Home Blanks for the winter How long does postpartum depression last after a cesarean section? Postpartum depression ... I got over it! Depression after caesarean section

How long does postpartum depression last after a cesarean section? Postpartum depression ... I got over it! Depression after caesarean section

Why is basal cell carcinoma returning?

A neoplasm that affects the epidermis tends to slowly but steadily grow into the thickness of the tissue, therefore, therapeutic intervention is aimed at the complete destruction of all malignant cells.

Among them:

  • stage of pathology;
  • patient gender;
  • his skin type;
  • immunological status;
  • individual strategy of treatment carried out earlier.

Basalioma is a tumor of the lowest layer of the epidermis. According to its characteristics, it combines the properties of benign and malignant oncological processes.

This neoplasm is not surrounded by a dense capsule, and cells grow through all layers of the skin. Basaliomas located on the face near the eyes, ears, nose are of particular danger.

With a long course, the pathological process captures cartilage and bone tissue.

A neoplasm that affects the epidermis tends to slowly but steadily grow into the thickness of the tissue, therefore, therapeutic intervention is aimed at the complete destruction of all malignant cells.

However, it has been established that local recurrence is the result of inadequate therapy. Basal cell carcinoma relapse statistics are predetermined by the type of surgery used to treat skin cancer.

Complete eradication is especially important because, returning, the tumor becomes larger in size and much more aggressive than the primary cancer lesion.

Most basaliomas are found even at the stage when their diameter is less than 1 cm. As a rule, primary tumors are up to 1 cm in size, located on the face and no more than 2 cm. Those that are localized on the body have a low probability of re-growth.

The risk of recurrence depends on several factors that must be taken into account.

One of the factors contributing to the growth of new lesions is the location of the first tumor. Recurrence-prone areas include areas of the lips, nose and ears, so these areas should be closely monitored after treatment.

Another aspect that increases the risk of cancer return is the presence of keratosis, which is a breeding ground for future tumor lesions. Some research suggests that genetics may also play a role in the risk of developing squamous cell skin cancer, especially of the head and neck.

The chances that the disease will return after a certain time increase in people whose age at the time of the diagnosis of the primary tumor is less than 65 years old, if the patient has naturally red hair and the initial formation is located on the surface of the upper limbs.

Basalioma - general characteristics and mechanism of tumor development

Basalioma is also called basal cell skin cancer that eats away at

or a carcinoid of the skin. All these terms are used as synonyms to denote the same pathology, namely, skin tumors from atypically altered cells of the basal layer of the epidermis.

Currently, basal cell carcinomas account for 60 to 80% of all types of skin cancer. Tumors develop mainly in people over 50 years old.

At a younger age, basaliomas practically do not occur. In the population, the tumor more often affects men.

The total lifetime risk of developing this type of skin cancer is 30–35% for men and 20–25% for women. That is, the tumor occurs quite often - in every third man and every fourth woman.

Basal cell carcinoma

The skin is the largest organ of the human body in area, constantly in contact with the external environment and experiencing the entire spectrum of adverse effects.

With age, the likelihood of skin tumors increases, so the vast majority of patients have crossed the 50-year mark. Basal cell carcinoma practically does not occur in children and adolescents, and cases of its diagnosis are most often associated with the presence of congenital anomalies (Gorlin-Goltz syndrome, including basal cell carcinoma and other malformations).

The factors leading to the appearance of skin basal cell carcinoma are:

  • Exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Ionizing radiation.
  • Carcinogenic and toxic substances.
  • Injuries, skin burns, cicatricial changes.
  • Immunity pathology.
  • Viral infections.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Elderly age.

The reasons for the development of basal cell carcinoma, like other tumors, are currently not precisely established. However, the so-called

predisposing factors

The presence of which in a person increases the risk of developing basal cell carcinoma. Such predisposing factors include the following:

  • Frequent and prolonged exposure to the sun, including work in direct sunlight;
  • Visiting the solarium for a long time;
  • Bright skin;
  • The tendency to form sunburn;
  • The tendency to form freckles after a short time in direct sunlight;
  • Celtic origin;
  • Working with arsenic compounds;
  • Drinking drinking water containing arsenic;
  • Frequent and prolonged contact with carcinogenic substances such as soot, tar, tar, paraffin wax, bitumen, creosote and refined petroleum products;
  • Inhalation of combustion products of oil shale;
  • Reduced immunity;
  • Albinism;
  • The presence of pigmented keroderma;
  • The presence of Gorling-Holtz syndrome;
  • Exposure to ionizing radiation, including previous radiation therapy;
  • Burns;
  • Scars on the skin;
  • Skin ulcers.

In addition to predisposing factors, basaliomas are precancerous diseases, the presence of which significantly increases the risk of developing a tumor, since they can degenerate into cancer.

Precancerous diseases

basaliomas include the following:

  • Keratoacanthoma;
  • Cutaneous horn;
  • Actinic keratosis;
  • Pigmented xeroderma;
  • Lewandowski-Lutz verruciform epidermodysplasia;
  • Giant condyloma Buschke-Levenstein;
  • Leukopia.

When the above precancerous skin diseases appear, they should be promptly cured, because if these conditions are left unattended, they can degenerate into a malignant tumor, and not only in basal cell carcinoma, but also in melanoma or squamous cell carcinoma of the skin.

Clinical picture

When choosing a method for treating basal cell carcinoma, the doctor is guided by the clinical picture of the disease, the type of basal cell carcinoma and the spread of the pathological process.

Many women who have recently become mothers experience postpartum depression. In fact, this is the same condition that occurs after other types of severe stress, but only in this case it appears after the birth of a son or daughter.

Postpartum depression can be triggered by various factors: miscarriage, abortion, unhealthy child. Along with this, it can occur in quite successful mothers, for whom everything went well and without difficulties. Postpartum depression is a condition that is very diverse in symptoms, emotions that accompany it. And for reasons. After cesarean, the symptoms are one, and a few months after childbirth - another. This includes not only events, but also personality traits.

Where does postpartum depression come from in women?

In fact, nothing is provoked by a single cause. All of our behavior is driven by a variety of incentives. Here are just a few of the causes that trigger the mechanism of postpartum depression:

  • Hereditary traits... Some traits of our character have a genetic predisposition, which is determined by the anatomical features of the brain. This does not mean that these qualities cannot be removed, but in stressful situations (such as childbirth), they can manifest themselves.
  • Inability to respond to stress... This is largely due to the fact that he is perceived as something negative.
  • Fear of childbirth, which created a tension that was not released after the birth of the child.
  • Sharp decrease in the amount of sex hormones women after childbirth.
  • Inability to recover mental and physical strength after childbirth... There can be many reasons, but the most common one is not enough free time. This also includes the need to do other household chores in addition to caring for the child.
  • Difficulty lactation... An example is difficulty expressing milk at night. This negatively affects night sleep, which increases the risk of depression several times (especially if sleep deprivation becomes chronic). For some mothers, lactation problems may be associated with cracked nipples or congestion in the breasts.
  • Selfishness... Practice has proven that depression most often occurs either in overly selfish individuals (in the case of a mother, the situation is as follows - she is not ready to take care of the child, because she is used to taking care of herself exclusively), or altruistic (all efforts are spent on caring for the child, while time is not wasted on restoring energy).
  • Temporary changes in appearance... Many mothers gain weight after giving birth. Even though after a while the figure is restored through proper nutrition and exercise (which is useful not only for weight loss), mothers can experience very severe stress because of this. If they have a phobia related to obesity, it can make them very nervous.
  • Inexperience... This applies to mothers of the first child. It is absolutely unclear what to do, when and how.
  • Bad or indifferent attitude towards the woman in labor on the part of the family... This also includes an unfavorable microclimate. If the husband is not ready to take on part of the responsibility for the child, the mother does not help, and so on, then this affects her inner well-being.
    1. A young (and sometimes even experienced) mother constantly complains about her difficult fate. Manifestations such as excessive tearfulness may also be observed. Mom may be offended by trifles, be depressed (unwillingness to do something).
    2. Fear about the health of the child. This happens especially often when the mother falls into a codependent relationship with the child. To this you can add the fear of your own incompetence, because of which a son or daughter may suffer. In extreme cases, the situation can reach suicide, which is quite rare, given the responsibility that the mother bears for the child. But thoughts can appear.
    3. Feelings of guilt over trifles.
    4. Provoking conflict situations. Psychologists have one rule - a conflict person has a great tendency to not get along with other people. Why? She transfers her inner world to the outer one. If there is discord in the head, then the outside will be the same. And it will be to one degree or another in any case, because the needs remain the same, but the old ways of their implementation may not work. All this creates an intrapersonal conflict.
    5. Panic attacks or simply increased anxiety. Fear can arise in situations where it has not appeared before.
    6. The course of postpartum depression

      In fact, depression is a very difficult problem. It all starts, usually with a postpartum blues. But some women in labor can replace her over time with the joy of caring for their beloved child, while others are not capable of this. This is where postpartum depression begins to develop.

      Perhaps the rudiments appeared even before childbirth, and sometimes even before pregnancy. In this case, all this time they were ripe, and now they got out. If there were many unresolved intrapersonal conflicts before the birth of a child, then after that there will be even more of them.

      It often happens that the mother enjoys interacting with the child, but negative emotions about the trouble outweigh this joy. After a while, mom just burns out emotionally.

      Sometimes postpartum depression occurs immediately, sometimes even after several months. At first, a woman may like to communicate with her baby, a new social status, and so on. But then comes the routine, which, as you know, loads. After a while, her fragile psychological shoulders break down and postpartum depression sets in.

      As for how long postpartum depression lasts, here it is impossible to say unequivocally, since everything is individual. It is worth noting that the more of the above factors were, the more pronounced its symptoms, and the longer it lasts. This also includes the steps the mother takes to get out of her.

      The trouble is that mothers are often unmotivated to do something (this is understandable, because she has depression), they see themselves as incapable. In addition, they often wait until it passes by itself, wasting precious time. It should be understood that the sooner you start to deal with the problem, the faster it will lose its relevance. And the later - the more irreversible consequences for the psyche will be.

      But here a logical question arises: what to do? First of all, to act on the cause, which is very often banal fatigue. And the most important thing is to get enough sleep. The fact is that with a lack of sleep, the already not fully restored metabolism is disturbed, and the hormones of joy are not synthesized in the required quantities. A very simplified formulation that only approximates scientific evidence.

      At the same time, lack of sleep increases the level of stress hormones in the blood, which provokes depression.

      It should also be understood that thoughts are material.... Some see this as something mystical, although in fact there is nothing of the kind here. In the human psyche (if he is healthy, of course), everything is interconnected. Emotions pull thoughts, thoughts pull emotions that affect the body, behavior patterns. If you influence at least one link, then the rest will be rebuilt over time. If you start to think positively (even if violently and insincerely), then after a while the symptoms will begin to go away on their own.

      It is also important to understand that the event is not as dangerous as its interpretation. You can see both joy and sorrow in the same thing. It all depends on the context. Childcare is a must. But depending on the context, it can be a way of communicating with him, giving him pleasure, or a terrible routine necessity. What to choose from this is up to mom to decide. How long the condition will last depends only on her.

      Postpartum depression ... I got over it!

      My pregnancy proceeded without problems, so at first I did not even think about a cesarean section. Until recently, I was sure that I would give birth myself. And even a little myopia could not become an obstacle to natural childbirth. But as time went on, a week passed after the PDR, and I was still pregnant. At the next examination, the doctor asked if I insisted on natural childbirth and warned that it could be difficult due to anatomical features. I didn’t insist, and they cared for me. Anesthesia was common. I retired from the operation pretty quickly. Physically, the postoperative period was relatively easy; it took time to recover morally.

      I did not know the joy of motherhood right away. Unlike women who gave birth on their own and experienced a unique feeling of happiness immediately after the birth of a child, I saw the baby only eight hours after his birth. And there was no fireworks of emotions at our first meeting.

      Like all young mothers, in the first weeks I just collapsed from fatigue. It turned out that I was completely unprepared for motherhood. It was very difficult for me to give up my desires and interests in favor of the child. Sometimes I wanted to return everything a year ago and live again a carefree and serene life. Caring for a child was not fun at all. For me it was hard, painful work, and, in general, I realized that life was over. It was depression.

      I do not know how often postpartum depression occurs in women, but judging by the photos of my friends on social networks, this did not affect them. Everyone looked insanely happy with babies in their arms. And from this it seemed that my problem was unique and I was alone. After suffering three weeks, I decided that it was time to quit.

      How did I get out of depression?

      1. I did what I wanted to do. When the child was asleep, of course. I watched films, listened to music, slept, read, in general, relaxed. When the baby fell asleep, my life began.

      2. I went out to people alone. Having drained the milk and leaving my son with my grandparents, I went to the mall, met my friend in a cafe, and walked in the park. These couple of hours of freedom provided a charge for the week ahead.

      3. I ate a lot of baked apples. In the first month of GW, I was not allowed to eat almost anything that I loved. But even from the meager list of permitted products, you can find something to your liking. It was baked apples that saved me, which became my favorite dessert. Delicious food always cheers up.

      4. The most important thing that helped me did not depend on me. This is the first "agu". When you see a child growing up, you get a return in the form of the first word, the first smile, and relieves depression.

      I hope that for those who have been covered by the postpartum wave of hopelessness, my story will help them get through this sad period as quickly as possible.

      Emotional reactions to a cesarean section. Depression

      If you wanted and planned a natural birth, you will have to emotionally tune in to change plans. If your cesarean section was planned ahead of time, you have days or weeks to get used to the thought.

      If the problem gradually escalated during labor, you may have several hours to admit that a natural birth is now impossible. If an emergency requires a caesarean section, you may be shocked and emotionally unprepared. Everything happens so quickly that you and your partner are simply caught up in the flow without much explanation and time for questions.

      When it’s over, you’ll start thinking about your caesarean section. Scraps of memories can be difficult to collect, especially if you were exhausted by the birth or the C-section was done suddenly. If the result is not good at all - the child is dead or sick, your recovery is complicated by an infection, or the stitches are simply not healing well - you will have little time at first to think about the operation. Shock, grief, illness and many problems that have fallen on your head will completely take your attention. If everything turned out well, your gratitude for being alive and with a healthy baby will probably override other feelings for a while. Later, however, despite being grateful for yourself and your child, you may feel depressed, disappointed in yourself and your partner, or resentment against the doctor or nurses. Perhaps, with the memories of childbirth, emptiness will appear, and you dreamed and hoped for a feeling of fulfillment and happiness.

      Such depressive moods can torment you and your partner for a long time, and you can get rid of them at different rates. If possible, be honest and open about your feelings - it helps. Mixed feelings about childbirth can affect your interactions with your baby. Caring for your baby soon after giving birth, talking about your feelings, and getting your partner involved in caring for your baby can help you regain perspective and get used to your new role as a mother.

