Home Potato The wife does not feed her husband, what should I do? Why is it important to feed your husband tasty food? Advice for busy wives. In pursuit of a good figure

The wife does not feed her husband, what should I do? Why is it important to feed your husband tasty food? Advice for busy wives. In pursuit of a good figure

As a rule, before the wedding, all girls are active, but after marriage, the birth of a child and the end of maternity leave, some turn into lazy parasites. “I have a husband, let him work and feed me, but I need to take care of myself so that I always look beautiful,” they think. They don’t want to go to work, and they don’t do anything at home. All they need to do is watch their figure, take care of their skin and go shopping, and the rest of the time they lie on the couch.

Lazy parasite who plans to sit on her husband’s neck for the rest of her life, can be calculated simply by the following criteria:

She is constantly online on Facebook, Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki;
- always says that he is looking for a job, in fact he only pretends to, sending his resume and viewing vacancies;
- refuses job offers, stating that they do not meet her needs: either the salary level is not satisfactory, or the work schedule, or the office is too far away...
- has a hobby that does not bring money;
- goes to courses, supposedly to get a second or third education;

She claims that she doesn’t want to work “for her uncle” and will soon open her own business;
- believes that the husband earns little and that he needs to look for another higher-paying job;
- constantly asks her husband for money to buy food, but spends it on herself;
- considers preparing dinner for her husband’s arrival to be a heavy burden;
- she is not bothered by the constant mess in the apartment, mountains of unwashed dishes in the sink, mountains of dirty laundry in the bathroom and a disgusting-looking toilet;

She does nothing around the house and waits for the weekend, when her husband will tidy up the house, clean the toilet and bathroom, and wash dirty laundry;
- her children go to kindergarten or school in unironed clothes and dirty shoes, their hair is always disheveled;
- she often leaves home, leaving the child with her husband, to meet with friends;
- she agrees to have sex with her husband only when she’s in the mood, mainly when he brings home a salary.

Unfortunately, such options for wives not uncommon these days. They are copies of their mothers, who also spent their entire lives on their husband’s necks. Without a worthy example in life to follow, girls, even having reached adulthood, remain children unadapted to independent life. When they get married, the money-earning spouse begins to play the role of “parent” for them.

Marry lazy parasites Mostly guys with a calm, non-conflict character, and loving and self-confident men try to avoid them. Over the years, the husbands of lazy parasites unnoticed turn into henpecked men. At first, when the wife is on maternity leave and takes care of the child, the henpecked man tries not to notice that his wife is constantly asking him to help her wash the dishes, the floor, clean the toilet, wash the diapers and cook food. It’s easier for him to do everything himself than to quarrel with his wife.

Most recently, a charity dinner was held in London to celebrate the release of the culinary collection “Together: Our Community Cookbook”. The guests at this dinner were a young married couple - Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle. But the Internet is now discussing not the merits of the new culinary collection, but Prince Harry, who particularly “distinguished himself” at this event.

This event took place on September 20 at Kensington Palace. It is worth noting that the Duchess of Sussex also took part in the writing of this book. Therefore, her husband and mother Doria Ragland attended the dinner as a support group.

It was assumed that Megan would become the main “star” of this dinner, but her husband, Prince Harry, seized the laurels of primacy from his wife, and all thanks to several videos that ended up on Youtube.

They show how the prince, trying not to attract too much attention, stealthily leaves the kitchen, holding a samsa in his hands.

Internet users were in solidarity; they felt that Megan should have fed her husband before this event. But, in general, Harry was bombarded with only compliments:

“Still, he is so funny and real!”, “I understand the prince perfectly, because I also adore samosa,” “Poor Harry is hungry!”, “I adore this inner child that Prince Harry is not shy about showing.”

When Prince Harry realized that he had been taken by surprise and was filming him and the samsa, he had no choice but to smile sweetly, once again charming all his fans.

Some issues in family life baffle spouses. It seems awkward to ask your significant other about them, but it’s also unclear what to do with them. So, quite often men are perplexed why their spouse reacts to their words or actions in some unexpected way. Of course, most often such questions arise from people who have only recently lived together, but even experienced couples sometimes face outright bewilderment. A fairly common topic of debate can be the question: why doesn’t the wife feed her husband dinner?

