Home Potato Study and analysis of the library fund of the department of art. Study of the composition and use of the fund in order to manage its formation. Economic performance of the library

Study and analysis of the library fund of the department of art. Study of the composition and use of the fund in order to manage its formation. Economic performance of the library

In the course of the study, documents are identified that require strengthening their propaganda among subscribers, increasing or reducing their copies, excluding them from the fund, transferring them to another level of storage. The smaller the volume of the fund, the more often it should be studied.

Acquisition Department - draws up a plan for studying the composition and use of the collection, designed for a certain period, the duration of which depends on the size of the collection, the number of librarians and the time they can devote to this process.

Technologically, the study of the fund is divided into stages.

At the preparatory stage, the order, deadlines, and performers are determined. They draw up and approve the calendar schedule for performing operations, prepare accounting and reporting materials on the composition, size, movement of the fund and its use, refusals to subscribers, prepare forms of accounting documentation, fund analysis tables, select appropriate bibliographic manuals, instruct and provide performers with the necessary materials.

At the second stage, they proceed directly to the study of the intended section of the fund - its composition, size, nature of use.

The third stage is the processing and analysis of the data obtained during the study. All librarians who need this information in their production activities are introduced to them at production meetings. At this stage, decisions are made on the secondary selection in the studied part of the fund.

The final stage is the implementation of the decisions made.

The sequence of studying subfunds (sections of the fund) is determined by the relevance of the subject to be studied, the activity of demand, the state of preservation, the change of employees, and similar factors. At the same time, it may turn out to be legitimate that some parts of the fund are studied more often, more thoroughly, and more versatile than others.

Indicators: An indicator of the reliability of the fund is the coefficient of satisfaction of requests for the analyzed period (month, quarter, year), determined by the ratio of the number of satisfied requests to the total number of requests received. The reliability of the fund is manifested in its completeness, readiness for operation, non-failure operation, durability, suitability for repair.

Copies calculation: multiply the number of readers by the average length of time the textbook stays on hand and divide all this by the number of days the document lives.

The library fund is equal to the lending multiplied by the number of readers.

Transferability of the library fund. The indicator is determined by the formula the number of documents issued to readers during the year from the library fund, divided by the total volume of this fund. Negotiability can be general (for the entire fund) or private (for sub-funds), it is equal to the number of loans divided by the time spent in the fund of documents. The higher the turnover, the better the fund is equipped.

Readability is determined by the number of documents issued to one reader in a certain period of time. The indicator is obtained by dividing the number of book loans by the number of readers. If this figure is not high, it is possible that there are few books in the library that are interesting and necessary for readers. You can also calculate the reader capacity formula - the time spent reading the entire fund divided by the time spent reading one document.

By dividing the number of documents that the library has by the number of readers, we get an indicator of the overall book supply. The indicator indicates the sufficiency (or vice versa) of the fund to serve readers.

The renewal of the BF shows qualitative changes in the structure of the fund, gives it a dynamic development. Knowing the rate of renewal of the BF, it is possible to calculate the period during which it will be updated almost completely.

The index of fund renewal is understood as the average value calculated by dividing the volume of receipts for the study period by the volume of the fund at the end of the study period and multiplied by 100 percent.

Waste paper factor - an indicator that determines in percentage how many documents (waste paper) that the library does not need were purchased for the fund for a specific period. Based on the reader's demand, it is calculated by the formula L=[(S - Sn)/S] - 100%, where S is the number of documents entered into the fund in a particular period; Sn - the number of readers used of them during this period.

Any indicator allows the librarian to control the quality of the collection, find the reasons for the deviation from the optimal data, and either replenish or purify it. All indicators are interconnected - their comparison allows you to determine in which part of the fund there was a mismatch in acquisition, which processes, trends in the development of the fund are manifested, which of them are progressive, which are not.

The methods of everyday study of the library fund are constantly used: familiarization with books when processing new acquisitions, when placing documents on shelves, when organizing exhibitions, when conducting conversations and bibliographic reviews. However, such daily monitoring of the fund is not enough to manage its formation. We need a whole range of special methods for studying the fund: statistical, bibliographic, analytical and sociological.


1 Statistical analysis of the library fund of the MU "Kemskaya MRB" for the year.

2 The study of the collection is understood as the scientific knowledge of the composition, use, dynamics of the library collection in order to increase its compliance with the tasks of the library, the information needs of subscribers, as well as the efficiency of use.

3 The complex of special methods for studying the library fund includes: statistical, bibliographic, sociological methods; math modeling; graphic methods, etc.

4 The basic information basis is statistics, which studies the dynamics of the volume and composition of the fund. Statistical data is the basis for studying the efficiency of the library and the quality of its use of its resources. For the statistical study of the fund, the following indicators are used:

5 The size of the document fund - F; The volume of new receipts - Mon; Disposal volume - Fv; Renewability - H; Book lending - B; Number of readers - A; Negotiability - About; Book availability - K; Readability - H; Growth rates - Tr.

6 In the course of statistical study, various techniques and methods are used: - grouping; - ranking; - analysis of indicator deviations; - dynamic analysis. The most common technique is a comparison, which allows you to identify the deviation of indicators.

7 The main documents for obtaining the necessary data of the fund are: - Book of total accounting: - Diary of the library: - Notebook for registering refusals of readers; - Annual statistical report.

8 On the basis of library documentation, a selection of statistical data for a certain period of time is made and the data is recorded in prepared tables. So: Statistical analysis of the library fund of the MU "Kemskaya MRB" for 3 years (years)

9 First indicator: VALUE OF THE FOOD

10 The indicator of the size of the fund is one of the main ones. In order to evaluate the collection in terms of its size, a comparative analysis of the actual and optimal size of the collection for each library is applied. To calculate the optimal value of the fund, we can recommend the formula F = AKopt, where F is the value of the fund; And the number of users; K is the optimal book supply of the user. Optimal book supply of the user = 8-12 books. At present, the volume of the fund in Russia is guided by the average book supply per inhabitant: 4.9 volumes, including 5-7 volumes in the city; in the countryside - 7-9 volumes.

