Home Potato If my husband said that he was cheating on me. Instructions for an unfaithful wife - what to do after cheating on her husband? Signs that a man is cheating

If my husband said that he was cheating on me. Instructions for an unfaithful wife - what to do after cheating on her husband? Signs that a man is cheating

Do you suspect that your husband is cheating and cheating? Do not rush to throw a tantrum at him! If you can't catch him red-handed, you first need to make sure of this and check everything with accuracy! We will tell you how to understand that a guy is walking "to the left", what signs exist. You can also collect evidence that will help bring him to clean water. In addition, you will learn what to do if he in every possible way denies cheating, how the deceiver behaves, what he says, what kind of family relationships are at this time, and much more.

The deceiver's behavior usually changes dramatically for no apparent reason.

Pay attention to:

  • the disappearance of habits that used to be an integral attribute of your partner;
  • other taste preferences - the mistress cooks and eats other food, so the unfaithful husband could get used to it and stop loving your lunches and dinners;
  • a sudden love of physical activity, if earlier your partner in every possible way denied playing sports;
  • a new appearance - a man begins to monitor his clothes, dramatically changes his style, preeners himself in front of a mirror for much longer to impress his mistress.

In order to find out if he is cheating on you, you also need to analyze your relationship and what your husband says. He can either start treating you too affectionately, appease with gifts (usually not too expensive, since all the money goes to his mistress), or avoid any contact with you, both spiritual and physical.

The widespread belief that a deceiver is much more likely to stay late at work and go on business trips is true. There are several reasons for this - either at this time he is having fun with his mistress, or he really works, but in order to provide for her. Therefore, the family budget can drastically empty, and you suddenly find that the savings for the long-awaited trip abroad have disappeared somewhere.

If your husband is cheating on you, then you can find out by the fact that joint leisure will definitely go into oblivion. Your partner will no longer have enough time for this. He will spend all his free hours on another woman, because she also needs attention.

Intimate relationships are also gradually becoming a thing of the past. There are several reasons for this:

  • a man finds sex on the side - he has enough of a mistress, who is usually much younger;
  • Your appearance - sometimes women are so captivated by family life that they completely forget that they need to take care of themselves;
  • he constantly thinks about the other;
  • lost interest in you.

Not a single loyal and loving man will refuse the sex that his wife offers him, unless he is really sick. If there are constant excuses in the style of “my head hurts, I'm tired, I had a hard day at work,” then be sure to try to get to the bottom of the truth: he could boldly change.

Men never go "to the left" just like that, here it is told,. You will find out if all guys are the same, what they themselves think about this, how to prevent this from happening.

To prevent cheating, a girl needs to take care of herself. Here are the recipes for good ones. You can prepare nourishing, moisturizing, and cleansing products.

For a husband to be faithful, it is necessary. In this article, we have collected some tips for housekeeping and maintaining a good relationship. You should also learn. If you want to be worth its weight in gold at all, it would not hurt. We have already told you what you need to care for the skin of your hands, face, body and how to use it all.

How a wife can check that her husband was cheating

If your husband is suddenly carried away by going to the gym, then invite him to play sports together. Usually, after such a proposal, the partner abruptly begins to look for excuses, stumbles, cannot give a clear answer.

If you're afraid to ask directly, here are some examples of phrases like this that can help induce guilt and recognize infidelity:

  • “You look so good today, I am incredibly happy that you are my husband!”;
  • “It's so good that no one else has a husband like me”;
  • “You rarely meet such a sensitive and loyal man like you”;
  • "You are so wonderful in all respects, as you have not yet appeared, except me."

We advise you to read free book Alexey Chernozem "What to do with male infidelity". You will find out why men cheat and go to their mistresses, how to react correctly to cheating in order to preserve the relationship and prevent repetition in the future, and also how to get through it all.

The book is free. To download, click on this link, leave your e-mail and a letter will be sent to the mail with a link to a pdf file.

If from these phrases a man begins to stutter, blush, be annoyed or even enraged, obviously, you managed to catch the cheater. An innocent person will simply laugh and hug his beloved.

Never make scandals if you suspect of treason, and even more so you were able to expose it. On the contrary, tell your husband something affectionate before leaving for work, compliment his impeccable appearance. This can make him feel guilty.

