Home Potato Uterine practices. Women's practice of energizing “Uterus Breathing. What is imbuilding

Uterine practices. Women's practice of energizing “Uterus Breathing. What is imbuilding

Great for opening and harmonizing the second chakra, for working through and letting go of pain and resentment against men, helps to accept yourself, your femininity, this is a meditation of self-love. And with a certain degree of energy opening, the practice becomes a meditation on the fulfillment of desires, helping to gently attract into your life what is harmonious and desirable.

Find 20 minutes for yourself when no one bothers you.

Sit in a quiet place, play soft music, close your eyes.
To begin with, just sit for 5-10 minutes, calm down your thoughts, anxiety, take your mind off your daily routine, focus on what you will now be doing the practice to cultivate your feminine energy.

So, here we go ...

Breathe deeply with your chest, and gradually lower your breath down into the abdomen, now breathe in with your stomach, breathing is deep, calm, even ...
Now gently lower your breath into the uterus, and breathe as if through the uterus ...

Track what sensations do you have in your uterus? What energy is there? What color is it? What are the emotions in this organ of femininity?

It often happens that a woman's uterus "cries", I often saw this in private energy sessions. Or the uterus is all contracted, frightened, there may be fear ... pain, apprehension ... resentment ...

Talk to your uterus with your hand on your groin area. Ask her, “What can I do for you? What are you missing? How can I help you? ”... The answer will come by itself, you will feel it, understand it.
Ask her for forgiveness that you sometimes treated her rudely, or harshly, did not attach importance and attention to her.

Now breathe with this attitude: each inhalation fills your uterus with light, warmth, and with exhalation, dark spots, negativity, pain, resentment disappear ... and again inhale - the energy of heat enters the uterus and fills it with light, love, attention ... exhalation - everything the bad leaves the womb into the earth, dissolving in it ...
Breathe like this for 5-7 minutes to start.
Then promise the uterus to take more care of her, thank her for giving you beauty, femininity, charm ...
Raise the breath again into the stomach, and then into the chest ...
Take a deep breath and open your eyes!

To begin with, do several times cleansing the uterus, as a rule, many women have already managed to accumulate a lot there. And then you can just breathe with the uterus, fill it with energy. Ultimately, you should have the feeling that your uterus glows through your body within a radius of five meters and illuminates everything around. This is just an amazing feeling, it touches all passers-by and people start smiling at you, addressing you, treating you differently, and you yourself have the feeling that there is an inexhaustible source of love, affection and warmth inside you.

Of course, it is ideal to carry out this practice with someone who knows, because at first all negative emotions, pain, tears, resentments come out. It is important that someone next to you would listen to you later, support you, and then, work in a group fills you with strength, the effect there is many times stronger.

When you fill the womb with energy and feel that you yourself have become filled, then try to imagine in the womb a radiant ball of light golden energy. The womb is the place of creation, place in this ball what you would like to see in your life, material or immaterial, observe yourself inside this ball already possessing it. Fill this "new self" with light. This meditation is best done with one desire before it is fulfilled.

We have already written about the books by Olga Valyaeva, in which she teaches women the nonexistent "Vedic psychology". Today we will talk about Larisa Renard. According to the site, Larisa Renard is a candidate of psychological sciences, biologist, psychologist and coach. She is also the creator of the doctrine of the nature of female energy and the author of educational novels for women. The total circulation of these books is more than half a million copies. Think about these numbers: half a million women have read Larisa Renard's books and have probably watched the training video she produces. Let's figure out what exactly Larisa taught them.

“I believe that one day Russia will become a country of happy women thanks to the knowledge that I discover and bring to the world. With love, Larisa Renard "

Breathe the uterus!

The womb, if you didn't know, is not just a hollow internal organ, it is also a focus of feminine power, capable of swelling to the size of the Universe and attracting the "energy of the planet." And this energy, in turn, attracts men. The main thing is to master the technique of "uterine breathing":

  • Close your eyes and think about your womb.
  • Inhale and squeeze the intimate muscles.
  • Squeeze them until you feel a pulsation.
  • Now imagine that your uterus grows to the size of a room, then to the size of a city, then to the size of a country, a planet and, finally, the Universe.

