Home Potato My wife is trying to tell me what to do about divorce. Is there any point in threatening divorce to warm up the relationship? Society no longer blames a wife who leaves the family

My wife is trying to tell me what to do about divorce. Is there any point in threatening divorce to warm up the relationship? Society no longer blames a wife who leaves the family

“Do you really want to get a divorce? If yes, then get a divorce, I don’t want to share my life with a woman who doesn’t love me! I'll figure out the rest somehow. If not, then don’t let me hear it again, otherwise next time the conversation will end on your proposal!” (This form of monologue will allow you to take her by surprise, because she wanted to set a condition, and you blocked it with yours, making it clear that you are ready to sacrifice marriage for your peace of mind).

What to do if your wife constantly threatens divorce

The threat of divorce is a common manipulation, or in other words, blackmail. As long as you disagree with the divorce, then there is a threat. And if, for example, you say: “I don’t mind,” then you can no longer be manipulated. A person is always vulnerable if he has something that he values, in this way he becomes a victim of a manipulator. I cannot give you advice on what to do, because each person makes his own choice. OUR PRESENT IS THE RESULT OF THE CHOICES MADE IN THE PAST. OUR FUTURE IS THE RESULT OF CHOICES IN THE PRESENT.

Wife threatens divorce

What you have done is, of course, a crime. As for your wife's reaction, she is "biting the bit." Based on your brief description, it is difficult to assess, let alone somehow diagnose, your relationship with your wife; it is still better to communicate in more detail in a personal consultation. Therefore, now I can only give you the simplest advice:

If your wife threatens divorce

My husband is exactly the same - he always thinks that he is right. And I’m also tired of taking the blame on myself all the time and apologizing for unknown reasons. I was also advised to go for a “divorce.” And the closest reason for the divorce took place the next day after the topic was created. I stopped “apologizing” and agreed to the divorce. But he didn't let go.

My husband constantly threatens me with divorce.

The following fits into the spectrum of attribute analysis: Who owned the living space before the wedding? If the apartment is yours or a relative’s, then after the divorce the wife will have to move in with her mother - the advantage is yours; Do you have any children together? If so, then it will be easier for you to raise without a wife, and the child will have less psychological and moral trauma that children receive when observing unhealthy parents interacting; Alimony There is no need to be afraid to pay it, everything can be proven in court, for example, by providing receipts for the purchase of toys, clothes, books... and do not transfer the money personally into the hands of your ex, but spend it while your son or daughter is with you; Estimate your salary and current family expenses based on your share. Most women who rate themselves highly are in low-paid positions. If the family budget decreases significantly without your money, behave more boldly.

If the wife threatens divorce

If you say “Okay, let’s get a divorce,” the response will be a sharp “Are you f***ing?”, if you try to calm her down, you will increase her selfishness, as a result the man suffers, is nervous, and worries. In order for you to approach your situation competently, you need to calm down and completely distance yourself from your spouse (turn off the phone and go to a safe distance, for example, to your mother’s apartment).

If the wife threatens divorce

What's the point of living if there are such unhealthy conversations? Personally, I think that these threats are worth paying attention to and thinking carefully about. Perhaps there are some mistakes in your actions that you yourself do not notice. In general, in family matters there are different problems, quarrels, grievances, some of them are worth dealing with and finding general compromises among themselves, but it also happens that a person doesn’t hear you, doesn’t understand, it’s in such situations that people often get divorced. So don’t look for answers to these questions on the Internet, but just listen to your soul mate and you’ll definitely be fine! Give it to her. Go and pay the fee for the divorce application and put it in front of her, saying that you have already paid your part. The threat of divorce should not become a tool of manipulation.

If your wife threatens divorce

Hello! I don’t love my husband anymore, but I can’t agree on a divorce normally, he constantly threatens suicide. We swear every day - the children see all this disgrace! Your relationship is a dependent relationship. That’s why the logic of manipulation, threats, blackmail operates in them, and most importantly, it works. The scheme is simple: he is trying, by threatening suicide, to instill in you a feeling of guilt for this.

