Home Roses Influence of cartoons. The influence of modern cartoons on the mind and psyche of the child. Do I need to choose cartoons

Influence of cartoons. The influence of modern cartoons on the mind and psyche of the child. Do I need to choose cartoons

Today, in the era of digital technologies, animation is developing very rapidly, different genres of which are able to satisfy the most fastidious viewer. Watching cartoons plays an important role in the development of a child in all aspects - physical, emotional, ideological, intellectual. Therefore, responsible parents raise legitimate questions: will modern cartoons harm the child's psyche ?; which cartoons to give preference to - foreign or domestic ?; Should a child be allowed to watch cartoons at all?

Cartoons are loved by everyone due to the brightness of the images, the accessibility to the perception of fairy-tale genres, thanks to the game plots, the communication of the characters, meaningfully understandable to children. Cartoon characters form the child's primary ideas about good and evil, social behavior. A child, through the prism of the relationship of cartoon characters, learns to perceive himself and others, to overcome difficulties. Cartoons have a very strong effect on the fantasy of children, their characters become role models.

Multicultural products can have both positive and negative impacts. Parents should not consider cartoons to be a universal lifesaver, when they can put their baby to the TV screen or monitor and forget about him, thinking that he is watching something good and developing. It is always necessary to be very clearly aware of the influence of different cartoons on the psyche and perception of the world around the child. If it is not possible to get acquainted with the cartoon in advance, then it is advisable to at least view it with the child in order to be able to comment on the content, paying attention to its positive and negative aspects, helping to draw a line between good and evil.

It should be borne in mind that regular viewing of even good foreign cartoons removes the child from the history and culture of his country, his people. In many foreign animated films, significantly different values, culture, attitudes, moral principles are promoted.

For a number of foreign cartoons, a frankly destructive influence on a child is also characteristic: the use of dubious speech techniques, swearing, insults, demonstration of antisocial behavior in an attractive perspective, controversial gender characteristics of behavior, unrealistic images and sexual unconventional orientation. The plots of many cartoons actually promote violence, the priority of force, easy ways to achieve social benefits (through magic, supernatural strength, dexterity, delinquency). Especially a lot of claims in connection with what has been said arise to American and Japanese cartoons.

Let's consider the signs of harmful cartoons in more detail, illustrating with episodes from cartoon products that have won a large children's audience, in some cases describing the possible consequences for the child's psyche and behavior.

1. Aggressive actions of the main characters, scenes of violence, murders prevail. As a result, children in their actions show anger, ruthlessness, selfishness, which in the future is fraught with the commission of socially dangerous acts ...

2. The characters constantly demonstrate deviant behavior, the dynamically developing plot is built only on this, without giving time to comprehend its normative background. Violations of the rules of behavior prevailing in society, shown in the cartoon, do not contribute to the formation of obedience in children, they remove the taboo on bad deeds.

3. The predominance in the plot of dangerous scenes, tricks, forms of behavior that are difficult to implement in real life. Imitation of them by children can lead not only to disappointment, inadequate perception of reality, but also to loss of health.

4. Disrespectful attitude of goodies to people, animals, plants, when such scenes are presented with humor. Humor creates a high emotional background - a necessary condition for lasting memorization, while a critical analysis of the semantic context of the depicted scene, even with the participation of parents, is very difficult. The consequences of watching such cartoons by children may not be long in coming. Parents will be the first to feel this in the form of childish cynicism, rudeness, cruelty.

Disrespectful attitude of goodies to people, animals, plants, when such scenes are presented with humor. Photo: bdrip.ru

5. The main characters are heroes, not similar to those found in human society, often with an ugly appearance. According to psychologists, the appearance of cartoon characters is of great importance for the formation of a child's psyche. If the characters are fictional, regardless of their role functions, the child loses an internal reference point for an adequate assessment of the world around him. In an effort to imitate his favorite characters in different forms, he is increasingly immersed in virtual reality.

6. Heroes exhibit inappropriate gender-specific behaviors. Men can be weak-willed, lack of initiative, and women can be courageous, aggressive, assertive, easily coping with traditionally male duties, ignoring or disdainful of raising children, maintaining a family hearth.

7. A disrespectful attitude towards traditions and adults is demonstrated, the rapid achievement of goals is encouraged, without much external and internal efforts, often as a result of illegal actions, insidiousness and cunning tricks.

8. Images of such men and women appear, which do not exist in reality, their figures have unrealistic proportions, doll faces are stereotyped, which dooms a growing boy to a fruitless search for his "half", and pushes the girl to vain attempts to build her image in accordance with an unattainable ideal ... The distortion of not only people, but also animals and other objects of the human environment also complicates the adaptation of the child to society, contributing to the flight into the virtual world. Unlike foreign ones, in domestic fairy tales, the faces, figures of people, their environment and nature are often naturalistic, and leave room for completing the images.

9. The characters' behavior is not chaste; women (animals that depict human relationships) are very physiological, behave assertively, or even show signs of non-traditional orientation.

The characters' behavior is not chaste. Photo: torfilm.ru

The presented signs of harmful cartoons are often complex in nature. If a growing person passes a large amount of such multiproduct through himself for a long period of time without the corrective influence of adults, then the likelihood of its destructive development greatly increases, since it is fair to assume that the harmful effect of individual factors in this case increases.

