Home roses Painful ovarian cyst causes. How an ovarian cyst hurts depending on the type of formation and why discomfort occurs. Causes of an ovarian cyst

Painful ovarian cyst causes. How an ovarian cyst hurts depending on the type of formation and why discomfort occurs. Causes of an ovarian cyst

Pain with an ovarian cyst sometimes becomes so severe that it is difficult for a girl to endure them. Many do not take seriously such a manifestation of symptoms, because they cannot determine the cause. It is very important to pay due attention to it in order to avoid serious complications, such as torsion of the tumor stem or severe hemorrhage. Is the cyst dangerous in this case? Undoubtedly. Therefore, you need to urgently contact a specialist who will tell you what to do in this situation.

Women have a logical question: when can you do without the intervention of a doctor? To begin with, you should find out to what extent education has grown. If its diameter does not exceed one and a half centimeters, you should not have serious reasons for concern, since it can resolve on its own.

The formation diagnosed in women in most cases has a rounded shape. This is an anatomical form of swelling. If the tumor is benign, then there is no filling inside it. In some cases, a thin-walled cyst may contain some liquid mucus. The amount of such a “filling” in a formation with a diameter of 6 centimeters reaches 113 cubic millimeters.

Every woman has a different disease. Education begins to hurt only at the second stage. Let's look at what symptoms of ovarian cysts occur in women? First, there are failures in menstruation. Menstruation may be late, start early, or not come at all for several cycles. The volume of secretions becomes scarce or excessively increased. Then there are difficulties in urination and sharp pains in the lower abdomen. Unpleasant sensations gradually pass into the pelvic region or are given to the lower back. There is bloating and a feeling of fullness, even if the girl did not eat anything before. Complaints come to the loss of orientation in space and chronic fatigue. When the patient neglects timely treatment, she develops peritonitis.

Some ladies live with a neoplasm and do not complain about anything, because it does not cause them any inconvenience. There may be a pressing feeling in the abdomen, but many patients do not pay attention to it. Many people wonder when an ovarian cyst hurts, what to do? Seek immediate medical attention for effective treatment.

Pain accompany the rupture of the cystic formation. When this happens, a serious threat looms over the patient's condition. The pain migrates to the pelvic region and intensifies. In this case, taking painkillers is practically useless, since they do not muffle the discomfort. In some cases, such drugs can improve the overall picture, but they do not help all patients. Unpleasant sensations increase if a woman makes love, during bowel movements or exercise. In this case, the amount of allocations will reach its critical maximum.

Note: If there is a rupture of the right or left ovary in women, a general feeling of weakness is possible. Also, a rupture can lead to a large loss of blood, as a result of which the woman faints. As a result, blood pressure decreases.

If you find any of the above signs in yourself, this should be a serious reason to contact a specialist. In addition, look for signs of hirsutism or sudden weight gains.

What to do for pain

There are cases when a woman knows that she has a cyst, is observed by a doctor, but does not suffer from any discomfort. Then doctors recommend to be treated at home, and go to the hospital if symptoms of tumor rupture appear: fainting, high fever, discomfort in the lower abdomen or nausea with vomiting.

In order to confirm the presence of swelling on the ovary, doctors refer the patient for a special examination, during which she needs to undergo magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound examination. If the formation is malignant, you can not do without a vaginal puncture. Not infrequently, doctors resort to the method of laparoscopy, which can be considered as a kind of diagnosis.

If specialists suspect a pregnancy that develops outside the uterus, the patient is asked to take a pregnancy test. In addition, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of cancer. To do this, analyzes for hormones and tumor markers are given.

Note: Functional formations have the ability to dissolve without outside help. But do not lose vigilance and consult a doctor. The specialist establishes constant control over the patient and monitors his condition. A functional cyst cannot become cancerous, but problems can arise when its pedicle is twisted, ruptured, or suppurated. In this case, the doctor does not even think about removing the formation.

When the swelling bursts, pains appear in the lower abdomen, the woman suffers from nausea, and abundant secretions of a mucous consistency are observed from the perineal region.

If the cyst is dermoid, mucinous or endometrioid, then it must be treated exclusively with surgery. The possibility of conservative treatment in this case is not even considered. Removal of the formation on the left is carried out in order to avoid possible complications.

