Home Preparations for the winter Alexander Shibaev native language friends with. "native language - be friends with me"

Alexander Shibaev native language friends with. "native language - be friends with me"

Often men and women begin to be jealous of their soulmate for no reason, but it also happens that jealousy is not unjustified, which can be called a very unpleasant phenomenon. But for the most part, any jealousy is groundless, so it would not be superfluous to find out the opinion of a psychologist on this issue, since situations can be different and each has to be dealt with separately, but there are also general tips on the most common manifestations of jealousy on the part of boys and girls.

The article provides typical problems and possible solutions and explains why such cases can occur and how they should be dealt with.

If a person is jealous for no reason

Jealousy without a reason destroys love, because this feeling is built on mutual understanding and trust. True love gives freedom, it is sacrificial, this is when you bring happiness to another, without requiring in return from the partner oath evidence of his love.

If a person is jealous, then he loves or he cheats

Jealousy is a property of character and to draw conclusions that “jealous means he loves” or “jealous means he cheats himself” is another stupidity, but now of the one who thinks so. As well as the feeling of jealousy itself. In another article, read about the 100% verification method.

If a person is jealous of the past, does he love

An unequivocal answer to the question of whether a person who is jealous of the past loves you cannot be given. Perhaps this is love. However, in most cases, jealousy of the past does not serve as proof of a passionate feeling. Most likely, a person is not driven by love, but by a sense of ownership or hurt pride.

If a person is jealous of you, what does it mean, is it good or bad, what to do

Everything has its limits and it is impossible to say unequivocally that jealousy is a good or bad feeling. It’s good when jealousy is “bright” - after all, you don’t want your loved one to be not at all interested in what you did, where you were and with whom you communicated. It is bad when jealousy becomes excessive and every step of a loved one is controlled, and his answers cause skeptical mistrust. Then love from a bright and sublime feeling develops into tyranny.

What to do if a guy doesn't trust me and is jealous of everyone, my ex, girlfriend, best friend

If a guy does not trust and is jealous of everyone, his ex, girlfriend, best friend, all that remains is to sympathize. Jealousy sooner or later cross out love, because this feeling is based on mutual understanding and trust.

What to do if the guy is not jealous of you or is very jealous of you all the time

Oddly enough, but it’s bad when you are absolutely not jealous, and then if you are jealous strongly and constantly. And if jealousy is somehow justified, as they say, “jealous means love,” then the complete indifference of the beloved makes one think about the authenticity of his feelings.

Try to find out in a roundabout way why you are not jealous, and draw the appropriate conclusions.

Why is a guy jealous of an ex and no longer his girlfriend

If a guy is jealous of the former and no longer his girlfriend, then he is an owner and an egoist who has not experienced a real feeling. Think about Pushkin's lines, in which true love is sung, even if for a "former" woman:
"I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,
How God forbid you be loved to be different.

Why does a guy make a girl jealous, why does a man cause jealousy

Usually a guy makes a girl jealous in order to ascertain your feelings and attract attention to himself. This, of course, is selfish on his part, but sometimes it works. The feeling of jealousy, in small doses, allows you to maintain relationships in good shape.

Why does a person feel jealous opinion of a psychologist, psychology

Jealousy, according to psychologists, is a feeling inherent in all people. Another thing is that its manifestations depend on the upbringing and character of the person. Some become jealous when there are good reasons for this, others - for no reason. Also, some may show jealousy too violently, with scandals and screams, while others secretly accumulate resentment. Therefore, if any misunderstandings arise, you need to calmly sort out the relationship and not be afraid to openly admit to a feeling of jealousy, without inflating your fantasy in flight, the likely development of an event that you were not a witness to.

Why is the husband jealous of his wife

The husband is jealous of his wife, because he got used to the idea that a woman should completely belong to a man and is not an independent person. Any actions committed against the will of the jealous are perceived by him as a betrayal and lead to conflicts.

Sometimes, under the guise of jealousy, the husband tries to hide his own complexes and psychological problems.

1 Comment

    I don't know what to write but jealousy is very bad... don't be jealous!!!