11 Optimal size of the library fund of the MU "Kemskaya MRB" Library sigles Number populated On the average bookstore. Optimum fund for g. Wholesale. volume of children's letters. From 30% to 50% Fund for g. MRB (+14762)

12 The library fund can be considered optimally staffed both in terms of composition and size if it satisfies about 75% of the total number of requirements for the profile of the library fund.

13 Composition, development and use of the library fund of the MU "Kemskaya MRB" for the year. Signs of libraries - branches Amount of stock per Amount of stock per Amount of stock per F (+238) (-1398) F (-493) (+459) F (+50) 6660 (+ 82) F (+92) (+30) F (+198) 7271 (+70) F (+246) 8294 (+18) F (-53) 4496 (-228) CGDB (-2494) (-1378) MRB (-50) (-3159) Total: (-2718) (-6040)

14 The size of the fund of MU "Kemskaya MRB" in the city of

15 The systematic filling of the fund with new literature is of exceptional importance for the fulfillment of the social functions of libraries. The publications of the last 3-5 years account for most of the fund's information potential. They are more actively promoted, more often asked by users. This literature is the largest part of the book lending.


17 Analysis of the size and composition of the replenishment of the fund of the MU "Kemskaya MRB" for the years. Signs of branch libraries +389) F (-73) 1887 (-365) F (+443) 2343 (+340) CGDB (+150) 1155 (+332) MRB (+1594) 7399 (+430) Total: (-11948) 27733 (+1234)

18 Species composition of the library fund of the MU "Kemskaya MRB" Sigly Books, brochures Periodicals One-time periodical publications Audiv. elect. And 2008,2009, 2009, 2009, 2010 other ed. 2008, 2009,2010 F F F F F F F TsGDB MRB

19 Species composition of replenishment of the fund of MU "Kemskaya MRB" in 2010 % 0% 10% 5% 85% books subscription one-time n/a

20 It has been found that service tasks are solved more successfully if the amount of receipts to libraries is on average 10% of the fund.

21 Replenishment of the library fund of the MU "Kemskaya MRB" in % of the Sigly libraries - branches F.1 - (1.7 +3.4) 18.1 (0.7 +15.3) 16.8 (1.4 +15 .4) F.4 17.4 (1.2+16.2) 22.3 (0.8+20.5) 30.7 (0.5+30.2) F.6 19.1 (3 .0 +16.2) 25.0 (2.5 +22.5) 23.1 (1.5 +21.5) F.7 25.5 (2.8 +22.7) 31.0 ( 2.4 +28.6) 29.9 (1.4+ 28.5) F.10 22.4 (1.4 +20.9) 30.1 (2.7 +27.3) 35.2 (2.5 +32.7) F.11 28.7 (1.9 +26.4) 27.2 (2.9 +24.2) 22.7 (0.5 +22.2) F. 16 32.6 (2.0 +30.6) 42.4 (2.0 +40.9) 52.1 (2.4 +50.8) CGDB 3.2 (1.8 +1.5) 2.89 (1.4 +1.5) 4.2 (1.6 + 2.7) MRB 10.2 (2.2 + 8.1) 13.2 (2.6 +10.6) 15 (1.2+11.5) Total: 24.7 (2.0+16.2) 23.5 (2.0+21.3) 25.5 (1.4+23.9)

22 Replenishment of the library fund of MU "Kemskaya MRB" in % 60% 50% 51% 40% 30% 30% 29% 33% 22% 22% 20% 15% 12% 10% 0% 1% 1% 2% 1% 3% 1% 2% 3% 2% 1% F.1 F.4 F.6 F.7 F.10 F.11 f.16 TsGDB MRB periodical books

23 An analysis of the annual receipt of documents in the libraries of the MU "Kemskaya MRB" showed that the growth of the fund by 10% - in practice - is unrealistic.

24 An analysis of the replenishment of the library fund is impossible without an analysis of the disposal of literature.

25 Third indicator: DISPOSAL OF DOCUMENTS

26 An analysis of the disposal of documents from the fund shows: - what types of documents we write off, - which departments of the fund become depleted faster in the process of use and which are needed in enhanced replenishment.

27 Analysis of disposals from the fund of the MU "Kemskaya MRB" for the years. Signs of branch libraries F F F F F F F TsGDB MRB Total:

28 Disposal of documents from the library fund of the MU "Kemskaya MRB" for 2010 f. 1 f. 4 f. 6 f. 7 f. 10 f. 11 f. 16 TsGDB MRB

29 Retirement of documents from the fund of the MU "Kemskaya MRB" in % of the strength of libraries in 2008 F.1 3.9 18.8 22.5 F.4 17.1 26.6 34.8 F.6 17.0 24.2 21.8 F.7 23.7 30.4 29.7 F.10 21.2 27.3 34.2 F.11 27.6 25.1 22.5 F.16 32.9 43, 5 57.2 CGDB 13.0 24.6 39.0 MRB 13.4 13.4 21.4 18.8 25.9 31.5

30 Retirement of the specific composition of documents for 2010. Signs of libraries of periodical books F (31.2%) 2771 (68.8%) F (12.5%) 3434 (87.4%) F.6 29 (1.9% ) 1426 (98.0%) F (4.4%) 4153 (95.6%) F (4.6%) 2377 (95.5%) F (100%) F (10.7%) 2294 (89, 2%) CHDB 1850 (73.0%) 683 (26.9%) MRB 4838 (45.8%) 5720 (54.2%) 9046 (26.8%) (73.2%)

31 Retirement of books from the library fund of the MU "Kemskaya MRB for 2010 books books

32 Disposal of books by branches of knowledge from the library fund of the MU "Kemskaya MRB" for 2010 F.1 F.4. F.6 F.7 F.10 F.11 F.16 TsGDB MRB OPLEM T S/X IS Khudozh. Det. l. Etc.