When the disease is not complicated, then it is eliminated laparoscopically. In order for the doctor to be able to carry out the procedure, he makes 3 small incisions in the peritoneum, through which he performs all the necessary actions. The contents of the peritoneum are fed to a large screen through an optical apparatus. This allows the doctor to control the operation process and manage their instruments.

Before starting the operation, the surgeon assesses the general condition of the patient. He may remove all or part of the ovary. If the problem is not serious, then only the damaged surface of the organ is eliminated. The doctor resorts to complete removal when the swelling breaks, twists its legs, or as a result of the appearance of pus.

In a planned manner, the tumor will be removed after it grows to ten centimeters. In addition, the doctor must refer the patient to a series of necessary examinations, after which he will determine whether the formation can become malignant.

When a woman has a menstrual pause, the nature of her cystic diseases changes dramatically. At this age, the lady has pathological cysts. Since there is no longer a question of preserving reproductive function, doctors are not afraid to offer radical treatment to their patients.

Surgery is performed exclusively under general anesthesia. The operation will take four hours on average. After the doctors carry out all the necessary actions, the patient should go to the hospital. She stays there for about two days. The woman's stitches are removed after a week. The recovery period does not last long, so a woman can return to her usual life very soon.

Video: Why there is pain with a cyst

Pain with an ovarian cyst is considered a dangerous symptom that should not be ignored. With different types of cysts, the nature of the pain, as well as the accompanying symptoms, may differ. In most cases, the pain is associated with the rapid growth of the neoplasm or with the rupture of the cyst, requiring immediate hospitalization.

Causes and accompanying symptoms

Usually, in women diagnosed with an ovarian cyst, pain syndrome, if it occurs, is accompanied by other accompanying symptoms.

Among them:

  • Menstrual irregularities, bleeding between periods.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen (may radiate to the rectum, side, lower back, upper peritoneum, etc.).
  • Tension of the muscles of the anterior wall of the abdomen.
  • Bloating and heaviness in the abdomen, a feeling of fullness from the inside.
  • Intestinal disorders.
  • Difficulty urinating with constant urging (as in cystitis).
  • Pain during sexual intercourse or physical activity.

Without accompanying symptoms, pain with an ovarian cyst can be confused with the manifestation of other diseases - endometriosis, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, ectopic pregnancy, appendicitis, cancer. Therefore, it is important to consider the clinical picture as a whole - according to the patient, only a qualified physician can fully restore it, who should be consulted.

Causes of pain

  • Rapid growth of the cyst
  • Large size cysts
  • The pressure of the cyst on the pelvic organs (if it has already reached a large size)
  • Frequent hard sex
  • Pelvic or groin injury
  • Rupture or torsion of the cyst

All these factors indicate the need for radical treatment - hospitalization and surgical intervention (removal of the cyst).

Pain with an ovarian cyst - what does their character say?

Often, ovarian cysts form and grow at first without any symptomatic manifestations that would force a woman to immediately consult a doctor.

However, in some cases, symptoms can still be expressed. The pain can be localized and moderate, or intense, which spreads throughout the abdomen.

Localization of pain in ovarian cyst

  • Lower abdomen
  • Groin area
  • Small of the back
  • Sacrum
  • lower limbs
  • Rectum

Depending on the type of cyst, the pain may increase before the next menstruation (with endometrioma) or vice versa - not associated with the menstrual cycle.

The nature of the pain also depends on the type of cyst. So, aching pain in an ovarian ovarian cyst is provoked by irritation of the nerve endings of the peritoneum, spasms of the bladder and other hollow organs of the pelvis. Cystadenomas and malignant cysts cause the onset of pain much earlier, and pain attacks are repeated more often. This is due to the fact that such cysts grow very quickly and can grow into the abdominal wall, bladder, rectum. Mucinous cysts provoke severe, bursting pain from the inside, as they are usually very large.

Pain from a ruptured ovarian cyst

Separately, it is worth considering the pain of ruptured ovarian cysts.

The rupture of the follicular cyst can be accompanied by tolerable pain (if necessary in the middle of ovulation), but the pain from the rupture of the dermoid cyst is almost impossible to endure, so women often fall into a state of shock.

