Home Potato Drawing squirrels step by step presentation. Drawing squirrels in stages in the preparatory group. III. Independent work

Drawing squirrels step by step presentation. Drawing squirrels in stages in the preparatory group. III. Independent work

Sections: MHC and IZO

Passport for a block of lessons:

Class: 1 (11 years old)

Number of hours on the topic: 12 (4 lessons of 3 hours each). Annex 1

Execution technique: simple pencil (different softness).

Objectives of the block of lessons:

  • Fostering an emotionally responsive attitude of students based on the perception of the beauty of the nature around us.
  • Formation of students' conscious perception of the beauty of natural forms.
  • Study of the artist's step-by-step approach to self-depiction of a bird from nature.
  • Formation of skills and abilities of drawing a long educational drawing of a bird from nature (stationary model).

Objectives of the lesson block:


  • To consolidate the knowledge, abilities, skills of students acquired in parallel subjects studied: sculpture, painting, composition (harmonious composition, determination of proportional relationships, accuracy of the silhouette of the depicted form).
  • Organize educational activities for students to study the methods and techniques of drawing a stuffed bird from nature.
  • To draw the attention of pupils to the method of accurately drawing the silhouette of a bird: “in the form of a set of platforms with subsequent softening of the corners ...”, by means of graphically conveying the texture of the bird's plumage and to apply this knowledge in educational work.
  • To consolidate knowledge on the implementation of long-term educational work on the topic: "Drawing a bird from nature."
  • To form the skills of students to determine the artistic and aesthetic assessment of the result of their own visual activity (exhibition).


  • To activate the emotional and cognitive experience of students "communication with nature", to create an expressive image of a bird in long-term educational work.
  • To master new ways of drawing a bird from nature: constructive drawing, drawing a silhouette, transferring the cut-off characteristics, drawing the texture of the plumage of the studied bird.
  • To consolidate the knowledge of students about the peculiarities of human perception of the form of a bird, as consisting of geometric shapes; transformation of a flat shape of a “silhouette” into a volumetric shape, depending on the direction of the light source, transfer of the texture of plumage and parts of the bird's body.
  • To acquaint with the methods of artistic and aesthetic evaluation of their work (exhibition).

Lesson number 4

  • Lesson topic: Transfer of surface texture by graphic means, for example, an image of a bird from nature (Appendix 1, slide 31).

Theoretical frequency b:

  1. Bird in nature. Consolidation of knowledge on the topic: "Drawing a bird from nature."
  2. Introduction to the topic of the lesson: "Methods of transferring the texture of the surface of the studied objects by graphic means."
  3. Organization of a lesson with students aimed at creating the image of a “bird” in long-term educational work.
  4. Show a way of aesthetic assessment of the created educational work, through the organization of the exhibition: “We draw birds”.

Practical part:

  1. To master the methods of drawing the surface of the bird's body, by graphic means: point, line, stroke.
  2. To draw the attention of students to filling in the tone spot with graphic means.
  3. Complete the tutorial: "Drawing a bird from nature."

Materials (edit): Preparatory drawing of a bird, made in the last lesson, a simple 8B pencil, buttons. Stationary bird model: goose, jay.

Visual aids:

  • Works of students from the school fund; sketches of birds from nature and from memory made by students of the 1st grade. Bird in the works of illustrators: A. Pakhomov, Y. Vasnetsov, Y. Charushin; photographs of birds in nature; presentation film: Methodological development theme: “Drawing birds from nature”.

The curriculum of the Children's School of Arts (art department) sets itself the main goal: the study of the basics of visual literacy, as the basis for the development of the creative potential of a modern schoolchild.

In the 1st grade, on the subject of "drawing", students get acquainted with the basics of academic drawing: the basics of educational drawing, initial knowledge of visual perception, holistic vision of nature, work with graphic materials, develop the eye and motor skills of the hand, skills and abilities of the harmonious arrangement of the drawing on the plane of a sheet of paper, applying the rules and techniques of composition.

Classes at school are held in a block of lessons - 12 hours, one lesson 3 hours. This structure allows for a more in-depth study of the content of the general topic of the lesson.

Your attention is presented lesson number 4 from the general theme of the block of lessons: Drawing a bird from nature (stationary model). This lesson summarizes the knowledge of the students on the topic studied, but at the same time introduces them to the concept of “texture” in graphics. In the practical part of the lesson, they perform educational work and complete the drawing stage, conveying the texture of the bird's surface by graphic means. You can get acquainted with the sequence of the lessons in the Presentation: Methodical development. The subject "drawing". Topic: Drawing a bird from nature. Annex 1

During the classes


From the beginning of the lesson, the teacher checks the presence in the lesson according to the list of the journal and asks to write down the materials needed for the next lesson in the diary: an A3 sheet, pencils, an eraser, buttons.