      It will take time to cope with unpleasant visions. It will be easier if you know in advance that a cesarean section is possible or planned, if you are confident in the doctor who makes the decision, if you had time to solve problems and understand that there is no other way out, if the medical staff is attentive to you, if you can then discuss the course of labor and cesarean section with your doctor or midwife.

      In addition to discussing the causes and filling in the voids in your memories of the events that happened, you should ask your doctor two questions about future labor: What was the type of uterine incision? Transverse lower segment or vertical "classic"? The transverse incision is safer for subsequent births through the natural route because it does not weaken the body of the uterus.

      What about the next birth? Can you give birth through natural routes? Be sure to understand the reasons for the caesarean section and the likelihood of similar problems next time. Most women are able to give birth in the future through natural means. You shouldn't go home feeling like you no longer have it. Some find it difficult to dissuade such a belief during their next pregnancy.

      Later, if you still have doubts or disappointments, a childbirth preparatory teacher or other women who have similar experiences can help you.

      If you are very upset that you had a caesarean section instead of a natural birth, remind yourself that your and your baby's health is much more important than the method of delivery. Although it takes longer to recover from a caesarean section, the end result is the same and the pleasure of being a mother is likely to overshadow bad feelings over time.

      Postpartum depression

      It would seem that all the main experiences and trials associated with pregnancy and childbirth are behind, and in my mother's arms - the long-awaited result of dreams and colossal labors. But sometimes, instead of the expected happiness, a woman experiences completely opposite feelings, which she is ashamed to admit even to herself. So what is postpartum depression, why does it occur and how is it treated?

      Postpartum (postnatal) depression is a form of depressive disorder that usually develops 1–2 months after childbirth. At one time Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow, Britney Spears, Brooke Shields suffered from it ...

      Most women have frequent mood swings after childbirth - from feeling happy to sadness and depression, sleep disturbances. This is due to hormonal changes in the body and, as a rule, disappears within two weeks. However, 10-15% of young mothers develop postpartum depression. They complain of melancholy, weakness, insomnia or excessive sleepiness, impaired appetite, anxiety, irritability. The attitude towards the child is also changing. This is either an excessive obsession with the baby, internal tension, constant concern for his health, doubts about his own strength, a feeling of loneliness, or detachment from the baby, irritation from the need to communicate with him, mechanically soulless performance of all necessary actions. At the same time, there are practically no positive emotions in contact with a child. Any woman believes that after childbirth, feelings for the little man should only intensify, but the process of "entering motherhood", especially for the first time, can take several months. A huge responsibility that falls on a woman, unjustified expectations - and, as a result, a decrease in self-esteem, a sense of guilt. Thoughts arise: “I am a bad mother,” “I don’t love my child,” because of which the mother is ashamed to ask for help. Only 3% of patients consult with specialists, and depression takes a protracted course.

      Research has shown that postpartum depression increases the risk of developing these conditions later. With severe depression or postpartum psychosis, suicidal thoughts may occur. They are pointed out

      - persistent insomnia, especially in the morning;

      - pronounced anxiety, agitation;

      - delusional ideas of self-accusation;

      - vital (life) melancholy - suppressed, painful mood with weakening of drives and painful sensations in the chest area;

      - refusal to help and support relatives and doctors.

      In the age of the Internet, any problems are discussed, and, on the one hand, this is good. However, every second or third participant in the forum discovers postpartum depression on the basis of sleepless nights, changes in lifestyle, worries about the baby. Fortunately, this is rarely true. Most women deal with their problems in one way or another. There are some risk factors that can contribute to the onset of postpartum depression. These include:

      - addiction to alcohol or other psychoactive substances;

      - the presence of close relatives suffering from depression or other mental disorder;

      - the birth of a premature or sick child;

      - the age of a woman in labor is over 40, when it is more difficult to recover from childbirth and endure sleepless nights;

      - stressful situations such as divorce, violence, the loss of a loved one, the birth of a child out of wedlock;

      - pathology of pregnancy and childbirth.

      According to a number of studies, women who have had a caesarean section are more likely to suffer from postpartum depression. There is also a hormonal explanation for this. If childbirth proceeds naturally, the hormone oxytocin is released, the maximum amount of which occurs in the first minutes after childbirth. In this case, euphoria arises, and fear and painful sensations are forgotten. A young mother finds and knows true love, reality meets expectations. It's not for nothing that oxytocin is called the hormone of love, and it also stimulates milk production. But with surgery, the release of the hormone does not occur. It is artificially injected to contract the uterus and increase lactation. It happens that a woman (especially emotional and anxious) is tuned in to natural childbirth and, when performing a caesarean section for medical reasons, feels guilty because she did not immediately see her child, did not experience an emotional connection with the baby, or missed something important. Sooner or later, all these problems go away, and most moms build an emotional bond with their baby. For some it is a matter of a few days, for others - weeks, but maternal feelings are gradually formed, and fear and pain are forgotten.

      Babies of depressed moms are also at risk. Children fed on the milk of depressed mothers are lethargic or overly agitated. They are more likely to have developmental delays in the first year of life; later, speech is formed. The older ones have deviations in behavior, in the sphere of communication. Problems in adolescence, a tendency to cruelty can be observed. All this, apparently, is associated with lack of attention and weak emotional contact with the child.

      Not everyone at risk is affected by postpartum depression. But if a woman feels that she is losing control over the situation and her condition is only getting worse, you should definitely consult a doctor. Indeed, sometimes, with a slight decrease in mood, it is enough just to listen and support the young mother. In some cases, family psychotherapy works well, which allows you to understand the relationship between husband and wife, mother and child. Suggestive techniques can help you relax and relieve anxiety. Cognitive therapy helps well, where situations are dealt with together with a psychotherapist and methods for correcting existing symptoms are developed.

      In more severe cases, antidepressants are required, which can only be prescribed by a doctor. In this case, breastfeeding should be canceled.

      In case of depression with suicidal thoughts or attempts, or with complications of other psychosymptomatics, hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital is necessary.

      Keeping fit is not that difficult. You just need to follow some rules. In particular, do not forget that the provocateur of a bad mood is excessive fatigue. When the child is asleep, you want to redo a lot of things in a calm atmosphere, iron, cook dinner. But for a mother, rest is much more important, so you need to convince yourself of this that you cannot redo all the affairs, and you will need a lot of strength. It is better to prepare simple meals that do not take a lot of time. It is important to remember about the relationship between physical and mental forms. Many maternity hospitals recommend a set of exercises to restore the figure, reduce the volume of the abdomen. You can dance smoothly with a child in your arms. Be sure to allow yourself to be distracted from your worries at times. If you have someone to leave your child with, you should go with your husband or girlfriend to the movies or visit. "Switching brains" helps to relax and relate to some everyday problems more easily. And while walking, it would be nice to get to know the mothers of the same babies: common worries bring them together very much.

      Emotional Healing After Cesarean Section

      I liked the article, decided to add it to the community, maybe here it will be useful to someone. If this somehow violates the rules of the community, then tell me how to edit so that everything is according to the rules and the article remains. Taken from the site: http: // www .inspiringfamilies .ru

      Emotional response and recovery after a caesarean section for many women differ significantly. While many women recover relatively quickly and regard surgery as a necessary measure to keep their child healthy, others experience sadness, frustration, anger, low self-esteem, guilt, depression, and sometimes PTSD.