What is jealousy: a powerful evidence of love or confirmation of something completely different? Why are people jealous? Of course, from an excess of feelings. Just which ones exactly?

The article will deal with the most common manifestations. No, not all. The book "All About Love and Jealousy" is published by another publishing house called human life. Moreover, it has been published for more than a thousand years. The article has a simpler task. Decide at least on "what is good and what is bad." And in whose eyes.

Each of us understands that the answer to the question: “What is jealousy?” - is as ambiguous as the study of the manifestations of love. Everyone chooses for himself that option from the centuries-old "folk wisdom" that suits him best.

Yes, jealousy is not included in the seven deadly sins. But it refers to the sins of us mortals. Because it is manifested by most of the "virtues" of the big seven. The poet would say more categorically:

What is jealousy? These are stones.

Stones over tortured Love.

Since we are not poets, we will have to figure it out together and gradually.

Greetings to visitors to the Find Yourself blog!

In this article, we return to a rubric that few people in life can and want to get rid of.

Therefore, I immediately apologize, we will not consider “children's jealousy”. Because it occurs when there is a lack of parental love. Children are thinner than us feel it.

The jealousy of the husband after the appearance of the first child, which has already become a classic parable, is also not appreciated. Men, console yourself with one more cliché: "Husband is a big child."

What is jealousy: chronicles, facts, comments.

For lovers of definitions, let's say right away:

Jealousy is a painful doubt about someone's love and loyalty.

Already at the stage of suspicion. Such a spiritual sado-masochistic feeling, similar to loosening a tooth: it doesn’t really hurt, but it dangles.

Then doubts grow into certainty. Because the jealous person has already convinced himself of the "truth" of his own thoughts: "How did you not notice before ?!.". A certain triumph of malice and hatred over the dug grave of downtrodden happiness. "and" is not a typo.

But this is the case when the relationship, even in words, but already exists. What if they haven't been built yet? Jealousy for the “rival” is akin to drowning your own feelings in a quagmire of envy. Well, prove me wrong.

Is there anything in common between jealousy and fear?

After all, one of the "forms" of jealousy grows out of "fear of losing." Just as fear is given by nature to preserve life, so jealousy contains a positive striving. Contains, only rarely, who implements it.

And it lies in the desire to find love and harmony in life. Everyone is talking about this path:

Good intentions...

Because in order to receive, one must know how to give. I myself often forget. Who “sows” jealousy will not “reap” love. Maybe humility, but not even a living passion.

Maybe you should treat jealousy as if it were fear? What are your opinions?..

Jealousy, as a quorum of "all mortal sins."

Why are people jealous? From what "suddenly" there is this feeling? In order not to shock immediately with the answer, let's start with the reasons. But in life, everything is so shuffled ...

1. Fear of losing relationships.

But, fear does not arise in a vacuum. So, you suspect some shortcomings leading to loss. Then it's about you, not your partner.

I just can't live without her!

This is no longer just a common phrase, but an included life program. Yes, it happened to me too. Believe me, it was.

Only the program begins to operate, moreover, instead of you. And, God forbid, your beloved (beloved) will become arrogant, and he himself will stop doing something. The result is sad, of all the initial participants in the holy action of Love, only the program for its burial is working.

True, there is another option that the fear of losing is the fear of leaving the comfort zone. How, “warmth, light, and flies do not bite”, but on the contrary, satisfy. Scared to lose it?

So it turns out in a direct way that this fear is either from laziness or from low self-esteem, which leads to discouragement. Already a couple of the "7 sins" is.

Throw off laziness, think, if you need each other, is separation possible? And, if not needed, why such communication?

You can not put a relationship with a person above the happiness of the same Person.

2. “I'm the best! What right do you have?"

Of course, there are many self-development trainings now, where they teach “to become better”. In defense of the coaches, I will say that they teach to become and be, and not to be called. Agree, these are different actions.

Become and be - self-improvement, that is, life. To be called pride. Not "mountain melon", but the first in the list of seven deadly sins.

From it grows the right to property. As they often say now: "my love", "my said." But each person by nature is only “his own”.

Of course, in bed you can play any role-playing games. But in life you have to be close and on an equal footing. Otherwise, on the one hand, life will become slavery. And such a slave can be jealous.

