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Ensuring civil rights. with popular representation based. d) Concern for public education

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2 Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Tambov State Technical University POLITICAL PARTIES OF THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE Workbook LBC T3(2)5 D25 Tambov TSTU Publishing House 2004 Reviewer Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V.S. Klobutsky Compiled by: I.V. Dvukhzhilova, A.A. Slezin

3 D25 Political parties of the Russian Empire: Workbook / Composers: I.V. Dvukhzhilova, A.A. Slezin; Under scientific ed. Dr. ist. sciences, prof. A.A. Tear. Tambov: Tambov Publishing House. state tech. un-ta, s. Designed to organize and control independent work of students of 1 2 courses in the basic discipline "National History". It can be used in innovative secondary educational institutions, in preparing applicants for admission to historical, legal and other humanitarian specialties of universities. The assignments were also tested in the classroom in the elective disciplines "History of political parties and movements", "Political science", "Politics and law". BBK Т3(2)5 Dvukhzhilova IV, Slezin AA, 2004 Tambov State Technical University, 2004 Educational publication POLITICAL PARTIES OF THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE Mitrofanova Computer prototyping engineer T.A. Synkova Signed for publication Format / 16. Offset paper. Offset printing Typeface Times New Roman. Volume: 1.39 arb. oven l.; 1.2 uch.-ed. l. Circulation 100 copies. P. 452 M Publishing and Printing Center of the Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Sovetskaya, 106, room 14

4 Worksheet 1 Below are excerpts from the program documents of political parties. Determine which document expresses the political principles of a particular party. Let us suggest that excerpts from the program documents of the parties are given: constitutional-democratic, social-democratic, socialist-revolutionaries, monarchist, the Union of October 17, the Union of the Russian people. Document 1 I Basic Rights of Citizens 1) All Russian citizens, without distinction of sex, religion or nationality, are equal before the law. All class distinctions and all restrictions on the personal and property rights of Poles, Jews and all other separate groups of the population without exception must be abolished. 2) Every citizen is guaranteed freedom of conscience and religion. No persecution for professed beliefs and beliefs ... are allowed. 3) Everyone is free to express his thoughts orally and in writing, as well as publish them or distribute them by printing or in any other way. Censorship, both general and special, is abolished and cannot be restored. 4) All Russian citizens are given the right to organize public meetings ... to discuss all kinds of issues. 5) All Russian citizens have the right to form unions and societies without asking for permission ... 7) The person and home of everyone must be inviolable ... 11) The Basic Law of the Russian Empire must guarantee all the peoples inhabiting the Empire, in addition to full civil and political equality of all citizens, the right of free cultural self-determination. 12) The Russian language should be the language of the central institutions, the army and the navy... II State system 13) The constitutional structure of the Russian state is determined by the fundamental law. 14) People's representatives are elected by universal, equal, direct and secret suffrage, without distinction of religion, nationality or sex. (On the question of the immediate extension of suffrage to women, minorities, I remain of a dissenting opinion, which is why the congress recognized the decision of the party on this issue as optional for the minority.) in control over the legality and expediency of the actions of the higher and lower administrations 18) The members of the assembly of people's representatives have the right of legislative initiative. 19) The ministers are responsible to the people's congress, whose members are granted the right of inquiry and interpretation. Document 2 Whatever disagreements divide people in the field of political, social and economic questions, the great danger created by centuries of stagnation in the development of our political forms and threatening not only prosperity, but even the very existence of our fatherland, calls everyone to unity, to active work to create a strong and authoritative government, which will find support in the trust and assistance of the people and which alone is able to lead the country through peaceful renewal from present social chaos and ensure its internal peace and external security. To this end, the Union is formed and proclaims the following main provisions. 1) Preservation of the unity and indivisibility of the Russian State.

5 This provision obliges us to recognize that the vital condition for strengthening the external power of Russia and for her internal prosperity is to protect the unity of her political body, to preserve the historically established unitary character behind her state system. At the same time, this provision obliges to oppose any assumptions directed directly or indirectly to the dismemberment of the Empire and the replacement of a single state by a union state or a union of states. With the broad development of local self-government throughout the Empire, with firmly established basic elements of civil freedom ... this situation does not in the least prevent local characteristics and the interests of various nationalities from finding expression and satisfaction in legislation and administration based on the unconditional recognition of equality in the rights of all Russians citizens. 2) Development and strengthening of the principles of a constitutional monarchy with popular representation based on general suffrage. This provision obliges to recognize the beginning of universal suffrage, which opens up the possibility for all Russian people to participate in the exercise of state power. This provision, further, calls for a radical transformation of our political system on a constitutional basis and for a firm consolidation of the rights of active participation granted to it by the Manifesto, next to the Monarch, in legislative works and government of the country. The same provision recognizes and secures a new state-legal character for the monarchical beginning in the changed conditions of the political life of Russia. The former Autocrat becomes a constitutional Monarch, who, although he finds the limits of his will in the rights of popular representation, but in the very unity with the people, in alliance with the land, in the new conditions of the state system, receives new power and a new high task of being the supreme leader of a free people. Being in the minds of the people as before the embodiment of state unity, serving as an inseparable bond of successively changing generations, a sacred banner around which the Russian people gather in a moment of formidable danger, the monarchical principle now receives a new historical mission of extreme importance. Rising above innumerable private and local interests ... the monarchy is called upon to be a pacifying principle in that sharp struggle, the political, national and social struggle, for which a wide scope is now opening up with the proclamation of political civil freedom. The strengthening of these principles in political life, the opposition to any encroachment, no matter where it comes from, on the rights of the Monarch and on the rights of popular representation, as these rights are defined on the basis of the Manifesto of October 17, should be part of the tasks of the Union. 3) Ensuring civil rights. In a politically free state, civil freedom must also prevail, creating the basis for the all-round development of both the spiritual forces of the people and the natural productivity of the country. The manifesto of October 17 puts in the first place the gift of the unshakable foundations of civil freedom. The development and strengthening of these foundations in legislation and rights is one of the main tasks of the Union. Document 3 The cause of revolutionary socialism is the cause of the liberation of all mankind. It leads to the elimination of all forms of internecine strife between people, all forms of violence and exploitation of man by man, to freedom, equality and brotherhood for all without distinction of sex, race, religion or nationality... exploitation of the human personality, against social forms that are restrictive for its development. The necessary task of the socialist party, to which the leading role in this struggle passes, is to expand and deepen, at a revolutionary moment, the changes in property, with which the overthrow of the autocracy must be connected. The full implementation of its program, that is, the expropriation of capitalist property and the reorganization of production and the entire social system on socialist lines, presupposes the complete victory of the working class, organized in a social revolutionary party, and, if necessary, the establishment of its temporary revolutionary dictatorship.