      Some women experience childbirth as a trauma. More often than not, they are not worried about the impact the trauma has on their lives, their self-perception, and their maternal feelings. A newborn requires constant care and attention, so mothers simply do not have time to experience these feelings - they can drag on with their awareness for a very long time.

      Photo by Saul Leiter

      It is normal for a mother to feel sad and confused about the experience of a caesarean section, while taking it for granted and necessary for the child's health. Mothers who had to undergo an unplanned caesarean section, and, accordingly, apply general anesthesia and separate from their newborn for the first time, feel the most vulnerable.

      The mother's satisfaction with the past childbirth depends on whether she took part in the decision about how to carry out the childbirth, how delicately the need for a caesarean section was explained to her, whether she experienced medical interventions that she did not consider necessary, whether she felt that the birth was under her control.

      Friends, relatives and even husbands of mothers who have emotional difficulties in connection with a caesarean section often do not understand why they cannot simply “move on”, as well as their obsession with their experiences. In this regard, it is important for the mother to find a time, place and a person to whom she will be ready to express her feelings in this regard as comfortably as possible. This process can take months or even years. You may not be able to talk about your birth until your next baby is born.

      The traumatic effects of childbirth may include flashbacks of the birth process, nightmares, a desire to avoid reminders of childbirth, feelings of irritability, and panic attacks. These symptoms are often confused with post-traumatic depression.

      If you are planning to have another baby and insist on a natural birth, you should deal with your concerns about the previous caesarean section in advance. These tips will help you avoid repeating similar problems:

    • Remember, you are not alone. Many mothers around the world experience the same as you.
    • Trust the feeling that you are a good mother, even if you had a baby with surgery.
    • Talk to your spouse about your feelings without blaming anyone (he too may feel powerless, angry, or upset). This will help you to forgive each other for things you cannot control.
    • Sharing your feelings with those who can understand them will help you release your feelings of isolation.
    • Reconstruct your birthing experience. Memories in the form of delicate words will lessen the effects of grief and frustration. This will help you see yourself and what happened to you differently from what you expected from the birth. You can write about your childbirth.
    • Take your baby in your arms and share with him the positive emotions of the birth.
    • Obtain and review the records of the operation to better understand the sequence of steps, if this is important to you.
    • Write letters addressed to those who negatively affected you. It is not necessary to send them.
    • Join a community of mothers experiencing similar experiences.
    • Consider inviting a doula to your next birth.
    • Remember that your loved ones may not understand your feelings and therefore feel powerless trying to help you.
    • Unresolved problems often lead to clinical depression. You may need to seek professional help.

    Depression after caesarean section

    A year and a half has passed. After a year, everything seemed to have passed, half a year was a wonderful life, and here recently, either in the fall, or for some other reason, it began to be covered again. Before that I hadn’t taken any drugs, prescribed antidepressants, but I didn’t want to, and I was breastfeeding, I thought it would go away. But now I went to the doctor and took the prescription. Because I'm tired of suffering so much. But I read the instructions for the pills, I read it on the internet even before the heap. And put them aside for now. Something somehow. The hand will not rise to start taking them. Now I sit again and think: is it worth it or not? In my life, I have seen enough people who sat down on these pills for a long time and I somehow don’t want this for myself. On the other hand, I am already exhausted, I am diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, in general, who knows, he will understand. The quality of life suffers, and hopes that it will be possible to do without drugs are dwindling before our eyes. I don’t know. Doctors unambiguously say to take pills, and they have been telling me for a long time even before the operation they told me about it. But I don't believe in these pills. so I think.

    what the hell? from what depression? After all, they did not give birth through a pussy, (there I would have understood, and torment, and pain, and a torn-cut pussy) live and enjoy life.

    Some nonsense. It's all in your head! I have three children (EP and cesarean) and generally no depression and the like were not observed. And why all of a sudden?)

    Do not drink pills. Depression isn't a physical illness, it's all in your head. better pray for the salvation of your soul and your child, that the Lord would give your baby health and strength to raise him! Seriously. Remember that discouragement is a sin. The Lord will forgive if you pray with all your heart!

    I am not a very religious person and it will not work to pray from the heart. But with the fact that depression is not a physical condition and pills are unlikely to help here, I agree. On the other hand, I’m already tired of living like that, and I don’t know what else to help.

    I don’t need to write here, please, about "this isobret" and "you have been curating". The doctors gave me a specific diagnosis, and in my case, depression and PTSD are associated with caesarean, this was confirmed by several specialists. But such stubborn people who fundamentally consider this operation a "gift of fate and happiness" cause only pain. Unlearn to project your desires onto others. Before that, I had three EPs, after which there were no depressions. The fact that my Caesarean does not evoke in me the emotions that three older children evoke is an indisputable fact. And no matter how I struggled for a year and a half with this, I can not change anything. And I just got tired of fighting with windmills and almost already resigned myself to the fact that here it is and I strongly doubt that some pills will help me in this regard.

    What, the child does not like it? So give it to me!

    Look, she doesn’t love him, because she didn’t give birth.

    This is her hobby.

    Guest What, the child does not like? So give it to me!

    no, well, you must agree that a typical fan of ep who has one child writes. well, a mother of 4 children cannot reason like this

    I can partly understand you, but this is stress and fatigue, resentment for what did not work out the way you wanted. The kid is not to blame that he was not born the way you wanted and used to. You need to see a psychologist, this is no joke, you have four children! They need you

    I know, I know. I have visited a psychotherapist and more than one. But everyone insisted on taking the pills. Exactly one year later, on the day when the final decision was made and I signed all the papers for the operation (that is, two days before it) I felt soooooo bad, I don’t remember when I felt so bad, but then everything went away. And after a year of a child up to one and a half, I lived an absolutely normal life and already thought that everything was over, and now again.

    You know, if he was just adopted, or a child's husband and another woman, I would be OK. And so. Like a mother, but I'm not his mother. There is no such feeling, but I have something to compare with. And the problem is that this child only reminds me of this horror.

    The horror, of course, is caesarean. What a horror there is. Teeth heal worse.

    In any case, everything has already ended, what can you remember for a hundred years, if everyone is alive and well?

    Dear Author! please listen to the advice of a person who has experienced what depression is and won a victory over it (she was ill with varying success for 20 years, and also tried not to be treated). Depression is precisely a disease associated with brain chemistry. The fact that they write to you here that this is not a physical illness is complete nonsense. This is the same disease as everyone else - you will not remove stomach ulcers (also, by the way, a disease of a nervous nature) with conspiracies, the same is true here. Prayer is different, you need to pray for God to send a cure, a doctor, treatment, etc., but prayer does not mean that nothing else needs to be done. Unfortunately, if the diagnosis of depression is worth it, there is no other way to treat it with antidepressants. And the sooner you take up treatment, the sooner you cope with the disease and begin to live a full life - you need this for your child as well. At the same time, it is very important to find a good doctor and drink modern medicines (and not some amitriptyline, invented 30 years ago, from which there are a lot of side effects). I sincerely wish you to defeat the disease! if you have any questions, write, I will try to help.

    Well, if you already have 4 children, then it is clear from what depression. or again you want to sra-h to raise the x li er. but in general the layout, when I read that there were THREE ep, and this is already 4 births. Well, a modern person cannot be so stupid as to give birth, you are not religious, why are you fruitful?

    Judging by your post, a modern person can be much more stupid than it might seem)

    4 children? Wow, conveyor))

    There are such fools. If you are not capable and do not want children, then shut your mouth along with such "smart" sayings. If people want a lot of children and a big family, then they are great! What kind of people are still not distant. They give birth to one and sit, while others, who have many children, are sprinkled with similar statements. There are no brains.