Whatever the type of cyst, usually the pain of a ruptured ovarian cyst begins suddenly in the lower abdomen, and then quickly moves to the upper sections, so that the whole abdomen begins to hurt. At the same time, the appearance of such pain can be provoked by sexual intercourse in a rigid form, heavy physical exercises, a pelvic injury, a blow to the lower abdomen, and even a simple probing of the abdomen.

When trying to move, the pain intensifies, accompanied by a pulling discomfort in the back, lower back or pelvic region, a feeling of heaviness. By the way, these sensations may appear shortly before the onset of pain.

Abdominal pain when an ovarian cyst ruptures is so severe and prolonged that tachycardia occurs, blood pressure drops, shock and loss of consciousness occur.

Pain with an ovarian cyst: treatment

The cause of the pain is diagnosed by:

  • Punctures
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy

If the patient is diagnosed with rupture or torsion of the cyst, as well as a large cyst, a decision is made on an urgent operation to remove the neoplasm. Often, doctors have to make this decision urgently - after an emergency hospitalization of the patient.

To remove a painful ovarian cyst, the minimally invasive method of laparoscopy is ideal - an operation that guarantees a minimum period of recovery of the body.

After the operation, the attending physician prescribes hormonal therapy to the patient.

Can you relieve cyst pain on your own?

Pain from an ovarian cyst can be relieved with traditional pain medications - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, acetaminophen). This is acceptable if the patient is receiving primary treatment in parallel.

However, before taking the pills, it is better to consult with your doctor, since the characteristic pain is the most important symptom, and by muffling it, you may not notice the deterioration in time.

Some medical portals also recommend the use of heat (taking a hot bath, a heating pad applied to a sore spot) to alleviate the condition at home. This advice is dictated by the effect of warm temperature on the relaxation of muscles constrained by painful spasm. However, this method is quite risky and is not recommended for use if there is even the slightest suspicion of rupture or torsion of the cyst, since high temperature will increase the inflammatory process and accelerate the appearance of internal suppuration.

Mandatory in the event of pain in the cyst is a strict restriction of physical and sexual activity. Since often one sudden movement is enough for the inflamed cyst to burst.

Are ovarian cyst pains necessary?

Many women with a similar diagnosis are interested in the question: can pain simply be absent?

Indeed, in many cases, an ovarian cyst forms and grows for a long time painlessly and without accompanying symptoms. It is all the more dangerous for a woman's health, as it is often diagnosed already at a late stage, when it reaches a large size and bursts, causing serious complications.

To avoid such a diagnosis and detect an ovarian cyst even before the onset of a painful syndrome, every woman should definitely visit a gynecologist regularly. Preventive examination and intravaginal ultrasound every six months is the key to the timely detection of the disease.

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The structural features of the reproductive system in women often lead to the appearance of neoplasms, which are considered a variant of the norm. These include an ovarian cyst - a cavity filled with physiological fluid. The vast majority of women are faced with this process, but often its course goes unnoticed and disappears by itself. However, in some cases, the presence of a cyst turns into a problem and becomes a threat to health, and sometimes life. It is possible to understand that a neoplasm has gone beyond the norm by a number of signs, the main of which is pain. It requires mandatory treatment.

Symptoms of the disease

The formation of a cyst begins in the middle of the menstrual cycle - most often on the 13-14th day. This is due to the fact that the egg, which should leave the ovary, does not leave the follicle. This leads to the accumulation of fluid and an increase in the size of the cavity. Under normal conditions, the formation disappears on its own within a few menstrual cycles. With health problems, the situation can become more complicated. capable of excessively increasing in size, twisting or tearing. All this leads to the appearance of pain and the need for medical intervention. An ovarian cyst may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increase in the volume of the abdomen;
  • stool disorders;
  • protrusions from the affected organ;
  • specific discharge, most often bloody;
  • feeling of heaviness and pressure in the side;
  • frequent urination;
  • temperature rise.

Depending on what type of cavity is present in a woman's body, the symptoms may vary. The nature of pain in the ovarian cyst and the degree of threat to health depend on the variety. Some types of neoplasms are able to appear and disappear during life, while others are pathological conditions. There are such types of cysts:

  • localized in the corpus luteum;
  • follicular;
  • endometrioid;
  • dermoid;
  • mucinous.