6 Since the process of transformation of Russia will proceed under the leadership of non-socialist forces, the party will, based on the considerations developed above, support, defend or wrest with its revolutionary struggle the following reforms: in the political and legal field: the establishment of a democratic republic with broad autonomy for regions and communities, both urban, as well as rural; perhaps a wider application of the federal principle to relations between individual nationalities; recognition of their unconditional right to self-determination; direct, secret, equal, universal right to vote for every citizen not younger than twenty years old, without distinction of sex, religion and nationality ... Complete freedom of speech, conscience, assembly, press, workers' strikes and unions; complete and universal civil equality, inviolability of the person and home ... Equality of languages ​​... Destruction of the standing army and its replacement by the people's militia; in the economic sphere: 1) in matters of labor legislation, the party sets as its goal the protection of the spiritual and physical forces of the working class and increasing its capacity for further liberation struggle, to the general interests of which all the narrowly practical, immediate, local and professional interests of individual working strata must be subordinated; 2) in matters of agrarian policy and land relations, the party aims to use in the interests of socialism and the struggle against bourgeois property principles both communal and general labor views, traditions and forms of life of the Russian peasantry, and in particular the view of the land as the common property of all workers. In these forms, the Party will stand for the socialization of all privately owned lands, that is, for their withdrawal from the private property of individuals and their transfer to public ownership... ), freely elected by all the people without distinction of sex, class, nationality and religion, for the elimination of the autocratic regime and the reorganization of all modern orders. It will both uphold its program of this reorganization in the Constituent Assembly and strive to carry it out directly in the revolutionary period. Document 4<Партия>sets as its immediate political task the overthrow of the tsarist autocracy and its replacement by a democratic republic, the constitution of which would ensure: 1) the autocracy of the people, thus concentrating all supreme state power in the hands of a legislative assembly composed of representatives of the people and forming one chamber; 2) universal, equal and direct suffrage in elections both to the legislative assembly and to all local self-government bodies for all citizens and women who have reached the age of twenty; secret ballot in elections; the right of every voter to be elected to all representative institutions; biennial parliaments; salaries of people's representatives; 3) broad local self-government; regional self-government for those areas that are distinguished by special living conditions and the composition of the population; 4) inviolability of person and home; 5) unlimited freedom of conscience, speech, press, meetings, strikes and associations; 6) freedom of movement and trades; 7) the destruction of estates and the complete equality of all citizens, regardless of gender, religion, race and nationality; 8) the right of the population to receive education in their native language, ensured by the creation at the expense of the state and self-government bodies of the schools necessary for this; the right of every citizen to explain himself in his native language at meetings; the introduction of the native language on a par with the state language in all local public and state institutions; 9) the right to self-determination for all nations that are part of the state; 10) the right of every person to prosecute in the usual manner before a jury trial any official;

7 11) election of judges by the people; 12) replacement of the permanent army by the general armament of the people; 13) separation of the church from the state and the school from the church; 14) free and compulsory general and vocational education for all children of both sexes up to 16 years of age; providing poor children with food, clothing and teaching aids at the expense of the state Document 5 The party now has a larger task than the election campaign for which the party was originally formed. In view of this, the party has outlined for itself in this new field of safeguarding and restoring the autocratic power of the Russian tsars a whole series of unconditionally legal means, which the party, observing strict discipline, will use to achieve its main goal, mindful of its loyal duty to the tsar and its duties to the Russian people, sacredly revering their Most Pious, Most Autocratic Father-Tsar. Document 6 2 considers that the Tsarist autocracy was not abolished by the Manifesto of October 17, 1905 and exists unshakably in Russia and that the State Duma is not called and cannot change anything in the fundamental laws of our Empire, and even more so the State Duma in no case cannot limit the Autocratic Power of our Tsar... 9 The Union considers it quite fair and necessary to grant the Russian people: 1) the exclusive right to participate in the Zemstvo Sobor or in the State Duma; 2) the exclusive right to the service of the state, railway, river and sea navigation and teaching in government schools throughout the Empire; 3) the exclusive right to zemstvo and city service, both elective and hired in the indigenous Russian regions; 4) the exclusive right to be jurors and estate representatives in court rulings in the native Russian regions; 5) the exclusive right to acquire and lease ... lands and develop their natural resources, as well as to fish and game on them throughout the Empire; 7) the exclusive right to populate vacant lands throughout Russia; 8) pre-emptive right to acquire and lease urban land property... Worksheet 2 Give the names and terms using the prompts of the compilers. 1 This word denotes not only pupils of secondary military educational institutions in pre-revolutionary Russia, but also members of one of the liberal parties. 2 An organized action by the liberal opposition at the end of 1904, consisting in the submission of collective petitions addressed to the emperor with requests for the need for reforms. Since there was no freedom of assembly then, banquets were used to collect signatures. 3 On the one hand, this is an aggressive policy, but in the terminology of the Bolsheviks, a monopoly stage in the development of capitalism.

8 4 The ideal of the Cadets, a constitutional monarchy, which is characterized by the concentration of all legislative and executive power in the hands of parliament. 5 The name of the movement, given by historical analogy with the detachments of K. Minin. 6 Date of adoption of the manifesto legalizing political parties in Russia. 7 The ideal of the Social Democrats, Socialist Revolutionaries, Popular Socialists, Left Socialist Revolutionaries. 8 Legal (since 1906) institution where party factions officially existed. 9 The party that had the largest party faction in the Second State Duma. 10 The main brawler in the State Duma, leader of the Union of Michael the Archangel. Fill in the tables. Worksheet 3 Table 1 Name of the party Requirements of its program in the field of the state structure of Russia Constitutional structure determined by the fundamental law. Autonomy of Finland and Poland. Broad civil rights Constitutional monarchy. State Duma on the basis of the manifesto of October 17, 1905 Universal suffrage. Broad democratic rights. Indivisibility of the Russian Empire. Autonomy of Finland Replacing the autocracy with a republic with a unicameral parliament, with a further development into a state of the dictatorship of the proletariat. The right of nations to self-determination, the separation of church from state and school from church. Replacing the Standing Army with the General Armament of the People The Union of the Russian People A democratic republic with broad autonomy for regions and communities. The right of nations to self-determination. The federal principle of the state structure. Direct popular lawmaking. Full de-

9 separation of the church from the state. The destruction of the standing army and its replacement by the people's militia. Broad civil rights and freedoms Table 2 The name of the party Bolsheviks The requirements of its program in the field of the state structure of Russia Continued table. 2 Name of the party Mensheviks Demands of its program in the field of the state system of Russia Socialist-Revolutionaries Cadets Octobrists Union of the Russian people

10 Table 3 Name of the party Bolsheviks Famous party figures of the early twentieth century Mensheviks Socialist-Revolutionaries Enes Cadets Octobrists Continuation of Table. 3 Name of the party Famous party figures of the early twentieth century

11 Progressives Union of the Russian People Union of the Archangel Michael Table 4 Characteristics of parties Left Party names Right Center Continuation of Table. 4 Characteristics of Marxist parties Names of parties Neopopulist

12 Liberal Conservative Black Hundred Reform Worksheet 4 TESTS Write the correct answers. 1 To the most radical socio-political movements of the early twentieth century. included a) Black Hundreds and Socialist-Revolutionaries; b) Cadets and Octobrists; c) Cadets and Mensheviks. 2 What institution of power should become the head of state after the fall of the autocracy according to the first program of the RSDLP? a) Councils; b) the Central Committee of the Party; c) Constituent Assembly. 3 The activity of political parties in Russia was legalized a) October 17, 1905; b) February 19, 1861; c) October 26, 1917. 4 A) the Cadets had their own terrorist organizations; b) Socialist-Revolutionaries; c) all liberal parties.