Another good trick to identify cheating is the story of a fictional girlfriend who allegedly found her husband with another. In the course of the story, be sure to say a compliment phrase about your spouse (“It's good that I know that you would never do that”, or “Thank God that I have no such problems, and will not, because you and I love friend friend "). At the same moment, closely observe his reaction, he will become ashamed, he will not be able to find words to support the conversation, because there is nothing to say.

What gestures will help to recognize a guy's cheating

Knowledge will help you body language and male psychology. If your husband is late at work again, kindly ask about the project he is currently working on. At the same time, observe his gestures:
  • eyes - a shifting glance or a glance at the floor means fear of direct contact with you;
  • mouth - a restless, light smile that appears and disappears, says that the person is deceiving and he is embarrassed.
  • face - the person turns red and / or turns pale for no apparent reason, or speaks too calmly, with a stone face, as if he does not care at all. This can only mean indifference to the half or guilt.
  • gestures - excessive gesticulation, touching the nose, changing clothes often indicates that he is nervous.

To calculate the betrayal, ask about the project several times every other day or week, and you will notice that each time the information acquires new details, and some details change or disappear altogether, becoming completely opposite in meaning to those that were given to you earlier.

If you are confident in your suspicions, then do not delay and start the conversation first. Don't get hysterical, don't shout, be as calm and collected as possible. It is this behavior that will make the unfaithful spouse panic, who will instantly feel guilty.

The conversation begins with the fact that you feel cold in a relationship, you understand that a lot is going wrong. Only then talk about your suspicions of a mistress.

How to expose if a man denies everything

It may also happen that the partner will stubbornly deny his guilt. If you are still confident in your suspicions, then it is time to get the final evidence. Be prepared for your spouse to hide all of their devices that store the most important information. Therefore, you have to seize the moment.

You can reveal treason if you look into his mobile phone, where there may be contacts with suspicious names. Look at the SMS, she could write him gentle words "miss", "love", etc. This option is not acceptable for everyone, because in this way you humiliate yourself and show distrust to your partner.

If the husband tells that Vladik again invited him to go fishing for the whole weekend, and also runs away to another room to communicate with him at any free time, then sound the alarm.

Through mutual acquaintances, you can find out whether your spouse really goes fishing so often, and whether there is a friend with that name. Take advantage of all the benefits of being friends with the same people as your husband - they usually know a lot more than you, and will tell you everything you need to know at the right time.

Exchange phone numbers with mutual friends, do not tell your partner that you are now also communicating with them. When he once again says that he is going to his friends, call them and in a friendly way ask them to make sure that your husband does not get too drunk. If they are surprised at your request (after all, no joint party was planned!), Then this will already be a reason to talk with your spouse again.

Evidence can be:

  • delays at work;
  • absence at night;
  • dumping your calls;
  • women's perfume, which smells from him;
  • scratched back;
  • aspirations.

You can easily find out if he is cheating on you with the advice in this video. A psychologist talks about 5 main signs of infidelity.

Do not attack him before the evidence reaches you, as he may destroy all "evidence". And remember that you do not need to immediately forgive the betrayal - the one who decided on it once can do it again, because a truly loving person will never go "left." Seek psychological help if necessary.

Loving people, entering into marriage, hope that their relationship will forever remain honest, pure, and a third superfluous will not appear in them. Men, but often, tormented by doubts and suspicions, they do not know how to reliably find out, and at the same time not destroy the love union. In this article we will try to answer the following questions:

  • how to find out, with accuracy, up to 100%, if the wife is cheating?
  • What are the main signs of treason?
  • What to do if cheating has already occurred?

First of all, it is necessary to understand: why doubts about the wife's fidelity crept in right now. What triggered the suspicion? There are rare cases when a woman looks to the side if everything is in order in the family. And therefore, in order to understand whether there could be treason, it is necessary to look at the relationship with a detached and objective view.

Possible reasons

Maybe a mass:

Indirect signs of treason

Men are often inattentive to the external change of their halves, and after all, by the modifications, one can calculate the betrayal of his wife. There are about 15 points.