If your wife threatens divorce

She may even threaten to commit suicide - such emotions can arise in a woman in moments of extreme despair. Such statements hurt a man to the core. During this disastrous moment when the thought of divorce is expressed, the trust between a man and a woman is destroyed.

Don't scare a man with divorce - it's dangerous

And a woman most often pronounces the word “divorce” precisely as a threat that should frighten a man. A weak, soft guy with a flexible character may be scared. And for a whole week he will wash the dishes, go to the store a couple of times and himself (!) pull out his socks from under the sofa.

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In addition, after a divorce, many men go to extremes - they start drinking a lot, overeating, and succumbing to the temptation of unprotected sex and other entertainment. Of course, every man has the right to live his life after a divorce the way he wants, but a psychologist will still help you avoid some serious mistakes.

If your wife threatens divorce

Shutterstock Don't tempt fate if divorce is not part of your real plans. Most women waste words easily. Most men only hear what they hear, not what a woman thinks but does not say. Based on materials from: tochka.net What do you think, is it possible to scare a man with a divorce? Reply If you notice an error, select the required text and press Ctrl+Enter to report it to the editors.

If your wife threatens divorce

We didn’t see each other for half a year, but sometimes we talked on Skype. I met another man. He started demanding that we get married. but 07/05/2013 Good afternoon, I ask for your help. My common-law husband is threatened by his ex-wife, blackmailing him with a pedophilia trial. He raised her daughter from 3 to 12, and they had another child together; he left the family on January 14, 2014 Hello! The Ministry of Internal Affairs hotline received a call from citizen G. that I was allegedly threatening my ex-wife. A local police officer came and took an explanatory note. It turned out that such citizen G.

My wife is threatening divorce, what should I do?

Peskov on Channel One. If the husband is legally in Cyprus and has an income, then you can immediately try to do family reunification in Cyprus, division of property in case of divorce and a prenuptial agreement VRB is to go there immediately after you sign. (4(1), In case of divorce, who is left with a minor child, 10), Golovinskoe highway (4, 6, 8, 8(3), 8a), Zoe and Alexandra Kosmodemyanskikh st.

If your wife threatens divorce

In all other cases of divorce, minor children most often remain to live with their mother. The father can visit the children at a time established by the court or at a time agreed upon with the ex-wife. In some conflict families, the husband talks about divorce every time there is a quarrel.

Tatiana Sharanda
practical psychologist
family and marriage consultant
head of the psychological development center

The realization of being abandoned is difficult for both women and men

— It is very difficult to say that divorce is harder for someone, men or women. Firstly, it all depends on the situation, and secondly, on the personal qualities of each person.

Of course, if we talk about general statistics, women are more sensitive by nature, but still the main factor is who left whom. There is almost always someone who has been abandoned. It's usually harder for him. The person who leaves is a priori stronger. The psychological pressure on the abandoned person can be extremely strong. Sometimes even men cannot cope with such situations. Moreover, they often seek salvation in alcohol, gambling, and so on.

- But it also happens that the decision is made mutually. The ending is not always tragic.

- Certainly. There are such couples, and I have deep respect for them. Unfortunately, not everyone can come to an agreement. Good relations between former spouses are rarely maintained. But people came to me who, despite the divorce, are still friends. And at the reception they were about problems with their common child.

For example, one baby showed psychological difficulties, and both parents were interested in holding him and helping him understand himself. This is a wonderful example to others.

Divorce, get married, get divorced again, get married again

— They say that if one of the spouses has the idea of ​​divorce in principle, then there is no turning back. Sooner or later there will be a break.

“And here we can’t say for certain. Situations vary. It depends on what roles each person plays within the family, which inner self dominates.

There are couples where both he and she are teenagers within themselves, regardless of their real age. In this case, everything is unpredictable, because for them the relationship is rather a game. In words, spouses get divorced almost every day. Gradually, even those around them get used to their scandals. There are times when people actually get divorced. Then they get married again. Then they get divorced again and... get married (laughs). This is their personal journey of growing up. Often in such marriages the child takes on the role of the adult. Paradoxical but true! He is the most responsible and wise in the house. He had to become like this in order to at least survive.

