Home Blanks for the winter Save the tattoo and save it on your hand in Russian. Phrases for tattoos in Latin (with translation). What a religious tattoo gives a man

Save the tattoo and save it on your hand in Russian. Phrases for tattoos in Latin (with translation). What a religious tattoo gives a man

Gorilla tattoos can be divided into three conditional groups: reality style tattoos, stylized image tattoos, and fantasy tattoos. What unites them is the following meaning of a gorilla tattoo - strength, potential aggressiveness, intelligence.

Gorillas are extremely strong, intelligent and aggressive animals in case of danger. By making a hyperrealistic tattoo depicting this primate, a person pays tribute to the strength and intelligence of this animal. Very often, making an image, they focus on the gorilla's gaze - it is meaningful and insightful.

Stylized tattoos very often depict gorillas, which became known to the world thanks to cinema - these are King Kong and characters from the movie "Planet of the Apes". Fantasy gorilla tattoos are an image of a primate in unusual situations: with a weapon in his hands, behind a drum kit, on a paraglider, etc.

A sketch of a gorilla tattoo can be either color or monochrome. A monochrome image concisely conveys the meaning. The color image of a gorilla is made large enough, due to which it looks advantageous.

Over the past few years, Conor McGregor has become a real star of mixed martial arts. During this period, its appearance has undergone significant changes. It was spring 2013 when Notorius made his UFC debut and organized a TKO for Marcus Brimage. Then the Irish fighter was no longer a barefoot athlete, but his appearance was significantly different from the guy we are all used to seeing in a cage today.

His signature beard delighted British fans at the time, but three large tattoos were missing on his belly. Now McGregor has not only these images, but numerous drawings on his left forearm.

However, Notorius got his first tattoo when he was still very young. Below we will consider each of his tattoos and tell you what value it has or does not have at all.

What does the Arabic inscription on MacGregor's leg mean?

On the back of her left foot in the heel area, Conor has an Arabic inscription, but insists that she does not know what she is talking about.

Inscription in Arabic on the left leg of Conor McGregor

“I got this tattoo when I was drunk ... It doesn't mean anything. The inscription is in Arabic. There was a time when I thought it was cool to have such a tattoo, - said the UFC champion. - They painted it for me in Ayia Napa (a resort town in Cyprus - approx. Site). I was young and relaxing. The tattoo cost me $ 20. ”

The Sun contacted the Arabic language experts and learned that the inscription on his left leg means "Cancer." McGregor was born on July 14, that is, his zodiac sign is Cancer (from June 20 to July 22 - approx. Website). It is difficult to argue about whether Conor was telling the truth when he stated that he did not understand the meaning of the Arabic script on his leg, but now he knows it for sure thanks to the media.

Winged crucifix around McGregor's neck

Despite the fact that McGregor has a winged crucifix around his neck, his religion remains unknown. Many believe that he is a Catholic because he was born and raised in Ireland. However, the fighter himself has repeatedly shown his rejection of religion, sending it along with politics to hell.

Who knows why the unbelieving McGregor needs a crucifixion?

Spiked spiral along McGregor's spine

Descending down McGregor's back from the base of the crucifix, we see a spiked spiral, figuratively encircling the spine of the Irish star. It is not known where and when the fighter made this drawing, but most likely it does not really matter and serves as a decorative ornament.

Each rose has its own thorn, and in this case the thorns

Gorilla with a crown on his chest McGregor

On his chest, McGregor has a gray gorilla with a crown on his head and a heart in his mouth. Notorius claims that this tattoo is associated with the most intense pain he felt in his life. We are literally talking about the pain that he felt either during or after the drawing. According to the UFC champion, the gorilla doesn't matter.

It's just a scared gorilla

“People often say that they get a tattoo and put certain meanings into it. But I just love the way it looks. I would like to say that this tattoo matters, ”he told the press.

