Home Potato Complimentary for girls 20 years old. Selection of the best women's vitamins. ✔ Duovit anti-aging

Complimentary for girls 20 years old. Selection of the best women's vitamins. ✔ Duovit anti-aging

The body of any person (and women in particular) daily needs essential vitamins that help maintain the normal functioning of the main organs: the heart, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, bones, etc. To ensure a sufficient supply of nutrients, it is important to properly organize your diet so that it is as balanced and varied as possible. This is not always possible, so if there is a lack of any vitamins, as well as to prevent vitamin deficiency, special multivitamin complexes come to the rescue. They are developed taking into account the physiological needs of a specific group of patients and contain prophylactic doses of the necessary elements, which are adapted in accordance with reference values ​​for each specific category of consumers.

The best vitamins for women: rating of the best vitamin complexes for women's health

Photo Name Rating Price


⭐ 100 / 100


⭐ 99 / 100


⭐ 98 / 100


⭐ 97 / 100


⭐ 96 / 100


⭐ 95 / 100

No. 6. Complivit

Complivit is one of the most popular brands of vitamins in Russia, the line of which includes various complexes for women. The products of this brand belong to the category of dietary supplements: this means that they do not contain increased dosages of vitamins and minerals and are therefore suitable for long-term preventive use for various conditions accompanied by a lack of nutrients (hard physical work, unfavorable living conditions, etc.).

The most popular complex for women from this manufacturer is Complivit 45+. It is designed specifically for women during menopause and takes into account all the characteristics of the female body after the involution of sexual function. It contains 11 essential vitamins and two minerals that are most essential for maintaining healthy bones and the nervous system: calcium and magnesium. To combat stress, the complex contains motherwort extract, and to maintain hormonal balance, an extract of the Cimicifuga racemosa plant, which can bind serotonin receptors and positively influence the metabolism of cells and tissues. A common problem for women who have experienced menopause is weight gain, so the formula of the complex is enhanced with L-carnitine, an amino acid that stimulates the energy potential of cells and is a natural fat burner.

  • contains good preventive doses of vitamins to maintain women's health during menopause;
  • contains motherwort, which helps to more easily cope with natural physiological stress;
  • For weight control, the formula is enhanced with L-carnitine.
  • the composition contains a quinoline yellow dye, which can cause allergies in people with a predisposition;
  • There is evidence of digestive upset while taking vitamins (the reported side effects disappeared within 1-2 days after discontinuation of the drug).

Despite the good formula, we cannot place these vitamins higher in our rating due to serious adverse reactions that occur in approximately 10% of women. Also, you should not expect miracles from these vitamins: the doses of the auxiliary components in the complex are very small, and therefore cannot have a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Complivit Radiance is another popular complex from Complivit, one of the top five best-selling vitamins for women in Russia. Its composition is designed specifically to maintain female beauty and youth. The components of the complex help maintain healthy hair and skin - the main indicators of women's health, and the organic polyphenolic compounds (catechins) included in the composition are powerful antioxidants and slow down the process of physiological aging. Lipoic acid reduces appetite and helps control body weight, and also reduces cravings for carbohydrate foods - one of the main reasons for excess weight in almost half of Russian women.

11 vitamins and 8 minerals included in the preparation, as well as natural green tea extract, naturally stimulate collagen synthesis and protect the skin from photoaging (for this reason, the complex is recommended for women who often visit the solarium or travel to hot countries).

  • contains the entire set of vitamins and mineral salts necessary to satisfy the basic needs of the female body for macro- and micronutrients;
  • green tea extract and catechins act as antioxidants that slow down cellular aging and protect the skin from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • lipoic acid and zinc help fight appetite and control body weight.
  • the composition contains aggressive dyes that can cause allergic reactions;
  • the lid does not have a so-called child lock (a special opening mechanism in which, in order to turn the lid, you must first press it down firmly);
  • no iodine in the composition;
  • weak effect.

Complivit Radiance, although it is a well-balanced vitamin and mineral complex, cannot be considered a panacea for preserving youth. If you study customer reviews, you can conclude that about 60% of women are satisfied with the results of use.

Reviews about Complivit Shine

This is a complex that consists of only three components: lycopene, natural phytoalexin (resveratrol) and a powerful natural antioxidant found in olive oil - hydroxytyrosol. Their action is aimed at restoring elasticity and hydration of the skin, as well as combating early hypodynamic wrinkles. The manufacturer advises starting to take this complex after 30 years, when the first age-related changes begin in the skin.

  • The composition contains natural substances that help maintain youthful and beautiful skin.
  • This drug has one drawback, but a very significant one - the lack of a clinically significant result after taking it.

Despite their good composition, you should not rely only on these vitamins in the fight against aging. Without proper nutrition, quality care and other measures aimed at maintaining a youthful face and body, these vitamins will not work.

Video - How to choose the right vitamins

No. 5. AlfaVit

AlfaVit are Russian-made vitamins that were developed in accordance with scientific recommendations regarding the possibility of simultaneous intake of various components. Each complex includes tablets of three colors, each of which contains only compatible vitamins and minerals, which allows you to increase the effectiveness of vitamin therapy by almost 40% and achieve a more pronounced therapeutic result.

The manufacturer's line includes various complexes for vitamin prophylaxis for different categories of patients. The drugs belong to the category of dietary supplements and are not medicines.

This complex was developed specifically for women. Its formula is selected in such a way as not only to provide the female body with the necessary micro- and macronutrients, but also to help women in the fight against aging. Unlike Complivit complexes, it contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals (additionally chromium and iodine are included - the most important elements for women's health), as well as components that help preserve youth and beauty: curcumin, grape seed extract, coenzyme Q10, polyphenols.

Inulin in the composition has prebiotic properties, so the use of the complex has a positive effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, this organic substance can reduce sugar levels (chicory contains the most inulin, which is recommended for daily consumption by people with diabetes), which also has a positive effect on women's health and ensures the prevention of diabetes.

  • a more balanced composition compared to many complexes (additionally contains chromium and iodine);
  • contains natural antioxidants – grape seed extract and curcumin – which slow down the biological aging of cells;
  • coenzymes (coenzyme Q10) have a pronounced anti-aging effect;
  • Each tablet contains only compatible elements, which improves the digestibility of the complex.
  • the need for separate doses is a disadvantage for some, as many simply forget to take the pill at the prescribed time;
  • there are contraindications related to the presence of iodine in the composition (cannot be taken by people with hyperthyroidism);
  • There is evidence of isolated episodes of high blood pressure, which returned to normal after discontinuation of the drug.

AlfaVit Cosmetic vitamins are a good complex for women of any age, but before using it you need to consult a specialist, since real complications are possible if there are contraindications.

AlfaVit 50+ is a vitamin and mineral complex for those who have already entered old age (can be taken not only by women, but also by men). Unlike similar vitamins Complivit 45+, this drug does not take into account the age characteristics of the female body specifically, but at the same time it is also a good choice for women over 50 years old, since during its development all possible problems that people of this age usually face were taken into account age.

The drug AlfaVit 50+ will be useful for women suffering from osteoporosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal tissue, as it contains an increased dosage of calcium - the main element responsible for the strength of bone tissue. A special feature of the complex is the presence of carotenoids, which protect the retina from ultraviolet radiation. With age, the thickness of the retina of the eye decreases, which can lead to irreversible consequences (including partial or complete retinal detachment), so additional intake of lycopene and lutein is an integral part of the prevention of visual pathology in women and men over 50 years of age.

  • contains carotenoids that prevent dystrophic changes in the retina;
  • contains 13 vitamins and 9 minerals;
  • the formula is enhanced with an increased dose of calcium to prevent osteoarthritis and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.
  • the complex is not adapted to the characteristics and needs of the female body and does not solve problems that are typical for women at this age (emotional instability, excess weight, etc.);
  • As with other drugs from this manufacturer, a disadvantage for some may be the need to take the tablets separately.

Although AlfaVit 50+ vitamins were not created specifically for women, they are quite capable of providing the basic needs of the female body after 50 years, provided that the menopausal period is fairly calm and the woman does not have serious health problems.