A marriage where one of the partners plays the role of a parent can last quite a long time, since a mature person understands a lot, is not afraid to take responsibility and knows how to give in.

There are unions where the husband and wife are both independent individuals, both adults. In this case, the reason for divorce is usually very serious, for example, a discrepancy between the sexual constitution. When one of the partners is hyperactive, and the other is much less interested in the intimate side of life. Or someone has not just a fleeting relationship on the side, but a strong attachment that gradually develops into true love, and being together is simply unbearable.

Society no longer blames a wife who leaves the family

— Based on your experience, who most often initiates divorce?

— You might be surprised: today these are more and more often women! They can provide for themselves financially, their parents help them, they have ambitions, personal goals, society no longer blames a wife who leaves the family, it is no longer a shame. Sometimes it is almost impossible to reach the modern Amazon. If she decides something for herself, it’s difficult to stop her.

— Inner freedom is good. But is the decision to burn bridges always the right one?

— I am probably a very conservative psychologist. Today independence and strength are promoted. However, it seems to me that we need to try to save the family to the last. You shouldn't make hasty conclusions. After all, you can regret it very much later, and it’s not always possible to get everything back.

A lot of people come to me, and I can say with complete confidence that children suffer the most from the separation of their parents. These include psychological problems that accompany later in adulthood, and various diseases caused by severe nervous stress. And in adolescence, suicidal thoughts may even arise. And these are not unfounded statements, but real situations that I, as a specialist, had to deal with. The psyche of children is quite flexible, but boys and girls aged 13-17 are extremely sensitive.

For 47 years the man carried within himself a tormenting feeling of abandonment

— Is it worth saving a marriage solely for the sake of children?

- If this is impossible, I always ask parents to at least try to maintain warm relations with each other. This is important for children. Don’t swear, don’t find out in front of them who is right and who is wrong, try to come to some kind of compromise, because, as I already said, the situation of divorce greatly hurts boys and girls. If you do not pay attention to this in time, the pain will torment a person throughout his life.

Just recently I talked with a woman who is already 47 years old. Her dad left the family when she was little. This is how the situation developed. She did not see her father. I decided to do this only now. I found out the address and visited my parent, who had long since moved to Moscow. The meeting turned out to be very warm. The father was glad for his daughter’s arrival, he showed her the capital and told her about his fate. The woman admitted that she only now realized: all her life she felt inferior. And only now she felt better. For almost 47 years the man carried within himself a tormenting feeling of abandonment.

— Have there been any cases in your practice when people regretted getting divorced?

— I ask about this, and usually a positive answer to this question is given by people who are well over 35.

- What is the main reason?

— A relationship on the side that the partner could not forgive, even if it was actually something not serious at all.

I only know three good reasons for divorce

— How do you understand that a divorce is really necessary, because there are such situations?

— So that you understand better, I’ll tell you a little story. Back in the Soviet Union, I read a letter from a woman in a very serious magazine. This was a kind of message to all people. She wrote about her life. The narrator had a wonderful family: a good husband and two children, peace and quiet. But the woman began to notice that her husband began to move away - he devoted all his free time only to the kids. At some point, the wife began to ask questions. The husband honestly answered that she was very dear to him and he respected her immensely, but... only as the mother of their children, it turned out that he fell in love with another.

The woman cried, was offended, cursed. He endured and did not make excuses. The man was very attached to the children; he could not leave his family. Yes, his wife internally did not let him go. Slowly and painfully, the realization came to her that the person dear to her was simply dying before her eyes. A conversation took place and they parted.

Without waiting for the morning, he took some things and rushed towards his dream. However, he was in such a hurry that he lost control and crashed. In an instant, hope and support for everyone disappeared. In the letter, she asked not to repeat her mistake, but to understand and accept the feelings of another and, no matter how painful it may be, to let go.

