Home Useful properties of fruits Marriages where the difference is 20 years. Age difference: likely scenarios for the development of relationships. Test: "Will the relationship of a couple with an age difference be successful?"

Marriages where the difference is 20 years. Age difference: likely scenarios for the development of relationships. Test: "Will the relationship of a couple with an age difference be successful?"

Reading time: 2 minutes

Pedantry is a personality characteristic, which manifests itself in overly exact observance of the rules, accuracy in doing things and in everyday life, scrupulousness and adherence to trifles. This is the desire to maintain the routine course of things, accepted formal norms. Pedantry can have a mild degree of manifestation, which helps the individual to socialize favorably in society, following its rules, or it can be of a supernormal nature, which is a symptom of neuropsychiatric disorders (anankast) and can be reduced to obsessive ideas.

Pedantry in work is most often due to conscious decisions, which are motivated by the calculation of rationality and the desire to receive the maximum amount of benefit from the work environment (manifested in the high quality of work and adherence to deadlines). The difference between a high level of pedantry in labor activity and a painful high level is the consciousness of aspirations and the presence of strong experiences (in working pedantry there are no long and painful experiences, while in a painful form they are obsessive).

Pedantry, what is it

The meaning of the word pedantry is revealed in the strict adherence to laws, while the priority of laws is determined by a person's internal choices, and not established by society. A person who is inherent in pedantry, comes on time and leaves on a call, is accurate and principled in details (if at lunchtime he puts his desk in order every day and then drinks tea, then your proposal to change the order and spend this hour in a cafe may be met with indignation , and sometimes even).

Pedantry is one of the sides in psychology, since all efforts are made for personal complacency, even if it looks strange and inappropriate to others.

Pedantry, what is it? External manifestations of pedantry can be of a socially useful nature (accuracy, strict order). In general, this is the desire to bring the state of the surrounding world closer to a certain ideal, according to the pedant, state. Examples of everyday manifestations of pedantry can be: the arrangement of books on the shelf in a certain order (by color or size); finding all things in the house in their specific places; rituals associated with leaving work or home (completing the entire to-do list, checking water and electricity); strict adherence to the work plan, as well as the fulfillment of exclusively their duties, agreed in advance, regardless of the change in the situation; maintaining cleanliness and hygiene (brushing teeth strictly for ten minutes, washing hands after each touching someone, cleaning the apartment once a week, etc.).

It is also characteristic of pedants to take care of their health, among them there are practically no cases of alcoholism or drug addiction. This is due not to the presence of moral principles, but to the horror that a person experiences from a state of lack of control, which accompanies all types of intoxication.

It is difficult for people with pedantry to relax completely, because their life is subject to certain rules, non-observance of which leads to an increase in the level of anxiety, and compliance takes almost all of their life time.

Pedantry in work is almost entirely based on calculation and conscious execution, it is part of a life style that helps to achieve good results. Since there are many things that can be done automatically or out of habit, and do not require high energy consumption, but at the same time can bring very significant benefits (for example, keeping order on the desktop saves a lot of time that would otherwise be spent on search for necessary things or documents). Actions in the case of business pedantry are completely subordinate to the person, do not deeply affect his emotional sphere and at any time can be stopped by the person himself, without any negative experiences.

Pedantry is often combined with personal criticality, thanks to which a person analyzes incoming information. In the case of pedants, the chances of taking any information on faith are unlikely. Before changing their established life, they properly analyze alternative knowledge to the smallest detail and only then include it in the model of their own world.

Pedantry is, in psychology, a personality trait, which, in its excessive manifestation, is a trigger mechanism for the development of excessive anxiety, which, in essence, does not take place and does not in any way relate to the reality of what is happening. So a person may have a nervous breakdown due to the impossibility of disinfecting the palms at a certain time, or an important business meeting may fail because, according to his ideas, one should not step on the line on the floor.

Is pedantry good or bad?

The meaning of the word pedantry can acquire a positive and negative connotation, depending on the manifestation, as well as the one who evaluates. The positive manifestations include the planning of the day, maintaining cleanliness and always completed on time. For the person himself, these manifestations are certainly positive, although some others may be annoyed by the lack of spontaneity and some meticulousness.

Pedantry, like any manifestation of human characteristics, can be an advantage and can be a disadvantage, which depends on the level of development of pedantic manifestations. With a moderate manifestation, pedantry contributes to the manifestation of discipline, diligence. It is this characteristic that helps to start activities on time and bring what has been started to the end, contributes to the conscientious execution of affairs. In responsible projects with clear deadlines, it is the employees with moderately developed pedantry that are most appreciated. In this case, pedantry is good.

