Home Potato Everything about the name Sergei Vasilievich. Name Sergey: origin and historical significance

Everything about the name Sergei Vasilievich. Name Sergey: origin and historical significance

Sergey is a male name popular in Russia and many foreign countries. It is revered in Orthodoxy and is firmly inscribed in the annals of history.

It is believed that it first arose in ancient Rome and has Etruscan roots. The history of the name Sergei in Russia begins in the III century, during the period of early Christianity. At this time, for the first time, Saints Sergius the Roman and Sergius of Sinai are mentioned, who died for their faith and were canonized.

Later this name was used mainly by clergy. In the 18th century, the nobility showed interest in him. So the name acquired the familiar sound to us - Sergei, and by the end of the 19th century it entered the top 20 most popular in Russia.


According to the most widespread theory, the Roman name Sergius became the prototype for Sergei. It originated in an ancient patrician family descended from the Trojans. According to this version, the name Sergei has a meaning - "highly esteemed", "noble".

There is also another opinion. According to him, the origin of the name Sergei is associated with the Latin phrase "servi dei" and originally sounded like Servus, which translates as "servant of God", "servant".


Sergei's fate is ambiguous. In his life there is a place for ups and downs, mistakes and correctly made decisions, firmness and excessive gullibility. Optimism, self-confidence and the ability to analyze the situation help him to cope with difficulties.

A man with this name has creativity, is fond of cinema and music. He also has a penchant for working with technology.

The meaning of the name Sergei for a man in the field of career allows him to achieve success in art, politics, sports. In creative professions, his abilities are fully revealed. He can become an outstanding poet, musician, artist, inventor. His ideas are often used in the advertising business, in production, in science.

Sergei's health in childhood is weak. The respiratory, genitourinary and nervous systems cause concern. Most diseases recede at an older age, especially if he plays sports and takes time to strengthen the body. Another possible vulnerability is alcohol addiction in adulthood.

In love, Sergei is fickle, jealous and unpredictable. He is often fond of, may marry several times.

For the role of a life companion, he usually chooses a calm, balanced and economic woman. He is ready to give up leadership in the family to his wife, with the exception of issues of principle for him. The father turns out to be caring and kind from him.


Since childhood, Sergei has been very optimistic and energetic. He is diligent in his studies, knows how to empathize with others, willingly participates in school activities. Parents have a great influence on the formation of his personality, so they need to act as a united front in matters of upbringing.

With age, Sergei's character practically does not change. He is always ready to listen to another, but he himself does not like to complain about life. He has an innate sense of justice, prudence and discernment.

Developed intuition helps Sergey to correctly assess those around him, which becomes especially useful if his position involves team management. He finds a common language with everyone except inveterate boors and rude people. At work, he is appreciated for his commitment and conscientiousness.

Weak points in character are excessive straightforwardness and sometimes irritability. It can also be difficult for him to complete the work he has begun.


Sergey's birthday falls on the following dates:

  • December 2, 10, 11, 15, 18, 20, 21, 23, 30 and 31;
  • January 3, 6, 15, 18, 27 and 31;
  • February 17 and 21;
  • 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, 22 and 25 March;
  • April 2, 5, 14, 21 and 25;
  • May 7, 8, 10 and 26;
  • June 1 and 23;
  • July 1, 11, 18 and 20;
  • August 2, 8, 10, 13 and 25;
  • September 10, 16, 22, 24 and 29;
  • October 1, 7, 8, 11, 20, 23 and 31;
  • November 1, 3, 13, 16, 20, 27 and 29.

It should be borne in mind that a person has one name day. They fall on the number that coincides with the day he was born, or immediately after that date.

Name color

For Sergei, the color of the name is gray. The character of such people is contradictory, it is difficult to convince them of anything. They value justice highly and are ready to fight for it (sometimes too zealously).

They do not always manage to find happiness in their personal lives. But friends appreciate them for their dedication and willingness to always come to the rescue.

Name flower

The patron plant for Sergey is heather. It is an evergreen shrub with pink or white buds. It grows in the mountains, far from civilization, and therefore is considered a talisman for wanderers, serves as a symbol of solitude.

Church name, saints

The church name Sergei sounds like Sergius. In the calendar, it is found more than 60 times. The exact dates of the days of commemoration of the patron saints are indicated above (see the Name Day section).

Name translation, in different languages

How is the name Sergey translated in other languages? According to the new transliteration rules, it should be written in the passport as follows - SERGEI. Its pronunciation and spelling is also different in other cultures.

Translation of the name Sergey in different languages:

  1. Sergio (Sergio) - in Spanish.
  2. Sergio (Sergio) - in Italian.
  3. Serge (Shoj) - in English.
  4. Serge (Serge) - in French.
  5. Sergius (Sergius, Sergius) - in German.
  6. Σέργιος (Sergios) - in Greek.
  7. (Sargis) (Sargis, Sargis) - in Armenian.
  8. Sergiusz (Sergiusz) - in Polish.
  9. Sergiy (Sergiy) - in Ukrainian.
  10. Syargei - in Belarusian.

Full name, abbreviated and affectionate

The full form of the name is Sergey. Affectionately he can be called Seryozha, Seryozha, Sergun, Sergul, Sergei, Sergus, Sergush, Serenya. Derivatives are also often used in everyday life - Seryoga, Gray. The abbreviated name Sergei sounds like Serge, Gunya, Gusha, Gulya.

What are the names of the middle name?

Sergeevich is the patronymic that Sergei's son will wear. Boy names suitable for him: Oleg, Vadim, Nikita, Artem, Vladimir, Dmitry, Mikhail, Fedor, Pavel, Victor, Ivan, Alexander, Andrey, Vitaly, Semyon, Anton, Anatoly, Yuri, Timofey, Vasily and many others.

And what to call a girl with a patronymic Sergeevna? The choice is great. Female names combined with patronymic Sergeevna: Daria, Svetlana, Natalia, Maria, Alexandra, Anna, Julia, Tatiana, Alena, Sophia, Nadezhda, Inna, Alla, Lydia, Irina, Marina, Veronica, Valentina, Polina, Elena, Valeria.

Name compatibility

Ideal compatibility of the name Sergei is possible with a woman whose name is Galina, Victoria, Irina, Lyubov, Ulyana, Tatiana, Elizabeth, Valentina or Christina. With Alla, Larisa, Vera, Yana, Nina, Rimma, Varvara, Anna, Dina and Daria, on the contrary, relationships can be difficult, and marriage is fragile.

How to persuade

Name declension by cases:

  • Sergey - nominative;
  • Sergey is genitive;
  • To Sergey - dative;
  • Sergey - accusative;
  • Sergei - creative;
  • about Sergei - prepositional.