“Singing of birds in nature. What are we starting to think about? What to remember? Maybe a beautiful birch tree, a ringing spring stream, joyful summer holidays, or maybe a mysterious forest: “The forest is filled with voices. For a long time now the silence left him. She's not even now at night ... The forest thunders with voices ... the best singers are performing ... ”. Good bird in nature. And we, inspired by the singing of birds, would like to complete a long educational work on the topic: "Drawing a bird from nature" and look at the results of our work.

The teacher draws the students' attention to the topic of the lesson: “Drawing a bird from nature” (Appendix 1, slide number 1) and asks to solve the “problem”: “What a student of an art school needs to know to create a long educational drawing whose object is a“ bird ”(slide No. 9).


Pupils recall the previous lesson material on drawing a bird from nature and solve the “problem” posed in the lesson.

We paid attention to the nature of the bird: the goose is important, the jay is playful, flirtatious.

You need to know the habitat of the birds you are studying: the goose is a waterfowl, the jay is adapted for life in the forest, parks among trees.);

To study the features of the image of birds, making sketches from memory, from nature, we try to discern and study the shape of the body, head, beak, tail, paws, plumage drawing (slide 11-14);

Draw sketches on the design features of the conjugation of geometric shapes that make up the bird's body, for example: head-circle, body-oval, wing-triangle, etc. (slide 21);

We drew a cylinder (upper side lighting) to see how light, partial shade, shadow, falling shadow are distributed on the volumetric shape of a geometric body, and then apply this knowledge to draw chiaroscuro on the studied bird; (slide 23-24)

We drew the “silhouette” (profile) of the bird, trying to depict it as accurately as possible.

They also used shading to transfer light and shade on the bird, studying its tone in light, partial shade, shadow (slide 27-30).

On the easels, the students fixed the constructive drawing of the silhouette and tonal shading of the bird, made in the previous lesson.


Look guys at your study drawings on the easels.

Guys, can we say that you have achieved the greatest similarity of a long drawing of a bird on paper, compared to nature?


Our drawing lacks a drawing on a bird, different lightness of feathers, spots.


That's right, they noticed, because: "The peculiarity of the educational drawing of drawing birds is that the touch of a pencil on the paper should be permeated with a sincere feeling and desire to create a living image."

The teacher draws the students' attention to the word: texture. (slide 32) Asks how they understand this word, and what words can be chosen that are suitable for the meaning. It turns out a series of words: glass, material, you can touch it with your hands, smooth, prickly. The teacher summarizes the meaning of these statements and says that they can be combined with one concept "the nature and quality of the surface."


By definition from the dictionary,

Texture (lat. "Fakturo" - "processing, structure", from "fakere" - "to make, to produce" - the tactile quality of the surface - smooth, rough, silky, lumpy. The quality of the texture is due to the natural characteristics of the material, but is perceived objectively, therefore people in different ways.

Game situation.

The teacher shows photographs on the slides depicting the texture of the surface, the students must name the material and what it is, if you touch it with your hands (slides number 32-38).


  • The carpet is soft.
  • The paper is crispy.
  • The tree is rough.
  • The plumage is light, smooth.
  • Hay - crumbles in hands, prickly
  • Dry land is rough.


Considering the texture of the surface in the photographs, you, probably already as artists, represented by what means of graphics (point, line, stroke), you can convey them on paper. Fill in the grid with them.

From the beginning of the lesson, the teacher distributed tables (Figure 1) for completing this task. He shows slides from # 32-37 and the students fill them in with a simple pencil (8B) with a dot, short strokes, long strokes, cross-hatching, etc.

The fine arts masters have learned to convey the nature of the texture by visual means:

Painter: smear, paint overlay techniques.

Graphic artist: the direction of the line, stroke, tone character (slide number 38)

The originality of the graphic tools that you performed on the diagram - the net, will help us draw the plumage of the bird more realistic and expressive.

The teacher transfers the attention of the students to the implementation of the practical part of the lesson (Figure 2), i.e. to the completion of the educational drawing of a stuffed bird from nature. Showing (slides number 40-42) explains the stages of the plumage texture and details of the bird's body (goose).

On the prepared drawing of the "silhouette" of the bird, apply a drawing of plumage.

Choose a short stroke for the image of the texture of soft, short plumage, hard - long, legs - mesh, falling shadows - points.