In its extreme manifestation, the pedant considers his beliefs to be exclusively true and imposes them on those around him, which also provokes a hostile attitude towards the pedant and the dictator. Excessive pedantry, as a personality trait, is closely correlated with the slowness of the course of neuropsychic processes, kindness and a sense of duty on the verge of idiocy, which entails a delay in making decisions and completing matters (after all, there is always the smallest detail that does not quite match and needs to be corrected). In this case, pedantry is bad.

Pedants suffer from a lack of psychological flexibility and a narrow circle of communication (there are people nearby who can tolerate all the characteristics of a pedant). In its negative perspective, pedantry (anankastnost) testifies to the presence of a deep fear of life and an irrepressible desire to at least slightly weaken it by introducing control into all areas. The more control a person establishes, the more secure and predictable events become, the less frightening life seems, but this does not give a real guarantee, since the world is uncontrollable and impossible to predict.

In the case of excessive pedantry, which is already acquiring the features of a disease, a person is not able to get rid of the emotions associated with the actions performed, even if he can still control the actions themselves. In such cases, even curtains that are not hanging at the "correct" angle can leave a mark on the mental state of the pedant for a long time. In some cases, painful pedantry develops into obsessive-compulsive disorder (with characteristic obsessive actions, such as constant hand washing) and psychosis.

How can you accustom yourself to pedantry? In addition to the manifestation of excessive pedantry, some people have a lack of it. Pedantry is not enough for people who are often late, do not care about compliance with the rules and regulations, they are not worried about their own appearance and the presence of order. This can be a manifestation of creativity in the personality, which does not tolerate predictability and stability, makes it possible to navigate in a changing situation and the ability to quickly switch. But if a lack of discipline negatively affects a person's life, then you should start developing such an ability in yourself.

The development of the missing pedantry can be started by identifying your own tasks, and following them exclusively. The methods and filtering of third-party, interfering cases are good in practical application. It is worth planning your own day, organizing the space.

As with most concepts, it is impossible to unequivocally determine whether pedantry is good or bad. It all depends on the person, the situation, the degree of manifestation and impact on the quality of life.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

Isolde Mayorova

Pedantry (or pedantry) - what is it in psychology? We are talking about the quality of a person, which presupposes the presence of extreme precision and accuracy in a person's actions, as well as an excessive tendency to comply with formal requirements and rules. If a person is pedantic, then he zealously and thoroughly follows the rules and certain norms, which he accepts for himself.

Is pedantry good or bad?

Pedantry is a character trait of anankastic people (anankast), which are often found in Northern Europe, and especially in Germany: everyone knows that the notorious German pedantry implies a character trait - accuracy. In Russia, pedants are rare.

The attitude of society to the discussed character trait is ambiguous, and therefore the question arises: is pedantry good or bad? There is no one-word answer to this question. If we talk about moderate pedantry, then it can be considered as a positive character trait, which cannot be said about excessive pedantry, which is a vice and the cause of various negative situations and conflicts.

A pedant is easy to determine by his desire to do everything in accordance with the unwritten rules. Such people strive for the ideal.

Negative character traits of a pedant

Pedants are very prone to imposing their own opinions and habits on other people, since they sincerely consider their vision of the world "the ultimate truth." Such a person can hardly be considered pleasant to talk to. If we choose a synonym for the definition of "pedantry", then I recall people who are often called such words as "wood", "cracker", "formalist".

Pedantry cannot be regarded as an absolute synonym for formalism. It would be more accurate to say that formalism is only the visible tip of the iceberg called "Pedantism"

Pedantry, if it is present in the character, manifests itself in any situation. Pedants usually arrange things in the closet, food in the refrigerator in a special way, arrange books on the shelf in accordance with their size and color of the cover. Anacastas get annoyed if someone "wrongly" put their shoes in the hallway, laid out the plates in the kitchen cupboard, hung a towel on the wrong side in the bathroom.

The pedantic type of a person's character means that its owner seeks to bring completeness and perfection to the world the way he imagines it. This desire often turns into the imposition of their habits on others, which becomes the cause of conflict situations, scandals in the family and at work.