13 5 The revolutionary party did not include a) Maximalists; b) the Mensheviks; c) people's freedom. 6 Milyukov P.N. is the leader of the party a) Constitutional Democrats; b) Octobrists; c) the Mensheviks. 7 Chernov V.M. was the leader of the party a) Social Democrats; b) populist socialists; c) socialist-revolutionaries. 8 Marxist parties included a) Mensheviks and Bolsheviks; b) Land and Freedom and the Socialist-Revolutionaries; c) Social Democrats and Constitutional Democrats. 9 The organizational delimitation of Bolsheviks and Mensheviks first took place a) at the II Congress of the RSDLP; b) at the Second Congress of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party; c) in 1905. 10 Spiridonova M.A. was the leader of the party a) Socialist-Revolutionaries; b) revolutionary Marxists; c) Left SRs. 11 at the end of the nineteenth century. was (a) in exile in Tambov, then headed (a) one of the revolutionary political parties, was (a) chairman of the Constituent Assembly a) M.A. Spiridonova; b) G.V. Chicherin; c) V.M. Chernov. 12 When V.I. Lenin became a socialist-revolutionary? a) in 1898; b) in 1903; c) never. 13 Neo-populists at the beginning of the 20th century were called a) social democrats; b) socialist-revolutionaries; c) Black Hundreds. 14 The most active supporters of the Russo-French-British rapprochement on the eve of the First World War were a) the Cadets; b) Black Hundred parties; c) SRs. 15 Of all the parties represented in the Second State Duma, the largest number of deputies had a) the Octobrists; b) cadets; c) workers. 16 All chairmen of the Third and Fourth State Dumas were members of the party a) "Union of October 17"; b) RSDLP; c) Enes. 17 Liberal Party a) Progressives;

14 b) maximalists; c) monarchy. 18 Choose the correct statement a) V.I. Lenin was elected to the Second State Duma; b) the Bolsheviks refused to boycott the elections to the Second State Duma; c) the majority of seats in the Second State Duma belonged to the Octobrists and the Black Hundreds. 19 The slogan "Land to those who cultivate it!" belongs to a) SRs; b) cadets; c) imperial government. 20 Bolshevik, deputy of the Fourth State Duma, who turned out to be a provocateur, a) R. Malinovsky; b) E. Azef; c) I. Stalin. Worksheet 5 VISUAL TESTS Put the names and initials of famous party leaders next to the clues and portraits.

15 1 This deputy of the Third State Duma called the gallows "Stolypin's ties", the number of which amazed the public as a result of the adoption of the decree on courts-martial. 2 The name of this Iskra agent, killed by the Black Hundreds, is immortalized in the name of the largest technical university in Russia. 3 "Father of Russian Marxism". Born in a small-local large family in the village of Gudalovka, Tambov province. 4 In his youth, the closest associate of Lenin, in adulthood he turned into his main opponent in the social democratic movement. 5 One of the founders of the first Council of Workers' Deputies in the country, a famous Soviet military leader in the future. 6 Passionate supporter of the reformist course P.A. Stolypin, this leader of one of the largest liberal parties called P.A. Stolypin for a duel.

16 7 One of the major entrepreneurs, the leader of the Old Believers, he took an active part in the work of the progressive party. 8 Social Democrat, but before 1917 neither a Bolshevik nor a Menshevik. For his talent as a publicist, he was given the nickname "Pero". 9 One of the largest entrepreneurs and patrons of the arts, he actively helped with funds and revolutionary parties. 10 One of the most active figures in the Octobrist party, he was chairman of the III and IV State Dumas. 11 "Leonardo da Vinci" of the twentieth century. they call this outstanding scientist who made a significant contribution to the history of the constitutional democratic party. 12 If it weren't for his favorite political offspring, the Kadet Party, he could have become one of the most prominent Russian historians. 13 Leader of the radical left current of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. 14 One of the most famous Russian lawyers, along with a large landowner, N.S. Volkonsky, publicist A.A. Stolypin, he was an active figure in the Union of October 17 party.

17 15 A very talented publicist and author of satirical poems "Volodya Pu" became more famous for his scandalous behavior in the State Duma. Leader of the Union of Michael the Archangel. Leader of the anti-Rasputin conspiracy. Worksheet 6 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Agree with the teacher on the title of a monograph or two or three articles from among those listed below. Read them and describe each publication in a few sentences. 1 Alekseeva G.D. Criticism of the Socialist-Revolutionary Concepts. M., Anarchists // Motherland S. Anoprieva G.S., Erofeev N.D. People's Socialists // Centaur S Baranchenko V.E. The death and funeral of P.A. Kropotkina // Questions of history S. Batalov E. Russian anarchism yesterday and today // Free thought S. Bezgin V.B., Ilyin S.A. The peasantry and Russian national organizations of the Tambov province in the Russian revolution (gg.) // Humanities: problems and solutions: Sat. scientific articles. SPb., With Bakulin V.I. Between dogma, illusion and reality: Menshevism in 1917 // Patriotic history S Budnitsky O.V. Terrorism in the Russian Liberation Movement: Ideology, Ethics, Psychology (second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries). M., Dumova N.G., Shelokhaev V.V. Opposition of His Majesty: Cadets // History of political parties in Russia: Textbook. M., S Erofeev N.D. Socialist-Revolutionaries // History of political parties in Russia. M., S. Zubatovshchina // Kavtorin V.L. The first step towards disaster: January 9, 1905 L., S Ilyasov F.N. Bolshevism: norm or deviation // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences T S Konovalova O.V. V.M. Chernov and the agrarian program of the party of socialist revolutionaries // Patriotic history S Konovalova O.V. "Mixed Economy". Viktor Chernov's variant // Svobodnaya mysl' S. Kriven'kiy V.V. Anarchists // History of political parties in Russia. M., S Kuvshinov V.A. The program of the "Union of October 17" (Octobrist Party) // Centaur S to the Left of the Left // Motherland S Leonova L.S. Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky // Questions of History S Leonov M.I. Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Second Duma // Questions of History S Mamaev I.S. L. Martov as a politician in the assessments of contemporaries and historians // Moscow University Bulletin. Ser. 8. History Manifesto of political forces // First assault. M., S. Miller V y: the rise and fall of the Mensheviks // Svobodnaya thought S. Mogilner M. B. Savinkov: "underground" and "legal" Russia in the vicissitudes of one fate // Social sciences and modernity Nikolaev B. Bolshevik Center gg. // Motherland Since October 1917 and the fate of the political opposition. M., 1993.

18 26 The response of revolutionary parties and organizations to the dissolution of the Duma // Tyutyukin S.V. July political crisis of 1906 in Russia. M., Paveleva T.Yu. Polish faction in the State Duma of Russia // Questions of History S. Pavlov D.B., Shelokhaev V.V. "Union of October 17" // History of political parties in Russia. M., S. Pavlov S.B. The struggle of the extreme right against the establishment of a full-fledged parliament in Russia // Bulletin of Moscow State University. Ser. 8. History With Pavlyuchenko E.A. Women in the Russian liberation movement. M., Pozner A. In memory of Plekhanov // Svobodnaya thought C Political parties of Russia: the end of the 19th first third of the 20th century: Encyclopedia. M., Right and constitutional monarchists of Russia in the years. // Questions of history C; 6. S. Protasov L., Protasova O. Popular socialists // Rodina S. Rozental I.S. Socialist Parties in Russia at the Beginning of the 20th Century // Teaching history and social studies at school S Romov R.B. Right-monarchist organizations in the elections to the II State Duma (1907) // Bulletin of Moscow State University. Ser. 8. History C Russian constitutionalism in the period of the Duma monarchy: Sat. documents / Comp.: A.V. Gogolevsky, B.N. Kovalev. M., Saltyk G.A. Socialist-Revolutionaries of the Central Chernozem Region in the Years // Domestic History S. Sekirinsky S.S., Shelokhaev V.V. Liberalism in Russia. M., Simonov N.S. Political Rivals: Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries // History of Political Parties in Russia. M., S Stepanov S.A. "Revolutionaries on the Right": Black Hundred Unions // History of Political Parties in Russia. M., S. Tyutyukin S. Russia in 1905 // Svobodnaya Mysl S. Tyutyukin S.V. "Soft" Marxists: Mensheviks // History of political parties in Russia. M., S Urilov I.Kh. From the history of the split of the RSDLP // Patriotic history S Usyskin G. Pop Gapon // Motherland S Heimson L. Menshevism and the evolution of the Russian intelligentsia // Russia. XXI century C Black Hundred // Homeland C Chernov V.M. Socialist Party // October Revolution. M., S What are the parties of the Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries // October Revolution. M., S Chkhartishvili P.Sh. The Black Hundreds in 1917 // Issues of History S Shur A. Terror has a female face // Rodina S

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In the autumn of 1904, the "Union of October 17" organizationally took shape. The name of this party reflected its satisfaction with the concessions of the tsarist government, recorded in the Manifesto of October 17, 1905. The liberal program of the Octobrists was aimed at establishing a constitutional monarchy, carrying out legislative reforms, and denied revolutionary violence.