What is this story for? Love is the most important reason. If you feel that they are not lying to you, that a serious feeling is forcing a person to leave, then you need to come to terms with it.

The second reason is any human addiction, be it alcohol, drugs, gambling. If a person is not ready to fight with himself, it is impossible to pull him out of the swamp, no matter how hard his spouse tries, he will have to drown together. Here I have a rather tough position, because this is true. Too many broken destinies. There are no former people with addictions.

The third reason is violence. I think everyone understands this. Don't wait until the aggressor eventually hurts you physically or mentally. Pack your things, seek help, support and leave. There are always options.

It seems to me that there are three main factors. In all other cases, I advise you not to rush into a decision.

Take off your rose-colored glasses!

“Maybe you should ask yourself some questions to better understand what’s going on in your soul?”

— Without going to a psychologist, you can go through projective techniques for unfinished sentences on the topic “Family Relationships.” In them you just need to finish the saying. It is advisable to do this together, and then exchange the results obtained; they will surprise both. Only I recommend turning to serious psychological sites.

When we get married, we often confuse expectations with reality, endowing our partner with non-existent qualities, perceiving his behavior from a position that is convenient for us at a given moment in time. And as experience shows, taking off the “rose-colored glasses” and seeing a person from a different angle is very painful.

If partners simply decide to talk to each other, this is already a serious step forward! I take my hat off to people like that. Unfortunately, more and more often couples come to me where he or she demands in an almost commanding tone: “Explain to my husband (wife) what he (she) must do!” Such statements have long ceased to amaze me. Unfortunately, we hear only ourselves and our pain, without thinking about what is going on in the soul of another person. I always want to tell such people: “It’s time to take off the rose-colored glasses!” Although this should have been done before marriage. If you are not ready to accept another person, then it is better not to enter into a relationship. And if we change, then only together.

One more little sketch. I often watch people. What can you do, that's the job. So I remember one scene well (although it is repeated more than once in other interpretations). In the underground. The train arrived. A young couple at the station says goodbye. He kissed her and she walked forward. At the very doors of the transport, the girl turned around to look at the guy. But the young man had already taken out his phone and buried his nose in it. Not a very pleasant situation, you will agree. The girl never received the message she was hoping for.

It would seem nonsense! But it is in the little things that the truth can be seen. I can predict future relationships between people based on this story alone. And my verdict will be discouraging. The relationship is at the initial stage, but already here it is worth asking yourself whether this is the right person and whether we really need each other.

Freedom is too tempting

— Today it is fashionable to say “we took a break” when a couple decided to separate for a while and live separately. Is this method useful?

- I guess, yes. However, there is one thing. Freedom can be too tempting. Primarily for men.

Why do problems start in marriage? There are no obligations during the candy-bouquet period. Today we met, went to the cinema, and tomorrow we decided to relax. There are more positive emotions, and it’s too early to make any complaints. And then you have to be with the person constantly, overcome obstacles together, get used to each other. And for some this is extremely difficult. So it is here. If you feel the taste of freedom again, there is a tantalizing desire to fly away forever. When the wave of joy from independence subsides, it may turn out that this freedom was not really needed.

— Can you give advice on saving a marriage?

- Tell each other about your shortcomings. When I tell my clients this, their eyes widen. And yet, yes, let a man honestly say that from time to time he throws socks all over the apartment, that he doesn’t know how to hang frames on the walls, and so on, and a woman admits that she only knows how to cook scrambled eggs, and sometimes gets upset over little things.

Taking off the mask of ideality, we begin to move towards each other. Before marriage, both men and women often idealize their partner and expect a certain attitude in advance, but then it turns out that everything is not as beautiful as it was in their dreams.

In any situation, try to conduct a dialogue, not a verbal duel, put yourself in your partner’s place, think, then act. This does not always save the marriage, but, believe me, it will preserve your nerves and respect for each other.

You will pay dearly “for nothing.”

