Home Roses A pierced male nipple. All about piercing of female nipples: from selection, holding to restoration. Nipple piercing process

A pierced male nipple. All about piercing of female nipples: from selection, holding to restoration. Nipple piercing process

Details Colored Petersburg. Special project of Lada Petrova 16 July 2014

How is the nipple pierced? What kind of jewelry should you wear? Does nipple piercing affect the mammary gland? How to care for a puncture? How long does it take to heal? If you've ever asked one of these questions, now you will find the answers to them.

Nipple piercing has appeared in the world for a long time. Even the ancient Romans pierced their nipples as a sign of masculinity, but now this puncture has no sexual restrictions and proudly flaunts both on the male and female breasts.

To pierce the nipple, we went to the tattoo studio "Hands from the Shoulders" to the piercing and scarring master Alisa Shuraeva.

Piercing cost: On Sundays in the studio discounts for classic punctures: one puncture - 500 rubles, instead of 1000. Jewelry from 300 rubles.

Decoration : Suitable as a variety of barbells, and classic rings. Now on sale you can find a variety of jewelry in size, color, price. The price varies from 150 to n-number of rubles per piece. But the first decoration should not be too voluminous, as it will constantly injure the nipple and interfere with healing. The jewelry can be purchased both in "Hands from the Shoulders" and in a specialized store.

Puncture: You can pierce the nipple not only horizontally, but also vertically. The number of nipple punctures is limited by the area of ​​the nipple. Before the puncture, the master disinfects the jewelry, the nipple (thereby bringing it into a state of excitement), puts on gloves and marks the place of the future puncture with dots. If you come to an experienced master such as Alice, then you will not have time to look back, as you already have a pierced nipple, if not two nipples.

Pain and pain relief: There is pain, but only for a moment, which is easy to experience. You can always ask for a pain reliever, but does it make sense to endure an extra injection?

The eternal question of feeding: You can feed both with nipple piercings and after removing the jewelry. Structure pacifier- porous, consisting of many channels for feeding, and only a small part of them is pierced. The piercing of the male nipples is carried out deeper, since their nipple is much smaller than the female and they do not need to feed them.

Care: After the work done, Alice gave instructions on caring for nipple and solemnly handed us a piercing care memo.

“The nipple will bleed for the first week, so it is necessary to wear a compress (a cotton pad moistened with chlorhexidine, proudly glued with patches on the nipple), changing it at least 1-2 times a day. Also, during a month, every day 2-3 times a day you need to rinse puncture chlorhexidine. During healing, it is forbidden to take hot baths, go to baths, saunas and gyms, swim in pools and public water bodies. It is also impossible to exert any physical impact on the decoration and place. puncture, as well as change decoration until complete healing. " - Alice told us.

Healing : On average, a puncture heals in 1-1.5 months.

“Remember, the less you bother the puncture site, the faster your piercing! " Alisa Shuraeva - master of piercing, scarring and body modifications, owner tattoo studios"Hands from the Shoulders" and the play-piercing of the "Vodoo girls" show.

The Hands from Shoulders studio is located in the very center of St. Petersburg. We provide a full range of services: tattooing, permanent make-up, correction, removal of low-quality works, piercing, body modification, scarification. In our store you will find a wide selection of high-quality American jewelry, and the cozy atmosphere of the tattoo studio will not leave anyone indifferent!

Photographer: Slava Shatrova

Nipple piercings are one way to express yourself. For girls, this type of body modification is not only a reason to acquire bright and original jewelry.

Nipple piercing is a procedure that, according to body modification masters, can increase sensitivity and get rid of certain defects. How harmless is this procedure? How long does a piercing take to heal? What is the truth in the words of the salon employees, and what is only persuasion techniques?

A bit of history

The pioneers of nipple piercing were far from fragile girls. They were not at all representatives of the fair sex. After all, nipple piercing was invented by the Praetorians. For the bodyguards of the head of the Roman Empire, such a decoration on the body was in a big trend. They saw in nipple piercings a symbol of courage, courage, strength.