LADY`S FORMULA is a whole series of vitamin and multivitamin preparations that were created specifically for women by the Canadian pharmaceutical company PharmaMed, which has been successfully exporting its products to all corners of the world for more than 20 years. All complexes belong to the category of dietary supplements, therefore they are suitable for long-term use, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions.

This is a drug that, in addition to 11 vitamins and 4 minerals that are essential for hair health, also contains extracts of six medicinal plants and marine collagen, which strengthens the hair follicles and has a positive effect on the hair structure. Extracts of nettle, horse chestnut and black pepper help to “wake up” hair follicles and stimulate the growth of new hair, increasing its thickness and volume. Zinc and B vitamins nourish hair, activate its energy potential at the cellular level and make hair more vibrant and shiny.

  • the composition includes high-quality marine collagen, which has a positive effect not only on the condition and appearance of the hair, but also on the health of the joints, since collagen is the most important element of connective cartilage tissue;
  • extracts of medicinal plants activate hair growth and stimulate the activity of hair follicles;
  • Each capsule contains 11 vitamins necessary for the health of the whole body (taking the complex ensures the prevention of vitamin deficiency).
  • there are few minerals in the composition, but considering that these vitamins are positioned as a drug for hair restoration, this circumstance cannot be considered a disadvantage.

On a note! LADY`S FORMULA vitamins for hair are a good vitamin and mineral supplement for women, which contain almost a complete set of vitamins necessary for women's health. The effectiveness of the drug is quite high, but if hair problems are caused by any disorders or diseases, taking the complex will be ineffective.

This complex in Russia is truly unique due to its composition. It was developed specifically for women who want to always be in good shape and maintain energy throughout the day. The ginger and ginseng extracts included in the complex, as well as crushed oats and lemongrass berries, help to wake up easier, not feel a loss of energy, increase efficiency and get more done during the day. The manufacturer even claims that the drug has a positive effect on sexual desire, but there is no scientific evidence for this, so such claims are not taken seriously.

Among the disadvantages of the complex, there are a large number of contraindications, which for some reason the manufacturer does not indicate in the instructions. For example, ginseng can increase blood pressure, so drugs based on it are contraindicated in patients with arterial hypertension.

  • Helps well with chronic fatigue and reduced performance;
  • ginger extract, which is part of the complex, has a positive effect on metabolism and activates metabolic processes;
  • the drug has a good effect on the condition of the skin, since chopped oats contain a lot of fiber, which cleanses the intestines of toxic substances.
  • Ginseng root can increase blood pressure and cause insomnia if taken in the afternoon.

Vitamins LADY`S FORMULA Energy-Tonic is a drug that can be recommended for women with signs of asthenic syndrome (chronic fatigue syndrome). But, given the presence of components in the composition that can negatively affect women’s health in the presence of certain chronic diseases, you should consult a doctor before starting to take it.

LADY`S FORMULA Energotonic

This complex includes 4 vitamins, as well as magnesium, selenium and medicinal plant extracts. It is designed to maintain activity (including in the intimate sphere) of women who have reached the age of thirty. The supplement also includes extracts of fruits and vegetables (broccoli, pomegranate, asparagus), which help improve intestinal motility, eliminate constipation and cleanse the body of toxins and toxic substances (plant fiber absorbs and removes all toxic substances from the intestines, preventing them from being absorbed into the intestines). blood). This has a positive effect not only on general well-being, but also on a woman’s appearance: the skin is cleansed, complexion is evened out, and hydrolipid levels are restored.

  • improves the condition of skin and hair;
  • the fruit and vegetable mixture in the composition has a positive effect on intestinal function and motility;
  • plant extracts tone the body, give strength and energy;
  • the composition of the complex is selected in such a way as to support the sexual activity of women after 30 years.
  • few vitamins and minerals;
  • The effectiveness of the drug for intimate health has not been scientifically proven.

A significant advantage of LADY`S FORMULA Woman 30 Plus is the presence of fruit and vegetable extracts in the composition, but it is not suitable for effective prevention of vitamin deficiencies due to the low content of vitamins, macro- and micronutrients.

Reviews of LADY`S FORMULA Woman 30 Plus

The complex for women over 40 already contains 8 vitamins and 5 minerals, since at this age the immune system requires active support (it is at this age that most women begin to actively manifest various chronic diseases). Tocopherol and grape seed extract act as antioxidants: they bind and remove free radicals from cells, slow down the processes of cellular aging and help prolong the youth of the skin. Extracts obtained from papaya fruits and green tea leaves activate the energy potential of cells and give a boost of energy for the whole day.

The tablets also contain bromelain, a substance obtained from pineapple that has pronounced fat-burning properties and stimulates metabolic processes.

  • contains bromelain, a substance recognized as one of the most powerful fat burners of natural origin;
  • antioxidants in the composition slow down the processes of radical and cellular aging and help maintain youthful skin;
  • good vitamin and mineral composition.
  • The drug has no significant disadvantages.

Vitamins LADY`S FORMULA Woman 40 Plus is a good supplement for women over 40 years old, having a normal composition of vitamins and minerals and comprehensively solving many problems characteristic of women of this age. One of the significant advantages of this complex, according to buyers, is the presence of a fat burner in the composition. Despite this, you should not expect any special effect from these vitamins, since the dose of bromelain in them is too small, and, moreover, not a single remedy will work until all the causes of excess weight are eliminated.

No. 3. Doppelherz

The Doppelherz company is a German manufacturer of high-quality vitamin and mineral complexes for people of all ages. The line of products for women's health includes several drugs that have already won the love and trust of Russian consumers, so they deservedly fall into our rating today.

This complex includes 10 vitamins, as well as magnesium, calcium, zinc and selenium. All components are balanced in such a way as to provide the daily needs of the female body and eliminate the deficiency of the most important elements. Taking the complex helps improve overall well-being, increase physical and intellectual endurance, and “wake up” the metabolism.

  • good dosages of elements necessary for beautiful skin and healthy hair;
  • The main advantage that can be noted for all products of this brand is German quality, focused on the highest standards.
  • For some, the disadvantage may be the lack of various additives in the form of plant extracts, mixtures of vegetables and fruits, etc.

Doppelherz V.I.P. Complex for beauty and health is a good comprehensive drug for women's health that can be taken starting from 25-30 years. It does not contain anything unnecessary, and the dosage of active ingredients is quite sufficient to achieve the stated result.

This is a complex for women, designed to meet the basic daily needs of the female body for essential vitamins and minerals. In addition to ascorbic acid and vitamin D 3, it contains calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and iodine. These components help a woman’s body cope with various stresses, support the immune system, have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and strengthen bone tissue.

  • contains iodine;
  • the drug contains the most important vitamins and minerals that the female body needs daily;
  • Available in the convenient form of soluble effervescent tablets with a pleasant taste.
  • a small number of tablets per package (you need to take 2 tubes per month).

The drug is well suited for women who do not have a history of any serious chronic diseases as a daily prophylaxis for typical deficiency conditions.

The drug Doppelherz Menopause is designed for women during pre- and postmenopause and fully takes into account the characteristics and needs of the female body during this period. It contains increased doses of calcium and vitamin D 3, as well as phytoestrogens, which help improve the quality of life of women during menopause.

Experts call the main goals of using this complex in women over 40 years of age to prevent vegetative-vascular disorders, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, and reduce the severity of psycho-emotional disorders. The vitamin premix is ​​selected in such a way as to support the functioning of the heart muscle and nervous system and help it cope with increased emotional stress against the background of hormonal changes in the body.

  • provides high-quality prevention of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis;
  • strengthens the heart and nervous system;
  • helps cope with psycho-emotional stress;
  • contains phytoestrogens.
  • poor set of vitamins and minerals.

For women after menopause, this complex can be one of the most effective drugs, but it is important to remember that it cannot be taken for a long time due to a limited set of elements.

Doppel herz Menopause

No. 2. Vitrum Beauty Plus

According to reviews from women, Vitrum Beauty Plus is one of the best vitamin and mineral complexes sold in Russia. This is a drug with a specially developed formula aimed at improving the condition of hair, skin and nails. The complex contains all the vitamins necessary to maintain metabolic and immune processes in epidermal cells, as well as the most important macro- and micronutrients for women’s health: iron, zinc, manganese, chromium, etc.

