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Psychological help scientific articles. Psychological sciences. Self-Esteem Exercise "20 Mirrors"

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How much does reading mean in your life? How often do interesting articles about everything brighten up your leisure time? Do you draw any new information, getting acquainted with the material on countless Internet pages? FUN READING: ARTICLES ABOUT EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD Unfortunately, there is not always time to read informative, noteworthy books. A lot of material scattered on the resources of the Internet, of course, will not make up for the lack of classical or avant-garde creativity, but will significantly broaden one's horizons. Regular acquaintance with the information periodically appearing in the virtual press turns into a pleasant habit. In addition to the Internet, printed publications are becoming a source of information. Many people prefer to read articles in newspapers and magazines, getting news from there. It doesn't matter where we get the data from. The main thing is not to let your brain level out, saturating it with interesting and necessary information for yourself. The circle of readers' interests is multifaceted. Someone enthusiastically reads informative articles, while someone can only be captivated by entertaining lines. Tastes, as they say, do not argue. But there are people whose sphere of knowledge is not limited to something specific. This is a category of active readers, constantly developing, inquisitive and tireless. They need to know everything. As children, they broke toys and tried to repair them themselves, assembled locomotives from the designer and painted the walls in the apartment, sewed dresses for dolls and, secretly from their parents, took apart an old TV set. Such children listened with equal interest to informative articles and fairy tales, watched programs about space and historical films. Today, they are the most grateful readership. There are still a lot of subcategories such as "garden and vegetable garden", "sports news", "do-it-yourself repair", "tourism, travel", etc. Well-written interesting articles about everything always find their reader. The main thing is an attractive presentation of the material, an accessible language. Of course, a worthy plot To, while reading, forget about everything in the world, wanting to quickly reach the end and learn something new. It's funny to watch how the interests of the female and male audiences differ. It is clear that interesting facts and articles about fashion trends, the latest news from world catwalks are unlikely to attract a strong half of humanity. They will certainly not be interested in embroidery techniques, beading, the nuances of creating home comfort. Interesting articles about health and recipes can “hook” both of them: many culinary shows of modern television are conducted by male chefs of expensive restaurants. And this exception, which previously served as nonsense, today is rather the rule. Men now love to cook, willingly share recipes, participate in culinary programs and are happy to teach this to others, proud of their achievements in the field of cooking.


Another thing is women. There are a lot of magazines and Internet portals offering interesting articles for women on any topic. Do not want to think too much, try to relax and read without thinking about what you read? Then secular rumors, news of the show world, reliable (and not so) facts from people's lives, diligently collected by editors from all over the world, are for you. Do you want to digress into serious reading? At your service - interesting articles about health, telling about the prevention, symptoms and treatment of various diseases. Someone needs it to solve their own problems, someone opened the page for general "development". Agree, from such sources we get really a lot of useful information! What can cause a headache? Why does he twist his leg? Why did spots appear on the skin, etc. How to treat, what to buy, what to do - you should not rely on the reliability of what you read 100%, but you can take the information obtained as a basis. Glossy magazines and their Internet counterparts print interesting articles for girls. Such resources never suffer from a lack of their attention. Perhaps, fashion news and gossip columns are the priority here, but these data are always in great demand.


What do men read? In addition to sports news (who played - who won - at what minute the ball was scored / got a knockout), they are interested in automotive articles and materials on similar topics. New car models, achievements and innovative developments in this area, modern tuning and much more, thanks to which the car enthusiast not only raises the general educational level, but also, perhaps, is preparing for something important in life, for example, to purchase a new car. More serious attract news of technology and new technologies. The knowledge gained is not necessarily applicable in practice, but quite interesting, especially since modern science daily makes a march forward in its development. Technology that was relevant six months ago will be obsolete in six months. Every day we are introduced to high-tech news, educating us about computers, phones, and various newfangled gadgets. Group video chats, artificial intelligence, robotics and more - you don't have to be a nerd to read informative articles about this and more.