  • Don’t be artificially on the verge of divorce, waiting for an opportunity to meet a new man. Such a state “fits” into the formula of two birds with one stone.
  • Do not save your family out of pity for your husband: in this case, only you yourself will cause pity among others.
  • Don’t delay divorce just because you don’t want to share living space. It is better to live and hope for something in a small apartment than to hopelessly fight with the “neighbor” in a mansion.
  • If a really important reason has brought you “to the brink,” then don’t be idle—step forward. At any age, a woman has the opportunity to make sure that life is just beginning!

Measure seven times...You recently got married. Perhaps the first serious disagreement arose due to the fault of the spouse. Remember that it is taboo for you to use the word “divorce” for intimidating purposes.

The wife threatens divorce. what to do?

After a divorce, a man has the right to raise his children and see them, in addition, he has equal parental rights with his wife. If the spouses cannot come to a common denominator regarding the children, then the court reserves the right to decide the issue (with whom the children will live, the amount of alimony). Property is divided between spouses in equal parts.

In addition, each spouse has the right to personal property. Regarding the division of property, it is best to seek advice from a lawyer, as many pitfalls arise here. Video on the topic Home » Divorce » Psychology of divorce Author of the article Belov Andrey Vitalievich Lawyer of the highest category, experience - more than 30 years.
You can ask him a question for free right now.

What to do if your wife constantly threatens divorce?

  • I don’t know a single family that would “linger on the edge” in the case where the wife drinks, cheats on her husband, and ignores maternal and marital responsibilities.
  • If the phrases “I’ll file for divorce” or “I’ll leave you” are constantly heard from a woman’s mouth in the house, then, as a rule, the matter does not come to a divorce.
  • A woman who once forgave her husband for cheating will most likely have to put up with this phenomenon for the rest of her life.
  • Sometimes it is better for children to live with one parent than in an environment of constant scandals. Often, a father, having left his family, devotes more time to the child than before the divorce.
  • Extreme attitudes - “Even though you’re inferior, you’re mine” or “Changing husbands like gloves” – are not the path to happiness.
  • It is impossible to change an adult. You should not sacrifice your health, career, friends and hobbies in order to “change” your husband.

What should a husband do if his wife has fallen out of love or filed for divorce?

If not, then don’t let me hear it again, otherwise next time the conversation will end on your proposal!” (This form of monologue will allow you to take her by surprise, because she wanted to set a condition, and you blocked it with yours, making it clear that you are ready to sacrifice marriage for your peace of mind). Method 2. Ignoring them with ridicule, and then the words: “I found out how the registry office works, we can go tomorrow and submit an application, but in any case they will give you a month to think about it, but you can live with your mother for this month (if the apartment was registered in your name before marriage, if not, then say that you have already found a place to live)" (This will calm your wife down and make you think about the next month and future life without you. If he values ​​it, he will come back in a few minutes with an apology; if not, don’t worry, a real man will always remain in a win).

Don’t scare a man with divorce - it’s dangerous!


Someone grew up in a family where one value was missing, one “whale” of three components: father, mother, child. And, having become an adult, a woman clearly and one-sidedly judges the absence of a man in the house: she can raise a child without a husband or, conversely, that she will never deprive her child of a father, no matter who he turns out to be. During my student years, I was friends with one of my fellow students, I visited her and talked with her mother. The middle-aged woman always somehow enthusiastically and with some kind of demonstrative pride told me that her mother raised their three children alone.

She, too, raised her daughter Vera well without a husband. Vera's two aunts, for various reasons, found themselves without husbands in adulthood, and nothing - they live, do not live in poverty and do not suffer. Vera herself sometimes joked that she had the same “planid”. Soon my girlfriend got married. A few years later we had a chance meeting. Vera is divorced and has a son.

Women who scare their husbands with divorce risk getting one

Is it worth it? A woman’s life is spent in endless torment: should she break up with this person or try to resolve differences “peacefully”, save her family, albeit a bad one, for the sake of the child, or leave him without a father for the sake of her own interests? Financial dependence, children, living conditions - these and other reasons can keep a woman from getting a divorce for years. Even with the obvious collapse of the family, it is not so easy to take the last decisive step! Each woman acts in accordance with her character, life attitudes and prevailing circumstances. The advice of a mother, a friend, or even a psychologist does not serve as the ultimate truth.

