Home Roses The time in Prague is now. Time in Prague. Time in Czech Republic now: exact time in Prague

The time in Prague is now. Time in Prague. Time in Czech Republic now: exact time in Prague

In ancient times, knowing the exact time was not a daily need for a person. It was enough to determine the outcome of the day, and the position of the sun in the sky was considered the main criterion for this. The solar day begins exactly at noon, and this time is determined by the location of the shadows on the sundial. For many years and centuries, this method was the main one and was used to count days. But the development of society and technological progress inexorably began to require accurate knowledge not only of days, but also of hours and minutes. After the sun, hourglasses appeared, and are now used to measure accurate minutes in medical procedures and laboratory research, as well as tower, desktop, wall, and wrist watches.

The need for accurate time in modern life.

Why do you need to know the exact time? In the modern world, without this, the whole way of life and mode of life would be violated, giving way to chaos and disorder. The transport system and industry would freeze, people would be late for educational institutions and for work. According to the schedule tied to the exact time, buses run, trains run and planes fly. Modern financial relationships, which include such a word as "delay", cannot exist separately from exact hours, minutes and seconds.

Time Zones

The territory of the earth is so vast that in one part of the globe the sun sets, and at the same time in another place people wake up under the rays of the rising star. To organize geographic distances relative to the exact time, scientists have come up with time zones. The surface of the earth is theoretically divided into 24 such zones: according to the number of hours in a day. The conditional band is approximately 15 °, and within this interval the time differs by an hour from the time of the neighboring ones, +/-. The countdown is from the Greenwich meridian and this time is called "Greenwich Mean Time" (GMT). Recently, a more advanced reference system has been used - coordinated universal time (UTC).

Current time online

In Soviet times in Russia, the time standard was the clock on the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin. It was they who were verified for the accuracy of the course, and all the other watches of the country, from small to large, were equal to them. Today, the exact time with seconds can be found on specialized sites on the Internet, for which you just need to go to their pages. At the same time, the exact time will change online, and you can easily navigate by time zones to find out what time it is at the moment in Los Angeles, Moscow or Yekaterinburg.

- one of the most popular routes among thousands of Russian tourists. People travel to this country to get acquainted with European culture and architecture, taste delicious local dishes, get positive emotions and enjoy the indescribable atmosphere of ancient streets and cities. Those who are just planning their vacation or have already purchased a ticket need to find out everything about the time in the Czech Republic. Travelers should calculate the time difference and prepare in advance for the upcoming change in time zones.

Basic information

Before answering the question of what time difference Russia has with the Czech Republic, it is necessary to figure out what time zone this country lives in. Unlike our state, the Czech Republic changes its clock twice a year: in spring - for summer time, in autumn - for winter. It turns out that in the winter months the time zone of the Czech Republic is UTC + 1, and from the end of March to the end of October - UTC + 2. Therefore, those Russians who want to calculate how much time it is in Prague or another Czech town at a given moment should definitely pay attention to which month is on the calendar.

In winter, such countries as France, Belgium, Italy, Austria, Luxembourg, etc. live in the same time zone with the Czech Republic. In summer, the time in the cities of the Czech Republic coincides with the time in South Africa, Egypt, Malawi, etc.


The time difference between the Czech Republic and Moscow depends on what time of year it is. The time zone of Moscow in any season is UTC + 3. From this it follows that in summer the difference between the capital of Russia and the cities of a European state is only one hour (if the Czechs have 10 am, then the clock of Muscovites is already 11.00). But in winter, Moscow is already 2 hours ahead of the Czech Republic (when the Russian capital is 20.00, the Czechs have another 6 pm).