    LanaGuestWhat, baby don't you like? So give it to me!

    For some reason, “everyone is safe and sound” does not comfort me. alive well, the child is healthy perfectly, but if it is "everything is fine with me", then I am a ballerina on a pedal tractor) (

    Once we were walking with all the children and a woman came up to me with a child, we got into a conversation and she asked, "And these are all your children," I said for some reason, "My three, but a little adopted." Somehow it escaped. And the trick now is that even children seem to feel that this child is not "quite his own" in the family. Children feel everything and I am afraid that he will grow up with a feeling of uselessness, and all this will affect the elders too.

    I doubted the veracity of this topic before this post.

    Well, it’s not comforting, but what to do? I also have depression, I don't even heal. What to poison if it is a problem of hormonal metabolism? I just try to change my life, diet there, sports, sleep, positive thinking, nutrition. Don't jump from the bridge?

    I haven’t changed anything. It helps but not for long as it turned out. I am afraid in the end to destroy everything, my family and myself and my loved ones. I'm not the only one suffering. If someone thinks that PTSD is a joke and just sadness, sadness and despondency, ”he is greatly mistaken.

    And in general, think less about all this. As you start to think, take up your hands with embroidery or some other hobby.

    And don't speak! My friend is expecting her fourth child, the family is very wealthy. So people here react to a large family like this: 1) what a great fellow! Wow, in our time, that's great, there would be more such families. How nice to look at you! 2) Why so much? What will you salt? Is there nothing to do? from boredom giving birth, or what? (well, of course this is for the eyes already). In our country, people either admire or annoy them (I don’t understand why.) It’s enviable or something.

    Give birth to the next one, it should help. And then you are stuck on the last one, you need to distract yourself.

    yes, that's weird. I’m barely surviving, I don’t care at all, er, cop, feelings, mother is not a mother, if only everything would end happily, and the child was healthy, and I survived. and regret that he did not suffer, pushing my bones apart - I definitely will not

    It is not in vain that you go to the doctors. You need to treat your head unambiguously! All the same, I consider the topic a wiring, but if this is true, then health to you!

    I haven't changed anything. It helps, but not for long as it turned out ..

    We still need to change. Such a disease - you need to be distracted all the time.

    I want to, but it's scary. What if you have to do THIS again? Then it will be absolutely sucks.

    Well, then there will be two of them alike and more fun together. And now he is alone.

    The author, do not think that I am kidding, I just want to understand, you do not love this child, because he appeared with the help of the COP? And that's why you don't feel that this is your child, there is no connection? In fact, is it the fact of the COP that weighs on you? And 4 births were planned as natural or it was immediately clear that this would be an operation?

    It’s not a matter of "thinking" It’s also a matter of what specifically overlaps, you just don’t control yourself at such moments.

    I can already feel when it rolls over. Juice with wine and comedy to watch. Otherwise, I know whether I'll start throwing tantrums at people or throwing tantrums or from fear of dying in garbage.

    Well, you don’t care, but I don’t care. People are different. You would still go to the Black Sea Fleet branch here and say how "this is strange."

    no, you see, you just have not enough problems, since you do not know how to value a healthy normal child and with your depression inflict huge harm on him, which it will be too late to correct later. would you still go to the forum of mothers of children with disabilities and say how bad you are

    So she says that she is sick. Are you reading the topic?

    this is what the fanaticism of naturalness does to mothers and no psychiatrists will help. that's the power of cunt.

    It's just that when there is something to compare with, the difference is obvious. And this further reinforces feelings of guilt and their helplessness and inability to do something. And this, in turn, increases the depression even more.

    Well, that's why I went here :) I have three natural children and therefore this is "good" which is not good at all for me now. Because I know how it really can be, and regression is always annoying. ((

    MOM! Author, yes, you are really not yourself! I also had a COP 1.5 years ago. Yes, I don’t argue, it is oppressive that I didn’t feel like a child was born. I had general anesthesia, I don’t remember anything at all .BUT TO CONSIDER YOUR CHILD A STRANGE. What you write is just horror for me. Doctors tell you correctly, take pills. Your baby suffers, you don’t love him, he’s a stranger to you, it’s all on the energy. Sometimes I also think, here it was in my stomach, and now he is already running. the moment of his appearance - he is not in my life. But there are no such terrible thoughts as you have! The first birth was natural, my daughter is 6 years old. I know how to compare.

    More often look at the photo of your baby, look when you are pregnant, you need to go to a psychotherapist, talk it out, understand that childbirth takes place in different ways. But your child is your own, he needs you, and stop feeling sorry for yourself, have pity on the baby!

    The author, I had a cesarean and the depression was black. There is also disagreement in the family. I didn't drink anything. It only remains to survive. I loved the child, but because I have to love him. And when she began to grow up, became more intelligent, adoration came. Well, it was not logical, there is a stomach, there is a child, but where is the logical transition? Now she is my greatest love. But a lot of things helped me to distract myself and love her. A change of scenery - went to work, went to a driving school, started moving and repairs, bought a car. Change of setting, environment, occupation. It will probably be more difficult for you, you have children. Think about which option you can do. Sports, cars, hobbies, vacations. Just get distracted.

    Ludt are different. Someone generally makes these Caesareans and they do not care. And this moment is even important to me. And all these photos are running around. Well handsome, well running. Like thousands of other people's children on the streets. Only they do not bother me and do not harm my health. And here. What was it for? For what?

    I probably don’t "love" him. I don’t feel anything for him. I did not give birth to him, this child was brought from nowhere (subconsciously for me) and now from some devils I am obliged to take care of him. Plus, I look at him and remember that nightmare that began from the 35th week of pregnancy, when it became clear that I would not be allowed to give birth myself and continues to this day.

    You know, I understand you and understand your feelings. And I would advise you not to take pills, but to find a good hypnologist. In a couple of sessions, he will help you get rid of this condition. But it must be a very good and professional doctor, if you decide, look for reviews, for friends, if necessary, in another city. Look for a doctor you like at first sight. This is a very serious but very effective therapy. The main thing is not to despair and not give up, the brain is too complex structure, do not listen to those who say that this is all nonsense and self-indulgence, you have a serious problem and you need help. This problem prevents you from fully living and enjoying life, enjoying love for your 4 child. But you must understand that this problem is being solved, I repeat, the main thing is not to lose hope. Unfortunately, you cannot cope with your desire alone, but there are chances for a joyful future! Good luck and happy carefree life 🙂

    Caesarean section: the psychological side

    For years, doctors and obstetricians have been concerned about the proper level of caesarean section, and developments have been carried out in the field of reducing the operational risk for the woman in labor and the baby. At the same time, doctors paid little attention to a woman's emotional reaction to surgery. Everything changed when scientific evidence appeared that a caesarean section can have a serious impact on the psychological state of a woman, on her attitude towards a child.

    If you were planning to give birth on your own, but, for objective reasons, you had a caesarean section, then it may be difficult for you to come to terms with it. If a woman finds out about the operation even during pregnancy, then she has time to prepare for surgery. An emergency caesarean does not leave such an opportunity. After a sudden surgery, you may feel frustration, pain, and shock. Many women feel guilty about their child and develop depression. For some especially sensitive natures, very strong feelings can even be transformed into aggression and unwillingness to deal with the newly born child. For years, a woman can remember the traumatizing childbirth, be afraid, without even realizing that, of the next pregnancy.