Famous people with this name

Given the popularity of this name, as well as the creativity and talent of its owners, it managed to leave a noticeable mark on history. The most famous people to wear and wear it:

  1. Sergius of Radonezh (1314-1392). Hegumen, who contributed to the formation of Russian spiritual culture, the founder of several monasteries, including the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Revered as a saint in the face of the monk.
  2. Sergei Petrovich Botkin (1832-1889). Physician-therapist, Doctor of Science. Studied and described many infectious diseases. He was the chairman of the Society of Russian Doctors, made a significant contribution to the development of medicine.
  3. Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff (1873-1943). Pianist, composer and conductor. He became the author of more than 60 pieces of music, was active in concert. Awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal Philharmonic Society.
  4. Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin (1895-1925). Russian poet, author of many poems and poems. Some of his works were later set to music and became popular romances.
  5. Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein (1898-1948). Director, screenwriter and actor. S. Eisenstein is often called the father of the art of montage. His works were devoted to socialist realism, among them famous films - "Bezhin Meadow", "Ivan the Terrible", "October", "Alexander Nevsky".
  6. Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov (1900-1964). Linguist, Doctor of Philology. He is the author of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language and a number of works on lexicology, lexicography, history of the Russian literary language.
  7. Sergei Pavlovich Korolev (1907-1966). Soviet design engineer, founder of astronautics and rocketry. He was the general designer of the rocket and space industry of the USSR, supervised the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, took part in the preparation of the flight of Yuri Gagarin.
  8. Sergei Fedorovich Bondarchuk (1920-1994). Director, screenwriter, film and theater actor. He directed the films They Fought for the Motherland, War and Peace, The Fate of a Man, Boris Godunov, Quiet Don and others. Winner of many state awards for achievements in the field of cinema.
  9. Sergei Donatovich Dovlatov (1941-1990). Journalist, writer. He worked in the style of realism. Published more than 15 books, 3 of them were filmed.
  10. Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov (1950). Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, diplomat. Represented the Russian Federation at the UN from 1994 to 2004. He was awarded the Order of Merit for the Patronymic of I, II, III and IV degrees.
  11. Sergei Kuzhegetovich Shoigu (1955). Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, military and statesman. He is the founder of the United Russia party and the chairman of the Russian Geographical Society. He was awarded the orders "For Courage", "For Services to the Fatherland" and others.
  12. Sergei Nazarovich Bubka (1963). Soviet and Ukrainian athlete, pole vaulter. He became the first person in the world to overcome the 6 m line in this sport. Winner of 13 gold medals for participation in the Olympic Games, World and European Championships.
  13. Sergey Vitalievich Bezrukov (1973). Actor, screenwriter, producer, director. Known for films and TV series - "Petersburg Mysteries", "Shadowboxing", "Yesenin", "The Master and Margarita", "Irony of Fate. Continuation "," Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive "," Gentlemen, good luck! " and others.
  14. Sergei Yurievich Svetlakov (1977). Actor, screenwriter, producer, TV presenter. He participated in KVN in the Uralskiye Pelmeni team, starred in the humorous series Our Russia, as well as in a number of comedies - Fir-Trees (all parts), Bitter!, Bitter! 2 "," Fast "Moscow-Russia".

Sergey is a good name for a boy and a man. It endows a person with many positive qualities, such as discretion, kindness, devotion. Sergei has every chance to become successful in their careers, to achieve success in creative professions.

If you looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Sergei.

What does the name Sergei mean?

The name Sergey means - high (lat.)

The meaning of the name Sergei - character and fate

A man named Sergei is usually good-natured and accommodating, however, if he feels pressure, pressure, he can show character. The dictatorial tone throws him off balance. He is not capable of unseemly actions, but his patience is not worth testing. Sergei's biggest drawback is that he is easily influenced, and more often badly. He does not want to look weak in the circle of friends, he tries to appear no worse than others, but it does not always end well. For example, he may become addicted to alcohol, and only thanks to the great efforts of his relatives, he manages to get rid of alcohol dependence. A man named Sergei can easily marry an unloved woman. And although such a marriage will not be happy, Sergei will not be able to divorce her, especially if children appear. If he marries his beloved woman and on his own initiative, then you will not find a better husband. He is cordial, generous in soul, he manages to establish good relations between mother and wife, he smooths out any conflicts, puts his wife in front of his relatives in the most favorable light, praising as a hostess and a wonderful mother. Sergey rarely goes on love adventures on the side, and if this happens, then again only for the company with friends. He himself is not interested in this, and it is a pity to waste time on such trifles. He is a good owner, he is constantly engaged in home improvement, tries to have a dacha, and is happy to tinker with the car. When drunk, he likes to brag, is cheerful and benevolent. He has children of different sexes, but more often daughters, with whom he establishes a warm, touching relationship.

The meaning of the name Sergei for sex

Sergei is able to caress a woman, kiss her drunk, after meeting him, the feeling of happiness and peace does not leave her for a long time. "Summer" Sergei is a little shackled, indecisive, and is often held captive by sexual prejudices. Sergei is difficult to ignite, although his sexual potential is quite high. Such a Sergei needs a knowledgeable and at the same time affectionate partner. Sergei is vulnerable, his peace of mind can be disturbed by any little thing. A man named Sergei is drawn to women spiritually gifted, with a high level of intellectual development. To such a woman, Sergei is able to open up completely, throwing off all the fetters of generally accepted morality. Sergei can be passionate, but he does not accept sexual excesses. He is worried about how he looks in the eyes of his beloved. "Winter" Sergei is insatiable in love, but in public with his girlfriend he is rather restrained, gives her little signs of attention, as if ashamed of their relationship, and this is very offensive.

The nature and fate of the name Sergei, taking into account the middle name

Name Sergei and patronymic ...

Sergei Alekseevich, Sergei Andreevich, Sergei Artemovich, Sergei Valentinovich, Sergei Vasilievich, Sergei Viktorovich, Sergei Vitalievich, Sergei Vladimirovich, Sergei Evgenievich, Sergei Ivanovich, Sergei Ilyich, Sergei Mikhailovich, Sergei Sergeevich, Sergei Petrovich, Sergei Fedorovich, Sergei Yurievich lightly injured, but his composure can be envied. This Sergei is difficult to piss off. He is secretive, avoids conflicts, so as not to complicate his, and later family life. He independently copes with his problems, not wanting to burden loved ones, reluctantly resorts to their help. Marries early, not always for love, it happens that out of a sense of duty. In the family, he is docile and accommodating. He tries not to offend anyone. In women, he values ​​loyalty and kindness most of all. He willingly helps his wife with the housework, is not picky about food, he can meet his wife from work with a delicious dinner. He is very jealous, but clearly tries not to show it, proud and ambitious. A woman is always calm, reliable and interesting next to him, he is cheerful, rarely in a bad mood. Sergei is noble, if his wife treats him well, then he will never betray her. With a grumpy and domineering wife, Sergei can live only for the sake of the children and often leaves her when the children grow up and have their own families. He is a good father, takes an active part in the development of children, helps them arrange their personal life, get an education, and take a position in society. Mostly girls are born.

Name Sergei and patronymic ...

Sergei Alexandrovich, Sergei Arkadevich, Sergei Borisovich, Sergei Vadimovich, Sergei Grigorievich, Sergei Kirillovich, Sergei Maksimovich, Sergei Matveevich, Sergei Nikitich, Sergei Pavlovich, Sergei Romanovich, Sergei Tarasovich, Sergei Timofeevich, Sergei Eduardovich, Sergei Yakovlevich always friendly, charming, welcoming. A little boastful, greedy for praise and flattery, easily falls for this bait. Sensitive, amorous and loving. With women, he is attentive, courteous, gentle and passionate. None can resist him, although he is more interested in spiritually gifted girls with high intelligence. Their external data are of secondary importance to him. He marries late, cannot sort out his feelings, understand which of the girlfriends he loves more, who can become his life companion. She is afraid to make mistakes, but she has an extremely negative attitude towards divorce. Loves to drink, may be addicted to alcohol. In marriage, cheats, loves entertainment, variety in life. With the birth of the first child, he becomes more balanced, domestic, fiddles with the child, from which he gets great pleasure. Such Sergey is an economic man, but. does not like to do homework. It is easier for him to hire workers than to tinker himself. He knows how to provide his family financially, to improve his life, furnishes the apartment himself, manages repairs, renews household appliances. Nothing is hidden from his economic gaze. The spouse manages the family budget, Sergei does not control her. He loves to eat deliciously, appreciates his wife's culinary talents.