The pain can be acute or permanent. The first type is typical for severe conditions requiring emergency care - rupture of the cyst and its twisting. The second type is less dangerous, sometimes conservative therapy is enough to eliminate it.

Often the process of formation and resorption of education is asymptomatic. The appearance of uncomfortable sensations indicates a malfunction in the body. If you treat the cyst on time, then a pronounced pain syndrome may not appear. However, it often increases gradually or vice versa - it appears suddenly. This makes timely diagnosis difficult. Causes of cyst pain include:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • excessive increase in size;
  • twisting;
  • cyst rupture;
  • compression of nerve endings;
  • atrophy of ovarian tissues;
  • oncology.

Most often, the presence is accompanied by menstrual irregularities and infertility. It can be both temporary and permanent, especially at an advanced stage of the disease. The rupture of the cavity is accompanied by acute pain and bleeding - this requires urgent hospitalization and surgical intervention. Oncology occurs mainly in women in menopause or with a dermoid cyst.

Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen on the right or left side may indicate the presence of a neoplasm. If a woman has an ovarian cyst, then only a doctor will tell you what to do and how serious the situation is. To determine the nature of the violation will help:

In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, it is necessary first of all to eliminate the causes of the pathology. Their clarification will significantly clarify the clinical picture. The patient will have to answer the following questions:

  1. What symptoms cause discomfort?
  2. How long and how intensely do they manifest themselves?
  3. What is the nature of pain?
  4. Are there menstrual irregularities?
  5. Is the woman taking any medications, including birth control?
  6. Has she ever been diagnosed with a gynecological disease?
  7. Has there been a history of cancer in the family?

After that, a mirror gynecological examination will be performed. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe additional procedures - tests and ultrasound. At the risk of serious disorders, the diagnosis is supplemented by MRI and laparoscopy.

How to eliminate the pain of an ovarian cyst?

The first rule to follow when a problem occurs is to refuse self-treatment. Only a medical examination will help to establish the source of pain and get rid of them without harm to health. In some cases, the doctor may limit therapy to analgesics - this is important when monitoring self-reduction of the cavity. Otherwise, full treatment is necessary.

The stage of the beginning of the formation and growth of the cyst is asymptomatic for the patient and does not bring discomfort through pain. It is also possible independent disappearance of previously appeared cystic neoplasms. However, there are sensations in the stomach that are not so pronounced, but they require no less attention. By listening to your body and determining the accompanying symptoms, you can calculate a dangerous disease in advance. And for this it is necessary to be able to determine what pains occur with a cyst.

Pain with ovarian cyst

The appearance of pain is one of the signs that the patient has an ovarian cyst, but there are also main manifestations that differ in the nature of the sensation of discomfort.

At the initial stage of growth, an ovarian cyst may not manifest itself in any way. Discomfort appears due to an increase in the volume of the neoplasm associated with an increase in the fluid accumulated in it. Symptoms such as pain of a different nature begin to disturb a woman when the cyst reaches a size of more than 4 cm. Increasing to such a size, the pressure of the cystic formation on the surrounding tissues occurs.

An ovarian cyst manifests itself in the following types of pain:

  • constantly appearing in the lower abdomen of a pulling and / or pulsating character;
  • gives to the lumbar zone, thigh zone;
  • occurs during intercourse and is localized in the hip zone;
  • in the hip part, which occurs before or after the menstrual cycle;
  • from pressure in the lower abdomen;
  • in the chest and bouts of nausea or vomiting.

Such a pain?

Discomfort in the abdomen with a cyst, which has the character of a aching manifestation, may indicate the presence of irritated nerve endings in the abdominal area, and also cause spasm of the bladder and other genital organs.

Early pain. It can constantly re-occur, which is associated with a rapid increase in the volume of the ovarian cyst itself, its ability to grow into the wall of the abdominal part, bladder or rectum.

Pain is severe, intense, which creates a feeling of fullness from the inside of the abdomen. This is due to the rapid growth, with the large size of the cystic formation. In some cases, it may mean a ruptured ovarian cyst.

In order to determine the root causes, such diagnostic methods are prescribed as: ultrasound, puncture and diagnostic laparoscopy.

The pain may worsen when exercising, during sudden movements. But there is also the occurrence of pain, being in a state of complete rest. Therefore, it is necessary to pay great attention to any of its manifestations and seek qualified medical help in time.

