Home Roses Preliminary results of elections in South Ossetia. Bibilov announced his victory in the presidential elections in South Ossetia. New president and new name

Preliminary results of elections in South Ossetia. Bibilov announced his victory in the presidential elections in South Ossetia. New president and new name

TSKHINVAL, April 10 - RIA Novosti. Citizens of South Ossetia chose a new president during the voting on the eve. Speaker of the parliament Anatoly Bibilov, who received, according to preliminary results, almost 58% of the vote, became him.

His rival, incumbent President Leonid Tibilov, gained only 30%. Bibilov's victory was largely unexpected, experts predicted a second round, in which Bibilov and Tibilov had to fight for the chair of the head of state.

According to experts, there will be no changes in South Ossetia's policy towards Russia under the new leader, however, the renewal of the staff of the country's leadership is not ruled out.

Simultaneously with the elections in the republic, a referendum was held on assigning an equivalent name to South Ossetia "State of Alania", 78% of voters voted for this.

New president and new name

Three were registered as presidential candidates - the incumbent president, the speaker of parliament, and KGB officer Alan Gagloyev.

All candidates supported the current foreign policy course, focused on Russia, and in general advocated the improvement of the socio-economic situation of citizens. All three spoke about the need to create new jobs, increase wages, and pensions - in one way or another, the program of each speaks of the task of gasifying and supplying water to all corners of South Ossetia. The only difference was in accents and presentation.

Experts did not expect that some of the candidates would be able to gain more than 50% of the vote and predicted a second round, but Bibilov scored significantly more than political scientists expected.

"According to preliminary data, Bibilov is gaining 57.98%, Leonid Tibilov 30%, Alan Gagloyev 11.01%," Bella Plieva, head of the republic’s Central Election Commission, told reporters.

According to her, the turnout in the elections was quite high and amounted to 81%. To recognize the elections as valid, it was required that at least half of the 32.7 thousand registered voters came to the polling stations.

The CEC reported that the final results of the vote will be announced within five days and called for no rallies during the summing up of the election results.

Simultaneously with the elections in South Ossetia, a referendum was held on assigning the republic an equivalent name "State of Alania". According to the CEC, 78% of voters voted for this decision, 20% against. Tibilov was the initiator of the referendum on renaming. In his opinion, the renaming of the republic into Alania can create conditions for its entry into the Russian Federation.

No violations were recorded

The mission of observers from the State Duma of the Russian Federation did not record any violations that could affect the voting results, head of the delegation Nikolai Govorin said at a press conference in Tskhinvali.

“We have not registered any shortcomings that could affect the results,” said Govorin. According to him, the delegation of deputies "notes the high level of organization of the electoral process, as well as the high level of guarantees of the expression of the will of the people of South Ossetia."

Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Monday that the presidential elections in South Ossetia were completely politically competitive and transparent.

“We welcome the holding of presidential elections in South Ossetia, we state that it was an absolutely politically competitive democratic electoral process, fairly transparent and truly competitive elections. We are even more pleased that the main competition was between two candidates who are convinced supporters further close relations of South Ossetia with the Russian Federation, and we in every possible way welcome this attitude, "Peskov said.

About 80 foreign observers took part in the observation of the elections, including from the State Duma, the Federation Council and the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, from Abkhazia, from the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh and Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republics, as well as from the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics.

A total of 77 polling stations were opened, five of them in Russia.

First political statements

Bibilov has already made several political statements. In particular, according to him, South Ossetia will continue to discuss with Russia the prospects for holding a referendum on joining the Russian Federation.

“I have always emphasized, and I am stressing now, that the desire of the people of South Ossetia to return to the Russian Federation has been living since the division of the Ossetian people (since the 1920s),” Bibilov said.

He recalled that in three years there will be 100 years as Ossetians live "in different political units." "I think this is absolutely wrong. In any case ... we will discuss the referendum with the Russian Federation," Bibilov emphasized.

He also expressed confidence that the relations between South Ossetia and Russia will not undergo changes. "Relations with the Russian Federation cannot undergo any changes for the worse. On the contrary, we will build them up," Bibilov said.