Name Sergei and patronymic ...

Sergei Bogdanovich, Sergei Vilenovich, Sergei Vladislavovich, Sergei Vyacheslavovich, Sergei Gennadievich, Sergei Georgievich, Sergei Danilovich, Sergei Yegorovich, Sergei Konstantinovich, Sergei Robertovich, Sergei Svyatoslavovich, Sergei Yanovich, Sergei Yaroslavovich possesses a sharp mind, an intellectual. Lonely in his soul, reaching out to people, trying to win universal recognition. Even at a young age, he thinks about a prestigious profession, strives to achieve material well-being, trying his hand at various fields of activity. Physical work quickly tires him, in addition, he is somewhat lazy, but mental labor achieves a lot. However, he is somewhat nervous, in case of failure he is irritable, cannot concentrate. Excessive anxiety prevents him from making the right decision. With women, he is a little constrained, indecisive, afraid of sexual failures, although with age, self-doubt disappears. Does not tolerate pressure, does not tolerate assertive women. You can only stir it up with affection and tenderness. He is in no hurry to get married. Creates a family, and usually successfully, after twenty-six years, with a woman whom he had met for several years before. Such Sergey is a good boss and father. He lives for the family, only family problems can throw him out of balance, really excite him. Has children of different sexes.

Name Sergei and patronymic ...

Sergey Antonovich, Sergey Arturovich, Sergey Valerievich, Sergey Germanovich, Sergey Glebovich, Sergey Denisovich, Sergey Igorevich, Sergey Leonidovich, Sergey Lvovich, Sergey Mironovich, Sergey Olegovich, Sergey Semenovich, Sergey Ruslanovich, Sergey Filippovich, Sergey Emmanuilovich independent and freedom-loving, does not allow anyone to lead him, does not tolerate interference in his personal life. He keeps women at a distance, dictates his terms to them. He easily refuses those who do not agree to obey him. For women, such a Sergei is a mystery: temperamental and passionate, one day he can end the relationship without any explanation and disappear for a long time, and then return with an air like he left only yesterday and claim his rights. He does not know defeat on the love front. He likes to drink, is boastful when drunk, is overly frank, which often harms him. Only a woman born in summer can make him happy. Such a Sergei marries late, often in two marriages. He never forgets his sons, and if his wife already has a child, then she brings him up as a family.

Name Sergei and patronymic ...

Sergey Adamovich, Sergey Albertovich, Sergey Anatolyevich, Sergey Veniaminovich, Sergey Vladlenovich, Sergey Dmitrievich, Sergey Nikolaevich, Sergey Rostislavovich, Sergey Stanislavovich, Sergey Stepanovich, Sergey Feliksovich has a complex and contradictory character. He is benevolent, generous, but any little thing can throw him off balance. Wounded, touchy, but he himself, in a fit of anger, can offend anyone. He loves women very much, is attentive with them, gallant, elegant, charming. Stubborn, persistent, if the girl likes him, he will definitely win her favor. Such a Sergei knows how to achieve a stable position in society, a good financial position. He is self-confident, disciplined. For all his sociability, he is very secretive, does not confess with anyone, because of his quick temper, he easily makes enemies. In a good mood he is cheerful, knows a lot of anecdotes, has a sense of humor. There is such a Sergey in the family - a leader, a good husband, a wonderful father, very economic. Neat, fastidious. Demanding on his wife. He wants to see her always well-groomed, well-combed, dressed. Sergey is not averse to a tasty and dense meal, his wife should cook well, be neat and tidy. Incompatibility in sex can lead to divorce. The second time Sergei does not marry soon, he leads a stormy bachelor life. He changes lovers until he finds a woman with the same temperament as his, besides, smart and beautiful. Her child will not be a hindrance, Sergei loves children, he will definitely have a child in his second marriage.

Numerology named after Sergei

People who are unable to entertain themselves have a need for you, but not a need.

George Saville Halifax

The meaning of the name Sergei: "highly esteemed" (lat.).

There are many days of remembrance, including 06.01, 05.04, 18.08, 08.10, 29.11.

Personality. Wise.

Characteristics of the name Sergei by letter:

C - the desire to stand out, distinguish oneself;

E - supreme protection;

R - professionalism;

G - sacrifice;

E - repetition, strengthening of the properties of the letter;

Y - impulsivity, expansiveness.

What does the name Sergei mean in numerology:

SERGEY = 169462 = 1 (Sun).

Characteristics of the name Sergei, taking into account the analysis

Sergey is smart, enterprising, reckless, and financially successful. A winner in essence. He is just, law-abiding, faithful to duty. But he seems to "provoke" good luck, constantly comes into conflict with an outwardly prosperous life, fate. He often experiences catharsis, coups. Professions associated with risk are contraindicated for him: flying, astronautics, the Ministry of Emergencies, mines, rescue operations. Can be a good engineer, designer, writer, publisher.

Sergey is very temperamental, he likes women, and he also likes them. In marriage, he is unreliable. Although careful, wise. The names of his women: Svetlana, Natalia, Zhanna, Nadezhda, Galina, Irina, Lyudmila.

The names are so diverse, but nevertheless, you can often find several people with the same name. Researchers have proven that a name has a special meaning for a person, and people with the same name show similar character traits and personality traits.

The name is what largely determines our life, our actions and desires. The name is a kind of guide to the storeroom of the human soul. There are names that are more popular, and there are less, in our country one of the most common male names is the name Sergei. Let's try to study it and find out what the name Sergey means.

To understand the essence of a name, you need to turn to its roots, to where this name came from. And the roots of the name Sergei go back to ancient times, namely to Rome. It came from the male name Sergius, which was generic. From Greek, this name is translated as highly esteemed, high.

It must be said that the translation of this name says only one thing - before it could only be received by a representative of a noble family, having a noble origin, and such names were not given to commoners. Today, many boys are called by this beautiful name, but referring to the translation, one interesting observation can be made: most of the Sergeevs are really tall.


As you know, a person's character is manifested in childhood, and if you decide to name your child Sergei, then know the following: your child will be the most attentive, calm and disciplined. The only thing that can somewhat cloud this picture is insufficiently strong immunity and a tendency to various diseases.

Such a child is distinguished by restraint and self-control, he practically does not show his emotions, and if he wants to show his love to someone, he demonstrates it through action. His silence and self-control make him lonely on the playground, which, in principle, does not prevent him from coming up with interesting activities for himself.

This child has a vulnerable soul, it is very easy to hurt or offend him, while he himself avoids any conflicts and disputes. This boy should be affectionately named and loving towards him. Also, this child is distinguished by optimism and a positive attitude, he enjoys literally every little thing.

In adolescence, the one to whom the parents gave the name Sergei still shows restraint and self-control, although his heart is capable of subtly feeling someone else's pain and other people's experiences.

Seryozha is an obligatory and attentive young man, at school he can become an excellent headman, but it will be just as difficult for him to find contact with those around him as in childhood. Sergey is distinguished by a high resentment, he is inclined to take many things at his own expense and be offended, this largely prevents him from building full-fledged relationships with people around him.