Below are some of the most common answers to parents' questions to specialists (from the site Mama.Ru). The answers provide for a time limit for watching cartoons. Such recommendations are useful not only for maintaining health, but also create conditions for the child's perception of adult explanations. After all, critical thinking requires significant intellectual effort from him and minimizing distractions. Therefore, the more doubtful the benefits for a growing person from watching a cartoon, the more consistently it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations below. In addition, some of the recommendations largely confirm the conclusions that were formulated in connection with the above signs of harmful cartoons.

According to ophthalmologists, children under two years old are not recommended to show cartoons. Then you can, but you should take into account the basic principles when choosing the first cartoons for children: pictures should change very slowly for the best perception by children; the plot should be clear and uncomplicated for the child, and the duration should be minimal.

What are the criteria for choosing the duration of cartoons?

For children over four years old, the duration of cartoons should be up to 20 minutes, show no more than twice a day; at five or six years old, the viewing duration can be increased to 40 minutes, for younger students - one and a half hours 2-3 times a week. In case of impaired vision, especially myopia, the duration of viewing should be minimal, up to 10 minutes. But you cannot completely prohibit the child from watching cartoons, so that in the children's team the child does not feel left out. With the beginning of schooling, the child should be transferred to a two-day mode of watching cartoons on weekends.

Correct organization of watching cartoons

The first half of the day is considered the most suitable for watching cartoons. According to pediatricians and psychologists, children should not watch cartoons before bed, especially impressionable children. Too long cartoon pictures should be broken into parts. Correct posture and screen distance play a very important role in the physical development of children. Parents should ensure that the distance to the TV screen is about two meters, the viewing angle is straight. If your child starts to watery eyes, you should immediately stop watching. Before showing a child a new cartoon, parents must watch it themselves.

How to choose the right cartoons to watch?

The criteria for choosing cartoons are very simple in nature. If there are no aggressive, immoral models of behavior in the cartoon, or even better, if the qualities of kindness, mercy, chastity are clearly traced in the plot, then such a cartoon can be regarded as useful, having educational potential.

How do cartoons affect the child's psyche?

Aggressive, exciting and dynamic cartoons cause tension in the child, short-term laughter, and after watching - excessive agitation with the manifestation of verbal and physical aggression. On the contrary, good cartoons give kids a lot of positive emotions, empathy, smiles, and after watching - inspiration, laughter, a calm state.

Can I leave my child alone while watching a cartoon?

In no case should a child be left while watching a cartoon, especially if he is watching a picture for the first time. After all, a child at any time may need your help, an explanation of any fragment or situation. The child is almost always interested in the reaction of the parents to the events taking place. After watching the cartoon with the child, you need to discuss the cartoon, the characters, ask: "How would you act in the place of this or that hero?"

Can watching cartoons harm a child?

If children watch cartoons for a long time, then this threatens with impaired attention, manifestations of impulsive behavior, restlessness, frequent switching from one occupation to another, forgetfulness, hyperactivity are possible. Over time, the combination of all these factors can trigger attention deficit disorder. But if parents are in control of the situation, then watching kind, good, instructive and educational cartoons will only benefit the children.

In conclusion, I would like to focus on the positive developmental potential of good cartoons. Good cartoons are moderately bright (often too bright, poisonous colors are used in Western cartoons), spectacular, imaginative, with a simple and kind plot, cartoons that are accessible to children's perception.

Good cartoons form the child's primary ideas about good and evil in the context of universal human values, the best examples of cultural heritage. By comparing oneself with positive heroes, a growing person should be able to learn to perceive himself positively, cope with his fears and difficulties, and treat others with respect.

The events taking place in a good cartoon raise the child's awareness, develop his thinking and imagination. Note that the overwhelming majority of Soviet cartoons, according to many experts, meet these criteria. It is characteristic of them that evil does not always "run the show", good wins, often re-educating even negative characters. Unfortunately, modern Russian cartoons are increasingly reminiscent of foreign cartoons.

A good cartoon should be a gift, a holiday for a child. It is useful to use cartoons as a tool of reward and punishment. It should be borne in mind that a normally developing child always prefers “live” communication, the society around him, to television.

Few people think about the effect of cartoons on children. All children adore cartoons for their colorfulness, dynamism, and original plot. Many toddlers can watch them for hours, and parents rejoice at the opportunity to do their own thing while the child "learns the world."

What is a cartoon for a child?

Cartoons are gradually replacing a child of primary school age with communication, walks, intimate conversations with parents, reading books and bedtime stories. The vivid images of the heroes form the inner world and consciousness of the child, he perceives him as a reality. Moreover, the line between the real world and the cartoon is blurring. The child cannot understand that the cartoon is fiction, and all the talking bees, fairies and superheroes do not really exist.

Cartoons were originally created for adults as a caricature of reality. But the world of dolls that came to life quickly became a new fantasy for preschool children. Unfortunately, not all animators were able to find a balance between reflecting adult reality and instilling cultural values ​​in their works for children. Hence, in modern cartoons, there is a lot of cruelty, a perverted understanding of family relations, the image of a woman who is no longer a keeper of the hearth, but rather a warrior and a man-hater.

According to a study by the American Academy of Child and Young Psychiatry: "Children who watch cartoons, where violence looks extremely realistic and often not punishable at all, are likely to mimic what they see."

Thus, the idea of ​​good deeds is gradually shaken, the child cannot distinguish deviant behavior from social norms.

