Home Preparations for the winter Presentation on the topic of punks in English. Presentation on the topic "punk subculture". Origins and influences

Presentation on the topic of punks in English. Presentation on the topic "punk subculture". Origins and influences

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Punk, punk (English punk) is a youth subculture that emerged in the mid-70s in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia, the characteristic features of which are a love of punk rock music, a critical attitude towards society and politics. The name of the famous American artist Andy Warhol and the Velvet Underground group he produced is closely associated with punk rock. Their lead singer Lou Reed is considered the founding father of alternative rock, a movement that is closely related to punk rock. The popular American band Ramones is considered the first group to play punk rock music. The Damned and Sex Pistols are recognized as the first British punk bands.

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Etymology The word punk in English has many meanings, but before the advent of punk rock it was in most cases used as a curse word. Among the meanings, depending on the context, it could simply be “scum” or “scoundrel”, in all other cases as an emotional obscene expression. The first mention of the word "punk" in connection with rock music dates back to 1970, when the Chicago Tribune, in a review of The Fugs' album, described their music as "punk rock, redneck sentiment." In 1976, the fanzine “Punk magazine” appeared. The magazine was dedicated to punk rock and related genres, clearly uniting them as a direction.

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Origins and influences “Punk dates back to the mid-60s of the 20th century, when, under the influence of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, many youth bands began to appear playing rock and roll.” A relatively raw and rough sound, based on just a few chords, can be found in such period classics as “You Really Got Me” by The Kinks. By the end of the 1960s, a defiantly primitive sound, combined with a vulgar manner of behavior on stage, began to be cultivated by the American team The Stooges. Its leader, Iggy Pop, rejected musical sophistication, valued unbridled drive in rock and roll, performed at concerts smeared in his own blood and ended his outrages on stage by “diving” into the crowd of spectators. The link between the punk movement and the previous generation of beatniks was the “godmother of the punk movement,” Patti Smith. Russian punk, according to music columnist for the Kommersant newspaper Boris Barabanov, grew up listening to the songs of Pyotr Mamonov.

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Ideology Punks hold a variety of political views, but for the most part they are adherents of socially oriented ideologies and progressivism. Common views include the desire for personal freedom and independence (individualism), non-conformity, the principles of “not selling out”, “relying on yourself” and the principle of “direct action”. Other punk politics include nihilism, anarchism, socialism, anti-authoritarianism, anti-militarism, anti-capitalism, anti-racism, anti-nationalism, vegetarianism, and animal rights.

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Appearance of punks Punks have a colorful, shocking image. Many punks dye their hair bright, unnatural colors, comb it and fix it with hairspray, gel or beer so that it stands up straight. In the 80s, the mohawk hairstyle became fashionable among punks. They wear rolled-up jeans; some people pre-soak their jeans in a bleach solution so that they have red streaks. They wear heavy boots and sneakers. The style of wearing sneakers was started by the Ramones, and they adopted this style from Mexican punks (also called “Latinos”).

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The biker jacket was adopted as a rock and roll attribute from the 50s, when the motorcycle and rock and roll were inseparable components. The first wave of punks sought to return to rock music the same deliberate cockiness and drive that the mass commercialization of music had taken away over time. The predominant style in clothing is “DEAD”, that is, “dead style”. Punks put skulls and signs on clothes and accessories. They wear wristbands and collars made of leather with spikes, rivets and chains. Many punks get tattoos. They also wear torn, frayed jeans (which they specially cut themselves). Dog leash chains are attached to jeans. A clear sign of punk is a plaid shirt worn under a biker jacket.