The social composition was heterogeneous: it included industrialists, bankers, merchants, officials. landlords, teachers, doctors, priests, peasants. In St. Petersburg, Sormovo and some other cities, workers' organizations of the "Union of October 17" were created. However, the top of the party belonged to the richest strata of Russian society. Its leaders were a major Moscow businessman A.I. Guchkov and M.V. Rodzianko is a large landowner in the Yekaterinoslav province.

Whatever disagreements divide people in the field of political, social and economic questions, the great danger created by centuries of stagnation in the development of our political forms and threatening not only prosperity, but the very existence of our fatherland, calls everyone to unity, to active work to create strong and authoritative government, which will find support in the trust and assistance of the people and which alone is able to lead the country out of real social chaos through peaceful reforms and ensure its internal peace and external security.

To this end, on the basis of the recognition of the principles proclaimed in the Supreme Manifesto, an alliance is being formed, to which both individuals and entire parties are invited to join, the program of which basically coincides with the program of the alliance. The Union of October 17 proclaims the following basic provisions.

1. Preservation of the unity and indivisibility of the Russian state

This position obliges us to recognize that the vital condition for strengthening the external might of Russia and for her internal prosperity is the protection of the unity of her political rear, the preservation of the historically formed unitary character behind her state system. At the same time, this provision obliges to oppose any assumptions directed directly or indirectly to the dismemberment of the Empire and to the replacement of a single state by a union state or a union of states.

2. Development and strengthening of the principles of a constitutional monarchy with popular representation based on general suffrage

This provision obliges to recognize the beginning of general suffrage, which opens up the possibility for all Russian citizens to participate in the exercise of state power. This provision, further, calls for a radical transformation of our political system on a constitutional basis and for a firm consolidation of the rights of active participation granted to it by the manifesto, next to the Monarch, in legislative works and government of the country.

The same provision recognizes and secures a new state-legal character for the monarchical beginning in the changed conditions of the political life of Russia. The former unlimited Autocrat, omnipotent in theory, but bound in reality by all the fetters of the command system, weak due to alienation from the whole people, becomes a constitutional Monarch, who, although he finds the limits of his will in the rights of popular representation, is in the very unity with the people, in alliance with land, in the new conditions of the state system, he receives new power and a new high task of being the supreme leader of a free people. Being in the minds of the people as before the embodiment of state unity, serving as an inseparable bond of successively changing generations, a sacred banner around which the Russian people gather in a moment of formidable danger, the monarchical principle now receives a new historical mission of the greatest importance. Rising above innumerable private and local interests, above the one-sided goals of various classes, estates, nationalities, parties, the monarchy, precisely under the present conditions, is called upon to fulfill its destiny - to be a pacifying beginning in that sharp struggle, the political, national and social struggle, for which wide scope for the proclamation of political and civil freedom. Strengthening these principles in Russian political life, counteracting any encroachment, no matter where it comes from, on the rights of the Monarch and on the rights of popular representation, as these rights are defined on the basis of the manifesto of October 17, should be included in the tasks of the "Union". Only in this way, through the unity of the Monarch with the people, can that strong, self-confident government power be created that will be able to restore peace to us.

3. Enforcement of civil rights

In a politically free state, civil freedom must also prevail, creating the only reliable basis for the all-round development of both the spiritual forces of the people and the natural productivity of the country. The October 17 Manifesto puts in the first place the gift of the unshakable foundations of civil freedom. The development and strengthening of these principles in legislation and rights is one of the main tasks of the Union.

This includes, above all: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, oral and printed, freedom of assembly and association. This also includes ensuring freedom of movement, choice of place of residence and occupation, ensuring freedom of labor, industry, trade, freedom to acquire property and dispose of it. Civil freedom also implies the inviolability of the person, home, correspondence, property of citizens. All these rights, protected by law, have one natural limit in the rights of other citizens and in the rights of society and the state. No one may be arrested, subjected to any kind of violence, search, deprivation of property, etc., without a decision of the appropriate judicial authority. Any person detained on any charge must be presented to the judiciary or released as soon as possible, for example, within 24 hours in cities. In order to protect all these rights from encroachment, both on the part of private persons and on the part of officials, they must be placed under the protection of criminal laws, and the judicial responsibility of officials, whatever their position, must be established.

4. The urgency of convening the State Duma

The further development of political forms must be in organic connection with the entire previous historical life of Russia. The convening, as some parties demand, of a constituent assembly that determines its own competence by its own power, presupposes, as it were, the absence of any government, contains a complete severance of ties with the past, and will lead to a revision of such principles of our political and social life, which cannot be shaken without severe revolutionary upheaval throughout the country.

The resulting delay in the convocation of the State Duma will postpone indefinitely the restoration of the normal course of state life and legislative work, and at the same time the resolution of certain urgent questions related to the vital interests of the broad masses of the population. In view of this, the Union speaks out against the convocation of a constituent assembly, which will only postpone the much-desired hour of calming the country.

The State Duma of the first call should take upon itself the implementation of the political reforms that are next in line, aimed at improving the representation of the people, such as: revising the regulations on the State Duma, the electoral law, etc. Along with this, it should begin to resolve such pressing issues of economic , social and others, the urgent need to resolve which is put forward by life itself.

Having embarked on organic creative work, the State Duma, in the opinion of the Union, should outline for itself the following issues of paramount state importance for the development and gradual resolution:

a) the peasant question

Of the urgent reforms, the first place must be given to measures to resolutely and irrevocably familiarize the peasants with the fullness of civil rights on an equal basis with other citizens. These include: the abolition of exclusive legal provisions that legally degrade taxable estates, the abolition of administrative guardianship, the recognition of secular land tenure as an institution of civil law. In addition to persistent state concerns in raising the productivity of agriculture, measures to improve well-being are: the regulation of small land leases, the transformation of the activities of the peasant land bank, the promotion of resettlement and resettlement, the recognition of state and specific lands, a fund for satisfying the land needs of former peasants and other categories of small landowners, the development of striped peasant and landlord lands with the obligatory alienation of segments that interfere with the economic integrity of possessions, and, finally, in the absence of these measures, the alienation of a part of privately owned lands, permissible in cases of national importance, on fair conditions of remuneration established by the legislative power;

b) work question

The labor question is at present one of the most acute questions and has every right to special concerns on the part of the State Duma. It cannot, however, be satisfactorily resolved in the interests of the worker himself or without the support of industry in general: only a properly developed industry of the country can provide for the worker. The Union believes that the Duma should set itself the general task of revising, improving and expanding legislation on workers in accordance with the local characteristics of individual industries, with the principles adopted in this field in the most enlightened industrial states. This also includes measures to provide for workers and their families in the event of illness, disability and death, measures for the gradual implementation of insurance for workers in all types of work, measures to limit working hours for women and children in industries that are especially harmful to health.