When buying a magazine to read at home, think about your neighbor! Let there be interesting articles about life in it - it is always interesting for both. After all, after reading, you can share opinions, and this unites, like any common cause. Any material you read can be an occasion for discussion. Why not set the tone for the evening conversation? Especially if the news is fireworks that can amaze the imagination? Even a woman can be interested in automotive articles if they are not about the causes of squeaking brake pads or suspension clatter, but about the latest models of your favorite car brand. And if this model was created specifically for women, then the article is definitely a must-read! There will be something to tell her friends about, and her husband to formulate an idea using exact names and numbers, and not just “I like that little red one over there!” Interesting scientific articles may well captivate both halves if they deal with the facts of longevity, understandable discoveries, achievements. From this perspective, women will certainly read the news of technology and new technologies, especially when the article talks about intelligent models of a vacuum cleaner, a food processor, new phones or tablets. Broadening one's horizons does not happen by itself. Our brain receives data from the outside, processes it and gives it to us in the form of thoughts, which we transform into speech. So, interesting facts and articles can be useful for a person who often stays in society. When you come to work in the morning, don't you share your impressions about the news you heard or read? Automatically, you become a respected colleague and an interesting conversationalist, your social rating increases many times over. Reading interesting articles about life, analyzing other people's experience, we involuntarily try on ourselves in the place of another person, thinking what we would do in his place. Thus, we prevent potential mistakes that we could make in a similar situation. PERMANENT READING. MOTIVES AND Aspirations We try to read articles about things that can give us emotions. It doesn't matter what - the main thing is to get something that will make us think, talk about it, analyze, reason. We can say with confidence about the main functions of reading: With a sensible presentation of the material, any of the articles will perform them together. In other words, each of them MUST meet these requirements: interesting facts and articles should arouse the desire to talk about them, they should be “digestible” and pleasing to the eye, and they should contain maximum useful information for the chosen topic. There is another feature of reading that testifies in its favor. The habit of reading articles teaches empathy, which is so lacking in the modern world. This, of course, is not about scientific topics. Reading interesting articles for women, we experience together with the people on behalf of whom the story is being told. Even a little experience gained as a result of processing such material sometimes changes the attitude to life. Naturally, interesting scientific articles do not evoke such feelings, but they can also surprise, convince, and delight. Reading articles, we form our worldview. By sharing experiences, we inspire others. By discussing what we read, we arouse interest and respect for ourselves. It's not just a pastime. It is the pleasure by which we develop.

1. Gruzdeva Maria Sergeevna. Rehabilitation work with recipients of social services of a psycho-neurological boarding school There is a review.
Co-authors: Scientific adviser: Lyubov Andreevna Marchenko, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy, Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Physical Education, Vologda State University
The text of the study examines rehabilitation work with young mentally disabled people in a psycho-neurological boarding school, as well as personal and socio-psychological characteristics of this category of people. Their involvement in the activities carried out in the institution of social services of a psychoneurological profile is considered. It is proposed to hold an event of a social rehabilitation nature, namely a station game conducted by student volunteers, for the subsequent identification of the resource potential of young people with disabilities for a successful rehabilitation process and their further integration into society, as well as for social practices. The involvement in the event and its impact on people suffering from mental disorders is analyzed through observation during the game and at its end.

2. Bogatyreva Louise Akhmetovna. Influence of the level of development of attention concentration on arbitrary memory of older preschoolers There is a review.
Co-authors: Nogerova Maryam Tatuevna, Candidate of Sciences, Kabardino-Balkarian State University IM. HM. Berbekova
The relevance of studying the influence of the level of development of concentration of attention on the arbitrary memory of older preschoolers is substantiated. The psychological and pedagogical literature on this problem is analyzed. The level of concentration of attention and its influence on the arbitrary memory of older preschoolers has been established.