In addition to the standard vitamin and mineral premix, the product contains polyphenolic compounds, flavonoids, as well as 4-aminobenzoic acid, which is involved in the synthesis of folic acid and the formation of formed blood components - red blood cells. This acid is also a growth factor for many beneficial bacteria, so the complex is useful for women suffering from chronic vaginitis or intestinal dysbiosis.

  • contains a full set of elements necessary for beauty and women's health;
  • contains 4-aminobenzoic acid - a growth factor for beneficial microflora of the genital organs and intestines;
  • when used during lactation (after consultation with a doctor), it stimulates the production of breast milk due to the high concentration of 4-aminobenzoic acid.
  • The only significant drawback of this complex is the high price - one package of vitamins costs about 1,600 rubles.

On a note! Vitrum Beauty Plus are good, high-quality vitamins for women of any age, capable of fully satisfying the female body’s need for useful elements. Due to the content of 4-aminobenzoic acid, the drug is especially useful for women suffering from chronic intestinal dysbiosis or vaginitis.

No. 1. Solgar Herbal complex for women

SOLGAR products have long won the trust of not only Russian women, but also specialists, since these are the only dietary supplements on our market that are close to medications in terms of effects and dosage. The company has been producing 100% natural products of premium quality since 1947, so vitamins from this manufacturer deservedly occupy the first line of our rating today.

The herbal complex from Solgar is a vitamin supplement for women that increases performance and the ability to withstand stress, has a general strengthening effect and reduces the psycho-emotional manifestations of various neurotic conditions. Extracts of milk thistle and medicinal plant roots also have a positive effect on reproductive health, help restore the menstrual cycle, and make periods less painful and longer.

  • 100% natural composition without synthetic additives;
  • helps restore the menstrual cycle and improve reproductive health;
  • have a general strengthening effect, increases the body's resistance to various diseases and negative environmental factors.
  • Apart from the very high price (about 1800 rubles per jar), there are no disadvantages.

Solgar Herbal Complex - highly effective, natural vitamins for women that support women's health and have a general strengthening effect on the entire body.

How to choose good vitamins for women?

If you feel that your diet does not provide all the vitamins and minerals your body needs, you may need to take a course of vitamins to make up for the deficiency of essential elements. To help you choose the best vitamins that are right for you, we recommend using the tips below.

  1. The most important rule when choosing suitable vitamins is that before purchasing, you should consult a doctor and do at least a biochemical blood test. The fact is that an excess of some substances (for example, vitamin A) can be no less dangerous than its deficiency, so a thoughtless purchase of the first complex you come across can result in serious consequences for your health.
  2. Consultation with a doctor is also necessary for those who have any chronic diseases. For example, if you have problems with the thyroid gland, you need to be very careful with taking iodine, and if you have arterial hypertension, you should avoid complexes that contain Eleutherococcus or ginseng root.
  3. Women over 45 years old should choose special complexes for this age category. Such drugs are adapted to the changes that occur in a woman’s body during menopause, and their use helps to more easily cope with the restructuring of the body and improve the quality of life (including sexual life) during this period.
  4. If you choose vitamins to improve the condition of your skin and hair, pay attention to the presence of an antioxidant complex. Such substances prevent early aging and help maintain youth longer.
  5. For very busy women with a constant lack of time, it is better to choose drugs in which the daily dosage is equal to one tablet. This will allow you to complete your course of vitamin therapy in a more disciplined manner and avoid omissions, which often occur due to simple forgetfulness (when you need to take 2-3 tablets a day).
  6. For those with a sweet tooth, as well as women who are overweight, we recommend choosing complexes with a sufficient content of chromium and selenium. These elements help control appetite, reduce cravings for sweets and relieve constant hunger.

For persistent intestinal problems, complexes containing a mixture of vegetables or fruits can help, since plant fiber stimulates gastrointestinal motility.

Video - How to choose vitamins

Choosing good vitamins for a woman is not as simple a task as it might initially seem, since it is important that the chosen drug can satisfy all the needs of the female body at a particular stage. To choose the right vitamins correctly, it is best to first consult a doctor and conduct a blood test to find out which elements your body is missing. Well, remember that no vitamins can replace a high-quality, varied and balanced diet, so do not forget to include fruits, vegetables, vegetable oils, fish, meat and dairy products in your diet every day.


What vitamins and minerals do women at this age need? Which vitamin complexes contain them most effectively?

Preserving beauty and youth is a huge job that requires strict adherence to certain rules and normalization of the diet. Positive emotions, excellent mood, active lifestyle - this is not enough. It is important that the body receives a full range of important substances that ensure the full functioning of all organs and prevent premature aging.

What vitamins are most suitable for women under 25-30 years old? Which multivitamin complexes should you prefer and what are their features? Let's consider these questions in detail.

The most useful vitamins for women

Scientists have been able to prove that regular intake of useful elements guarantees prolongation of youth and good health. But what vitamins are most useful for girls? It is worth highlighting here:

  • Tocopherol (E)- a powerful antioxidant that stops the aging process and fights the formation of malignant tumors. It supports the functioning of the female reproductive system and accelerates the synthesis of estrogen. With a deficiency of tocopherol, a girl’s figure quickly becomes masculine.
  • Ascorbic acid (C)- an element known for its ability to strengthen the immune system. In addition, it is called the beauty vitamin, providing powerful antioxidant effects. Regular intake of ascorbic acid keeps melatonin levels at a safe level. Otherwise, the risk of developing moles, age spots or freckles increases. So, “ascorbic acid” is one of the most important vitamins for girls under 25 years old.
  • Retinol (A)- an element that is found in sufficient quantities in carrots, pumpkin, apricots, eggs and fish. Its deficiency causes deterioration of the condition of the skin, the formation of cracks in the palms and feet. The corners of the lips also suffer, where cracks appear due to a lack of retinol.
  • Vitamin H- an element that should be present in the body of a woman of any age. Its action is aimed at normalizing the condition of the skin and strengthening the health of the mucous membranes. You can find such an important substance for the body in liver, peanuts and yeast.
  • Group B. Scientists have long proven that B vitamins are reliable helpers in normalizing the central nervous system. A deficiency of any of the representatives of this group leads to depression, sleep problems, drowsiness and other disruptions in the body. In addition, vision deteriorates, the skin turns red, and a burning sensation is felt on the eyeball. If we consider the most important elements, then the same B9 normalizes reproductive function, and B5 strengthens the hair follicles. B6 is also important, which helps in processing amino acids and accelerating muscle growth.
  • Vitamin D- a substance on the abundance of which the beauty of nails, the health of teeth and the strength of bones depend. Its intake is important at any age, regardless of gender.

We must not forget about the benefits of minerals:

  • The daily diet should include iron. This element is involved in the production of hemoglobin, which ensures normal oxygen transfer to every cell of the body. In case of deficiency, malfunctions in the functioning of cells occur, the skin loses its former appearance, becomes faded and unhealthy.
  • No less important calcium, which is required during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is worth remembering that the strength of bones and teeth directly depends on the sufficiency of this substance.

Useful vitamins for women by age

The most important elements for girls under 25-30 years old are discussed above. But for a complete picture, it is worth highlighting dietary recommendations for the fair sex of all age categories. Here it is worth considering the following nuances:

  • Vitamin complex for women up to 30 years old should include elements aimed at improving the condition of the skin and maintaining its youth. Thus, the additives Duovit and Alphabet are widely used. From vitamins, the body should receive tocopherol and folic acid, which ensures the normalization of the reproductive function of the female body. Also important are ascorbic acid, which strengthens the immune system, and B12, which ensures an ideal supply of oxygen to the body. To improve health at such a young age, it is recommended to add zinc to the diet, which ensures normal hair appearance and eliminates wrinkles.
  • Women 30-35 years. During this period, it is important to protect yourself from the first signs of aging. If a vitamin complex for women under 30 should contain more tocopherol, now the emphasis is on vitamin A, the need for which is constantly increasing. In addition, to restore nails, teeth and hair, the diet should contain calcium, and to strengthen the central nervous system - representatives of group B.
  • Women 35-50 years. As in the previous case, the fair sex at this age should take retinol, which maintains the skin in normal condition. Tocopherol is also extremely useful, which delays aging and helps the body cope with dangerous radicals. After the age of 45, it is important to focus on complexes with a high content of B vitamins, which strengthen the nervous system.