After researching such popular Disney cartoons, the Soviet TV series "Well, wait a minute," filmed using the same technology, and the favorite of the 90s generation, "Tom and Jerry", Russian psychologists have a significant claim to them. The thing is that cartoon characters do not feel pain, and after the strongest blows they get up as if nothing had happened. Associatively, all falls cause only laughter, and in the minds of small spectators, the feeling of compassion for their neighbors is lost.

Marina Aromshtam, author of Children Watching Cartoons and other works on child psychology, believes:

“The effect of the cartoon is enhanced by the glowing screen. Such a bright source of light attracts attention, like the sun or fire in antiquity, which you can look at endlessly. Animation, like the world of someone else's fantasy, captures the child's attention and dulls his imagination, ready-made visual images block the creation of their own. "

Of course, if you explain to the child in time that the world in cartoons is fantasy, make comparisons with real animals and show that fighting and showing aggression is bad, then everything can be normalized. Modern parents also grew up on cartoons, but their number was less, but the quality is better in many respects.

What cartoons are worth watching?

According to Aida Zyablikova, animation director, author of "Kuzi's Little House":
"A good cartoon should contain a minimum of sound and dialogue, only visuals and a pleasant musical accompaniment."

"Are Western or Soviet cartoons better?" - This is a question often asked by modern parents. It is not worth generalizing here, there are both good and dangerous examples for children everywhere. Of course, Soviet cartoons familiar to us, of which there were not so many, taught family values, mutual assistance and respect for elders, there even evil characters wandered at the end, as in the cartoons about "Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile", "The Bremen Town Musicians" or "38 parrots ".

Western models paint a more brutal and close to reality picture of the world, where there is a constant struggle for power, that there is a lot of evil around, and only a small group of enthusiasts can save the world, like Spider-Man or Superman. American cartoons often create a vulgarized hypertrophied image of the family, where you can hear both foul language and unethical behavior, as, for example, in "The Simpsons" or "Oh, those kids." But the same cartoon "Brave", on the contrary, teaches selflessness and love for your family.

Therefore, you should not be guided by stereotypes, it is better to make an independent analysis of all the content offered for children, and give your child the best and safest for the correct formation of consciousness.

What should modern parents do?

Among children's doctors, neurologists, psychologists and ophthalmologists, the opinion, based on practical examples, is widespread that children under 3 years of age are categorically not recommended to watch TV, and cartoons in particular.

The formation of the child's psyche is laid in 2 years. Until this time, children cannot adequately perceive a one-time dynamic image and sound, therefore, viewing completely takes the baby's attention, and he stops moving, sits in one position for a long time. Television imagery, especially scenes of violence, can have a significant impact on a child's nervous system in the future. In addition, watching cartoons is addictive and, if left untreated, can lead to autism problems.

For a child to grow up healthy and happy, he needs constant attention from parents, active games, joint walks, reading books aloud or involving the child in household chores - all this will distract him from the TV. Cartoons do not need to be completely excluded from the child's life either, many of them are cute, kind, developing and harmless. Here the task of moms and dads, a careful selection of animations for the child and the regulation of the viewing time, no more than 30 minutes a day.

It happens

Elena, mother of a 3-year-old daughter:

“Due to the fact that we did not get a place in the kindergarten, I continue to sit on maternity leave. But to stay financially afloat, I work from home. Of course, you have to reduce the time for walking and playing with your daughter, but she requires tireless attention. Therefore, it has already become the norm for about a year that Karinochka turns on the TV herself. Of course, I always tried to make her watch cartoons, not adult programs.

Gradually, I began to notice that my daughter became somewhat aggressive, started throwing objects, getting scared and falling asleep badly. I decided to contact a neurologist with this question. The answer stunned me, it turned out that now this is a real problem among children 2-6 years old, and it is connected precisely with cartoons. The child copies the models of behavior of the heroes, considering them standard. Now we walk more on the street, and watch cartoons on schedule and only developing ones. "

Maxim, father of a 6-year-old son:

“We always tried to restrict children from watching TV, but together we went to the theaters for Disney novelties, and sometimes we were allowed to watch cartoons. The son recently went to school, and began to communicate with the boys. Now they watch the animated series "Kung Fu Panda", "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", "Transformers" together. Everything would have been nice, but the children began to really fight with each other, imagining themselves to be superheroes. After losing and coming home with bruises, Danila became aggressive at home, almost beat his sister. It took me and my wife some time to observe what happens to our kind-hearted little boy. Everything became clear after 3 hours of watching another scary cartoon. The child began to act in a similar way to the viewed plot! Classes in the karate section became a real way out for us ”.

Video about the benefits or dangers of cartoons

The Internet is replete with an extremely negative assessment of the role influence modern cartoons per child, especially for Disney cartoons. Children in this context are even called “the main victims of television madness”, noting that television and the Internet too strongly determine our lives, and, accordingly, the lives of our children. Here are the main theses of such articles: the modern child is too stuffed with visual information; all modern parents are lazy, as they use cartoons to get rid of the child and go about their business exclusively; the child necessarily becomes dependent on viewing; the child will definitely copy everything that he sees on the screen; most modern cartoons are rife with violence, aggression, bad examples, and erotic overtones. All this traumatizes the child's psyche, teaches the wrong examples, leads to psychological problems, difficulties in upbringing, lagging behind in school, and in the future to a wrong attitude towards life. The main recommendations in this regard are: to keep the child out of the TV at all until the age of three, and from the age of three - exclusively Soviet cartoons.