Regions of Russia

The question of what time it is in the Czech Republic at the moment worries not only Muscovites, but also tourists from other regions of our country. The time difference between Russian and Czech cities will depend not only on the month on the calendar, but also on the time zone in which this or that region of Russia lives:

  • in winter, Kaliningrad is one hour ahead of the European state; in summer, there is no time difference between the regions;
  • St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Volgograd, just like Moscow, are ahead of the Czech Republic by 1 hour in summer and 2 hours in winter;
  • in Samara more than in other Czech cities by 3 hours (winter) and 2 hours (summer);
  • in Yekaterinburg 4 hours more in the winter months and 3 hours more in the summer months, in Omsk more by 5 hours and 4 hours more, in Krasnoyarsk more by 6 hours and 5 hours respectively;
  • Irkutsk is ahead of the Czech regions by 7 hours in winter and 6 hours in summer, Yakutia - by 8 hours and 7 hours, Vladivostok - by 9 hours and 8 hours, Kamchatka - by 11 hours and 10 hours.

Where to look?

To find out the time in the Czech Republic now, you do not need to perform any complex calculations or look for the necessary information in gazetteers. The exact local time in the cities of the Czech Republic can be viewed on the Internet online. Finding out what time it is at the moment in a European state will not be difficult for any person who has access to the worldwide network.

Russians planning to visit the Czech Republic in 2017 should know how to get through jet lag faster. To make adaptation quick and painless, tourists can heed the following tips:

  • a few days before the trip, you need to start going to bed early (ideally, the tourist should fully adjust to the schedule of the country to which he flies, but this is not always possible);
  • the day before the flight, heavy, fatty foods, coffee and alcohol should be excluded from the diet;
  • when going on vacation, you need to take with you medicines for headaches, high blood pressure and existing chronic diseases (drugs may be needed by vacationers after a sharp change in time zones);
  • during the entire flight, it is necessary to use clean water and, if possible, sleep (how many hours you can take to sleep depends on);
  • having arrived at the place, the traveler must have a good rest and replenish the reserve of strength after the transferred road (how much time is needed for rest, each tourist must decide for himself);
  • A contrast shower, a cup of coffee or a light exercise will give you the feeling of vigor you need in the morning, but you should not try to cheer up with alcohol, strong drinks do not contribute to quick adaptation, but, on the contrary, aggravate the condition of the body.

In custody

Tourists who decide to relax in such a beautiful place as the Czech Republic will need to find out the local time of this European country. This important information will help travelers not get lost in time zones and be in time for all planned activities and excursions.

Prague time zone UTC + 1 hour. The time difference between Prague and Moscow is minus 2 hours. Here you can find out what time it is in Prague. Exact time in Prague online:

If you want to know what time it is now in other cities, go to the section.

Prague is located in the UTC + 1 hour time zone. Prague time is 2 hours behind.

Distance from Prague to Vienna- 331 km.

Distance from Prague to Dresden- 150 km.

Distance from Prague to Munich- 383 km.

Distance from Prague to Karlovy Vary- 127 km.

Distance from Prague to Moscow- 1965 km.

Distance from Prague to Kyiv- 1350 km.

Population of Prague: 1 million 241 thousand people.

Phone code of Prague: +420.

Prague airport named after Vaclav Havel (Prague Vaclav Havel Airport), Code: PRG: Czech Airports Authority, 160 08 Praha 6, Czech Republic. Help desk phone: +420 2 20 11 33 14.

Sights of Prague:

Old City Prague belongs to the most visited cities in the Czech Republic, and not only because it is the capital of the country. More than ten centuries ago, the first stone was laid for its construction. There are many places worth visiting here. This will take you several days.

Parts of the city are somewhat different in architecture. This is due to the fact that in ancient times Prague consisted of several different settlements.
We list some of the most famous sights of the glorious capital.

Wenceslas Square somewhat resembles a boulevard, along the length of which there is a strip with flower beds, lawns, benches. It was opened in 1348 at the foundation of the New City. At first it was called the Horse Market. It received its current name in 1848. Today, it is the center of cultural and social life of the city. The building of the National Museum, which was built in 1885-1890 according to the project of Josef Schulz, dominates the square.

ancient Old Town Square- one of the most beautiful. The symbols of the country are located in the square - the Orloj clock, on the Old Town Hall, the house "At the Minute", "Storch House", the Church of St. Mikulas (Nicholas), the Church of the Virgin Mary in front of Tyn, a monument to the preacher, thinker, ideologist of the Czech Reformation Jan Hus. Long ago, trade routes connecting the Prague cities crossed here.

