Home Blanks for the winter What additives you can eat. Foods that you can't eat! Don't eat this! List of dangerous products

What additives you can eat. Foods that you can't eat! Don't eat this! List of dangerous products

And although only an excess of additives in the body can cause harm, it is necessary to know the list of the most dangerous to health. Harmful "E" ?. List of dangerous food additives E. Not all food additives on the list are harmful. Nowadays, rarely what products come to our table fresh or freshly prepared and without food additives, directly from the garden or from the stove. This page is dedicated to harmful food It is not a secret for anyone that at present environmentally friendly food is very rare. What are the dangerous "food" additives, various preservatives, dyes? Why can you get better if you eat only such foods? Foods are unhealthy

It often happens that our loved ones, who have tried a new advertised miracle - a dish, complain of upset stomach and intestines, headache and general ill health. And it's all the fault of stabilizers-emulsifiers E and other dangerous food additives for health.
In order to understand which stabilizers-emulsifiers E are dangerous to health, you need to consider what they are. For example, E emulsifiers are a specific type of food additive that takes care of creating emulsions from liquids that cannot mix. Stabilizers E is also a food supplement that is famous for its anti-microbial properties. Thanks to this, it is used for cooking dishes, ensuring their safety, long-term storage, invariability of food and taste properties. Frequent use is noted in the preparation of sausages, since color retention is important for them. These dietary supplements cause cancer, as well as interfere with food digestion and reduce resistance to infectious diseases. Why do we love the most unhealthy foods and why is it so difficult for us to refuse them?

Stabilizers-emulsifiers E are used both together and separately. For example, take a useful, in your opinion, yogurt, "Miracle", "Activia", "Danone". Look closely at the composition and tell me if there are similar nutritional supplements that you just read about? This means that even such foods as low-calorie and healthy yoghurts contain a high proportion of toxic substances called stabilizers - emulsifiers E. Often, it is precisely those people who tend to be overweight and therefore try to eat healthy foods, so as not to gain extra pounds. What do they choose: first of all, oatmeal and cereal, muesli bars, fruit juices and cocktails, punches, jelly, yoghurts and kefirs, as well as waffles and chocolate with sorbitol. In order to debunk the myths about the benefits of the products provided, just turn the product over and read on the packaging in the composition whether there are stabilizers-emulsifiers E. It will not be difficult to notice that letters are given there, approximately, such as: E-110, E-311 or the same E-330. We often look at it and do not think what kind of interesting "E" it is. Our view is fascinated by the presence of sugar, fat, calories. This becomes not so important if there is a component in the composition - a stabilizer-emulsifier E. In addition to these, there are also such emulsifiers that belong to the groups: dangerous, prohibited suspicious, dangerous for the skin, stomach, intestines and many others.

Why use emulsifiers if they are unhealthy? For example, for making mayonnaise. To avoid water droplets on the surface, emulsifiers-stabilizers E are used to mix liquids that under normal conditions are not able to mix. Thus, these nutritional supplements help to mix fats, lipids, with water and obtain a valuable and well-selling product. We do not know about this fact and we buy these food products in stores to prepare salads. Just think, how many emulsifiers and stabilizers E will you eat for the New Year? One Olivier bowl contains approximately 3 packs of mayonnaise. If one is capable of causing significant harm to the human body, then what will the 3 do to it?

It is noted that these products are used not only for domestic consumption, but also for external consumption, as well as for import and export to other countries. There are emulsifiers, which are divided into three groups: "ordinary" or simple, which form foam (give the product elasticity) and stabilizers formed by the foam, that is, such emulsifiers E, which prevent the foam from falling off, its stratification.

In a woman's cosmetic bag, one cannot fail to notice day cream, night cream, balms and various gels, both for the body and for the hair. If we talk about the distribution of products, then this is a significant plus of the use of emulsifiers-stabilizers E. But they are all dangerous to health. What can the foods that we consume every day lead to? These are problems with the stomach, intestines, kidneys and liver. The gallbladder with the liver will be the first to suffer. Headache and vomiting are possible when too much of the product is consumed and a so-called "overdose" occurs. Children love to eat chips, crackers, drink carbonated drinks, do not think about what it might threaten. Parents, in order to please their children, gladly and generously buy them these poisonous products. Of course, I want to please the child, to show concern. But, instead, it turns out that you have to go to the doctor for a visit and complain of acute pain. These supplements are hazardous to the health of both adults and children. No one is immune from accidents, and therefore it is important to be on the alert.

Now many people cook at home to protect themselves from harmful food. For example, yogurt made from fresh homemade milk can be much healthier than all the "Miracles" and "Bio", which promise us rapid weight loss and immunity protection. As for sausages, butter, cheese, everything is the same here. Let the sausage be not so red and not look so appetizing, but the taste of real homemade sausage cannot be compared to the store sausage. Save your health.