3. Sinenko Yury Alekseevich. Modification of the hypnotest for suggestibility by V. Yevtushenko "Falling Hand" There is a review.
Before starting the hypnotherapeutic process, the hypnotherapist needs to form a general qualitative idea of ​​the patient's readiness for cooperation, his ability to concentrate in internal sensations and observe them. The report discusses a modification of the well-known test for determining suggestibility, proposed and used by Dr. V. G. Yevtushenko, "Falling Hand".

4. Shefer Anastasia Pavlovna. Self-esteem in adolescence There is a review. Article published in No. 69 (May) 2019
Co-authors: Supervisor: Shelkunova T.V., Senior Lecturer of the Department of Personality Development Psychology, Master of Pedagogy
The article considers theoretical approaches to the definition of the concept of "self-attitude", defines the criteria for self-attitude in adolescence. The authors of the article experimentally revealed the level of self-attitude of young men studying at the initial courses of the university.

5. Smerdova Elizaveta Anatolyevna. Formation of social competence in younger students There is a review.
Co-authors: Scientific adviser: Filatova Alexandra Fedorovna, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Practical Psychology
In the proposed article, the problem of the formation of social competence in children of primary school age is analyzed. In the process of studying the theoretical material on this issue, we clarified the concept of social competence, identified the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of social competence among younger students, where a program was subsequently drawn up for the implementation of the conditions.

6. Voistinova Maria Alexandrovna. Study of the psychological readiness of applicants for positions in the customs authorities There is a review. Article published in No. 63 (November) 2018
Co-authors: Vasilyeva M.V. PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of World Economy and International Business, Pskov State University
The article gives a general description of the activities of specialists and employees of customs authorities from the standpoint of factors affecting productivity and labor intensity. The thesis is put forward on the importance of the psychological readiness of personnel for difficult (intensive) working conditions in the context of the transition to "digital" customs. As part of the study, the results of assessing the psychological readiness of potential customs officers (students-graduates of the specialty "Customs") are proposed, problems are identified in this direction and recommendations are developed for graduates who wish to enter the service in the customs authorities

7. Baranova Elena Alexandrovna. THE AMBIVALENCE OF THE PHENOMENON OF REFLECTION There is a review. Article published in No. 62 (October) 2018
Co-authors: Belanovskaya Olga Viktorovna, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Educational Psychology, Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank
Reflexivity is considered as a mental property and as a mental process. The article analyzes the relationship between the types of reflection and irrational attitudes, which allow different assessments of reflexive processes in groups with different levels of severity of the attitude towards socially desirable behavior.

Co-authors: Pesterev Arseniy Olegovich, 2nd year student of the Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Education, Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University
The article deals with the problems of depression and anxiety of students in the context of their professional training.

Co-authors: Chernukha Natalya Sergeevna, 2nd year student of the Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Education of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University”, specialty “Psychological and Pedagogical Education”.
The scientific article discusses the psychological and pedagogical features of the self-organization of educational activities of students in adolescence. The study deals with the problems of the formation of self-organization competencies in high school students studying in different training profiles; the features of the style of educational activity are revealed.

10. Maysumova Elmira Gusenbekovna. FEATURES OF THE EMOTIONAL SPHERE OF WOMEN WITH A THREAT OF TERMINATION OF PREGNANCY There is a review. Article published in No. 58 (June) 2018
Co-authors: Delaryu Vladimir Vladimirovich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Social Work and Clinical Psychology, Volgograd State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia. Filimonova Maria Aleksandrovna, student of the Department of Social Work and Clinical Psychology, VolgGMU
A survey of 60 women with physiological gestation and threatened miscarriage, using the Spielberger-Khanin "Scale of Reactive and Personal Anxiety", showed the presence of personal anxiety in women with a normal pregnancy, which should be taken into account when organizing psychological support for this category of persons.