(Clarifies the denser the arrangement of the graphic means: dots, strokes, the richer and darker the tone spot.)

After drawing the texture of the plumage and details of the bird's body, the tonality of light and shade and the lightness of the pattern of the bird's plumage are specified.

This will be the final stage of a realistic depiction of a bird from nature.

After completing educational work. Pupils can independently fix a drawing with a picture of a bird in the place for an exhibition: “We draw birds”. We are holding an exhibition. During the exhibition, students share their omissions, impressions of drawing a bird from nature (slide 44).

  • What difficulties arose when drawing a bird.
  • What I liked to draw: plumage, structure or chiaroscuro.
  • The works of which students most accurately convey the realistic image of the bird.

They can give estimates themselves. The criterion for the assessment is the problem solved during the lessons: “Did the student manage to acquire all the knowledge, skills and abilities he needs to draw a long drawing of a bird from nature (fixed model)”.


Output: The sketches and sketches helped us move on to a longer drawing of a bird from nature (fixed model). This is an important stage for continuing the study of birds and the transition to observing them in wildlife, for example, in the open air. Studying, in accordance with the curriculum, ways of drawing birds in the classroom at “Children's Art School No. 3”, we contribute to the formation of important qualities of a modern schoolchild: responsiveness to beauty, observation, interest in independent visual activity.


  1. A.S. Kuzin, In the rays of the sun, Publisher: Izhevsk, 1989. P. 71-72.
  2. G.I. Kulebakin, Drawing and the basics of composition, Publishing house: Moscow, 1994, pp. 16-20.
  3. David Brown, Learn to Draw Birds, Publ .: Minsk, 2002.
  4. N.M. Sokolnikov, Fine art and methods of teaching it in elementary school, Publishing house: Moscow, 2003, pp. 89-94.
  5. Modern dictionary-reference book on art, Publ .: Moscow, 1999 p. 689.
  6. Art school / Journal No. 2 (59), 2014 /, From the experience of teaching drawing in the first grade of the Children's Art School, Yuri Ostapenko, pp. 16-20.
  7. Internet resources: Wikipedia is the free encyclopedia. - Access mode: http://ru.wikipedia.org
15.11.2013 14376 0

Kind of activity: drawing animals.

Goals: develop visual representation, observation of the habits of animals; to acquaint with animal painters; teach children to draw animals with the transfer of proportions, volumetric figures, structure and color shades of wool; instill a love for animals, admiration for the diversity of the natural world and respect for it.

Equipment: for teacher - methodical table (proportions of the animal and the sequence of the drawing); toys, photographs; for students - art supplies for drawing with paints.

Visuals: illustrations of drawings by E. Charushin, E. Rachev, V. Lebedev, Y. Vasnetsov, students' drawings.

Literary series: excerpts from fairy tales, riddles.

During the classes

I. Organization of the class.

II. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. A story about the animalistic genre and animal painters.

In the process of evolutionary development, mankind has mastered new forms of communication with the animal world: in a tamed animal, a person found a defender of his well-being and a devoted friend.

Human life has always been inextricably linked with animals, and since ancient times, the first images of animals and birds appear.

Religion and cult rituals left their mark on the development of artistic creativity: the ancient world left us, along with wonderful soulful images of animals, symbolic images of the personification of the unity of animal and man in the form of a sphinx, a winged bull, a centaur. The animal becomes not only the source of man's material existence, but also a means of his spiritual development, the embodiment of beauty and perfection. The image of the animal occupies a significant place in the visual arts. A separate genre appeared, which was named animalistic . Animal Latin word meaning animal. Animal artists are called animalists .

Many artists work in this genre, and today we will get acquainted with the work of some of them.

You are familiar with such artists as Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin and Evgeny Mikhailovich Rachev from your children's books.

Charushin was an excellent animal painter. He observed animals and made many drawings from nature. Indeed, in order to truthfully portray an animal, you need to study it well, know not only the appearance of the animal, but also the movements, habits and even character. The artist was good at showing the character and disposition of each animal.

Here is an amazingly touching bear cub. He is still so small that many things in nature are unfamiliar to him, but he liked raspberries. And here is an amazing kitten. How exactly the artist depicted a fluffy kitten, which lurked, watching a butterfly, ears upright, eyes wide open. How much curiosity there is in his look! One cannot help but smile when looking at him.

Among the best works of E. Charushin are illustrations for S. Marshak's book "Children in a Cage". Charushin himself wrote books and made illustrations for them: "Tyupa, Tomka and Magpie", "That's what they are", "Animals" and others. Charushin talked about animals with love and tenderness and taught us to love animals and admire them.

