Home Potato In what natural zone does the belladonna crane live? Where does the belladonna crane live in which zone. As a species with a very limited range, the long-spined hedgehog is listed in the Red Book. The piebald shrew is also listed there.

In what natural zone does the belladonna crane live? Where does the belladonna crane live in which zone. As a species with a very limited range, the long-spined hedgehog is listed in the Red Book. The piebald shrew is also listed there.

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Demoiselle crane (Latin Anthropoides virgo) is a large bird of the crane family (Latin Gruidae). Together with the African belladonna, it forms the genus Anthropoides.

The smallest member of the family. Body length from 90 cm to 1 m, weight about 3 kg, wingspan 170-185 cm.

Our hero "sings" last.)) But how!

This bird lives in the steppe zone and semi-deserts. It nests in dry areas, but near swampy meadows, swamps and other water bodies where it flies to feed.

Demoiselle crane
Anthropoides virgo
Demoiselle Crane
Kazakhstan, Almaty region, lake Sorbulak, 12.05.2010

CRANE-KRASAVKA - smaller than other cranes. It weighs 2 kg, the wing length in females is 49 cm, in males - 53 cm. This graceful bird has a bluish-gray plumage overall, but the neck, head-flanks, forehead, back of the head and elongated goiter feathers are black, shiny.

There are tufts of white feathers on the sides of the head. Legs are black, beak is black with a brown tint at the base, reddish-brown in the apical part.

Sexual dimorphism in belladonna is not pronounced; males are only slightly larger than females. Young birds are brownish, their head and neck are gray, not black.

Belladonna belongs to the steppe south of our country. Demoiselle crane is distributed from the lower reaches of the Danube through the south of Ukraine and Kazakhstan to the upper reaches of the Amur. However, in Ukraine, this bird must be considered now almost extinct. Demoiselle nests in small numbers in Transcaucasia. Probably, this bird also nests in Northwest Africa (Algeria, perhaps Morocco). Demoiselles overwinter in Northeast Africa (south to Ethiopia), in Palestine, Iraq, Pakistan, India and Burma. Demoiselles return to nesting sites in April. Immediately after arrival, the mating games ("dances") of the Demoiselle Cranes begin.

Dance for your beloved (Demoiselle Crane)

All birds nesting in the vicinity gather for these games. They form a circle; if there are many birds, sometimes even in two or three rows. In the middle of this circle, several birds "dance", emitting characteristic trumpet sounds.

After a while, these birds return to the ranks of the "spectators", and new "dancers" take their place.

Demoiselles arrange their nest on the ground in the steppe or on arable land, sometimes on pebbles, and they do not avoid the proximity of human habitation. The nest is simple. It is a shallow fossa with a small, carelessly laid bedding of dry stems and grasses. Sometimes belladonna lays eggs on the ground without making a depression.

Demoiselle crane at the nest

In places where belladonna is more or less common, nests are located 2-3 km apart. Like all cranes, belladonna lays 2 eggs, but sometimes there are 3 eggs or only 1 egg. The eggs have an olive-brown base tone with yellowish-brown and grayish-brown spots. Their large diameter is 81-94 mm, small 53-59 mm.

The Demoiselle Crane's nest is a small hole in the ground, with little or no bedding. In clutch 1-3, usually 2, light brown eggs with brown speck. Both adult cranes incubate the clutch and take care of the chicks. Guarding the nest, birds attack such large predators as foxes and eagles, and sometimes neighbors come to their aid. Demoiselle incubation lasts 27-30 days, chicks hatch covered with red down. Soon after hatching, the babies leave the nest and follow their parents. Young cranes fly at the age of 55-65 days, but stay with their parents until the next mating season.

Belladonna feed mainly on plant food and insects to a lesser extent. In the second half of summer, they sometimes fly to nearby fields and tear ears of corn with their beak, swallowing them whole, but due to their scarcity, they do not cause significant damage.
They also eat insects and mollusks.

A hundred and fifty years ago, when there were still a lot of belladonna in Ukraine, in some places they could be seen walking along with domestic chickens in many villages. The Demoiselle Crane is easily tamed and becomes domesticated already in the first generation raised in captivity.