    In fact, the perception of one's own birth, including a cesarean section, depends on many factors: on the reasons for the operation, on the woman's perception of the world. Sometimes the traumatic experience before childbirth, lack of support in the family can also affect both the birth itself and its subsequent interpretation. A woman’s beliefs can also have a strong impact: the perception of vaginal birth as the only possible outcome of childbirth often leads to a feeling of depression in the young mother if she has had a cesarean section.

    Many women recover quickly physically and psychologically after a cesarean section, others do not. Despite the obvious relationship between surgery and the occurrence of various psychological disorders in the mother, the effect of a caesarean section on a woman's psyche has almost never been seriously studied. However, the increase in the number of surgeries in childbirth in the eighties made some American and European obstetricians and gynecologists talk about the adverse effects of caesarean section on the emotional state of the mother.

    Researchers confirm that the impact of a caesarean section on a woman's emotional well-being can be very serious and lasting. Also, a relationship was established between caesarean section, especially unscheduled section, with prolonged depressive conditions and the manifestation of post-traumatic reactions.

    Caesarean section and postpartum depression

    Karen Erlichman, a faculty member in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of San Francisco, monitors women who have difficulty in childbirth or whose birth has not ended well. In her research, she argues that giving birth by caesarean section is primarily an emotional experience, and not just a medical operation.

    British scientists monitored a group of women at 30 weeks of pregnancy, then at 36, and then 6 weeks after giving birth. A large number of women after cesarean section showed symptoms of clinical depression. Many of these women explained their increased anxiety and depression by the fact that they could not control the events, that everything happened as if without their participation. Those women who assumed that medical intervention was unnecessary showed higher rates of depression.

    Australian researchers studied women expecting their first child in the first trimester of pregnancy, and then in the month, three months and six months after the birth of the child. In the experiment, they concluded that 46% of women who had an emergency caesarean section were six times more likely to develop symptoms of postpartum depression. It is not known whether the occurrence of depression is influenced by the pain suffered and the difficult recovery period after surgery. In general, women who have gone through an emergency caesarean later have more low self-esteem, moreover, all this is complicated by a sense of loss, a feeling of inability to control what is happening and sadness.

    Scientists in pcs. Victoria, Australia investigated various risk factors leading to postpartum depression. The experiment involved 800 women. It was found that with medical intervention in the birth process, the likelihood of depressive symptoms is higher. Women who had forceps or a caesarean section during labor were much more likely to show symptoms of clinical depression. Also, a relationship was established between complications during the first pregnancy and depressive conditions accompanying the next pregnancy. As scientists have established, a cesarean section performed in the first childbirth left a negative imprint on subsequent pregnancies and childbirth. Women who had a caesarean section were twice as likely to suffer from postpartum depression even after a second birth.

    Caesarean section: psychological trauma or not?

    Women who have had a fertility restoration procedure, miscarriage, abortion, or ectopic pregnancy sometimes develop depression or post-traumatic stress disorder. Dr. J. Lawrence Reynolds, Fellow in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Ontario, Canada, explains such phenomena by the fact that all events associated with the birth of children are a very important part of a woman's life. Failure to give birth or having a difficult labor is proving to be a very painful experience for many women.

    Complicated labor may well cause post-traumatic stress disorder. Post-traumatic disorders appear as a reaction to atypical stressful conditions, when a person is not able to cope with the event that traumatized him (death of loved ones, catastrophe, threat to life). PTSD patients experience feelings of intense fear, helplessness, or even horror at the recollection of a traumatic event. People with PTSD can experience a traumatic event very vividly and deeply over and over again. The emotional response can be very significant and have a long lasting effect.

    The response to stress or traumatic experiences can be as follows:

    Obsessive thoughts and constant mental replay of a traumatic situation;

    Avoiding places and people, meeting with whom can revive the memory of what happened;

    Decreased emotional response;

    Feelings of anxiety and increased excitability.

    Experts have found that post-traumatic stress reactions are much more likely to occur in those women who have undergone an emergency (during childbirth), rather than a planned cesarean section. The feeling of confidence and security with which a woman comes to the hospital after the announcement of a possible operation will very quickly give way to fear and anxiety.

    So, almost half of 53 women who underwent an emergency caesarean section in one of the Swedish hospitals feared that the child would be accidentally injured during the operation, and perhaps he would not even survive. A quarter of women worried about their own lives or were convinced that they would be seriously injured during a caesarean section. Some were afraid that they would not wake up from general anesthesia, and 13% did not want to experience the feeling of horror at the loss of connection with reality. While the operative labor ended normally for both mothers and their babies, most women experienced a sense of loss and grief after the operation.

    When scientists compared women with uncomplicated labor experience; women whose childbirth took place against the background of various medical procedures; For women who underwent a repeated planned cesarean section and women in labor who underwent emergency surgery, the latter showed significantly more symptoms of a post-traumatic state both in the first days after childbirth and one month after them. Some women had hostile feelings towards their own babies born by caesarean section, even five years after surgery.

    British researchers observed three groups of women: the first included those whose first births ended with a caesarean section, the second - women who gave birth independently by vaginal route, and the third included women who used forceps or a vacuum extractor during delivery. The study did not include women with multiple children or giving birth at home, as well as those who once had a missed pregnancy or who experienced intrauterine fetal death.

    In the course of the study, it was found that the group of women whose babies were used forceps or a vacuum extractor during labor, and those who gave birth by caesarean section, were much more likely to have a negative birth experience. Of the total number of caesarean sections, 82.2% were performed urgently and only 17.8% were planned. About 80% of women performed caesarean sections under general anesthesia. Surgery women were far more frustrated with their births than women in other groups. Even after five years, these women, recalling their experience of having a child, felt a sense of fear and anxiety and were not very eager to have another child.

    Caesarean section is a life-saving medical procedure, but recent research shows that a first cesarean section can seriously affect subsequent pregnancies and childbirth, and lead to complications with repeated births.

    Since it has been proven that caesarean section can cause additional psychological trauma for some women, doctors should support and encourage those mothers who want to give birth on their own.

    Waiting for the baby and the day of birth are very crucial moments in the life of every mom. And finally, a little angel appears, so long-awaited, beloved! Then pleasant chores around the house begin. However, over time, a woman may feel severe fatigue and apathy, especially if there is no support nearby, and she has to do all the work on her own. It is then that the question arises: "How to cope with postpartum depression and return to normal life?"

    1. How long is postpartum depression normal?
    2. How does depression manifest after childbirth and when does it happen?
    3. Postpartum depression: causes
    4. How to get rid of postpartum depression without a doctor
    5. Postpartum depression in men: is it possible
    6. What to do if depression after childbirth lasts longer
    7. Psychologist's advice on how to avoid postpartum depression

    How long is postpartum depression normal?

    It must be said right away that not all women feel this malaise; for most, this state does not occur at all. Those mothers who are less fortunate, some time after giving birth, begin to feel increasing anxiety and tension. Sometimes it happens that this condition begins even during gestation, and after delivery, the condition worsens even more.

    Most often, the symptoms of depression do not appear immediately, but several months or weeks after the baby appears in the house. On average, this condition usually accompanies a young mother for about 6 months. This suggests that the woman is suffering from a mild form of depression. If, however, the mother's health does not improve after six months, then we can talk about a protracted form of this condition, which can last more than a year. In this case, a woman is characterized by frequent nervous breakdowns and depressed mood.