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Russian punk rock In the USSR, something similar to punk rock arose in 1979: in Leningrad with the creation of Andrei Panov’s group “Automatic Satisfiers”, in the Baltics (group “JMKE”, “Propeller”, “Velikije Luki”) in Siberia (Nick Rock and roll"), in Crimea ("Second Echelon", Yuri Yuks), In the period from 1987 to 1989, there were an order of magnitude more groups, such groups as "Matrosskaya Tishina", "Pogo", "South-West" appeared ", "Gas Sector" In Moscow in the early 1990s there was an "All-Moscow Patriotic Punk Club". At that time there was a wave of underground Moscow punk rock groups: "Reservation here", "Straw Raccoons", "Lisichkin Bread", “N.O.Zh.”, “Security Gap”, “Gang of Four”, “Fire”, “Burn”, “Region-77” - in a sense, a restoration of the waves of Siberian punk of the late 80s - early 90s. In the second half of the 90s, a number of groups appeared in Russia (mainly in Moscow and St. Petersburg): “NAIV”, “F.P.G.”, etc.

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And we will go with you, we will walk along the tram rails, we will sit on the pipes at the beginning of the ring road. Our warm wind will be the black smoke from the factory chimney, The yellow plate of the traffic light will be our guiding star. If we succeed, we won't be back in the cage until nightfall. We must be able to bury ourselves in the ground in two seconds, so that we can remain lying there when gray cars drive by us, taking with us those who did not know how and did not want to wallow in the mud. If we have time, we will continue our journey crawling along the sleepers, You will see the sky, I will see the earth on your soles. We'll have to burn our clothes in the oven if we return, If blue caps don't meet us at the door. If they meet you, keep quiet, we were walking along the tram rails. This is the first sign of a crime or schizophrenia. And from the portrait “Iron Felix” will smile at us, It will be very accurate, it will be a very fair Punishment for walking on the tram rails, A fair punishment for walking on the tram rails. They will kill us for walking on tram rails. They will kill us because you and I walked along the tram rails! And we will go with you, we will walk along the tram rails, we will sit on the pipes at the beginning of the ring road. Our warm wind will be the black smoke from the factory chimney, The yellow plate of the traffic light will be our guiding star. If we succeed, we won't be back in the cage until nightfall. We must be able to bury ourselves in the ground in two seconds, so that we can remain lying there when gray cars drive by us, taking with us those who did not know how and did not want to wallow in the dirt. If we have time, we will continue our journey crawling along the sleepers, You will see the sky, I will see the earth on your soles. We'll have to burn our clothes in the oven if we return, If blue caps don't meet us at the door. If they meet you, keep quiet, we were walking along the tram rails. This is the first sign of a crime or schizophrenia. And from the portrait “Iron Felix” will smile at us, It will be very accurate, it will be a very fair Punishment for walking on the tram rails, A fair punishment for walking on the tram rails. They will kill us for walking on tram rails. They will kill us because you and I walked along the tram rails!

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Subculture "Punks"

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Punk, punks (English punk - colloquial "bad", "trashy") - a subculture that emerged in the late 1960s - early 1970s in Great Britain, Canada and Australia, the characteristic features of which are a critical attitude towards society and politics.

Punk originates in the 1960s, when, under the influence of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, many youth bands began to appear playing rock and roll.

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Punk behavior

It is quite easy to distinguish a punk from an ordinary person. Punk: listens to punk music: Sex Pistols, Exploited, NOFX, Offspring, Iggy Pop, “The King and the Fool”, “Naive”, etc. All this can be found in almost any music store; looks special: leather biker jacket, jeans (punks roll them up), Dr. Martens”, earring in the ear; wears a mohawk. To do this you need to have more or less thick hair. True punks shave their heads bald, leaving a “stripe” along the skull for a mohawk.

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Punk clothes

The Lost Generation cannot look the same as “all the normal people.” Punks look defiant - so much so that others shy away from them. This can be achieved by selecting colors, using a combination of lilac and green, red and black, and so on. Torn clothes, pins and dog collars complete the job, giving the punks a completely finished look. After this they have nothing left to lose.

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70s look: - Hoodies and T-shirts - Ripped jeans - Leather jackets - Patchwork jackets - Sneakers and low shoes 80s look: - Belts and collars - High boots

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Punks in the USSR and Russia

Punk was one of the few musical movements that came to the Soviet Union with minimal delay. In 1976, punk rock appeared in England, and already in 1977 in Leningrad, Moscow, Siberia, young people interested in Western music purchased records from the black marketers of the Sex Pistols, Clash and other British punk bands, and caught music broadcasts according to the Voice of America, the BBC with Seva Novgorodtsev, read Soviet magazines and newspapers, which did not fail to respond to the emergence of a new youth movement as “a growth on the rotting body of bourgeois culture.” If rock music in the USSR was underground, then punk was " : underground of the underground." He was already a counterculture due to his prohibition and opposed the System, bringing new values, and not rebellion and protest like the English punks.