Migratory species, departure begins in August-September, appears in spring in mid-April-early May. Autumn migratory flocks of Demoiselles are much larger than spring ones.

Like other cranes, Demoiselles form permanent pairs.

This rare and beautiful bird needs protection, it is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation with the status of "recovering species".

Birds - Cranes - Cranes - CRANE-KRASAVKA

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The belladonna crane lives from temperate to tropical zones.
The tiger is moderate to equatorial.
Tigers inhabit a wide range of landscapes: tropical rainforests, mangrove swamps and bamboo thickets in the tropics, dry savannas, semi-deserts, bare rocky hills and taiga in the north. In the mountains, they rise up to 3000 m above sea level.

Osprey - its nesting area lies within the forest zone, in some places it captures forested floodplains of steppe rivers.

Water lily - a pure white water lily, or snow-white grows in Europe (including the European part of Russia), Western and Eastern Siberia, Central Asia and the Caucasus - mainly in the forest and steppe zones, in the coastal zone of water bodies.
Water lilies (about 50 species) - from the Arctic to the equator.
European swimsuit - T. europaeus L. Distributed from the tundra to the steppe zone of Europe, in Western Siberia, and outside Russia in Scandinavia.
Steppe peony grows in steppe meadows, in thickets of steppe shrubs on gentle slopes of hills and hills.
Leopards are common in savannas and mountainous regions of Africa, as well as in forest and forest-steppe regions. These predators are also found in the southern part of East Asia. Nowadays, answering the question of what natural zone the leopard lives in, I would first like to say that the population of a predatory cat is decreasing every year.
The bustard is a large bird a bit like an ostrich, but belonging to the crane-like order. The bustard lives in steppe and semi-desert areas. The bustard is considered a sedentary bird, and in the northern regions it leaves its homes, flying to warmer regions. The bustard has become a rare bird, as it was destroyed by hunters. Now it is listed in the Red Book.

The bustard is not firewood, but a bird that lives in open clay or fescue steppes.
The bustard does not like cultivated land, prefers to nest and live far from humans. These birds lay their eggs in unusual nests. They do not make nests from moss, sticks and other available material at a distance from the ground. Bustards pull out pits with their paws, do not cover them with anything, but mostly two eggs are laid there.
Bustards feed on insects, plant shoots and seeds.

These birds fill their stomachs only in the morning and in the evening, and during the day they sunbathe in the sun, without fear of bright and direct sunlight. Bustards cannot exist without water.

At present, bustards are rare birds, since they do not settle on cultivated lands, and their habitat is shrinking.

Bustards mature late for procreation. Females can produce offspring by their four years of age, and males as much as six.

These rare migratory birds are protected by law.

I hope this summary will help.

Who has not heard the farewell chirping of the cranes? It reminds us once again: autumn has come. You look after the triangle, which is melting in the distance, and every time you think with a slight sadness: "Will the birds return next spring?" Where does this uncertainty come from? It is understandable: there are fewer and fewer of these beautiful birds on earth every year. All over the world lives now only.

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Demoiselle crane (Latin Anthropoides virgo), it is also called steppe crane - the smallest and second most common crane. Cranes fly in a triangle, as the people say "with a key". The crane key moves smoothly and clearly. At the head of each flock, a leader flies, setting the rhythm of the flight. The rest of the birds fly after him in 2 rows. Those that fly behind exactly follow the movements of his wings. Thanks to this discipline, the cranes do not bump into each other, keep their distance clearly and fly many thousands of kilometers.


Steppe crane is one of the most beautiful birds, it is not for nothing that the people call it belladonna. The height of this handsome man is approximately 89 cm, and the weight is 2-3 kg. In most cases, the head and neck are black, and long tufts of white feathers are very visible behind the eyes. From the base of the beak to the occipital part, there is a section of light gray feathers. They do not have bald spots like other types of cranes. On the paws - small swimming membranes. So, they can swim if necessary. And not only adults: the chicks, barely dry, follow their parents and, if a water barrier occurs on their way, overcome on their own.