Further Larisa writes: “You feel the eternal pulsation of the Universe, the pulsation that gives birth to new worlds: inhalation and exhalation are the eternal beat of life. And having enjoyed this state, you begin to shrink your space to the size of the planet, then to the size of a country, city, room, and now you already feel how space is shrinking to the size of a womb. You mentally thank the space and open your eyes. "

The expression "Everything is covered with a copper basin" in this regard acquires a special charm, right?

Women's funnel for attracting oligarchs

But one "uterine breath", as you know, will not attract a man. What to do? Calm, only calm. Just two steps will lead you to an oligarch or even a prince.

Get rid of your ex ties

No, not because unfinished relationships prevent you from starting new ones. Ms Renard claims that energy threads are hanging from your vagina that connect you to your ex. In order not to get tangled in them, as in untied laces, they should be cut off immediately. Larisa advises to stand upright, connect the index and thumb of the right hand, look to the left (this is symbolic of our past), imagine the image of the former, then, in a spiral opposite the uterus, “collect” the energy of long-standing closeness with the help of connected fingers and break the thread, “throwing” it to the right leftovers. According to Renard, this ritual is done once. Once for everyone! Every man you have had sex with still draws energy from your womb. What a ghoul, huh?

Unfortunately, Larisa does not tell us anything about the fate of those who have already been torn off the energy umbilical cord. Are these unfortunates alive at all?

Spin the funnel!

Once you've cut the threads that tie you to your ex, it's time to attract new men. Here's how to do it:

Well, now remember the most important thing: you need to make as many turns as necessary to attract a man with a certain status.

3 times - sellers and students;
7 times - middle managers;
17 times - deputy directors;
34 times - business owners;
72 times - ministers and oligarchs;
108 times - princes, kings, heads of state.

Are you spinning already? Wait, not so fast. We have not yet told the most important thing.

Spin right!

If you do not observe the ritual, the energy of the uterine funnel will not work, even if it is wrapped around. Moreover, some nasty thing can happen. So first, take off your pants and underwear and put on a long skirt. Cosmic energy does not pass through the fabric, and therefore the funnel will not suck in the prince, and even the "mother's petals" will not flutter.

Find a room without windows or mirrors. Drive the animals out of there, because they have a very strong energy (here we began to suspect that Larisa recommends that we turn the funnels in the closet). Start spinning the funnel on the first lunar day and keep doing it for 28 days, in no case missing a single session!

And the most important thing: if you did everything correctly, but the technique did not work, it’s not a matter of technique. The point is that you have bad, unusable energy. How to be? Of course, do not despair! You can attend Larisa's seminar, subscribe to the newsletter or buy books. You will certainly be helped!

Now seriously

If you carefully read the books of Larisa Renard, you will notice that none of them has an answer to the question "What to do if the technique does not work?" But the answer can be found on Larisa's website. The Academy of Private Life offers assistance in learning technology. The full program of the "Academy" consists of six trainings, the cost of which starts from 17 thousand rubles. For fifteen hundred you can get access to a video recording of a master class from an "expert". The video lasts an hour and a half, and it tells in detail how to turn the funnel correctly. We, however, have one question: why Larisa Renard herself divorced and still has not sucked in the petals of the uterus of a single prince who was overwhelmed?

I would like to hear a living person who speaks in living words, that is, exclusively from his own experience in this regard ... I would be interested.

The article is extremely important for women, of course, and that is why experience is so important.

About myself - I rarely focus on the uterus itself, but rather on the bottom itself (lower triangle) and simply deliberately fill everything with energy, respectively, the uterus itself (this important energy organ for women) is also filled.

I read about this practice relatively recently. Still a little practical experience. When working, pictures appeared in the 2nd chakra - a dull lotus flower initially, and after pumping brighter light and glow. From sensations, rather, certain thoughts came. For example, that the Universe is filled with life-giving energy, and it exists in nature as the essence of all living things. Including in the woman's uterus. That we pass this life-giving force through our family precisely through the female line.

