Home Potato Stop the process. How to restart the process. Video: disabling unnecessary processes and services

Stop the process. How to restart the process. Video: disabling unnecessary processes and services

Our Ancestors more often did not heal, but restored, but not through themselves, but took energy from the Cosmos. You cannot treat the effect, you need to help understand the cause. Illness is a punishment to a person for his sins, given for awareness.
Runny nose
Warm your hands by rubbing against each other and place the middle finger of your right hand on your forehead, and place the remaining 4 fingers in pairs on the wings of your nose for 3-5 minutes. This creates pressure on the active points and the sinuses warm up.
If a malfunction occurs in the area of ​​the heart - an energy plug, then you need to rub your thumbs with the index fingers of both hands in pairs.
Asthmatic attack
During an asthmatic attack, rub your hands until warm and place them on the patient’s lungs. The temperature of the palms reaches up to 50 degrees during friction and warms up the lungs.
A glass of warm milk, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. oils
For toothache in the upper jaw, press and release with your middle finger on the area between the eye and ear; for toothache in the lower jaw, press and release on the lower jaw.
You can also tie garlic on your wrist, where the pulse is for a certain time.
For pain in the groin
You need to press under the rib.
To turn off the nerve endings during a burn, you need to press on the earlobe.
Press the index fingers of the palms of the same hand.
Press on the point between the nose and upper lip.
Spinal pain
Using the three pads of the central fingers of the right hand, press and beat on the wrist of the left hand, beating a triple pulse up-middle position-down.
Hernia removal ritual.
Perform a ritual before the child goes to bed. Sit opposite the child, if the adult is left-handed, then under the left hand, if right-handed, then under the right hand.
Waist and inguinal hernia. Warm your hands against each other. Stroking your hand clockwise, saying:
"Hernia! Gryz (a diminutive affectionate name for a child, for example, “Olyushka”) you - one, I - two, you - two, I - three, you - three, I - four, you four, I - five, you - five, I - six, you are six, I am seven, you are seven, and I am completely you!”
We read three times during the full moon (5 days of the full moon). If the healer is right-handed, then movements from left to right in the form of a figure eight.
Disc offset
Often, due to incorrect posture and tension, a disc in front of the heart chakra flies out. The nerve is pinched and the load on the heart muscle begins. A person’s heart begins to hurt, but medications can only aggravate the situation, but it is enough to set the disc and the heart will go away. The energy will return normally and the pressure will stabilize (upper and lower).
If a person has interruptions in the functioning of internal organs, first of all it is necessary to look at the spine.
If a child sits askew, then his disc is displaced, in which case it needs to be realigned!
Injury to the lumbar vertebrae leads to disruption of the energy flow between the lower and upper parts, and paralysis of the lower part occurs. This is being treated!!! The spine is stretched (often in a bathhouse) and the vertebrae are realigned, energy exchange is restored. For stabilization, a birch or oak corset is worn during the day.
You need to sleep on hard. During sleep, a person who has had a fever since the evening completely flies away, giving the body the opportunity to recover. The body falls into a state of suspended animation and therefore in the morning the temperature can be 33-34 degrees. If the Person is also wearing a silver amulet, then silver ions penetrate the body and destroy microbes and bacteria in the blood. If the amulet turns black, then the silver ions are used for treatment. The amulet receives energy from the Cosmos and restores itself.
Natural gymnastics after waking up from sleep
A person should do natural gymnastics:
Stretch after waking up
Head rotation
Shoulder rotations
Go outside barefoot and walk on the ground, we release the burden of negative energies and receive a charge of the energy of Mother Earth
We met the Sun - we received Solar energy (it is very useful to look at the rising Sun, it is better not to look at it during the day). When we meet the Sun, we raise our hands up to meet it.
Rinse with cool water.
For breakfast - hot tea, hot milk or hot fruit drink with honey to wash the intestines.
Then there comes harmony from the receipt of internal thermal energy to the already received thermal energy of the skin.
Ways to protect yourself from dark forces
A universal phrase that has been used in many cases:
“The Good Spirit is on the Earth, the Evil Spirit is under the Earth!”
at the same time, show the goat gesture with both hands (the little finger and index finger stick out, the rest are bent.
The highest protection against dark forces is a gesture in which the little finger, middle and index fingers look up, and the ring finger is connected to the thumb.
Protection from the Evil Eye
The evil eye is a short-term (up to 3 minutes) transmission of negative information. There is an evil eye in front and an evil eye in the back (in the back).
Anyone can cast the evil eye, even in their own family. A child under 12 years old cannot be jinxed. If they say that they have jinxed a child, then this means that they have jinxed the parent (his sins).
In this case, it is necessary to hang a red cloth on the window where the child sleeps. Go to the iron door handle (closed circuit), take a ladle of water and pour it over the handle into a jar. Pour this water over the child from head to toe and wipe it with the mother's hem or father's shirt.
If a person was jinxed or his chakra was pierced, then the negativity was removed from him by twisting. If your hands are burned, twist them around (passes) and into the fire (candle).
Black seeds.
Inside is white, outside is black. Information is passed through and not released. In no case should you buy black seeds, especially from grannies, which they can subconsciously talk about, thinking about their hard life and the bad. You can eat striped and pumpkin seeds.
Transmission of negative information through a carrier object. They can speak chocolates and give them to the child. They need to be thrown away. They try to influence adults primarily with negative information. Comb, handkerchief, etc. don't give it to anyone. You can give away the new excess. Don't buy used items.
They talk about food and water. Our Ancestors did only good things.
Any slander must come from the heart with pure thoughts and the Soul must be put into any action.
A spell for water (spring water, not boiled). Whisper in one breath:
“Pain-Illness from someone else’s box,
Where I came from, I would go there,
Who sent you missed you
I conjure you, I send you back,
For blue rivers, for high mountains,
Where the Slanders won't find you,
Return to the one who sent, who knew no grief,
Stay with him and don’t come back!”
Drink 1/3 glass of water charmed in this way 3 times a day.
Protective belt.
The Living Help Belt is white among the Slavs, and black among Christians. The Slavs write this curse or hymn to Semarglu in black ink on a white linen ribbon. On the body, this ribbon, 1-1.5 inches wide, with the text facing towards you, is sewn with white threads on yourself during the full moon and worn from full moon to full moon. The moon highlights this text and projects it onto the body. The tape then breaks on itself. This protective belt can cure everything...
For pain in the heart, the hex is applied to a pin, which is pinned horizontally on clothing in the heart area with the point up.
For female and male diseases, a pin is pierced with the point down in the groin area of ​​the underpants.
Spell on Fire (candle).
“Semargl-Svarozhich! Great Ognebozhich! Sleep away the sickness, cleanse the womb of the child of man, of every creature, old and young, You are God’s Delight. Cleansing with fire, opening the power of Souls, save the child of God, may the sickness disappear. We glorify you, we call you to us. Now and ever, and from circle to circle. So be it, so be it, so be it!”
After the Anthem, requests and wishes are whispered onto the candle. The candle burns out completely and is not extinguished.