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Soviet punk culture of the 1980s, initially focusing on the Western movement, organically rethought it and intertwined it with national roots. As a result, absolutely original phenomena arose, generated primarily not by imitation, but by the desire to express oneself and somehow contrast oneself with others; they represented not so much a musical movement as a social-intellectual one. In the USSR, punk was a counterculture due to its prohibition, so it opposed the System, even if there were no direct political subtext in punk songs. Since the mid-1990s, the Russian punk scene began to focus on corresponding Western ideals, namely Green Day and other Californian pop-punk bands. (Represented by such groups as, for example, the Moscow “Cockroaches!” and the St. Petersburg “King and the Clown”). There are almost no ideas in Russian punk rock of the 1990s (whereas in the West, punk is primarily ideological music), and those that existed are leveled out, i.e. aligned with generally known dogmas. Most groups repeat the same stereotypes - “rip off” the same Western model [

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Thus, in punk culture, music is important not only as a cultural form or commodity, but also as a political statement or way of life. We can say that in the punk movement, music is a form of protest consciousness and a means of communication. However, punk style paraphernalia had already become fashionable and began to be produced on an assembly line. The processing of public opinion has gone in the direction that, they say, there is nothing good in any system until it is opposed by an anti-system. This threat is simply necessary to prove the viability of the system itself and its correct path of development. Punk is such an anti-system. And if the system were bad, punk would sweep it away. Since he failed, it means the system is excellent. Punk's legs were weakened by the fact that he was allowed and brought out of the underground. Punk was allowed on television and the stage of any hall, waving wads of banknotes in front of their noses. This is where New Wave began - “new wave”. Punk rock began to deform, change, and be divided into a variety of musical, political, and aesthetic directions. Dozens of new styles have appeared with their own concepts, new artistic thinking, vision of the world, and other goals. Punk has fragmented, just like progressive rock did in its time...

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Thank you for your attention World

Averin Sergey

In the work, the student studied the history of the emergence of the punk subculture in the world and expressed his attitude, and also examined the music of the subcultures and their performers.



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Introduction Abstract: “Punk as a youth subculture” Completed by: Averin Sergey, 8th grade. Head: Belozerova L.G. Panino 2011

History of punk It is known from history that girls of easy virtue were called “punks”. In this meaning, the word is found in W. Shakespeare's play "Measure for Measure." In America, at the beginning of the 20th century, he was already classified as a prisoner - the “six”. Later the word entered the mainstream lexicon and today is used to mean “dirt”,

Punk rock of the 60s is commonly called "garage rock". It appeared in the USA in 1964, where, under the influence of the Beatles and Rolling Stones, a huge number of local ensembles arose. What they played varied markedly depending on the region and local musical traditions, but generally it was a mixture of blues, white folk tunes with elements of homegrown skiffle music.

Foreign punk rock group Rolling Stones. Rock musicians of the 70s from Yes, Genesis, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd turned into businessmen and lived in mansions, driving around in limousines under the protection of bodyguards.

Russian punk rock groups In Russian rock music, the development of genres popular in the West continued, with the gradual division of a single movement into them. A large number of bands appeared performing punk and grunge “King and Jester”, “Lumen”, “Pilot”, “Naive”, “Cockroaches!”, “7race”, “Sky Here”. Russian punk rock bands

One of the popular groups was the King and the Jester. The group was founded in Leningrad in 1988 by classmates Mikhail Gorshenev, Alexander Balunov and Alexander Shchigolev under the name “Kontora”. In 1990, Gorshenev met Andrei Knyazev at the Leningrad School of Restorers and invited him to join the group. But when a new concept for the group and fabulous lyrics began to be developed, it became clear that a new name was needed. There were such options as “The Slaughtered Dandelion”, “Apocalypse”, but it was decided to go with “The King of the Jesters” (later it became “The King and the Jester”). King and the Clown

Punk riot Punk riot The time has come for despair, complete rejection of the world around us and nihilism. With an abundance of material wealth, neither society nor the youth in conflict with it had sufficiently strong moral qualities to use them for the benefit of themselves and all of humanity. This also sparked the punk riot in early 1976.