It is not easy to imagine a praetorian who, preparing for a nipple piercing procedure, asks his comrade: "Does it take a long time to heal?"... The personal guards of the wise Caesar and other rulers of the era of Antiquity were strong guys. They didn't care about how quickly a small puncture in the nipple heals. And they hardly consulted with each other about how to care for the pierced body part.

However, modern girls have little in common with the Praetorians. Nevertheless, nipple piercing is regularly discussed on thematic forums. Questions about how painless this procedure is, what further care should be, and how long the puncture site heals, do not lose their relevance. Oddly enough, even languid girls, unable to endure pain in Praetorian style, are attracted by this type of piercing.

What prompts them to voluntarily agree to the execution? Indeed, in order to have such an adornment on the body, one must not only go through several painful minutes. The wound heals after the procedure for a long time.

Nipple piercings: a way to increase sensitivity

Some of the fairer sex undergo a procedure, which, according to reviews, is far from the most pleasant, solely to enhance sexual sensations. The question of how effectively the piercing of female nipples increases the sensitivity cannot be answered unequivocally.

  1. After all, it all depends on individual characteristics. In most cases, piercings do enhance the physical sensations.
  2. The main thing is to remember that a small wound heals for a long time and painfully if you touch it regularly.

Inverted nipple piercing

Fighting body flaws is another reason why the work of body modification masters will always be in demand. In some women, the shape of the nipples is imperfect. This part of the mammary gland can be retracted or sunken, which, from a male point of view, deprives its owner of erotic attractiveness.

Nipple piercing gives shape, makes the breasts more expressive. In addition, there are many accessories on sale that improve the aesthetic effect. But we'll talk about what jewelry for nipple piercing exists later. First, a few words should be said about the types of this body modification.

How is nipple piercing done?

It depends on the desired result.

There are the following types of piercings:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal;
  • diagonal;
  • multi-piercing.

The horizontal puncture is most in demand. This type of piercing allows you to use ring jewelry.

As for the procedure, the master follows the following scheme:

  1. Examination of the nipple to determine the size of the jewelry.
  2. Choosing a nipple piercing earring.
  3. Consultation with the master (the specialist lists the factors under the influence of which the puncture heals for a long time).
  4. The client fills out a health questionnaire (for some diseases, wounds heal slowly, and in such cases, the procedure should be abandoned).
  5. Sterilization of the piercing set.
  6. Wipe with a disinfectant solution.
  7. Piercing with a sterile needle.

At the end of the procedure, the master inserts the decoration and seals the puncture site with a plaster.

How long does a nipple piercing heal?

In order for the healing process to proceed as painlessly as possible, certain rules must be followed:

  • do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, solarium, swimming pool;
  • do not steam the puncture site in the shower;
  • do not expose to mechanical stress (as far as possible).

The puncture site heals quickly if the recommendations of the master are strictly followed. As a rule, experts recommend gluing the piercing with a plaster, doing regular baths with a special solution.

The main condition for care is to keep bed and underwear clean. If this is not done, the puncture will not heal quickly. Moreover, an infection will get into the piercing, which will lead to unpleasant consequences.

The maximum term is six months. When the piercing takes longer to heal, you should see your doctor. The first two weeks require special care. During this period, a channel is formed. Chlorhexidine or miramistin is commonly used to treat piercings.

The choice of the master

It's important not only to know how to care for your piercing. First of all, you need to find a good specialist. The puncture site heals quickly if the procedure is performed professionally. When choosing a salon, you should pay attention to the type of sterilization. The best option is a vacuum autoclave.

There is a misconception that some types of special solutions can not only prevent infection, but also kill the hepatitis virus. Such sterilizers have not yet been invented. But when using a vacuum autoclave, the instrument is sterilized within fifteen minutes. The procedure is risk-free. The puncture subsequently heals as quickly as possible.

Negative consequences

What do opponents of piercing say about this procedure? Usually, their arguments are based on the consequences that occur in the skin of a person with certain diseases. Piercing has contraindications. A small wound or puncture heals slowly if the epithelialization process is disturbed.

