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All diets on one page. The most effective diets for losing weight at home: menus and reviews. Effective diet doesn't mean fast

Do you want to lose weight without restrictions? Diet "Saucer" will help you lose weight comfortably, without giving up your favorite foods and calorie counting! Get recommendations, menu options and love to lose weight!

Among the many methods of losing weight that exist today, only a small number can be called completely safe. Unfortunately, the most popular are express diets, which provide rapid weight loss, but at the same time cause significant damage to health, give a lot of side effects, are accompanied by a debilitating feeling of hunger and do not guarantee the preservation of the achieved result. It is possible to avoid such negative phenomena only with a competent approach to the normalization of body weight, on which one of the safest methods of losing weight is based - the "Saucer" diet. It does not create stress for the body, since it does not impose significant restrictions on the composition of the diet and is tolerated quite comfortably.

The essence

The principle of losing weight on the "Saucer" diet is to gradually reduce the size of a single meal to the volume of a tea saucer. Such a diet without proper preparation usually seems very difficult, but if all the recommendations are correctly followed, it can be easy to get used to and even follow for many years. But it should be borne in mind that the main weight loss occurs during the first two weeks, and then the body weight stabilizes. Therefore, this technique is designed for 14 days, and with further observance, it simply will not allow the dropped kilograms to return back. This is very convincingly confirmed by the numerous reviews of those who have lost weight in this way and their results with the photo "before and after".

The Platter Diet is not considered by most nutritionists as a diet per se. It does not have a long list of prohibited foods, a strict diet and calorie counting. You can eat whatever you want, but with the observance of the main rule: a one-time meal should be placed in a tea saucer. This is the positive psychological side of such weight loss. In most cases, dieting difficulties arise precisely because of the need to change your gastronomic habits and give up your favorite foods. In this technique, this is not required - you can use everything, but only in such an amount that will fit in a saucer.

Despite the absence of restrictions, in order to make weight loss on the "Saucer" diet more effective, it is necessary to follow several recommendations of nutritionists:

  • take food 4 times a day at regular intervals in time;
  • give up fast food, convenience foods, other junk food containing empty calories;
  • for salad dressing, use olive oil and grape vinegar or lemon juice instead of mayonnaise and other commercial sauces;
  • replace bread with whole grains or other dietary breads;
  • drink more fermented milk drinks (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt), and also consume 300 g of cottage cheese 2-3 times a week, not taking into account all this in the total amount of the diet;
  • drink the required amount of useful liquid per day, determining it at the rate of 40 ml per 1 kg of weight.

Important! Using the diet "Saucer" for weight loss, it is recommended to take a protein shake 2 times a week. It will help preserve muscle tissue and prevent sagging skin. Also during this period it is necessary to provide the body with all useful substances, taking a high-quality vitamin and mineral complex.

In addition, it is necessary to introduce more fiber into the diet, but not to give up protein products. To meet the body's need for protein, one meal must be completely made up of meat or fish dishes.

Particular attention during weight loss on the "Saucer" diet is given to physical activity. Moreover, the rules here are very individual:

  • for those who have never played sports, you need to increase physical activity;
  • for those who are actively exercising, on the contrary - to reduce the load.

Ideally, during this period, you need to do morning exercises and walk daily.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, the positive aspects of this weight loss method include:

  • financial affordability and ease of use - no need to purchase any additional products or prepare dietary meals, since the diet remains the same;
  • correct weight loss - weight loss occurs slowly and steadily, without the negative consequences typical of fast express diets;
  • long-term preservation of the result by reducing the size of the stomach and the formation of correct eating habits.

With all these advantages of using the "Saucer" diet for weight loss, this method also has a lot of disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the slow weight loss, which averages 300 g per day. In addition, such a diet can be comfortable to follow only with a small amount of extra pounds. For an obese person, limiting the daily amount of food to 4 saucers can be a serious challenge. It should also be borne in mind that with prolonged weight loss on the "Saucer" diet, digestive processes and intestinal motility may deteriorate due to a significant decrease in the load due to the intake of a significantly reduced volume of food.