The punks sang about themselves: about poverty and queues for unemployment benefits, about juvenile delinquency and the inexorable rise in cost of living, about violence on the streets and about drug addiction, chaos and anarchy, about existence instead of life, about the unwillingness to obey someone else's will and the thirst to be free. Their songs were filled with vague discontent and complete hopelessness. Punk songs

PUNK ROCK In the musical environment, there are quite a large number of hypotheses that explain the appearance of the word “punk”. They all have varying degrees of credibility. The classic version is the baptism of punk thanks to the PUNK fanzine that arose in New York at the end of 1975. Punk rock

Garage rock Garage rock Garage rock The punk rock was created in 60 th years can be named “Garage rock”. It has appeared in the USA in 1964.

POST-PUNK (POST-PUNK) As a rule, post-punk has very little resemblance to punk rock. Despite the prefix “post”, it appeared almost simultaneously with real punk. Its origins were American new wave bands (Talking Heads, Television, Blondie, Devo), British punk bands, which over time decided to create in a more lightweight genre. Post-punk

SKA SKA (SKA) Caribbean folk music, which later merged with rhythm and blues to give birth to reggae. Ska has a simpler and more danceable rhythm, rather than reggae, and it is much easier for whites to adapt this to their musical needs.

HARDCORE Hardcore American punk rock, generated primarily by the efforts of the band Black Flag. Main features: short songs, deliberate two-chords, unlimited speeds, complete disregard for major record labels. The first hardcore album was "Group Sex" by Circle Jerks (1980). In the mid-80s, hardcore bands began to often move into the metal camp, and vice versa - many metalheads began to delve deeper into the hardcore jungle. This is where the popular, but still erroneous, opinion came from that hardcore is metallic punk. It should be noted that metallic punk is called crossover (after the album "Crossover" by the D.R.I. gang in 1987). Even later, the label “hardcore” began to be applied to metal-rap bands of the class Biohazard, Pro-Pain, Dog Eat Dog, etc., but their frantic screams and waving of tattooed muscles have nothing to do with real hardcore. HARDCORE Hardcore American punk rock, generated primarily by the efforts of the band Black Flag. Main features: short songs, deliberate two-chord, unlimited speeds, complete disregard for major record labels.. Hardcore

Early 80s. This period cannot be called a crisis of the punk movement, but many began to realize the meaninglessness of self-destruction, so characteristic of representatives of this subculture. Straight Edge

Signs of straight edge People who supported this movement drew crosses on their hands. Because then, when entering the club, those who had not reached the age of majority were given a cross by the security. At the bar, the bartender looked at the hand of the person asking for a drink and if there was a cross there, he refused. And straight edgers, giving up on themselves, seemed to voluntarily give up alcohol. In music, Straight Edge is the most aggressive direction in hardcore. Signs of straight edge

The evolution of punk The evolution of punk By the end of the 90s, they began to talk about the revival of guitar music, about the return of the spirit of pure punk rock. It replaced the depressive grunge and decadent Britpop of the early 90s. Punk rock was brought back to life by show business, which killed it at the turn of the 70s and 80s. From the old, classic punk, what migrated to the new one was, first of all, a characteristic sound - energetic, fast and stupid rock and roll, cleared of wisdom and beauty."

Punk bands of the 80s Punk bands of the 80s were not very popular. The fashion for them gradually faded away. But in the 90s, punk rock was revived - this time immediately in a commercialized form. 80s punk bands

Skateboarding Throughout its development, skateboarding has been inextricably linked with various musical movements. Of course, the skater subculture is a community of individuals whose musical preferences can be completely different, however, historically, the punk-hardcore movement had a certain influence on this subculture and largely determined some of its characteristic features.