33 Indicator four: BOOK SUPPLY.

34 The availability of books is one of the main relative indicators of library stock statistics. Means the average number of books passing per user of the library, or per inhabitant of the locality. It is calculated by dividing the number of books accounted for at the end of the year in the "Book of total accounting", by the number of registered readers, or by the number of inhabitants of the settlement. K = F: A, K = F: F According to the book supply of a user, a resident, one can judge whether there are enough books in the library to meet requests. Optimal book supply per user 8-12; per inhabitant 7. The “Model Standard for Public Library Activities” recommends the average availability of books per inhabitant of volumes, including in the city -5-7, in the countryside -7-9.

35 Analysis of the book supply of the user Sigli medium F.1 28.7 31.1 29.6 29.8 F.4 40.6 42.5 42.2 41.8 F.6 37.3 43.6 45.0 41, 9 F.7 16.4 16.4 16.5 16.4 F.10 31.3 30.2 30.3 30.6 F.11 17.9 22.0 23.0 20.9 F.16 31 .8 31.3 34.1 32.4 CGDB 14.3 13.2 12.5 13.3 MRB 16.8 22.7 23.9 21.1

36 What did the table reveal? Surplus funds in the libraries: Babgubskaya city, Rural settlement Sokol, Panozero rural, Kuzemskaya rural. DECISION WRITE-OFF.

37 Analysis of the availability of books for a resident of Sigla medium F.1 7.7 7.7 7.4 7.6 F.4 14.3 13.7 13.7 13.9 F.6 9.8 9.4 9.8 9, 7 F.7 11.4 11.6 11.5 11.5 F.10 15.3 16.9 17.9 16.7 F.11 14.0 14.9 14.7 14.5 F.16 15 .6 15.4 14.7 15.2 CGDB 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.2 MRB 3.9 4.0 3.0 3.6

38 CONCLUSION: Excessively high availability of books leads to a decrease in circulation, as a result, to the death of the fund.

39 Fifth indicator: CONVERTIBILITY.

40 The turnover of the library fund shows the intensity of the use of the library fund, is calculated by the formula: AB = V:F, where AB is the circulation, B is the lending, F is the volume of the fund. The upper limit of the optimal negotiability value is 3, the lower limit is 2.

41 Analysis of the turnover of the library fund of the MU "Kemskaya MRB" Sigly medium F.1 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.1 F.4 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 F.6 1.5 1, 2 1.4 1.4 F.7 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.6 F.10 2.0 2.3 2.0 2.1 F.11 2.4 1.8 1.9 2 .0 F.16 2.2 1.7 1.9 1.9 CGDB 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.8 MRB 1.7 1.6 1.7 1.7

42 Indicator six: GROWTH RATES.

43 Of great importance in the statistical analysis of the fund are indicators of the dynamics of development or growth. They characterize the change in the phenomenon over time and are calculated by comparing homogeneous indicators for different periods of time.

44 An important place in statistical analysis is occupied by the study in a single complex of such indicators as the availability of books, readability, negotiability.

45 characters Negotiability Av Readability 25 books. Availability of books 8-12 assessment F.1 1.1 N 31.4 V 29.8 V The fund is oversaturated F.4 0.7 N 30.3 V 41.8 V F.6 1.4 N 63.2 V 41 .9 V F.7 2.6 N 43.3 V 16.4 V F.10 2.1 N 61.4 V 30.6 V F.11 2.0 N 45.7 V 20.9 V F. 16 1.9 N 66.8 V 32.4 V The fund is oversaturated with CGDB 1.8 N 24.5 N 13.3 V lit. MRB 1.7 N 31.0 V 21.1 V Fund oversaturated

46 CONCLUSION: The analysis of primary statistics makes it possible to obtain more complete and objective information about the library fund, without which, in principle, the library cannot exist.

47 Thank you for your attention!

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Galaktionova Svetlana Alekseevna,

head subscription department

Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library

The library fund (BF) is an ordered set of documents collected in the library in accordance with its functions and tasks for storage and presentation to readers.

The impact of the BF is large and diverse. It is a source of scientific, industrial, artistic, everyday and other information, the fruit of the labor of the best representatives of literature, science and culture. The fund contains information opportunities for general and vocational education, the formation of a comprehensively harmoniously developed personality, labor, moral, aesthetic education, the development of scientific research and the improvement of production. Finally, the fund generates documents for readers to relax, to organize smart and interesting leisure activities, entertainment, etc. Such opportunities make the BF an important information base not only for the library, but also with its help for other information, educational and educational institutions.

The most important functions of the fund:
. cumulative (collected in one place, documents of different form and content, created at different times and at different points in space by different authors)
. memorial (preservation of the totality of collected documents in order to pass them on to subsequent generations)
. communication (providing access to documents and their prompt receipt by all interested users).

The library fund as an independent holistic and open system has a number of properties :
. informative characterized by a variety, depth and completeness of the selection of documents;
. dynamic, since the fund is constantly in motion - there is both the receipt and disposal of documents;
. static, manifested in the preservation of stability, which is ensured by a clear profiling of acquisitions, the adopted system for arranging documents, accounting documentation, etc.;
. reliability, i.e., the fund's ability to meet the core needs of readers.

Fund study

The study of the fund is understood as the scientific knowledge of the composition, use, dynamics of the library fund in order to increase its compliance with the tasks of the library, the information needs of subscribers, as well as the efficiency of use.

The process of everyday study of the library fund is carried out :
. when processing new receipts;
. arranging documents on the shelves;
. organization of exhibitions;
. conducting interviews and bibliographic reviews.

The complex of special methods for studying the fund includes:

  • statistical
  • bibliographic
  • sociological methods

1. An idea of ​​the size of the fund, its composition, its use, gives a statistical analysis of the data.

For the statistical study of the fund, the following indicators are used:
. the value of the document fund (F), The subscription fund is 46390 copies. books (signs AB in EC).