There are no instructions specifically written for each specific family. But I will still risk expressing some subjective observations and wishes.
A married woman wants to feel fragile and weak, to hide behind her lover’s back from all adversity. Therefore, no self-respecting woman can stand a weakling or a man-child for long. The main thing here is to find the middle - to be independent, but to listen to the opinion of your wife and take it into account, to be strong, but not callous and rude. Therefore, if your spouse has filed for divorce, pull yourself together and try to peacefully and tactfully find out what exactly does not suit her, and only after that, think about how you can correct the situation and dissuade your spouse from divorce. You can tell her the following words: “I am a man, trust me, I take responsibility for our family, trust me, and I will prove to you that I can fix everything... etc.”

  • Become more caring and gentle. Women in marriage very often lack tenderness and warmth.


OUR PRESENT IS THE RESULT OF THE CHOICES MADE IN THE PAST. OUR FUTURE IS THE RESULT OF CHOICES IN THE PRESENT. This means that sooner or later you will still get divorced. Such words are not thrown into the wind. If my husband had told me that, I would have left myself.

What's the point of living if there are such unhealthy conversations? Personally, I think that these threats are worth paying attention to and thinking carefully about. Perhaps there are some mistakes in your actions that you yourself do not notice. In general, in family matters there are different problems, quarrels, grievances, some of them are worth dealing with and finding general compromises among themselves, but it also happens that a person doesn’t hear you, doesn’t understand, it’s in such situations that people often get divorced. So don’t look for answers to these questions on the Internet, but just listen to your soul mate and you’ll definitely be fine! Give it to her.
Does he want to have children together with you? Yes No We haven’t talked about this topic 20. Does he fulfill requests? Helps out? Sometimes, every other time. Yes No 21. Do you often point out her shortcomings? Yes No 22. Were there various types of checks on its part? No Yes 23.
Was there any betrayal on her part? Yes No 24. Do you think she is tired of her relationship with you? No Yes 25. Does she constantly accuse you of ruining something (her figure, life...) No Yes 26. Do you love her yourself? Yes No I can’t say for sure 27. Do you quarrel often? Yes No 28.

Can you remove friends who “annoy” you from your social network pages without asking questions? Yes No 29. Do you often pay attention to her without romanticism? Yes No If you have any questions on the topic “wife threatens divorce,” you can write them in the comments. We wish you all the best! Subscribe to receive new published articles on the site directly to your email.

We greet you! There are many different situations in which a wife constantly threatens divorce, but does not file, but tries with all her might, deliberately or not, to take her husband out and force him to think whether it is true or false, plays on feelings or is really preparing for the breakdown of the relationship - today’s article is dedicated to men, who do not understand the real reasons for such behavior of the chosen one. In our practice, we have come across stories that are difficult to logic (this is understandable; women themselves are not always able to explain their behavior). If you say, “Okay, let’s get a divorce,” the response will be a sharp, “What the fuck are you doing?” If you try to calm her down, you will increase her selfishness; as a result, the man suffers, is nervous, and worries.

No couple can live without conflicts throughout their married life. Sometimes discord takes on a wide variety of forms and, as recent statistics show, often leads to the breakdown of marriage relationships. The initiative for divorce may belong to either spouse, but the wife tries more often than the husband to save the marriage. She resorts to various tricks, and even threatens to break up. Can this method of influencing a husband be considered effective? Let’s try to figure it out.