11. Filimonova Maria Alexandrovna. Study of coping behavior in people with alcohol dependence There is a review. Article published in No. 58 (June) 2018
Co-authors: Delaryu Vladimir Vladimirovich Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Social Work and Clinical Psychology, Volgograd State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Maisumova Elmira Gusenbekovna, student of the Department of Social Work and Clinical Psychology of Volgograd State Medical University
Examination of 42 patients with alcohol dependence using R. Lazarus' technique "Coping strategies" showed the predominance of non-adaptive strategies ("escape", "distancing", "self-control"), which should be taken into account when organizing psychological support for this category of persons.

12. Barabanov Rodion Evgenievich. The use of transpersonal ideas in the study of social adaptation of students There is a review. Article published in No. 57 (May) 2018
Co-authors: Arabi L.S., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Institute of Integrative Medicine of the International Academy of Social Technologies
The article presents the results of studying the social adaptation of first-year students based on the use of transpersonal ideas.

13. Dorokhov Vladimir Vladimirovich. The concept of "I-concept" in the works of S.L. Rubinstein, I.S. Kona, V. Frankl There is a review. Article published in No. 56 (April) 2018
Co-authors: Cherepanova Irina Vyacheslavovna, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor
In modern psychology, the "I-concept" is considered as one of the components of the personality, as the attitude of the individual to himself. The concept of "I-concept" expresses the unity and integrity of the personality with its subjective inner side, that is, what the individual knows about himself, how he sees, feels and imagines himself. The article deals with the views of S. L. Rubinshtein, I. S. Kohn and V. Frankl.

Co-authors: Sambikina Oksana Semyonovna Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology; Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor;
The article describes the experience of using art methods to develop forms of interaction between a child with an autism spectrum disorder and the world. Diagnostic techniques for compiling the individual characteristics of the child are described. The main stages of the individual program of a child with an autism spectrum disorder are identified. This article is addressed to students and teachers, psychologists.

15. Dorokhov Vladimir Vladimirovich. I-CONCEPT IN THE WORKS OF FOREIGN RESEARCHERS There is a review. Article published in No. 54 (February) 2018
Co-authors: Cherepanova Irina Vyacheslavovna, associate professor, candidate of psychological sciences
The theme of self-consciousness and self-perception of a person is one of the central problems of psychology, philosophy and sociology. Self-concept is a dynamic system of ideas about oneself, determines the perception of the impact of external factors, and also determines the standards, rules and scenarios of behavior. This article discusses the self-concept from the standpoint of foreign researchers.

16. Zyatkova Ekaterina Leonidovna. Psychological and pedagogical correction of aggressive behavior of children of primary school age There is a review.
Co-authors: Romanenko Irina Gennadievna, Senior Lecturer, Omsk State Pedagogical University
This article reveals the essence of the concept of aggressive behavior and identifies the characteristics of the aggressive behavior of children of primary school age. Teaching younger students the skills of self-regulation, relaxation and adequate behavior in conflict situations will help reduce the manifestation of aggressive reactions.

17. Gryzunova Margarita Viktorovna. Internet Addiction Problem There is a review.
Co-authors: Voloshina Tatyana Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Technology, Fine Arts and Design
The article considers the phenomenon of Internet addiction. This article may be of interest to people who have encountered this problem or observed symptoms of this problem in acquaintances. The purpose of the article is to study the specifics of Internet addiction and ways to solve it.

Co-authors: Zhuina Diana Valerievna, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Special and Applied Psychology, Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevyeva
The article presents an analysis of foreign and domestic approaches to the problem of studying interpersonal communication among adolescents - active users of the Internet. The features of the impact of long-term communication in cyberspace on the personality of the younger generation are revealed. The results of an empirical study of interpersonal communication, the level of communicative competence, types of reactions to communicative situations in adolescents - active Internet users are presented. A comparative analysis of the characteristics of adolescent communication showed that adolescents who prefer virtual communication to real ones are characterized by a low level of sociability, insufficiently formed communication skills, demonstrate dependent and aggressive-competent reactions in situations of criticism (fair and unfair), conflict, the need to make a request, to provide and accept sympathy and support, make contact with another person.