Why didn't my wife cook dinner??

Habit of not cooking

If you recently got married and are faced with a problem such as the lack of daily dinner on the table, try just talking to your wife. Perhaps she simply does not know that her cooking for you plays such an important role. It may well be that in the girl’s family it was not customary to cook complex dishes, and everyone subsisted on simple and light food - fruit, milk, sandwiches, scrambled eggs. This happens quite often if a girl has lived for a long time on her own, with other girls or with her mother. After all, many representatives of the fair sex refuse late meals in order to maintain their figure.

So, if having dinner with your loved one in the evening is so important to you, tell her about it. Of course, it’s not a fact that she will be delighted with your request, but if the girl really loves you, she will try to please you with tasty and satisfying food. But don’t forget to tell her about your taste preferences, otherwise you may be in for a “pleasant” surprise in the form of spinach or asparagus puree with something else very healthy, but not too edible.

Criticism in the past

By the way, quite often girls do not cook dinner for their loved ones, since they have already faced criticism of their cooking. Of course, after outright dissatisfaction, they simply don’t want to experiment in the kitchen. If you have ever made such a mistake and criticized the dishes prepared by your loved one, correct yourself. Remember her some successful culinary experiment and say that you would like to eat such a dish again. Try cooking in the kitchen together - it can be a lot of fun. Or, as a last resort, apologize from the bottom of your heart and again remind you of your taste preferences.

Can't cook?

It is worth noting that now many girls getting married feel completely insecure in the kitchen. Simply put, they just don't know how to cook. And you shouldn’t be surprised by this, the rhythm of life of many of us is such that it is much easier to have a snack while running to a cafe than to try to build something from different products. Therefore, you can invite the girl to cook together, but do not emphasize her inability, because she may be offended. You can offer her to go to a master class, give her an interesting collection of recipes, or periodically send her links to some very simple dishes with offers to try cooking them together.

Resentment and manipulation

Some girls completely refuse to cook dinner for their husband after they are very offended by him. Of course, the method of manipulating food and sex could be very effective, but not in this world. If you feel guilty, apologize, but if you are sure that your wife was offended for no reason and is simply manipulating you, prepare yourself something amazingly tasty to show that in this area of ​​​​life you are completely independent of her. Or, as a last resort, order your own food at home.

Maybe I just couldn't?

Another possible reason why a wife does not cook dinner for her husband, and it is quite banal. Maybe she just doesn't have time. If the spouse runs off to work at the crack of dawn, and returns in the dark, keeping an eye on a newborn baby or a couple of fidgety weather, then she definitely has neither the time, nor the energy, nor the desire to cook dinner. And the wife doesn’t always have time to eat herself. Therefore, try to relieve her a little and take some of the worries (in particular, organizing dinner) on yourself. Over time, your spouse will be able to appreciate your efforts, and life will improve.

Illness also falls into this group of causes. Of course, if the spouse doesn’t feel very well, she doesn’t have the strength to cook. It is clear that in such a situation, readers of Popular About Health should take on the organization of food themselves.

In pursuit of a good figure

Sometimes women who are struggling with excess weight completely refuse to cook at home. They prefer not to cook anything serious, so as not to break down, and not to eat something high in calories, fatty, smoked, etc. Here you have several options:

Take a closer look at yourself, maybe you also need to lose weight by limiting your food intake;

Cook for yourself, order food at home or eat in a cafe;

Persuade your wife to give up bad ideas if she actually looks very, very good.

If you haven’t found a single explanation for the lack of dinner among all the above points, perhaps your wife doesn’t want to cook simply because she doesn’t care. It doesn’t matter to her whether you are full after a hard day of work, and she doesn’t want to please you. Or maybe your spouse just doesn’t realize that a delicious home-cooked dinner is so important to you? Be open with your wife, talk to her and tell her about your understanding of family. At the same time, you will find out what family means to her. When you can understand each other, you will have a chance to build a truly open, strong and honest relationship.

If you want to improve husband's attitude to you and make him fulfill your desire, you will have to be cunning. The path to the fulfillment of a woman's desires and a passionate night, as well as to a man's heart, lies through his stomach.

