Home Preparations for the winter A yoga exercise that immediately straightens your posture. Yoga for teenagers: a set of asanas for a beautiful posture. Complex for a beautiful posture

A yoga exercise that immediately straightens your posture. Yoga for teenagers: a set of asanas for a beautiful posture. Complex for a beautiful posture

To find inner harmony, get rid of stress, improve physical health, yoga is perfect. Many people refer to yoga as fitness, but it is not. This is the deepest system of self-knowledge, which improves both the internal state and appearance.

To get the most benefit from yoga, it is important to decide what kind of result you want to get from classes. Why did you decide to do this? What do you want to change in your own life?

When you honestly answer yourself these questions, you can begin to practice.

Now many schools, clubs for teaching yoga have been formed. There are special yoga classes for men, women, children. Men's yoga has more strength exercises. Many people prefer to practice yoga at home.

But while self-training at home begins, beginners need to get the basic basics in the lessons with an experienced instructor.

So, you will feel the atmosphere, the style of doing the exercises, learn how to breathe correctly, etc.

Several basic asanas will be described below.

morning asanas

For the first time, we suggest mastering only five exercises that will significantly improve your physical fitness. It is advisable to perform them in the morning. Perform each exercise at least three times. The lesson will take approximately 30 minutes. For a better assimilation of the asana, the videos below are offered.

Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

Exercise perfectly strengthens the body and is a good warm-up in the morning in order to start all the body's systems. Many yogis claim that Utkatasana will wake up the body better than any aerobics.

To go to Utkatasana, you need:

  • stand straight, legs slightly apart;
  • while exhaling, stretch your arms up;
  • sit down a little, as if you are going to sit on a chair;
  • pull in the stomach;
  • stay in position for 30-40 seconds, breathing is even;
  • legs straighten arms lower down.

Trikonasana (Elongated Triangle)

Asana productively strengthens the spine, legs, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as the intestines self-massage.

Execution sequence:

  1. Put your feet wider than your shoulders, turn your right foot outward, turn your left foot slightly inward. Spread your arms to the sides, in line with your shoulders, palms down.
  2. Exhaling, slowly lower the body towards the right heel. Try to keep the body and lower limbs straight, without bending your knees.
  3. Place your left hand in a vertical position, directing your gaze at it.
  4. Stay in the position for about 20 seconds and smoothly return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the same on the other side.

Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

Vrikshasana perfectly strengthens the muscles of the lower extremities, helps to develop stamina and endurance. In addition to everything, asana is an excellent method for eliminating depression.


  • stand straight, lower limbs slightly apart;
  • raise your right leg and take hold of her foot with your hands;
  • place the right foot on the inside of the left thigh, near the perineum;
  • pull the buttocks;
  • align the body and slowly raise your arms through the sides up, connecting them above your head;
  • try to stay in position longer.
  • do tree pose on the right leg.

To maintain the balance of the body, it is necessary to look at one point. If you can’t keep your balance, you can hold on to the wall with one hand.

Sarvangasana (candle pose, birch)

This is an inverted asana that supports all organs and systems. The gluteal muscles and abs are being worked out, and it is also used to rejuvenate the face.

Order of execution:

  1. Lie on the surface, place the upper limbs along the body, palms down.
  2. Bend your legs and gently raise your buttocks, supporting your lower back with your hands.
  3. Gradually straighten your legs, buttocks and stomach to retract.
  4. Hold in the asana for 30 seconds, gradually increasing the time.
  5. Go to the starting position in the following sequence: bend the lower limbs, lower your back smoothly vertebra by vertebra.

Shavasana (relaxation)

At first, it seems that the pose is quite easy, but Shavasana is one of the most difficult asanas. Here you need to learn to completely relax, remove obsessive thoughts from your head and focus on your body, breathing.

Video lesson

There is also a video yoga lesson for beginners "Correct posture in 30 minutes."

Having a good posture is very important:

  • the mood rises;
  • energy flows freely through all chakras;
  • the spine heals, which is a guarantee of health.

When you look at others, sometimes it seems that many people forget that beautiful posture- this is a sign of nobility, confidence, success and attractiveness of a person. But not everyone can constantly keep their backs, especially if we take into account society's passion for computers and TV. Having buried your face in the screen, you don’t even notice how you relax and sit hunched over.