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But they rise on the wing late: ten weeks after hatching. They become sexually mature after 2 years, and sometimes even later. It is almost impossible to distinguish between males and females. It is found in Africa (Morocco) and Eurasia: in the steppe, semi-desert and desert zones. Spends winter in northeast Africa and South Asia. Migrant. Nest is built in dry places with abundant vegetation, but always near water. Nesting is preceded by the well-known crane "dances", when birds gather all together and demonstrate their skills in front of each other: they jump, crouch, bow.

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Demoiselle cranes are monogamous, that is, they form permanent pairs. In the south, where the belladonna mainly settles, the wetland is not so easy to find, so she must be content with what she has: builds a nest in dry places with abundant vegetation, often on gravelly soil and salt marshes. The nest is primitive: the fossa has no elementary litter. It would seem that such a nest and masonry is very easy to notice. In fact, the opposite is true: a grassy litter in an open place would unmask it. And so nothing catches the eye: pieces of salt crust, stones and among them - 2-3 brownish eggs with reddish-brown spots.

They incubate and lead babies, like all cranes, both: father and mother. The conclusion is necessarily located near the water. Before departure, the cranes flock into large flocks. The departure takes place in September. Belladonna feeds most often on families of various plants, less often on insects. Chicks are as careful and prudent as adult birds. Belladonna does not tolerate the slightest disturbance, capricious in nesting conditions. He walks, runs, flies wonderfully, but does not sit on trees.

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They can potentially live a long time: in the zoo, some individuals have reached the age of 55, but in the wild this almost never happens. In the world, the number of the steppe crane is estimated at 200-240 thousand individuals; the European population is about 34 thousand.

Factors in the decline in the number of these birds are:

  • overgrowth of nesting biotopes with high dense herbage;
  • reduction of places for watering;
  • destruction of nests during cattle grazing and field cultivation;
  • scaring birds;
  • an increase in the number of dogs;
  • removal from nature of clutches and broods

photo https://www.flickr.com/photos/ptakhy-ukrainy/

The crane is a famous bird. Mentioned in fairy tales, fables, legends, songs, proverbs, as well as in many paintings by the Russian artist Viktor Bakhtin. For many peoples, this bird is a symbol of fidelity, happiness, and long life. He is a symbol of Japanese culture. Demoiselle crane or steppe crane is protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora of the Bonn and Berne Conventions. It has the status of an endangered species, and is also included in the European Red List and the Red Book of Ukraine (1994, 2009).

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Demoiselle crane - Anthropoides virgo (Linnaeus, 1758)
Order Cranes - Gruiformes

Category - V. Status: a species with a recovering abundance at the periphery of the range. It is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

External appearance.

Less than the common crane, body weight 2-3 kg, wingspan 1650-1850 mm. The general color of the plumage of the body is light gray, the head is black with a narrow gray cap and white decorating feathers behind the eyes, the shape of the head is more rounded than that of the gray crane. The entire neck is black in front with elongated black feathers hanging down to the chest. In flight, like other cranes, it stretches its neck and legs to its full length. Voice - kurrykany, but unlike the gray crane sounds like "krry-kurr-ry". Young brownish and reddish gray.


Inhabits the continental parts of Eurasia. At present, the northern border of the species range runs along the Nazarovskaya depression between 55-56 N. , western - through the forest-steppe of the Tisul-Itatskaya plain (Kemerovo region), lakes Maloe and Bolshoe (Bozhie), the basin of the river. Uryup.

The extreme eastern points of the belladonna meeting are noted in the right-bank part of the Syda-Erbinskaya depression: the Salba river, the village. Kuragino and the lower reaches of the river. Kizira. A small number of Demoiselles live in the Usinsk Basin. Over the past 10 years, there has been an expansion of the species range to the north, northwest and northeast. The flights of single or individual groups of these birds into the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe and the Kansk depression have become regular.

Ecology and biology.

Inhabitant of dry open steppe and semi-desert. Currently, it has penetrated and populated suitable areas of the forest-steppe. Prefers places with rocky soil and spots of salt marshes, with sparse vegetation of wormwood, fescue, feather grass, but does not avoid agricultural land. It arrives at breeding sites in the second half of April, appearing one to two weeks later than Common Cranes.