19. Livshits Tatyana Alexandrovna. Formation of a program of educational organizational consulting while accompanying the process of mastering and implementing a structured program for conducting medical appointments (service standard) There is a review.
Co-authors: Mosina Natalia Anatolyevna, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Primary Education, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University. V.P. Astafieva
The article discusses the conditions for the formation of a program of psychological support in the development and implementation of the service standard into the activities of doctors.

20. Ivashkina Ksenia Anatolyevna. Group classes with children and group consultations of parents as a means of increasing the level of emotional well-being of first-graders There is a review.
Co-authors: Alikin Igor Anatolyevich, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Viktor Astafiev Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical University
The article presents the concept of emotional well-being of a first-grader. The criteria for assessing the emotional well-being of a first-grader are identified. The influence of parental attitude on the emotional well-being of a first-grader is also determined. A working program is presented to increase the level of emotional well-being of first-graders, as well as to correct parental attitudes towards them. The results of work on this program are presented.

The word "psychology" has probably been heard by everyone. Many children have dreamed of becoming psychologists since high school. Also, many people are engaged in independent study of this area, because it is very interesting, informative and diverse. So let's see what the concept of "psychology" includes.

Definition of the terms "psychology" and "psyche"

Psychology is a science that studies the functioning, development and patterns of occurrence of various phenomena of the psyche and the psychological activity of both a group of people and an individual.

There are several definitions of the term "psyche". So, for example, one of them says that the psyche is a certain set of mental phenomena and processes, such as: memory, emotions, perceptions, sensations, and so on; aspect of human life in its interaction with the environment in which it is located.

Someone studies psychology on their own, and someone - professionally at universities. Depending on the way they study, people prefer different topics in psychology that are interesting to them. For students, the choice is based on the topic being studied at a given time or on the section of psychology that is more interesting to them. For self-study, they mainly choose topics in psychology that are interesting and relevant at the moment, which can solve a specific problem. The science of psychology is very interesting and extensive, it reveals many areas of life and helps a person to understand himself and the people around him.

When studying psychology, people select different topics depending on what they are more interested in. Thus, the most interesting topics in psychology are topics about sex, relationships, introspection, communication and others.

At the moment, psychology helps to solve many problems, it is also associated with many other sciences. There are many branches in psychology, each of which is a relatively independent area of ​​scientific research in a particular area of ​​society. Industries are divided into special and fundamental.

The fundamental branches of psychology are called the term "general psychology", in which they put the general meaning of the concept of human behavior and psychology, regardless of their specific activity. In turn, special branches are engaged in the study of human behavior and psychology, depending on their activities.

You can pick up interesting topics in psychology from the section of general psychology, as it includes:

  • The study of personality psychology and individual differences. It studies the emotions, feelings, will, character, inclinations of a person and his ability to do anything.
  • Psychophysiology.
  • Zoopsychology. Engaged in the study of the psyche of animals.
  • Social psychology. It studies the manifestations of a person's personality in society, his psychological compatibility with others, relationships with people.
  • Age. It studies the development of the personality of a growing person, his consciousness, various psychological processes and his activities.
  • Psychology of cognitive processes. It studies the thinking and memory of a person, his perception and sensations, imagination and attention.
  • The psychology of communication. Studies the psychological aspects of interpersonal relationships and others.

Topics for students

Many university students are looking for topics for independent study and for specific work. In the list of interesting topics in psychology for students, you can find many relevant topics for reports, essays, and even term papers and theses.

For research work

Many students are engaged in research in the field of psychology. Below is a list of interesting research topics in psychology for those who are just starting out as a researcher in this field.