3. "I am unworthy, therefore I will love silently."

"Silence of the Lambs." How long is it?

Thirdly, by this you "created an idol for yourself."

Secondly, you will still think about "your subject of exhalation." Oh, "sighs", of course.

Firstly, sexual starvation, not only by nature, but also by scientists (what, I won’t lie) is put in 4th place in terms of the need for satisfaction. Air. Water. Food. sexual satisfaction.

Sex is not the topic of the article. Therefore, I don’t talk about “nutrition and diets”. But, taking into account what has been said, such a lover from afar will first lick his lips at other people's pleasures, then silently drown in envy and anger towards the “lucky one”.

And he becomes the leader in the number of sins of the "seven": envy, lust, self-abasement, as the reverse side of pride and inaction, like laziness.

And there is nothing to congratulate the “winner”.

Outcome: 5 out of seven. Only greed and gluttony are not directly involved. Quorum available. The decisions of the meeting are considered valid.

I wanted to title the section temptingly: “Who has every right to be jealous?” But it would be shorter than the title itself.

Any idiot has the right to be jealous, regardless of gender.

Starting right with me.

Another question is what is he striving for and what will he get? War or submission, preparing to blow up his little world? No, if there are examples of true happiness after explosions of jealousy, you write. I don't know of any such examples.

Above, I promised to answer the question: “Why do people get jealous?” For some, the answer will sound painful:

People are jealous, because such an action is embedded in them by the thousand-year "experience" of their ancestors.

And the developed program is executed automatically and does not require additional efforts.

People get jealous because it's easier for them.

Naturally, I will be objected that people also suffer. Yes, you see, but maybe this is what a person aspired to, to compassion for “his torments”.

Of course, you can look at everything like this, with humor.

I will follow good advice:

"Happiness" you have a pretty shabby lady.

Instead of an epilogue: "Where did you take us? .."

Stop. If you have already reached the end, it means that something is of interest. No one will ever be able to re-educate a single person. But, anyone can help others become better. Only interest should be born from both sides. And grow and develop along with the relationship.

And for this, mutual understanding (and not “remembrance”) and trust are necessary. He doesn't have much himself. As soon as I heard from a dear person that she was going to meet an interesting man, my imagination immediately draws its gloomy engravings. So love can't be held. It turned on the destructive program.

Yes, the books talk about "transforming hate into love", but...

When there is no agreement among comrades,

Their business will go down the drain.

In each case, the situation develops in its own way. But without trust, true love cannot arise. The “act of love”, as it is fashionable to say, is not a hindrance. Then jealousy will flare up, and ... start reading everything from the beginning.

Isn't it better to immediately stop digging into the theories of what jealousy is after one reading? And just find mutual understanding with your loved one. And also with you.

Thanks for your opinions

Stanislav Stepanov

Feelings of jealousy: armed and very dangerous

Someone smart said that jealousy always “walks along with suspicion, hatred and anger, and each of the trinity is armed with a dagger, followed by repentance. Which, however, is no longer needed by anyone. ”

Let's talk about such a terrible phenomenon as jealousy, which corrodes and destroys relationships.

Jealousy is the Silent Relationship Killer

Why quiet, if many people yell so loudly in a fit of jealousy? Because there is still a common misconception that jealous means love. Yeah, how it beats - it means loves ...

The myth that "the one who loves is jealous."

Jealousy has nothing to do with love at all. Love is based on a conscious preference for fidelity and responsibility for one's choice of a partner. Otherwise, why be together?

Constant outbursts of jealousy only interfere with love and turn relationships into a series of suffering and distrust.

Loyalty vs Jealousy - which side are you on?

Do you want to know what to do with jealousy? Let's talk about loyalty then. After all, the jealous ones demand it so much.

Faith, confidence, trust, fidelity - words that are close in meaning.

Loyalty as a quality of a person is formed in adolescence, when we actively learn about ourselves and the world around us, learn to be friends. And then love.

How to deal with jealousy?

Initially, we learn to believe in ourselves and in ourselves. The stronger this feeling is manifested, the higher the level of self-confidence. Only after we learn this are we able to trust others.