The clutch consists of 2-3 brownish-olive eggs with brown spots. Incubation lasts about a month. Chicks appear in early-mid July, young birds - at the end of the month. In August, pre-migratory gatherings of cranes form in traditional places. Autumn migrations are expressed in the South Minusinsk Basin and Tuva. Migration and departure last from mid-August to mid-September. Demoiselles overwinter in Indo-Baluchistan and Kanpur subareas of wintering (Appendix 1).

Number and limiting factors.

In 1950-1960. the abundance of belladonna was rapidly decreasing. By the end of the 1970s. the decline in numbers has slowed down. Since the 1980s. the population of the species in the region began to grow, reaching 600-700 individuals. At least 20% of birds lived on the right bank of the Minusinsk Basin. Strengthening the protection of the species and its adaptation to reproduction in agrocenoses contributed to a further increase in numbers.

By the mid-1990s. it was about 2 thousand individuals, and by 2004 - 3 thousand, including 450-500 Demoiselles lived within the Krasnoyarsk Territory. At this time, the species continued to actively colonize the steppe areas of the Chulym-Yenisei and Nazarovskaya depressions, where in typical habitats in the pre-nesting period the population density of the species was 0.1-1.0 individuals per 1 km2, and in the Minusinsk steppe it exceeded 2-3 individuals per 1 km2.

The reasons for the decline in the number in the 1950-1970s. was the development of virgin steppes, accompanied by poaching, predation of herding dogs. There was also a massive death of birds from pickled grain, the devastation and destruction of nests. Currently, the number of Demoiselles in the region has not changed and is kept at the level of 2004.

Security measures.

It is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, included in Appendix II of the CITES Convention and the list of species of the Russian-Indian Convention on the Protection of Migratory Birds (1984). Radical measures to preserve belladonna are the creation of an interregional network of protected areas.

Sources of information. 1. Emelyanov, Savchenko, 1991; 2. Reports on research, 1985-1999; 3. Gagina, 1997; 4. Red Data Book of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, 2004; 5. Rogacheva, 1988; 6. Petrov, Rudkovsky, 1985; 7. Sokolov et al., 1983; 8. Syroechkovsky, Bezborodov, 1987; 9. Prokofiev, 1991; 10. Savchenko, 2009.

Compiled by: A.P. Savchenko, V.I. Emelyanov. Photo: Alexander Savchenko, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University, Russia

A crane is understood as a large-sized bird, distinguished by its external data. To date, experts distinguish 4 main varieties of the crane family. Each species concentrates subtypes, and belladonna belongs to one of them.


  1. In terms of distribution, there are about 6 populations of Demoiselles, all of them are scattered around the world and cover more than 45 states. Of course, these beautiful birds also live in the vastness of our homeland. Today, the habitat covers almost the entire northern part. Birds prefer to nest in tropical regions, places with temperate, warm climates.
  2. By the nature of their stay, these birds are migratory. They prefer to winter in hot countries, they are in Africa. They meet cranes in India, Pakistan, etc. They fly off for wintering at the end of summer, sometimes delaying until the beginning of autumn.
  3. During the flight, individuals stray into huge flocks, numbering up to 400 heads. Going to winter, they are not at a great distance from the ground. Sometimes they are grouped and live together with gray cranes. Birds arrive at nesting sites, having already broken up in small groups of 8 individuals.
  4. When birds fly, they periodically change places among themselves. Their voice is guttural, loud. In the process of flights, birds literally trumpet with their beaks. Sometimes guttural sounds are emitted to signal about birds of other families flying for the winter. A distinctive feature of cranes is that they practically do not use their wings during flights. Sufficiently measured flaps of the wings, after which the birds soar calmly and for a long time.
  5. As for the biotope, these birds love dry steppes. They are quite common in Eurasia. According to official data, they are classified as species that like to build dwellings for future offspring at a distance of up to 3 km. from sea level. They love rocky areas, salt marshes, not too dense vegetation. Try not to be in swampy areas. They can settle near agricultural enterprises and eat there.