Where does it hurt?

In a situation of pain, it is usually difficult to indicate a specific localization, because they have a aching and pulling character, they give off in different directions and nearby organs. But the pain focus is localized on the side where the ovarian cyst is located and grows.

As long as the cyst increases in volume and does not show any symptoms, there is no treatment for this disease, and complications, even life-threatening, may occur.

Right ovarian cyst

Pain will be manifested precisely on the right side, give to the right leg, thigh. Severe pain in the right lower abdomen at the beginning and after the menstrual cycle, after sex, physical activity.

With a cyst of the left ovary

Appears similarly in the left side of the lower abdomen, pulling character. Acute pain usually in the left side of the lower abdomen during the menstrual cycle, after sex, physical activity.

Also, these sensations are supplemented by other symptoms, according to which, in total, an accurate diagnosis can be determined. Perhaps an increase in the size of the abdomen, a feeling of fullness and overcrowding.

With complications

Already in the event of complications, the pain becomes more pronounced, has a bright intensity of manifestation. Discomfort causes such sensations that are difficult or impossible to endure, the pain is severe and not removed by any medications. To all this, concomitant symptoms are added, such as: high fever, feeling of nausea, vomiting, dizziness.

When an ovarian cyst ruptures

When the disease starts, the woman has a sharp sensation similar to contractions, which gives off to the leg, as well as to the intestines. The nature of the manifested pain directly depends on the type of ovarian cyst formed. At the same time, the pain can vary from tolerable to unbearable, leading to shock to the patient.

However, under any circumstances and with any type of ovarian cyst, it begins abruptly in the lower abdomen, and then moves to the upper part and further covers this area completely.

It is localized on the side where the cyst has grown and is accompanied by other concomitant symptoms. And it can intensify when making movements, after which it begins to pull and respond in the lower back, spinal region and pelvis.

In this case, an operation is urgently needed, otherwise inflammation develops, peritonitis, leading to death.


With the formation of severe pain in the cystic formation of the right or left ovary, it is permissible to use medications.

There is an opportunity to help alleviate pain on your own. At the same time, quite ordinary and well-known painkillers come to the rescue. However, they should be used only after consulting the attending physician and in parallel with the main treatment.

These include drugs that relieve pain, painkillers include ibuprofen or paracetamol. Antispasmodic drugs, such as Spazmolgon, No-shpa, can help reduce, drown out the sensations with an ovarian cyst.

However, it is worth remembering the importance of using tablets in moderation. Indeed, by the strength and nature of the pain, the gynecologist can determine the patient's condition, the presence of complications and indicate to the woman the need to consult a doctor for help. By dulling the pain or removing it altogether, there will be no such possibility of diagnosing.

In case of pain, you need to definitely reduce physical activity, be less active in general and in sexual relations, in order to avoid the development of complications such as rupture and twisting of the legs of an inflamed ovarian cyst.

The appearance of an ovarian cyst is almost always associated with the occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen. The nature of the pain syndrome can be different and depends on the size and location of the formation. The development of complications also makes its own adjustments and leads to the appearance of other accompanying symptoms. By the nature of the pain in the lower abdomen, it is possible to suspect a problem in time, but it is impossible to say exactly about its cause. The final diagnosis is made only after a complete examination by a gynecologist.

What to do if an ovarian cyst hurts? First of all, you need to see a doctor, and no matter how severe the pain syndrome is. Such a situation cannot be ignored. Pain in the lower abdomen is only the first herald of pathology, and refusal to treat will lead to the development of complications. The sooner the source of pain is clarified, the easier it will be to cope with the problem and preserve the woman's reproductive health.

Let us consider in more detail the nature of pain in the ovarian cyst and determine the measures of assistance in this condition.

Why does an ovarian cyst hurt?

A cyst is a formation filled with fluid (serous, purulent, hemorrhagic). At the initial stages of its development, it does not cause the slightest discomfort. A small neoplasm (up to 2-3 cm) does not hurt or bother, and is often detected by chance during a routine examination by a gynecologist. In most cases, this pathology is detected during an ultrasound examination.