Today, the modern food market is characterized by a very wide range of choices, both in assortment and in price categories. This development is determined, first of all, by the growth of consumer demand. But does the supply justify the demand, and is the freedom of choice really as absolute as it seems?

The choice of this or that kind of food is determined today by several factors:

consumer lifestyle;

his solvency;

health status and related food restrictions.

I would like to focus on the last point. Problems associated with human health these days are not always characterized by genetic inheritance or predisposition to one or another type of disease, as well as the influence of environmental factors on the body. Recently, an increasing influence on the state of the body and its performance is exerted by food products that are part of the daily diet of consumption, or, to be more precise, their composition, which, in turn, is replete with a list of all kinds of so-called food additives, the most common of which are ingredients with index E.

Is it safe to consume such foods?


The letter "E" on the composition label of this or that food product denotes compliance with the European nutritional standard, and the digital index - the type of supplement itself. Once, the names of these chemicals were indicated in the composition of the products in full, but due to the volume of the names, they were replaced by an alphanumeric code.

Today, not only on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also in Europe, the use of E-additives in food production is prohibited. But only a few.

The European Commission enjoys the right to ban, and inspections on the ground, that is, on the territory of food enterprises and shops, are carried out by the so-called inspection of the food and veterinary service, and even then - not everywhere.

How does this system work?

E-supplements are tested on animals and humans in accredited European laboratories. Taking into account the absence of negative consequences and effects on the body, supplements are included in the list of permitted ones. Otherwise, if the inspectors of the food and veterinary services find during the inspection of food products that contain prohibited E-components, seizure is carried out. The frequency of this kind of checks is once every six months. That is, in the intermediate six months, in the absence of data on the dangers of a particular additive based on research, people do not know what they eat.

The irony of this “nutritious scenario” doesn't end there. E-components are prohibited in the presence of a threat to life, for example, those that lead to death. A large mass of others remains in the shadows, either little studied or not characterized as "dangerous". That is, if preservatives are not globally recognized as lethal for food consumption, then they may be considered non-hazardous. And this is not the only example that raises doubts, to say the least.

Complete catalog of dangerous and questionable food additives (E-additives).

Recently, researchers have carefully studied a large number of food additives and the risks of diseases caused by them.

Here are some examples of similar E-elements added to today's food products:

E102- tartrazine - a dye. It is allowed on the territory of our country, but prohibited on the territory of the European Union.

Effects on the body:
- food allergy.

Foods containing tartrazine: confectionery, sweets, ice cream, drinks.

E128- red dye Red 2G with a carcinogenic effect, used in the production of sausages with a grain and legume content of more than 6% and products from minced meat, and gives a pink color to the product. It is a genotoxic compound, that is, it has the ability to cause changes in genes. E128 is prohibited for use in Russia!

Effects on the body(long-term period of manifestation of the reaction after the moment of use):
- oncological diseases;
- fetal malformations;
- congenital pathologies.

Products containing red dye Red 2G: sausages and sausages (especially cheap ones).

E216 and E217- preservatives (propyl ether and sodium salt). Banned in Russia!

Effects on the body:
- food poisoning.

Food products containing this type of preservative: sweets, filled chocolates, meats, jelly-coated pates, soups and broths.

E250- sodium nitrite - a dye, seasoning and preservative used for dry preservation of meat and stabilization of its red color. E250 is approved for use in Russia, but banned in the EU.

Effects on the body:
- increased excitability of the nervous system in children;
- oxygen starvation of the body (hypoxia);
- a decrease in the content of vitamins in the body;
- food poisoning with a possible fatal outcome;
- oncological diseases.

Foods containing sodium nitrite: bacon (especially fried), corned beef, sausages, ham, smoked meats and fish.

E320- antioxidant to slow down the oxidative process in fat and oil mixtures (allowed in Russia, but considered hazardous to health).

Effects on the body:
- an increase in the content of cholesterol in the body.

Foods containing the antioxidant E320: some foods with fat content; chewing gum.

E400-499- thickeners, stabilizers to increase the viscosity of the product (most of them are prohibited in the Russian Federation).

Effects on the body:
- diseases of the digestive tract.

Foods containing these types of E-supplements: yoghurt cultures and mayonnaise.

E510, E513 and E527(from the E500-599 group) - emulsifiers that create uniformity when combining immiscible products, for example, water and oil.

Effects on the body:
- diarrhea;
- failures in the liver.

E951- aspartame is a synthetic sweetener.

Effects on the body:
- depletion of serotonin reserves in the cerebral cortex;
- the development of manic depression, panic attacks, violence (with excessive use).