Posture depends not only on the internal mood of a person. To keep the back straight, and the shoulders were not stooped, it is necessary train and strengthen her muscles. Regular exercise will allow you to feel much more confident, straighten your back, allowing your shoulders and neck to take a natural position. But with such training you will not achieve 100% success in working on a beautiful posture. Today, there is a great alternative to standard strength training for the back. These are simple exercises borrowed from yoga. With their help, the back muscles are gradually stretched and strengthened. For classes, you will need to master 4 yoga asanas.


You need to kneel and raise your hands above your head. Make sure they are straight. Turn your palms towards each other. Then take a deep breath. As you exhale, gently lean forward. In this case, the pelvis should be on the heels, and the forehead should touch the floor. Leave your arms outstretched in front. Holding this position, press your palms on the floor. Inhale the air and slowly return to the starting position. Do a total of 6 sets.

Virabhadrasana 1

Stand straight and take a step forward with one foot. The distance between the feet should be about a meter (depending on the length of the legs and height). While inhaling, bend the front leg at the knee. Clasp your hands in the lock and raise them up with your palms out. The upper back should be gently arched. Exhale and return to the starting position. At the same time, apply the force of a bent leg. This exercise must be done at least 6 times. The same steps must be repeated for the second leg.

lizard pose

To perform this exercise, you need to lower yourself to the floor. One leg is bent at the knee. Sit on her heel. The second leg is laid back, the knee looks down. This position resembles a longitudinal split. Keep the body strictly vertical, rest your hands on the floor on both sides of the bent knee. On inspiration, the chest rises up and forward, the shoulder blades come together. Stretch your hands to the floor, slightly back. On exhalation, the arms bend at the elbows and the chest falls on the thigh of the bent leg. Repeat the exercise six times for one and for the second leg.

Setu bandha sarvangasana

Lying on your back, place your feet on the floor with your knees bent. Point the brushes clasped into the lock with the palms down. Raise your hands to the ceiling. Inhale and plant your feet on the floor. Try to raise your pelvis as high as possible. The chin is drawn to the chest, and the back of the neck is pressed to the floor. You should return to the starting position on the exhale, pressing the shoulder blades to the floor. Do this exercise 6 times.

Hello dear readers! Incorrect posture is quite common these days. Indeed, for many it has become a big problem - sitting with a straight back. So why does the baby sit with a perfectly straight back in his first years of life, and then the posture disappears? And how yoga to correct posture will help a modern person.

Yoga Basics

For beginners, yoga is some kind of quiet horror, of course. Having taken the lotus position, the beginner realizes that he is tense for the limit: it is hard to keep his back straight, he wants to bend into the pose “I'm tired, yoga is not mine.” I want to note right away, before describing a course of preventive measures for good posture and exercise: there will be no miracle.

Let's start with what is really designed not only to strengthen your faith in yourself, it allows you to calm down, find harmony and inspiration. It is also an excellent physical activity for both an unprepared body and an athletic athletic one.

For beginners, there are many different simple exercises that are not only easy to use, but also extremely effective in practice. This is one of the most effective ways to strengthen your back muscles and correct a defect acquired over time.

Did you know that children up to a certain age walk with perfect posture? They have an innate ability to "not stoop" makes itself felt even from 6-8 months from birth, when children are just mastering the sitting technique.

Over time, due to an increase in the load on the spine and low sports activity, the back muscles “give up” positions, the body becomes heavier, the spine cannot withstand the load and the back rolls into an arc. It becomes almost impossible to start holding your back without exercise.

Causes of curvature of the spine

Scoliosis is the medical name for a curved spine. From the Greek word for "curve", scoliosis is divided into three categories:

  • congenital scoliosis;
  • acquired;
  • post-traumatic.

Let's talk about each subcategory. Deformation of the spine can be congenital - the wrong position of the child inside the womb, problems at birth, etc. Scoliosis can also be acquired.

Often in adults, the spine cannot support its own body weight, which is weak due to the physiological characteristics of a particular person.

There is also post-traumatic scoliosis - as a result of external influence, a person gets a curved spine, which becomes impossible to straighten without surgical intervention. In adolescents, scoliosis is observed more and more often, and this problem is becoming global.

Yoga allows you to cope with such an ailment as acquired scoliosis, that is, by doing physical exercises, we provide a weak spine with good support in the form of trained dorsal muscles. Correct posture should be in every self-respecting person.

A set of exercises for the back at home

Such physical exercises in yoga exist so that a person can correctly coordinate the tension in the body, allowing those spinal muscles that are responsible for maintaining correct posture to work.

Before you begin tasks, you need to warm up by doing a simple exercise. It will help you "recover yourself", tune in to the upcoming workout and recharge your energy to complete tasks.