While fully recognizing the freedom of trade unions and the freedom of strikes as a means for the workers to defend their interests, it must, however, be recognized as necessary by legislative means to regulate the conditions of this economic struggle. For this, on the one hand, a number of effective measures should be developed to eliminate cases of violence against a person and encroachment on property, as a way of forcing people to join an alliance or participate in a strike, and on the other hand, such productions should be singled out as a special group. , enterprises and institutions on which the life and health of the population, important public and state interests, the security of the state, the interests of defense depend, and the conditions of work and service in such industries, which should be recognized as of national importance, must be subject to special legal, protecting the interests workers and employees, but subordinating them to the highest state interest;

c) development and strengthening of the principles of local self-government

A necessary condition for the renewal of the political and social life of Russia and for the full implementation of the principles of freedom proclaimed by the manifesto is the transformation of local zemstvo and city self-government with the expansion of its rights and range of activities, giving it due independence and the abolition of administrative guardianship, with the organization of a small zemstvo unit, with elimination of class. with the spread of the beginning of self-government, if possible, throughout the entire territory of the Empire and with the involvement of the widest possible range of people in self-government. Participation in renewed self-government will be the best school of political freedom for the people;

d) concern for public education

Bearing in mind that only with an increase in the mental level of the people and with the spread of education among them can we expect that it will achieve both political maturity and economic well-being, that the very fate of the political reform now being carried out depends to a large extent on the degree of consciousness with which the population reacts to exercise the rights granted to him. The Union advocates that the needs of popular education should be brought to the forefront in the legislative work of the Duma and that the widest possible means be allocated for the satisfaction of these needs. In particular, all measures must be taken so that universal primary education can be practically implemented as soon as possible. Along with this, the number of secondary and higher educational institutions, especially technical ones, must be increased within the limits of real social need, with the widest possible freedom of private and social initiative in opening and maintaining educational institutions. At the same time, the curricula must be revised in order to simplify them and bring them closer to the needs of life, and a direct, successive connection must be established between the various levels of schools.

e) judicial and administrative reforms

The ordering of the forms of community life and the strengthening of civil freedom is possible only when the population of the country finds support and protection of all its rights in court and when the activities of the administrative authorities are placed within the boundaries clearly outlined in the law. Based on these provisions, the "Union of October 17" sets itself the task of carrying out such reforms in the State Duma, which are aimed at introducing a classless court guided by laws common to the entire population, introducing an elective principle into local justice, establishing the independence of the court from the influence of the administration and the abolition of judicial and administrative institutions, the protection of the publicity of legal proceedings and the expansion of the competence of the jury. In the sphere of the administrative system, in addition to its general simplification and subordination of its activities to the strict norms of the law, it is necessary to establish an accessible way for everyone to appeal against the orders and actions of the administrative authorities, the procedure for strict criminal and civil liability for violation of established laws and rights of individuals by these authorities, and for; the destruction of red tape, burdensome to all, it is necessary to establish in the law the urgency of the work of the administration:

f) economic and financial measures

In view of the enormous expenditures to be made in the coming years to the State Treasury for the implementation of urgent and important cultural tasks, as well as in the interests of national defense in the matter of rebuilding our military, land and naval forces, one cannot count on a reduction in the state budget and on easing the general tax burden. But already in the near future it is possible to implement an even more rational and fair tax system and shift the tax burden from weaker shoulders to stronger shoulders. With the aim of raising the people's well-being, increasing state revenues and in the interests of distributing taxed payers in accordance with the payment forces, it is proposed:

  • 1) measures to promote the rise of productive forces, especially in the agricultural industry;
  • 2) organization of agricultural, industrial and commercial credit available to the population;
  • 3) widespread dissemination of technical knowledge in order to raise the productivity of people's labor;
  • 4) measures for the best use of national wealth, and access to the exploitation of forest and mineral wealth belonging to the state should be facilitated;
  • 5) the development of direct taxes, based on progressive income taxation with a gradual decrease in indirect taxation of essential items;
  • 6) development of a network of railways, as well as water, highways and dirt roads.

However, however necessary and effective all these government measures may be, it should be remembered that the rise of the people's well-being is possible only on condition that our national character is restored to those precious qualities that it lost under the influence of the old order based on government supervision. , government guardianship, government assistance. Political and civil freedom, proclaimed by the Manifesto of October 17, should awaken to life the dormant popular forces, evoke a spirit of bold energy and enterprise, a spirit of self-activity and self-help, and thereby create a solid foundation and the best guarantee of moral rebirth.


Read the documents below and complete the assignments for them.

Document 1

We, Nicholas II, Emperor and Autocrat of All Russia... Having commanded the competent authorities to take measures to eliminate direct manifestations of disorder, excesses and violence...

We make it the duty of the government to carry out our inexorable will:

1. Grant the population the unshakable foundations of civil freedom on the basis of real inviolability of the person, freedom of conscience, speech, assembly and associations.

2. Without stopping the planned elections to the State Duma, now to attract to participation in the Duma ... those classes of the population that are now completely deprived of voting rights, leaving the further development of the beginning of general suffrage to the newly established legislative order.

3. Establish, as an unshakable rule, that no law can take effect without the approval of the State Duma and that the elected representatives of the people be provided with the opportunity to really participate in supervising the regularity of the actions of the authorities decreed by us. …

Document 2

From the Basic State Laws of 1906.

With the Manifesto of October 17, 1905, we announced the exercise of our legislative power in unity with the representatives of the people and the granting to the population of the unshakable foundations of civil freedom.

... At the same time, in terms of strengthening the foundations of the renewed state system, we ordered to bring together the decrees that have the meaning of the Fundamental State Laws, which are subject to change only at our initiative, and supplement them with provisions that more precisely delimit the area of ​​​​the inseparable power of the supreme state administration that belongs to us from the power of the legislature .

1. The Russian State is one and indivisible.

2. The Grand Duchy of Finland, constituting an indivisible part of the Russian state, is governed in its internal affairs by special regulations on the basis of special legislation.

3. The Russian language is the national language and is mandatory in the army, navy and in all state and public institutions ...

On the essence of the supreme autocratic power

4. The supreme autocratic power belongs to the All-Russian Emperor. To obey his authority, not only out of fear, but also out of conscience, God himself commands.

5. The person of the Sovereign Emperor is sacred and inviolable.

7. Sovereign Emperor exercises legislative power in unity with the State Council and the State Duma.

8. The Sovereign Emperor has the initiative in all subjects of legislation. It is solely on his initiative that the Fundamental State Laws may be subject to revision in the State Council and the State Duma.

9. The Sovereign Emperor approves the laws, and without his approval, no law can be carried out.

12. Sovereign Emperor is the supreme leader of all external relations of the Russian state with foreign powers. He also determines the direction of the international policy of the Russian state.

13. Sovereign Emperor declares war and concludes peace, as well as treaties with foreign states.

14. Sovereign Emperor is the sovereign leader of the Russian army and navy. He has supreme command over all the land and sea armed forces of the Russian state ...

15. Sovereign Emperor declares areas in a state of war or a state of exception.

16. The Sovereign Emperor has the right to mint coins and determine its appearance.

17. The Sovereign Emperor appoints and dismisses the chairman of the Council of Ministers, ministers and chief executives of individual units, as well as other officials, unless a different procedure for appointment and dismissal is established for the latter by law.