Products containing aspartame: chewing gum, carbonated drinks (especially imported).

Prohibited E-Supplements

At the moment, it is possible to give only an approximate list of E-supplements that are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation based on decisions based on research from the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences:

E121 - citrus red dye;
E123 - red amaranth dye;
E240 - formaldehyde preservative, classifying which can be attributed to the same group of substances as arsenic with hydrocyanic acid - deadly poisons;
E116-117 - preservatives that are actively used in the production of confectionery and meat products;
E924a and E924b are the so-called “flour and bread improvers”.

And also such additives are prohibited: E103, E107, E125, E127, E128, E213-219, E140, E153-155, E166, E173-175, E180, E182, E209, E213-219, E225-228, E230-233, E237, E238, E240, E241, E252, E253, E264, E281–283, E302, E303, E305, E308–314, E317, E318, E323–325, E328, E329, E343–345, E349, E350–352, E355–357, E359, E365–368, E370, E375, E381, E384, E387–390, E399, E403, E408, E409, E418, E419, E429–436, E441–444, E446, E462, E463, E465, E467, E474, E476-480, E482-489, E491-496, E505, E512, E519-523, E535, E537, E538, E541, E542, E550, E552, E554-557, E559, E560, E574, E576, E577, E579, E580, E622–625, E628, E629, E632–635, E640, E641, E906, E908–911, E913, E916–919, E922–926, E929, E942–946, E957, E959, E1000, E1001, E1105, E1503, E1521.

And this is not the whole list. Besides, where is the guarantee that E-elements prohibited for production are not used?

E-additives, legal in Russia, but considered dangerous

Food additives E105, E126, E130, E131, E143, E152, E210, E211, E330, E447 are factors causing the growth of malignant tumors.

E221-226, E320-322, E338-341, E407, E450, E461, E466 - provoking the formation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Food additive E239 can cause an allergic reaction.

E171, E320-322 - additives that cause liver and kidney disease.

In addition, the following additives are prohibited in the European Union, but the following additives are still allowed in Russia: E102, E104, E110, E111, E120, E122, E124, E126, E141, E142, E150, E212, E250, E251, E311-313, E477 ...

Analysis of the food market

Analysis of the state of the modern food market for the content of food E-components that are dangerous to human health and life has shown that most of the offered assortment contains, to a greater or lesser extent, the above substances.

As an example, we can cite a certain list of brands of the modern food market, among which E-elements were found that pose a danger to the life of an individual:

1. Among carbonated drinks:

- "Fruittime Duchess", as well as "Fiesta Duchess", derived from the Coca-Cola company (contain E951 aspartame);
- all other subsidiaries of the Coca-Cola manufacturer;
- "Lemonade" (Greatley);
- "Raspberry" (Salute-Cola);
- "Barberry" (Assorted);
- "Citro" (Salute-Cola), etc.

2. Among the chewing gums that are especially popular these days:

- "Dirol" (contains thickener E414, which provokes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; antioxidant E330; preservative E296; dye E171; emulsifier (as indicated on the package) E322, which is an antioxidant, as well as E321 and glazing E903);
- "Orbit" (contains sorbitol E420, which belongs to the group of emulsifiers and stabilizers; maltitol E965 (antifoaming agent-anti-flaming, and how dangerous it is - to judge the consumer); stabilizer E422; thickener E414; dye E171; sweetener aspartame E951, etc.).

Which of these chewing gum is less dangerous and whether it is worth consuming it at all is a private matter for everyone!

3. Some alcoholic energy drinks include:

- "ABSENTER ENERGY" (contains stabilizer E414; acidity regulator, also known as antioxidant E330; preservative E211);
- "JAGUAR" (contains preservative E211; dyes);

The majority of energy drinks that do not contain alcohol can be attributed to the same group, even if the letter code "E" does not appear in the composition, MirSovetov advises paying attention to the name of the components contained, otherwise how is the "energetic" effect on the body justified ?!

4. Among chips and croutons:

"Lays" in a small package (contains aspartame E951);
- "Pringles" (contains the emulsifier E471);
- crackers "Kirieshki" (contains flavor enhancer E621, E627, E631, E551, dye E100, etc.).

5. Among fermented milk products:

- "Activia" with the addition of something, be it fruits or cereals (as part of the thickener E1442);
- "Rastishka yoghurt with fruit puree" (the same thickener E1442; dyes, etc.) is a baby food product !!!
- "Danissimo" (thickener E1442, acidity regulators).