Reasons for divorce

First, it’s worth finding out what caused the family crisis. Based on this, they judge the possibility and advisability of continuing the marriage relationship. In general, the reasons for divorce are as follows:

  • Banal addiction. When a couple lives together for some time, the existence of a partner seems self-evident. People stop valuing their spouses as much as they did at first.
  • Stopping communication. There comes a period when husband and wife already know everything about each other. They simply have nothing to discuss except everyday matters.
  • Fading of feelings. At a certain stage, spouses stop showing feelings, which threatens the relationship, which does not indicate a lack of love.
  • Indifference. Often one partner ceases to be interested in the problems and experiences of the other. This leads to mutual ignorance, causing a crisis.
  • Bad habits. Alcohol, gambling, and drug addiction destroy relationships and indicate the unreliability of a partner, which can seriously affect the financial situation of the family.
  • Physical violence. It is a completely unacceptable phenomenon if a husband threatens with his fists; no excuse can be made for him.
  • Treason. For many, the worst thing that happens in family life is that it speaks of disrespect. Not everyone is able to forgive her.

This is not a complete list of possible problems; these are considered the most common.

Fundamental psychological differences

Advice from friends, psychologists, attempts to improve relationships on their own - this is the arsenal of a wife who wants it at any cost. There are often cases when a woman in a quarrel blackmails her partner and says that she will file for divorce. Experts in the field of marital relations almost unanimously say that this is not a constructive solution. When a woman threatens her husband with a break in the relationship, he regards this as a challenge, and is ready to actually take such a step, even if it contradicts his plans. The differences between male and female psychology are clearly evident here. When a wife only threatens divorce, she wants to express her own grievances, jealousy and stimulate her husband to change his behavior. And he analyzes the specific actions that need to be taken to implement the divorce.

We simulate situations

Based on real stories of women who have encountered a crisis in marital relations in life, we will try to model the behavior of spouses in different conditions.

  • A man stays late at work, constantly spends his free time at the computer or drinks beer with friends, returning home drunk, threatens physical violence, does not pay attention to the fact that his wife takes full responsibility for housework and childcare, and refuses to help her. In a quarrel, she tries to prove him wrong and threatens to break up. The partner either agrees or tries to improve, but it doesn’t last long. In the first case, perhaps he was just waiting for a convenient excuse for divorce, not wanting to be responsible for the collapse of the family. The second option did not work due to insufficient motivation, if the wife is constantly blackmailing with divorce, but things don’t go beyond words, there is nothing to be afraid of. Psychologists advise living separately for a short time (1-2 months), and it is better for the husband to move out rather than the wife. During this period, it will become clear how dear his family is to him and whether he wants to keep it. This can be judged by his behavior: searching for opportunities to meet, attention to children, financial assistance. Based on the results, you need to make a final decision whether you need to live together again.
  • An important and effective factor can be the husband’s attitude towards children. If he loves them, has an established relationship with them, and the wife says during the next conflict that she will divorce and the children will stay with her, this can radically change the relationship between the partners. Here it is extremely important not to go too far; when a wife blackmails her husband, using the opportunity to limit his communication with the children, he can only become angry with her. Common love for children should become a consolidating factor, and not vice versa.
  • When a couple is already living separately, the wife should not even try to scare her partner with an official divorce. It is quite possible that he has long come to terms with the inevitability of this, and if the wife tells her husband about filing an application for alimony for herself and the children, this can significantly make him think about his future fate.
  • If a woman constantly threatens to dissolve her marriage, says in a quarrel that she will leave her husband, but does not take real steps, then this plays against her. As a result, the husband gets used to it and accepts these conversations as ordinary; this will only lead the conflict situation to a dead end. Moreover, he can present himself to relatives and acquaintances as a hero who, without following his wife’s lead, tries to save the family. To resolve the crisis situation, decisive measures must be taken. For example, after another quarrel, energetically pack your things and leave, waiting until the man himself tries to return his wife.

The most important thing in family life is to maintain mental contact and not lose common ground. In order to avoid situations that could lead to divorce, both partners are required to make efforts to maintain a harmonious relationship. You should not cut from the shoulder. Experience says that there is almost always an amicable way out of the situation. It is worth considering that if a woman threatens divorce, then this will not bring her any benefit in the long run. It is worth telling your partner about this if the spouse really firmly decided to end the relationship with him.

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