To reduce the negative impact of this nutritional method, if necessary, you can use the following advice from nutritionists:

  1. Before starting the course, it is necessary to conduct a preparatory stage, during which a single serving is limited to the size of a saucer, but their number can be 6-7 per day with a gradual decrease in the number of meals to the prescribed four.
  2. If the vegetables as a whole do not fit well in the saucer, then when using them, you can use a small bowl, but it should not contain anything other than raw or steamed vegetables.
  3. Fruits are eaten according to the same principle, but not more often 2-3 times a week and, as a rule, instead of vegetable dishes.
  4. If you really want something sweet, then it is advisable to take it in the form of a prize for abstinence during the week, for example, allowing yourself on Sunday half a chocolate bar or 5 chocolates.

An important condition for this food system is the correct choice of the place and form of food intake. Eat only at the table, eliminating any distraction, such as a TV, book, laptop, or phone. This psychological trick will allow you to focus on food, ensuring faster and longer satiety.

Sample menu

Self-compilation of a menu for losing weight on the "Saucer" diet does not cause any difficulties. Its ingredients remain the usual products, from the list of which it is advisable to exclude only those that harm the figure. Raw vegetables, unsweetened fruits and animal proteins should be predominant in the diet. During heat treatment, frying should be abandoned and, in general, the temperature effect on the products should be minimized as much as possible in order to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients in them.

Menu options can be as follows (optional):

On breakfast:

  • oatmeal in milk;
  • cottage cheese with bread;
  • fruit salad with yogurt;
  • muesli with milk;
  • 1 egg and raw vegetables.
  • vegetable soup;
  • lean meat;
  • grilled vegetables;
  • durum pasta.

For an afternoon snack:

  • fruit and curd casserole;
  • fruit and kefir smoothies;
  • fruit salad with yogurt;
  • pancakes with berries.
  • baked fish;
  • light vegetable salads with herbs;
  • vegetables with cottage cheese;
  • celery cocktails;
  • boiled chicken breast.

Important! When compiling a daily diet using these meal options, it should be taken into account that it is balanced in the composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. That is, it is necessary that all 4 saucers are different in composition, including vegetables, fruits, meat or fish and dairy dishes.

In accordance with these requirements, an example menu for a week may be as follows:

  • breakfast - whole grain toast with slices of cheese and tomato slices, coffee or tea;
  • lunch - boiled vegetables with low-fat (up to 15%) sour cream dressing;
  • afternoon tea - fruits;
  • dinner - fish baked with asparagus.
  • breakfast - scrambled eggs with kefir, tea or coffee;
  • lunch - boiled meat;
  • afternoon tea - pancakes with cinnamon, 150 ml of yogurt;
  • dinner - vegetable stew.
  • breakfast - muesli with dried fruits and yogurt, coffee;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, dietary bread crouton;
  • Afternoon snack - strawberry-banana smoothie with grated chocolate;
  • dinner - tuna, cucumbers with herbs.
  • breakfast - scrambled eggs with tomatoes, tea;
  • lunch - ham;
  • afternoon tea - cottage cheese with pieces of fruit;
  • dinner - baked or stewed vegetables.
  • breakfast - oatmeal with dried apricots, whole grain toast, tea;
  • lunch - mushroom soup with vegetable broth;
  • afternoon tea - milkshake with seasonal fruits, crackers;
  • dinner - boiled salmon.
  • breakfast - rye bread with slices of cheese, coffee or tea;
  • lunch - stewed beef liver;
  • afternoon snack - fruit and curd casserole, orange fresh;
  • dinner - a salad of boiled beets with cheese.
  • breakfast - 2 soft-boiled eggs, 2 slices of cheese, toast, coffee (tea);
  • lunch - broth with a few cubes of meat;
  • afternoon tea - pancakes with berries;
  • dinner - raw vegetables.