6. Among sausages:

Sausage "Kievsky cervelat" sausage factory "Kanevskoy" (which contains stabilizers and preservative sodium nitrite E250);
- "Amateur" boiled by the same manufacturer (contains a preservative-color fixative, as well as sodium nitrite E250);

7. Among the brands of ice cream:

As an example, we can cite the products of La Fam, where the dye E102, E133, stabilizers E407, E410, E412, E466, E471 are found. And this is what our children eat!

8. Among the well-known chocolate manufacturers:

- "Sweet" and "Alpen Gold" (contain E476, stabilizers);
- "Nesquik" (E124 and E476 were found in the composition).

The consumer today should be more than vigilant in his choice and take into account at least the results of the latest research in this area, as well as coordinate his diet with the list of harmful and hazardous substances.

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What E can I eat ?? and got the best answer

Answer from Marishka Latushkina [guru]
E 100-cucumin (dye for sweets), E 306-tocopherol (vitamin E natural antioxidant), E 309-synthetic tocopherol (chemical antioxidant), E 363-succinic acid (acidity regulator), E-957-thaumarin (harmless sweetener) all these E are harmless

Answer from ATTEY[active]
No E - only natural products !!

Answer from Elena Evseneva[guru]
To improve control over the use of food additives, the following classification has been developed:
E100-E182 - dyes - enhance or restore the color of the product;
E200-E299 - preservatives - increase the shelf life of products, protecting them from microbes and fungi;
E300-E399 - antioxidants - protect foods from oxidation;
E400-E499 - stabilizers - keep the required consistency of products, thickeners - increase the viscosity;
E500-E599 - emulsifiers - create a homogeneous mixture of, for example, oil and water;
E600-E699 - flavor and aroma enhancers;
E700 - E800 - spare indices;
E900-E999 - defoamers - prevent or reduce the formation of foam, give products a pleasant appearance.
Glazing agents, sweeteners, leavening agents, acidity regulators are included in all of these groups, as well as in the new E1000 group.
Food additives with the letter E code are present in almost all food products on the shelves of our stores. Information about them must be reflected on the product label.
Food additives prohibited for use in Russia:
E103, E107, E121, E123, E125, E127, E128, E140, E153-155, E160d, E160f, E166, E173-175, E180, E182, E209, E213-219, E225-228, E230-233, E237, E238, E240, E241, E252, E253, E264, E281-283, E302, E303, E305, E308-314, E317, E318, E323-325, E328, E329, E343-345, E349, E350-352, E355- 357, E359, E365-368, E370, E375, E381, E384, E387-390, E399, E403, E408, E409, E418, E419, E429-436, E441-444, E446, E462, E463, E465, E467, E474, E476-480, E482-489, E491-496, E505, E512, E519-523, E535, E537, E538, E541, E542, E550, E552, E554-557, E559, E560, E574, E576, E577, E579, E580, E622-625, E628, E629, E632-635, E640, E641, E906, E908-911, E913, E916-919, E922-926, E929, E942-946, E957, E959, E1000, E1001, E1105, E1503, E1521.
Food additives prohibited in the EU countries, but permitted for use in Russia:
E102, E110, E120, E150, E105, E111, E126, E130, E152, E104, E122, E141, E171, E477, E221, E222, E223, E224, E124, E131, E142, E210, E210, E212, E251, E330, E311, E312, E313, E320, E321, E322, E338, E339, E340, E341, E407, E450, E461, E466.
Thanks to research by experts, the lists of unhealthy food additives are constantly being changed. Information on the safety of food additives must be monitored constantly, since a number of unscrupulous manufacturers violate the recommended production technology in order to reduce the cost of production.
You should also pay attention to food additives that are not formally prohibited, but, according to many experts, are unsafe for our health.
E-621 - monosodium glutamate - the most popular flavor enhancer, according to recent studies, can cause serious negative consequences, especially for the child's body: damage to the eyes and brain, allergic reactions. Plus, this food additive is addictive, which is why fast food restaurants seem so appealing to us. Monosodium glutamate is used in fast food products, bouillon cubes and condiments, sauces and convenience foods.

The information is more for those who still live in cities and adhere to the usual type of food.

In this article, I would like to highlight the topic of products that absolutely should not be consumed!

These products are not only harmful, but hazardous to health!

Monosodium glutamate

Do not eat foods with the additive E-326 (monosodium glutamate). You take the packaging of the product in the store and read it. If MSG is listed, don't buy it at all.
Monosodium glutamate is a flavor enhancer. Now it is added even to the most unexpected products in order to "add" the population to them. Be careful!
Better to use natural products: salt, sugar, pepper, etc. But glutamate is by no means - you will simply perish.

Sugar substitutes

No sweeteners should be eaten.

Trans fats

Oil 72.5% should not be eaten in any case. This is trans fat - low grade vegetable oil broken down by hydrogen.
There is no oil less than 82.5%. If you cannot find such an oil, then it is better to eat vegetable oil. Eat two tablespoons of natural butter rather than a whole pack or a pound of trans fat.