. volume of new receipts (Фh), New arrivals for the year are about 2000 copies.
. disposal volume (Фb), the write-off of the fund is 2000 copies. in year.
. lending (B)- is 140,000 copies. according to the plan, for 2015 - 142,846 copies, of which about 36,000 copies. lending at mass events and traveling exhibitions, the remaining 107,000 were issued and extended in the department.

. number of readers (A), The number of registered readers - 4200 people.
. negotiability (O), is calculated as the ratio of book lending to the size of the document fund. The turnover of the subscription fund is 2.3, while the optimal figure is from 2 to 3, this is a good indicator.

. readability (H)- is calculated as the ratio of book lending to the number of readers; Readability on the subscription is 25, with an average readability of 21.5-24, which is above the norm.

*updating(N): renewal (N) for a certain period (t) reflects the ratio of the volume of receipts (P) to the volume of the fund at the end of the study period in percent. The renewal of the subscription fund for 2015 is 4.3%.

2. Bibliographic methods.

Thanks to the capabilities of the MARK SQL system, it is possible to compile a “LBC Department Fund Table”. In accordance with it, the subscription fund is divided into:

  • fund of fiction, it is 28259 copies. documents (61%)
  • industry fund, which is 18132 units. storage (39%)

The main branches of knowledge presented on the subscription:

  • Literary criticism and linguistics - 4755 copies. (ten %)
  • History and jurisprudence - 4399 copies. (ten %)
  • Psychology, religion, philosophy - 3822 copies. (eight%)
  • Pedagogical literature - 2191 copies. (5 %)
  • Medicine - 1202 copies. (3%)
  • The rest of the sectors occupy - 3% of the total part of the fund.

The bibliographic study of the fund also reveals gaps and gaps. As a result, a list of those documents that need to be purchased for the fund is compiled. This is necessary to improve the composition of the fund, its core.

The employees of the subscription regularly study the sections of the fund assigned to them for the presence of missing publications, look through the entries in the “refusal book”, compile lists of references that are sent to the acquisition department.

3. Sociological methods.

They give an idea of ​​the actual use of the fund, the information needs of readers, their attitude to the publications collected in the library.

The subscription department was visited by 32,694 readers in 2015, among them:

  • Specialists from various sectors of the economy (economists, medical workers, lawyers, engineers, military, cultural and art workers, teachers) - 13,857 people. (42%)
  • Students of universities, secondary schools, schools - 6477 people. (twenty%)
  • Pensioners - 8037 people. (25%)
  • Service sector workers, workers, other readers - 4323 people. (13%)

Book lending in the department for 2015 by LBC sections is presented as follows: During the year, 107,000 copies were issued and extended.

  • The most requested - fiction, literary criticism, linguistics - 91%
  • Historical literature, jurisprudence - 2.5%
  • Psychology, philosophy, religion - 2.5%
  • Pedagogy - 1%
  • The remaining sections make up - 3% of the issuance in the department.

The main reader demand is for fiction, and it has increased. In 2012, the loan fund was analyzed in connection with the transfer of sections of the fund: natural science and economics to other departments of the library. In 2012, fiction accounted for 80% of the issue, the sections "history, psychology, pedagogy and others" accounted for 5% of the total lending.

This is due to the fact that over the years the number of new arrivals of industry literature has decreased. Basically, the department is completed with fiction, of which a significant part falls on the gifts of readers, and this is mainly modern reading. Of the 2000 thousand copies. acquisition for 2015 - 500 copies. - books donated by readers (25%).

Electronic catalogs open up new possibilities for monitoring real demand. Search statistics by subject headings, authors, titles, series and other search features, which is collected automatically, gives an objective picture of what is really of interest to users.

The statistics of the demand for literature on the subscription for 2015 showed that 13,636 titles (titles) of books were issued during the year.

  • 91 % of which - fiction
  • 2.5 % - names by history
  • 2.5% - in psychology and philosophy
  • 1% - in pedagogy
  • 3% of items fall on other sections of the fund

Of course, fiction prevails, not industry literature. In my opinion, this is due to the fact that in recent years all branch departments have begun to lend out books at home. Readers have the opportunity to take interesting new industry literature in other departments or order the necessary edition in the book storage department and read at home.

An analysis of the rating of books given to subscription readers in 2015 also shows the predominance of fiction. Of the 100 most read books, books by contemporary Russian and foreign authors predominate (Marinina, Metlitskaya, Berseneva, Roy, Prilepin, Richmond, Randel, Den Brown, etc.)

Last year's leaders: Ustinova T.V. Mark's Ark and Traub M. Family Kitchen. These books were issued 59 times.

From classical Russian literature, A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit", the work was issued 25 times.

In order to see the fund through the eyes of a reader and find out the reader demand of subscription users, a survey was conducted. 146 respondents took part in the survey. Of these, 106 women (72%) and 40 men (28%). The educational status of the study participants is high (72% have higher education, 13% have specialized secondary education, and 15% have secondary education). The professional composition of the respondents:

  • Specialists - 42%
  • Pensioners - 35%
  • Students - 13%
  • Other readers - 10%

Among the motives for visiting the library:

  • In general, the pragmatic motive prevails (72%), i.e. performance
    learning task, improving professional skills.
  • This is followed by a cognitive motive, it was noted by 70% of respondents.
  • The 3rd place is occupied by a relaxation motive (58%), in order to distract from an unpleasant situation, for relaxation.
  • 42% of respondents want to get aesthetic satisfaction from the read work.
  • Every tenth person comes to the library for communication (10%).

To the questions: “What book did you remember reading last year?” and “What are you reading now?” answered by 72% of respondents. Mostly fiction, among the books leading the way are works of modern Russian literature: Akunin B. Jade Rosary, Aksenov V. Moscow Saga, Ulitskaya L. V. Sacred Garbage, Rubina D. Russian Canary, Prilepin Z. Eight) and books popular for several decades (Bulgakov M. Master and Margarita, Ilf I., Petrov E. 12 chairs, Pikul V. I have the honor).