Jealousy is the lack of fidelity. Jealousy is loyalty in reverse.

Loyalty means that you are responsible for your choice to yourself initially.

Where does jealousy come from?

Jealousy appears when a person:

  • does not believe in himself;
  • does not know how to trust anyone;
  • unable to make his words and deeds match;
  • does not know how to make friends;
  • has no principles to which he conforms;
  • does not know what responsibility for oneself, one's words, choices, actions is.

Love and jealousy have different paths

What did we not see in the list of reasons that cause jealousy? Love!

Jealousy does not stem from love. The basis of jealousy is the fear of losing what you love.

Remember, this pathological feeling grows out of self-doubt, your relationship with your partner. Be it a friend, a child, anyone.

Also, doubts that a partner loves you play into the hands of jealousy of a woman. What if he prefers another, which will be better than you? After all, you then doubt that WORTHY.

Believe in yourself - protect yourself from feelings of jealousy

Jealousy is the result of a possessive attitude towards your partner. It arises when you are consumed by the desire to have a monopoly on the personal life of the chosen one, to interfere in all his affairs.

Understand that jealousy is an outward manifestation of the fact that you do not have such a quality as loyalty. Do you know why? And because everyone judges for himself.

In a situation with jealousy, a person often does not even realize his potential infidelity. But he has trouble believing in himself and trusting the world. And he broadcasts them outward through insecurity in others.

Jealous just does not know how to believe. Because he does not have the experience of faith and trust in himself in the first place.

Beware of the delusions of jealousy. case from practice

I have an acquaintance. As far as I can remember, he always cheated on his wife with different beauties-nyashes. He referred to the fact that his wife "is not his ideal in appearance."

And so, he fell in love with one of the passions. So much so that he even left his wife.

His girlfriend was a very bright, sexy brunette who was noticed by everyone. She adored her man. But just a month later, he turned their lives into hell with wild jealous tantrums.

The girl roared with me more than once during consultations, telling through tears that she adores him and does not even notice others.

Outcome? He brought her to hatred, and she went to another.

Human jealousy can breed

But the worst thing about this is something else. A person with unbelief and lack of fidelity attracts a partner like himself.

Remember, if you did not lack faith on a subconscious level, then unfaithful partners simply would not fall into your field of vision.

You can argue that if you hadn’t burned yourself once, you “would not have blown into the water.”

But not everything is around everyone. This is not a general problem, but only for those whoimprisonedcheating on a subconscious level. You can't argue with psychology.

"Exile" into treason, or Jealousygives bad advice

Whether it is female or male jealousy - in each case it is a mutual collusion. Like a victim-sadist couple.

No matter how faithful a partner comes across to a jealous one, he will still torment the chosen one with jealousy and distrust. Which, by the way, can eventually provoke treason. Like, “What, in vain do I regularly get hit on the head?”.

Beware, pathological jealousy!

By the way, it is very important to distinguish pathological jealousy. It is not only a frequent reason for turning to psychologists and psychiatrists, but also adds work to law enforcement agencies.

Let's not forget that it is jealousy that is the most common motive for murder in families.

So to call jealousy “a harmless form of manifestation of love” is definitely impossible.

Pathological jealousy is one of those problems that philosophers, poets and doctors have been describing for centuries. The latter even distinguish it as a separate disease.

Signs of jealousy as a referral to the doctor

Pathological jealousy is not a specific symptom of a particular disease.On the contrary, it occurs in almost any mental disorder.

Personality pathology, neurosis, depression, alcohol and drug abuse, schizophrenia, organic pathology (less often) - in all these diagnoses one can find references to abnormal jealousy.

For this reason, it is important to refer the client to a psychiatric consultation at the slightest suspicion of an incomprehensible mechanism for the emergence of jealousy. It's incomprehensible.

Does your husband or boyfriend show excessive aggressiveness at the slightest hint of the appearance of a man in your environment? Then I recommend thinking about the mental health of the chosen one and your safety.

Grow flowers on the soil of jealousy

Jealousy is an almost normal feeling under certain conditions. It is about the manifestation of possessive instincts.