22. Judicial power is exercised in the name of the Sovereign Emperor by courts established by law, the decisions of which are enforced in the name of Imperial Majesty.

23. The Sovereign Emperor owns the pardon of the convicted, the mitigation of punishments and the general forgiveness of those who have committed criminal acts with the cessation of legal prosecution against them and their release from trial and punishment, as well as the addition, in the ways of royal mercy, state penalties and, in general, the bestowal of mercy in cases of special, not eligible under the general laws, when this does not violate anyone's legally protected interests and civil rights.

26. Decrees and orders of the Sovereign Emperor, in the form of supreme administration or directly issued by him, are sealed by the chairman of the Council of Ministers or the subordinate minister or the chief administrator of a separate part and promulgated by the Governing Senate.

On the rights and obligations of Russian citizens

28. Defense of the throne and Fatherland is the sacred duty of every Russian subject. The male population, without distinction of condition, is subject to military service in accordance with the provisions of the law.

29. Russian citizens are obliged to pay taxes and duties established by law, and also to serve their duties in accordance with the provisions of the law.

30. No one may be prosecuted for a criminal act otherwise than in the manner prescribed by law.

31. No one may be detained in custody except in cases specified by law.

32. No one can be judged and punished otherwise than for criminal acts provided for by the criminal laws in force at the time of the commission of these acts, if, moreover, newly issued laws do not exclude the committed guilty acts from the number of criminal ones.

33. Everyone's home is inviolable. Production in a dwelling, without the consent of its owner, search or seizure is allowed only in cases and in the manner prescribed by law.

34. Every Russian citizen has the right to freely choose a place of residence and occupation, acquire and alienate property, and freely travel outside the state. Restrictions on these rights are established by special laws.

35. Property is inviolable. Compulsory alienation of immovable property, when this is necessary for any state or public benefit, is allowed only for a fair and decent reward.

36. Russian subjects have the right to organize meetings for purposes not contrary to the law, peacefully and without weapons. The law determines the conditions under which assemblies may take place, the procedure for their closure, as well as the limitation of places for assemblies.

37. Everyone may, within the limits established by law, express his thoughts orally and in writing, as well as disseminate them through print or other means.

38. Russian subjects have the right to form societies and unions for purposes not contrary to the law. The conditions for the formation of societies and unions, the procedure for their actions, the conditions and procedure for informing them of the rights of a legal entity, as well as the procedure for closing societies and unions, are determined by law.

39. Russian subjects enjoy freedom of belief. The conditions for the exercise of this freedom are determined by law.

About laws

44. No new law can follow without the approval of the State Council and the State Duma and take effect without the approval of the Sovereign Emperor.

45. During the termination of the State Duma, if emergency circumstances necessitate such a measure that requires discussion in the legislative order, the Council of Ministers submits it directly to the Sovereign Emperor ...

47. Each law is valid only for the future, except in those cases when it is decreed in the law itself that its force extends to the previous time, or that it is only a confirmation and explanation of the meaning of the former law.

51. According to promulgation, the law becomes binding from the time appointed for it in the law itself, if such a period is not established, from the day the sheet of the Senate edition in which the law is printed is received on the spot.

52. The law cannot be repealed except by the force of the law. Therefore, as long as the existing law is not positively repealed by the new law, it retains its full force.

53. No one can be excused by ignorance of the law when it was promulgated in the established manner.

About the State Council and the State Duma and the manner of their actions

56. The State Council and the State Duma are annually convened by decrees of the Sovereign Emperor.

57. The duration of the annual sessions of the State Council and the State Duma and the timing of the interruption of their sessions during the year are determined by decrees of the Emperor.

58. The State Council is formed from members of the highest appointment and members by election. The total number of members of the Council called by the highest authority to be present in the Council from among its members by the highest appointment should not exceed the total number of members of the Council for Elections.

59. The State Duma is formed from members elected by the population of the Russian Empire for five years on the grounds specified in the regulations on elections to the Duma.

61. The same person cannot be a member of the State Council and a member of the State Duma at the same time.

62. The composition of the members of the State Council for Elections may be replaced by a new composition before the expiration of the term of office of these members by decree of the Sovereign Emperor, who also appoints new elections of members of the Council.

63. The State Duma may be dissolved before the expiration of the five-year term of office of its members by decree of the Sovereign Emperor. The same decree fixed new elections to the Duma and the time of its convocation.

64. The State Council and the State Duma enjoy equal rights in matters of legislation.

65. The State Council and the State Duma, in the manner determined by their institutions, are allowed to initiate proposals for the abolition or amendment of existing laws and the issuance of new laws, with the exception of the Fundamental

state laws, the initiative to revise which belongs solely to the emperor.

68. Legislative proposals are considered in the State Duma and, upon its approval, go to the State Council. Legislative proposals, drawn up on the initiative of the State Council, are considered in the Council and, upon approval by it, go to the Duma.

69. Draft laws not adopted by the State Council or the State Duma are recognized as rejected.

70. Bills drawn up on the initiative of the State Council or the State Duma and not awarded the highest approval cannot be submitted for legislative consideration during the same session. Bills drawn up on the initiative of the State Council or the State Duma and rejected by one of these regulations may be submitted for legislative consideration during the same session, if the highest command follows.

About the Council of Ministers, ministers and chief executives of individual parts

78. The direction and unification of the actions of the ministers and chief executives of individual parts on the subjects of both legislation and higher state administration is entrusted to the Council of Ministers on the grounds specified in the law.

79. Ministers and chief executives of individual units have the right to vote in the State Council and the State Duma only if they are members of these institutions.

81. The Chairman of the Council of Ministers, the ministers and the chief administrators of individual parts are responsible to the Sovereign Emperor for the general course of state administration. Each of them is individually responsible for their actions and orders.

82. The Chairman of the Council of Ministers, ministers and chief executives of individual divisions are subject to civil and criminal liability for acts that are criminal in their position on the grounds specified in the law.

Document 3

From the Manifesto on the dissolution of the State Duma, on the time of convocation of a new Duma and on changing the procedure for elections to the State Duma (June 3, 1907)

... The second State Duma convened by us was called upon to contribute, in accordance with our sovereign will, to calm Russia: first of all, legislative work ...

To our regret, a significant part of the composition of the Second State Duma did not live up to our expectations. Not with a pure heart, not with a desire to strengthen Russia and improve its system, many of the people sent from the population set to work, but with a clear desire to increase confusion and contribute to the decay of the state.

The activities of these persons in the State Duma served as an insurmountable obstacle to fruitful work. A spirit of hostility was introduced into the midst of the Duma itself, which prevented a sufficient number of its members from uniting who wanted to work for the benefit of their native land.

For this reason, the State Duma either did not subject the extensive measures worked out by our government to consideration at all, or slowed down the discussion, or rejected it, without stopping even at the rejection of laws,

punishing the open praise of crimes and strictly punishing the sowers of unrest in the troops. Having evaded condemnation of murders and violence, the State Duma did not render moral assistance to the government in the establishment of the order ...

The slow consideration by the State Duma of the state painting caused difficulty in timely satisfaction of many urgent needs of the people.

The right to make inquiries to the government has been turned by a significant portion of the Duma into a means of fighting the government and inciting distrust in it among the broad sections of the population.

Finally ... The judiciary uncovered a conspiracy of an entire part of the State Duma against the state and the tsarist government. But when our government demanded the temporary removal of the fifty-five members of the Duma accused of this crime, until the end of the trial, and the detention of the most exposed of them, the State Duma did not immediately comply with the lawful demand of the authorities, which did not allow for any delay.