Old Town Hall built in 1338 by permission of the king of the Czech Republic, John of Luxembourg. The observation deck offers a picturesque view of the Old Town Square.

The Charles Bridge- the oldest bridge in Prague, one of her symbols. Its construction took almost a hundred years. It connects two shores Vltava, two parts of Prague - Old Town and Lesser Town. The width is 9.5 m and the length is 520 m. On both sides there are the Old Town and Lesser Town towers. If you want to buy original souvenirs for memory, then it is on Charles Bridge you can do it.

Above the Charles Bridge, the main Czech temple was built back in the 10th century - Cathedral of Saint Vitus. It served as the tomb of Czech kings and bishops. Due to frequent wars and lack of funds, construction continued for 600 years. The cathedral is majestic not only from the outside, but also inside it is very beautiful ...

Golden Lane is inhabited by gnomes! There are 27 small houses here, which are nestled against the wall of the fortress. Even in the 16th century, watch towns lived here. Some roofs can be reached by hand without even standing on tiptoe.

Every day a lot of Muscovites receive a visa and go to the Czech Republic. Each person goes there for their own purpose. Many people like to go to Prague for shopping, because there are so many branded boutiques. Also, many people visit the capital of the Czech Republic in order to get a job, as there are many open vacancies, decent wages and excellent working conditions. And the largest number of people travel to the Czech Republic as tourists. There are a lot of sights in Prague that everyone would like to see. But in order to travel to the Czech Republic, you need to know and navigate in time, because there is a time difference with Moscow.

If your goal is to visit the boutiques and markets of the Czech Republic, then you definitely need to know the exact time, otherwise you may not be in time before the end of the working day, and this is very unpleasant. And if you are going to leave home on the same day that you arrived, you also need to know the exact time, because you can be late for the flight.

In this article, you will learn about the time difference between Moscow and the Czech Republic.

Moscow and the Czech Republic are located on different belts and, of course, the time will also be different. In the summer time of the year, the time in Moscow and Prague differs by one hour. But then, when the clocks are switched to winter time, the time difference will already be two hours. The government of the Russian Federation decided not to change the clocks for summer time, while in the Czech Republic the clocks are adjusted seasonally. And therefore, all residents of Russia who want to calculate what time it is now in Prague need to pay attention to what time of year it is.

Prague time to Moscow time difference

All residents of Russia who plan to visit the Czech Republic need to know how best to adapt to changing time zones. For a successful and painless adaptation, all tourists need to carefully study some tips:

  • A couple of days before the upcoming trip, you need to start going to bed a little earlier.
  • One day before the trip, coffee, alcoholic drinks, fried and too salty should be excluded from the menu.
  • When you pack your suitcase, do not forget to take painkillers and blood pressure medications with you.
  • During the flight, you need to drink clean cool water and try to sleep.
  • Upon arrival at your destination, you need to sleep well and recuperate.
  • In the morning, to cheer up as it is impossible, by the way, a cup of coffee, simple physical exercises will suit you. Alcoholic beverages should be abandoned for a while so as not to aggravate the adaptation process.

When do the clocks change in the Czech Republic

The clock change procedure is carried out twice a year: on the last Sunday of March (clocks are switched to summer time), and on the last Sunday of October (clocks are switched to winter time).

Time in Czech Republic now: exact time in Prague

In order to determine what time it is in the Czech Republic at the moment, you do not need to carry out any complex calculations or look for the necessary information in geography reference books. You can see the most accurate time in all cities of the Czech Republic on our website in real time. Finding out the exact time at the right moment in a European country will be a very easy thing for all people with Internet access. Knowing the exact time, you can plan your work time, trip or meeting in advance.

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