However, how fair are such drastic measures? The world is not black and white, it is replete with bright colors, and you need to be able to see it. The world is not one-dimensional and not two-dimensional, it is voluminous, multifaceted, everything is not divided into "Yes" and "No" in it, it is much more complicated and interesting. The philosophy of sweeping denial is not productive. It is necessary to adequately perceive today's reality. In it, as in any other historical reality, there is both good and bad. The strategy “we hide our heads in the sand, close the child’s eyes, nose, mouth and ears, and never show him modern cartoons” is wrong.

The approach, which is that "everything was good before, but now everything is very bad" is characteristic of people who experience a subconscious fear of modern reality. Psychologists sometimes admit very interesting reservations, advising to completely abandon modern cartoons. In this regard, I cannot refrain from citing a thesis from one psychological article about the influence of cartoons on the mind of a child... Please read carefully: " Vera Abramenkova, an Orthodox psychologist and chief researcher at the Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Childhood of the Russian Academy of Education Vera Abramenkova states that a modern child is surrounded by visual materials - this is not only a TV, but also phones, iPhones, iPads, the Internet, computer toys. Therefore, now our children are less protected than children born in the war and in the post-war years.". In other words, the psychologist in all seriousness claims that children born during the Second World War were more protected than modern ones, our children. Here, apparently, war, bombing, genocide, famine, fascism, etc. are not taken into account. Is iPad really that scary?

What psychologists usually say about life, about family, about children, etc. also not the ultimate truth. Psychology, like any modern science, is not a single unshakable truth, but a set of points of view. Any science today, especially the humanities, is a complex of scientific directions, schools and approaches that to a significant extent argue with each other, criticize each other, proving completely different points of view. Two different psychologists can give you completely different advice about the same problem, and you will have to choose what is closest to you. Here, as in medicine, a medicine that helps you does not necessarily help your roommate as effectively, even if you have the same diagnosis as him.

This article is deliberately not intended to say: “This is good, but this is bad. Look at this, but this is by no means. " How many people, so many opinions, the only correct decision does not exist. Each parent should select cartoons for their own child, taking into account, first of all, how the child reacts to this or that cartoon, as well as relying on his own feelings. Without making a horror story from any one specific type of cartoons, and without getting hung up on one thing, you can quite reasonably choose the optimal set of cartoons for your child that will not negatively affect him. To begin with, I propose to consider simply the range of opinions that has formed at the moment, both in public opinion, among parents, and among child psychologists. For example, let's take a small set of cartoons that are popular with modern children.

Soviet cartoons.

Despite the fact that they can no longer be called "modern", Soviet cartoons are still very relevant. On the positive side
Psychologists attribute these cartoons to their high quality. Soviet cartoons were not put on stream, they were produced in a single copy and quality issues were put at the forefront.

The Soviet cartoon is aimed at forming a positive children's picture of the world, it is kind, calm, correct. A negative character, as a rule, is easily re-educated, and his initial negative nature is most likely due to the fact that no one was friends with him, no one loved or understood him. In general, evil in Soviet cartoons is presented in an ironic and comical form, which softens its nature.

In the Soviet cartoon, the focus on education, the formation of positive qualities is clearly traced, these cartoons teach the correct, ideal behavior and way of thinking. There is no violence, evil has a local easily defeated character, the characters carry good, compassion, respect, love and mutual understanding.

Soviet cartoons are really good, it would be foolish to argue with that. What could be called negative factors in this regard? There are few Soviet cartoons compared to the variety presented by the Western cartoon industry for children. Despite their undeniable quality, against the background of modern possibilities of computer graphics and special effects, they already seem a little primitive.

And besides this, do Soviet cartoons fully meet the needs and requirements of a modern child? Let's not forget that children actively communicate with each other. How comfortable will the child feel among his peers, whom parents do not restrict so much in the subject of the watched cartoons? Is it justified to create an artificial "iron" wall for a child, enclosing him in the past, even if it seems to us more correct and safe, because we live today and we will not have another reality?

By the way, oddly enough, but on the Internet you can find negative comments from parents on Soviet cartoons, the high quality and benefits of which, it would seem, can no longer be disputed. Here are some unexpected statements: “... as for the cat Leopold, then, as it seems to me, it is propaganda of meanness, harm, and not friendship»; «… doesn't the wolf want to kill a hare in Well, wait a minute? The hare does not suit him with mean things? The wolf didn’t drown in the hole, didn’t fall from a height, didn’t break its legs?»; «… among the old Soviet cartoons, too, there is a lot of nonsense ... "," ... in "Well, wait a minute!" grabs the cats by the tail. Do you think this is a good cartoon for a child?», «… many consider all Soviet cartoons to be good, but this is far from the case. "Well, wait a minute" is no longer a cartoon that is Soviet in spirit and language, but a clone of American cartoons about Tom and Jerry. The best cartoons in the USSR were made in the 40-60s»

By the way, it is the example with the cult cartoon of the Soviet era "Well, wait a minute" that clearly shows how
ideas about what a good or bad cartoon is. It was this cartoon that almost fell under the censorship when, on September 1, 2012, a law was introduced to protect children from harmful information. Many scenes from this cartoon, according to this law, cannot be shown on the daytime air and in children's programs, but it was for this cartoon that an exception was made due to its high status and universal recognition.


The positive qualities include the fact that the cartoon has a completely clear educational focus. It explains what is good and what is bad. Characters who are negative and behave incorrectly or not always correctly (caterpillars, Kuzya the grasshopper, etc.) always eventually realize their mistakes and apologize. In the spirit of Soviet-era cartoons, a negative hero can also be re-educated here. In general, the cartoon leaves positive, bright emotions, it is not particularly dynamic, not overloaded with special effects.