When communicating with girls, Sergey usually does not show his character and is shy and withdrawn. But if the contact continues, then he may show the "other side of the coin" and behave overly promiscuous and cheeky.

Adult Sergei is also good at keeping his emotions under control, moreover, his rationality and logical thinking increase. Thanks to this, he is able to easily experience various difficulties and difficulties in his life.

The fate of Sergei basically does not predict anything surprising or unusual for him. The life of such people is structured, but monotonous, they hardly change something, although monotony often leads them into melancholy. Sometimes, against the background of everyday life, certain bright moments arise, thanks to which Sergey is able to fill himself with the energy he needs.

Sergei is a calm person and in many ways compliant. Also, his character is distinguished by the fact that he is often influenced by others and follows stronger people, and it must be said that fate often confronts Sergei with strong and influential personalities. As a result, this can negatively affect his professional and personal life.

To find out all the subtleties and meaning of the name Sergei, one should study not only its character, but also its other features and manifestations. If we talk about morality, then its norms and rules are somewhat embarrassing for Seryozha. His creative impulse and gentle muse sometimes demand to go beyond the generally accepted boundaries.

Since Serezha's character is such that he tends to accumulate emotions and restrain them, this can ultimately lead to serious nervous disorders or, even worse, to psychosomatic diseases. Therefore, to strengthen the general tone, he needs to learn to express his own emotions. It is also worth monitoring the reproductive and respiratory systems.

Serezha is inclined to fall in love only with those women who are distinguished by their wonderful mind and deep soul. His chosen one must feel and understand his difficult creative nature. Fate usually brings him to real princesses, for whom he can become a noble and strong knight.

Sergey will enter into marriage only with a woman who is tender, fragile, feminine and vulnerable. He is ready to pay attention to his wife, love and cherish her, in exchange for her participation and willingness to devote his life to his family.

In a family, he knows how to be a wonderful father, he loves children, behaves affectionately and tenderly with them. Moreover, such a family is unlikely to have patriarchy, since Sergei is able to concede the palm to his wife.

Seryozha is distinguished by a wonderful analytical mind. He is able not only to analyze information, but also to approach it systematically, linking various disparate details. He can also be safely called a generator of ideas: he is able not only to come up with, but also to create something fundamentally new.

The character of this man makes him an excellent worker and an ideal performer who is able to show efficiency, responsibility and independence. Ideal professions for him will be creative - musician, actor, writer. The main thing is to avoid those jobs that may be life-threatening, as well as managerial positions.

It is important to note that intuition is of particular importance in his life, so Sergei must learn to use it. He should often rely not on logic, but on his feelings.


In order to find out the meaning of the name Sergei in all details, it is worth considering the compatibility of his name with female names. Compatibility is what lets you know if the right person is next to you.

Olga and Sergey are an unusual and bright couple. Sergey's creative character will find understanding with Olga, as a result of which a passionate relationship may flare up. The only thing that can destroy this creative impulse is everyday life.

Anna and Sergey are not the most ideal couple, and their compatibility is below average. The female name Anna is very tough, such women are stubborn and love themselves, which contradicts Seryozha's idea of ​​women.

Julia and Seryozha are a wonderful couple who are able to build a harmonious union. They easily understand each other and are ready to support their partner in everything.

Ekaterina and Seryozha are a couple whose friendly compatibility is more vividly manifested. They have a complete understanding, and they can safely entrust each other with the most intimate secrets. Such a friendship is quite capable of developing into a more serious relationship.

Masha and Seryozha are an ideal couple, fate does not bring them together, they do not build relationships on passion or outbreak of love, therefore they tend to approach responsibly in building a family, weighing all the pros and cons.

Yana and Sergey are a couple for whom the most important thing is love and mutual understanding. In these relations, despite Yana's difficult character, harmony, sincerity and warmth of feelings will reign.

Lera and Seryozha are a dubious couple, they tend to quarrel a lot and do not trust each other. Both Valeria and Sergey attach particular importance to details and trifles, because of which a real scandal can flare up that can lead a couple to a break in relations.

Veronica and Seryozha are also not the best couple. Veronica is characterized by extravagance, but Sergey has a more rational character and is prone to economy. On this basis, the couple may have a misunderstanding.

To find out what the name Sergey means, it is important to dwell on additional information, which will also be significant and useful:

  • Sergey celebrates his birthday several times a year - July 11, August 13, September 24, October 20.
  • The patron saint is Sergius of Radonezh.
  • Diminutive and affectionate Sergei can be called so - Serenya, Sergunya, Seryozha, Serezhenka. It must be said that both a little boy and an adult man Seryozha is best called diminutive and affectionate, especially if you want to enlist his favor.
  • The stone that can be used as a talisman is pearl.
  • The most favorable day of the week will be Friday.
  • The metal that can enhance Sergey's positive traits is gold.
  • The patron bird is the nightingale. I must say that many Sergei often have a good voice and ear for music.
  • The planetary ruler of this name is Venus. It is thanks to Venus that Sergey's character is distinguished by a large number of female qualities.

If your husband or friend is Sergei, the meaning of the name should be of particular importance to you. This will help you get to know the person you are close to. Be attentive to the names, and their secrets will be revealed to you. Author: Daria Potykan

The short form of the name is Sergey. Seryozha, Serge, Seryonya, Seryoga, Sergeika, Sergulya, Gulya, Sergusya, Goose, Sergusha, Gusha, Sergunya, Gunya, Serhito, Chucho.
Synonyms for the name Sergei. Sergius, Sergius, Serge, Sergio, Sergi, Sergi, Sergiusz.
The origin of the name Sergei. The name Sergey is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Sergei has different versions of the origin. According to the first, most common version, the name Sergei comes from the Roman family name Sergius, which is a Roman family name, comes from Sergius. Sergius is an ancient Roman patrician family, leading, according to legend, its ancestry from the Trojans. Translated from the Latin language means "high", "noble".

According to the next version, the name Sergei is the modern form of the outdated name Sergius, which comes from the Latin "servi dei", which means "servant of God". As one of the variants of this version - the name Sergei comes from the Latin "Servus", which translates as "servant".

Few people are as sociable and open to the world as Sergei. He has a depth of feelings and sometimes behaves unpredictably. A good creative person can come out of Sergey - he easily puts forward new ideas, is able to independently implement each of them. You can be sure that everyone whom he will involve in the process of incarnation will be carefully selected by him. It is not typical for Sergei to hide or try to present all the facets of his character in a different way, therefore, both good and bad in him are always in sight.

However, Sergei tries to keep his feelings to himself. It is more pleasant and easier for him to act than to show any emotions. The ability to participate and tact appears in this man only at a respectable age. Sergei considers himself a cunning person, but he often underestimates his opponent and gets into a mess. Seryozha's life is well known, but it is difficult for him to understand an individual person.

For an employer, Sergei is a valuable employee. He is very obliging and conscientious. His first aspiration in case of successful employment is the arrangement and adjustment of the work process. However, with his opinion, he will not meddle with everyone.

It is not difficult to offend Sergei, even a trifle can ruin his mood. He often tries to cope with problems alone, without relying on anyone. Sergey values ​​his friends very much and is always ready to help them. Women and fun feasts are at the center of the hobbies of a man with this name, but he does not show it to those around him.