The best vitamin complexes for women under 30 years old

The greatest difficulty for many is to decide which vitamins are best for girls, as well as which complexes to give preference to at this age. We dealt with the first question above. It remains to understand which supplements are most worthy of female beauty:

  • Supradin is a powerful complex that is sold in many forms and is suitable for girls and women of all ages. Today, syrups, regular or water-soluble tablets, and vitamins in the form of chewing candies are available on sale. The composition contains elements of group B, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, coenzyme Q10 and other beneficial substances. One tablet per day for 30 days is enough to strengthen the body and slow down the aging process. The best time to take it is autumn and spring.
  • Alphabet Cosmetics- ideal vitamins for girls 20 years old and older. This product contains a full range of microelements and vitamins that ensure healthy hair, skin and nail plates. So, it contains retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, vitamin D, etc. The unusual thing about the drug is that the elements are divided into 3 groups, each of which should be taken at a certain period - in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening. The duration of treatment for girls is 14 days. Within a year, it is enough to complete two full-fledged courses.
  • Revidox is a world-famous drug that contains no synthetic substances. The supplement contains plant extracts that are natural sources of beneficial elements. It is based on grape seed and pomegranate extracts, which cover the body's need for antioxidants and slow down the aging process. Also, after completing the course, the skin becomes more elastic and the complexion improves.
  • Vitrum Beauty— high-quality vitamins for women 25-30 years old. Today, most therapists prescribe this particular drug. It's easy to explain. The Vitrum company has been on the market for a long time and has managed to earn popularity in wide circles. The composition contained a place for the most useful and important substances, including E, A, C, D, K, N and others. The manufacturer did not forget about the importance of minerals - calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, boron, selenium and others. At the same time, the company produces several lines of complexes that are suitable for both young and more mature women.
  • Complivit. Many drugs are produced today under this brand. This is a good product for girls under 25 years old, made using the unique “Shine” formula. The preparation contains the most important vitamins, as well as magnesium, selenium, zinc and other micro- and macroelements. A high-quality composition guarantees sufficient collagen production in the body, skin protection, bone strengthening and increased resistance to disease. Tablets are taken once a day. Course - 30 days.
  • Laura- a well-known vitamin complex for girls under 25 years old, the manufacturer of which is the Evalar company. This product belongs to the class of dietary supplements taken with food. “Inside” the product there are all beauty vitamins (C, E, hyaluronic acid and others). The thoughtful composition ensures full production of collagen, high-quality skin hydration and preservation of its youth. Taking a course of dietary supplements reduces the number of wrinkles on the face, provides a natural glow, and gives the skin an even color.
  • Perfectile- a high-quality product that is considered one of the best in matters of prolonging youth. This product from the English brand Vitabiotics contains the best vitamins for women that ensure healthy skin, strengthen the immune system, and accelerate the removal of dangerous toxins from the body. Perfectil contains representatives of group B, tocopherol, retinol, ascorbic acid and a number of minerals (zinc, manganese, magnesium and others).
  • Duovit- a complex of vitamins for girls, which today occupies a leading position in many consumer ratings. The composition contains the ideal combination of minerals and vitamins that the female body urgently needs. It is worth noting that Duovit does not belong to the category of medicines, so it can be taken without a doctor’s prescription. One tablet contains almost three dozen useful elements, including 15 minerals and 12 vitamins. The elements of group B and calcium deserve the most attention, ensuring healthy nails and hair and improving the general condition of the body. In turn, tocopherol and retinol keep the skin in perfect shape and smooth out wrinkles.

The choice of vitamin complexes today is wide enough to provide the body with useful elements, avoid many diseases and delay the approach of old age. This is especially important for women who dream of preserving beauty and youth for as long as possible. All this is possible if you approach the choice of drugs wisely and focus on the most important elements under the age of 30.

There is an opinion that dividing vitamins into men's and women's is a simple trick by manufacturers, and there is no difference which vitamins women should take. But in fact there is a difference and quite significant. It is explained by the fact that, due to physiological differences, the needs of the female body for microelements and vitamins are different than those of the stronger sex.

For example, men need more vitamin C, and women need more iron. And, if a woman takes vitamin complexes designed specifically for men, then she risks receiving an excessive dose of some substances and a deficiency of others. This will definitely affect your overall health and appearance.

Essential vitamins:

  • Vitamin A. Improves vision, strengthens the immune system, promotes wound healing, protects the liver. With its deficiency, dry skin on the elbows and feet, cracked lips and thinning hair are observed.
  • Vitamin B 1. Regulates water balance and carbohydrate metabolism, prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Its deficiency can cause indigestion, loss of appetite, and chilliness.
  • Vitamin B 2. Participates in metabolism, stimulates tissue healing. If it is deficient, vision may decrease, weakness and headaches may occur.
  • Vitamin B 6. Very important for the normal state of the nervous system.
  • Vitamin B 12. Responsible for the liver and the state of the nervous system, promotes hemoglobin synthesis. Its deficiency leads to chronic fatigue, dizziness and a feeling of ringing in the ears.
  • Vitamin C. Increases the body's resistance to infections, increases blood clotting, and participates in collagen synthesis. Its deficiency can manifest itself in the form of bruises at the slightest injury, the appearance of blood when brushing your teeth and bad breath.
  • Vitamin D Regulates phosphorus-calcium metabolism, strengthens bone tissue. Pain in the legs, thinning of tooth enamel, increased sweating may indicate a lack of it in the body.
  • Vitamin E. It is considered the strongest immunomodulator and has an antioxidant effect.

You can replenish your body with the missing elements with the help of proper and varied nutrition. But rarely does anyone manage to achieve the required daily vitamin levels by eating only the “right” foods. After all, you just need to eat a huge amount of them, and there is still no guarantee that the necessary substances are in these products in an accessible form and are absorbed in full.

In addition, one cannot ignore the fact that modern vegetables and fruits, which, thanks to selection, have become larger and more beautiful, have better preservation and frost resistance, tolerate transportation better, but contain a smaller amount of vitamins compared to their “wild” relatives.

Therefore, it is advisable to introduce “pharmacy” vitamins into your diet. They can be found in any pharmacy in sufficient quantities. Moreover, both individual vitamins and entire complexes. Vitamin complexes are currently considered the best option, in which the vitamins present do not conflict with each other, and their quantitative composition corresponds to the daily norm. Each age category has its own composition.

Conventionally, the division occurs into the following groups:

  • Vitamins for women after 30 years.
  • After 40 years.
  • After 50 years.
  • For pregnant women and nursing mothers.

There are contraindications, be sure to consult your doctor!

Rating (2019) Prices, ₽ A country
1. from 1000₽ USA
2. from 400₽ Russia
3. from 2000₽ Denmark
4. from 1600₽ Spain
1. from 700₽ USA
2. from 240₽ Russia
3. from 18000₽ USA
4. from 500₽ Slovenia
1. from 1400 Austria
2. from 300₽ Russia
3. from 900₽ Finland
4. from 50₽ Russia
1. from 1000₽ USA
2. from 600₽ Italy
3. from 1200₽ Germany
4. from 300₽ Russia

The best vitamins for women over 30

This age is considered to be “golden”. Much has already been achieved, and even more bright hopes for the future. But it is at this age that women begin to notice the first signs of unwanted changes. These include emerging wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes, extra pounds that don’t want to go away quickly, and the appearance of diseases that didn’t exist before.

4 Revidox

In 4th place we put a product made in Spain, which has won fans thanks to its unique composition. It contains the substance resveratrol. It is produced in red grapes under the influence of sunlight and helps them “not age” for a long time. In Revidox, each capsule contains:

  • 133 mg dry grape extract.
  • 125 mg of dry extract of pomegranate seeds.
  • 25 mg selenomethionine.

The product is a powerful biologically active complex with an antioxidant effect. It slows down cellular aging, thereby helping to reduce age-related changes in the skin. It also helps normalize weight by improving metabolism.


  • Wonderful composition.
  • Improves the appearance of the skin.
  • Normalizes weight.
  • Improves general condition.