To the question “What is decisive for you when choosing publications?”

The absolute majority (80%) consider the author to be decisive in the choice of books. On the 2nd place - abstract (67%), 3rd - title of the publication (47%).
28% of respondents take books from exhibitions. To the same question, respondents also noted the content, recommendations, reviews, reviews, genre, fame, skimming, mood.

Answering the question “Do you take books only for yourself or for your relatives and friends”, it turned out that readers take literature not only for themselves, but also for children, schoolchildren and students, elderly parents, friends. The share of such "hidden" readers was 22%.
Most often, readers turn to the library:

  • with specific requests - 53%
  • with thematic requests - 30%
  • with indefinite queries - 17%

Most readers choose publications in the subscription department:

  • independently - 40%
  • seek help from a librarian - 35%
  • among books handed over by other readers - 15%
  • at exhibitions, thematic shelves - 10%

You can always find the books you need in the subscription department:

  • 17% of respondents
  • often - 64%, sometimes - 18%, not found at all - 1%

To the question "Which sections of the fund need to be updated?" (it was possible to choose 3 options) the following results were obtained:

  • history, law, pedagogy - 86%
  • fiction domestic literature - 81%
  • publications on philosophy, psychology - 67%
  • literary studies, linguistics - 62%
  • fiction foreign literature - 54%
  • medical publications - 31%

To the question: “What publications are missing in the subscription department?” Respondents noted the following: Most of all, readers of the subscription lack popular science publications (65%), fiction books (50%), textbooks (37%), scientific publications (monographs) (eighteen%).

To the question: “What book you are interested in, was not in the subscription department?” - answered half (50%) of the respondents.
As research data showed, in most cases, the book is in the department, but at the moment it has been issued to another reader. Booking publications (queuing) helps to solve this problem. If the publication is required urgently, the reader turns to the fund of the department of humanitarian literature or the department of book storage.
Editions not found in the subscription fund can be combined into two groups:
1) modern domestic and foreign prose
2) scientific publications of recent years, textbooks in various disciplines.

By studying the subscription fund for various parameters, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. Having studied the renewal of the fund, comparing it with readability, availability of books, negotiability, we can conclude that the subscription fund is used quite effectively, these indicators are above average, it is necessary to maintain indicators at this level and increase the efficiency of using the fund through exhibitions, conversations, recommendations to readers.

2. Having studied the sectoral structure of the fund and lending, the most actively requested and passive funds have been identified, which allows us to continue work on replenishing the fund and cleaning up the little-sought, underused fund.

3. The sociological study of the fund helped to identify problems associated with user requests, the use of the new Litres resource will help our readers in finding the necessary literature.

The study of the fund is the determination of its size, content, familiarization with the individual printed works included in its composition and the degree of their use by readers. The study of the library fund should be of a planned nature, included in the long-term and current work plan. Special Methods for Studying a Collection: Quantitative, Bibliographic, and Sociological.

Quantitative Methods: an idea of ​​the size of the fund, its composition, its use, gives a statistical analysis of the data. Statistical data make it possible to study the size of the fund, the distribution of books by field of knowledge, the availability of books, the lending, readability, negotiability, etc. studying the use of the book fund by book forms or return periods makes it possible to establish the negotiability of each particular book.

Bibliographic Methods. In the course of viewing the sections of the systematic catalog, data is obtained on the filling of the fund by branches of knowledge, years of publication, and authors. From this we can draw conclusions about the correspondence of the collection to the profile of the library.

Use the publications of the book chamber. Scientific auxiliary and recommendatory indexes. To identify the missing literature, a record of refusals to issue books to readers is kept, as well as requests for registration of the structural divisions of the university and readers to purchase the necessary publications.

The absence of periodicals (the entire title or individual years of sets, individual issues) is revealed by comparing the catalog of periodicals with the bibliographic indexes of magazines and newspapers.

Problems are also identified in the fund of ongoing publications.

sociological methods give an idea of ​​the actual use of the fund, the information needs of readers, their attitude to the publications collected in the library. The latter is manifested in the reader's interests and requests.

The formation of a library fund requires the librarian to have an accurate knowledge of the tasks currently facing the library, as well as a constant study of the contingent of users, their needs, interests, literary tastes, attitudes, incentives, and motives for accessing documents.

The key to success is the ability to determine, anticipate future information requests of users.

An indicator of the fund's reliability is satisfaction rate for the analyzed period (month, quarter, year), determined by the ratio of the number of satisfied requests to the total number of requests received. The reliability of the fund is manifested in its completeness, readiness for operation, non-failure operation, durability, suitability for repair.

According to the degree of achievement of the completeness of the fund, there are:

  • * exhaustive by section - all outgoing documents are purchased - 100%;
  • * the most relevant (or sufficient) for the section - documents are purchased that carry two-thirds of the profile information required by the library - 75%,
  • * nuclear - the most significant (for the core of the fund) documents are completed, containing at least one third (30%) of profile information on a specific section,
  • * reference (20%) - documents of the highest degree of generalization of information (reference books, textbooks.
  • * Excess completeness determines the unclaimed part of the fund;
  • * Insufficient completeness determines the weak thematic and typological composition of the fund.

Each degree of completeness applies only to part of the fund, and by no means to the entire fund. The optimal section fund does not always have a high degree of completeness.

For example, for non-core topics, optimally lower degrees of completeness of acquisition are characteristic.

A special form of studying the reader's request is the analysis of an unsatisfied request, which is a quantitative discrepancy between the level and structure of library collections and existing information needs. The unsatisfied part of the needs shows the degree of need to expand the library collections.

A survey is a method of collecting primary information to study such mass phenomena as the public opinion of readers about certain books or periodicals.