Tattoo on McGregor's arm

We now know Notorius' favorite flowers

The front of Conor's left forearm is adorned with a rose bush and a clock showing the time - 3 hours 35 minutes (it is not known if this time has any significance). There is also a long dagger, the point of which is directed directly to the center of the rose. A gentleman wearing a high hat is tattooed on the back of his forearm. A figure of a boxing man is drawn next to the rose. And above the rose there is an inscription in English "slow is smooth, smooth is fast". A proverb that is widespread in elite military formations, in particular among the "navy seals". Literally it means "slow is smooth, and smooth is fast."

Knives are banned in the UFC, but McGregor can inflict heavy punches on opponents

McGregor always dresses well, and this gentleman makes him even more stylish.

If this slogan works for the SEALs, then it's good enough for McGregor.

McGregor's belly tattoo

According to Conor, he decided to depict a tiger on his stomach when he was vacationing in Venice:

“I said, damn it, I want to make myself a tiger. I think this is a very brave animal. "

However, he previously noted that he was fascinated by how animals move and tries to use their methods in the training process, studying how they hunt their victims.

The centuries-old traditions of worshiping various animals have not bypassed the gorilla - the most intelligent of primates. Compared to other representatives of the fauna, the beast has highly developed intellectual abilities and strength.

Darwinian theorists include apes in the evolutionary ladder. The gorilla is very human in character, skills and behavior.

But why do people get monkey tattoos? What is the meaning of a gorilla tattoo? First of all, people pay tribute to their ancestors who used this symbol as a totem. Secondly, the monkey has many qualities that should be learned by modern man, which certainly requires respect.

By the way, monkeys, in particular gorillas, have repeatedly become the main characters in films such as: "King Kong", "Planet of the Apes", "Mighty Joe Young", "Gorillas in the Fog". Given such a huge amount of attention to primates, it is not at all surprising that they have appeared in the tattoo industry.

Meaning for men and women

Different cultures and peoples interpret the meaning of this symbol in their own way. Let's find out what the gorilla stands for in the west and east.

In western culture

  • Cunning
  • Deception
  • Greed
  • Imbalance

Europeans believe that the monkey is a miserable parody of man, and its desire to compare with him is in vain.

In the east, the attitude towards primacy is completely opposite. Gorilla is the embodiment of the following qualities:

    • Intelligence. These monkeys are extremely intelligent. They know how to think, feel, they have developed intuition. They are the most mentally developed, second only to humans.
    • Physical strength. Yes, this would be expected from a 250 - kilogram animal under 2 meters tall. With such physical parameters, few people are eager to equal strength with this beast.
    • Kindness. In modern society, there is a stereotype that gorillas are aggressive and furious. Perhaps they are, but only if they feel they are in danger. In fact, these primates have no enemies. The point is that they are herbivores, which means that they do not initiate conflicts with others. But in the event of an attack, the gorilla will fight back and fight to the end.

  • Humor. Analyzing the behavior of these animals, one gets the impression that they have a well-developed sense of humor.
  • Leadership. Hooting, screaming, blows to the chest - it looks very frightening, but this is how the gorilla shows his strength and power to other members of the group, while relieving nervous tension.

Whatever the opinion of the adherents of Western and Eastern cultures, only the bearer of a tattoo can put a meaning into it. By the way, UFC fighter Conor McGregor even stated that he got a gorilla tattoo on his chest just because he liked the way it looks.

In what style to get a tattoo?

The meaning of this drawing will directly correspond to its styling. When choosing a sketch, attention is focused on the gaze of the primate, his pose, emotions. For example, it is obvious that a gorilla grin tattoo denotes rage, a willingness to fight. And the image of a smiling monkey will carry a completely opposite meaning.

Traditionally, gorilla tattoos are of two types: and fantasy. The first includes all sorts of images of primates in tranquility and movement, plots from films, and so on. Often, the main style for such works is realism.

The second type includes drawings that depict a monkey in various unusual situations, leaving room for the imagination of the tattoo wearer and the master. An example would be the aforementioned McGregor gorilla tattoo, a sketch of which is below. On his chest is a crown-eating gorilla eating a heart. Such drawings look great in the traditional style, graphics.

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