    It is difficult to say exactly when postpartum depression begins, since many factors can affect this condition, the main of which are family relationships with the husband, their nature and the general atmosphere at home. In addition, the features of everyday life, the absence or presence of help from loved ones, relatives, as well as material wealth are important.

    How does postpartum depression manifest? And when does it happen?

    Depressive symptoms after childbirth do not necessarily appear immediately, and even more so they do not always manifest themselves in a complex manner. Sometimes a young mother may only experience one or two symptoms on herself.

    Below are the main signs of postpartum depression in women:

    • Unwillingness to have sex with your husband or even complete disgust for intercourse.
    • Various sleep disorders up to insomnia and anxious awakening for no reason.
    • Constant anxiety, a feeling of inexplicable fear, sometimes panic attacks.
    • Poor appetite.
    • Low self-esteem and a sense of shame about your figure. Strong dissatisfaction with one's own appearance, denial of natural attractiveness.
    • The child has ceased to evoke warm feelings, on the contrary, he constantly irritates with his crying.
    • Extreme irritability, which can easily escalate into rage.
    • Tearfulness for no particular reason.
    • Touchiness and vulnerability. Sometimes this is accompanied by withdrawal and unwillingness to communicate with the familiar circle of people.
    • Criticality, reaching the extreme pessimism and even the loss of the meaning of life.
    • Feelings of loneliness, abandonment and dissatisfaction with their own actions.
    • It suddenly seems to a woman that there is no such person who supports her and understands, the chores of caring for the baby become a burden.
    • The advice of relatives begins to be perceived as annoying moral teachings that are increasingly annoying. This makes the woman protest all the time, even when she feels that she is wrong.

    Thus, the signs of a depressive state after childbirth can be very different, the main thing is to notice and eliminate them in time. Otherwise, this will lead to the fact that the woman may begin to have problems in communicating with the people around her, in severe cases, to thoughts of suicide. First of all, this concerns misunderstandings with her husband, there are even cases when such a state of a young mother led to divorce. In addition, there is a threat of breaking ties with relatives.

    Postpartum depression: causes that affect it

    There are many factors that can contribute to the onset of depressive symptoms. Typically, this disease affects mainly two categories of women. The first is those women in labor who have already been registered with a specialist on the issue of psychological depression caused by other circumstances. The second category of women suffers from a similar ailment due to problems with their own mother, with whom she could have serious conflicts in childhood. However, according to statistics, usually girls who have a baby at a very early age, up to 18 years old, suffer from depression after childbirth. Let's try to highlight the main reasons for the development of this condition in women:

    • Lack of moral and physical support from the spouse, inadequacy of family relationships.
    • Difficult financial situation, material distress.
    • A sharp change in hormonal levels after childbirth, which can be perceived by the body as severe stress.
    • Changes in intimate life. Temporary abstinence due to the physiological characteristics of a woman can negatively affect her morale.
    • Serious conflict situations, strong feelings about any negative changes in life.
    • Temporary disability can be very difficult for a woman to experience, since in this state she sometimes begins to feel helpless and unnecessary.
    • The birth of a child with various pathologies or developmental disabilities.
    • Forced separation from a newly born baby.

    In all these cases, postpartum depression should be treated. Otherwise, the woman's condition may worsen significantly.

    How to get rid of postpartum depression? Without a doctor

    Usually, this disease gradually goes away by itself, however, this can be significantly accelerated. The main thing is to know how. Many books have been written on how to deal with postpartum depression. However, you don't have to read them all.

    In order to get rid of the manifestations of the disease, there are several simple but effective methods:

    1. The main thing that mommy should focus on is her baby. You need to understand that he is helpless without her participation, and that this is the greatest happiness that fate could give. After realizing this fact, many everyday things will seem like a trifle, it will become easier to perceive reality.
    2. To quickly get out of depression, a young mother must get enough sleep. So the body will not receive additional stress, and recovery will be faster.
    3. It is very good if a woman in this difficult period for her finds relaxing activities that she will like. For example, this could be yoga, massage, meditation, or just the usual warm bath.
    4. It is also important not to refuse the help of relatives and friends. Let the husband take over part of the housework.

    To understand how to overcome depression after childbirth on your own, you first need to find out the causes of this condition, and only then start treatment.

    Postpartum depression in men

    Is this possible and why? Yes. Sometimes it is not only the mother who has to deal with depression after childbirth, but also the newly-made father. Indeed, often the internal mental state of a woman is transmitted to her spouse. Most often, the following reasons contribute to the development of this condition in the stronger sex.

    For example, a man is simply not ready for the changes that have taken place in his life. Perhaps reality and expectations diverge greatly. Indeed, with the birth of a baby, responsibilities and roles within the family change greatly, and this is always stress for both spouses.

    Jealousy is another reason why depressive states develop in a husband. The fact is that after giving birth to a child, a woman can no longer pay as much attention to her husband as before. And now she spends most of the time on the baby, while the husband may feel unnecessary and unnecessary because of this.

    To make postpartum depression easier for women and men, it is important to know what to do for a husband in this situation. During this period, the spouse should behave in such a way that the wife feels his support all the time. It is important to share the responsibilities of caring for the child and take care of everyday life together. Then the young mother will not feel too tired, and the risk of conflict situations will decrease. If a woman does not want intimacy at this moment, the husband should not be too persistent. Perhaps a woman needs some time to adjust to a new state.

    Postpartum depression dragged on

    It so happens that the period of childbirth has already been left behind for a long time, and the symptoms of depression still do not go away. And so that the young mother does not undertake, she cannot in any way avoid these unpleasant sensations. In this case, the symptoms of depression can accompany a woman for more than one year, becoming chronic, and turning into a real illness. She is especially dangerous because it can lead to suicidal attempts or abandonment of her own child. The reasons for this may be serious personal problems or difficulties in the family.

    This condition is already considered a deep form of depression, and requires medical examination and treatment. You won't be able to cope here on your own. The support of relatives, close friends and husband is especially important during this period.

    Effective Tips for Avoiding Postpartum Depression

    1. Despite the fact that a woman has become a mother, she should not forget about her own needs. Be sure to devote at least an hour a day to yourself. For example, to meet your beloved friend, go shopping, get a manicure, etc.
    2. Sharing responsibilities for home and baby care with a husband or close relative.
    3. A young mother should also carefully monitor her appearance. A pleasant reflection in the mirror will perfectly cheer you up!
    4. Walking in the fresh air is another important "medicine".
    5. Correct diet and sleep.

    If you feel that you are not able to get rid of the symptoms, then you need to consult a psychologist, undergo a rehabilitation course.

    Thus, it is not difficult to overcome postpartum depression, the main thing is to know the main causes of its occurrence and effective methods of getting out of it.

    It would seem that all the main experiences and trials associated with pregnancy and childbirth are behind, and in my mother's arms - the long-awaited result of dreams and colossal labors. But sometimes, instead of the expected happiness, a woman experiences completely opposite feelings, which she is ashamed to admit even to herself. So what is postpartum depression, why does it occur and how is it treated?