In the same time complete lack of jealousyunder the same conditionsmay indicate the presence of emotional pathology. For example, emotional rigidity, which is also destructive for relationships.

Provocation is the worst embodiment of jealousy

Another dangerous aspect of jealousy is provocation - the artificial induction of jealousy. Women often resort to this weapon in an attempt to warm up relationships and attention to themselves.

Sometimes jealousy can spark a relationship that is fading. But not when a person uses it constantly as an instrument of pressure.

By provoking a partner to jealousy, you unconsciously or consciously influence his self-esteem and encourage competition.

He and his “rival” are training in the achievements “who will receive the main prize - the love of a woman?”.

You, like a provocateur, rest on the laurels of your own pride and think about how else to arouse jealousy. And men bring all kinds of gifts to your feet: attention, love, colorful emotions, presents, etc.

Do you love a man or his jealousy?

At the heart of your provocations, albeit unconscious, is the lack of attention and love in early childhood.And now you are trying in such a dishonest way to compensate for what you didn’t receive, pushing people head-on in the battle for your person.

That is, you assert yourself by provoking.

But listen, deliberately causing jealousy of a partner is an unacceptable technique if we are talking about a trusting, loving relationship.

Look, there is such a scheme. You provoke your man to jealousy. He's into it. The two of you are pursuing the same goal - to get attention and love.

Only one in this situation stands in the "pose" of a sadist, and the other - a masochist.

What position do you like best? For me, none.

Girl, you're fed with jealousy

Men also often “feed” their women the poison of jealousy in the form of provocations “and we have such a new secretary, pretty, young.”

So subconsciously "gain" points in the eyes of the chosen ones.

How NOT to respond to provocations?

Your worst reactions in this situation would be:

  • “Probably a fool and a prostitute, like all secretaries”;
  • “And you, like a dog, have your ears hung out already ?!”;
  • “I’ll see her next to me, I’ll pull out all her hair extensions for her”;
  • “And our new manager gave me a lift in a cool car.”

You should also not be offended and defiantly not talk to a man.

Reactions like this only devalue you. They show that your ego is hurt, wounded.

As a result, the manipulator receives the emotions that he was counting on, and continues to "squeeze" you further.

We neutralize the manipulation

One of the best ways to respond is not to give the manipulator the expected reaction, not to reinforce his manipulative behavior. Better yet, turn his manipulation to your advantage.

Alternatively, you can ask your husband questions that will encourage him to express his needs directly, rather than indirectly.

You can also neutralize the manipulation of humor.

Why a woman is provoked to jealousy

By the way, with such behavior of the chosen one, take a closer look at yourself. Maybe you started your man? Haven’t complimented him for a long time, didn’t thank him, didn’t admire her knight that he provokes you to “love”?

Or maybe she let herself go.And with jealousy your man is trying to provoke you to look after yourself?

Or is provoking jealousy the norm in your relationship? Then what are you doing there?

Attempted Jealousy: Pain or Pleasure

Look, one of my clients was so “provoked” with his wife that he left for her friend. It was this woman that he constantly cited as an example of grooming and excellent taste.

The wife flaunted that he should love her for who she is and thank her for her son.

Until one day, in the literal sense of the word, she pulled her husband off her friend when she returned home ahead of time. The family broke up. And the friends poured slop on each other for a long time for the whole city.

But it should be noted that the ex-wife blossomed - either in spite of her husband, or thanks to the exit "to the fair of brides."

Really it was impossible to make such a move earlier, when it was relevant for her husband?

How to deal with jealousy?

  • Make love, not kill her

Do everything to strengthen your relationship, not destroy it.

Instead of playing pinkerton, be interesting to him. And first of all, be interesting to yourself.

Remember, constant spying on your man, you provoke a lie. He "just in case" will hide everything from you. Distrust only pushes you away.

  • Improve yourself and strengthen your relationships

Stop being an emotional beggar and contribute to your relationship yourself.

Show your partner your care and trust, give compliments, thank you.

Look, the fidelity of the spouses is not a derivative of surveillance, suspicion and mistrust. This is the result of a strong, reliable relationship that satisfies both.

  • Boost your self-esteem

Well, tell me, why value you if you are not a value for yourself?