However, psychologists do not like Luntik. It is purple, and this color, according to all psychological canons, is depressive. In addition, as psychologists note, Luntik is an incomprehensible creature that came from some other world.

The parents' opinion was divided. Many people consider this cartoon to be good and harmless, and influence given cartoon on
child consciousness
- positive. In the negative reviews of parents, the word "stupid" is most often heard: the cartoon was created for narrow-minded children, and does not contribute to their development. The animation is made in such a way that the insects do not look like themselves (caterpillars do not look like caterpillars, a bee does not look like a bee, etc.), this leads some parents to think that in the future, the child may have difficulties in recognizing how insects look in fact.

Masha and the Bear

This cartoon is a very interesting phenomenon. They love him very much, but at the same time, most are pessimistic about the influence of this cartoon on the child.

If we talk about positive features, then these include the high quality of the cartoon. It is funny, funny, very bright, it is equally liked by both adults and children, it is made with a good sense of humor. He inherits the musical traditions of Soviet cartoons, in which songs written for cartoons had a very
high quality, became real hits and already lived separately from the cartoons themselves.

Psychologists attribute to the negative features of the cartoon that it does not teach respect for adults. Moreover, throughout the entire cartoon, the child openly mocks the adult, who is personified by the Bear, who can only be offended, and nothing else. The child begins to perceive such a scenario of behavior as correct and, quite possibly, is able to transfer it into real life.

The cartoon "Masha and the Bear" is very dynamic, in this it resembles the style of Disney cartoons, bright, groovy, funny,
characterized by a fast plot change. Many parents notice the over-excitement of children after watching, when they start running around the apartment, throwing toys, jumping on upholstered furniture. The girls quote machine phrases, which is extremely frightening for parents who do not want to be in the place of a poor bear. Masha is a hyperactive child, her hyperactivity is contagious to children. Parents mainly see the main negative feature in the fact that Masha is a hooligan who gets away with everything, that is, for all her tricks she has never received at least some tangible punishment. The bear is a very loyal character who always forgives everything. Parents also note that children are very fond of watching, they cannot be taken away from the TV, and subsequently they begin to beg for "Masha" already with hysterics.


The most interesting thing is that against the background of these opinions, "Smeshariki" generally receive a positive assessment, although, it would seem, they contain all the collective features of the so-called "bad cartoon", from the point of view of modern psychologists and parents: bright colors, fast plot change , the characters do not look like the real animals they portray (and a hare is not a hare, and a pig is not a pig - all the same balls). However, bad comments about the influence of this cartoon on the child very little, which is very different from the perception of the cartoons "Masha and the Bear" and "Luntik", about which one can come across not just bad, but openly aggressively negative comments.

Many, however, note that "Smeshariki" is not entirely for children, the cartoon very often has a deep philosophical implication. In general, it is very difficult to determine which target audience it is intended for. For young children, it is not suitable because of serious philosophizing and the presence of adults (in the cultural sense of the word) jokes, children of 7-8 years of age will also not fully understand many plots, and older children are unlikely to be
watch "Smesharikov". In general, this is a rather strange phenomenon in modern Russian animation, although most loved it. Almost no one talks about the negative impact of this cartoon on children, moreover, the educational "Smeshariki" shot in 3D is absolutely genuine delight of parents.

Disney cartoons

Disney cartoons are generally regarded as a separate industry. Reviews are, of course, mostly negative. It is noted that the classic organization of space in a Disney cartoon is usually arranged in such a way that the world lies in evil. Good is local and situational, only some Spider-Man or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are a rare personification of good and fight evil. Evil is dealt with physically, it is killed, while in Soviet cartoons, evil was mainly re-educated and succumbed to persuasion. There is an increased aggression of Disney cartoons.

Psychologists are very radical in their assessments. Disney cartoons are accused of nothing more or less, but of lowering the birth rate. Disney cartoons reinforce the wrong image of the female in the child's mind. Too bright and beautiful women
the characters, who, as noted, are all very similar, literally the same face, form in boys the desire for ideal female beauty, which does not exist in reality. Disney beauties have completely feminine forms and an erotically accentuated image, couples in love kiss in an absolutely adult way. Disney cartoons ridicule such female traits characteristic of Soviet cartoons as chastity, shyness, modesty, motherhood and unselfishness. In girls, this creates a directional pattern of behavior. A young and beautiful Disney heroine is usually childless. If the image of the mother is encountered, then it is, as a rule, an old woman, which does not form the motivation for procreation. Psychologists also see a shift in the role of the sexes in foreign cartoons: female heroines seriously fight, fight evil, acquiring the features of classic Disney male superheroes, thus, the usual roles of the sexes are mixed, the female ceases to be female.

In general, of course, when watching Disney cartoons, they leave a completely different feeling, compared even with modern Russian cartoons. Ours are somehow kinder, more sincere. Here, of course, you need to rely on the difference in cultures and psychology. Negative reviews, of course, have a right to exist, the only thing is, I want to shift the emphasis a little. It is not entirely correct to consider Disney cartoons as a single shapeless mass and give the same assessment to all cartoons, it is worth considering all the same each cartoon separately and formulating a separate opinion. Disney cartoons despite their apparent uniformity, they are still very different. Compare, for example, "Gummy Bears" and "Spider-Man" - to put it mildly, they are not similar, and, most likely, they have completely different impact on children.