The fate of Sergei develops, like a mosaic, of bad and good deeds, excessive trust and gentleness, and, on the contrary, steadfastness and firmness in decisions. He does not tend to lose hope in the most impasse situations. It is at these moments that hidden forces manifest in him. In life, Sergei lacks brilliance, and he strives for it in every possible way. This man will definitely remain in the memory of people.

Sergey has a talent for finding a way out of the most confusing situations. In this he is helped by his thinking abilities, capable of showing attention to both the whole and the particulars.

Living with Sergei is very difficult. His actions are unpredictable. He himself easily evaluates a person with one glance and has a highly developed intuition. When Sergey is next to him, it is difficult not to quarrel with him, but when he disappears from life, then all the positive moments of life with him come to mind, and there are quite a few of them. Sergey's behavior often does not fit into the social framework of morality and ethics, they are too narrow for him.

The best fathers and husbands come out of Sergeevs, and these men, as a rule, choose calm and balanced women as life companions. He listens to his wife in everything, but does not forget about his opinion.

In pleasures, Sergei often does not know the measure. He is interested in music, loves going to the cinema. In the company, he was a cheerleader and a joker, not averse to taking part in performances and productions. The desire to embody and considerable creative potential often force Sergei to choose a career as an actor or composer. Even if the choice of a man did not fall on creative professions, he will strive to become a manager or an advertising worker. Only in such positions will he be able to fully reveal his potential.

Sergei's birthday

Sergey celebrates his name day on January 6, January 15, January 27, February 17, March 5, March 8, March 11, March 22, April 2, April 5, April 14, April 25, May 8, May 10, May 26, June 1 , July 1, July 11, July 18, July 20, August 2, August 13, August 25, September 10, September 22, September 24, October 1, October 7, October 8, October 11, October 20, October 30, 31 October, 2 November, 13 November, 14 November, 16 November, 27 November, 29 November, 2 December, 10 December, 11 December, 15 December, 18 December, 20 December, 31 December.

Everyone knows that the male name Sergei does not have a paired female name (like, for example, Alexander – Alexandra or Valery – Valeria). But it was not always so. In ancient Rome, the name Sergei had several paired female names. They were formed from related cognomen.

Noble Roman women from the Sergian family could be called Sergius, Sergian or Sergillus. Modern women only occasionally receive a derivative name Sergin (French version of the name). In French, it is written as Sergine. It is worn by Sergine Desjardins, a writer and essayist from Quebec, and Sergine André, an artist from Haiti.

Famous people named Sergei

  • Sergius of Radonezh ((c. 1314 - 1392) in the world - Bartholomew; monk of the Russian Church, founder of the Trinity Monastery near Moscow (now Trinity-Sergius Lavra), reformer of monasticism in Northern Russia. Sergius of Radonezh is venerated by the Russian Orthodox Church as a saint as a saint and considered the greatest ascetic of the Russian land.)
  • Sergey Ozhegov (linguist, lexicographer, doctor of philological sciences, professor, Russian linguist, historian of the literary language, author of the world famous "Dictionary of the Russian language")
  • Sergei Prokofiev ((1891 - 1953) Soviet composer, conductor and pianist. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1947). Winner of the Lenin Prize (1957 - posthumously) and six Stalin Prizes (1943, 1946 - three times, 1947, 1951). One of the largest, influential and the most performed composers of the 20th century.)
  • Sergei Rachmaninov (outstanding Russian composer, pianist and conductor)
  • Sergei Yesenin ((1895 - 1925) Russian poet, representative of the new peasant poetry, and in a later period of creativity and imagism)
  • Sergei Korolev ((1906/1907 - 1966) Soviet scientist, designer and organizer of the production of rocket and space technology and missile weapons of the USSR, the founder of practical cosmonautics. The largest figure of the XX century in the field of space rocketry and shipbuilding. S.P. Korolev is the creator of the Soviet rocket - space technology, which ensured strategic parity and made the USSR an advanced rocket and space power. Is a key figure in human space exploration, the creator of practical cosmonautics. Thanks to his ideas, the first artificial Earth satellite and the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin were launched. Twice Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate Lenin Prize, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences.)
  • Sergei Witte ((1849-1915) Russian statesman. Minister of Railways (1892), Minister of Finance (1892-1903), Chairman of the Committee of Ministers (1903-1906), Chairman of the Council of Ministers (1905-1906). Member of the State Council (since 1903) Count (since 1905) Active Privy Councilor (1899))
  • Sergei Aksakov ((1791 - 1859) Russian writer, government official and public figure, literary and theater critic, memoirist, author of books on fishing and hunting, lepidopterist. Father of Russian writers and public figures of the Slavophiles: Konstantin, Ivan and Vera Aksakov. Correspondent of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.)
  • Sergei Vernov ((1910 - 1982) Russian and Soviet physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1968), specialist in the field of cosmic ray physics. One of the participants in the discovery of the Earth's outer radiation belt. Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Stalin and Lenin prizes.)
  • Sergei Obraztsov ((1901 - 1992) Soviet Russian actor and puppet theater director, theatrical figure. People's Artist of the USSR (1954), Hero of Socialist Labor (1971). Winner of the Lenin (1984) and Stalin Prizes of the second degree (1946).)
  • Sergei Bondarchuk ((1920 - 1994) Soviet actor, film director, screenwriter, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1952). Hero of Socialist Labor (1980). Winner of the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1952), Lenin Prize (1960), State Prize of the USSR ( 1984), winner of the Oscar and Golden Globe awards.)
  • Sergei Botkin ((1832 - 1889) Russian physician-therapist and public figure, created the doctrine of the body as a single whole, subject to the will. Professor of the Medical-Surgical Academy (since 1861). Member of the Crimean (1855) and Russian-Turkish (1877) ) wars. Founder of the school of clinicians.)
  • Sergey Filippov ((1912 - 1990) Soviet comedian, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1974))
  • Sergey Soloviev ((born 1944) Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, producer, People's Artist of Russia (1993))
  • Sergei Bubka ((born 1963) Soviet and Ukrainian pole vaulting athlete, the first person in the world to jump over six meters. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1983). Champion of the 1988 Olympic Games, world (1983, 1987, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997), Europe (1986), USSR (1984, 1985). Winner of the World and European Cups (1985) in pole vaulting. Silver medalist of the international competition "Friendship - 84".)
  • Sergei Eisenstein ((born 1898) Soviet theater and film director, artist, screenwriter, art theorist, teacher. Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR (1935). Professor of VGIK. Doctor of Art History (1939), author of fundamental works on the theory of cinema.)
  • Sergei Diaghilev ((1872 - 1929) Russian theatrical and artistic figure, entrepreneur, one of the founders of the World of Art group, organizer of the Russian Seasons in Paris and the Diaghilev Russian Ballet troupe)
  • Sergei Prokudin-Gorsky ((1863 - 1944) Russian photographer, chemist (student of Mendeleev), inventor, publisher, teacher and public figure, member of the Imperial Russian Geographical, Imperial Russian Technical and Russian Photographic Societies. He made a significant contribution to the development of photography and cinematography. The pioneer of color photography in Russia, the creator of the "Collection of the sights of the Russian Empire".)
  • Sergey Lukyanenko ((born 1968) is a popular Russian science fiction writer. He calls his genre "fiction of hard action" or "fantasy of the Way".)
  • Sergei Lemeshev ((1902 - 1977) Russian Soviet opera singer (lyric tenor) and opera director, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1950). Laureate of the Stalin Prize, second degree (1941).)
  • Sergei Shoigu ((born 1955) Russian statesman, governor of the Moscow region (since 2012). General of the Army (2003). Hero of the Russian Federation (1999). Head of the State Committee of the RSFSR and the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences Natural Disasters (1991-1994), Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of the Consequences of Natural Disasters (1994-2012).)
  • Sergey Yursky ((born 1935) Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, theater director, screenwriter, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1987).)
  • Sergei Nikolsky ((1905 - 2012) Soviet and Russian mathematician, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991; academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1972). In 2012 - the oldest living Russian - personalities of the Russian Wikipedia with verified age data.)