Lightly salted herring in plastic packaging

Lightly salted herring is stored only in oil. It is not stored in any vinegar or wine. If the herring is without oil, then urotropin is added to it.

Lightly salted red caviar

The principle is the same. Red caviar is not stored for a long time. Only frozen or highly salted. If lightly salted is sold, it means that either urotropine or citric acid is added to it. Something else may be added, but the output is still formaldehyde.

Deliberately genetically engineered products

The petunia gene is implanted. Terribly poisonous substance. And insects don't eat peanuts.
-Green peas (canned)
-Corn (canned)
-Imported potatoes
-Crab sticks. (Crab essence mixed with soy)

Corn sticks and sugar flakes

If you buy cornflakes, sticks, they should not be sweet. Because sugar is not used in production. Sugar burns at a temperature of 140 degrees. Therefore, sweeteners are used, in this case cyclomat.

Porridge and cereals with flavors and colors identical to natural

These are chemicals that have a smell - like pear, strawberry, banana, etc. There is nothing natural here.

Lollipops, barberry

Nowadays, such a strong chemical essence is used that if you leave a slightly wetted candy on the tablecloth, it will burn through the tablecloth, along with the varnish. Even plastic is destroyed. Imagine what is happening to your stomach.


Today's marmalade has nothing to do with what it was under the USSR. These are the wonders of the chemical industry. Deadly dangerous.


The most powerful antioxidants. You will never be able to preserve cherries in such a pristine state.

Fried potatoes in fast food and ready-made in stores

Now antioxidants are used such that the potatoes last for a year and do not turn black. Everything about fast food. Shawarmas, pies and even salads at McDonald’s

Boiled sausages

They are from genetically modified soybeans. Sausages, small sausages, cooked sausages, pates and other products with so-called hidden fats. In their composition, lard, interior fat, pork skin occupy up to 40% of the weight, but are disguised as meat, including with the help of flavoring additives.

Ham, shank, etc.

In this case, we are not talking about any naturalness at all. A thin neck and a kilogram of gel are taken. During the night, in a special machine, the gel is "cracked" together with a piece of the neck and by the morning a huge piece of "meat" is obtained. As such, there is no more than 5% of meat in it. Everything else is gel (carotenin, flavor enhancers, color enhancers). The pink color to this "meat" is given by color amplifiers together with special lamps. If you turn off the lamps in the window, you will see that the color is green.

Raw smoked sausages

As before, no one smokes. Smoke liquids are used, in which, again, formaldehyde.

Dairy products with a long shelf life (more than 2 months)

Anything that is stored for more than 2 weeks should not be consumed. Aseptic packaging is an antibiotic packaging.

Mayonnaise in plastic bags

The vinegar in mayonnaise, although it shouldn't be, eats away at the walls of the plastic packaging, releasing carcinogens. Only neutral food may be placed in plastic containers.


If you are carried 10 times, then on the 11th you may not be carried. Watermelon - fertilized with such substances that it is the first candidate for poisoning.

Grapes that do not spoil

The grapes are eaten by mushrooms on the vine. It has not yet been removed from the branch, but mushrooms are already eating it. Therefore, if some kind of kysh-mouse is being sold there and is lying for more than 5 days, you should know that it is treated with chloroform and other serious antioxidants.

Pepper (out of season)

An absolutely genetically modified product.

Yeast bread. White bread

By eating yeast bread, you eat mushrooms. Rye bread should be preferred. Refined white flour of the highest grades, like other refined products, is confidently among the top unhealthy foods. A sliced ​​loaf is not a complete bread. This is "muffin", with all that it implies.

Purchased mushrooms, dried apricots, prunes, raisins

If you see pretty dried apricots or raisins - pass by. Think about what you need to do with it in order to preserve the apricot, as if it had recently come from a tree. Dried apricots should be ugly and wrinkled.

Ice cream

Especially in specialized establishments like Baskin Robins. Or foreign ice cream. It is now virtually impossible to find ice cream made from milk. If you find a real milk ice cream somewhere, then you can safely buy it. Ice cream is naked essences, there is nothing natural in them.

Cupcakes in packages

Rolls. They do not stale, do not deteriorate, do not dry, nothing is done with them. He will lie for a month. And in a month it will be the same.


90% of chocolate is not chocolate at all (color substitutes).
Chocolate bars are a gigantic amount of calories when combined with chemical additives, genetically modified foods, colors and flavors. The combination of large amounts of sugar and various chemical additives provides the highest calorie content and the desire to eat them over and over again.


