Home Potato Baked Potatoes with Bacon. Potatoes with bacon in the oven: recipes for preparing original dishes. video: Accordion potatoes in the oven

Baked Potatoes with Bacon. Potatoes with bacon in the oven: recipes for preparing original dishes. video: Accordion potatoes in the oven

We offer another option for a hearty, quick dinner. Potatoes with bacon in the oven is a simple dish that combines both meat and a side dish at the same time. When serving, be sure to supplement the hearty food with herbs, fresh vegetables or, for example, simple.

Tender potatoes with melted cheese under a thin crispy slab of bacon - nutritious, satisfying and very tasty!


  • potatoes - 8 pcs.;
  • raw smoked bacon - 8 plates;
  • cheese - about 100 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • salt - to taste.
How to bake potatoes in bacon
  • For the recipe, we choose medium-sized potato tubers of approximately the same size. Wash, add water and boil until fully cooked. You can check readiness in the traditional way - pierce one potato with a knife. If the blade sinks into the middle easily, stop cooking and drain the water.
  • After cooling and peeling, cut each finished potato lengthwise into two equal parts. Lightly sprinkle the pieces with salt and ground pepper if desired.
  • Place a slice of cheese on one half of each potato.
  • Cover the cheese with the other half of the potato. We wrap each piece in bacon. You can secure the meat with toothpicks, but this is not necessary.
  • Place the potatoes in a rimmed baking dish. Cut the butter into thin slices and place it on top of the bacon. In this case, it is not necessary to additionally lubricate the mold with vegetable oil/butter, since a copious amount of oily liquid is already formed during the cooking process.
  • Bake the potatoes and bacon in the oven for about 20-30 minutes, without covering the pan with a lid. The optimal temperature here is 200 degrees. After cooling a little, sprinkle our dish with fresh herbs and, adding light salads or just fresh vegetables, serve immediately!
  • Potatoes with bacon in the oven are ready! Bon appetit!

    Potatoes baked with cheese and bacon are aromatic, beautiful and amazingly tasty. This is a great men's dinner, a holiday side dish or a hearty appetizer. But the best part is that this win-win dish is very easy to prepare!

    Potatoes with cheese in bacon: list of ingredients It’s good if you take new potatoes that do not have to be peeled at any stage of cooking. But it will turn out delicious, even if vegetables are not in season.
    You will need to prepare:
    • medium sized potatoes;
    • long strips of smoked bacon according to the number of potatoes;
    • hard, easy-to-melt cheese;
    • butter;
    • sprigs of fragrant greenery;
    • spices to taste.
    To prepare potatoes with bacon in the oven, you only need three basic products: potatoes, hard cheese, bacon slices. Vary the remaining ingredients according to your own preferences. Rosemary will convey the brightest spicy notes. But thyme, basil, as well as dried herbs: marjoram, dill, bay leaf will work well.

    We have prepared the ingredients, chosen our favorite seasonings, and start preparing potatoes with cheese and bacon:

    The smoked aroma of the dish will excite the appetite so much that even those on a diet will allow themselves a piece of potatoes that evening!

    Potatoes baked with cheese and bacon in the oven: how to cook deliciously? Even such a simple recipe has its own tricks to make the dish even tastier, and subtleties that should never be missed:
  • Boiling potatoes in advance will allow the dish to cook evenly. If you use a raw vegetable, it will not have time to bake, or you will have to sacrifice bacon - it will burn in an hour and a half.
  • Boil potatoes only in their skins, even if you plan to peel them later. This will help maintain its neat shape.
  • It is quite difficult to add flavor to finished boiled potatoes. It is better to immediately boil it in water with spices.
  • Try to match the sizes of the ingredients so that the vegetables are completely wrapped in the meat. This will prevent the cheese mass that melted during cooking from leaking out. And it will just be much tastier this way!
  • Use sour cream and cream sauces as a dressing. The simplest one: mix sour cream with garlic squeezed through a press and chopped herbs, let it brew for at least 15 minutes.
  • The recipe for baked potatoes with bacon and cheese is also different in that it is easy to prepare just in time for the arrival of guests. Place the “blanks” on a baking sheet in advance and cover with cling film until you need to bake.

    This is a recipe from the section - the simplest recipes for which you don’t need to fill a basket of groceries in the store: just take three.

    Rules for the “3 ingredients” section

  • The recipe is based on exactly 3 products, using which you will get the simplest version of the described dish.
  • I can offer versions of complicating the recipe by adding more ingredients to the composition. But this does not contradict the fact that an independent dish will be made from THREE components.
  • Salt, pepper, “spices to taste,” sweeteners, and frying oil are not considered independent ingredients.
  • Bon appetit!

    With love,

    Wash the potatoes thoroughly under running water and remove the skins.

    Dry the potatoes on a paper towel.