Pedants love order in everything, in particular, arrange books by size or color of the cover

Pathological pedantry

In psychology, there is such a concept as "Pathological pedantry", which denotes the excessive and scrupulous desire of a person for accuracy and order, brought to the point of absurdity, when a person performs actions that are more reminiscent of a certain ritual. For example, we can talk about a schedule for a week or a month in advance of a menu of home meals, clothes that a person will wear on a particular day.

Anankastas are prone to relentless rechecking of work, household appliances when leaving the house. And this despite the fact that the pedantic personality type of people does not imply that they have such qualities as forgetting to close the door or turn off the gas. Any chores around the Anankasts' house take much more time than it should be. This is due to the fact that almost everything they do several times: they wash dishes, vegetables during cooking.

According to experts, pathological pedantry is the inability to distinguish significant details from small and insignificant... Pedants show pettiness and meticulousness, performing even the simplest, and sometimes absolutely useless work. With such manifestations, pedantry is considered a serious psychological deviation..

Excessive pedantry is the cause of anankastic personality disorder. This phenomenon negatively affects relationships with others and the ability to make decisions.

Positive traits of a pedant

but talking about pedants exclusively in a negative way would be biased... A pedant is a person who loves order, which is positively assessed by society. It is no coincidence that the word “pedant” has a sufficient number of positive synonyms: “neat”, “literal”, “clear”.

Pedants and profession

Anankastas perfectly fit into the team, becoming indispensable people in many professions... Moderate pedantry is essential for professions such as aircraft technicians or auto repairmen who are required to repeatedly check and revise planes or cars to ensure safety. Therefore, if a person is not a pedant, then he should think before choosing this kind of profession.

Pedants at home

Pedantry is manifested in Anankasts and in everyday life.- they constantly double-check their homework. A pedantic woman (pedant) is an excellent housewife, in whose house cleanliness and order reign, where everything is polished and ironed. True, the pedant's house usually looks more like a museum, and therefore the atmosphere in it cannot be called cozy, and washing the floors four times a day can tire not only the woman herself, but also all household members. However, a pedant man is also capable of "building" an entire family.

Pedants are irreplaceable workers

Anancast, who works as an accountant, will be a "valuable find" for any company, since all documentation will be in perfect order, and the balance will be reduced to a penny. Anankastas simply cannot do anything "somehow".

Moderate pedants are serious, solid people who perform any work entrusted to them with high quality and on time. Anankasta are people of duty who are conscientious about their duties... These qualities of pedants are highly valued by leaders.

Career Prospects for Pedants

Pedants are formalists and sometimes unbearable bores, but in some professions these qualities cannot be dispensed with. And therefore, Anankasts often have an excellent career - they become good high-level leaders. Moreover, this may not even happen according to their will.

Just responsible people who perform their duties well, often move up the career ladder. However, Anankast leaders are afraid of making independent responsible decisions and taking responsibility for other people.

Moderate pedantry is often appreciated by employers. Such people do an excellent job in work that requires scrupulous adherence to the rules.

Cleanliness in everything

In order to better understand who a pedantic person is, it should be noted that we are talking about neatness and cleanliness, which is primarily manifested in his appearance: clean and carefully ironed clothes, neat hairstyle, well-polished shoes. Pedants, even when they are at home, do not allow their appearance to be slovenly.

Parent Pedants

In the matter of raising children, pedantic people are true to themselves: the established regime cannot be violated, and therefore at the specified time, the child must go to the potty, go to bed coming home from school. However, you shouldn't get the impression that a pedantic person means a bad parent. Pedants are not insensitive personalities, and therefore, like all parents, they love children, sacrifice themselves for them.

Pedants take the time to put things in order, without it they will start to get nervous

Pedantry test

If you want to know if this quality is present in you, then try to pass the pedantry test, the more so it will not be difficult to do this - you just need to agree or disagree with the proposals set out. You should answer yes or no to the proposed statements. You cannot ponder the answer for a long time:

I always keep the funds in my wallet in perfect order.
It is with great joy that I am engaged in a business that requires increased responsibility.
People make too few demands on each other.
It's hard not to notice carelessly folded shoes, clothes, and a mess. There is a desire to fix it.
I do all the work with diligence and scrupulousness.
I can’t sleep if I’ve spent the whole day thinking about a particular situation.
Each thing should have its own permanent place.
If you do not have time to finish your business, then you can go home with peace of mind.
Before leaving the apartment, I always double-check the taps, switches, etc.
I pour all the liquids to the edge of the dishes.
Obsessive thoughts arise.
You don't think it's right to make a plan for the day.
If you notice that a person is not coping with the work, then there is a desire to do everything on their own.
You are distracted from worries if you are doing work for a long time.