Since time immemorial, healers and provincial people have gotten rid of this nasty thing by rubbing lichen with sultanas or raisins cut in half. This kind of lichen goes away immediately.

Folk remedy for lichen
Pour flammable sulfur into wooden oil (used for lamps) to form a thick mixture. Spread a thick layer of the mixture on a clean body and do not wash for three days. If after three days it turns out that traces of lichen remain, lubricate it again.

Remedy for warts
One prominent American doctor, earning tens of thousands of dollars a year, said that it is the most rational and correct. This remedy is acetic acid.
Every evening, before going to bed, you need to drop - always with an eye dropper - one drop on each wart, being extremely careful. It is not recommended to use more than one drop: The acid is very caustic. In a few days the warts will disappear.

True healer's remedies for warts and moles
   A. Pull out the stem of the mown ear of bread by the roots. Poke the tip of the straw into the damp soil several times, root up. In a few days, when the straw rots, the warts will disappear without a trace.
   B. If there is no stem with roots, healers recommend the following method. Take a small potato, cut it in half, throw away one half (superstitious healers say that you should throw it over your head back), and rub the other half on all the warts (the cut side). Immediately bury this part of the potato in the ground in a dry place so that it dries out there and does not start to grow. After a few days, when the potatoes dry, the warts will disappear.