Sergey is a traditional, reliable, popular name. It is one of the ten most common male names in Russia. In church speech (and the solemn and official speech of the past), it was pronounced and pronounced as Sergius. Its origin is associated with the Roman clan Sergius, which translated from Latin means "high", "noble". Some researchers believe that this is a modern version of the name Sergius, formed from "servi dei" and meaning "servant of God."

Reliable, gentle name of a difficult person, connected by a thousand threads with all levels of being. This name manifested and reflected all the qualities of people inhabiting the vast space of Russia from the Far West to the Far East. Fate has prepared many tests for the bearers of the name Sergei, and all because of the contradictory character, in which there are gullibility and caution, steadfastness and uncertainty, softness and firmness. The name is extremely popular and beloved. Twenty years ago, it competed with Alexander for the first place. Love for this name, apparently, has not waned even in our days.

Characteristics of the name Sergei

Corresponding zodiac sign: Cancer ♋.

Patronizing planet: Uranus ♅.

The dominant element of Feng Shui: Metal 金.

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Pearls.

Talisman color: Pearl gray.

Talisman tree: Birch 🍁.

Mascot plant: Heather.

Animal mascot: Brown hare.

The most successful day: Sunday ☉.

Happy time of the year: Summer ☀.

Character traits: Restraint, Sensitivity, Peacefulness, Passion.

Spring Sergey- nature is ironic, cheerful and fickle. It is important for him to live in harmony with his inner experiences and feelings. His emotionality and openness attract women, but the frivolity of the spring Sergei eventually leads to a break in relations.

Summer Sergey characterized by stiffness, indecision and insecurity. Often he is held captive by prejudices, which prevents him from making decisions in accordance with his desires and capabilities. At the same time, summer Sergei is docile and accommodating. In family life, an affectionate and gentle partner will make him an ideal match.

Autumn Sergey rational and fair, he prefers to be guided in making any decisions by reason, while emotions and feelings in his life are assigned a minimal role. It is not surprising that the dryness of autumn Sergei repels women.

Winter Sergey passionate and emotional, although he prefers to behave with restraint in public. Jealousy can destroy his personal life. He is judicious and purposeful, which helps to make him a successful career.

The character of the name Sergei

As a child, Sergei perceives the world with joy and optimism. At school, he is a diligent student, conscientiously prepares for lessons and takes part in amateur performances. The main features of his character are peacefulness, a tendency to empathy, sensuality. By the type of temperament, he belongs to the melancholic. The secret of the name hides a balanced, reasonable, tactful and independent person.

Sergey's life is made up of good and negative actions, excessive trust and gentleness, as well as steadfastness and firmness in decisions. He knows how to find a way out of the most difficult situations. The representative of this name is a real diplomat who conducts negotiations of varying degrees of importance and always has a positive outcome. Has an analytical mindset. He knows how to correctly distribute the information received.

Positive about the name Sergei: Cheerfulness, outstanding creativity, kindness, responsiveness, empathy. Sergei has a refined nature, any rudeness or vulgarity hurts his feelings. He can easily adapt to new people and conditions, get along with everyone except rude people. With age, courageous traits are increasingly manifested in the character: courage, perseverance, lofty goals.

Negative about the name Sergei: Lack of firmness, will, irritation. He needs the help of others to bring his ideas to life. Sergei can give up a job halfway, he does not have enough perseverance and willpower to bring it to an end. A man named Sergei loves to make unrealistic plans, dream, fantasize, amaze others with extravagance, recklessness. He can perform heroic deeds, one-time actions, but solving everyday difficult problems is not according to him. Failures in life easily "knock him out of the saddle."

Hobbies and hobbies

Sergey loves women, funny feasts, elite drinks, jokes. Friends consider him the “soul” of the company. Sergey loves to enjoy life, while often he cannot stop in time, which is why he can become addicted to alcohol. He is interested in music, cinema. He spends his free time in the gym to maintain the physical condition of the body. Loves pets, especially dogs. He is well versed in fashion trends and adheres to an elegant style of clothing.

Profession and business

Sergey can reach great heights in his career. He is executive, scrupulous and obligatory. The employer considers him a valuable employee and he quickly reaches management positions. Can prove himself in the acting profession, journalism. If desired, a brilliant military career awaits him. Among the owners of this name you can find composers, announcers, writers. He is also suitable for work in the field of creativity, since he always has a lot of new and interesting ideas in stock.

Despite the fact that Sergei has all the qualities of a leader, he is wary of leadership positions, preferring to be solely responsible for his work and his actions. Sergei has every chance of becoming a successful businessman, but on condition that he learns to defend his point of view, regardless of whether his opponent likes it or not.

Mind and health

Sergei is most often melancholic. Sergey is an ambiguous person, he can be sociable and open, or he can withdraw into himself for a long time. Such unpredictability of behavior is combined in this person with an incredible depth of feelings and the ability to empathize with other people. It is always interesting with Sergei, because he is open, witty and sociable. The main thing is not to openly criticize Seryozha, otherwise he will turn from a merry fellow into a dull, irritable and tough person.

As a child, Sergei is sick a lot, but in adulthood he is a rather strong man. Physical activity and sports will help him maintain health at the desired level. Its weak point is the nervous system, therefore, in order to preserve and strengthen it, it is necessary, firstly, to avoid stress, and secondly, to give vent to your emotions. The genitourinary system, bronchi and lungs deserve special attention from the side of health.

Love and sex

Sergei will give his boundless love, affection and tenderness only to a spiritually and intellectually developed woman who will understand and share his "creative" outlook on life. But the appearance of the chosen one does not play a significant role for him. It is extremely important for Sergei to look in the eyes of his beloved woman as that strong and noble man who will protect her from all adversity and storms of life. This position leads to the fact that women flock to him like butterflies on fire.

Sergei's sexuality depends on his feelings for the chosen one. As soon as the girl begins to show her coldness, he immediately loses interest in her. But if the partner is gentle and passionate, then he thanks her for this, giving an unforgettable experience. In sex, his possibilities are great, he is able to kiss and caress a woman. Therefore, he has a lot of girls who are madly in love with him.

Family and marriage

By marriage, Sergei associates himself with gentle, calm, feminine and affectionate women, for whom family is in the first place, and not career and entertainment (there are often several marriages, especially if Sergei marries early). Sergei's chosen one should remember that he is very jealous. In general, if Sergei marries for love, he will try to do everything for his family so that they feel loved and protected. If there are no feelings between him and his wife, then he may commit treason, but at the same time he will not divorce his wife (at least Sergey is extremely rare to initiate a divorce, especially if there are children).