  • Quite a high price.
  • The need for constant use.

3 Imedin Time of Perfection

In 3rd place is the Danish-made vitamin complex Imedin Time of Perfection. It is appreciated by the fair sex for its excellent fight against visible signs of skin aging.

The complex contains a seafood extract (Biomarine Complex), which contains proteins and polysaccharides similar in composition to the components in the structure of human skin. It also contains grape seed extract and lycopene, isolated from natural tomatoes that do not contain GMOs. Their combined action protects collagen and elastin fibers from destruction. There is no lactose, sugar, flavoring additives or preservatives.

Imedin Time of Perfection is designed to maintain the necessary moisture of the skin and to restore it, as well as to protect against harmful environmental influences and ultraviolet radiation.


  • Unique composition.
  • No preservatives or synthetic flavoring additives.
  • Only high-quality natural products are used.
  • Effectively fights fine wrinkles on the face and eliminates age spots.
  • Protects skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and adverse environmental factors.


  • Not suitable for women who are allergic to fish and seafood.

Imedin Time of Perfection

2 Laura Evalar

2nd place in our ranking belongs to Russian products. These are vitamin tablets Laura Evalar. The main active ingredients in them are: wild yam extract, hyaluronic acid, phospholipids, vitamins C, E, F. The product contains Swiss-made peptide complexes, which provide a rejuvenating effect.

The combined action of all these components increases the body's energy potential, strengthens the immune system and regulates hormonal balance. In addition, the product helps improve complexion, smooth out unevenness and wrinkles, and increase the elasticity of the skin.


  • High quality natural ingredients.
  • Balanced composition.
  • General strengthening effect on the body.
  • Rejuvenating effect.


  • Do not take during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Problems with increased blood clotting may occur.

Laura Evalar vitamins

1 LADY’S FORMULA Woman 30 plus

The first place belongs to the American-made vitamin complex. It is loved by women for its effectiveness and versatility, since it not only has a general strengthening effect, but also prevents female diseases and has a beneficial effect on appearance.

LADY’S FORMULA is designed for women who have crossed the thirty-year mark. Experts recommend it for increased fatigue, loss of strength, when the first signs of skin aging appear, as well as for the prevention of diseases that occur when the exchange of female sex hormones is disrupted.

The complex is very multicomponent. Each capsule contains the following ingredients: chaste vitex, angelica chinensis, evening primrose extract, asparagus racemosus leaves, Chinese Kudzu and Suma roots, pomegranate extract, broccoli flowers, white cabbage and spinach leaves, vitamins D3, E, A, iodine, zinc, selenium, magnesium sulfate.

The drug is manufactured in accordance with international quality standards for pharmaceutical production and is certified according to the Eurasion Conformity standard.


  • Multicomponent composition.
  • Using only natural and harmless ingredients.
  • Passed international testing.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Increases physical, mental and sexual activity.
  • Prevents the development of cellulite.


  • Due to the multicomponent nature of the drug, there is a possibility of getting an ingredient to which there is an individual intolerance.

LADY’S FORMULA Woman 30 plus

The best vitamins for women after 40-45 years

After 40 years of age, it becomes increasingly difficult for women to maintain their blooming appearance. Skin, hair, and nails gradually change for the worse, and even careful care of them helps little. Moreover, reproductive function begins to fade, the production of sex hormones, including estrogen, decreases. The lack of this substance in the body makes a woman irritable, with frequently changing mood. The menstrual cycle gets disrupted, sleep becomes restless and sensitive. All these unpleasant processes are natural, and no one can avoid them.

To maintain the body during this period and stop the aging process, careful care of the skin and body is necessary, as well as the intake of nutrients and vitamins, without which the body is no longer able to do. The choice of such products should be approached consciously and responsibly, since they will not have cosmetic effects, but will replenish missing substances that are no longer formed in the body. We list the best vitamin complexes for women of this age below.

4 Duovit for women

The 4th position in the ranking is occupied by the drug Duovit, manufactured in Slovenia. It contains 11 vitamins and 8 micro and macroelements. Before you start using it, you should consult your doctor, since there are a number of serious diseases for which it is contraindicated.

Duovit is useful for women because it supports reproductive function, increases immunity, has a beneficial effect on skin and eye health, and has a preventive effect against the development of osteoporosis. It is prescribed in cases where large quantities of minerals are excreted from the body. This may include heavy menstruation, vomiting and diarrhea, and increased sweating.

The Duovit complex has its own distinctive features. Here the vitamins and minerals are separated. The package contains two types of tablets. Typically, vitamin tablets are pink, and mineral tablets are blue or cyan.


  • High-quality composition.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Supports reproductive function.
  • Prevents the development of osteoporosis.
  • Replenishes the loss of minerals during heavy periods, vomiting, diarrhea, and increased sweating.
  • Can be used by pregnant women.
  • Can be used by nursing mothers.


  • May cause allergies.
  • Contraindicated in a number of diseases; consultation with a doctor is required.

Duovit for women

3 Vitrum Beauty Elite

We placed the Vitrum Beauty Elite vitamin complex in 3rd place in our ranking. Its manufacturer, the American company Unipharm, has been around for many years and has won the trust of its customers thanks to its quality products.

Vitrum Beauty Elite is a multi-component complex. This includes vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C, D3, E, H1, A. Microelements: Mg, Mn, Fe, B, Ca, Zn, I, Se. Plant extracts of rosemary leaves, nettle, peppermint, Barbados aloe, tea, European olive; — rhizomes of curcuma longa, medicinal ginger; - grape seeds; — lemon bioflavonoids; - kelp thallus; - anise fruit; - horsetail herbs; - lavender flowers; - Chinese cinnamon bark. Amino acids: methionine, papain, cysteine, betaine hydrochloride, choline, arginine, inositol, lysine.

The coordinated action of all these components stimulates the body's defenses, normalizes the functioning of the digestive system, and strengthens the walls of capillaries. They also reduce the negative consequences of stress and adverse environmental influences. Vitamins have a general strengthening and antioxidant effect.


  • Time-tested manufacturer.
  • Complex composition.
  • Replenishes the lack of vitamins and microelements.
  • Helps restore the body after operations and long-term illnesses.
  • Fills the body with energy.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • Improves the condition of skin, hair and nails.
  • It is an anti-aging agent.
  • Helps improve performance and improve mood.


  • Cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Should not be taken by patients with an increased risk of thrombosis.

Vitrum Beauty Elite

2 QI-CLIM Evalar vitamins for women 45+

2nd place in the list of the best vitamins for women 40–45 years old is occupied by the Russian-made drug CI-CLIM Evalar. It was created specifically for women whose bodies are preparing for menopause.

The composition of QI-CLIM (a) includes the following ingredients: vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, folic acid, selenium, pantothenic acid, rutin, L-carnitine, motherwort extract, cohosh extract. The components of the vitamin complex are selected in such a way as to replenish the body with missing vitamins and minerals and reduce the manifestation of menopausal syndrome.

The main feature of the drug QI-CLIM is the presence of black cohosh phytoestrogens in its composition. They eliminate estrogen deficiency in women, improving overall well-being and slowing down the process of hormonal aging. QI-CLIM improves the absorption of calcium, eliminates such unpleasant symptoms of menopause as hot flashes, palpitations, excessive sweating, irritability and sleep disturbances.


  • 100% natural.
  • Does not contain hormones.
  • Supports good health during menopause.
  • Improves calcium absorption.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the condition of skin, hair and nails.


  • Do not take during pregnancy and lactation.

QI-CLIM Evalar vitamins for women 45+

1 Lady’s formula Woman 40 Plus

In this age category, the leader is a drug manufactured in the USA. Lady’s formula Woman 40 Plus is a natural vitamin complex that is designed for women entering a period of hormonal changes.

The vitamin complex contains extracts of medicinal plants, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids. Together, these components stimulate the production of endogenous hormones, normalize metabolic processes, maintain vitality and sexual activity, and have a preventive effect against the development of osteoporosis and bone fractures. The product strengthens the immune system, improves metabolism and prevents weight gain.

The drug is produced in accordance with international standards; in Russia it is certified according to the Gosstandart system.