Acne remedy
Take native (lumpy) sulfur (cream-colored powder) on the tip of a knife, put it on your tongue and wash it down with warm water. Take in the morning, on an empty stomach. You can drink it every day until the acne disappears completely. This remedy is considered fast and reliable.

Folk remedy for yellow and gray spots on the face
Prepare a solution of three parts fresh, unpasteurized milk and one part full-strength pure wine alcohol. Rub this mixture into your face at night. You can also take half a glass of hydrogen peroxide and mix it with two drops of ammonia. If the disease is not of internal origin, healers recommend rubbing warm Provençal oil in the evening before bed.

Natural remedy for sunburn and strong winds
The sun and wind can greatly disfigure the face if you do not apply any ointment. Here is the best folk remedy that is completely harmless to the skin.
Take a little raw yolk from a fresh chicken egg in your palm and generously lubricate your face. When the yolk dries, it should be washed off with soap and water. The result is always great.

Folk remedy for softening facial skin
People call this remedy cucumber water.
After cutting the cucumbers into slices, put them in a bottle and fill them with good purified vodka or diluted pharmaceutical alcohol. Leave it in the sun for two weeks. After this, the cucumber water is ready. Use it undiluted, soaking a towel in it and wiping your face. Cucumber water is considered the best skin softener.

Russian folk remedy for eczema and many other skin diseases
Take a dozen eggs, hard boil them, remove the yolks. Putting the yolk on a knitting needle or fork or placing it on a metal mesh, hold the candles over the fire. The heated yolk will produce drops of juice, which must be collected in a bowl. As soon as you notice that the drop on the yolk is increasing, you need to substitute the dishes. If it drips, heat the yolk again. It takes a lot of time to melt the right amount of “precious” ointment.
The number of eggs in the recipe - 12 - is taken arbitrarily. It is necessary to take into account which area of ​​the skin is affected by eczema or other skin disease. Sometimes two eggs are enough, and other times a whole hundred or even more are required. This “oil” should be thickly lubricated with gauze or a cloth and applied to the affected area. Change occasionally, no more than once a day, but preferably once every two days.
If you need to work, you can tie it, but so that the bandage does not absorb the precious product - put wax paper or something like that. Continue treatment until complete recovery.

Folk remedy for boils (boils)
Bake a medium-sized onion, cut it in half and place one of the halves on the boil while the onion is hot; apply a bandage. Change the hot onion dressing every four hours.

Folk method for treating gangrene and abscesses
Do readers know that doctors of Russian folk medicine saved tens and tens of thousands of arms and legs, hundreds and hundreds of fingers from amputation due to gangrene?
Doctors for gangrene almost always resort to surgical treatment methods. Doctors of Russian folk medicine use the following remedy.
Take freshly baked black bread, preferably rye, and, after adding plenty of salt to it, chew it thoroughly. The sore spot is covered with a thick layer of chewed bread and bandaged. This remedy is true and unusually strong.
Several Russian doctors of official medicine tried... to improve this “wild” method of folk healers, adding to black bread and salt some of the apothecary wisdom, which, in their opinion, should have replaced chewing. All these attempts came to nothing. When chewed, bread and salt are mixed with saliva, and the latter apparently plays an important role in the treatment of gangrene and abscesses.
Although the described folk remedy is strong and reliable, in most cases you should consult a doctor, because gangrene is a very serious disease.
One lady developed a malignant abscess on her finger, which soon turned into gangrene. The finger began to turn black, and the doctor advised it to be amputated. The operation was scheduled for two days later. The unfortunate lady, with tears in her eyes, began calling everyone she knew. Luckily for her, one of them knew a folk remedy for gangrene, and the lady immediately began treatment. On the day of the operation, the doctor sterilized and boiled all surgical supplies. Having removed the bandage from the patient’s finger, the doctor was amazed at the wonderful metamorphosis: the patient’s finger was white instead of black. Declaring that the operation was completely unnecessary, the doctor became interested in the method of treatment. The lady willingly told him about the chewed black bread.

Siberian healer's remedy for calluses
Soak onion skins in vinegar for two weeks. Apply to calluses and tie overnight. Repeat several times and the calluses will disappear.