In particular, men should not eat chicken at all. Because chickens are all on hormones. The chicken receives 6 female hormones, including progesterone. Therefore, if a man begins to eat female hormones, his testosterone naturally drops to a level that cannot be restored later.
The ram is the only animal that will not eat any hormones. Eat meat from non-commercial lines.
Chicken is the most commercial product now!

Processed cheese

Instant coffee

Men are not allowed at all! Categorically! There is a complete degeneration of the hormonal glands.

Flavored teas

Drink natural tea in which nothing floats, there is no additional taste. All flavored teas are sometimes with citric acid, sometimes with orange acid, sometimes with some other acid. Addiction occurs instantly. We need to remove all acids from the body.

Refined deodorized vegetable oil

This oil should not be used raw in salads. You can only fry on it.

Mayonnaise, ketchup, various sauces and dressings

They have a high content of dyes, flavor substitutes and GMOs in them, in addition, preservatives that protect these products from spoilage, disrupt the intestinal microflora, destroying beneficial microbes in the body.

Potato chips

Potato chips, especially those made not from whole potatoes, but from mashed potatoes. It is essentially a mixture of carbohydrates and fat, plus artificial flavors.

Fast food products

Instant products: instant noodles, instant soups, mashed potatoes, instant juices like "Yupi" and "Zuko". All this is solid chemistry that is harmful to the body.


Alcohol. Even in minimal amounts, it interferes with the absorption of vitamins. In addition, alcohol itself is very high in calories. Talking about the effect of alcohol on the liver and kidneys is probably not worth it, you already know everything perfectly. And don't rely on the fact that a certain amount of alcohol is good for you. All this takes place only with a reasonable approach to its use (quite rarely and in small doses).

Sweet carbonated drinks

Sugary carbonated drinks - a mixture of sugar, chemicals and gases - to distribute harmful substances through the body faster. Coca-Cola, for example, is a wonderful remedy for limescale and rust. Think carefully before sending such liquid to the stomach. In addition, carbonated sugary drinks are also harmful with a high concentration of sugar - the equivalent of four to five teaspoons diluted in a glass of water. Therefore, you should not be surprised that, after quenching your thirst with such soda, you are thirsty again in five minutes.

They are not always dangerous: they can hide, for example, completely harmless additives such as starch, sucrose or natural dyes (beta-carotene, grape peel extract or beetroot juice). But most E's are downright chemistry.

What does the code "E" mean?

E100-E199 - dyes.

E200-E299 - preservatives.

E300-E399 - antioxidants.

E400-E499 - stabilizers.

E500-E599 - emulsifiers.

E600-E699 - flavor and aroma enhancers.

E900-E999 - bread and flour improvers, defoamers, which give products a presentation.

If you see these codes, consider buying

E Supplements Banned in Developed Countries

E102 - in fact, coal tar, can cause allergic reactions.

E103 - Some researchers believe that it may have a carcinogenic effect.

E107 - May be hazardous to asthma patients.

E110 - Allergic reactions are possible.

E122 is a dangerous allergen, especially for asthmatics.

E127 - development of hyper-activity of the thyroid gland is possible.

E129, E131, E133, E142, E153, E154, E155, E173, E174, E175, E180 - allergies are possible. May be carcinogenic.

E additives, including those prohibited in Russia

E121 - red dye: allergic and toxic reactions are possible.

E123 - red dye: possible negative effects on the fetus in pregnant women.

E128 - Red dye.

E216, E217 - preservatives.

E240 - formaldehyde, preservative.

Also banned for various reasons in developed countries, the so-called "unauthorized additives" are additives that have never been tested or are being tested, but the final result is not yet available. Until they are received, unauthorized additives cannot be used.

E214, E215, E219, E226, E227, E230, E231, E233, E236, E237, E238, E388, E389, E424, E512 (tin chloride), E537, E557 (zinc silicate), E635, E912, E914 (oxidized polyethylene wax), E916, E918, E919, E922, E923, E925 (chlorine), E926 (chlorine dioxide), E929 (acetone peroxide), E952.

“Banned in Russia and other countries, as they can harm health. Basically, these are strong allergic reactions, disorders of the digestive tract, hematopoietic system, or a carcinogenic effect - that is, a possible effect on the formation of cancerous tumors, - says Roman GAYDASHOV, expert of the Public Control Department. - It is generally accepted that our legislation regarding the use of food additives is more stringent than abroad. This is partly true. The list of permitted food additives there is much wider than ours. But the requirements for the safety of the food additives themselves are many times higher abroad. Lists of approved additives are reviewed there more often. And those additives that were allowed yesterday, today, according to the results of new research, become prohibited. Additives banned in developed countries may be in the process of testing with us, or have not yet been thoroughly studied - we can only be equal to the whole world. "

“Food that the body does not digest is eaten by the one who ate it. Therefore, eat in moderation. ”Now the process of increasing the share of harmful products has reached its climax. We bring to your attention a list of harmful products that should not be consumed categorically, they are dangerous to health.