As a snack, it is recommended to use low-fat fermented milk drinks with the addition of pieces of non-starchy unsweetened fruits or sweet and sour berries. It is better to exclude salt and sugar by replacing them with spices and honey, respectively.

It is always much easier to compose and follow the menu of the second week, since junk food will already seem tasteless, and the taste buds will adapt to the lack of salt and sugar. The stomach will also quickly decrease in volume and small portions will be enough for saturation.

Exiting the diet

When losing weight through most diet programs, the body experiences stress not only during the period of limited nutrition, but also during recovery from it. This is due to the fact that in both cases there is a change in the usual diet, in which all internal organs and systems are forced to rebuild to a different mode of operation.

Losing weight on the "Saucer" diet is the most gentle in this regard, because when it is observed, the composition of the menu practically does not change, but only the size and number of portions are reduced. In addition, after the end of the course, the need for overeating disappears, since the stomach decreases in size, and the body gets used to frequent and small meals. Therefore, the exit from the "Saucer" diet is a smooth return to the usual diet with a gradual increase in the amount of food consumed, and up to the indicator that will be most comfortable in each case.

The volume and number of portions must be increased in about the same way as they were reduced. In this case, the following rules must be observed:

  • you can make up portions at your discretion - fill the plates with only "healthy" foods, adhering to the principles of proper nutrition, or add high-calorie food to the menu, but it should be no more than half of the daily diet;
  • you first need to increase the daily calorie content of the diet to the norm (1500-1800 kcal) by adding high-calorie food or the number of its meals, and only then - the size of the portions.

To prevent re-gaining excess weight, nutritionists recommend adhering to fractional nutrition and proper drinking regimen. You should also reduce your intake of preservatives, dyes, and other harmful additives.


Despite all the advantages of using the "Saucer" diet for weight loss, even such a healthy way of losing weight has a number of contraindications and restrictions. It is strictly forbidden to so significantly limit your menu in the following cases:

  • when carrying and feeding a child;
  • during menopause or other hormonal disruptions;
  • during the recovery period after a serious illness or surgery;
  • in the presence of mental eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia).

It is not recommended to switch to this diet or prolong it for more than 14 days, men doing heavy physical work, or bodybuilders who regularly exercise with strength loads. The prescribed four servings in such cases will not be enough to ensure the normal functioning of the body. But the principle of fractional separate meals will be useful in these cases, just the size of one serving should be larger.

It also does not make sense to lose weight on the "Saucer" diet with a clinical degree of obesity. Firstly, its duration is not enough to get rid of a significant amount of extra pounds. Secondly, such a food option will become too restrictive for a very fat person, therefore, it will be accompanied by a debilitating feeling of hunger and can give a completely opposite result.

When Maya Plisetskaya was asked which diet is the best, the legendary ballerina replied: "You need to eat less." It seems that the creators of the "Saucer" diet have the same opinion. The diet gained its popularity several years ago, when such stars as Laima Vaikule, Natalya Koroleva and Ksenia Sobchak lost weight with it. Then it turned out that with the help of the "Saucer" diet, Hollywood stars have long been slimming.

What is diet? Often, this is a long list of prohibited foods, calorie counting, a strict diet and a bland menu. There are no restrictions and prohibitions in the "Saucer" diet, eat whatever you want, there is one rule: for one meal you can eat a portion that fits into an ordinary tea saucer. Meals - 4 times a day. The diet lasts one to two weeks, but most of those who survive this period prolong the diet for a longer time. If you feel like eating a bun, you can do it, but remember that it must be a piece that fits in a saucer. And talk about the fact that the whole loaf fits in a saucer are inappropriate. A meter-long stick of sausage will fit in a saucer if you put it vertically, and a bunch of sandwiches in a slide, if desired.

There is a diet of "5 tablespoons" very similar to the "Saucer". It's not hard to guess that a serving in this diet is 5 level tablespoons. That's about such a portion and you need to count on.