Work on your shortcomings, believe in your strengths.

And then you realize that “you yourself need such a cow”, and you are important for your man. And if not, why do you need it?

  • Work with your fears

Ask yourself honestly.What are you afraid of when you poison yourself with jealousy?Lose Him? Stay alone?

Maybe, really, he is the wrong partner and it's time to let him go? Why hold on to him, they say, “if only not by yourself”, and take the potential place of a worthy partner?

  • Stop comparing

It's about your self-esteem. And besides, why show the man himself that someone is better than you?

It only makes sense to compare with yourself - whether you have become better than your former self.

  • Disconnect with a partner

Live your life, find yourself, a hobby.

Often the reason for jealousy is the fixation of one of the partners on the life of the other.

It happens that this happens due to the lack of their interests and personal life. And such a partner has no choice but to live the life of another.

This applies not only to jealousy, but also to excessive control by parents (usually mothers) in relation to children.

Understand that your control, your anxiety, your endless interventions in someone's life will not make either you or the object of interference happier.

  • Be honest and trust your man

Drop all those spy games and hidden doubts. If something is bothering you, ask your partner directly.

Just don't do it in the form of a scandal. Calmly.

I'm not saying that no one has such a reason)

But it often happens that we begin to suspect our partner not because he did not justify our trust. But only because we ourselves experience fear and self-doubt.

Jealousy in this case is not based on anything in reality, but stems only from our personal feelings. And offends partner.

  • Learn to truly forgive

Forgive me sincerely if you were cheated on in the past, but you decided to move on.

Sometimes this happens because the person succumbed to the temptation, but continues to love you. In other cases, it is the result of a moment of weakness, a mistake for which he can be forgiven.

Cheating did not kill love in you, did you both realize the “contribution” of each to it and see the value of your relationship? Then find the strength and love in yourself to forgive him and yourself that you “didn’t finish watching”. And move on.

When Overcoming Jealousy Isn't Your Option

Of course, such a situation is also possible that jealousy is not groundless, your partner has fallen in love with another, or he is systematically cheating.

Then it's better Ask yourself an honest question: what do you expect? What are you doing here?

Maybe it’s worth gathering your dignity and self-respect into a fist and finally breaking out of it? Instead of poisoning yourself with the poison of jealousy.

The world will be saved by Love! Love to you and wisdom.
Yaroslav Samoilov

The purpose of the lesson: formation of educational competencies: informational, communicative, reflective, students of grade 4 in the subject area "Russian language" on the topic "Native language - be friends with me".

Learning objectives:

1. Learning objectives aimed at achieving personal results:

The ability to self-assessment based on the criterion of success of educational activities.

Personal results:

Establish a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive;

Define rules of conduct common to all.

Cognitive UUD:

Find answers to questions using your life experience and information received in the lesson;

Development of operations of thinking: comparison, comparison, analysis, synthesis and generalization.

Communicative UUD:

Be able to formulate your thoughts in oral speech, listen and understand the speech of others.

Regulatory UUD:

Development of students' ability to independently develop and apply criteria and methods of differentiated assessment in educational activities.

"Native language - be friends with me."

Children, how do you understand this phrase?

Children's statements.

Language is the most amazing thing in the world.

The Russian language in the form we are used to is just over 300 years old. For the language, this is "childhood".

Today we will make a short trip to the country of the Russian language.

To do this, we will divide with you into teams.

Look at the picture. It depicts the Proto-Slavic language, which became the father of three sons of languages: East Slavic, South Slavic and West Slavic. They, in turn, later gave birth to smaller languages ​​for their grandchildren.

And who knows in what city and on what square the monument to Cyril and Methodius was erected? (Moscow, Slavyanska Square).

On the alphabet page

Thirty-three heroes.

Wise men - heroes

Every literate knows.


And earlier the alphabet was called Cyrillic, in honor of one of the brothers who created the Cyrillic alphabet. From that time (863) in Russia until the 17th century. There were two languages: Old Russian and Old Slavonic.

I question

Which nations celebrate the birthday of Slavic writing? (Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Serbs).