  • The first sign: the wife is in the clouds. A pensive, dreamy look, a wandering smile, wet eyes. Now he laughs, then cries, without explaining the reasons for the surging emotions.
  • The woman began to carefully monitor her appearance. New hairstyle, always done up, signed up for the fitness center, beautiful underwear.
  • Previously, the wife threw the phone, without hesitation, in a conspicuous place, but now she does not let go, passwords of social networks have been changed, secrets have appeared - a serious reason to think. Now he does not chat with a friend on the phone in front of you, but retires to the bathroom and answers telephone conversations in monosyllables. Even worse, the wife decided to sometimes stay with a friend or sister overnight. At the right time, neither the girlfriend nor the wife can be reached and only after a while the wife calls back from her mobile phone.
  • Darling began to stay late at work more often, to meet with friends outside the home, social hobbies appeared, although the wife used to love spending time with her family. He reacts negatively to the offer to meet with work.
  • Sexual behavior has changed... Having fallen in love with another man, a woman often tries to distance herself from marital obligations. There are a lot of reasons why sex will be necessary tomorrow, but not now: the woman is tired, has a headache, is upset about something, and so on. Sex itself is changing, the woman is not in bed as before.
  • Appeared criticality, irritability... The wife “nags” her husband because of trifles, makes a bunch of claims, does not thank for the good, but notices the bad.
  • Indifference... A woman is indifferent when a man returns home, his health, how things are progressing at work, she ceased to care whether a man pays attention to other women.
  • Admiration for others... A mysterious colleague, friend, husband of a friend appears in the conversation, who turns out to be smart, olfactory, and hardworking. At the same time, the wife clarifies every time that with this man she only has friendly, friendly relations and as a man he does not attract her. This does not mean that the wife is already cheating, but still it is worth being wary.


There are few indirect signs for accusing the wife of treason. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the physiological signs. So, how do you know if the body was cheating?

  • The girl was once again delayed at work. When the wife comes home, look at her appearance: disheveled hairstyle, tights with arrows, wrinkled clothes, swollen lips are signs of treason.
  • Worth a look on the face... In women, after touching the man's stubble, there is irritation. If there were kisses with another man, then it will be noticeable.
  • Close contact with a lover the woman picks up his smells... Men's eau de toilette, body odor, if they are strangers, are noticeable. If there was sex, then the woman smells specifically: this is the smell of grease and semen. But even if the wife does not smell of anything, as if she recently left the shower, it is strange. How to check without giving out unusual interest? Meet your wife at the door, hug, kiss, breathe in the scent of skin, hair, body.
  • If the wife came home and went to the shower, offer your help: rub your back. After sex, there will be redness, bites on the body, especially in the chest, thighs, arms.

Evidence of treason

But there are ways that allow you to be sure of the girl's infidelity with 100% accuracy. How to make sure your wife is cheating?

  • Can you define treason by cowards? Yes. There is a special set of infidelity: within 72 hours in after a possible betrayal, you need to take your wife's underwear and take it to the laboratory.

Fact: after sex, fluid with sperm elements is released from the woman's genitals for another three days.

Cheating is proven

Before you convict your wife of treason, you should talk frankly with yourself: are you ready to leave, are you ready for,. Isn't it your fault that your spouse has lost interest in you and began to look to the side? Do you love her even after the betrayal or now you cannot live with her under the same roof? How serious was her romance? How to understand the wife's actions? What to do now?

First, sit down and talk. Find out how important these relationships outside the family are to her. Then it all depends on how you feel: if pain and resentment overpower past feelings for your beloved, then you need to disperse. Because constant reproaches will still not give back a sincere love relationship.

It may turn out that the wife herself wants to go to her lover. And you also need to be ready for this. For some, this blow may be harder than betrayal. But if a decision is made to stay together and continue to build family relationships, then serious efforts will have to be made to restore trust and understanding. You may need the help of a psychologist. But in any case, a lot will have to change in marriage. This is a difficult traumatic situation for everyone. The choice is yours.

Video consultation

Ten signs from Alexander Samsonov.

Every married man has thought about cheating at least once. Experienced psychologists say that even the thought of adultery affects behavior.