Diet "Platter" many nutritionists refuse to call a diet as such. Rather, it is the body's adaptation to normal portions. The psychological side of the diet is that, although the portions become small, there are no special restrictions on the menu. Most people find it difficult to sustain a diet precisely because of their gastronomic habits - not because they need to eat less, but because a person cannot imagine life without a chocolate bar before bed. In this diet, this option is quite acceptable. You can eat a chocolate bar. But only the piece that fits on the saucer and will not look over the edges. You can do this at night. But only if you are ready to substitute chocolate for your 4th meal - dinner.

Despite the fact that there are no restrictions on the diet, nutritionists have nevertheless developed a few tips to make this diet more effective:

Avoid fast food and convenience foods.

Cross out margarine, spread and mayonnaise from the diet, season salads and other dishes with grape or olive oil.

Replace bread with crispbread.

Don't take long breaks between meals.

Distribute all 4 meals evenly: for example, breakfast at 8:00, lunch at 12:00, afternoon tea at 16:00, and dinner at 19:00.

Drink as much fermented milk products as possible: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, several times a week eat a plate of cottage cheese, which will not be taken into account in the diet - this way you will replenish the calcium reserves in the body.

Comparing the amount of food eaten, adjust the amount of liquid you drink per day.

Almost all drinks can be drunk during the "Platter" diet, but the emphasis should be on herbal teas, green tea and fermented milk products. If you want to sweeten your drink, then it is better to use not sugar, but fructose or sugar substitutes.

Observing the "Saucer" diet, it is allowed to drink a protein shake once or twice a week - this will not allow the muscle tissue to "sag". Just like with any other diet, during this period you need to ensure that the body fully receives all the nutrients, so take a good vitamin and mineral complex.

Eat as much fiber as possible, but don't ignore protein foods either. With such portions, it is quite difficult to maintain a normal balance of proteins and fats, therefore, once a day, one of the meals should be completely meat.

If you have never been friends with sports, then you need to take time for physical activity. If you are actively involved in sports, it is worth reducing the load during the diet. Ideally, with the "Saucer" diet, it is necessary to do exercises in the morning and take walks every day.

Pros and cons of the "Saucer" diet

As mentioned above, psychologically it is not difficult to sustain this diet due to the fact that there are no gastronomic prohibitions in it. Therefore, the probability of a breakdown is rather small. Having returned to the usual dietary rhythm, those who have lost weight on the "Saucer" diet often cease to feel the need to overload the stomach - during the diet, the body has become accustomed to small portions. This helps to maintain good results and stay in shape.

Usually, stress for the body is not only the diet itself (a sharp change in the usual diet), but also the exit from it (no less abrupt return to the previous regime). The advantage of the "Saucer" diet is that it is very gentle in this regard. It's just that for a certain period the amount of portion is reduced, and then it gradually increases.

With all the advantages of the diet, unfortunately, it has more disadvantages.

The fact is that if you weigh 60 kilograms and want to lose weight to 55, then there should not be any special problems. But it is quite another matter if a person is obese. In this case, 4 saucers a day can be a serious challenge.

Despite the fact that many are on this diet for more than the prescribed 2 weeks, this is not the wisest decision, as digestion and peristalsis may suffer. And, of course, before starting the "Platter" diet, you need to consult a specialist. Like any other low-calorie diet, it has a lot of health contraindications.

The Saucer Diet is not ideal. Like most of the existing diets. If you liked the diet, but for you there are controversial points in it, they can always be correctly corrected.
For example, like this:

If you constantly feel hunger from 4 saucers a day, increase them to 5-6, then, when the body gets used to such a portion, gradually reduce the number to the prescribed 4.

Vegetables and fruits are good for the body, but they don't always fit in a saucer. In one of the meals, you can replace the saucer with an ordinary small plate, but only on the condition that the plate contains nothing but fresh or steamed vegetables. Once every few days, vegetables can be replaced with fruits and berries.

The diet does not prohibit sweets, but within reasonable limits. If you have a sweet tooth, instead of regularly eating a saucer of dessert at one of the meals, it is better to make the sweetness a prize for yourself. For example, if you don't eat anything sweet Monday through Friday, you are entitled to five chocolates on Saturday.