How long can an ovarian mass remain asymptomatic? Follicular and cysts of the corpus luteum grow in 3 months, and after a specified period they can make themselves felt with pulling and aching pains in the lower abdomen (usually on one side). Dermoid formations grow slowly, and only after years they begin to disturb.

It's important to know

The rapid growth of the cyst with some degree of probability indicates the development of a malignant neoplasm and requires special attention from the doctor.

Various types of ovarian cysts.

Pain in ovarian neoplasm is associated with the following factors:

  • Stretching of the ovarian capsule by a growing formation;
  • Clamping of blood vessels and nerve plexuses;
  • Compression by a large cyst of neighboring organs.

The intensity of pain increases gradually. At first, discomfort in the lower abdomen causes only mild discomfort that does not interfere with normal life. Over time, the pain intensifies, other accompanying symptoms join. Sharp soreness often indicates the development of complications: torsion of the cyst leg, rupture of the formation with damage to the ovarian tissues and bleeding.

It looks like the torsion of the legs of an ovarian cyst during laparoscopic surgery.

The nature of the pain syndrome in diseases of the ovary

Pain is the leading symptom of any adnexal formations, both benign and malignant. Cysts are benign tumor-like structures, and when they appear over time, there is a certain discomfort in the lower abdomen. The nature of pain depends on the type of formation, its location, size and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Follicular cyst

A functional formation arising from a non-bursting follicle is detected mainly in adolescents and young women. If the egg does not come out of the follicle, ovulation does not occur, and this process is accompanied by the appearance of characteristic symptoms:

  • Delay of menstruation for several days;
  • spotting or bleeding after a missed period;
  • Intermenstrual bleeding.

Changes in the menstrual cycle may be a sign of the presence of a follicular cyst.

Follicular ovarian cysts usually exist for no more than three months, after which they disappear on their own. In the first month, the formation does not hurt, because it does not reach a clinically significant size. Cystic formations with a diameter of more than 3 cm make themselves felt by constant aching pains in the lower abdomen - on the right or left, depending on the localization of the pathological process. There is a feeling of heaviness, discomfort, there is a feeling of fullness in the groin. Unpleasant sensations intensify in the second phase of the cycle, during sex, after physical activity (including during long walking, running, sudden movements).

On a note

There is an opinion that cysts of the right ovary occur more often than the left. The right ovary is better supplied with blood, ovulation occurs more often here, which means that the likelihood of tumors is higher. Statistically reliable data on this issue have not been received.

Severe pain for a follicular ovarian cyst is not typical. An increase in discomfort is noted with the growth of the formation of more than 4-5 cm, but even in this case the pain is not acute, but pulling, associated with compression of neighboring pelvic organs. Sharp soreness can be with the development of complications: torsion of the leg or rupture of the ovary.

The follicular cyst is prone to self-resolution. If the formation persists for more than three months, surgical treatment is indicated. Refusal of the operation threatens with increased pain and increases the risk of dangerous complications.

If the cyst is small and there are no complications, it should be observed for several cycles.

luteal cyst

The corpus luteum cyst is another functional formation of the ovary that occurs in the second phase of the cycle. Due to hormonal failure, the corpus luteum does not resolve, and a tumor-like structure forms in its place. Like follicular neoplasms, luteal neoplasms grow within 2-3 months, rarely reach large sizes and usually disappear on their own. If there is no positive dynamics, the corpus luteum cyst is removed in a planned manner.

Luteal formations are almost always asymptomatic. Perhaps the appearance of minor pain in the lower abdomen on the one hand, a feeling of heaviness and discomfort. A distinctive symptom of this pathology is a long delay in menstruation with subsequent bleeding.

This is what a corpus luteum cyst looks like.

Endometrial cyst

A variety of external genital endometriosis is detected mainly in women aged 20-40 years. Such a cyst hurts in the second phase of the cycle closer to its completion. The pain syndrome intensifies during menstruation, which is associated with the presence of heterotopias on the ovaries. The pain persists for several days after menstruation, after which it disappears - and cyclically repeats at the right time. Endometrioid formations are often bilateral, so discomfort is localized immediately both on the left and on the right. Irradiation is noted in the lower abdomen, sacrum, lower back.

On a note

If a cyst was found on the right ovary, but the left side is pulling and hurting (or vice versa), it is worth undergoing an additional examination. Such symptoms may indicate concomitant pathology of the pelvic or abdominal organs.