Diseases for which piercing should not be done:

  1. hepatitis C;
  2. epilepsy;
  3. diabetes.

The puncture site heals slowly also if the procedure was carried out during menstruation. And, probably, needless to say, pregnant women need to avoid visiting a piercer.

The point is not that during the period of bearing a child, the wound heals more slowly than usual. The body of a pregnant woman is being rebuilt. Even a harmless event (not to mention a procedure after which a small wound heals over several months) can have a negative impact on him.

A nipple piercing is a type of body modification, usually located at the base of the nipple. The piercing can be done at any angle. Classically, it is located horizontally, less often vertically. It is possible to place several jewelry in one nipple.

There is a version that the history of this type of body modification originates in ancient Rome, where the puncture was intended to emphasize the courage of its owner, or simply to express aesthetic preferences.

This type of piercing has gained rapid popularity over the past quarter century with many celebrities and models showing their piercings to the public. Of course, most people choose this type of piercing to express themselves, to emphasize their own uniqueness, and not just to pay tribute to fashion.

Nipple piercing procedure

Any type of puncture on the body is a responsible process that should be approached with appropriate seriousness.

The first stage: the choice of the salon.

From which salon you choose for the operation, whether the master will be reliable, directly depends on how high-quality and, most importantly, how safe this process will be.

Do not rush to agree to the offers of dubious masters and your friends, who can "lure" the low cost of the procedure. In salons where professionals with extensive experience work, there is a much higher chance of the safety of such an operation and the fact that employees comply with the rules of sterility.

But if you nevertheless decide to carry out the procedure outside the salon, be prepared for the consequences. Carefully monitor the observance of the rules for piercing the nipples - the master must thoroughly wash his hands, wear sterile gloves. For instruments and needles, all sterility rules must also be followed. Needle packs should only be opened with you. A vacuum autoclave is the best method for sterilizing equipment, in which risks are minimized and the healing process after surgery is as fast as possible.

Second stage: consultation of the master

After your choice has fallen on a certain specialist, you will have to discuss some points regarding the upcoming procedure.

It is necessary to decide on the decoration. A ring and a barbell are suitable for piercing the nipple. Most people prefer surgical steel jewelry, although titanium jewelry has grown in popularity over the past few years - it is hypoallergenic and the risk of rejection is less compared to other materials. Some experts recommend using bioplastic jewelry.

The technician should examine the nipple to determine the correct size for the decoration.

Further, the specialist should consult with you regarding the procedure itself, the consequences and care. Employees of large salons may ask you to fill out a health questionnaire to identify factors in which you should avoid piercing. You cannot do such operations for hepatitis C, epilepsy and diabetes mellitus.

Stage three: nipple piercing procedure

The most important stage, fortunately, is the shortest. Although nipple piercings are considered the most painful of them all, the procedure itself will bring you short-term pain. But, as you know, the level of pain depends on your pain threshold - it is possible that you will not feel it at all.

After the procedure is completed, the master inserts the decoration and glues the plaster on top.

After a puncture, a fever in this area is considered normal. The feeling of pain will be replaced by a feeling of tolerable discomfort, increased sensitivity of the nipple.

Puncture care and healing process

After a puncture, the bandage or plaster should be removed after 5 hours. It is necessary to rinse the piercing site with clean running water, remove all dried blood. Finally, you need to re-seal the nipple with a plaster. For the first day, you cannot use various cleansers.

It is recommended to wash the puncture once a day using any antibacterial agent for a month. After that it will be possible to do this less often, but at least 2 times a week. It is important to remember that washing and moisturizing too often can lead to irritation and dryness of the skin. Do not steam your piercing in the shower.

For the first few days, the wound may bleed, the puncture site will be swollen, and any touch or contact with tissue can cause pain and discomfort.

In the process of healing the puncture, antibacterial non-aggressive agents will help you, but there is a list of substances and agents that cannot be used:

  • alcohol, alcohol-containing products;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • antibacterial creams / gels.