He also said that, as head of state, he intends, first of all, to establish interaction between the branches of government in the republic.

Possible personnel changes

There will be no changes in South Ossetia's policy towards Russia under the new leader of the republic, but the renewal of the staff of the country's leadership is not ruled out, Alexander Skakov, coordinator of the working group of the Center for the Study of Central Asia and the Caucasus of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, told RIA Novosti.

“Those cadres that were under Tibilov, who largely inherited from former President Eduard Kokoity, will apparently be replaced, and this is only good, because you cannot stay in power for too long. There (in South Ossetia - ed.) There are nepotism problems , clannishness ", - explained Skakov.

As for a possible referendum on the republic's joining the Russian Federation (the statement on its holding in 2017 was signed by Tibilov and Bibilov), the expert noted that this topic is not relevant now.

"Joining Russia depends not only on the will of the people of South Ossetia, but also on the capabilities and desire of Russia. So far, there is no such thing," Skakov stressed. Nevertheless, the expert is sure that the financing of the republic from Russia will continue.

TSKHINVAL, April 10 - RIA Novosti. Citizens of South Ossetia chose a new president for themselves during the voting the day before. Speaker of the parliament Anatoly Bibilov, who received, according to preliminary results, almost 58% of the vote, became him.

His rival, incumbent President Leonid Tibilov, gained only 30%. Bibilov's victory was largely unexpected, experts predicted a second round, in which Bibilov and Tibilov had to fight for the chair of the head of state.

According to experts, there will be no changes in South Ossetia's policy towards Russia under the new leader, however, the renewal of the staff of the country's leadership is not ruled out.
Simultaneously with the elections in the republic, a referendum was held on assigning an equivalent name to South Ossetia "State of Alania", 78% of voters voted for this.

New president and new name

Three were registered as presidential candidates - the incumbent president, the speaker of parliament, and KGB officer Alan Gagloyev.

All candidates supported the current foreign policy course, focused on Russia, and in general advocated the improvement of the socio-economic situation of citizens. All three spoke about the need to create new jobs, raise wages, and pensions - in one way or another, the program of each speaks of the task of gasifying and supplying water to all corners of South Ossetia. The only difference was in accents and presentation.

Experts did not expect that some of the candidates would be able to gain more than 50% of the vote and predicted a second round, but Bibilov scored significantly more than political scientists expected.

"According to preliminary data, Bibilov is gaining 57.98%, Leonid Tibilov 30%, Alan Gagloyev 11.01%," Bella Plieva, head of the republic’s Central Election Commission, told reporters.
According to her, the turnout in the elections was quite high and amounted to 81%. To recognize the elections as valid, it was required that at least half of the 32.7 thousand registered voters came to the polling stations.

The CEC reported that the final results of the vote will be announced within five days and called for no rallies during the summing up of the election results.

Simultaneously with the elections in South Ossetia, a referendum was held on assigning the republic an equivalent name "State of Alania". According to the CEC, 78% of voters voted for this decision, 20% against. Tibilov was the initiator of the referendum on renaming. In his opinion, the renaming of the republic into Alania can create conditions for its entry into the Russian Federation.

No violations were recorded

The mission of observers from the State Duma of the Russian Federation did not record any violations that could affect the voting results, head of the delegation Nikolai Govorin said at a press conference in Tskhinvali.

"We have not registered any shortcomings that could affect the results," said Govorin. According to him, the delegation of deputies "notes the high level of organization of the electoral process, as well as the high level of guarantees of the expression of the will of the people of South Ossetia."

Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Monday that the presidential elections in South Ossetia were completely politically competitive and transparent.

“We welcome the holding of presidential elections in South Ossetia, we state that it was an absolutely politically competitive democratic electoral process, fairly transparent and truly competitive elections. We are even more pleased that the main competition was between two candidates who are convinced supporters further close relations of South Ossetia with the Russian Federation, and we in every possible way welcome this attitude, "Peskov said.