A rare man manages to hide his betrayal from his wife. I have a friend who pays a lot of attention to his wife, shows concern and does not even look towards other women - that is, she behaves as a good husband should behave, and when she is not around (she often on business trips) - sleeps with other women.

He himself motivates his behavior with the confidence that everything in his family life is exactly as it should be. Man does not worry about his infidelity, therefore does not allow various annoying blunders , and there are no problems in the family - the spouse does not even suspect that her faithful "walks to the left."

If a man is well aware that infidelity is bad, that cheating in family life should be avoided, he begins to worry about his adultery. As a result hiding your infidelity becomes problematic occupation , and a man (scientifically proven that the representatives of the strong half of humanity do not know how to lie so masterfully and believably as the ladies) "betrays himself with his head."

A smart wife will always notice cheating. To do this, she will not at all have to have such irrefutable physical evidence as the smell of someone else's perfume, traces of lipstick on her shirt and daily delays at work.

A man is betrayed by his eyes! True, it is worth noting that in some cases they "do not even hint" about his campaigns to the left. Then 10 signs of treason come to the rescue. After all, a man will not be able to hide everything in any case!

1. Forgetfulness and fatigue

He suddenly began to forget your memorable dates : day of acquaintance, weddings. He even remembers your birthday only after the corresponding reminder of the electronic diary. He stopped wearing a ring by putting it somewhere on the back shelf of your closet or hiding it in your jacket pocket. He is constantly complains about fatigue , explaining this unwillingness to have sex or go to the cinema together (restaurant, theater, etc.).

In principle, his lack of sexual desire is the first sign of treason. Even if its cause is in him, not in you. Also, one of the clearest signs is that sex has turned into a banal process of input-output: no foreplay and tenderness, a record speed of sexual intercourse. In general, if previously multiple orgasms were the norm for you, but now a single orgasm has become a holiday.

2. Unusual behavior

Depending on the character of the man and the reasons why he walks to the left, his behavior becomes different from what you are used to. A drastic change in behavior is also a clear sign of betrayal. It should be noted that behavior changes as if from the inside - outwardly he tries to show that everything between you is the same as before.

There are two options here. If the wife is to blame for treason (at least if the spouse thinks so), then the husband behaves extremely irritably. But if the betrayal is entirely on his conscience and, in principle, there is no one to blame but himself, then the spouse, on the contrary, becomes unusually caring, gentle and loving. Let's consider both.

He is "Soft and fluffy" ...

So he became a little distant, thoughtful, very considerate and kind. Not a day goes by without him giving you some nice trinket or flowers, arguing extravagance unusual for him by saying that he simply "wanted to do something nice." So a man tries to pay off, compensate for his adventures with increased attention, even if of a material nature.

... then angry and irritable

On the other hand, he can become harsh and boorish. If earlier during quarrels he was the first to go to reconciliation, trying in every possible way to smooth out the conflict, but now he does not even think about correctness and gentleness. This often means that you annoy him, do not suit him sexually. That is, it is trite to dump all the blame on you.

3. Mistrust

If earlier you had a general profile on your computer, one for two email inbox, now it created my own profile and mail by putting clever passwords on both. He reasons this by the fact that he receives important documentation from work, - he is afraid that you might accidentally delete it.

If before his phone was lying around everywhere, and he often asked you to answer the call, now even in his heart he has conversations with business partners. He does not let go of his mobile , even takes him to the toilet, afraid to leave the phone unattended, "alone" with you.

The reasons for this behavior are not explained or given dubious reasons in their favor. For calls and sms messages trying not to answer in front of you , - for example, he goes out into the corridor or simply turns away, covering the phone screen with his hand from your prying or even indifferent glances. With every call, he shudders alarmingly.

He began to react inadequately to jokes, to perceive badly anecdotes about marital infidelity. Any playful hint (for example, "dear, what kind of long female hair do you have on your jacket, my hair is short") confuses him.

He looks with frightened eyes and rather stupidly tries to get out of an unpleasant situation, "hush" it. He became brooding. Often he just sits or lies, thinking about something, silent, hearing no one and not seeing anything in front of him.

10 signs that a man is cheating on you

5. New things in bed

He applies new ones, unexpected positions for you , and does it confidently and skillfully. To your "who taught you this?" he replies with irritation that he saw something like this in the movies.