The task of the modern parent is to pay attention to their child and in the strategy of intelligent selection. Not cartoons bring up children, but parents. Whatever the child sees on the screen, he also sees what is happening in his family: how parents communicate with each other, how they treat him, what they teach him. You can prevent too much of the influence of cartoons by limiting the viewing time. There can be no consensus and unequivocal advice here. A good parent is one who knows what his child is watching and how much time he spends in front of the TV. A good parent is the one with whom the child will go to communicate and play, tearing himself away from the most beloved and interesting cartoon without difficulty. Finally, a good parent is someone who truly loves their child and gives them enough time not to worry that someone or something will affect the child more than they do.

Children love cartoons. Cartoons from an early age teach us good, mutual understanding, the distinction between good and evil. They can show the breadth and diversity of the world in which we live, tell how to live in it correctly. Spectacular, colorful, kind, those that are close to the principles of live communication, of course, have a beneficial effect on the psyche and emotional development of the child. But are all cartoons equally useful?

  • Cognitive and educational cartoons teach new things. With the help of such cartoons, children can learn colors, numbers, letters, songs, learn a lot of information about the world around them.
  • Children train their memory.
  • Thinking develops. Watching the cartoon, the child learns to make causal relationships, analyze what is happening on the screen.
  • There is an opportunity to concentrate attention for a long time on one subject, lesson.
  • Watching cartoons allows you to develop your baby's speech. Children, hearing competent pronunciation, replenish their vocabulary.
  • Development of creativity. Motives of cartoons, a variety of colors can provoke the development of a child's imagination, the appearance of inspiration for creativity.
  • Raising the level of education. Correct cartoons teach children how to behave correctly in various situations, how to get out of them with dignity. What is good and what is bad. The child, through the demonstration of many specific examples, quickly assimilates such information.
  • The child is provided with a good mood, and the mother has the opportunity to take time for herself and gain strength.

Signs of cartoons harmful to the psychological health of children

  • Loud, harsh musical accompaniment, causing anxiety attacks, harmful to the mental health of children.
  • Too bright riot of colors. Excess acid colors.
  • The manifestation of aggression and violence in the cartoon. Aggressive behavior of heroes in relation to each other, causing harm to others, symbols of death, cemeteries, demonstration of wounds.
  • Demonstration of life-threatening and health-threatening behavior. A clear and unpunished violation of life safety rules by the main and other positive characters of the cartoon.
  • Endorsement of characters' misbehavior, which creates an impression of permissiveness and impunity.
  • Scenes of mockery of weak heroes, in which there is disrespect, ridicule, moral or physical mockery of the sick and helpless.
  • Overly ugly and scary characters.
  • The presence of profanity, rude statements, abusive name-calling. The child immediately remembers the sharp words of his beloved idol and actively uses them in vocabulary. At the same time, if parents force the child to stop expressing in this way, he has a controversial issue of authorities.

The harm of "wrong" cartoons for children

  • The psychological health of children depends on the emotions experienced by the child. Scary characters scare them. Then, soon the kid gets used to this kind of hero and does not accept characters of a less shocking look.
  • Cartoons promoting aggressive and disrespectful behavior develop a similar pattern of behavior in children.
  • The psychological health of children becomes threatened when watching cartoons with scenes of cruelty, injury, murder, for example, cartoons with the title "Happy tree friends". Be careful.

Old Soviet cartoons are most useful for the development of children. Yes, they are. No matter how outdated they are, the fact is that in Soviet times, everything that came out on the screens passed a strict selection according to many criteria. When showing the cartoon, it was taken into account how it will affect the way of thinking and the health of children. And the problem with the animation of the present time is that behind the bright colors, unrestrained plots, one thing is often hidden - the desire to sell at a higher price. Only parents can “filter” what their children are watching. Show them Soviet cartoons such as Prostokvashino, Carlson and the Kid, Leopold the Cat. Also "The Bremen Town Musicians", "Funtik". If they have already been watched 100 times and are not interesting to your children, Walt Disney cartoons such as Bambi, The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Snow White, 101 Dalmatians, Tom and Jerry". Our new cartoons are also not hopeless, for example, "Masha and the Bear", "Fixies".

  • The correct development of a child is the main task of any parent. The baby's perception of the world is built from the images that he sees. Therefore, it is so important to control what kind of spiritual food your baby draws from the cartoon depths.
  • Before watching a cartoon by a child, for your reassurance and the health of children, it is better to watch it yourself, conduct an analysis according to the above signs. Better yet, watch cartoons together, be a translator and a prompter for your baby, correcting the correct perception of the cartoon, the situations seen directly while watching.
  • Do not replace your child's communication with you and peers by watching cartoons, even the most useful and instructive ones. The full development of a child needs contact lessons, warm communication, the opportunity not only to listen to information, but also to share it with someone, analyze it, hold a discussion, ask questions, get answers. Be attentive to your children, take care of their moral and physical well-being, because no one can do it like his own mom and dad.

Teslenko Egor

The most amazing time in a person's life is childhood. But what is most connected with it? Of course, cartoons! Whole generations grow up on them!

I often asked my mother if she liked to watch cartoons as a child. Mom replied that "Very!" For them, children who lived at the end of the last century, it was a huge event. "Mama! Cartoons show! ” - the kids shouted. And the adults gave up all their affairs, sat down to watch an amazing fairy tale with the children. She wore them along the multicolored waves of funny and sad, instructive and mysterious, mysterious and funny stories.