    What is Postpartum Depression
    Postpartum (postnatal) depression is a form of depressive disorder that usually develops 1–2 months after childbirth. At one time Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow, Britney Spears, Brooke Shields suffered from it ...
    Most women have frequent mood swings after childbirth - from feeling happy to sadness and depression, sleep disturbances. This is due to hormonal changes in the body and, as a rule, disappears within two weeks. However, 10-15% of young mothers develop postpartum depression. They complain of melancholy, weakness, insomnia or excessive sleepiness, impaired appetite, anxiety, irritability. The attitude towards the child is also changing. This is either an excessive obsession with the baby, internal tension, constant concern for his health, doubts about his own strength, a feeling of loneliness, or detachment from the baby, irritation from the need to communicate with him, mechanically soulless performance of all necessary actions. At the same time, there are practically no positive emotions in contact with a child. Any woman believes that after childbirth, feelings for the little man should only intensify, but the process of "entering motherhood", especially for the first time, can take several months. A huge responsibility that falls on a woman, unjustified expectations - and, as a result, a decrease in self-esteem, a sense of guilt. Thoughts arise: “I am a bad mother,” “I don’t love my child,” because of which the mother is ashamed to ask for help. Only 3% of patients consult with specialists, and depression takes a protracted course.

    Risk factors
    Research has shown that postpartum depression increases the risk of developing these conditions later. With severe depression or postpartum psychosis, suicidal thoughts may occur. They are pointed out
    - persistent insomnia, especially in the morning;
    - pronounced anxiety, agitation;
    - delusional ideas of self-accusation;
    - vital (life) melancholy - suppressed, painful mood with weakening of drives and painful sensations in the chest area;
    - refusal to help and support relatives and doctors.
    In the age of the Internet, any problems are discussed, and, on the one hand, this is good. However, every second or third participant in the forum discovers postpartum depression on the basis of sleepless nights, changes in lifestyle, worries about the baby. Fortunately, this is rarely true. Most women deal with their problems in one way or another. There are some risk factors that can contribute to the onset of postpartum depression. These include:
    - addiction to alcohol or other psychoactive substances;
    - the presence of immediate family members suffering from depression or other mental disorder;
    - the birth of a premature or sick child;
    - the age of a woman in labor is over 40, when it is more difficult to recover from childbirth and endure sleepless nights;
    - stressful situations, such as divorce, violence, the loss of a loved one, the birth of a child out of wedlock;
    - pathology of pregnancy and childbirth.

    Depression after caesarean section
    According to a number of studies, women who have had a caesarean section are more likely to suffer from postpartum depression. There is also a hormonal explanation for this. If childbirth proceeds naturally, the hormone oxytocin is released, the maximum amount of which occurs in the first minutes after childbirth. In this case, euphoria arises, and fear and painful sensations are forgotten. A young mother finds and knows true love, reality meets expectations. It's not for nothing that oxytocin is called the hormone of love, and it also stimulates milk production. But with surgery, the release of the hormone does not occur. It is artificially injected to contract the uterus and increase lactation. It happens that a woman (especially emotional and anxious) is tuned in to natural childbirth and, when performing a caesarean section for medical reasons, feels guilty because she did not immediately see her child, did not experience an emotional connection with the baby, or missed something important. Sooner or later, all these problems go away, and most moms build an emotional bond with their baby. For some it is a matter of a few days, for others - weeks, but maternal feelings are gradually formed, and fear and pain are forgotten.

    Impact of postpartum depression on a child
    Babies of depressed moms are also at risk. Children fed on the milk of depressed mothers are lethargic or overly agitated. They are more likely to have developmental delays in the first year of life; later, speech is formed. The older ones have deviations in behavior, in the sphere of communication. Problems in adolescence, a tendency to cruelty can be observed. All this, apparently, is associated with lack of attention and weak emotional contact with the child.

    How to deal with depression
    Not everyone at risk is affected by postpartum depression. But if a woman feels that she is losing control over the situation and her condition is only getting worse, you should definitely consult a doctor. Indeed, sometimes, with a slight decrease in mood, it is enough just to listen and support the young mother. In some cases, family psychotherapy works well, which allows you to understand the relationship between husband and wife, mother and child. Suggestive techniques can help you relax and relieve anxiety. Cognitive therapy helps well, where situations are dealt with together with a psychotherapist and methods for correcting existing symptoms are developed.
    In more severe cases, antidepressants are required, which can only be prescribed by a doctor. In this case, breastfeeding should be canceled.
    In case of depression with suicidal thoughts or attempts, or with complications of other psychosymptomatics, hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital is necessary.

    Recommendations for new mothers
    Keeping fit is not that difficult. You just need to follow some rules. In particular, do not forget that the provocateur of a bad mood is excessive fatigue. When the child is asleep, you want to redo a lot of things in a calm atmosphere, iron, cook dinner. But for a mother, rest is much more important, so you need to convince yourself of this that you cannot redo all the affairs, and you will need a lot of strength. It is better to prepare simple meals that do not take a lot of time. It is important to remember about the relationship between physical and mental forms. Many maternity hospitals recommend a set of exercises to restore the figure, reduce the volume of the abdomen. You can dance smoothly with a child in your arms. Be sure to allow yourself to be distracted from your worries at times. If you have someone to leave your child with, you should go with your husband or girlfriend to the movies or visit. "Switching brains" helps to relax and relate to some everyday problems more easily. And while walking, it would be nice to get to know the mothers of the same babies: common worries bring them together very much.

    Humanity has existed for many millennia, and postpartum depression is by no means an invention of our time. However, very little time passes, and the parents understand: their efforts, anxieties, sleepless nights were not in vain. For every baby, his mother is the center of the universe, the best and most beloved in the world. And they both need each other, like air, like breathing, like life itself ...

    My pregnancy proceeded without problems, so at first I did not even think about a cesarean section. Until recently, I was sure that I would give birth myself. And even a little myopia could not become an obstacle to natural childbirth. But as time went on, a week passed after the PDR, and I was still pregnant. At the next examination, the doctor asked if I insisted on natural childbirth and warned that it could be difficult due to anatomical features. I didn’t insist, and they cared for me. Anesthesia was common. I retired from the operation pretty quickly. Physically, the postoperative period was relatively easy; it took time to recover morally.

    I did not know the joy of motherhood right away. Unlike women who gave birth on their own and experienced a unique feeling of happiness immediately after the birth of a child, I saw the baby only eight hours after his birth. And there was no fireworks of emotions at our first meeting.

    Like all young mothers, in the first weeks I just collapsed from fatigue. It turned out that I was completely unprepared for motherhood. It was very difficult for me to give up my desires and interests in favor of the child. Sometimes I wanted to return everything a year ago and live again a carefree and serene life. Caring for a child was not fun at all. For me it was hard, painful work, and, in general, I realized that life was over. It was depression.

    I do not know how often postpartum depression occurs in women, but judging by the photos of my friends on social networks, this did not affect them. Everyone looked insanely happy with babies in their arms. And from this it seemed that my problem was unique and I was alone. After suffering three weeks, I decided that it was time to quit.

    How did I get out of depression?

    1. I did what I wanted to do. When the child was asleep, of course. I watched films, listened to music, slept, read, in general, relaxed. When the baby fell asleep, my life began.

    2. I went out to people alone. Having drained the milk and leaving my son with my grandparents, I went to the mall, met my friend in a cafe, and walked in the park. These couple of hours of freedom provided a charge for the week ahead.

    3. I ate a lot of baked apples. In the first month of GW, I was not allowed to eat almost anything that I loved. But even from the meager list of permitted products, you can find something to your liking. It was baked apples that saved me, which became my favorite dessert. Delicious food always cheers up.

    4. The most important thing that helped me did not depend on me. This is the first "agu". When you see a child growing up, you get a return in the form of the first word, the first smile, and relieves depression.

    I hope that for those who have been covered by the postpartum wave of hopelessness, my story will help them get through this sad period as quickly as possible.

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