The opposite may be the case - complete loss of interest in bed. The husband no longer hugs you when he wakes up in the morning, for example. He makes comments about unshaven legs or "not so" intimate hairstyle, which has not been observed before.

6. The smell of another woman

He smells like someone else's perfume. Works only if the "strange smell" has been noticed repeatedly. This includes showering immediately after work ... He didn't even have time to say hello to you humanly, but has already gone to wash - isn't it strange? Previously, this was not noted in family practice.

Women's hair appears on his clothes, and scratches and traces of lipstick appear on his body. By the way, due to scratches, he goes to bed in a t-shirt , in every possible way hiding his body from you. Ostensibly due to the fact that he is cold.

What betrays a traitor with a head?

10 signs that a man is cheating on you

7. Changes in the car

He painted the car and began to wash it more often, buy new accessories for it. Front the seat of the car is not pushed back the way you are used to , there are cigarette butts from thin cigarettes in the ashtray (you do not smoke or smoke another brand of cigarettes).

Him costs increased sharply , but he argues this with frequent breakdowns of the car. Because of these breakdowns, he allegedly is late for home.

8. Change of image

If earlier he went to work in jeans and a sweater, without adhering to a business style, now he began to wear expensive suits. He became interested in fashion for men's shoes, buys bright shirts, new watches and purses.

He began to look after my appearance ... Enrolled in the gym, in the pool, sometimes runs in the morning, began to do manicure and pedicure, and changes his hairstyle. He reacts nervously to your comments that you like him the way he is, and nothing needs to be changed.

9. New habits

He changed the brand of cigarettes to a more expensive one, buys another shampoo, eau de toilette, aftershave gel, etc. New words appear in the lexicon, and more characteristic of women , sometimes copies the accent characteristic of his mistress. He became more relaxed in public, often flirts.

10. Jealousy and calculation

The husband became jealous and picky. Constantly looks through your diary, reads sms meticulously ... He is looking for something to find fault with, so as not to be guilty himself. Moreover, if it allows you to do the same, the list of messages and calls is often empty. In the phone book new phone numbers for men appear with names close to women (for example, Victor, Alexander), but no new female numbers appear.

In the evening, he warns that he will be late and will be later, but tries to agree on everything - for example, that he will buy such and such products on the way home. He does this so that you do not bother him with calls every minute.

10 signs that a man is cheating on you

Interestingly, and what do famous women think about male infidelities? What allows them to understand that a man is unfaithful?

I am still very young and in no hurry to get married, so I can speak not about adultery, but about the infidelity of a loved one. I am sure that you can do without newfangled modern methods - lie detectors and special agencies that send fake mistresses to your husband.

There are women who are very sensitive to fragrances - they always remember how their beloved man smells. And if the scent of someone else's perfume is mixed with a natural smell, this is a sure and bad sign.

And also a simple worldly wisdom invariably works: it is enough for me to look into the eyes. It's always incredibly difficult to look into the eyes of those you are deceiving.

In addition, I know for sure that one should not strive to call a man for a frank conversation. Phrases like "we need to talk seriously" help him come up with excuses. The best attack is sudden.

We must leave the man alone, not harass him with interrogations and create the appearance of complete trust. And then, at the most unexpected moment, ask him a provocative question. Taken by surprise, he will be confused and will definitely betray himself.

Faithful husbands today are rare specimens. You can always guess about the betrayal if it happened.

If the relationship suits her - both morally and materially (you have to think about a family future with children) - and if she really wants to build relationships with this particular man in the future, then she will pretend that she does not know anything. Of course, what could it cost ...

Well, if the relationship has exhausted itself and you want to finally put an end to it, then cheating is a great reason to leave. In a relationship, everything depends on the woman.

An intelligent woman feels everything, notices everything - and if she wants something, she always gets it. The main thing is to be wise and far-sighted. And do not live by impulses alone.


Since male infidelity is a common topic in many forums, where women almost unanimously speak about betrayal, you should ask the men themselves about how they feel after their infidelity. The male look from the inside will be much different from the female, which is not surprising, because he was not betrayed ..