  1. It has already been mentioned that this bird belongs to small-sized ones. She is not as big as other members of the family, but this does not make her less beautiful. In terms of overall features, belladonna hardly reaches 90 cm, this is with a body weight of up to 2.5 kg. The head is small and the body is harmonious and large.
  2. Bellados are distinguished by an elongated neck, it is very thin, but strong. When the cranes fly, they push their necks forward. The paws are thin and elongated, with sharp claws on the toes.
  3. The beak is not long in length, but strong. Slightly swollen in the main part, and curved at the tip. The tail is medium in length, wedge-shaped. According to their external data, representatives of this species are similar to the detachment of ankles.
  4. Feathers are stiff, densely arranged. They are not very bright, however, the cranes are beautiful in color. Almost the entire part of the head is covered with black feathers.
  5. The area under the tail is also darkish, like the abdominal region, the chest. As for the back, wings, flight area, tail at the top, all these parts are covered with feathers of a gray-blue tone.
  6. These birds are distinguished by the presence of whitish feathers located in the back of the eyes. There are beams directly behind them. Where the beak begins, an area with light gray plumage begins. He reaches up to the occipital zone.
  7. In these individuals, the irises have a dark reddish tint. As for the sex difference, all individuals are colored the same. Only their dimensions differ, for the most part males are smaller.


  1. The individuals in question are monogamous and faithful to each other for the rest of their lives. Often, pairs between birds are formed precisely in their wintering places. During the mating season, it is very interesting to watch the cranes. They begin to dance in front of each other, run across and jump. In addition, they flap their wings and throw tufts of grass upward.
  2. If we compare belladonna with other representatives of the same genus, then we can see that the individuals in question perform the mating dance much more gracefully and flexibly. It is worth noting that the ground is the nesting place for birds. Individuals choose dry places on arable land or in the steppe. In addition, the dwelling is located near the water.
  3. Cranes often breed during the rainy season. It is worth knowing that the individuals presented show special vigilance and caution when they are near the nest. It is very important for these birds to find a dry place for their home. In this case, individuals should have free access to a watering hole.
  4. Birds make a nest by digging a small hole in the ground. It is not uncommon to find nests without indentations. In most cases, eggs are laid in May. The female is able to carry up to 3 pieces. The eggs are olive green with red blotches. These eggs are very difficult to spot on the ground.
  5. After 1 month, offspring begins to appear. In most cases, it is the female who hatches the eggs. As soon as she leaves to get food, the male takes the place of the hatching without any problems. Often, males spend most of their time protecting the territory and their families.
  6. The male finds a small hillock near the nest and watches the territory. He must fully view the area and see potential danger. If suddenly the male notices a threat, he starts screaming loudly, warning the female about the danger.
  7. During this time, the female remains calm. She slowly rises from the nest and approaches the male. Such actions do not provoke predators to a rapid attack. After that, the birds move a sufficient distance and fly away. Parents are confident that predators on a flat surface will not be able to find eggs. After the danger has passed, the parents return to their usual way of life.
  8. Often a predator can approach the nest, with which the presented individuals may well cope on their own. These can often be foxes, herons, dogs and steppe eagles. In this case, the cranes bravely attack the offender, protecting their offspring.
  9. If the parents suddenly lost the first clutch, the female is able to reproduce the second. As soon as the chicks are born, they can leave the nest almost immediately. Young animals follow their parents and learn to get food on their own. Birds form in flocks already at the end of summer.
  10. After 2 months, the chicks are already fully on the wing. Until the beginning of the next mating season, the young remain in the family with their parents. After that, they form in flocks of the same nomadic and lonely individuals. Such birds reach sexual maturity only after 2 years.
  11. As soon as individuals reach the destination of their journey, they continue to keep in small groups for some time. This can happen even after the cranes are paired. The individuals under consideration are united in flocks in the evenings and mornings.

Individuals of this breed group are small in size when compared with other members of the family. By weight category, the individual does not exceed 2.5 kg. A distinctive feature of birds is considered to be a melodious sounding voice, a high kurlykay, distinguishing the belladonna from other representatives of the species.

Video: Demoiselle Crane (Anthropoides virgo)

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