Remedy for sweating and bad foot odor
Grind boric acid crystals into powder. Every morning, sprinkle it generously on your feet, especially between the toes and soles. Every evening, wash off the powder from your feet with water, the temperature of which should not exceed 35-40°C. During the first week of treatment, clean stockings should be worn every morning. This remedy is widely used in Central Russia and the Urals. Often, foul foot odor disappears after two weeks of treatment.

Not often, of course, but sometimes you can encounter situations where, after closing a program in the Task Manager, the process responsible for its functioning does not end, or some additional (related) application services continue to work. In addition, the system may report that the user does not have enough rights to complete a certain process (access is denied). Why this happens and how to stop unnecessary or hanging programs, read the material below.

The process does not terminate in the Task Manager (access denied). Why?

To understand which solution to eliminate the problem that has arisen to use in each specific case, you first need to find out the reasons why they arise. Why doesn’t the process end in the “Task Manager” indicating a lack of access rights?

Indeed, sometimes this may be due to the fact that the user is not logged in as an administrator and is trying to terminate a critical system service or process started by another user. However, the inability to stop the operation of an application is mainly associated not even with system processes, but with programs that could be installed on the user’s computer spontaneously (viruses, advertising applets, etc.). Usually they are the ones that can block the shutdown. But dealing with such manifestations of behavior in both system and user programs or services can be quite simple.

Reboot the system

If a process does not end in the Task Manager, what should you do first? As a rule, ordinary users act quite simply. If for some reason the Windows 10 Task Manager does not terminate the process, they simply reboot the system. It is clear that a complete restart leads to a stop of all services. But what if after a reboot the process is activated again? But some processes launched along with the system cannot be tracked even in the standard startup section.

However, if the user is logged in not under the administrator account, but under his own account, as is already clear, you just need to change the user.

If you don’t want to constantly jump from one account to another, you can completely disable the administrator account by entering the command “net user Administrator active:no” (without quotes) in the command line. After this, all programs will start only with administrator rights (for some applications, even UAC security warnings, which are incredibly annoying to many users, will not be issued).

Terminating active processes via the command line

But the above actions may not always have a positive effect. What should you do if Task Manager does not terminate a process that is, say, overloading the central processor or using RAM too hard? In such a situation, the best tool available on Windows systems is the command console (cmd).

It must be run as an administrator (if the superuser account is not disabled), and then use the taskkill command (all information about additional attributes can be viewed by entering the line “taskkill /?”).

Of the entire list, we are most interested in the attributes “/F” and “/IM”, which are added after the main command. What does it look like? Let's assume that the Google Chrome process does not end in the Task Manager. The command to force stop the application will look like this: “taskkill /F /IM Chrome.exe” (again, without quotes). As is already clear, this solution is acceptable for executable program files. If you use the additional key “/T”, when you enter the main command to shut down the selected application, all child processes will automatically be terminated.

Stopping processes by specifying identifiers

If the process selected by the user does not end in this way in the Task Manager, for example, if the name of the executable file of a problematic program or service is entered incorrectly, the process can be stopped by specifying the identifier.

It can be viewed in the Task Manager itself, additionally activating the display of the column with the process ID. The main command in this case will take the following form: “taskkill /F PID 0000”, where 0000 is the process identifier defined in the “Task Manager”.

In principle, the problem associated with the fact that the Task Manager does not terminate the process of some program can be solved by following the advice of Microsoft specialists, which are published on the support page. The idea is to download a special archive from the website containing the PSTools toolkit, then unpack it to your hard drive and move the PsExec.exe file or the PsExec64.exe object, depending on the system architecture, to the root of the system partition (drive “C” ), and then through the command console run the command “c:\psexec -i -d -s taskmgr.exe” (without quotes). After this, in the “Task Manager” you will need to perform all the necessary actions related to stopping certain processes, then close the “Manager” and delete the source PsExec file from the system partition.

Note: It is recommended to use this method, even on the corporation’s website, only at your own peril and risk.

Using Process Explorer

It’s much easier to use a small application that is an alternative to Task Manager, but with advanced capabilities. The advantage of this program is that there is no need to install it on your hard drive, since the application is natively portable and runs from a single executable file. After starting the program, it is enough to select the desired incomplete process or even an entire tree of processes with child applets by selecting the Kill Process or Kill Process Tree commands from the RMB menu.