But there was also another artist in the world - Evgeny Mikhailovich Rachev, who most of all loved fairy tales and made drawings for them. Who among you does not know the fairy tales: "Kolobok", "Masha and the Bear", "The Fox and the Blackbird", "Rukavichka", etc.

Over the years of his work, Evgeny Mikhailovich has created a world of inimitable fabulous animals from Rachev. Rachev's drawings, seen at least once, are easy to remember, they are so expressive and inimitable. People are recognized in animal heroes - good and evil, funny and sad, poor and rich. The artist’s fairytale heroes seem to rediscover the world of goodness and justice, and convince us that evil will be punished.

2. Guessing riddles about animals.

Not only books and drawings have been written about animals, but many mysteries have also been created. Guess which of the animals artists most often like to portray.

Lies - is silent,

When you come up, he grumbles. (Dog.)

Under the oak tree, under the leaf

Curled up, curled up in a ball. (Hedgehog.)

Small, white,

Jump along the forest, jump,

For a snowball, pumpkin, pumpkin. (Hare.)

Grayish, toothy

Prowls across the field

Looking for calves, lambs. (Wolf.)

Mokhnatenka, mustache,

Sits down - sings a song. (Cat.)

There is a heap in the middle of the yard,

In front of the pitchfork, behind the broom. (Cow.)

Not a lamb and not a cat,

Wears a fur coat all year round

Gray fur coat - for summer,

For winter - a different color. (Hare.)

Who lives in a deaf forest,

Clumsy, clubfoot,

In the summer he eats raspberries, honey,

Does he suck his paw in winter? (Bear.)

Behind the trees, bushes

Flames flashed quickly

Flashed - ran,

But no smoke, no fire. (Fox.)

There is not a bird on the branch -

Small animal

The fur is warm like a heating pad.

Who is this? (Squirrel.)

Sly cheat

Red head,

Fluffy tail - beauty!

And her name is ... (Fox).

He slept for a long time all winter,

Sucked his right paw,

And he woke up - began to roar.

This beast is a forest ... (bear).

- How many of you know the riddles about animals?

- Maybe someone knows a poem or an interesting story about an animal?

- What are the habits of your pets?

Compare your impressions and observations with the works of animalists.

Did you know that in some countries people, celebrating the merits of animals, erected monuments to them? If you know such monuments, tell us about them.

3. Word of the teacher.

Today in the lesson we will draw animals. The body of the animal is denoted by an elongated oval, the head is denoted by a circle, the chest, the concave belly and the wavy line of the back are outlined with multidirectional strokes, carefully observing the shape obtained. Then the shoulder girdle is separated from the neck with a line, the thickness of the legs, the contour of the head, legs and tail are marked. Depict a fluffy surface with strokes. When depicting an animal, first of all, the signs that characterize its habits are displayed: the cowardly nature of the hare, the mobile nature of the squirrel, etc.

When explaining, the teacher makes drawings on the blackboard with chalk (see Appendix 1).

III. Independent work.

- Consider carefully the features of the body shape of some animals (for example, cats). When drawing an animal, you need to know the anatomical structure. The drawings are based on the already studied forms (cylindrical, conical, ovoid, spherical, etc.). And it is very important to see these forms in the constructive structure of nature. Therefore, before drawing a line on paper, it is necessary to establish from which geometric shapes and combinations a drawing can be made, then visually find their relationships and spatial position.

First, we outline the direction and main boundaries of large parts of the future drawing, taking into account the size of the body. Then we refine the contour and outline the finer details, taking into account the scale of the figure. Basic tonal spots can be applied at the same time. At the final stage, we finally transfer the volume, emphasize individual places, without losing the integrity of perception. (See Appendix 2.)

IV. Lesson summary.

The completed work is analyzed and evaluated.

Drawing a squirrel step by step. "Squirrel on the tree" Master class with step-by-step photos. Drawing using the tone of the paper.

"Squirrel on the tree" Master class with step-by-step photos.

Drawing using the tone of the paper.

Zoya Grigorievna Sidorova, teacher of the MBDOU "Combined Kindergarten No. 8" Aistenok ", Michurinsk
Description: this master class is intended for children from 6 years old, educators, teachers of additional education, loving parents and creative people.
Purpose: for decoration of premises, a gift, can serve as work for an exhibition, competition.
Target: performing a drawing in a mixed technique of drawing.
1. To acquaint with the techniques of using paper tones in drawing.
2. To teach to depict spruce branches, squirrels in gouache on a sheet of colored paper, using different drawing techniques: creating a sketch with a simple pencil, printing, poking, printing with a foam rubber swab, drawing with the tip of a brush.
3. Develop the ability to mix paints on a sheet of paper, on a palette.
4. To cultivate the ability to notice and reflect in the drawing the features of the structure of the animal, the beauty of nature.