  • Color magic.
  • Study of mnemonic rules.
  • The study of Internet addiction in people of different age categories.
  • Study of the influence of the Internet on people.
  • Research of various teenage subcultures. values ​​and interests.
  • Individual differences in memory in people.
  • Study of the behavior of adolescents and adults in conflict situations.
  • The study of man.
  • Conflicts. Causes of occurrence. Settlement methods.
  • Study of the mechanisms of manifestation of emotions.
  • Study of the causes of stress and methods of dealing with it.
  • The study of youth slang as a form of self-affirmation.
  • Exploring the process of judging people by each other. The Science of Beauty.
  • Study of difficulties in interpersonal communication.
  • What does handwriting say?
  • The status of a teacher through the eyes of modern students.
  • Is loneliness the norm?
  • Problems of self-esteem.
  • The study of the creative abilities of children.
  • manipulation research.

For reports

It is not uncommon for students to make reports. There are also quite a few interesting topics for a report on psychology; in the list below, you can easily find a suitable one.

  • The influence of mass media on the psyche of a teenager.
  • memory records.
  • The history of the development of the science of psychology.
  • Foul language among teenagers. Reasons and methods of elimination.
  • Verbal and non-verbal forms of communication of schoolchildren.
  • Aggression in society. Methods of its suppression.
  • Methods of psychological research.
  • The importance of partnership for success.
  • Stages of development of the human psyche.
  • Methods of development of intelligence.
  • Basic scientific principles of psychology as a science.
  • What is the relationship between consciousness and human speech?
  • Stress tension. Stress management methods.
  • Smile Phenomenon.
  • Personal identification.
  • Human temperament.
  • Forms of knowledge of the world that surrounds us. Feelings and perceptions.
  • Features of human thinking.
  • Methods for successful memorization.
  • What role does memory play in human life?
  • Prerequisites for the development of a creative personality.
  • Types of people's thinking.
  • Psychology in family relations.
  • What influence does the family have on the development of individual abilities of the individual.
  • Manifestation of a person's personality.
  • How to develop volitional qualities?
  • How does motivation affect a person? Where does motivation come from?
  • Stages of marriage.
  • What is the difference between relationships in Muslim and Orthodox families?
  • Formation of self-esteem.
  • Conflicts between children and parents.
  • Types of parenting.
  • Communication. Speech style. Mechanisms. Essence.
  • Man as a social being.
  • The art of communication. Significance.
  • How are stereotypes formed?
  • Authority and how to maintain it.
  • Internet addiction. Fighting methods.
  • Complexes and methods of their elimination.

For term papers and theses

More serious are term papers and theses in psychology, because the topics for them must be unique, not previously disclosed, relevant, and so on. When choosing a topic for these serious and voluminous works, we advise you to rely on sections of psychology that are interesting and relevant for the student. Some interesting topics for coursework in psychology are given below.

  • Divorce. Psychological problems of children.
  • Features of the upbringing of the child.
  • Role behavior and its features of working women.
  • The influence of the family on the formation of the child's psyche.
  • Ethnic norms of etiquette behavior.
  • Features of the formation of the psyche of orphans at the stages of value, semantic and objective consciousness.
  • Cognitive assessment of difficult situations.
  • The concept of happiness.
  • Freedom of choice and its features among students of humanitarian and exact specialties.
  • Features of long-term human memory and its dependence on individual psychological characteristics.
  • Disclosure of the creative potential of man.
  • Problems, acceptance and socialization of the "body self".
  • The problem of age socialization.
  • Overcoming learned helplessness as a development factor.
  • Readiness of the psyche for age-related changes.
  • Features of the manifestation of aggression among young people.
  • personal boundaries.
  • Reasons for suicide.

Interesting topics in psychology for a diploma:

  • The psychology of gambling.
  • Analysis of age crises.
  • The influence of family relationships on the psyche of children.
  • The use of drawing methods for the development of imagination in preschool aunts.
  • Leadership skills. Development.
  • The role of motivation in human life.
  • Methods of intellectual development of children.
  • Features of the gender identity of adolescents.
  • Psychological causes of conflicts in young families.
  • Influence of an incomplete family on a child's self-esteem.
  • The influence of parent-child relations on adaptation to school.
  • Psycho-emotional state of children from incomplete and complete families.
  • The development of the moral sphere of the personality of a preschooler. The influence of family education.
  • The impact of team cohesion on work efficiency.
  • Developing stress tolerance skills.
  • Fighting the negative influence of society.
  • Features of alcohol dependence. Relationship with stress.
  • Formation of ideas about the seasons in children.
  • Development and diagnosis of attention in children.
  • Development of color perception in children.