In addition to “killing” unnecessary processes and tasks, this utility also provides additional information. So, for example, if this is required, you can quite simply find out which program is running a particular process.

Unblocking access to process files

Finally, if it is impossible to terminate certain processes only because access to the file responsible for it is blocked, it may very well be possible to correct the situation by using the Unlocker utility.

First, as is already clear, access to the original file is restored (you can find it directly in the “Task Manager” by selecting view file location from the RMB menu), and then the process is completed in the usual way.

Problems of viral exposure

Viruses, unfortunately, can also limit access to stopping processes and services. And this is not always directly related to the virus applets themselves. If such a situation occurs, it is first recommended to check the system with some portable antivirus, and if it is impossible to neutralize threats, turn to the Kaspersky Rescue Disk program, with which you can boot even before the system starts from removable media, and then perform a deep scan, which includes even RAM itself.

Brief summary

That, in fact, is all that concerns the forced termination of processes in the “Task Manager”. As for the best tool, the alternative manager Process Explorer seems to be the simplest. If you don’t have such a program at hand, the command line will do. The only condition for executing all the above commands is to start the console itself with administrator rights.

Doesn't cope with this task.

Sometimes you need to manually terminate a process that is not responding. In most cases, this can be done using the Windows Task Manager, but sometimes it cannot cope with an application that has gotten out of control. I often encountered this when trying to terminate an Acronis process. In this situation, I usually use a more powerful tool - the taskkill command.

To use taskkill, you need to open a command prompt window. To do this, open the “Run” window from the “Start” menu or use the keyboard shortcut + [R] and enter “cmd” (without quotes) in the “Open” field (Fig. A).

Figure A: Open a Command Prompt window.

Using the taskkill command

The general command syntax is as follows:

Of course, taskkill has a wide range of options available. I will list only the most useful of them:

/s COMPUTER, where COMPUTER is the IP or address of the remote computer. By default, the operation is performed on the local system. If this is what you are interested in, you don’t have to use this option.

/u DOMAIN\USER, where DOMAIN is the domain name and USER is the name of the user for whom you want to run the command. This option allows you to run taskkill with the rights of a specific account or domain.

/p- must be used in combination with the /u option to specify the password for the user account.

/fi- allows you to execute the taskkill command with certain filters.

/f- forcefully terminates the execution of the command.

/IM- allows you to use the application name instead of the process ID.

And of course, one of the most useful options is the switch for calling up help (Fig. B):


Figure B. Displays help information for the taskkill command when using the help switch.

Terminate a process by application name

The easiest way to terminate an out-of-control process is to use the taskkill command using the /IM option. It will look like this:

Here APPLICATION_NAME is the name of the process that needs to be terminated. For example, if Outlook can't close, you can use the following command:

Taskkill /IM outlook.exe
Terminating a process by ID

If you don't know the process name, but you know its PID - for example, 572 - you can use the following command:

Taskkill /PID 572
End all processes for a specific account

There is also an option to end all processes for a specific account. This is especially true if you know for sure that the problem is related to a specific account, or if the user has already logged out and the processes he started have stopped responding. In this case, you can use the following command:

Taskkill /F /FI “USERNAME eq username”
Here username is the name of the account under which the unwanted processes are running. You must include the USERNAME option in the command to specify the appropriate user name.

Terminating processes on a remote computer

Another convenient feature is terminating processes remotely. Let's say you know for sure that the system is not responding due to a certain process (let's take Outlook as an example). In this case, you can use another computer and run the following command:

Taskkill /s IP ADDRESS /u DOMAIN\USER /IM Outlook.exe
Here IP ADDRESS is the address of the remote computer (you can also use the host name if the computers are able to recognize each other in this way), DOMAIN is the domain name (if required), and USER is the user name under which you logged into the remote computer.


The taskkill command is a very powerful and functional tool that can eliminate the need to force a computer restart. Skillful use of this command in combination with the Task Manager extends system uptime and even allows you to fight viruses, rootkits or Trojans.

Despite the fact that Linux is more stable than Windows in terms of the operation of programs and various services, anything can happen and sometimes it becomes necessary to terminate the Linux process. This may be necessary if the program crashed when you launched a system service in the background through the terminal rather than the initialization system, as well as in many other cases when it is easier to kill the Linux process by rebooting the entire system.