If you are very busy at work, and there is no time for physical exercises and trips to the fitness room, we recommend that you perform such a workout right at your desk or during your lunch break.

A set of exercises begins with breathing. It should be calm, deep and even. The body should be as relaxed as possible.

Asana sequence

  1. Sit with your back as perfectly straight as possible. Lower your chin to your chest. The back of the head seems to be aiming at the ceiling.
  2. Perform circular swings with your arms. This will help the muscles warm up. We keep the back straight.
  3. If possible, forward: with a straight back, bend parallel to the floor. This will stretch the spine a bit.
  4. Now you can get up: take a light textbook or book, and fix it on your head. The back should be straight. To assess how you are doing everything right, look in the mirror: you will like the way you look with a beautiful posture.
  5. Carry a book while you can. You should not go to the store with a book on your head - not everyone will understand you, but the house is perfect for this.
  6. Save the book for later. Approach the wall. Press your back against it with your whole body - shoulder blades and buttocks.
  7. You won’t be able to stand in this position for a long time, so turn on the stopwatch and make progress every day. If today you stand 30 seconds, then tomorrow it will be a real minute and a half, and in a month you will be walking with perfect posture without support.

Another key point, or a life hack for the lazy. Stretch as much as you can while sitting at your desk. Relax your shoulders, straighten your back and breathe deeply: inhale: one, two, three - exhale. Having straightened your shoulders, take the starting position, without straining your back, try to sit with this posture for a while. To fix the situation, you can put a textbook on your head, and for motivation, you can use two or three.

Fighting bad posture: nano-technologies to help

Thanks to modern developments, you can find many interesting options on the market on how to straighten your back at home, without any effort. The range of lotions is diverse: corsets for men and women of all ages, and clamps.

It is difficult to say how beneficial they really are for health. There is little research on this topic. As a rule, such holders for the back perform the function of external correction, and the physical load on the spine remains the same.

The most effective way to combat scoliosis is yoga to correct posture. Thanks to the implementation of simple exercises, you will not only save money on massage therapists and osteopaths, but also provide yourself with a beautiful body and physical health.

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Even posture is not only self-confidence and beauty, but also a guarantee of the health of the spine and internal organs of a person. A sedentary and sedentary lifestyle often causes discomfort in the back and curvature of the spine: scoliosis, lordosis, etc.

Back problems haunt a person from early childhood - statistics show that about 60% of preschoolers have orthopedic deviations, and in high school this number reaches 90%. Therefore, the search for a solution today is more relevant than ever. And one of the effective methods for daily yoga is considered, the asanas of which will help to make the back even and beautiful.

Eastern wisdom

Vedic treatises state that the central channel of human energy, the Sushumna-nadi, passes through the spine. Yoga masters believe that a diseased spine leads to a blockage of the main chakras of the body and is the cause of a deterioration in overall health.

Modern methods of treatment allow the appointment of various diseases of the back. But, no matter what method of spinal correction you choose, consult a specialist and make sure that the method will help you, and not harm you.

The “swallow” and “birch” exercises that have long been familiar to us, tilts and twists are nothing more than preparatory poses borrowed from Indian culture.

Where to begin?

Oriental medicine offers various exercises - asanas - to form the correct posture and fit, eliminate spasms in the muscles of the back and improve well-being (). If yoga is something new and unknown for you, then you should start simple.

A set of exercises for beginners comes down to “accustoming” the back to a slightly unusual for her correct even position. Such exercises can be performed even during a short lunch break at work:

  1. Sit up straight with your chin down to your chest.
  2. With a straight back, perform circular movements with your hands.
  3. Standing straight, stretch your whole body up, as if trying to reach the sun.
  4. Stretch your arms down, trying to reach the floor.
  5. Walk around the room with objects on your head (for example, a couple of books).
  6. Standing near the wall, try to straighten your back, and then take a few steps, maintaining the position.

All actions should be performed calmly and smoothly, evenly alternating inhalation and exhalation. After regular exercise, the spine gradually weaned from the curved position.

There are also some simple yoga asanas that can help relieve back pain:

  • Standing on all fours, you need to arch your back up, and then bend down. Because of the similarity with a stretching animal, the exercise is called "Cat".
  • Bend your legs under you and sit on your heels. Stretch your arms forward and lie on the floor, completely relaxed.
  • Sitting in a split floor, place your palms and forehead on the floor. Perform several times with each leg.

Such a charge will be useful for both adults and children. After mastering the basic skills, you can move on to more complex poses.