Almost any diet is a foundation that will help you create your own individual nutritional plan. Diet "Saucer" can be safely called one of these foundations.

Scientists have proven that when a person eats from a large plate half full, the brain signals the body that there is little food and the stomach is empty. Thus, many people consume 2 times more food than they need. The essence of the "saucer" diet is to eat from a small saucer, but fill it completely, thereby deceiving the brain and getting rid of the habit of overeating.

Basic rules and stages of the diet

The diet has basic points that must be followed:

  • They adhere to fractional meals - they eat little, but often. The number of meals is 5–6 times a day. Dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • They are eaten from a small saucer with a diameter of no more than 10 cm and a depth of 1 cm.
  • The saucer should be completely filled with food, but no slide.
  • A portion of the soup is measured in a glass - 1 portion is equal to 1 glass.
  • Drink more than 2 liters of water per day.
  • It is forbidden to have snacks between meals. This is not conducive to rapid weight loss.
  • You can eat almost anything, including chocolate and cake, as long as it fits into the saucer.

For the best effect, the following unhealthy foods are excluded from the diet:

  • fatty sauces and mayonnaise;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fast food;
  • alcohol and sugary carbonated drinks.
  • Raw or steamed vegetables (raw lettuce or carrots can eat up hunger between meals)
  • fermented milk products - cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, cheese;
  • puree soup - it satisfies hunger well and is a low-calorie dish;
  • foods high in fiber (focus on fresh fruits and vegetables).

The diet consists of 2 stages:

Stage 1- developing the habit of eating in small portions. It lasts from 1 to 2 weeks. Everything is allowed, except for junk food.

Stage 2- the transition to healthy and proper nutrition. The diet contains vegetables, fruits, dairy products, cereals, boiled in water, fish and meat. The duration of the period depends on the desired result - it is continued until the arrow on the scales stops at the coveted figure.

The duration of the diet is on average 2 weeks, but if your health is good, you have no problems with intestinal motility and negative manifestations from the digestive system, then it can be continued without fear.

Do not forget about sports, but the intensity of the load should be moderate. The best option for classes is morning exercises and walks in the fresh air. If you are engaged in physical labor or lead an active lifestyle, then you may not have enough kilocalories for normal life, so it makes sense to select a portion of the food you eat at a time individually.

Diet menu

There is no strict menu for the "saucer" diet. It is allowed to replace products with similar ones, for example, cucumber - tomato, cottage cheese - cheese, baked meat - boiled. It is not forbidden to pamper yourself with any delicacies several times a week.

Before going to bed, in order to muffle the playing out appetite, it is allowed to drink a glass of fermented baked milk, kefir or natural low-fat yogurt.

Sample menu for a week.


  1. For breakfast, they spread an omelet on a saucer and eat a green apple or make a toast from whole grain bread with cheese, eat a tomato and drink a cup of coffee, tea or juice.
  2. For lunch - a portion of cottage cheese, which is added low-fat yogurt or eaten with a vegetable salad.
  3. For lunch, boil vegetables, season them with sour cream and boil a piece of meat. On a plate, garnish and meat should be in a 1: 1 ratio.
  4. Have an afternoon fruit platter.
  5. In the evening, fish with green beans are baked in the oven and sprinkled with lemon.

How to cook fish and green beans is described in the video below:


  1. The morning begins with a hard-boiled egg and a small amount of yoghurt, or a portion of cottage cheese mixed with kefir is eaten.
  2. For lunch - carrots and green salad leaves, boiled cauliflower.
  3. In the afternoon - a portion of steamed fish with vegetables.
  4. An afternoon snack consists of kefir and a cinnamon roll or a serving of fruit salad.
  5. Boiled beef with fresh tomatoes or stewed vegetables is served for dinner.