Skating style Over the next ten years, skating changes greatly. It becomes more aggressive and dynamic. Calm and measured skating on flat asphalt surfaces is replaced by the fashion for overcoming various obstacles and performing unprecedented and incredibly difficult, at that time, tricks.

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Slide text: Punk, pa nki (English punk) is a youth subculture that emerged in the mid-70s in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia, the characteristic features of which are a love of punk rock music, a critical attitude towards society and politics. The name of the famous American artist Andy Warhol and the Velvet Underground group he produced is closely associated with punk rock. Their lead singer Lou Reed is considered the founding father of alternative rock, a movement that is closely related to punk rock. The popular American band Ramones is considered the first group to play punk rock music. The Damned and Sex Pistols are recognized as the first British punk bands.

Slide text: Etymology The word punk in English has many meanings, but before the advent of punk rock in most cases it was used as a curse word. Among the meanings, depending on the context, it could simply be “scum” or “scoundrel”, in all other cases as an emotional obscene expression. The first mention of the word "punk" in connection with rock music dates back to 1970, when the Chicago Tribune, in a review of The Fugs' album, described their music as "punk rock, redneck sentiment." In 1976, the fanzine “Punk magazine” appeared. The magazine was dedicated to punk rock and related genres, clearly uniting them as a direction.

Slide text: Origins and influences “Punk dates back to the mid-60s of the 20th century, when, under the influence of the Beatles and Rolling Stones, many youth bands began to appear playing rock and roll.” Relatively raw and rough sound, based only on several chords, can be found in such classics of the time as “You Really Got Me” by The Kinks. By the end of the 1960s, a defiantly primitive sound, combined with a vulgar manner of behavior on stage, began to be cultivated by the American team The Stooges. Its leader, Iggy Pop, rejected musical sophistication, valued unbridled drive in rock and roll, performed at concerts smeared in his own blood and ended his outrages on stage by “diving” into the crowd of spectators. The link between the punk movement and the previous generation of beatniks was the “godmother of the punk movement,” Patti Smith. Russian punk, according to music columnist for the Kommersant newspaper Boris Barabanov, grew up listening to the songs of Pyotr Mamonov.

Slide text: Ideology Punks adhere to various political views, but for the most part they are adherents of socially oriented ideologies and progressivism. Common views include the desire for personal freedom and independence (individualism), non-conformity, the principles of “not selling out”, “relying on yourself” and the principle of “direct action”. Other punk politics include nihilism, anarchism, socialism, anti-authoritarianism, anti-militarism, anti-capitalism, anti-racism, anti-nationalism, vegetarianism, and animal rights.

Slide text: Appearance of punks Punks have a colorful, shocking image. Many punks dye their hair bright, unnatural colors, comb it and fix it with hairspray, gel or beer so that it stands up straight. In the 80s, the mohawk hairstyle became fashionable among punks. They wear rolled-up jeans; some people pre-soak their jeans in a bleach solution so that they have red streaks. They wear heavy boots and sneakers. The style of wearing sneakers was started by the Ramones, and they adopted this style from Mexican punks (also called “Latinos”).

Slide text: Biker jacket - was adopted as a rock and roll attribute from the 50s, when a motorcycle and rock and roll were inseparable components. The first wave of punks sought to return to rock music the same deliberate cockiness and drive that the mass commercialization of music had taken away over time. The predominant style in clothing is “DEAD”, that is, “dead style”. Punks put skulls and signs on clothes and accessories. They wear wristbands and collars made of leather with spikes, rivets and chains. Many punks get tattoos. They also wear torn, frayed jeans (which they specially cut themselves). Dog leash chains are attached to jeans. A clear sign of punk is a plaid shirt worn under a biker jacket.

Slide text: Related subcultures Skinheads are a youth subculture of the sixties that received a “rebirth” during punk. Mods are the predecessors and contemporaries of punk. Influenced punk rock. Rude boys are Jamaican youth, predecessors and contemporaries of punks and traditional skinheads. They influenced the appearance and musical preferences of both. The presentation was prepared by Golub Ksenia Romashechkina Ekaterina

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