In this article, we will look at some of the most common ways to terminate a Linux process. We will describe in detail how the process is stopped and how to do everything correctly.

Processes in the Linux operating system are controlled using signals. Including the completion of any process. Signals are transmitted by the system, but they can also be transmitted by the user using special commands or even keyboard shortcuts in the terminal. When a process receives a signal to terminate, it must perform some preparatory steps.

It is necessary to terminate child processes, delete temporary files, sockets, and so on. But depending on the complexity of the situation, the process may not respond to all signals. Let's look at the main signals that are used to complete the process:

  • SIGINT- the most harmless termination signal, means Interrupt. It is sent to the process launched from the terminal using the Ctrl+C keyboard shortcut. The process correctly completes all its actions and returns control;
  • SIGQUIT - this is another signal that is sent, using a keyboard shortcut, to a program running in the terminal. It tells it to exit, and the program can terminate gracefully or ignore the signal. Unlike the previous one, it generates a memory dump. Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+/;
  • SIGHUP- informs the process that the connection with the control terminal is broken, sent mainly by the system when the connection to the Internet is broken;
  • SIGTERM- immediately terminates the process, but is processed by the program, so it allows it to terminate child processes and free all resources;
  • SIGKILL- also immediately terminates the process, but, unlike the previous option, it is not transferred to the process itself, but is processed by the kernel. Therefore, resources and child processes remain running.

It is important to understand that you need to give the process the opportunity to complete correctly. It is advisable that ports and sockets are freed, temporary files are closed and temporary files are deleted. Therefore, never send SIGKILL straight away. Send termination signals in the sequence as listed above.

At first Ctrl+C, if possible, then SIGTERM - although it terminates the process, it does this culturally, and only as a last resort SIGKILL. Now let’s look at how to kill a process using pid Linux in practice. If you always use SIGKILL, then this picture comes to mind:

How to kill a Linux process?

The kill utility is used to signal processes in Linux. Its syntax is very simple:

$ kill - process pid signal

The signal is one of the above signals to complete the process. By default, if this parameter is not specified, the SIGTERM signal is used, which is very correct. We also need to indicate which process needs to be terminated. To do this, a unique process identifier - PID - is used.

Let's say we are running the ping utility. We want to terminate it using kill. Then, first we find out its identifier using the ps command:

ps aux | grep ping

The first line will display the ping utility itself, and the second line will display the ps program itself. We take the desired PID and terminate the process using SIGTERM:

kill -TERM 20446

And only if after this command the process continues to hang, and you can check this by running ps. Only now you can perform SIGKILL:

kill -KILL 20446

Now let's check again:

If the process is running as superuser, then naturally you need to use sudo. It is not always convenient to kill a process by its PID, at least because you still need to find out this PID. We could make complex constructs using xargs to automatically calculate the pid from the process name and terminate it immediately, but this is not necessary. Special utilities already exist.

How to kill a process using pkill

The pkill utility is a wrapper around kill, it behaves exactly the same and has the same syntax, only it needs to pass the process name as the process identifier. The utility scans the proc directory and finds the PID of the first process with that name, then sends a SIGTERM to it. This way you can kill the process called Linux. For example, if we want to complete the same ping:

You can also manually set the signal type:

pkill -TERM ping

Instead of ps, you can use the pgrep utility to find the pid of the process, making sure our program is completed:

But if the program has created several processes for you, for example, the chromium or firefox browser creates a separate process for each of the tabs, then this utility will be of little help. Here we need the next option.

How to stop a process using killall

killall works similarly to the two previous utilities. It also takes the process name as a parameter and looks for its PID in the /proc directory. But this utility will detect all processes with that name and terminate them. For example:

As you can see, several processes are running, all that remains is to stop the Linux process using killall:

The command will terminate all running ping utilities, you can verify this by running pgrep again:


In this article, we looked at how to kill a Linux process. This task can be very rewarding at times, but it is important to understand that it needs to be done correctly. This is not to say that passing SIGKILL instead of SIGTERM is very dangerous, but it is not worth doing. I hope this information was useful to you.

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