  1. For breakfast, you will need muesli (50 g), which is seasoned with yogurt and a cup of coffee or prepare an omelet with vegetables.
  2. For lunch, they eat fruit or make a salad.
  3. Dine on vegetable stew with mushrooms or vegetable puree soup with rye croutons.
  4. For an afternoon snack, sweet tooths can afford to eat half a bar of dark chocolate and drink a glass of strawberry and banana fruit smoothie. Don't like sweets? Then they have a snack with rye bread toast and low-fat ham.
  5. They have dinner with baked chicken breast and vegetable salad or make a sandwich with a piece of tuna, cucumber, lettuce and greens.

How to cook mushroom cream soup with homemade croutons to serve for lunch, you will learn from the video:


  1. The morning meal begins with a serving of omelet, to which spinach and tomatoes are added, or oatmeal is cooked in water, sweetened with honey and fruit.
  2. For the second breakfast, they eat cottage cheese.
  3. For lunch - puree soup or mixed vegetables with ham.
  4. For an afternoon snack - low-fat or 1% cottage cheese or yogurt (kefir) with fruit.
  5. For dinner, they stew beans with mushrooms or make chicken fricassee, garnish with green peas and carrots.


  1. They have breakfast with oatmeal porridge with the addition of dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, apricots) and whole-grain bread toast, or make rye toast with durum cheese and cucumber.
  2. For lunch, vegetables are cut and a salad is prepared.
  3. In the afternoon, they cook buckwheat with mushrooms or a puree of chicken and champignons.
  4. Have an afternoon snack with ice cream with crackers or drink a fruit and milkshake, and you can also have a snack with a fruit salad.
  5. For dinner, they cook a stew of red fish and vegetables or eat a portion of cottage cheese with cucumber and tomatoes.


  1. Saturday morning starts with toast and tomatoes or a sandwich made from whole wheat bread, ham, lettuce and cheese.
  2. They eat an apple for lunch.
  3. For lunch, cook chicken liver with vegetables or calf liver with an apple.
  4. For an afternoon snack - they drink kefir with a piece of fruit pie or eat fresh vegetables.
  5. For dinner, boil fish, sprinkle with chopped herbs or eat a portion of salad from boiled beets and homemade cheese.


  1. For breakfast they cook “fried eggs” sprinkled with cheese and toast or eat cottage cheese with berries and fruits.
  2. For lunch, it is enough to eat slices of hard cheese.
  3. For dinner, boil durum wheat noodles and chicken, or prepare meat broth with lentils and add sour cream to it.
  4. For an afternoon snack - pancakes with fresh berries or a salad of feta cheese and lettuce or carrots.
  5. Have dinner with boiled meat with vegetables or a vegetable salad from any raw vegetables.

Exiting the diet

There are no special recommendations for exiting from this diet, since at the end of it, the body gets used to the minimum portions and regular meals, as well as to the diet, in which a large proportion is accounted for by the use of healthy foods. . After the diet, it is necessary to increase the amount of food consumed, but it is better to increase not the volume of servings, but the number of meals. They eat in small portions, for example, not 5 times a day, but 6-7.

Pros and cons of diet

Among the advantages of the diet are:

  • Smooth weight loss, which has a good effect on the body as a whole. Therefore, after a diet, kilograms will not return.
  • There is no need to count kilocalories.
  • It is allowed to change the amount of food consumed.

The best option is to eat 4 times a day, if you find it difficult to maintain breaks between meals, then it is allowed to eat 5-6 times.

  • It does not require financial costs, since you do not change your usual food, but simply reduce the amount of portions.
  • This is a balanced diet, there are no imbalances in the ratio of the main nutrients.
  • Develop the habit of eating in small portions, not overeating. The stomach quickly gets used to the new diet, so you simply don't want to increase the amount of servings in the future.

There are practically no drawbacks to the "saucer" diet, but pregnant women, nursing mothers and people suffering from diseases of the digestive system should refuse any diet. And also it is not suitable for people with obesity, since with such minimal portions, the body will experience stress, which can provoke an exacerbation of various diseases. It is better to consult a specialist before use.