Dear colleagues, today I want to continue the theme of drawing on colored cardboard. The beautiful squirrel lives in the green of the trees, so I decided to draw it on green cardboard.

Squirrel in a fur coat,
Jumped, and from the tree to the alder,
Cleverly rides through the trees,
And hides nuts in the double.
A. Ganiev

Where does the squirrel live and what does it eat?
Proteins are found almost all over the world (with the exception of Australia). The mobile mammal belongs to the rodent family.
This is a typical inhabitant of Russian forests, a real beauty. Twice a year (in spring and autumn) she changes her fur coat in order to flaunt in a bright red fur coat in the summer,

and in winter to be not so noticeable in a gray, insulated outfit.

The common squirrel lives in a hollow. Many animals have several such houses. In one she lives and breeds offspring, and uses the rest as storerooms.

It does not hibernate in winter, and with acorns and nuts - the main food of this rodent - it is rather tight during cold weather. So the household animal stores them for a rainy day, hiding in the nests.
The main food of the taiga beauty is pine nuts and acorns, her menu can be diluted with seeds of other cones, mushrooms, berries and even bird eggs.
Squirrels have one trait that is very useful for wildlife - their constant desire to stock up. Squirrels hide and bury seeds and nuts for the winter, and then ... they forget where they hid it! What they forgot where they buried, then germinates.
Sits on a branch, not a bird.
There is a red tail, not a fox ...
Red-haired little animal
Jumping and bouncing through the trees.
He does not live on earth
And in a tree in a hollow.

Materials required for work:
green cardboard;
gouache, two brushes: pony or squirrel No. 1 and No. 2;
double sippy glass for water,
simple pencil, palette, foam swab

Place the green cardboard horizontally.

We'll need a foam swab. We moisten it in water, squeeze out excess water, collect yellow gouache.

We paint the middle of the sheet with yellow gouache using a foam tampon by wetting.

How to draw a squirrel (pencil sketch)
With a simple pencil, draw a tree branch at the bottom of the sheet.

On the branch, in the center of the leaf, draw an oval - the body.

The head is denoted by a circle.

In circles we outline the joints of the squirrel's front and hind legs, schematically draw the paws.

We paint over the squirrel.
We draw the ears and start coloring them.

We draw the paws, paint the head in orange, the breast and the lower part of the head in yellow.

We paint over the back, legs, the upper part of the tail.

Make the lower part of the tail darker.

Paint over the branch with brown gouache.

With the end of a thin brush, draw a fur with strokes on the ears, torso, and tail.

In black we draw more clearly the eyes, nose, and additional fur. With dark brown paint, paint the bark on the branch.

Drawing of spruce needles.
We collect green paint on a foam rubber swab and print it on the places of the supposed needles.

To draw spruce needles using the printing technique, we will use a small piece of cardboard (2 cm wide) and dark green gouache poured into a gouache lid (can be diluted on a palette)

To draw the needles, dip the end of the cardboard rectangle in dark green gouache and often apply it to the sheet.

We type light green gouache on the cardboard and draw light needles with a stamp on top of the dark needles.

This is how spruce branches look. You can draw a bump in the squirrel's paws.

Draw dark green needles on top of the light needles in the same way.

We got such a squirrel!

Let's frame it.

How to draw this fluffy little animal? Don't be afraid - it's not that hard. Of course, to portray such a believable squirrel, as in the photo, you need to be a real master. But we'll start small!

The main thing is courage and self-confidence. We will draw simple squirrels, but very cute. And we will do it confidently, step by step. I have prepared several schemes for you, thanks to which you will understand how easy it is to draw an animal. If you work with all the schematics, you will have a whole kingdom of squirrels!

Of course, at first your squirrel will look like a strange construction of geometric shapes. But it is from her that a wonderful animal will soon turn out. Therefore, remember: you need to draw with a simple pencil lightly, not pressing very hard on the paper - after all, then you will need to erase some auxiliary lines. So it is desirable that after that no ugly traces remain from them.

You can draw this little squirrel with a mushroom:

Or this little animal with a sly look:

And here is a serious focused squirrel, which is probably about to jump to another tree:

And this is a cheerful squirrel on a branch:

Practice drawing animals step by step, and soon you will learn how to independently determine the necessary preparatory steps. Then you can redraw the animals that you like, or even portray them as your memory and fantasy tells you!

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