Asana complex

Asanas should be performed under the strict supervision of a specialist, because one careless movement can create more problems than it solves. A professional will not only control the correct execution of the exercises, but also suggest the most suitable for you.

The most popular asanas for posture correction:

  1. "Mountain Pose" promotes plasticity and health of the spine. Stand straight so that the inner sides of the feet are in contact, and the outer sides are parallel. Raise your arms and stretch your whole torso up, keeping your feet on the floor. The chest during the exercise should be raised, the stomach, knees and hips pulled up. The head looks straight ahead.
  2. Downward Facing Dog helps you stretch your back and relax. Lie face down on a mat with your feet hip-width apart. Place your hands on the palms under your shoulders. As you exhale, lift your torso and tilt your pelvis up, straightening your back and legs. The toes at this time should look forward. If you can’t immediately get into a pose, bend your knees, but keep your back straight.
  3. Upward facing dog helps with back pain and is effective in promoting good posture. You need to lie on your stomach and, bending your elbows, place them under your shoulders. As you inhale, stretch your head up, straightening your arms and arching your back slightly. Lift your hips off the mat and straighten your legs.
  4. The Staff Pose strengthens and energizes the muscles. Sit on the carpet with your legs extended forward and your back straight. Pull your feet towards you, and lower your knees to the floor. Place your hands on the floor with your fingers forward and bend slightly at the waist. The neck should continue the line of the spine. Stretch the top of your head up.

  5. Tilts to the legs are the prevention of stoop and curvature of the spine. Take the starting position - the pose of the staff. Grab your shins with your hands (or, if it doesn’t work out, your knees) and, gently pulling yourself up with your hands, stretch forward and up. When you feel that you have lengthened your spine as much as possible, relax your back and smoothly lower yourself to your feet, continuing to reach forward with the top of your head. To exit the asana, raise your head, slightly arch your back and gradually return to the starting position.
  6. "Pose of the sage" well develops the plasticity of the spine. Sit on the ground with your legs stretched out in front of you. Bend your knees so that both feet are near your right thigh. Lower your pelvis to the ground. Rotate the body to the left 45 degrees, place the right hand on the left knee. Bring the other hand behind your back and grab it with your right hand near the elbow. Turn your head, look over your left shoulder as far as possible. Repeat this exercise on the other side.
  7. "Boat Pose". Lie down on the mat. Helping yourself with your hands, lift your legs and straighten them, stretching your socks. Try to keep your back straight and stretch your arms parallel to the floor.
  8. "Dead Man's Pose" completely relaxes all parts of the body and relieves the lower back of tension. To perform, you need to lie on your back, spread your arms with the inside up. The legs are free, the socks are slightly turned to the sides. Relax the muscles in turn, starting with the toes and ending with parts of the face. Focus on your breathing and try to distract yourself from extraneous thoughts. Stay in the asana for up to 5 minutes.

There are also many other yoga poses to improve posture. After reviewing them, you can choose the ones that will be most effective for your spine.

It is believed that 10 minutes of yoga a day is enough to achieve good results after a few months of regular practice.


Be careful and take care of the safety of classes. There are a few important rules to remember:

  • During the performance of asanas, it is very important to do all the elements of the exercises measuredly and calmly.
  • Do not strive to immediately complete everything in full and in the most complex form.
  • Try to keep your breathing natural and even.
  • Don't force yourself. If you feel pain or it seems to you that it is not worth staying in a pose any longer - stop immediately!
  • Check out the contraindications.
  • Do not make extraneous movements during a fixed pose to avoid sprains and dislocations.

If you follow these rules, yoga classes will be pleasant and useful for you.


Is it possible? Research really proves the benefits of yoga for posture, back. However, it should be noted that in some cases, asanas should be performed very carefully or completely abandoned.

It is contraindicated to practice yoga for people with the following diseases and conditions:

  • High blood pressure.
  • Headache.
  • Pregnancy at a late stage.
  • Menstruation.
  • Back injury without doctor's approval.
  • Injuries or diseases of other limbs that are involved in a particular exercise.

These recommendations are strictly individual for each person and differ from posture to posture. Therefore, once again we recommend that you contact your doctor or other specialist in order to choose the most suitable exercises for you.

Asanas will be useful to you not only if you need to correct your posture or in case of an advanced disease of the spine, but also to prevent these problems. It is enough to do exercises every morning with several elements of yoga.

The main thing is to listen to the sensations of your body, train slowly and methodically. If all exercises are performed correctly, then you will improve both the condition of your spine and overall health.

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