In family life, Sergei manifests himself as an excellent husband and a wonderful father. The other half should be a calm, balanced woman. The external data of the girl are not essential to him. He needs to marry at a conscious, mature age, otherwise several marriages are possible. If feelings disappear in the union, he can change, but he will not go for a divorce. But suddenly love reigns in relationships, then complete harmony and idyll reigns. Sergei in such a family is an ideal husband and father.

In the union, leadership gives the second half, but when deciding important issues, he must also take into account his opinion. He helps his wife with all the housework. He gets along well with his mother-in-law, and tries to do everything in his power for the same relationship between the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law. Sergei is very kind to his parents, accommodating and flexible with them.

Horoscope named after Sergei

Sergey-Aries ♈- this is a rather vain and unbalanced person, prone to frequent mood swings, which leads to problems in relations with loved ones, relatives, colleagues. At the same time, Sergey-Aries does not seek to change either his behavior or his attitude to life. Such inconstancy, oddly enough, attracts women, although not for a long time.

Sergey-Taurus ♉- this is an impressionable nature, for which it is important to make a favorable impression on others. Sergei-Taurus is impressionable and emotional, charming and romantic, so he is liked by women who, next to him, feel like refined and feminine princesses. His good nature often gets in the way of climbing the corporate ladder.

Sergey-Gemini ♊- this man has an artistic talent, he spares no time and money for his improvement, since his main goal is to live in harmony with himself. Sergey-Gemini, despite his sociability and ostentatious openness, does not let anyone into his soul, therefore he has practically no friends. In marriage, he seeks peace and understanding.

Sergey-Rak ♋- gullibility, sentimentality and a certain degree of irresponsibility are inherent in the character of Sergei-Rak, who prefers to live in the present. The lack of a goal negatively affects his work, which Sergey-Rak performs without much enthusiasm (he is more attracted to romantic stories in which it is interesting to get to know his chosen one).

Sergey-Lev ♌- this is a freedom-loving, direct and sufficiently loving man, for whom there are no obstacles on the way to winning the heart of his chosen one. Sergei-Lev is elegant and eloquent, has impeccable manners, which cannot fail to bribe a woman. But he will not flaunt his victories on the love front (as well as any other life achievements).

Sergey-Virgo ♍- tactful, prudent and prudent Sergey-Virgo will think seven times before doing it once. And the blame for everything is his indecision and self-doubt, because of which he has to go towards his goal slowly, although confidently. He will open his soul to his chosen one only after she has passed many tests.

Sergey-Libra ♎- such a man is distinguished by equanimity, peacefulness and good nature. He does not accept rudeness, rudeness, and even more so violence, preferring to solve all problems exclusively through peaceful negotiations. His beloved woman should be smart, wise, calm and educated (Sergei-Libra does not like Mexican passions).

Sergey-Scorpio ♏- impulsiveness drives the actions of Sergei-Scorpio, who is extremely narcissistic and arrogant. He strives to ensure that everyone and everyone admires him, extols his merits and craves to enlist his favor, so often his entourage is flatterers and sycophants.

Sergey-Strelets ♐- he is graceful, imposing and has his own original look at everything. Sergei-Sagittarius dreams of pure love. His life is easy and rich, but if his dreams are broken about the realities of modern life, he falls into depression, from which only a new love or a change of scenery can bring him out. But time passes, and Sergei-Strelets again goes into the world of illusions.

Sergey-Capricorn ♑ Is a person with a subtle and incomprehensible mental organization. He is unpredictable in his actions and impulsive. Despite this, Sergei-Capricorn is devoted to his family and his chosen one, he is attentive and caring, but he is not even ready to let his beloved into his ideal world.

Sergey-Aquarius ♒- the equanimity and calmness of Sergei-Aquarius can only be envied. His irony and wit help to easily find a common language with others, while he will never defend his position and outlook on life to the bitter end. In relationships with women, he is calm and unemotional, so it is very difficult to win his heart.

Sergey-Pisces ♓- this is a helpful and well-mannered man with a subtle mind, but often the insecurity of Sergei-Pisces plays against him (this is especially reflected in personal relationships). He does not lack female attention, but his novels are often short-lived: as soon as Sergey-Pisces begins to feel the power of a woman over himself, he leaves her without any explanation.

Compatibility of the name Sergei with female names

Sergey and Olga- passion, emotionality and ardor lead this couple. In addition, both Sergei and Olga are creative personalities who are united by a love of life and a passion for travel. They are interested in discovering all new facets of life together. Ultimately, however, the passion of the relationship will be replaced by a routine that can ruin the relationship.

Sergey and Anna- the union between Anna and Sergei is complex and ambiguous, because both partners are stubborn and selfish, they do not know how and do not want to yield to each other even in small things. To create a harmonious relationship, you will have to work hard, but more often Sergey and Anna prefer to quietly and peacefully disperse.

Sergey and Elena- these relations are built, first of all, on a material basis, so Sergei and Elena can easily engage in joint business, which will provide them with a comfortable existence. But love in such a union is a rather rare phenomenon that can cause separation.

Sergey and Julia- these strong and stable relationships are based on mutual understanding, love, and equality between partners. Sergei and Yulia will not fight over who will cook dinner or wash the dishes today. On the contrary, always and in everything, this couple will support each other.

Sergey and Anastasia- the relationship between Nastya and Sergei is multifaceted: they quarrel before divorce, then they passionately reconcile, then they cannot spend a minute without each other, then they yearn for freedom. Only love will help preserve this union (although if both partners are comfortable together, then the marriage of Sergei and Anastasia may well be based on friendship or business relations).

Sergey and Tatiana- this couple is not ready for compromises, because Tatiana wants to be a full-fledged leader in the family, while Sergei will not tolerate pressure from his wife. But if both partners sit down at the negotiating table and are able to share the spheres of their leadership, then such an alliance is quite possible.

Sergey and Ekaterina- this tandem is based on friendships that replace passion. For Sergey and Ekaterina, reliability, security, trust and stability are important in relations. At the same time, differences in the characters of partners will benefit these relationships.

Sergey and Natalia- this is a difficult union, in which both partners do not feel very comfortable, but at the same time they do not want to change their usual way of life. Both Sergei and Natalya do not like to sort things out, and therefore they silently endure grievances, not giving way to their emotions. But a moment comes when the patience of both comes to an end, and then the relationship is doomed.

Sergey and Irina- this couple lives in a world of understanding and tranquility, they are not characterized by an ardent showdown. Sometimes the emotional Irina lacks sharpness in relationships and romance, she is annoyed by the rationality and pragmatism of Sergei. But if there is love in a couple, then this problem will not become an obstacle on the way to creating a strong family.

Sergey and Maria- this is a union, to the creation of which Sergei and Maria approach responsibly: there is no place for momentary passion or love. If both do not feel a strong and reliable shoulder in their partner, they will easily break off the relationship. The basis of their relationship is the spiritual component.

Sergey and Svetlana- this couple's life is full of adventures, but, unfortunately, family happiness is not always based on the desire of partners to open up new horizons. Sergei gravitates towards a quiet life, and Svetlana is attracted by unknown distances and new emotions. Such a relationship is almost always doomed.

Sergey and Marina- caring Marina is a wonderful housewife who lives in the interests of her family, but her imperiousness throws Sergei out of balance, especially if she begins to teach her lover. If Marina looses her grip a little, then this union can be strong.