A type of survey is a survey. It is used to collect oriented material, the processing of which makes it possible to establish certain statistical facts, to identify typical phenomena (for example, public opinion, interests, etc.). So, with the help of questionnaires, you can get data on the content of the interests of different reader groups. Questionnaires should be well thought out, pursue a certain narrow goal. The questions in the questionnaire should be simple, specific, clearly formulated, not predetermine the content of the answers and not require large expenses.

Express survey. This is a quick, operational survey, which, as a rule, is carried out at the place of work, within the walls of the library. Its main feature is a very concise questionnaire, which includes no more than 5 questions, the answers to which will take 3-5 minutes.

In parallel with the questionnaire survey, it is recommended to use the interview method. This method involves personal communication with the respondent. It allows you to identify the reaction of the respondent to certain questions, personality traits. During the interview, the interviewer asks pre-formulated questions and records the answers he receives.

It is most expedient to record the interest of readers with the help of a special file of interests. Library practice confirms its validity. The headings of the card index are topics, questions, genres of literature identified as reader interests. According to the headings of the card index, one can judge the predominance of certain interests, the birth of new genres in connection with changes in public life and, accordingly, with the reader's orientation, the fall of interest in some problem, issue, genre.

The method of expert assessments determines the opinions of specialists about individual publications or a group of books on a particular topic. Using this method will help the library in selecting obsolete or non-core publications. Invited experts can suggest the development of reading needs, possible changes in reading motives and reading interests.

The analysis of the reader's forms will help clarify the subject matter of fund acquisition. The issued literature is registered in the reader's form, and information about the content of the reading is accumulated. Although it must be borne in mind that the form does not reflect the unmet demand of the reader. According to the records, it is impossible to establish what kind of literature the reader requested, and what kind he took on the recommendation of a librarian, or from a book exhibition, whether his demand was satisfied, whether the books taken were read. The information from the form does not reflect the motives of demand, the goals and results of reading, the attitude towards the books read.

To overcome this limitation, it is recommended to accompany the record of issued books with conventional signs, indicate the reason for the demand (for example, underline the inventory number of the book taken by the reader on the recommendation of the librarian, or put a “sigle”).

Therefore, the analysis of forms must be accompanied by a serious preparatory period (definition of the category of users, specific topic, service marks system, etc.), the quality of the analysis depends on this. In the final part of the analytical report, the proposals and specific actions of the library to improve the quality of the collection and its advertising are important.

In practice, a distinction is made between the analysis of satisfied requirements and the analysis of failures for the required literature. They complement each other and are aimed at identifying the needs of readers in literature: the first allows you to determine which literature is in greatest demand among certain reader groups; the second - supplements information about readers' requests and, in addition, shows gaps in the acquisition.

Analysis of book forms is a special library method for studying the circulation of books among readers. The combination of the analysis of the forms of some books with the analysis of reader reviews about them helps to find out the social value of a particular book: the high or low circulation of a book among a certain group of readers is explained in reader ratings and public opinion about it.

It is almost impossible to study the negotiability of each work, and librarians use a selective analysis of book forms. Having picked up the forms of all copies of the work, the time of purchase of the books is determined by the inventory numbers. Knowing the time of acquisition, the number of copies and the total number of issuance of the book, determine its negotiability for a certain period of time (for example, for a year).

Thematic and typological analysis fund determines the types of publications needed by the library, the intensity of use and the reasons for the formation of the passive part of the fund.

This method of study combines statistical and sociological methods. The results of this research method are more complete and effective.

For study, a specific section of the fund is determined in accordance with the LBC tables.

The study of the fund must be planned and carried out sequentially using various methods. After completion of the work, the results of the analysis should be used to improve the primary and secondary selection, to improve the arrangement, storage and advertising of the fund.

Coordination of acquisition of library collections is the interaction of libraries in the coordinated acquisition of literature.

Methodology for studying the composition and use of the fund.

The analysis of the composition of the fund and its use is one of the directions of the library research work and is carried out in order to improve acquisition, identify underused literature and increase the focus of library and reference and information services in accordance with the tasks solved by production and research teams.

The study of the fund should be carried out systematically, according to plan. It is recommended to draw up a long-term plan that provides for a phased study of individual parts of the collection, starting, as a rule, with sections that are specialized for a given library. To study the composition of the fund, it is necessary to have a full-fledged SPA, systematic registration of requests and the issuance of various types of NTD and documents. For the analysis and use of the fund, special methods are used: quantitative, bibliographic, sociological. Quantitative methods provide objective data on the composition, volume, use of the fund based on statistical analysis, in which various accounting documents are used: an accounting journal, a summary book, book forms. Statistical analysis is based on various indicators characterizing the fund and its use, absolute (volume of the fund, number of book loans, number of readers) and relative (readability, circulation and availability of books) indicators. As a result of such an analysis, it is possible to draw conclusions about the fund as a whole, its parts, and to identify little-used literature. Statistical analysis data are preliminary. After its implementation, a more labor-intensive analysis of the qualitative composition of the fund is necessary with the help of a systematic catalog: identification of the species and chronological composition of the fund, the average number of specimens, the number of titles on one or another topic. Analysis of the qualitative composition of the fund is carried out using bibliographic methods, which give an idea of ​​its content in certain branches of knowledge, allow you to identify problems. To do this, the fund is checked against the systematic catalog with various bibliographic indexes, with publications of the state bibliography. In addition, failure analysis is essential to identify gaps. Bibliographic Methods are used mainly for the purpose of replenishing the fund. sociological methods help to identify the characteristics of demand, the needs of readers and subscribers, their contingent. Differ direct methods of study- questionnaires, interviews, collection of refusals - and indirect methods- studying with the help of various materials that record the requests and needs of readers, analysis of reader forms, feedback coupons, refusals, etc. .