For 2 weeks of using the "saucer" diet, you can lose from 3 to 7 kg, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, without having to give up your favorite culinary masterpieces. Those losing weight, who decided to continue to adhere to such a diet, lost up to 20 kg in 4 months and got rid of the habit of transmitting.

So, the diet "saucer" has established itself as an effective way to lose weight, with which you can lose extra pounds without harm to your own health and switch to a proper and healthy diet. Try, perhaps this way of losing weight is right for you!

Many dietitians do not consider "Platter" a diet in the traditional sense of the word. This is due to the fact that this course does not provide for any specific food rations with clearly defined breakfasts, dinners, etc. The saucer diet focuses mostly on the amount of food consumed, which is why its name is related. It is worth noting that the Saucer diet reviews and results are positive.

Thus, this method of losing weight will allow you to develop the right eating habits. You will get used to small portions and will be able to fully fill them, avoiding overeating. As a result of this, the process of weight loss will occur.

The advantage of this diet is that, on a psychological level, it is much easier to follow than courses based on a number of taboos. Although your portions will become much smaller, you will not have to deny yourself your favorite dishes!

How to follow the "Saucer" diet?

Many people find it difficult to lose weight due to the fact that it is difficult for them to give up their eating habits developed over the years. For example, some people simply cannot imagine a day without a chocolate bar. Within the framework of the "Saucer" diet, this seemingly most dangerous product for the figure is quite acceptable. However, a serving of chocolate must fit in a saucer. Moreover, you can afford such a delicacy even at night, but then you will have to replace your dinner with this chocolate bar.

Although the original version of the diet does not provide for any restrictions on food, nutritionists still put forward a number of additional recommendations for its compliance:

  • exclude fast food and convenience foods from your menu;
  • refuse mayonnaise, spread and margarine (it is better to add grape or olive oil to salads);
  • give up bread in favor of loaves;
  • do not allow long breaks between meals;
  • always sit down at the dinner table at the same time (for example, breakfast - 8.00, lunch - 12.00, afternoon tea - 16.00, dinner - 19.00);
  • consume more fermented milk drinks (fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt);
  • once a week include a plate of cottage cheese in your menu (the body needs to replenish its calcium supply);
  • carefully monitor the amount of fluid you drink (multiply your weight in kg by 40 ml - this will be your fluid intake per day).

During the "Platter" diet, almost all drinks are allowed. However, special preference should be given to green and herbal tea, as well as fermented milk products. If you want to drink something sweet, then it is better to use as a sweetener not sugar, but a little fructose or a sweetener.

It is also advisable to drink once a week. This will keep your muscle mass in good shape.

Regular intake of a vitamin-mineral complex will not be superfluous, so during the "Saucer" diet, as well as during any other, the body will receive much less useful and necessary elements from food.

It is recommended to consume the maximum amount of fiber (its best sources are fruits and vegetables), but do not forget about protein foods. Due to the fact that with such small portions it will be difficult for you to fully control the balance between fats and proteins, once a day your meal should consist entirely of meat dishes.

Another especially frightening diet rule for many is regular exercise. However, physical activity should be moderately intense so as not to bring the body to exhaustion. The best option would be daily morning exercises and outdoor walks.

Difficulties and deficiencies in diet

Despite the fact that "Platter" cannot be attributed to strict diets with a huge list of contraindications, it still has some disadvantages.

For example, if your weight is 65 kilograms, but you want to weigh 60, there will be no problem. But if your body weight significantly exceeds the norm, then the 4 saucers provided by the diet will become a global stress for your body.

In addition, long-term adherence to such a diet can lead to digestive and peristalsis disorders.

Of course, as with any other method of weight loss, it is best to consult with your doctor initially.

Diet Saucer: menu for the week

1st day:

  1. In the morning meal, you can afford a cup of tea or coffee (some replace this with vegetable juice), a sandwich with cheese and tomato.
  2. For lunch, eat 100-150g of vegetables, they can be boiled, a little mayonnaise is also allowed.
  3. For an afternoon snack - fruit salad.
  4. Before going to bed, eat 100g of fish (bake in the oven), add some beans and lemon to the dish.