It also coincided with the fact that now I am working on the birth canals, probably, and the corresponding thoughts arose. And also the fact that it is great to be a woman, to fill the world with your feminine energy, to create not through force, but in a feminine way.

Such a spontaneous experience was not so long ago:

When I spontaneously choose an image for her in the form of a flower, then she opens energetically, like a flower, and lets in a lot of light, and then I also want to spontaneously embrace my partner's uterus, his whole body ... this happens according to the principle of energetic expansion.

~ I know that there are still a lot of realizations ahead on this topic :)

Thank you very much for your answer.

Honestly, I have the impression: that to look into the womb, that through the heart - the center, everywhere continuous space and light ... maybe I'm already losing boundaries ... or maybe they never existed.

* But I will still figure it out ...

And also the impression that the womb on the energy is like a woman's essence, all her power through this organ ... and a strong connection with the earth.

I had similar thoughts when thinking about feminine power)) Moreover, the Energy of Abundance comes from the ability to enjoy - life, food and drink, touch. And also by touching your own body and physical. proximity. In fact, this is the manifestation of the 2nd chakra through sensuality. Without satisfying these needs and not opening these energies, a person simply will not be able to enjoy life to the fullest. The level of 4 chakras is higher and much more conscious, but it is more acceptance of people and oneself, the ability to make friends and love, think not only about oneself, but also about others, about the world in general.

I somehow have more than 4 opened, and 2-ke also have blocks that still need to be worked out. So I also understand gradually)).

Something from experience:

  • The uterus, and in general I want to say - the stomach, fills itself, as soon as you just bring your attention to it and if there is a connection with the bottom, with yourself, your beloved - as a Woman - and with the Earth.
  • There is also such a deliberate approach of an intimate, so to speak, plan - when making love with a partner, stay conscious in the womb ... then my words run out, it just needs to be tried by the one who chooses :)

It comes from the ability to enjoy - life, food and drink, touch. And also by touching your own body and physical. proximity. In fact, this is the manifestation of the 2nd chakra through sensuality.

(Life = Myself)

I want to come back and continue to write about my experience and understanding in this regard.

At one moment, breathing with the uterus, or, one might say, in general terms, - complete openness to the lower stream, like yourself in love, can become the norm for you, it will be like a natural need to breathe or drink water ...

Yes, it can become a natural necessity for you. And sometimes it’s even difficult to concretize in order to designate the uterus, sometimes you don’t even want to. You see, you just open to Yourself in Love ... and where exactly the flow goes - to the womb or beyond the womb ... it doesn't matter anymore, since everything is filled ... filled with Love, you fill yourself with Yourself, fill with Life, if we are talking about downstream ...

If you dream of finding your soul mate, but have absolutely no idea where to start, you are on the right track. the site will share tips and tell you how to bring the long-awaited meeting closer.

“Your beloved will find you on his own, if only you are in the right psychological state,” says Larisa Renard, founder of the Academy of Private Life, and brings to your attention a few simple exercises and techniques that allow you to achieve this effect.

The world is full of men, full of opportunities and wonders - you just need to start taking simple steps and everything will happen

Breath of the womb: practice for energizing

You close your eyes and turn your attention to the womb. You breathe in with your stomach and imagine how the uterus expands and fills with energy, and as you exhale, squeeze the intimate muscles. Do 10-15 such cycles and imagine how the energy of the earth enters your feet, rises into the uterus and fills it as you exhale. Take 15 more inhalations and exhalations - until you feel a heat in the lower abdomen and a slight pulsation of the uterus. And with each beat, you imagine how the space of your uterus expands, becoming even larger and larger. First, the space increases to the size of a room, then to the size of a city, then to the size of a country, a planet and, finally, the Universe. And you soar in this space, enjoying its majesty and perfection. You feel the eternal pulsation of the Universe, the pulsation that gives birth to new worlds: inhale and exhale - the eternal beat of life. And having enjoyed this state, you begin to shrink your space to the size of the planet, then to the size of a country, city, room, and now you already feel how space is shrinking to the size of a womb. You mentally thank the space and open your eyes.