This is what an endometrioid cyst looks like during laparoscopic surgery.

Dermoid cyst

A dermoid is a cyst filled with a mucus-like fluid. Inside the formation, various embryonic tissues are revealed: cartilage, bones, teeth, nerve fibers, glands. This is a congenital pathology, and at small sizes it does not bother. The dermoid cyst grows very slowly, so for many years there is no pain. Unpleasant sensations occur for the first time at the age of 15-25 years and are associated with an increase in the size of the dermoid. The pain is moderate, aching, radiating to the sacrum, coccyx, lower back, inguinal region. Dermoid formations can be one- and two-sided, the localization of the pain syndrome in this case is determined by the location of the tumor.

It's important to know

Dermoid cysts larger than 3 cm must be removed.

This is what the dermoid formation of the ovary looks like in section.

Important aspects of differential diagnosis

Pain with a formed ovarian cyst is localized mainly in the lower or in the lateral sections of the abdomen. With bilateral damage to the appendages, discomfort will be felt both on the left and on the right. There is irradiation of pain in the sacrum and coccyx, lumbar region, inguinal zone, down to the thigh.

Special situations:

  • If the pain with an ovarian cyst radiates to the leg, it is worth assuming the presence of a large formation that compresses large nerves and blood vessels;
  • With luteal formations of the ovary, chest pain is often noted before menstruation;
  • Pain in the back (lower back) is not characteristic of an ovarian cyst, but can occur with large formations;
  • The head does not hurt with this pathology. A similar symptom may be associated with concomitant diseases;
  • Discomfort in the stomach, projection of the kidneys or heart is not a sign of an ovarian neoplasm, and in this case, you need to look for another cause of discomfort;
  • Pain in the perineum or anus may indicate other gynecological diseases.

Most often, pain with an ovarian cyst is localized in the lower abdomen.

Pain syndrome occurs not only with ovarian cysts, but also with other pathologies:

  • An ectopic pregnancy is accompanied by discomfort in the lower abdomen. In favor of this pathology is the delay in menstruation, the appearance of bleeding;
  • Acute appendicitis must be distinguished from ovarian cyst torsion or rupture. In favor of the inflammation of the appendix is ​​the shift of pain from the epigastrium to the right iliac region, the tension of the abdominal muscles in this zone;
  • Acute salpingo-oophoritis is often mistaken for a complicated ovarian cyst. In favor of inflammation of the appendages is a significant increase in body temperature, involvement in the process of the fallopian tube;
  • An attack of renal colic is accompanied by severe pain in the lumbar region on the one hand, urinary retention, and nausea. This pathology should also be differentiated from a twisted ovarian cyst.

Various localizations of abdominal pain and possible conditions in which they occur.

The final diagnosis is made after the examination:

  • Examination by a gynecologist with a bimanual examination of the appendages;
  • Examination of the surgeon to exclude the pathology of adjacent organs;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic and abdominal organs;
  • Laboratory diagnostics: general blood and urine tests, other tests as indicated;
  • Laparoscopy in doubtful cases.


Women entering the surgical department with pain in the lower abdomen must be examined by a gynecologist to exclude pathology of the pelvic organs.

This is what an ovarian cyst looks like on an ultrasound.

Specificity of pain syndrome in complicated ovarian formations

The nature of pain changes with the development of such conditions:

Torsion of the peduncle of an ovarian cyst

Twisting of the cyst occurs with sudden movements, after heavy physical exertion, sex. Often, complications occur during pregnancy and after childbirth. Torsion is characterized by the appearance of sharp severe pain in the lower abdomen and other symptoms:

  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Tension of the muscles of the abdominal wall;
  • Delayed stool, gases, urination;
  • Increased breathing and heart rate;
  • Increase in body temperature;
  • Pale skin and cold sweat.

When the pedicle of the cyst is twisted, there may be bloody discharge from the genital tract, loss of consciousness is possible. Treatment is only surgical - untwisting and removing the formation. In the absence of effect, adnexectomy is indicated - removal of the ovary.

Laparoscopic surgery for ovarian cyst torsion.