Now we, their children, watch cartoons. These are cartoons of Soviet and foreign production. But for some reason more and more parents have doubts about the safety and benefits of foreign animation products for us. Do adults have a feeling of anxiety, a suspicion that something is wrong and irreparable?

In my work, I will try to understand how cartoons affect the child's psyche.



City scientific and practical conference

"Planet of the polymaths"

How cartoons affect the psyche of a child

Man and his health

Teslenko Egor Sergeevich

3 "B" class

MBOU Lyceum №21


Areficheva Elena Valentinovna

Primary school teacher

MBOU Lyceum №21



  1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………… 3
  2. Theoretical part …………………………………………………… .. …………… 4
  1. The history of the creation of cartoons …………………………………………………… 4
  2. Comparison of domestic and foreign cartoons ………………………. …… 5
  1. Practical part …………………………………………………………………… ... 7
  2. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………… .... 9
  3. References ……………………………………………………………… ....... 9
  1. Introduction.

The most amazing time in a person's life is childhood. But what is most connected with it? Of course, cartoons! Whole generations grow up on them!

I often asked my mother if she liked to watch cartoons as a child. Mom replied that "Very!" For them, children who lived at the end of the last century, it was a huge event. "Mama! Cartoons show! ” - the kids shouted. And the adults gave up all their affairs, sat down to watch an amazing fairy tale with the children. She wore them along the multicolored waves of funny and sad, instructive and mysterious, mysterious and funny stories.

Now we, their children, watch cartoons. These are cartoons of Soviet and foreign production. But for some reason, more and more parents have doubts about the safety and benefits of foreign animation products for us. Do adults have a feeling of anxiety, a suspicion that something is wrong and irreparable?

In my work, I will try to understand how cartoons affect the child's psyche.

Purpose of work: on the basis of work with various sources and practical research, find out what effect modern cartoons of domestic and foreign production have on the minds of children, and find out which cartoons benefit the child.

Work tasks:

  • find out in special literature how the animation genre appeared;
  • find out what dangers the fictional world of animation hides in itself;
  • conduct a survey of classmates in order to identify the most preferred cartoons and their characters;
  • study how Western cartoons affect the anxiety and aggressiveness of younger students;
  • analyze research results, draw conclusions.

Subject of study- cartoons of domestic and foreign production.

Work hypothesis:cartoons of Russian and foreign production, in which there is more kindness, rather than violence, will contribute to the harmonious development of the child, and those in which there is a lot of violence, develop anxiety, fears, and insecurity in the child in communicating with adults and children.

During the execution of the work, methods:

  • study of literature;
  • watching cartoons;
  • conducting a survey of students in our class and their parents;
  • analysis of the results.

The topic is relevant because today there is a wide variety of cartoons. We all constantly watch cartoons of foreign and domestic production. Many guys prefer watching TV to games.

  1. Theoretical part
  1. The history of the creation of cartoons.

It is not known exactly when the cartoons appeared. Since ancient times, people have tried to "revive" drawings. The first mentions of animation (animation) date back to the 1st century BC.

At the beginning of the second millennium A.D. shadow performances appeared in China. They were very similar to future cartoons.

In the middle of the 15th century, artists began to appear who entertained the people with moving images, using special mechanisms for this.

At the end of the 17th century, A. Kisher invented the "magic lantern", which showed a moving image on glass.

At the end of the 19th century, the inventor from France E. Reynaud invented a projector, which used the principle of sequential transmission of images - one after another.

In 1906, after the movie camera was invented, the first cartoon was made in America. Its author was J. Blackton. Early cartoons were black and white and silent. The first cartoon with sound was created in 1928 by W. Disney. It was the cartoon "Steamship Wili".

In Russia, Vladislav Starevich, the founder of volumetric animation, begins work at the cinematographic firm of Alexander Alekseevich Khanzhonkov on the first volumetric animated film "The Development of a Tadpole", taking frame-by-frame shooting of live tadpoles in the water. 1911 can be considered the year of birth of Russian animation.

Making a cartoon is a very time consuming process. In order for the character to make a simple movement, it is necessary to draw about a hundred drawings. And for a ten-minute cartoon, you need to make about 15 thousand!

But, despite the fact that today all cartoons are created in many countries of the world, not all of them, it turns out, are recommended to watch ... What do we see on our TV screens? Why do some cartoons cause a storm of joyful emotions, a wave of imitation of their favorite characters and form good emotions in a child, while others do outright harm by making children angry? Among the creators of cartoons, there are two opinions: those who copy adult life in cartoons, and those who create the children's world with its own laws of life. Modern children are increasingly gravitating towards imitating adult life with its aggression and cruelty, and therefore prefer the first type of cartoons.

We asked in the video salon of Dzerzhinsk which disks with cartoons are more often bought by adults for their children. We were told that most of the purchases are foreign novelties. For many children, Russian cartoons are not so interesting to watch, after the action-packed and colorful foreign ones. All children choose cartoons on the basis of color and interest, fashion in the classroom or kindergarten. But many Russian cartoons were created on the basis of fairy tales. Soviet cartoons are inherently interesting with a plot and make you think. And what about foreign cartoons? Almost half of foreign cartoons are built according to the old, proven principle: the beginning - the culmination - the denouement. Crime - investigation - punishment. Therefore, the main themes of American films are conflict and crime.