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The results of the presidential elections held on the eve of the presidential elections were summed up in South Ossetia yesterday: Speaker of the Parliament Anatoly Bibilov won. Russian President Vladimir Putin yesterday expressed hope that "relations between the countries will be further developed." Mr. Bibilov himself spoke about how it could be: according to him, the "strategic goal" of the republic's leadership will be to organize a referendum on its entry into Russia.

According to the Central Election Commission (CEC) of South Ossetia, after processing almost 90% of the ballots, Anatoly Bibilov won 57.98% of the vote. The incumbent head of the partially recognized republic, Leonid Tibilov, received only 30%. At the same time, a referendum was held to add South Ossetia a second, equivalent name - "State of Alania". Mr. Tibilov, who called the referendum, argued that the renaming would "create conditions and preconditions" for the republic to become part of the Russian Federation (for more details on the referendum, see Kommersant of March 28). According to preliminary data, 78% of those who voted for the State of Alania, 20% against.

Lieutenant General Anatoly Bibilov in 2008-2014 headed the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the republic. In 2011, he took part in the presidential elections, which resulted in an acute internal political crisis. In the first round, Anatoly Bibilov was ahead of ex-Minister of Education Alla Dzhioeva by only 0.06%. In the second round, Ms Dzhioeva won, but the Supreme Court canceled the election results after a complaint by Bibilov's headquarters about violations by her supporters. The crisis ended with repeated elections in March 2012: Leonid Tibilov became president. After the defeat, Anatoly Bibilov left the Unity party and founded a new political force - United Ossetia. She won the 2014 parliamentary elections, after which Mr. Bibilov took over as speaker.

One of Kommersant's interlocutors in United Ossetia notes that supporters of candidate Bibilov feared a new political crisis, including due to the delay in the announcement of preliminary results at the CEC: on Sunday evening it was held almost an hour later than scheduled, and the next briefing was only scheduled for 11 am Monday. Moreover, as of Sunday evening, Mr. Bibilov was gaining 48.7% of the vote, that is, there was a possibility of a second round. Supporters of Anatoly Bibilov gathered for several hours at the Central Executive Committee demanding to recognize his victory. Finally, in the morning, the CEC announced the victory of Mr. Bibilov, and then his main opponent also recognized it. "This is the choice of the people, and we must reasonably approach their choice," said Leonid Tibilov.

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin has already congratulated Mr Bibilov on the election, assuring: "The relations between our countries, based on the principles of alliance and integration, will receive further development."

Anatoly Bibilov developed this idea yesterday, in particular, calling the entry of South Ossetia into Russia a "strategic goal". "We will discuss this issue in close contact with our colleagues from the Russian Federation, we will do everything together," he said. In March, Mr. Bibilov told Kommersant that a referendum on the republic's entry into the Russian Federation should be held by the end of 2017.

Political scientist, executive director of the St. Petersburg GR-club Igor Sopov believes that Anatoly Bibilov is unlikely to hold a referendum "earlier than a year from now." with the US, new sanctions. " Igor Sopov believes that it is important for the federal center "to gain time to understand whether it needs such complex geopolitical decisions on the eve of (presidential elections. - "B") 2018 ".

Georgia's reaction to news from South Ossetia was predictable: Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili said that the elections "have no legal force", and the referendum on renaming "the oldest Georgian region by analogy with the subject of the Russian Federation" is "the basis for its further annexation." They also did not recognize the legitimacy of voting in the NATO countries and the European Union.

Natalia Korchenkova; George Dvali, Tbilisi

The presidential elections in South Ossetia ended with a sensational result. Parliament Speaker Anatoly Bibilov is leading by a huge margin. According to preliminary data, 57.98% of the electorate voted for Bibilov, while the incumbent President Leonid Tibilov was half as many - 30%. The result surprised many observers, because Tibilov was openly supported by Moscow and administrative resources were used in his favor. Vladimir Putin congratulated Anatoly Bibilov and expressed confidence that with his election "relations between our countries, based on the principles of alliance and integration, will receive further development."