In addition to the use of special methods for studying funds, it is necessary to periodically analyze its use by completely reviewing the book forms of all publications in the fund in order to establish the negotiability of individual publications, to identify little-used documents and literature in high demand.

c) Analysis of the acquisition of book collections

To date, the total volume of funds of the MBUK "Fokino City Library" has 35,898 copies, which is an average of 7 copies per 1 reader, or 2.6 copies per 1 inhabitant. During the reporting period, the fund decreased by 342 copies.

On average, each library has 11,966 copies of books, which is 114 copies less than in 2011.

The volume of new acquisitions in the libraries of the city of Fokino amounted to 1,811 copies, which is 41 copies higher than in 2011.

The availability of books for residents is very low - 2.6 copies (compared to last year, it has not changed).

Readers' availability of books - 7, decreased by 0.1 compared to 2011 (from 7.1 copies to 7).

The renewal rate of the fund increased slightly compared to the previous year (from 4.9% to 5%).

d) Reference apparatus to help picking

  • changes were made to the card index of periodicals on MBUK
"Library of the city of Fokino";

  • changes were made to the card index of the socio-economic profile of the city;

  • compiled a summary card index of restocking for books,
with the highest number of rejections in a year.

^ III. Study of the composition and use of library collections

Analysis of the use of the book fund

To date, the fund of MBUK "Library of the City of Fokino" has more than 36,000 copies. documents on various branches of knowledge.

In 2012, in the libraries of the MBUK "Library of the City of Fokino", an analysis of the state and use of the book fund on art and sports was carried out.

The purpose of the analysis is to form a fund corresponding to the information needs of users.

Analysis tasks:

  • Identification of little-used, obsolete in content, dilapidated publications

  • Identification and analysis of the reasons for the formation of the passive part of the fund

  • Release of the fund from little-used, obsolete in content, dilapidated publications

  • Identification of shortcomings in the work with the fund and development of measures to eliminate them.
^ Object of study - Arts and Sports Department.

Working hypothesis- unclaimed literature clogs the fund, reduces the turnover rate of the fund.

In total, the fund of literature on art and sports consists of 1360 copies of books, or 3.8% of the total composition of the fund.

The study was conducted on subscriptions and in the reading rooms of libraries.

During the analysis, 994 copies were viewed. books (73.1%) of the fund of literature on art and sports.

^ Including:

MBUK "Library of Fokino":

512 copies (91.6%) to the Library and Information Department

169 copies (36.6%) to the Family Reading Department

313 copies (87.7%) in the Children's Library

  1. ^ Analysis of the fund by chronological coverage and intensity of use
Viewed 994 copies.

a) Literature for the last 5 years of publication (2007 - 2011)

A total of 131 copies were viewed. (13.2%)

Never issued - 20 copies. (15.3%)


1 - 2 times - 29 copies. (22.1%)

3 - 5 times - 37 copies. (28.2%)

6 - 10 times - 25 copies. (19.1%)

Over 10 times - 20 copies. (15.3%)

b) Literature for the previous 5 years of publication (2002 - 2006)

A total of 88 copies were viewed. (8.9%)

Never issued - 24 copies. (27.3%)


1 - 2 times - 22 copies. (25%)

3 - 5 times - 12 copies. (13.6%)

6 - 10 times - 20 copies. (22.7%)

Over 10 times - 10 copies. (11.4%)

c) Books published over 10 years ago (before 2001)

A total of 775 copies were viewed. (78%)

Never issued - 85 copies. (eleven%)


1 - 2 times - 133 copies. (17.1%)

3 - 5 times - 322 copies. (41.5%)

6 - 10 times - 112 copies. (14.5%)

Over 10 times - 123 copies. (15.9%)

^ Fund analysis showed the following:

Literature on arts and sports makes up 3.8% of the general fund, which is less than the norm, more than 2.5 times. It is necessary to increase the share of the literature of this department in the fund to 6.5%.

Chronological analysis shows that books published in the last 5 years (2007 - 2011) make up 11.9%, and for the normal operation of the library, it is required that the literature of the last 5 years of publication occupy up to 50% of its volume in the fund.

Books from the previous 5 years (2002-2006) make up 8.9%, while the remaining almost 80% are books published more than 10 years ago. This suggests that the books are mostly old (80s - 90s editions), they are almost not interesting to readers. Many of them are already obsolete. It is necessary to radically update the fund of literature on art and sports.

From the analysis of the fund, it can be seen that in the reading rooms of the libraries, mainly new editions prevail, while the funds on the subscriptions are outdated.

A comparative analysis of the literature on art and sports showed that there are more books on art in the fund than on sports, but at the same time, based on chronological indicators, books on sports are newer. Most of the art books published over 10 years ago are still popular.

The Sports department lacks books on the following sections and topics: literature on individual sports, on the history of physical culture in Russia, recreational physical education, and artistic gymnastics. There is very little literature on physical education and sports for younger students.

The following literature is not enough in the “Art” department: the protection of monuments, literature about individual museums (the Hermitage, the Tretyakov Gallery), about Russian artists, their paintings, about design, about certain types of art products (Khokhloma, Palekh), about sculptors, about monuments to literary heroes .

There is also a lack of literature on Russian and foreign actors, composers, types and genres of music, the history of toys, furniture, kitchen utensils, costumes, genres and types of painting, collections of popular songs with notes, scripts.

In general, the analysis of literature on arts and sports showed that the fund does not meet the needs of readers. There are very few books, and the composition of the available books in terms of readership, purpose, and specific topics does not meet the needs of readers, since the books have long been outdated. That small part of the books that circulate quickly wears out and is excluded from the fund.

  1. ^ Analysis of the reasons for the formation of the passive part of the fund
Viewed 994 copies.