  • High-quality and verified composition.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Improves mood and increases performance.
  • Prevents weight gain.
  • Prevents the development of female diseases.
  • Eases the symptoms of menopause.


Lady’s formula Woman 40 Plus

The best vitamins for women over 50

A woman after 50 years enters a new life. And this is primarily due to the slowing down or even stopping of the body’s production of estrogen. Exactly this
becomes the cause of many irreversible processes that lead to deterioration of the general condition and individual organs.

Representatives of this age category experience thinning of the skin and a decrease in its elasticity, wrinkles become deeper and deeper. The process of absorption of nutrients in the body is disrupted, which inevitably leads to various health problems. A lack of calcium, for example, leads to increased bone fragility. The psychological side does not remain unchanged. The mood worsens and even the character changes for the worse.

But life does not stop after 50 years, it simply moves into a new stage, and at this stage it is very important to provide support to the body. Minerals and vitamins, which must be fed to the body from the outside, will help delay the onset of old age and prevent the development of many diseases.

4 Undevit

Compared to many foreign patented products, Russian Undevit vitamins may look somewhat rustic. And its price contributes to this. Many people think that for 50 rubles. Nowadays it is impossible to buy anything worthwhile. However, this is a misconception.

Vitamins Undevit are a real lifesaver for older people. This tool was created back in the Soviet Union, and it can be argued that it has stood the test of time. The composition contains all the vitamins necessary to maintain the body:

  • Retinol palmitate (vitamin A) – is responsible for the health of the skin, mucous membranes and eyes.
  • Thiamine hydrochloride (vitamin B1) normalizes the nervous system and is involved in carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is essential for the health of the entire body. Improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) is the main antidepressant for the body.
  • Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) – promotes the synthesis of substances that affect energy processes, is necessary for the synthesis of myelin, from which the sheath of nerve fibers is formed.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) – ensures the synthesis of collagen, which forms the basis of all connective tissues, and also affects the condition of the skin, teeth, and bones.
  • Rutoside (vitamin P) – has an antioxidant effect (inhibits oxidative processes in the body).
  • A-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) is the main women's vitamin. It is an antioxidant, prevents the destruction of red blood cells, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the gonads, nervous system and muscle tissue.
  • Calcium pantothenate (vitamin B5) – Promotes the construction and regeneration of cells that line the surfaces of blood vessels and the mucous membranes of internal organs.
  • Folic acid (vitamin B9) – takes part in the synthesis of amino acids, nucleotides, nucleic acids, and is necessary for the formation of red blood cells.
  • Nicotinamide (vitamin PP) – is involved in the processes of fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

Undevit helps to quickly restore the body's vitality after injuries and illnesses; it is especially necessary for women over 50 years of age, when metabolic disorders become a natural process.


  • The composition contains all the necessary vitamins.
  • The drug is easily absorbed by the body.
  • Wonderful price.
  • Clinically proven effectiveness of the drug.
  • Minor list of side effects.


  • Not suitable for diabetics.

3 Ladyvita 50+

In 3rd place is the Ladyvita 50 vitamin and mineral complex, which is produced in Finland. This product is most suitable for mature women due to the fact that its composition is supplemented with soy isoflavonoids, which help correct hormonal levels.

The composition of the product contains vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D3, E, K, minerals: calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, chromium, selenium, iodine, folic and nicotinic acids.

Ladyvita 50 strengthens the immune system, has a preventive effect on osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases, helps the body cope with a lack of hormones, helps normalize blood pressure, improves sleep and improves mood, and has an antitumor effect. The drug contains no substances that can have harmful effects.


  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Prevention of osteoporosis.
  • Strengthens bones.
  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Has an antitumor effect.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Improves sleep and emotional state.


  • Intolerance to individual components is possible.
  • Quite a high price.

2 Alphabet 50+

2nd place belongs to the Russian product Alphabet 50+. It is designed for women over 50 years of age. It contains vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances, precisely in the quantities required by people of this age.

The daily dose of useful components is divided into three tablets, each of which contains only the combined substances. Components that have a negative effect on each other are distributed among different tablets. For example, calcium reduces the absorption of iron by almost half, so these minerals were distributed among different tablets. The pink tablet contains vitamins C, B, A, folic acid, iron and copper. The blue tablet contains vitamins B6, B2, E, beta-carotene, nicotinamide, magnesium, manganese, selenium, zinc, iodine, lycopene, lutein. White composition: vitamins B5, B12, H, K, chromium, calcium.


  • Well-chosen composition.
  • Convenient tablets to take.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Strengthens bones.
  • Prevention of eye diseases.
  • Supports heart function.


  • Allergy is possible due to individual intolerance to one of the components.

Alphabet 50+

1 Centrum Silver Women 50+

The leading position is occupied by the Austrian-made drug Centrum Silver 50+. The vitamin complex was created for older women. It has the vitamins and a whole range of nutrients necessary for this age. It contains: vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, D, E, K, folic acid, lycopene, lutein, calcium, iron, zinc.

The balanced action of the ingredients can support heart function, have a beneficial effect on brain activity, increase hemoglobin levels, help maintain eye health, and also resist bone destruction and normalize collagen synthesis. Centrum Silver 50+ helps normalize the activity of the nervous system, thyroid gland and enzymatic systems of the body.

The complex contains no GMOs, gluten, or sugar.

The vitamin complex is not a medicine, but, nevertheless, you should consult your doctor before using it. And also store the drug out of the reach of children. Accidental overdose of the drug can cause severe poisoning in children under 6 years of age.


  • Contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Improves brain activity.
  • Increases hemoglobin levels.
  • Has a beneficial effect on vision.
  • Resists bone destruction.
  • Normalizes the state of the nervous system.


  • You may be allergic to some components.

Centrum vitamins 50+

The best vitamins for women after childbirth

The birth of a child is a great joy, but at the same time a great challenge for the mother. The body after pregnancy and the stress endured during childbirth requires restoration, and then breastfeeding is added. All attention, first of all, is given to the child. A nursing mother limits herself to many familiar foods so as not to cause undesirable reactions in the child (allergies, bloating, stomach disorders, etc.), and does not get enough sleep at night. There is a catastrophic lack of time for yourself.

Unpleasant symptoms appear quickly. Teeth begin to deteriorate (or continue, since this process started during pregnancy), hair falls out, the shape of the abdomen does not return to normal, and unwanted fat appears on the sides.

However, don't despair. You just need to properly support your body, which won’t take much time. Experts recommend that women spend more time in the fresh air during this period, eat right and take vitamin and mineral complexes.

Below we have provided a list of the best drugs that will help a woman in the postpartum period quickly return her body to normal and improve her well-being and mood.

4 Alphabet “Mom’s Health”

The Russian-made vitamin and mineral complex is made specifically for women who are breastfeeding. It is designed taking into account the needs of their body and contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

The complex contains 13 vitamins, 11 minerals and taurine. Vitamins and minerals are divided into three groups to minimize their unwanted interactions.

The daily dose is three tablets that must be taken during the day. The tablets have different colors.

Pink tablets contain ascorbic acid (vitamin C), thiamine (vitamin B1), betacarotene, folic acid, iron, copper, taurine. Blue-coated tablets consist of nicotinamide (vit. PP), tocopherol (vit. E), pyridoxine (vit. B6), riboflavin (vit. B2), ascorbic acid (vit. C). The white tablets contain calcium pantothenate, folic acid, cyanocobalamin (vit. B12), colecalceferol (vit. D3), phytomenadiol (vit. K), biotin (vit. H), calcium, phosphorus, chromium.


  • Optimal composition for nursing mothers.
  • The components are separated into different tablets in order to prevent their negative interaction with each other.
  • Separating the components into different tablets increases the hypoallergenicity of the complex.
  • Increased calcium content. Iron and folic acid.
  • Replenishes the deficiency of nutrients.
  • Strengthens teeth, nails, hair.
  • Helps prevent anemia.


  • Some users find it cumbersome to take pills three times a day.

Alphabet “Mom’s Health”

3 Elevit Feeding

In third place we put the German-made drug Elevit Feeding, specially created for women who are breastfeeding. This vitamin complex has a beneficial effect on the health of the mother and helps the baby receive all the necessary substances for normal development through breast milk.