Most modern cartoons have the following features:

  • bright, the action takes place very quickly;
  • a simple, understandable plot that repeats in all cartoons;
  • the value of speech for understanding the cartoon is minimized;
  • the cartoon is voiced by the same translator voices;
  • a lot of aggression;
  • monotonous music.
  1. Comparison of domestic and foreign cartoons

To have time to redo all the homework or get some rest, parents often turn on cartoons for their kids. While a child enjoys watching another animated film, adults do not think that in this way children get used to watching cartoons and very soon it is impossible to "tear them away" from watching endless cartoon series on TV.

The kid, like a sponge, absorbs what he sees on TV. He still does not know how to distinguish fiction from reality. For him, all the heroes are absolutely alive and real. And it is them that he will copy in his behavior, intonations, games. Abroad, cassettes with the cartoon "Tom and Jerry" are often labeled: "For children over 6 years old." The kid takes it for granted and natural that a cat can be skinned, and at the same time he will not only be alive, but also cheerful. Or the mouse can be hit on the head, blown up, poisoned, and it will remain invulnerable, continuing to intrigue the unfortunate Tom.

Watch the little one watching a good cartoon. On his face - the whole flurry of emotions and experiences. Here he laughs with the hero, here he frowns, empathizing and pitying, here he repeats the words of a familiar song ... Good cartoons are of great educational value. They will teach the kid to be friends and sympathize, help comrades and protect the weak, be generous and magnanimous, love parents and grandparents, show a way out of many difficult situations, and relieve childhood fears. In them, the small viewer will find another confirmation that evil will be punished, and good will always triumph.

And now, let's take a closer look at what cartoons of domestic and foreign production teach.

  1. Heroes and heroines of modern foreign animated films do not teach respect and are very ill-mannered. Think of any cartoon. How many bad things are there. A mocking attitude towards animals, humans, objects ...

What does this lead to:

  1. The brightness of the cartoon makes it easy to catch the child's attention. As a result, the child does not have to make an effort to learn to concentrate. An inability to concentrate develops, and at school the child cannot sit through the lesson and remember all the material.
  2. A clear, simple plot does not always give an opportunity to turn on the imagination and fantasy. But cartoons are another way to develop thinking, attention and memory.
  3. During the school period, the child's speech develops most intensively. Therefore, it is important to hear the correct, beautiful native speech, to hear all the intonations, feelings conveyed by speech. Lack of correct speech can lead to a lag in its development.
  4. Through cartoons, the child learns patterns of behavior, methods of action, learns how to achieve his own. Unfortunately, this method is often aggression. According to numerous studies, children who watch mainly foreign cartoons have an increase in cruelty and aggressiveness.
  1. Practical part

Student questionnaire

Class ___________

1.Do you watch cartoons? a) yes b) no

2. When do you prefer to watch cartoons?a) in the morning b) at lunch c) in the evening

3. What cartoons do you prefer?a) Soviet b) foreign

4. What is the name of your favorite cartoon?

5. What is your favorite hero?

We conducted a study - a survey in the form of a questionnaire. The research has shown that all children love to watch cartoons. The child has the right to choose a cartoon. This is a very disturbing sign. Most often, children choose foreign cartoons, giving preference to such cartoons as "Shrek", "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", "Woody Woodpecker and Friends", "The Simpsons", "Tom and Jerry", "Winx". They watch cartoons for more than 4 hours a week, which is harmful to vision and health in general. The favorite heroes of children are those who can commit a cruel act and even murder. What will happen if in life the child begins to copy the behavior of his favorite characters ?! Children in the questionnaire even find it difficult to name 10 "our" cartoons, but this is our history and culture. I think that parents need to think about this and watch what the children are watching.

  1. Conclusion

Children like to watch cartoons, but not everything that they like is useful for us. Many modern cartoons broadcast on TV can have a bad effect on the development of a child, form a tendency towards aggression, addictions, and even there are cases when cartoons lead to mental disorders. In many cartoons, the main, positive character is endowed with negative qualities. And imperceptibly these vices are eaten into the child's consciousness, because positive characters need to be imitated.

So let's summarize. In one of the cities several years ago, psychologists studied the influence of various cartoons on the child's psyche. It turned out that after the "Soviet cartoons" the children calmed down, became more benevolent, their sleep and appetite improved.

After the American computer cartoons, fears and aggressiveness intensified in children, they began to be capricious, fight, break toys.

Meanwhile, in recent years, you rarely see Cheburashka or Winnie the Pooh on the screen, but aggressive cartoons have filled all the channels. Of course, it is impossible to unequivocally divide cartoons into bad and good, but since we have a completely different culture, it is better for Russian children to watch Russian cartoons.

Cartoons should:

  • teach to love animals, because cartoon characters are often animals.
  • teach to be friends.
  • help to study the world around
  • teach to fulfill their duties; an example to show how to perform certain actions.
  • the cartoon should have a plot, preferably based on the interaction of the collective.
  • watch cartoons no more than 2 hours a week.
  • retell to mom and dad the content of the cartoon.
  • read works based on which cartoons have been staged (for example, read N. Nosov "Dunno and His Friends" - watched a cartoon based on the work)

During the study, the hypothesis I put forward was confirmed, we proved that not all cartoons have a good, positive impact on children. Therefore, I recommend watching more domestic cartoons.

  1. Bibliography

"Cartoon planet", article "My baby", Moscow, 2003

"About Our Soyuzmultfilm", G. Borodin, 2005

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