Never issued - 129 copies. (13%)


1 - 2 times - 184 copies. (15.5%)

3 - 5 times - 371 copies. (37.3%)

6 - 10 times - 157 copies. (15.8%)

Over 10 times - 153 copies. (15.4%)

Among the passive part of the fund 313 copies. (31.5%)

Doublets - 93 copies. (29.7%)

Undeservedly forgotten - 129 copies. (41.2%)

Recently received - 70 copies. (22.4%)

Dilapidated - 52 copies. (16.6%)

Obsolete in content - 56 copies. (17,(%)

Non-core - 9 copies. (2.9%)

Analysis of the passive part of the fund revealed the following. It is necessary to replenish the fund of literature on art and sports with new editions. Over the past few years, the "Art" and "Sports" department has been significantly reduced, a lot of outdated literature published more than 20 years ago has been excluded, and there have been almost no new entries, that is, the outflow is many times greater than the inflow. The literature available in the fund is constantly in circulation, and high circulation leads to the rapid deterioration of books.

The analysis made it possible to identify gaps in the work and adjust the action plan for the promotion of literature on art and sports.

With newly received publications, it is necessary to carry out activities to promote them: organize exhibitions of new literature, arrange open display shelves, conduct reviews of new books with access to educational institutions.

To better meet the needs of readers, the Central Bank plans to conduct a survey "Information Requests of Readers", to conduct a quarterly review-advertisement of the "Sport", "Art" departments.

It is also necessary to plan events with undeservedly forgotten books: exhibitions "On the pages of forgotten books", color bookmarks "Interesting book" in books to attract readers' attention, information in periodicals with reviews of interesting books.

It is necessary to exclude obsolete in content, excessively doublet and decrepit literature.

Failure analysis

An analysis of the unsatisfied demand of readers of the MBUK "Fokino City Library" for 2012 was made on the basis of the "Rejection Notebook" of each branch. A list of books and topics that received the largest number of rejections was compiled.

In MBUK "Library of the city of Fokino" the book fund in 2012 amounted to 36,240 copies of books.

The library fund is universal, as it contains documents on all branches of knowledge. During the year, the fund was replenished with new documents, but in insufficient quantities. In this regard, not all user requests were satisfied. In the libraries of the MBUK of the “city of Fokino”, “Rejection Notebooks” are maintained, where all books and topics on which there were refusals are recorded.

^ Total failures - 654


a) to help business reading – 444 (67,9 %)

by topic:

fiction (software) - 333 (75%)

natural science literature - 30 (6.7%)

literary criticism, linguistics - 28 (6.3%)

socio-political literature - 23 (5.2%)

art, sports - 18 (4.1%)

equipment - 8 (1.8%)

agriculture - 4 (0.9)

b) personal interest – 210 (32,1 %)

by topic:

fiction - 86 (41%)

literary criticism, linguistics - 30 (14.3%)

natural science literature - 23 (11%)

socio-political literature - 23 (11%)

equipment - 19 (9%)

art, sports - 17 (8%)

agriculture - 12 (5.7%)

Failure analysis showed the following.

The largest number of unsatisfied requests falls on educational and artistic (program) literature. There is still a shortage of publications on local history, poems and stories about the war for younger schoolchildren, and Orthodox literature for children and adults.

The demand for works of classical and modern Russian and foreign literature, included in the curricula, was not fully satisfied. The books of some authors are either completely absent in libraries, or are available in 1-3 copies, and 4-5 times more are needed. There are not enough works of the following authors: Likhanov A. The Last Cold, Tokmakova I. Alya Klyaksich and others, Hogarth E. Mafin and his friends, Krapivin V. Brother, who is seven, Bulychev K. Million adventures, Salten F. Bambi, Tokareva V. I am. You are. He is, London D. Little mistress of a big house, Veltistov V. Adventures Electronics, Astafiev V. Stories, Solzhenitsyn A. Matrenin dvor and others.

In the fiction department, the most frequent rejections are for the following genres and topics: thrillers (mystery, horror), detective stories, science fiction, books that have become a "literary event". Most often asked books by A. Marinina, T. Ustinova, Z. Prilepin, O. Roy, B. Akunin, P. Dashkova, L. Ulitskaya, D. Rubina.

In the fund of natural sciences, arts and agriculture, the largest number of refusals fell on popular science, reference literature, books on human biology, on domestic animals, floriculture, summer cottages, beekeeping, descriptions of paintings, monuments. Rejections are specific.

There is an acute shortage of literature for teenagers and books for young people. Few books on physical education and sports.

Frequent refusals for technical literature on home economics and needlework (wicker weaving, carpentry, residential design, knitting, beading).

Based on the Rejection Notebook, a list of books and topics that received the largest number of rejections was compiled.

A list of books and topics that received the most rejections is attached.

^ IV. Working with catalogs and file cabinets

The department of acquisition and processing is responsible for working with catalogs in the MBUK "Library of the City of Fokino" (head Mishina T.V., secondary specialized education (bibl.)).

In the branches of the MBUK "Fokino City Library" an alphabetical and systematic catalogue, a systematic card index of articles, and a local history card index are obligatory.

In the job descriptions of branch librarians, work with catalogs and file cabinets is reflected in the following formulations:

"Responsible for maintaining a systematic catalog and APU to it";

"Responsible for maintaining the alphabetical catalogue";

"Responsible for maintaining the topographic catalogue";

"Responsible for maintaining a systematic card index of articles, local history card index, thematic card index."

Education of branch librarians:

Higher - 3 people. (2 - economy, 1 - teacher)

Secondary special - 8 people. (including bibl. - 7).

The number of new literature received in 2012 is 1,811 copies.

Distribution by branches

Library name

Number of received publications




poured into the alphabetical catalog

The number of bibliographic records poured into the systematic

cue catalog

Library and Information Department




Children's Library




Family Reading Department





1 140

1 430

1 233

According to the reports, in 2012 the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the MBUK libraries was replenished with 6,433 bibliographic records, including receipts from OKiO, 3,923 bibliographic records were withdrawn.

All branches have card indexes of periodicals for

readers. 53 bibliographic records were poured, including 20 in the Library and Information Department, 18 in the Children's Library, and 25 in the Family Reading Department.


New on site


Most popular