The most proven and effective piercing treatments are chlorhexidine and miramistin.

Remember: the skin of the nipples is very delicate, it requires gentle, gentle care.

Try to avoid unnecessary manipulation of the jewelry until the wound is completely healed. Always wash your hands before touching the puncture so that bacteria from your hands will not cause inflammation. Cover your piercings or wear a T-shirt before going to bed (women can wear a bra). It is also very important to keep underwear and bedding that come in contact with the piercing clean.

The jewelry should not be changed for the first month - this will significantly delay healing.

This process usually takes up to 8 weeks, and the jewelry and nipple must be carefully handled for at least 8 weeks to reduce the possibility of inflammation, complications and discomfort. The maximum healing time for this type of piercing is 6 months. Discomfort, slight pain is normal for a year after the puncture.

Nipple piercing infection

Infection of such a puncture is rare, but this does not mean that it is impossible. It is important to care for the piercing in accordance with the rules associated with the specifics of such body modification, in order to avoid infection, which can then go to the mammary gland and lymph nodes under the armpit.

You can recognize an infection by:

  • strong pain;
  • tumor;
  • lumps in the chest;
  • discharge of yellow pus after the puncture has healed.

If you suspect you have an infection, contact your technician or doctor immediately. If you suspect an infection, you cannot remove the ring or barbell, because this can lead to an abscess.

Consequences of nipple piercing

The consequences of this type of piercing are not so serious as to refuse the operation altogether. However, if you neglect the rules described above, the consequences may not keep you waiting, it is important to know about them.

Nipple piercings can have the following consequences:

  1. There is a risk of rejection if a rod or ring is selected from the wrong material.
  2. There is an increased risk of puerperal mastitis (inflammation of the breast).
  3. Although most people pierce their nipples, expecting the opposite effect, there are times when piercings become less sensitive.
  4. The nipple can stretch out if the decoration is too large.
  5. The risk of infection with such a piercing is higher than with an ear piercing.
  6. If you neglect the rules of care, scars and keloid scars may remain on the skin.
  7. If you remove the jewelry, the hole may not be overgrown, although it all depends on the individual.

What is nipple piercing

Nipple piercings have been popular since the days of praetorian warriors, when it was believed that the owner of the jewelry had great courage and courage. Nowadays, nipple piercing is done not only by men, but also by women. There are a number of reasons for this, the first of which is aesthetic. Of course, each person has their own opinion on this, but many consider it beautiful. Some people want to correct small defects, with flat nipples, the piercing raises them, they become more convex and expressive. Another reason to get pierced is to increase sensitivity. After piercing, the nipples become more receptive, and the intensity of sensations increases several times. Since the puncture procedure is quite painful, you should evaluate your capabilities.

Where to get pierced

When you need to get your nipple pierced, it is best to go to a trusted salon in Moscow. It is advisable not to go to places where prices are suspiciously low. After a procedure done by an amateur, serious complications are likely - allergic reactions, damage to the milk canals and even division of the nipple. Of course, the price of a nipple piercing will differ depending on the level of the center, but you should not save in this case. The quality of the procedure affects the health and the possibility for a woman to breastfeed her baby in the future.

How is it going

Nipple piercing is done only in an excited state, before the procedure, the master disinfects the puncture site, marking the necessary places with a special marker. Standard tools are used - clamps, needles. At the request of the client, a local anesthetic is applied, usually lidocaine or a special anesthetic cream. It is worth highlighting several options - horizontal, vertical, diagonal and multi-piercing, in which several punctures are made in the nipple at once. A standard horizontal puncture is usually chosen. With a fresh puncture in the form of jewelry, rods are used, in the future it will be possible to choose a more suitable option. After the procedure, you cannot go to the bathhouse for some time, visit open water bodies, in any way injure the nipple additionally. It will be necessary to seal the piercing with a breathable plaster, carefully observe hygiene, put on a clean T-shirt at night and treat the wound. Then, during healing, the piercing will bring only positive emotions and aesthetic pleasure.