Sergey and Christina- for Sergei and Christina, first of all, feelings and spiritual values ​​are important, but they do not strive for material benefits, being content with little. Together they can achieve a lot, and all thanks to the support of each other. In their reliable union, only love is important.

Sergey and Victoria- this is a long, but not lasting union, in which a woman dominates, on whom the “weather in the house” depends, only Sergey does not always agree with Victoria's forecast, which is why their family life resembles an active volcano.

Sergey and Ksenia- in this union, Xenia is the generator of ideas, and Sergei is their embodiment. If the interests of both coincide, then the marriage will be strong, but if the partners look in different directions, then divorce cannot be avoided. In general, Sergey and Ksenia are a wonderful couple who easily overcomes all the hardships of family life.

Sergey and Lyubov- balanced Love often cannot understand the contradictory and insecure Sergei, which leads to conflicts and quarrels even over trifles. At the same time, Sergey sees in his chosen one a strong rear, with which he is not ready to part. If partners accept each other's shortcomings, then this union will be strong enough.

Sergey and Yana- warmth of feelings, tenderness and complete mutual understanding reign between Sergei and Yana. In their relationship there is love, friendship, peace, and passion, so their union can be called harmonious and promising with firm confidence.

Sergey and Nadezhda- Hope is a nature for which such components as certainty and stability are important in relationships, and Sergei cannot always give them, since his actions are dictated by a good or bad mood. Hope is not satisfied with this position, so she may well become the initiator of a divorce.

Sergey and Alina- adventurism drives this couple, which seeks to be in time everywhere and everywhere, forgetting that to create a family it is necessary to lay a solid foundation. In the relationship between Sergei and Alina, passion beats over the edge, but there is not enough stability and constancy, which can cause a divorce.

Sergey and Diana- the cheerful Diana teaches Sergei to find a reason for happiness in every new day, while the man in this pair is assigned the role of an innovator and thinker. Partners complement each other, which has a positive effect on their relationship, which can rightfully be called harmonious.

Sergey and Evgeniya- Italian passions are raging in this couple, and Eugene is kindling the fire of discord, requiring Sergei's complete obedience. She tries to control the situation not only at home, but also at work with Sergei, which he really does not like. Such an alliance is short-lived.

Sergey and Daria- this is a union of two creative people who understand each other perfectly, while for them it is the family that is of the greatest value, and not the career. Sergey and Daria do not accept lies, falsehood and understatement in relationships, therefore their union is strong and long-lasting.

Sergey and Olesya- both partners cannot come to a common decision either in everyday life or in building their own family model: for example, the straightforward Olesya dominates the secretive Sergei, who does not want to let her into his soul. This union cannot be called lasting.

Sergey and Alena- this couple is a storehouse of ideas, so their union can be lasting even in the absence of love. Sergey and Alena are energetic and cheerful, they understand each other perfectly, although they can conflict because of the division of their sphere of influence in the family.

Sergey and Margarita- passion comes first in this union, and if it is not nourished, then over time one of the partners will become bored and uninteresting, which can provoke treason. But if Margarita learns to control her emotions, and Sergei is more romantic, then the relationship can be strong.

Sergey and Alexandra- this is a stable, long and reliable union, which cannot be destroyed by any twists and turns. Sergey and Alexandra set common goals for themselves and boldly go towards them, supporting and understanding each other.

Sergey and Lyudmila Is a stable and reliable union that promises both partners happiness not only in their personal lives, but also in work, especially if both are involved in the same field of activity. Sergey and Lyudmila have such qualities as honesty, fairness and cordiality, so conflicts in their family are rare.

Sergey and Galina- in this pair they do not know what monotony is. Galina charges Sergei with enthusiasm and inspiration, and the man in every possible way supports and encourages new beginnings of his second half. Harmony and love are the principles on which happiness in this union is based.

Sergey and Polina- Polina's energy is the driving force in a relationship with a calm Sergei, who loves his chosen one for her optimism and kindness. In this couple, there is no struggle for power, and all forces are aimed at creating family happiness.

Sergey and Karina- conservatism, loyalty to traditions, hard work and dedication unite this couple, which gravitates towards a calm and measured life without scandals. This is a very strong union in which both Sergei and Karina feel comfortable.

Sergey and Inna- this couple can build strong relationships, but their foundation will be friendship and partnership, not love. Sergey and Inna have different outlooks on life, so often their family life is similar to the cohabitation of two strangers.

Sergey and Valeria- the difficult union of Sergei and Valeria is full of misunderstanding and discord, while stubbornness prevents both partners from achieving harmony in the relationship. On the contrary, any little thing can lead to a loud scandal and parting.

Sergey and Alla- a busy life awaits Sergei and Alla, and this is quite natural, given the explosive nature of Alla. And although Sergei is trying to smooth over sharp corners, often even his patience and calmness is not enough to resolve the conflict. In general, this union can be long and bright.

Sergey and Veronica- Veronica, active in everything, does not like to save, life seems to her a rainbow fairy tale, and such a life position does not suit rational Sergei. This union is not favored by the imperiousness of Veronica, who is trying to control her chosen one in everything.

Sergey and Valentina- Sergey's inconstancy often throws off balance the strong-willed and purposeful Valentina, who is used to achieving her goals. Sergei appreciates his beloved for these qualities. If both learn to be more tolerant of each other, then this union is quite possible.

Sergey and Lilia- passionate Lilia lacks romance in a relationship with Sergei, while he is alarmed by the excessive emotionality of his chosen one. It prevents the strengthening of this union and Sergey's susceptibility to frequent mood swings. Only mutual concessions can save this alliance.

Sergey and Larisa- this couple is destined to create a strong tandem, which is doomed to prosperity. Sergey and Larisa find continuation in each other, they live by common interests and goals. But quarrels between them cannot be avoided, since their characters are too different.

Sergey and Tamara- Tamara needs security and stability in a relationship, and Sergei manages to give her these feelings. But Toma's straightforwardness is not always to the liking of Sergei, who does not know how to perceive criticism in his address. Only patience and love will help maintain this relationship.

Sergey and Antonina- despite the fact that Sergey and Antonina have different temperaments and characters, this union can become happy. The main thing is that Tony's excessive emotionality and Seryozha's jealousy do not disturb the balance and harmony in the relationship.

Sergey and Angelina- despite her name, Angelina is not quite an angel, because her imperiousness and capriciousness sometimes go beyond. She tries to control every step of Sergei, which absolutely does not suit him. Only patience and mutual understanding can save this union.

Sergey and Zhanna- in this union, one cannot do without stormy showdowns, passionate truces and love dramas. And this is not surprising, because between Zhanna and Sergey there is a full range of feelings, including love, imperiousness, jealousy, tenderness. Frequent showdowns can lead to a breakup.

Sergey and Sophia- they love each other, but the man's indecision leads to the woman taking on male responsibilities. Sergey tries to resist such a line of behavior for his beloved, which is why they often have conflicts. In general, the union of Sophia and Sergey has little chance of a happy future.

Sergey and Elvira- both partners initially converge on the background of passion and sexual attraction. Over time, their feelings cool down, but Sergei and Elvira are in no hurry to break off relations, because they do not want to change anything in their usual way of life. Having learned to coexist in this format of relations, they can count on a long life together.

Sergey and Albina- Albina's openness and naivety captivate Sergei, who, day after day, falls in love with his gentle and feminine darling. Albina, on the other hand, appreciates dedication and fortitude in her partner. Their union can become strong if love and understanding are present in the relationship.

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