The composition of Elevit Feeding includes: vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, C, D, E, niacin, biotin, lutein, folic acid, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids. Each of the components of the composition contributes its own beneficial qualities , and their combined action only enhances the effect.

Omega-3 fatty acids help the development of the baby’s brain and vision, vitamin C together with zinc support the mother’s immunity, B vitamins fill the body with energy, vitamin D promotes the development of the child’s bone tissue and has a strengthening effect on the mother’s bones, iodine allows the thyroid to function normally gland and promotes the mental development of the child. Iron normalizes the metabolism of mother and child, and beta-carotene forms and develops the child’s visual organs.


  • The composition is enriched with elements for the normal development of a newborn child.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Strengthens bones.
  • Supports normal functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Strengthens vision.
  • Strengthens teeth, nails and hair.


  • Quite a high price.

Elevit Feeding

2 Multi-tabs Perinatal

The Italian drug Multi-tabs Perinatal takes 2nd place in our list. It is recommended for use by nursing mothers because it increases the period of breastfeeding and helps improve the quality of mother's milk.

Its composition is selected in such a way that all components entering the mother’s body benefit her health and contribute to the proper growth and development of the child. The complex contains 11 vitamins and 9 minerals, including such vital ones as vitamins A, C, D, E and B vitamins, folic acid, iron, zinc, iodine, selenium.

Multi-tabs Perinatal improves the general condition of a woman during the postpartum period, gives the body a boost of energy, and reduces fatigue.


  • A balanced composition that helps replenish the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.
  • Able to prolong the period of breastfeeding.
  • Improves the composition and quality of mother's milk.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Strengthens bones, teeth, nails and hair.


  • Individual intolerance to individual components is possible.

Multi-tabs Perinatal

1 Vitrum "Prenatal" Forte

American vitamin complexes have long won the reputation of being the best and most effective drugs. Vitrum “Prenatal” Forte, which took 1st place in our ranking, is no exception.

This vitamin complex is produced for women during breastfeeding. It is also recommended to use it at the planning stage of pregnancy and during pregnancy. With its help, a woman’s body is replenished with vitamins and “quickly consumed” mineral elements during lactation. The composition contains all the elements necessary to maintain the health of a woman and her baby. There are vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, D3, E, folic acid, minerals and trace elements.

Vitrum "Prenatal" Forte helps improve the condition of teeth, nails and hair, strengthens the immune system, promotes hematopoiesis, strengthening and formation of bone tissue.


  • Balanced and high-quality composition.
  • Useful for mother and baby.
  • Improves general condition and improves mood.
  • Gives vigor and improves performance.
  • Promotes normal development of the child.
  • Restores the normal condition of skin, hair and nails.
  • Prevents teeth from decaying.


  • Allergies may occur.
  • Quite a high price.

Vitrum "Prenatal" Forte

What vitamins are best for women?

Even if you are young and healthy, but you always want to sleep, your hair splits and your nails break, you can’t ignore “such a little thing.” After all, just taking vitamins can get rid of these troubles. The Revidox and Imedin Time of Perfection complexes will definitely help.

You want a child and are planning to become pregnant. Then the vitamin complex Vitrum “Prenatal” Forte was created especially for you. And if the child has already been born, then the best means are Multi-tabs Perinatal, Alphabet “Mother’s Health” and Elevit Feeding.

Women whose body is being reconstructed and preparing for menopause can be advised to choose vitamins for themselves: Duovit for women, Vitrum Beauty Elite, QI-CLIM Evalar vitamins for women 45+ or Lady’s formula Woman 40 Plus.

Centrum Silver Women 50+, Ladyvita 50+, Alphabet 50+ are specially designed for ladies of elegant age.

Well, now all that remains is to choose the best option and, after consulting with a doctor, purchase it.

Always stay young and healthy, and don’t let any troubles spoil your mood. Enjoy the shopping!

With a deficiency of vitamins, a woman’s appearance deteriorates and chronic fatigue is observed. In order to eliminate the manifestations of vitamin deficiency, the diet includes fresh herbs, sea fish dishes, lean meats, and vegetables.

Vitamin E for women increases vitality. It helps improve the strength of nails and hair. Therefore, vitamins E and A are called “beauty vitamins.”

How to quickly recover after the birth of a child?

The drug "Alphabet Cosmetic" is one of the best vitamins after childbirth. The product helps fight hair loss and strengthens nails.

Vitamins are effective for the following problems:

  • dull complexion;
  • drowsiness;
  • nervousness;
  • irritability.

Vitamins help normalize hormonal levels. They are recommended to be taken for two weeks.

The drug contains the following components:

  • 10 microelements;
  • 13 vitamins;
  • Coenzyme Q10.

The drug slows down the aging process of the skin. Alphabet Cosmetics contains bioflavonoids, which were obtained from turmeric and grape seeds. These substances have pronounced antioxidant properties.

Bioflavonoids neutralize the activity of free radicals and help improve a woman’s overall well-being.

The vitamin-mineral complex helps eliminate chronic fatigue.

The use of the drug should be discontinued in case of hypersensitivity to its components. "Alphabet Cosmetic" is contraindicated in cases of thyroid dysfunction.

Vitamins for women over forty years old

With vitamin deficiency in adulthood, skin elasticity decreases. Hair loss is observed, the condition of the cardiovascular system worsens.

Photos of vitamins for women over 40 can be found on the World Wide Web. At this age, there is a slow decline in ovarian function.

Women over 40 years old benefit from vitamins E and C. They help destroy free radicals. The fairer sex should give preference to vitamin-mineral complexes that contain vitamins K and D.

Vitamin and mineral preparations for menopause

The best vitamins for women during menopause have pronounced antioxidant properties. It is recommended to purchase vitamin-mineral complexes that contain the following ingredients:

  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin K.

Vitamins with antioxidant properties normalize the functions of the cardiovascular system, prevent the development of ischemia and the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

Vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system and reduce the likelihood of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.

Vitamin D prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis and the removal of calcium salts from the body.

Vitamins belonging to group B normalize the emotional background and improve the functions of the nervous system.

Vitamin K helps strengthen tooth enamel and improves blood clotting. It helps reduce the risk of blood clots.

Vitamin F helps get rid of edema and activates the process of breaking down subcutaneous fat. This substance improves blood microcirculation.

"Complete Shine"

Reviews of these vitamins for women are generally positive. The drug contains:

  • lipoic acid;
  • 8 minerals;
  • 11 vitamins;
  • extract made from green tea.

The drug activates the process of collagen production, accelerates the process of skin regeneration, and protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

What vitamins do women especially need? Vitamins C and E contained in the preparation charge you with positive energy. They give the skin radiance and help reduce nail brittleness.

The vitamin-mineral complex should not be taken if you are hypersensitive to the components of the product. “Complivit Radiance” is not recommended for use during pregnancy. Vitamins are contraindicated for nursing mothers.

Photo vitamin for women

Vitamins are organic compounds that help certain organs of the body work properly. Each of them performs an important function. Lack of important components in the body can cause a number of serious health problems. For women, it is ideal to get their vitamin requirement from food; in the worst case, you can purchase a vitamin-mineral complex at the pharmacy.

Modern women know how to monitor their health and lifestyle much better than men. Proper nutrition should include a combination of all essential vitamins and minerals. Women of absolutely all ages need to include a wide range of vitamins in their menu in order to be healthy and beautiful.