If you do this practice for at least a week, you will already begin to notice the first results, but in order to make the world revolve around you and be sure that you can attract the one you dream about into your life, start making an attraction funnel.

Female attraction funnel

The funnel is done to fill with energy or to attract men and favorable events. As you exhale, raise your hands up through the sides and enter the energy flow, connecting your palms above your head. We exhale through the mouth, exhaling everything negative. While inhaling through the nose, lower our arms again to chest level. While holding the breath, we turn our hands down and lower them to the level of the center of passion (it is four fingers below the navel), focus the energy by spreading our palms and connecting our fingers, as if forming a triangle around this center.

On exhalation, we open the funnel, raising our arms up and slightly bending the elbows, fingers are connected, the center of the palms is directed up. And we begin to make turns clockwise (to the right), breathing is free, we do not think about anything special, we allow thoughts to flow freely. After completing the practice, we close the space by placing our hands with palms on top of each other, right palm on top, on the lower abdomen. We thank the space: "I am doing this for the benefit of me and the whole Universe." The funnel is done every day for 21 days.

See other energy practices on the website www.lifeacademy.ru in the "Materials" section.

5 steps to get male attention

Psychologists have noticed that for a successful acquaintance, you need to take five steps. The good news is that you can prepare for each one.

1. Look

“Men look at those who see them,” says folk wisdom. Don't be afraid to look at men, but squeeze your intimate muscles (vaginal muscles) to make your look alluring, sexy and attractive. Make at least 20 contractions, your pupils will dilate, and the gaze will become so bottomless that a man will immediately want to drown in it. Give him this opportunity, without looking away for at least seven seconds, and trying to look into his left eye. The left eye is "responsible" for our unconscious, emotions and helps to penetrate a person into the soul. You can fill your look with admiration and promise. If you have a free minute - you are stuck in a traffic jam or go to work, repeat the affirmation to yourself: "I am already attractive, I am already sexy, I am already desirable!"

2. Smile

When the man finally came to his senses and realized that they were looking at him, gently smile at him with a flickering smile. Imagine that lips appear on the back of your head that blur into a smile, while your real lips remain almost closed. This smile is also called the Mona Lisa's smile, it contains mystery and depth.

3. Gait

And if the man still hasn’t rushed to meet you with an offer to drink a cup of coffee, meet, help, or simply didn’t go in your direction, give him another chance. Start walking towards it yourself with the gait of passion. You lower your attention to your center of passion, and imagine that a thread is coming from your uterus to a man, you feel that something attracts you, pulls this thread. Walk towards the man, as if forward by the uterus, keeping the focus on the lower abdomen. If you go far, you can again begin to squeeze the muscles, increasing the fire blazing in you. Walk slowly, as if you were attracted by a powerful magnet.

And when you finally get close to the man, say yes! Deep, languid, mysterious. Let this sound come from the womb. And let the man think to whom or what you said "Yes": to him, to yourself, to good weather, or something else ... But to pronounce this short word so that it will be impossible to forget it, you will have to practice a little. Even a week of practicing this little meditation is enough for your “Yes” to have a mind blowing effect. We close our eyes, take a breath, as we exhale, we lower our attention to our uterus. It is as if a million rivulets from all over the body are flowing into our center, into our womb. The lower abdomen is filled with warm, orange color. Imagine a sea of ​​fire in the lower abdomen. But this fire does not burn, it gives warmth. And our mother swims in this fiery sea, enjoying the warmth and light. And we imagine how our mother has a mouth. It opens silently and says: "Yes!" this bliss. We repeat several times. Then we begin to pronounce “Yes!” With our lips, but without a sound. Add sound, imagine that it is orange, coming from the very depths. Our mouth only lets this orange sound through. We say "Yes" to this world, "Yes" to ourselves, "Yes" to bliss.