Usually women accuse men of treason, considering them to be the only culprits in what happened. Psychologists, like men themselves, prefer to look at the situation more broadly. Undoubtedly, the man is to blame for betraying the woman through sexual contact with another lady. However, this was the result of often not entirely favorable relations between partners.

Men often cheat, not because they want to, but because in this way they run away from problems. If you listen to all the excuses they give when explaining why they have changed, then they often blame their women with whom they are in a relationship, and talk about cheating as a way to solve this problem. It turns out that if there were no problems in the relationship, then there would be no treason?

Not everything is so simple. There is a category of men who simply cannot be faithful. Even some feelings for a constant partner cannot keep them from going to the side for a long time. They often say to their ladies: "I walk to the left, but I love you all the same." They are ready not to part with their ladies, if only they will forgive them for their betrayal.

Established stereotypes

One of the prevailing stereotypes of why a man is cheating is his polygamy. They say that in the old days, when there were few people, men as often as possible inseminated various women, and thus replenished the demography of their nation. Whether this was actually the case is unknown. However, such a fairy tale was ideally liked by all men who do not want to be faithful.

The problem is that a man simply does not want to be faithful to one woman. Perhaps this is a habit. Or maybe he can no longer stop. However, there is a category of even quite good and decent men who simply cannot stay with the only women for a long time.

Either they cheat, or they quickly break off relations with some women in order to quickly start contacts with other young ladies. If a man does not think about his habit and does nothing with it, then he simply cannot be faithful.

The story of the polygamy of men fits perfectly into the modern framework of life, when people feel free and able to explain their treacherous actions in any way. "All men are polygamous ... All men are unfaithful," not only men, but also women, confidently say, really believing in it. However, the question remains: is a person familiar with all men living on planet Earth? Does he really know that absolutely all men are cheating?

The habit of blaming everything on polygamy makes women not trust men in principle. The cavalier has not yet had time to cheat on a woman, as she is already sure that he is cheating on her. What does this lead to? To those actions that men do not like:

  1. She watches him.
  2. She controls him.
  3. She checks his phone and address book.
  4. She initially does not trust him and suspects.
  5. She constantly talks about some kind of betrayal that the man has committed.

It turns out that a man, with his pride in his own polygamy, provokes behavior on the part of a woman, which he does not like. From here, problems begin to arise: if a man is dissatisfied with his relationship, then he can think about betrayal. Moreover, he thinks about betrayal not from the position of his own polygamy, but because he wants to relax, run away from the problem, take a little rest.

Are all men really polygamous and cheating on their women? Even men themselves cannot answer this question, since someone is cheating, and someone is not.

Should you forgive male infidelity? This is every woman's business. It all depends on many factors, which include the feelings of the woman herself, her desires, as well as the willingness to be responsible for the consequences of her own decisions.

Versatility of emotions

What does a cheater feel after his own betrayal? Each case is individual. Every man experiences cheating in his own way. If this happened for the first time, or the man experiences a sense of shame for his own actions, then various emotions may overwhelm him. If a man believes that he did the right thing, or he is already used to his infidelities, then he may no longer experience anything.

How does a cheater feel? At first, he is afraid that his beloved woman will find out about the betrayal. Here he begins to calculate various options for actions that he can take when a woman begins to accuse him of betrayal. He predicts various scenarios of events, prepares for them, gets nervous and worried.

Then these emotions can turn into depression, guilt or shame, a desire to ask for forgiveness. Some men confess to their own betrayal, others simply silently give gifts to their women, as if atonement for sins. If a woman accepts a gift without even knowing why it was made, then the man will feel calmer. He allegedly received forgiveness.

Why would a man admit his infidelity? This is one of the tactics for getting forgiveness. When a man honestly confesses his betrayal, he has already received forgiveness. Even if a woman starts yelling at him, leaves him and leaves, he will already feel calm, because the most important thing is that he received forgiveness from himself, and the woman ... well, she could forgive too, and if not, then it’s not scary!

If men who do not just cheat as well. At first, they may also feel guilty, try to repent before their wives. However, over time, these emotions subside, and everything somehow gets better by itself.