Vitamins are important components that, together with proteins, fats and carbohydrates, form the basis of any person’s diet. Among all the vitamins that are very important for the female body, we highlight 10 main ones:

  • vitamin A. Has strong antioxidant properties. Women at any age need this component, as it strengthens hair, teeth, and evens out skin color. Vitamin A also reduces the risk of developing various chronic diseases, has a positive effect on vision, slows down the aging process and strengthens the immune system in general;
  • Vitamin B. Also known as riboflavin. Vitamin B is essential for good health, normal growth and metabolism. It helps increase energy production, improve the functioning of the immune system, relieving fatigue and weakness;
  • vitamin B6. This is one of the most important vitamins necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system. This vitamin helps produce hormones and chemicals in the brain, and also helps reduce depression, fights heart disease and promotes good memory. Vitamin B6 may also help regulate blood sugar. Pregnant women can eat foods with vitamin B6 to help relieve morning sickness;
  • vitamin B. Is essential for cell growth and fatty acid synthesis. This vitamin also supports the functioning of sweat glands and helps keep hair and skin in good condition. Vitamin B7 promotes hair growth and helps fight brittle nails;
  • Vitamin B9 is important for every woman, as it helps prevent cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, depression, and some types of cancer. It also improves cell function, brain function and fetal development during pregnancy. A deficiency of this vitamin can lead to neural tube failure in a child;
  • Vitamin B12 is very important for metabolism, normal blood pressure and protein synthesis. This vitamin helps prevent heart disease, memory loss and anemia;
  • Vitamin C is very well known and has many benefits for women. It helps speed up the healing process, promotes tissue growth and reduces the risk of certain types of cancer;
  • Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that promotes calcium absorption. This vitamin reduces the risk of multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and various types of cancer. Vitamin D helps reduce symptoms of premenstrual syndrome;
  • Vitamin E has anti-aging properties and also helps prevent heart disease, cataracts and some types of cancer. Vitamin E for women is essential for healthy skin and beautiful hair, which is why it is often included in hair and skin care products;
  • Vitamin K plays a key role in promoting strong bones, maintaining normal blood clotting and reducing the risk of developing various heart diseases.

At different stages of life, the female body works differently, and the amount of vitamins consumed changes. To choose a really good and suitable complex of vitamins, you need to take into account the woman’s age, since at each age level the female body requires certain components and minerals. For example, girls under 30 need vitamin E, since thanks to this substance a woman’s skin does not age and remains fresh. During this period, the body also needs folic acid, which significantly improves reproductive abilities and supports the nervous system of the unborn child. Vitamin C at the age of thirty strengthens the nervous system and provides the body with energy. Vitamin B12 plays a special role in women at a young age, with the help of which the brain is saturated with oxygen. Thanks to zinc, women under 30 can boast of silky curls and a wrinkle-free face.

How to help the female body up to 35 years old, when the first wrinkles appear and the skin ages? Which vitamins are best and what will help maintain attractiveness and femininity? After 30 years, the natural aging process begins, so it is wise to increase the amount of vitamin A you consume. Vitamin B will help maintain brain activity, and calcium will restore hair, nails, teeth and bones in general. From 30 to 35 years old, women need vitamin D and phosphorus, which help improve memory, reduce fatigue and restore strength.

Women in menopause (35-50 years old) need vitamin A, since the skin at this age fades and it needs collagen, which is contained in this vitamin. Vitamin E helps cope with the aging process, and ascorbic acid improves the functioning of the immune system. Vitamins for women over 45 will help not only maintain health, but also restore the nervous system.

A good vitamin complex is not a panacea, but only an addition to a healthy lifestyle. Getting good sleep, proper nutrition and physical activity along with taking essential vitamins and minerals can actually work wonders.

Average daily intake of vitamins

Vitamins and minerals are vital substances for every person. But everyone’s need for vitamins is different. Given the current times, many of us often experience psychological stress, stress at work or in our personal lives and we all need adequate intake of vitamins. Thanks to them, we can actively work and prevent diseases. Do you know the recommended daily allowance for vitamins and minerals?

Vitamins and minerals Unit Recommended daily dose
Vitamin A microgram 800
Vitamin B1 mg 1,1
Vitamin B2 mg 1,4
Vitamin B6 mg 1,4
Vitamin B12 mg 2,5
Vitamin C mg 80
Vitamin D microgram 5
Vitamin E mg 12
Vitamin K microgram 75
Biotin microgram 50
Niacin mg 16
Potassium mg 2000
Phosphorus mg 700
Magnesium mg 375
Chromium microgram 40
Iodine microgram 150
Manganese mg 2
Copper mg 1

The best multivitamin and vitamin complexes

Which vitamins are the best is determined by each person individually. Experts recommend mineral complexes. But before you start taking a vitamin preparation, you need to consult your doctor. Only a professional can tell you what your body is missing. So which complex should you choose? Any complex vitamins for women contain a balanced composition of nutrients, but the difference lies in the number of components.


Alphabet vitamins are designed specifically to restore the structure of nails, hair and improve skin condition. The product is suitable for women 30-40 years old. The alphabet contains vitamins such as tocopherol, ascorbic acid, vitamin D, B vitamins and minerals. With the help of this drug, women aged 30-35 years can maintain their appearance, since the complex includes all the necessary elements for beauty. Alphabet is one of the most popular drugs among women due to its high effectiveness. The complex should be taken 3 times a day during meals, with plenty of water.


This is a vitamin and mineral complex that replenishes the deficiency of vital vitamins in a woman’s body. It contains ascorbic acid, copper, calcium, manganese, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and other important vitamins. The drug is used for increased mental stress, during recovery from illness, as well as to replenish vitamin and mineral deficiencies. You need to take multivitamins once a day, 1 tablet after meals, with water.


The dietary supplement Qi-klim is intended for women during menopause or menopause. Vitamins help get rid of the symptoms of menopause (drowsiness, fatigue, stress, depression). The drug helps reduce irritability and increase productivity. The complex includes all the necessary vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B, A, C, folic acid, selenium, motherwort extract, pantothenic acid. Directions for use: 1 tablet per day with meals.


Yulia, 32 years old

I have long been a fan of the Alphabet vitamin complex. I believe that these are the most reliable and high-quality vitamins on our market. This is a real treasure for all women. I’ve already taken 2 courses and after about a month I already saw changes (my hair became shiny, my skin color improved significantly, and the dark circles under my eyes completely disappeared. I strongly recommend that all girls and women try it at least once).

Alina, 35 years old

After pregnancy, I encountered such troubles as dry and brittle hair, problematic skin and bad nails. These changes upset me very much, and I spent a long time looking for various options for vitamin complexes that would help me regain my former appearance. Arriving at the pharmacy, my eyes wandered, but I fixed my gaze on the Duovit complex (they told me about it a long time ago). Within a week, incredible things were happening to my body: my hair became shiny, my skin became less dull, and my nails became stronger.

Valeria, 40 years old

I take vitamins every year in the spring. Before I found “my” vitamins, I scoured the entire Internet in search of a good drug. I settled on the Alphabet and was right. The dark circles under the eyes disappeared within a week after starting treatment, the hair became more elastic, and the flaking on the arms and legs disappeared. Everything that I struggle with every winter disappears with the beginning of spring and taking my favorite complex.

Marina, 45 years old

The other day I finished taking a course of Complivita. My friends ask me if there is any effect from this drug. I'll be honest - there is. I noticed that my health had improved significantly, I began to sleep better at night and learned not to worry about trifles. As a result, skin color improved, hair began to shine, and nails stopped peeling. Will I repeat the course again? Will!

Anna, 31 years old

Duovit was recommended to me by my hairdresser, as this drug helps strengthen hair. After reading the contents, I was surprised how many really important and necessary substances are contained in the composition. It is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. The tablets taste a little strange, but the result is important. And he didn’t have to wait long. The effect was not only on the hair, but also on the general condition. After taking the drug, I felt a surge of strength and energy.

What products will be useful?

We live in an era of semi-finished and ready-made meals. When we get to the supermarket, we feel dizzy from such a variety of products. Most people don't have enough time to prepare a full meal. But it is worth remembering that the more a product is processed, the more vitamins and minerals it loses. In the modern world, our diet is not able to provide our body with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Moreover, many products contain excessive amounts of chemicals. For decades, researchers have monitored the vitamin content of fruits, vegetables, and other foods. Their loss is truly astounding. If we do not get enough important components, our body will not be able to function properly. Therefore, it is very important to choose the “right” products. Add meat, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet.

It is also important to know that some foods affect the absorption of certain substances. Did you know that coffee and tea interfere with iron absorption? If you take iron naturally (for example, from spinach or other dark leafy vegetables) or as a dietary supplement, it should be taken two hours before or two hours after drinking a cup of tea or coffee.

Consuming 5 types of fruits and vegetables daily is a good way to get all the vitamins you need. If you have not received the required dose of vitamins from food, then you can safely start taking vitamin supplements, but before doing so, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

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