If the bearing of several embryos does not contradict medical indications, then the woman becomes the mother of several children at once.

Sometimes a woman passes hormone therapy courses due to her poor health. There is a hormonal surge, which provokes the birth of several fruits at the same time.

Also, a fact that is still inexplicable is that during cataclysms, wars, natural disasters, etc., the increase in the number of multiple pregnancies increases. Apparently, wise nature takes care of a normal population in this way.

hereditary factor

It's not a secret for anyone that if there have been cases of twins in the family before, then in this family the probability of having twins increases many times over. And it does not matter in whose family, mother or father, there were cases of the appearance of twins. Therefore, it is worth carefully studying the history of both families. In addition, if a woman has once given birth to two or more children, then the chances of repeating this feat increase significantly.

What to eat to conceive twins

Those who are planning a pregnancy often want to know what to eat to get pregnant with twins? Many in vain think that nutrition does not affect this process in any way. It turns out that the liver of animals contains a special protein that affects the production of female hormones, and also increases the ability of the embryo to survive in the early stages of development.

This enzyme is called insulin-like growth factor. Thus, when planning a multiple pregnancy, you need to eat more meat and dairy products. Another tip is to try to get pregnant in the summer, because. it is during this period that the activity of sex hormones increases, and meat and milk are most saturated with useful substances.

And finally, watch 2 funny videos about twin babies.

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