Question III

The Old Church Slavonic language had a great influence on the Russian language. Many non-vowel words have entered our language. So instead of native Russian words, you need to write down Old Slavonic in origin, but used in modern Russian.

Time is time

Vered - harm

The enemy is the enemy

Chorebry - brave

Licorice - sweet

Many words were created by the people, some "came" to us from afar, from other countries. Remember and write down from which language

words came to us

School - from German

Portfolio -French

Candy - from Italian

Football - from English

Remember the words and fill in the missing letters:




Oro - -olo-

Oro- - olo-

Decipher the words, find the "extra" word.

ZhYIL (skiing)

ANSK (sleigh)

KIONK (skates)


VII question

Find and write down the words that are mixed up.


(hedgehogs, table, rose, city, aster, work)

The powerful and beautiful Russian language. He is revived by folk proverbs and sayings. Let's listen to what prominent Russian writers wrote about the Russian language. ( children perform)

"It is impossible to create a language - it is created by the people." V, G, Belinsky.

“If you don’t know how to use an ax, you can’t cut down a tree, but language is also an instrument, a musical instrument, and you need to learn how to use it easily and beautifully.” M, Gorky

"Language is the age-old work of an entire generation." B, I, Dal

"Language is the history of the people" A, I, Kuprin

"The greatest wealth of a people is its language " M, A, Sholokhov

Guys, let's sum up our lesson. What can be said about the Russian language?

Children's statements.


Our beautiful language

Rich and resonant

That powerful and passionate, That gently - melodious.

It also has a smile.

And accuracy, and affection.

Written by him

And stories, and fairy tales -

magical pages,

Exciting books!

Love and keep

Our great language!!!

Artist: Vadim Gusev

Publishing house DETGIZ, 2017

Series: I read without hesitation

ISBN: 978-5-8452-0294-9 all

A book about letters, in poetic form. This book, in my opinion, is needed in every home where there are children from 3 to 4 years old.

The book is well published! Thick paper, large print.

And the wonderful poems of Alexander Shibaev are accompanied by no less wonderful drawings by Vadim Gusev. Vadim Gusev's drawings are reminiscent of poster graphics from the times of the USSR.

This book has history.

It began in 1965 with a thin booklet from the book "The Letter Got Lost", which had only 10 pages + cover. And in 1981, the book "Native Language, Be Friends With Me" was published. Alexander Shibaev finished it already in the hospital and did not live to see the publication. Vadim Gusev "finished" the book himself, acting also as the compiler of the book.

The book has grown - 128 pages. There are four books in one book. There are appendices after each book.

I liked the book both in content and execution.

By the way, now you can buy thin books from the "Speech" duo Shibaev - Gusev. I preferred to buy ALL at once in one book! And more practical and economical.

The first book is called "Here they are".

It tells about the letters, the peculiarity of their writing. Ideal for kids who are just starting to learn letters. This is the part we're reading right now!

Poems are easy to learn and remember.

Look, look:

Five neighbors in the alphabet -

The letters "G", "D", "E", "E", "F" -

Everyone is grieving about the hedgehog

They always think: "WHERE IS THE Hedgehog?"

You won't comfort

You won't get away...


"N" put on a belt,

"I" put on a belt.

The letter "H" put on exactly,

the letter "I" - obliquely "

Second book - "The letter got lost".

This is for older kids. This is a book about how just one letter can completely change a word, turn the whole meaning around, confuse.

The confused letter is highlighted in a different color, the child must guess what it should actually be instead of it.

Mom with b glasses went

On the road, along the village ...

Daughter is a barrel.

Everything is easy and simple. Moreover, on the page, above the poem, there is a hint - a picture.

Third book - "Magic Words".

These are stories about how different words can be formed from the same syllables.

- Why are you keeping silent?

- When I eat

I am like a fish not m- not m- not m,

And let me not -m not -m not

Dine in silence!

Fourth book - “Oh, this grammar!”

Poems about punctuation marks, prepositions, particle "not".

Question mark

Forever thinking

Above the meaning

bent over


This book is simply a masterpiece. This is probably the best Russian language textbook that I know!!! Even I - an adult aunt - learned a lot of new things for myself.

Every child should have this book!

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