5. Touch

Touch him gently, his wrist, his shoulder, his back. But so that everything flutters in the man's heart from your touch, so that he recalls your first meeting as a magical vision, touch him not with the cold hands of an ice statue, but with the hot, electrified fingers of a living woman. Yes, this again requires a little training, but the effect is worth it! Inhale and as you exhale, lower your attention to your uterus. Focus the energy and feel the warmth and light pulsation. Imagine a hot, pulsating ball in the lower abdomen and, as you inhale, raise it to the level of your heart. As you exhale, connect it with your center of love: connecting emotions, joy, love to our passion. Feel this ball and as you exhale, direct two streams of energy into your hands, to the very tips of your fingers. And touch the man while inhaling, "including" him in yourself, slightly delaying the movement.


Of course, when you start to get acquainted, you are unlikely to remember all the exercises and steps, but practice is needed anyway. You can reassure yourself that you are just rehearsing the role of the femme fatale.

Your task is to meet ten men in a week. Two of them will turn out to be potential suitors, the rest can become business partners, friends, just interesting interlocutors. The main thing is that you will see and feel that the world is full of men, full of opportunities and wonders - you just need to start taking simple steps and everything will happen!

O Shakti!
"That incomparable radiance that came from all those gods,
It concentrated in one place and turned into a woman, filling the three worlds with light. "

The 17th lunar day is going on (Monday 06/24/13 10:36 PM - 06/25/13 11:10 PM). It is no coincidence that Shakti is one of the symbols of the day - this is the great omnipresent female creative energy that physically takes its source at the very root of our being - in the tailbone.
She is the creative aspect of the Divine, the creative force. She is an active female essence, and in union with the soul of the Universe, is personified in one of the forms of Shiva's companion.

Shakti Day is the day of feminine energy when it flows through us and out into this world. This is a day of inner freedom, fun, joy.
For a woman, the 17th lunar day is the peak of sexuality, take off all your restrictions today, enjoy, drink this wonderful world sip after sip, like fine wine. Open yourself up in dance, awaken your energy with sexual practices, know yourself through a man, enjoy and give joy!

Uterus Breathing Practice

Start doing a practice today that is good for everyone. the fair sex. It connects us with the feminine center, which is located in the womb, harmonizes the work of the second chakra, has a beneficial effect on health and sexuality, fills with feminine energy.

Body position - standing, legs hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, arms hanging freely along the body. You need to breathe through the mouth, deeply, passing the breath through the whole body.
We inhale through clenched teeth, as if sucking in air, exhaling through an open mouth. As we inhale, we squeeze the vaginal muscles, as if drawing energy inward (at this moment, imagine that as you inhale, the healing energy of the earth enters your feet, rises into the uterus and fills it). Help yourself with your hands, clenching your palms into fists and bringing them to the level of the ovaries. On exhalation, the muscles of the vagina relax, and all the negative, all the excess goes into the ground, while taking your hands slightly back.

Gradually, you will feel a slight pulsation of the uterus and heat in the lower abdomen. The exercise should be done for at least 5-10 minutes. After that, you should gently and gently rub the lower abdomen in circular movements, first 36 times counterclockwise, then 24 times clockwise to distribute the energy in the body, and lie in silence, putting your hands on the uterus, feeling your feminine center.

Very often, grievances, feelings of guilt accumulate in a woman's uterus, and other blocks that do not allow a full, harmonious woman to grow into diseases. Uterine breath heals, fills with the energy of the earth, the energy of femininity and sexuality. This practice helps to cleanse the female center with breathing.
At first, when you start practicing this practice, various emotions may emerge, tears may come out, even screams. Do not be alarmed, accept it with gratitude. Lie on your back, put your hands on the uterus and talk to your feminine center, ask for forgiveness for giving her so little attention, giving little love, ask the mother what worries her, how she feels, what you can for her do. And the answers will come.

In the future, when you completely cleanse the uterus, it will simply be filled with energy, love, sexuality. If you do this practice regularly, you will begin to notice positive changes within a week.


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