Topics for building harmonious relationships

  • Jealousy and love.
  • Loyalty, betrayal and open relationships.
  • Choice of partner, choice of life.
  • Principles of building a happy relationship.
  • Active and passive men in relationships.
  • Attachment under the guise of love.
  • Self-assertion in sex.

Topics about success and self-realization

  • How to become a successful person?
  • Problems of self-realization.
  • How can you learn to control your emotions?
  • How to overcome laziness?
  • Ways to achieve self-confidence.
  • Influence of motivation on achievement of success.
  • Types of self-realization.

Topics for teenagers

Many interesting topics in psychology for teenagers, for example:

  • Coping with aggression in adolescence.
  • Features of the manifestation of deviant behavior in adolescents.
  • The influence of the media on adolescents.
  • How to understand, accept and love yourself?
  • Lack of self-esteem. Causes and methods of struggle.
  • Features of self-esteem in adolescence.

The science of psychology is well studied and continues to be studied. This is a very interesting area that captivates many people. If you want to better understand yourself and the people around you, then in this article you can find many interesting topics for study.

In the life of every person there are difficulties of a psychological nature, with which he can not cope on his own. In these moments, you need to allow yourself to ask for help. The study of special psychological literature is one of the simplest forms of helping oneself in a difficult life situation.

In subsection Interesting articles on psychology posted high-quality information, presented in the form of my articles, posts and notes, which may be useful to the reader. This is knowledge that has been repeatedly tested for effectiveness by me and my clients. The materials of the subsection are devoted to the most popular and important topics in psychology: relationships, family, issues of raising children, professional development, self-discovery, personal effectiveness and others.

The voice that we use to speak to our child now will remain with him forever. It is in this voice that he will talk to himself, becoming an adult. All reproaches, moralizing, our dissatisfaction with him will be taken as the basis of his own attitude towards himself.

Whether he will be able to support himself, cheer him up, whether he will have peremptory faith in his own strength, how kind he will be to himself and whether he will be able to be kind to himself at all depends on what we say to him now.

How can parents properly communicate with their children?

Mom's voice, mother's attitude, mother's requirements and expectations - this is the parental "I", which will play the role of "conscience" all his life and become an "inner critic" for an adult. Whether this critic will be a supporter or an inquisitor is up to us.

Parental words and the idea of ​​mom and dad about himself is an absolute truth for a child. As if God himself told him once and for all what he is and what he is.

Someone will always be better than you. This is the painful truth. We are used to it. She is so dear to us and so painful. We are constantly comparing ourselves to others. We build ratings for ourselves and others and compare our coolness and pumping. And we, of course, suffer from this, although we may not notice it. There is always someone better than you! Comparing ourselves to others is often infecting us with those closest to us. Remember your childhood? Probably many in childhood heard such phrases: “Masha studies better than you”, “Peter is more obedient than you”, “Vasya is such a good fellow, he plays better than you” ... and so on. We just get used to living in this eternal race of comparisons.

A woman with low self-esteem is like a flower that has not been watered for a long time. A sad picture: drooping leaves, bent stem, dull petals. It is unlikely that someone will want to show such a flower to friends and put it on the windowsill in order to admire it more often. Drooping flowers evoke sadness and longing, out of sight of them. But as soon as you take a watering can and generously water the earth, the flower will immediately begin to bloom and smell fragrant! And the same thing happens with female self-esteem: it is also important to water it with bright positive energy.

Self-Esteem Exercise "20 Mirrors"

A difficult topic about "be yourself."

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