It becomes good for a man when his wife finds out about his betrayal and forgives. This is where he feels free. Now he can cheat, each time receiving forgiveness. After all, if his wife did not leave him, it means that she needs him for something. It doesn't matter why a wife needs a husband, but he can now cheat and even watch two women - a wife and a mistress - fight over him, deciding who he will stay with. Now the man feels himself in charge, because he sees that they are fighting for him, forgetting that he is betraying both women at once.

There are men who want to be macho in their own eyes. They cheat not because of propaganda or because of someone else's influence, but because they cannot feel comfortable if they do not win girls' hearts over and over again. Especially men who are constantly engaged in achieving success like to play this game. Raising the career ladder, receiving large sums of money and also the opportunity to conquer girls with money - all this allows a man to feel like a hero.

The most interesting thing is that a man does not feel obligated to be faithful and adhere to certain restrictions. Let us recall the male love of freedom, to which all men strive so much. A man wants to do whatever he sees fit. At the same time, such actions are prohibited for a woman. We get double standards, when men can do everything, and women can only do something. What would happen if women also allowed themselves whatever they wanted?

Change of behavior

If a man wants to change, because he is guided by some of his principles, then he should act rationally. Do not make mistakes that can lead to the destruction of the family, especially if they have children. Walk to the left, but do not disturb the feelings of the members of your family nest:

  1. Come up with an excuse why you will come home late. Here you can talk about an irregular work schedule, about a possible promotion, because of which you have to stay late at work, about negotiations, if this is your responsibility, etc.
  2. Involve your wife in your transformation process. Since men need to clean up themselves in order to attract new beauties and make them their mistresses, let their wives be unaware of this. Say that you have decided to take care of yourself. Your wife will love this, as she probably constantly talked about your slovenliness and lack of hygiene. Please her with the fact that you decided to be neat and well-groomed, she will help you with this. And thus you put yourself in order for meetings with your mistress.
  3. Keep calm. If you decide to change, then pretend that nothing terrible is happening. No remorse, no nerves, no strange gifts for no reason. Stay the same as before cheating.
  4. Agree with your mistress how you will communicate. There should not be situations when your mistress calls you and you try to retire, go to another room so that your wife does not hear anything. This kind of behavior will surely raise suspicion. Therefore, negotiate with your mistresses so that they do not write or call you, otherwise you will break off relations with them.
  5. Choose the right mistress. If you do not want additional nerves, then immediately tell your mistress why you need her. Since any mistress sooner or later falls in love with her man, she may start to wag his nerves, as his wife does at home. Why do you need it? If you notice that your mistress starts to put a spoke in your wheels, threatens to call your wife, constantly throws tantrums, then it's time to part with her. She should give you the relaxation and calmness that is so lacking at home with your wife.

Who is to blame in the end?

How, without asking who is to blame? Men blame women, women blame men. Psychologists propose to blame both partners who contributed to the occurrence of treason.

If a man repents or his betrayal is a temporary period, then one can also be excused. Although, what a woman will do is already her decision, for which she herself will be responsible.

Unfortunately, many couples face the problem betrayal one or even both partners. Someone thinks that you can ask, because there was more good in life together, and someone files for divorce immediately after receiving confirmation of the fact. People talk a lot about cheating, but not everything is true. Myths about cheating and their description are offered to your attention.

1. Cheating only on those who are not happily married... If we talk about women, then in most cases it is, but men tend to cheat even if they are doing well with their wife. It is very important for the fair sex that there is harmony and mutual understanding in the family, and if this is not the case, they begin to look for adventures on the side. According to surveys, many men who decide to cheat claim that they are happily married, and that relationships on the side are just entertainment for them. Therefore, it is foolish to say that people are cheating because of family problems.

2. Men cheat more often than women... For many years it was, but over time, women began to occupy professional positions of men, conquer the heights and began to treat relationships more lightly. Today a woman can provide for herself and raise children, and once the fair sex was completely dependent on men.

Women have ceased to be afraid of losing a spouse, therefore treason became something familiar to them. Statistics show that men and women cheat in the same way, so it is foolish to say that there is a big difference. Sociologists and psychologists are constantly studying the peculiarity of infidelity and have proved that women have learned better than men to hide infidelity, so it is not so easy to catch them on the hot.

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