Rupture of an ovarian cyst

With the development of this complication, the pain is strong, sharp, pulsating, localized in the lower abdomen, radiates to the leg, perineum, and rectum. Other symptoms also appear:

  • Signs of intraperitoneal bleeding: dizziness, sticky cold sweat, pale skin, lowering blood pressure, tachycardia;
  • Tension and soreness of the abdominal muscles.

With the appearance of severe pain and suspected rupture of the cyst, immediate hospitalization in a gynecological hospital and emergency surgical intervention are indicated.

It's important to know

If the ovarian cyst hurts very badly, unbearably, you should immediately consult a doctor, without waiting for the development of complications.

This is what a ruptured endometrioid ovarian cyst looks like.

Help with pain syndrome and pathology treatment

Expectant tactics in case of pain is justified in such situations:

  • Follicular or luteal formation of small size, existing no more than 3 months;
  • First diagnosed ovarian cyst during pregnancy;
  • No complications: torsion of the leg, rupture of the ovary;
  • Benign nature of education without signs of malignancy.

Conservative therapy for painful ovarian cysts includes:

  1. Hormonal preparations: combined oral contraceptives. They are prescribed for functional cysts to young women. Do not apply to menopause, with caution - in smoking patients. They are prescribed according to the contraceptive scheme (21 + 7 or 24 + 4) for a course of 3 months. COCs do not relieve pain, but help shrink the cyst. Education resolves, and unpleasant sensations disappear;
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) based on paracetamol, ibuprofen, ketorolac, etc. Help relieve pain, last from 4 to 12 hours. Painkillers are prescribed only in the acute phase and are not used for more than 5 days in a row. If the symptoms increase and the woman's condition worsens, surgical treatment is indicated;
  3. Antispasmodics are used as an aid (drotaverine, papaverine). They are prescribed for a course of 5-10 days, used in rectal suppositories or tablets. Helps relieve spasm and pain.

With functional formations, medications can help get rid of the cyst, in other cases, medications help relieve pain symptoms, but do not eliminate the pathology.

Painkillers are purely symptomatic therapy that only helps to relieve pain, but does not solve the problem. NSAIDs and antispasmodics do not affect the course of the disease. They do not contribute to the resorption of the cyst and do not prevent the development of complications. Such drugs alleviate the condition of a woman, but do not replace the main treatment and do not allow avoiding surgery if indicated.

Non-drug treatment for pain syndrome:

  1. Warm (not hot!) baths with medicinal herbs. Mint, valerian, St. John's wort and some other plants have a slight analgesic effect, which allows them to be used in complex therapy;
  2. Physiotherapy: electrophoresis, laser therapy, magnetotherapy (without heat exposure).

The opinion of doctors regarding the pain syndrome in ovarian cysts is unambiguous: with an increase in discomfort, it is necessary to plan an operation. According to reviews, the effect of conservative therapy is observed only during the first 2-3 months. If the neoplasm has not resolved during this time, further medication does not make sense.

With the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment or deterioration of the condition, surgical intervention is indicated.

Observation of an ovarian cyst does not imply that a woman will take painkillers for all three months. If medications do not help and the pain cannot be tolerated, then surgical treatment is performed.

With an ovarian cyst are prohibited:

  • Hot baths, including foot baths;
  • Solarium, sauna, bath;
  • Physiotherapy with heating;
  • Hirudotherapy.

All procedures that involve increased blood flow in the pelvic organs can lead to an increase in ovarian formations and increased pain.

The lack of effect from conservative therapy within 3 months is a reason for surgery. After removal of the cyst, the discomfort subsides. If the formation is excised, the pain remains, you should re-consult a doctor - perhaps a concomitant pathology was missed or postoperative complications developed. The same tactic is indicated if the functional cyst is gone by itself, and the discomfort in the lower abdomen persists for a long time.

If, against the background of the formation of an ovary, pain appears, you should not delay a visit to the doctor. Such symptoms indicate that education is growing, and without medical help it will not be possible to cope with the problem. It is important to remember that only functional cysts tend to resolve on their own. Dermoid and other formations do not disappear by themselves. If the doctor insists on surgery, do not delay treatment. Refusal of adequate therapy threatens with uncontrolled growth of the cyst and the development of serious complications that are life-threatening for a woman.

What is an ovarian cyst, its symptoms and possible complications

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