All this prompted us to dissolve the State Duma of the second convocation by decree given to the ruling Senate on June 3, 1907, setting the date for the convocation of a new Duma on November 1, 1907.

... we see the reason for the double failure of the State Duma in the fact that, due to the novelty of the case and the imperfection of the electoral law, this legislative institution was replenished with members who were not real spokesmen for the needs and desires of the people.

Therefore, while leaving in force all the rights bestowed on our subjects by our manifesto of October 17, 1905 and the fundamental laws, we took the decision to change only the very method of calling elected people from the people to the State Duma ...

All these changes in the procedure for elections cannot be carried out in the usual legislative way through that State Duma, the composition of which we have recognized as unsatisfactory, due to the imperfection of the very method of electing its members. Only the power that granted the first electoral law, the historical power of the Russian Tsar, has the right to cancel it and replace it with a new one ...


1. What form of government was declared by the Fundamental State Laws?

2. List the main property, political and civil rights and obligations of Russian citizens.

3. List the principles set forth in the laws that form the basis of the presumption of innocence of a person.

4. Describe the regulations for the work of the State Council and the State Duma.

5. How could the emperor interfere with the regulations of the State Council and the State Duma?

6. Describe the path from the bill stage to the approved law.

7. List the prerogatives of imperial power.

8. Which article of the Basic State Laws establishes the principle of countersignature?

9. What was the violation of the current legislation when the emperor issued the Manifesto of June 3, 1907?

10. What prompted the emperor to dissolve the Second State Duma and change the electoral law in force?










































Below are excerpts from the program documents of political parties. Determine which document expresses the political principles of a particular party. Let us suggest that excerpts from the program documents of the parties are given:

  • constitutional-democratic,
  • social democratic
  • socialist revolutionaries,
  • monarchical,
  • "Union on October 17",
  • Union of the Russian people

Document 1

I. Basic rights of citizens

1. All Russian citizens, without distinction of sex, religion or nationality, are equal before the law. All class distinctions and all restrictions on the personal and property rights of Poles, Jews and all other separate groups of the population without exception must be abolished.

2. Every citizen is guaranteed freedom of conscience and religion. No persecution for professed beliefs and beliefs ... are allowed.

3. Everyone is free to express his thoughts orally and in writing, as well as publish them or distribute them by printing or in any other way. Censorship, both general and special, is abolished and cannot be restored.

4. All Russian citizens are given the right to organize public meetings ... to discuss all kinds of issues.

5. All Russian citizens have the right to form unions and societies without asking for permission...

7. The person and home of everyone must be inviolable ...

11. The fundamental law of the Russian Empire must guarantee to all the peoples inhabiting the Empire, in addition to complete civil and political equality of all citizens, the right of free cultural self-determination.

12. Russian should be the language of central institutions, the army and navy ...

II. Political system

13. The constitutional structure of the Russian state is determined by the fundamental law.

14. People's representatives are elected by universal, equal, direct and secret suffrage, without distinction of religion, nationality or sex.

(On the issue of the immediate extension of suffrage to women, minorities, I remain of a dissenting opinion, which is why the congress recognized the decision of the party on this issue as optional for the minority.)

15. People's representation participates in the exercise of legislative power, in establishing the state list of income and expenditure and in monitoring the legality and expediency of the actions of the higher and lower administration

18. Members of the People's Congress have the right to initiate legislation.

19. The ministers are responsible to the people's congress, whose members have the right of inquiry and interpretation.





Document 2

... No matter what disagreements divide people in the field of political, social and economic issues, the great danger created by centuries of stagnation in the development of our political forms and threatening not only prosperity, but already the very existence of our fatherland, calls everyone to unity, to active work to create a strong and authoritative government, which will find support in the trust and assistance of the people and which alone is able to lead the country out of present social chaos through peaceful renewal and ensure its internal peace and external security.

To this end ... the Union is formed ... and proclaims the following main provisions.

1. Preservation of the unity and indivisibility of the Russian State.

This provision obliges us to recognize that the vital condition for strengthening the external might of Russia and for her internal prosperity is to protect the unity of her political body, to preserve the historically established unitary character behind her state system. At the same time, this provision obliges to oppose any assumptions directed directly or indirectly to the dismemberment of the Empire and the replacement of a single state by a union state or a union of states.

With the broad development of local self-government throughout the Empire, with firmly established basic elements of civil freedom ... this situation does not in the least prevent local characteristics and interests of various nationalities from finding expression and satisfaction in legislation and administration based on the unconditional recognition of equality in the rights of all Russians citizens.

2. Development and strengthening of the principles of a constitutional monarchy with popular representation based on general suffrage.

This provision obliges to recognize the beginning of universal suffrage, which opens up the possibility for all Russian people to participate in the exercise of state power. This provision, further, calls for a radical transformation of our political system on a constitutional basis and for a firm consolidation of the rights of active participation granted to it by the Manifesto, next to the Monarch, in legislative works and government of the country.

The same provision recognizes and secures a new state-legal character for the monarchical beginning in the changed conditions of the political life of Russia.

The former Autocrat ... becomes a constitutional Monarch, who, although he finds the limits of his will in the rights of popular representation, but in the very unity with the people, in alliance with the land, in the new conditions of the state system, receives new power and a new high task - to be the supreme leader of a free people . Being in the minds of the people as before the embodiment of state unity, serving as an inseparable bond of successively changing generations, a sacred banner around which the Russian people gather in a moment of formidable danger, the monarchical principle now receives a new historical mission of extreme importance. Rising above countless private and

local interests, ... the monarchy is called upon to be a pacifying principle in that sharp struggle, the political, national and social struggle, for which wide scope is now opening up with the proclamation of political civil freedom.

The strengthening of these principles in political life, the opposition to any encroachment, no matter where it comes from, on the rights of the Monarch and on the rights of popular representation, as these rights are defined on the basis of the Manifesto of October 17, should be part of the tasks of the Union.

Document 3

… The cause of revolutionary socialism is the cause of the liberation of all mankind. It leads to the elimination of all forms of internecine struggle between people, all forms of violence and exploitation of man by man, to freedom, equality and brotherhood for all without distinction of sex, race, religion and nationality...

The Party ... regards its cause as an organic component of the worldwide struggle of labor against the exploitation of the human personality, against social forms that are restrictive for its development.

The necessary task of the socialist party, to which the leading role in this struggle passes, is to expand and deepen, at a revolutionary moment, the changes in property, with which the overthrow of the autocracy must be connected.

The full implementation of its program, that is, the expropriation of capitalist property and the reorganization of production and the entire social system on socialist lines, presupposes the complete victory of the working class, organized by a social-revolutionary party, and, if necessary, the establishment of its temporary revolutionary dictatorship.

Since the process of the transformation of Russia will proceed under the leadership of non-socialist forces, the party ..., proceeding from the considerations developed above, will support, defend or wrest the following reforms with its revolutionary struggle:

In the political and legal field:

the establishment of a democratic republic with broad autonomy for regions and communities, both urban and rural;

perhaps a wider application of the federal principle to relations between individual nationalities; recognition of their unconditional right to self-determination; direct, secret, equal, universal right to vote for every citizen not younger than twenty years old, without distinction of sex, religion and nationality ... Complete freedom of speech, conscience, assembly, press, workers' strikes and unions; full and universal civil equality, inviolability of person and home...