1. Monosodium glutamate

Do not eat foods with the additive E-621 (monosodium glutamate). Take the packaging of the goods in the store and read. If MSG is listed, don't buy it at all. Monosodium glutamate is a flavor enhancer. Now it is added even to the most unexpected products in order to "add" the population to them. Be careful. Better to use natural products: salt, sugar, pepper, and so on. But glutamate by no means.

2. Sugar substitutes

While many sweeteners are calorie-free and very economical (one plastic container replaces 6 to 12 kg of sugar), they should not be trusted. It turns out, having felt the sweet taste, our esophagus thinks that it will receive a portion of carbohydrates now - but they are not. After this "deception", any carbohydrates that enter the body within 24 hours after this "package" cause a strong feeling of hunger. NO sweeteners should be consumed.

3. Trans fats

Oil 72.5% should not be eaten in any case. This trans fat is a low grade vegetable oil broken down by hydrogen. There is no oil less than 82.5%. If you cannot find such an oil, then it is better to eat vegetable oil. Eat two tablespoons of natural butter rather than a whole pack or a pound of trans fats.

4. Lightly salted herring in plastic packaging

Lightly salted herring is stored only in oil. It is not stored in any vinegar or wine. If the herring is without oil, then urotropin is added to it.

5. Lightly salted red caviar

The principle is the same. Red caviar is not stored for a long time. Only frozen or salted. If lightly salted is sold, then either urotropine or citric acid has been added to it. Something else may be added, but the output is still formaldehyde.

6. Deliberately genetically engineered products

  • Peanut. The petunia gene is implanted. Terribly poisonous substance. And insects do not eat peanuts;
  • Green peas (canned);
  • Corn (canned);
  • Imported potatoes;
  • Crab sticks (crab essence mixed with soy);
  • Cocoa.

7. Corn sticks and sugar flakes

If you buy cornflakes, sticks, they should only be NOT sweet. Because sugar is not used in production. Sugar burns at a temperature of 140 degrees. Therefore, sweeteners are used, in this case cyclomat.

8. Porridge and cereals with flavors and colors identical to natural

These are chemicals that have a smell - like pear, strawberry, banana, etc. There is nothing natural here.

9. Lollipops, barberry

Nowadays, such a strong chemical essence is used that if you leave a slightly wetted candy on the tablecloth, it will burn through the tablecloth, along with the varnish. Even plastic is destroyed. Imagine what is happening to your stomach.

10. Marmalade

Today's marmalade has nothing to do with what it was under the USSR. These are the wonders of the chemical industry. Deadly dangerous.

11. Jams

The most powerful antioxidants. You will never be able to preserve cherries in such a pristine state.

12. Fried potatoes in fast food and ready-made in stores

Now antioxidants are used such that the potatoes last for a year and do not turn black. Everything about fast food. Shawarma, pies and even salads in Makdachnaya.

13. Boiled sausages

They are from genetically modified soybeans. Sausages, small sausages, cooked sausages, pates and other foods with so-called hidden fats. In their composition, lard, interior fat, pork skin occupy up to 40% of the weight, but are disguised as meat, including with the help of flavoring additives.

14. Ham

In this case, we are not talking about any naturalness at all. A thin neck and a kilogram of gel are taken. During the night, in a special machine, the gel is "cracked" together with a piece of the neck, and by the morning a huge piece of "meat" is obtained. As such, there is no more than 5% of meat in it. Everything else is gel (carotenin, flavor enhancers, color enhancers). The pink color to this "meat" is given by color amplifiers together with special lamps. If you turn off the lamps in the window, you will see that the color is green.

15. Raw smoked sausages

As before, no one smokes. Smoke liquids are used, in which, again, formaldehyde.

16. Dairy products with a long shelf life (more than 2 months)

Anything that is stored for more than 2 weeks should not be consumed. Aseptic packaging is an antibiotic packaging.

17. Mayonnaise in plastic bags

The vinegar in mayonnaise, although it shouldn't be, eats away at the walls of the plastic packaging, releasing carcinogens. Only neutral food may be placed in plastic containers.

18. Watermelon

If 8th you were carried 10 times, then on the 11th you might not. Watermelon is fertilized with such substances that it is the first candidate for poisoning.

19. Grapes that do not spoil

The grapes are eaten by mushrooms on the vine. It has not yet been removed from the branch, but mushrooms are already eating it. Therefore, if there is any kysh-mouse sold there and is lying for more than 5 days, you should know that it is treated with chloroform and other serious antioxidants.