The speaker of parliament, leader of the United Ossetia party Anatoly Bibilov convincingly won the presidential elections in South Ossetia. He received twice as many votes as the incumbent president. For Anatoly Bibilov, according to the latest data, 57.98% of voters voted, Leonid Tibilov was preferred by 30% of citizens. The third candidate, Alan Gagloyev, received 11.01%. 1.32% voted against all. The CEC will provide the final results within five days from voting day, but this will not affect the voting results and will not cancel the sensational victory of Anatoly Bibilov.

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The day before, before the end of the voting, the official media of South Ossetia began to announce the victory of Leonid Tibilov, referring to exit polls. The second round of elections was not ruled out as the most pessimistic scenario. However, immediately after the closure of polling stations, the first ballot counts showed that Anatoly Bibilov was leading by a huge margin.

Anatoly Bibilov and his supporters gathered in the central square of Tskhinval. Bibilov said that by the morning he expects the CEC to publish honest voting results. The leader of the race said that he does not divide society into "Bibilovites", "Tibilovites" and "Kokoitians", but intends to be the president of all Ossetians.

As I learned, at night Anatoly Bibilov met with Leonid Tibilov, as well as members of the Central Election Commission. My source said that they "settled all the issues they had among themselves."

Today I phoned Anatoly Bibilov, who said that he considers the consolidation of society to be the main task:

“Let's wait for the official results of the CEC, this is important, because now I cannot speak as an elected president, until the CEC officially announces it. If we talk about plans, which, of course, exist, then this is, first of all, the consolidation of society. This is the establishment of relations between the branches of government, in which today there is a certain problem. Why? Because we understand very well that without consolidation at the top between the branches of power, there can be no question of any consolidation of the people, supporters of certain political figures. First of all, you need to start with the head. For me, the people of South Ossetia are dear and loved. I do not divide it into supporters of certain political figures. And we will do everything to consolidate the supporters of all politicians, this is our program - in the consolidation of society ”.

Leonid Tibilov admitted defeat, stating that the Ossetian people had made their choice:

“The elections have taken place, the people have decided. According to preliminary data, the chairman of the parliament comes out on top. This is the choice of the people, and we must reasonably approach their choice. "

The day before, the ex-president was one of the first to congratulate Anatoly Bibilov on his victory. Eduard Kokoity... Today he thanked his supporters and said that the people of South Ossetia showed that they are the master on their land and no one from the outside can tell him:

“I would like to congratulate Anatoly Ilyich on this confident and crushing victory in the face of the unprecedented lawlessness that the current authorities perpetrated: attempts at falsification and attempts at bribery, of course, could not influence the will of the people of South Ossetia. I am proud once again that you and I have shown that we are the masters in South Ossetia and no one from the outside can order us! And let everyone know about it and continue to take into account the opinion of the Ossetian people, with the people who live here, with the multinational people of the Republic of South Ossetia. "

The Kremlin is satisfied with the course of the elections in South Ossetia, said the press secretary of the Russian president Dmitry Peskov... He noted that they were competitive and transparent.

“We welcome the holding of presidential elections in South Ossetia, we state that it was an absolutely politically competitive democratic electoral process, fairly transparent and truly competitive elections. We are even more pleased that the main competition was between two candidates who are convinced supporters of further close relations between South Ossetia and the Russian Federation, and we strongly welcome this attitude, "RIA Novosti quotes Peskov.

Assistant to the President of Russia Vladislav Surkov I spoke on the phone with Leonid Tibilov and Anatoly Bibilov. He congratulated Bibilov on the victory, which he called predictable, but the convincing result exceeded all expectations.

Russian political scientist, member of the Public Chamber of Russia Sergey Markov says that Moscow, although it supported the current president, was not going to impose a single candidate:

“Notice how exactly this matches what I said! I said that Moscow takes such a position that we proceed from the assumption that we support the current president, but Moscow will not impose anyone. Moscow is interested in honest reflection of the will of the voter, and Moscow is the guarantor of this. The guarantor that nothing will be violated. If Bibilov wins, then we do not mind either, so the chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko met with him. "

The day before, a referendum was held in South Ossetia to return the republic's historical name - the State of Alania. According to preliminary data, 78% of citizens were in favor of renaming the Republic of South Ossetia - the State of Alania.

The text contains toponyms and terminology used in the self-proclaimed republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia

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