2nd day:

  1. For breakfast, eat one chicken egg, yogurt and you can have a cup of coffee.
  2. For lunch, prepare a vegetable salad and boil the meat.
  3. For an afternoon snack, have a snack with half a bun and drink half a glass of low-fat yogurt (you can replace it with kefir).
  4. Prepare a vegetable stew before bed.

3rd day:

  1. Eat 5 tablespoons in the morning. muesli, eat yogurt and drink coffee.
  2. At lunchtime, you can make vegetable soup and toast (use only whole grain bread).
  3. For a snack, prepare a banana smoothie (half a cup), add strawberries or a little chocolate there.
  4. Eat a tuna sandwich for dinner and top with a leaf of lettuce.

4th day:

  1. Eat omelet and tomato each for breakfast.
  2. For lunch, eat a vegetable salad and a slice of ham.
  3. For an afternoon snack, use cottage cheese (low-fat), some fruit is allowed.
  4. Before bed, make a turkey stew with carrots and peas.

5th day:

  1. In the morning, eat oatmeal, you can add a little dried apricots to the porridge, and it is allowed to have a snack on toast.
  2. For lunch, prepare mushroom soup and boil chicken.
  3. For an afternoon snack - a glass of milkshake (add fruit).
  4. Stew salmon and tomatoes for dinner.

6th day:

  1. Breakfast can be repeated from the first day.
  2. For lunch, eat 100g of calf liver (stew) and an apple.
  3. For an afternoon snack, drink an incomplete glass of kefir and have a snack with a fruit pie.
  4. For dinner, prepare a salad of beets, season with lemon juice and olive oil.

7th day:

  1. Eat toast in the morning, eggs and cheese can be fried, tea or coffee is allowed from drinks.
  2. For lunch - lentil soup with chicken meat, you can add a little sour cream.
  3. For an afternoon snack, have a snack with berries and pancakes.
  4. Dinner - vegetable salad.

Eating after diet

One of the positive aspects of the "Saucer" diet is that in most cases, the lost weight does not return. This is due to the fact that during the course you will not have any restrictions on food - only on portion sizes. But you can easily eat small amounts of food at the end of the diet, since during the period of following such a diet, your stomach will get used to this amount of food, therefore you will not want to especially increase the size of the dishes yourself.

If you find it too difficult to limit your diet to 4 saucers a day, you can start with 5 or 6, and then gradually move to 4. You can also sometimes replace the saucer with a small plate, but only if this plate contains only vegetables or fruit.

Although the diet does not prohibit sweets, it would be better to refuse confectionery. But if you have a sweet tooth and cannot imagine your life without desserts, it is recommended not to include such products in the volume of the saucer, but to use them as a kind of reward for yourself. For example, if you abstain from sweets during the work week - on Saturday, reward yourself with a slice of cake or a few chocolates that will not be included in the prescribed daily amount of food. This approach will help you resist the temptation to fill your saucer every day with something sweet.

At the end of the diet, of course, you need to increase the amount of food consumed. However, in order to prevent weight gain, it is better not to increase the portions, but to increase the number of their receptions. Continue to eat little by little, but sit down at the table not 4 times a day, but 5 or 6.

Diet saucer: results and reviews

The diet dish reviews and results are quite positive, many note the ease of adherence to the presented dietary course. You can eat whatever you want, as long as you don't overeat. The body gets used to small portions over time, which has a good effect on the figure. Despite such a good dignity, some reviews also note a minus, for example, the Saucer diet is not suitable for those who are obese.

The final results of the diet speak of high efficiency, a huge number of reviews mark this diet as one of the best. In one month, they lose up to 3 kg, and at the same time they do not deny themselves many products. You can also see better results, for example, some manage to lose 1 kg in one week, and 20 kg in 3 months. So, the Diet Saucer before and after:

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