20. Pepper (out of season)

An absolutely genetically modified product. It cannot be eaten in moderation by those who suffer from inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, coronary heart disease, hemorrhoids, insomnia, mental disorders, epilepsy, kidney and heart disease. Pepper itself is one of the top ten products containing nitrogenous fertilizers and pesticides. And even if you eat just one such pepper, health problems may appear. Therefore, it would be better to buy it exclusively during the growing season, namely in the summer, and preferably grown in your area of ​​residence.

21. Strawberries in winter

Winter strawberries are absolutely useless. Not a single vitamin is there. This does not apply to you if you live, for example, in Israel, where it is in winter that the strawberry season is.

22. Purchased mushrooms, dried apricots, prunes, raisins

If you see pretty dried apricots or raisins, walk by. Think about what you need to do with it in order to preserve the apricot, as if it had recently come from a tree. Dried apricots should be ugly and wrinkled.

23. Ice cream

Especially in specialized establishments like the various Robbins. Or foreign ice cream. It is now virtually impossible to find ice cream made from milk. If you find a real milk ice cream somewhere, then you can safely buy it. Popsicles are naked essences, there is nothing natural about them.

24. Cupcakes in packages and rolls

They do not stale, do not deteriorate, do not dry, nothing is done with them. He will lie for a month. And in a month it will be the same.

25. Chocolate candies

90% of chocolate is not chocolate at all (color substitutes). Chocolate bars. This is a gigantic amount of calories when combined with chemical additives, genetically modified foods, colors and flavors. The combination of large amounts of sugar and various chemical additives provides the highest calorie content and the desire to eat them over and over again.

26. Chicken

In particular, men should not eat chicken meat at all. Because chicken is all on hormones. Chicken contains 6 female hormones, including progesterone. Therefore, if a man begins to eat female hormones, his testosterone naturally drops, and to a level that cannot be restored later. The ram is the only animal that will not eat any hormones. Eat meat from non-commercial lines. Chickens are now the most commercial product.

27. Processed cheese

Compared to hard cheeses, processed cheeses contain more sodium, making them a junk food for people suffering from hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. They are absolutely not digestible.

28. Instant coffee

Men are not allowed at all! Categorically! There is a complete degeneration of the hormonal glands.

29. Flavored teas

Drink natural tea in which nothing floats, there is no additional taste. All flavored teas are sometimes with citric acid, sometimes with orange acid, sometimes with some other acid. Addiction occurs instantly. We need to remove all acids from the body.

30. Refined deodorized vegetable oil

Refined oil, by the way, cannot be eaten, it hardly differs from plastic in molecular structure, which happens to it during strong heating during refining. This oil slags the body and is the strongest carcinogen. For the same reason, you cannot fry twice in the same oil, except for olive oil ... Refined oil cannot be used raw in salads. You can only fry on it.

31. Ketchup, various sauces and dressings

They have a high content of dyes, flavor substitutes and GMOs, in addition, preservatives that protect these products from spoilage, disrupt the intestinal microflora, destroying beneficial microbes in the body.

32. Potato chips

Potato chips, especially those made not from whole potatoes, but from mashed potatoes. It is essentially a mixture of carbohydrates and fat, plus artificial flavors.

33. Fast food products

Instant products: instant noodles, instant soups, mashed potatoes, instant juices like "Yupi" and "Zuko". All this is solid chemistry that is harmful to the body.

34. Alcohol

Alcohol. Even in minimal amounts, it interferes with the absorption of vitamins. In addition, alcohol itself is very high in calories. Talking about the effect of alcohol on the liver and kidneys is probably not worth it, you already know everything perfectly well. And don't rely on the fact that a certain amount of alcohol is good for you.

35. Sweet carbonated drinks

Sugary carbonated drinks - a mixture of sugar, chemicals and gases - to distribute harmful substances through the body faster. Coca-Cola, for example, is a wonderful remedy for limescale and rust. Think carefully before sending such liquid to the stomach. In addition, carbonated sugary drinks are also harmful with a high concentration of sugar - the equivalent of four to five teaspoons diluted in a glass of water. Therefore, you should not be surprised that, after quenching your thirst with such soda, you are thirsty again in five minutes.

36. Yeast bread and white bread

By eating yeast bread, you are eating mushrooms. Rye bread should be preferred. Refined white flour of the highest grades, like other refined products, is confidently among the top unhealthy foods. A sliced ​​loaf is not a complete bread. This is "muffin", with all that it implies.

37. Packaged juices

In this case, we are not talking about any natural juices. There are no natural juices on sale in packs. Do not dare to give them to children. This is pure chemistry. This is a rough list of foods to give up. We are not talking about unhealthy products, but rather dangerous ones.

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