    Place the potato tuber in a tablespoon, then make transverse cuts across the entire surface of the potato at a distance of 0.5 centimeters, without cutting to the bottom. This little trick will help us carefully cut the potatoes and thus we will get an “accordion”.

    Place a slice of bacon in each cut, add salt and season to taste.

    Wrap each accordion potato in foil.

    Then place the potatoes in foil in an ovenproof dish. Place in a preheated oven and bake at 200 degrees for about 35-40 minutes. Baking time depends on the size of the potatoes. You can check the readiness of accordion potatoes with bacon with a toothpick (if the toothpick fits easily into the potatoes, it means they are ready).

    This is how I got these accordion potatoes baked with bacon in the oven. Be sure to serve this delicious dish hot as a side dish with a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs.

    Bon appetit!

    To prepare bacon-wrapped potatoes baked in the oven, take the ingredients from the list.

    Peel the onion, cut the lemon and onion into slices, divide a small head of garlic into cloves.

    Place onion, garlic and lemon in the bottom of a baking dish. If you eat onions (by the way, they turn out very tasty), do not overdo it with lemon. The onion should be a little sour, then it will turn out tasty. Lightly salt and pepper the vegetables.

    Peel the potatoes.

    Wrap each potato in a strip of bacon. By the way, if you are not sure about the quality of the potatoes, first boil them for 5-7 minutes, then they will bake better.

    Place the bacon-wrapped potatoes on the onion bed.

    Brush each potato with vegetable oil using a silicone brush. Salt and pepper.

    Sprinkle with dried aromatic herbs (rosemary, thyme, basil), rub them between your fingers. Bake potatoes and bacon in the oven at 180 degrees without convection for 40-50 minutes.

    Check readiness with a knife, toothpick or wooden skewer.

    Potatoes wrapped in bacon, baked in the oven, ready, enjoy!

    Oven-baked potatoes with bacon are an original and yet easy-to-prepare side dish that looks great on a holiday table and goes well with any meat dish. However, on weekdays this dish should also not be ignored, because potatoes with onions and bacon are an unusually tasty and appetizing combination that almost everyone without exception likes. And considering that it is simply prepared and baked in the oven on its own, it is quite possible to pamper your family with this unusual side dish more often.

    This Bacon Potatoes recipe is a great way to prepare new or small potatoes because they are baked whole and are especially tender, crumbly, and delicious looking. Smoked bacon, fried onions and a variety of spices give the potatoes an amazing taste and aroma that will not leave anyone indifferent. These hearty baked potatoes can be eaten as an independent dish with fresh or pickled vegetables and salads. Well, if you make it as a side dish for a festive table, such an elegant dish will not go unnoticed and will be appreciated by the guests.

    Try baking potatoes and bacon in the oven using this simple recipe and enjoy this tasty and savory vegetable side dish on holidays and weekdays!

    Useful information How to cook potatoes with bacon - recipe for baked potatoes in the oven with step-by-step photos


    • 1.2 - 1.4 kg small potatoes
    • 3 strips bacon (70 g)
    • 1 medium onion
    • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
    • sea ​​salt
    • spices (black pepper, paprika, dried garlic, dried dill)


    1. In order to prepare baked potatoes with bacon in the oven, first prepare all the necessary ingredients. Peel the potatoes and make 3-4 deep cuts in them with a sharp knife.

    It is advisable to use small potatoes for this dish, otherwise they will bake in the oven for too long and will not be able to fully absorb the flavors of the onions and bacon. Young potatoes with thin skins do not need to be peeled, but they should be washed thoroughly and slightly scraped with a knife.

    2. Peel the onions and cut into thin half rings.

    3. Cut raw smoked or cooked smoked bacon into large slices (each strip into 4 pieces).

    4. Grease a baking dish with high sides with 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, place the potatoes tightly in one layer with the cut side up and add salt.

    If you plan to bake the potatoes on a flat baking sheet, you will need to make a foil envelope for them so that all the juices and flavors remain inside.

    5. Spread thin slices of bacon evenly over potatoes.

    6. Place chopped onions on top and sprinkle the dish with spices to your taste.

    I use a mixture of ground black pepper, sweet paprika, dried dill and dried garlic for this dish. You can take a complex seasoning “for potatoes”, as well as a mixture of Provençal or Italian herbs.

    7. Cover the pan with potatoes tightly with foil and place in the oven, preheated to 200°C, for 45 minutes. Then remove the foil and sprinkle 1 tbsp on top of the potatoes. l. vegetable oil and let it brown for 10 - 15 minutes.

    The exact baking time for potatoes depends on their size and variety, so be sure to check readiness by piercing the largest potatoes with a sharp knife. If the knife enters the tuber without effort or grinding, then the dish can be removed from the oven.

    Delicious and aromatic potatoes with bacon, baked in the oven, are ready! It can be consumed as an independent dish, supplemented with fresh or pickled vegetables and herbs, and can also be used as an original side dish for meat dishes. Bon appetit!

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