Equality of languages... Destruction of the standing army and its replacement by the people's militia;

In the economic area:

1) in matters of labor legislation, the party ... sets as its goal the protection of the spiritual and physical strength of the working class and the increase of its capacity for further liberation struggle, to the general interests of which all the narrowly practical, immediate, local and professional interests of individual working strata must be subordinated ...;

2) in matters of agrarian policy and land relations, the party ... aims to use in the interests of socialism and the struggle against bourgeois property principles both communal and general labor views, traditions and forms of life of the Russian peasantry, and in particular the view of land as a common property all workers.

In these aspects, the Party will stand for the socialization of all privately owned lands, that is, for their withdrawal from the private property of individuals and their transfer to public ownership...

The party ..., starting a direct revolutionary struggle against the autocracy, agitates for the convocation of the Zemsky Sobor (Constituent Assembly), freely elected by all the people without distinction of sex, class, nationality and religion, for the elimination of the autocratic regime and the reorganization of all modern orders. It will both uphold its program of this reorganization in the Constituent Assembly and strive to carry it out directly in the revolutionary period.




Document 4

…〈Party〉 sets as its immediate political task the overthrow of the tsarist autocracy and its replacement by a democratic republic, the constitution of which would provide:

1) the autocracy of the people, thus, the concentration of all supreme state power in the hands of the legislative assembly, composed of representatives of the people and forming one chamber;

2) universal, equal and direct suffrage in elections both to the legislative assembly and to all local self-government bodies for all citizens and women who have reached the age of twenty; secret ballot in elections; the right of every voter to be elected to all representative institutions; biennial parliaments; salaries of people's representatives;

3) broad local self-government; regional self-government for those areas that are distinguished by special living conditions and the composition of the population;

4) inviolability of person and home;

5) unlimited freedom of conscience, speech, press, meetings, strikes and associations;

6) freedom of movement and trades;

7) the destruction of estates and the complete equality of all citizens, regardless of gender, religion, race and nationality;

8) the right of the population to receive education in their native language, ensured by the creation at the expense of the state and self-government bodies of the schools necessary for this; the right of every citizen to explain himself in his native language at meetings; the introduction of the native language on a par with the state language in all local public and state institutions;

9) the right to self-determination for all nations that are part of the state;

10) the right of every person to prosecute in the usual manner before a jury trial any official;

11) election of judges by the people;

12) replacement of the permanent army by the general armament of the people;

13) separation of the church from the state and the school from the church;

14) free and compulsory general and vocational education for all children of both sexes up to 16 years of age; supplying poor children with food, clothing and teaching aids at the expense of the state ...



Document 5

... Now ... the party has a broader task than the election campaign for which ... the party was originally formed.

In view of this ... the party has outlined for itself in this new field of protecting and restoring the autocratic power of the Russian tsars a number of unconditionally legal means that ... the party, observing strict discipline, will use to achieve its main goal, mindful of its loyal duty to the tsar and its obligations to the Russian people who sacredly revere their Most Pious, Most Autocratic Father-Tsar.



Document 6

2. ... believes that the Tsarist autocracy was not abolished by the Manifesto of October 17, 1905 and exists unshakably in Russia and that the State Duma is not called and cannot change anything in the basic laws of our Empire, and even more so the State Duma in no case cannot limit the Autocratic Power of our Tsar...

9. The Union considers it quite fair and necessary to provide the Russian people with:

1) the exclusive right to participate in the Zemsky Sobor or in the State Duma;

2) the exclusive right to the service of the state, railway, river and sea navigation and teaching in government schools - throughout the Empire;

3) the exclusive right to zemstvo and city service, both elective and hired, in the native Russian regions;

4) the exclusive right to be jurors and estate representatives in court rulings - in the native Russian regions;

5) the exclusive right to acquire and lease ... lands and develop their natural resources, as well as to fish and game on them - throughout the Empire;

6) the exclusive right to populate vacant lands throughout Russia;

The new order ... imposes on everyone who sincerely desires a peaceful renewal of the country and the triumph of order and legality in it, who rejects both stagnation and revolutionary upheavals, a sacred duty at the present moment ... to rally together around those principles that are proclaimed in manifesto on October 17, to insist on the earliest possible, full and wide implementation of these principles by the government with strong guarantees of their inviolability, and to assist the government, following the path of saving reforms aimed at the complete and comprehensive renewal of the state and social system of Russia.

The great danger created by centuries of stagnation in the development of our political forms and threatening not only prosperity, but the very existence of our fatherland, calls everyone to unity, to active work to create a strong and authoritative government, which ... alone is able to through peaceful reforms to bring the country out of real social chaos and provide it with internal peace and external security.

To this end ... an alliance is being formed, to which both individuals and entire parties are invited to join, the program of which in its main features coincides with the program of the alliance. This union receives the name "Union of October 17" and proclaims the following main provisions:

1. Preservation of the unity and indivisibility of the Russian State

This provision obliges to oppose any assumptions directed directly or indirectly to the dismemberment of the Empire and to the replacement of a single state by a union state or a union of states. (...)

Exclusively for Finland a special position is recognized, giving it the right to a certain autonomous state structure, subject to the preservation of state connection with the Empire.

2. Development and strengthening of the principles of a constitutional monarchy with popular representation based on general suffrage

This provision obliges to recognize the beginning of general suffrage, which opens up the possibility for all Russian citizens to participate in the exercise of state power. This provision, further, calls for a radical transformation of our political system on a constitutional basis and for a firm consolidation of the rights of active participation granted to it by the manifesto, next to the Monarch, in legislative works and government of the country. (...)

Only ... through the unity of the Monarch with the people, that strong, self-confident government power can be created that will be able to restore peace to us

3. Enforcement of civil rights

In a politically free state, civil liberty must also prevail...

This includes above all: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, oral and printed, freedom of assembly and association. This also includes ensuring freedom of movement, choice of place of residence and occupation, ensuring freedom of labor, industry, trade, freedom to acquire property and dispose of it. Civil freedom also implies the inviolability of the person, home, correspondence, property of citizens.

4. The urgency of convening the State Duma

The Union speaks out against the convocation of a constituent assembly, which will only delay the much-desired hour of calming the country.

The State Duma of the first call must take upon itself the carrying out of the political reforms that are next in line, aimed at improving the representation of the people ... and ... must outline for itself the following questions of paramount state importance for the development and gradual resolution:

a) The peasant question

Of the urgent reforms, in the first place should be put measures for the decisive and irrevocable familiarization of the peasants with the fullness of civil rights on an equal basis with other citizens ... measures to improve the peasant welfare are: the regulation of small land leases, the transformation of the activities of the peasant land bank, the promotion of resettlement and resettlement, recognition of state and specific lands as a fund to meet the land needs of former peasants and other categories of small landowners, the development of striped peasant and landowner lands with the obligatory alienation of segments that interfere with the economic integrity of possessions, and, finally, if these measures are insufficient, the alienation of a part is permissible in cases of national importance privately owned lands on fair terms of remuneration established by the legislature.

b) Work question

The Union believes that the Duma should set itself the general task of revising, improving and expanding legislation on workers ... These ... include measures to provide workers and their families in case of illness, disability and death, measures to gradually implement insurance for workers in all forms labor, measures to limit working hours for women and children and in industries that are especially harmful to health.

While fully recognizing the freedom of trade unions and the freedom to strike as a means for the workers to defend their interests, it should, however, be recognized as necessary to regulate the conditions of this economic struggle by legislative means. (...)

Collection of programs of political parties of Russia. SPb.. 1906. Issue. II. pp. 42-57. Electronic resource:http://www.hrono.info/dokum/soyuz1710.html

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