Of course you can all day take care of yourself, make face masks, work out on exercise equipment, go to a beauty salon, and in the evening dress up in transparent negligees to become the only and most desirable thing for your loved one. But he is unlikely to be delighted with all this if his stomach is empty.

Prepare many modern wives They don’t like it, and they’re not very good at it. Therefore, almost every day in many families there is shelling over empty pots. There is clearly no progress in the growth of a man’s desire to have sex on an empty stomach, but after experiencing scandals due to his wife’s reluctance to cook, wealthy men begin to eat in restaurants and even meet women there who are ready to fulfill all their desires, including eating delicious food .

Even if you are you working until 6 pm, feeding your husband deliciously and on schedule is very important. We decided to help women who do not have enough time to prepare dinner before their husband arrives and have collected some useful tips that will allow them to cope with their responsibilities and maintain peace in the family:

1. Plan. Delays at work are not a big deal if you know in advance what you will be cooking for dinner. Think about what products you have in the house and what you need to buy. It's better not to plan to cook dishes for dinner that need to be cooked for several hours. If you have already decided, call your family and give them clear instructions so that the dish is already half ready when you arrive.

2. Freeze. Make cutlets and dumplings over the weekend, freeze them in the freezer and cook and fry them during the week. It will be much easier if you have minced meat frozen in portions in your freezer. You can quickly make navy-style pasta or meatballs from it. By the way, we do not recommend buying store-bought minced meat; it is not the best parts of the carcass that are processed into it.

3. Cook soups for several days. Buy a large saucepan and cook soups for several days at a time. Borscht and cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for 4 days, and on Saturday you can cook something more original for lunch and dinner.

4. Don't serve porridge without a side dish. Of course, the easiest way is to cook porridge for dinner. It cooks quickly, and eating heavy meals in the evening, in your opinion, is harmful to your figure. But protein foods are very important for a man’s body, so a sufficient amount of meat and fish should be present in a man’s diet every day. The absence or shortage of animal protein negatively affects the performance of men and their libido. Do you need this?

Proper male nutrition should be tasty and satisfying, but it is impossible to feed a man with semolina or corn porridge. To ensure that your loved one remains healthy and strong for many years, always serve porridge with a side dish and vegetable salad. For example, buy a chicken breast and fry the chicken pieces over low heat, sprinkle carrots and onions on top, and herbs when serving. Fish can also be quickly cooked and served with rice, millet or buckwheat porridge.

5. Use blanks. Even if it now seems old-fashioned to many people to prepare preparations in the fall, the cost of your own salad or jam can now turn out to be almost the same as the price of something bought in a store. And yet, what is made with your own hands is always better and tastier. Stock up on homemade vegetable salads and open them if you can’t quickly prepare lunch or dinner. All men love caviar from zucchini, eggplant, vegetable appetizers, sauces and lecho, and with them, simple mashed potatoes will be an excellent dinner.

6. Cook the broths for tomorrow night. A popular way that helps many working women have time to prepare lunch for their husbands and children the next day is to cook broth the night before. The finished broth in the morning can be divided into two or three parts, from one you can cook noodle soup for lunch, and the remaining parts can be stored in the refrigerator to be used on other days. You can also cook the meat for pilaf in the evening, and finish cooking it in the morning, adding only rice and spices to the broth.

7. Avoid processed foods. Doshirak noodles, canned food, store-bought cutlets and dumplings, sausages, frankfurters and sausages are not the best way out. Many men do not like such products, they seem too tasteless and harmful, but their wives regularly cook them for them, although they themselves do not eat them, citing the fact that they are on a diet. Therefore, their husbands often suffer from heartburn, gastritis, bloating and excess weight, and with age they begin to have problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems. That is why not only women, but also men should eat right, and their wives should help them in this, serving them only healthy dishes and not allowing them to eat foods that are unhealthy.

Old English proverb says:“Powder on her face helps a woman lure a man into her network, and powdered sugar on the cakes she makes helps keep him.” Remember this truth. After all, when a woman prepares food with love, this love materializes and the man definitely feels it. And if the house constantly serves delicious food for lunch and dinner, then the man will be drawn to this house and the woman who prepares these delicious dishes will always be irresistible to him.

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