Piercing is a means of self-expression that is unique to the rebellious spirit. How else to explain the desire to pierce a part of the body visible (or invisible) to others? For some, such a modification is a vivid example of aesthetics, a way to show oneself and distinguish oneself, while for others it is an opportunity to enhance the sensitivity of the most piquant parts of the body. In this article, we will talk about nipple piercings, as well as find out the feedback from those who have experienced this mini transformation.

Let's start with history

Piercing is not a fad in the 21st century, but an ancient way to decorate your body using metal earrings and chains. Through archaeological excavations, we learned that both women and men actively used elaborate jewelry that was fixed on the body. For example, tunnels in the ears, which now can reach more than 30 centimeters in diameter, are vigorously discussed by haters of modification. However, few people know that such a body shaping was practiced, and it is even practiced today in the Karen tribe. They inhabit the territory of Myanmar, and the stretching of the earlobes is the basis of their culture.

The main benefits of nipple piercing

According to numerous reviews of nipple piercing, we can say that this procedure allows you not only to decorate the body, but also to increase sensitivity. Let's take a look at all the positive aspects of the modification:

We are against the procedure!

Why is modification causing negativity in many people? The main reason is fear. People who only "pierced" their ears in early childhood using an automatic pistol doubt whether piercing their nipples hurts or not.

  • The procedure is disgusting. Piercing is clearly not suitable for those who are afraid of the sight of blood. In addition, after piercing, the injured area will be inflamed for some time and must be regularly treated with antiseptics.
  • The procedure can lead to complications. With improper care, wounds can begin to fester, and that is why it is important to follow all the recommendations of a specialist.
  • Inexperienced master. An attempt to save money can lead to the development of a cyst, therefore, only a qualified master should carry out this procedure.

Does it hurt?

Reviews of nipple piercing prove that this procedure is painful, but it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body (pain threshold, sensitivity).

Reviews and opinions

Both girls and guys are interested in many questions: "How long do the wounds heal? How to properly care? Is it possible to lose sensitivity?" To give the correct answer, you need to study reviews of nipple piercings.

How is nipple piercing done (in detail)

Piercing is not a surgical procedure, so no special instruments or an operating unit are required. However, the technician must comply with the necessary hygiene requirements in order to pierce the nipples as accurately and safely as possible.

  • First, the specialist puts on disposable gloves, having prepared a cotton swab, a sterile needle in a package, and an antiseptic in advance.
  • Secondly, the nipple is disinfected (most often with an alcohol solution) to prevent infection from entering the wound.
  • Thirdly, using a cotton swab, the area is treated with ointment, which has an anesthetic effect. You can also use a special spray that reduces the sensitivity of the nipple during the puncture.
  • Fourth, the nipple is manually kneaded to bring it to an aroused state. Then the master will be able to outline the future puncture site.
  • Fifth, by slightly pulling the nipple, the specialist gently pierces the skin, and then inserts a medical steel jewelry. The wounds are treated with chlorhexidine, covered with a bandage and fixed with a plaster.

Now the "modified" person himself should think about caring for the piercing, properly caring for and treating the wounds until complete healing.

Danger of piercing nipples

It is important to understand that piercing is an individual matter, and it is almost impossible to predict how the body will react to changes. While some have increased sensitivity and are excited even by rubbing their nipples on a T-shirt, others worry that their piquant place does not respond to touch. But the main danger in nipple piercing is infection and the long healing period.

It will be difficult to put on a bra initially, so it’s best to ditch it. You can also forget about lace underwear, because a bar or a ring can catch on the underwear and cause discomfort. Both men and women should choose loose clothing, especially if the healing process is accompanied by discomfort.

The most common consequences of piercing are wound suppuration, loss of sensation, and blockage of the milk ducts. In each case, it is important to go to a specialist, but not to a local salon, but to a medical center. In the worst case, the infection can lead to the development of cysts and neoplasms.

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