So, for choosing the answer "yes" to statements numbered 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14 add 1 point each. For the answer “no” to statements numbered 2, 8, 12, also add 1 point each. Add these numbers together. The result will show the level of pedantry of your personality.

If the sum is from 0 to 4, the level is low. With an amount of 10 to 14 - high.


Pedantism is a special personality trait, it is not entirely correct to talk about whether it is good or bad. This is a given that is present in a person, regardless of his desire. Pedantry is an ambiguous personality trait that brings both positive and negative traits into it. In this regard, we urge you to treat people tolerantly, not to hang labels on them, remembering that we are all different!

March 31, 2014 5:43 pm

So, you met, fell in love, decided to live together. In your chosen one, you like his accuracy, accuracy, stability.

Very attractive! Isn't it worth thinking about the fact that all these are signs of pedantry? Your chosen one is a pedant: is it good or bad? Everything will depend on you and your desire. If you want passion, crazy deeds, armfuls of flowers, serenades under the balcony, fountains of champagne, endless sex - alas, you have the wrong address. If things like confidence in the future matter to you, if you care about the future, order and stability, then you need a pedant. So who is he - a pedant? What do they eat it with, as they say? What properties and qualities does it possess? Is it good or bad? In this we will try to figure it out. Understand all the disadvantages and advantages of this phenomenon.

What are the disadvantages of a pedant husband?

First, about the bad. In Dahl's explanatory dictionary, the definition is: "A pedant is a strict, precise, picky, self-confident follower of a one-sided order ...". For me personally, this is not very attractive. believe that pedants are born, not become. If your husband is a pedant, then order will become just a nightmare for you. You will have to disassemble and re-fold all the things in the closets under the close supervision of your sweetheart. It is necessary to put things in a strictly defined order, understandable only to him alone. Fold the laundry in an even pile, pre-sorted according to the quality of the fabric and the color. Socks are folded heel to heel, toe to toe, no glomeruli. And again, in color and quality, and most importantly - in separate bags. The shirts are ironed, hung one at a time, in no case pressed against each other, otherwise, God forbid, they will be wrinkled. The trousers should hang in the trouser clips, arrow to arrow. Your closet will also undergo a reorganization. Do not expect that they will take your word for it - there will be a thorough check, up to the drawing up of an act of completed work. Your home should be in perfect condition. The excuse that she did not have time or that she is not feeling well is not accepted. The bed is made under the ruler - no folds, no wrinkles. If the bedspread is with flowers, be extremely careful - the flowers look up, not down (where the spouse determines the top and bottom). We don't even talk about such trifles as dust and not watered flowers, everything is clear and so. Next is the kitchen. Here is a treasure trove of nagging. Cereals, spices, pasta - everything must lie in special containers with inscriptions that naturally correspond to the contents. And then suddenly you need to salt, and in a jar - chili pepper, that's bad luck! The jars in the closet are in a strictly defined order, exactly, slender, like soldiers on the parade ground. Cups, plates, glasses - everything has its place, a certain shelf. Refrigerator - better ask your husband to do this and put the food "as it should". Believe me, you will not please him. Your cosmetics will also be carefully selected and sorted. Everything will be arranged according to color, size, quality. That will not pass the casting - will fly to the trash can. Shoes are generally from the unreal world. It should be: washed, polished to a shine, stand straight along the thread. For all deviations from the established rules, even minimal ones, you will receive a reprimand, discontent, scandals. The pedant lives by his own laws. He has his own point of view on everything, and he does not tolerate the slightest interference in his routine. Do you have enough strength and energy to maintain the established order once and for all? Then go ahead!

What are the advantages of a pedantic husband?

But there is also another side of the coin. From the point of view, there are many advantages here. Yes, it's hard to live with a pedantic man, but it is quite possible. Don't try to change it - it's useless. Try to understand and accept him for who he is - get considerable benefits from living together. If you are still studying, then this purchase has no price! Well, who, if not a pedant, will be the first assistant and teacher? He will scrupulously study the subject, and then he will tirelessly explain to you, chew, explain, until you understand what's what. He will never get tired of explaining and helping you - after all, this is a trait of his character. Then, when you have your children, you do not have to collect toys scattered by your child, sit with him at homework. The husband will show, explain, arrange everything so that everything is at hand and in its place. Men pedants, in the main, take on all the housework. Most often they cook exceptionally tasty. With great pleasure they wash, vacuum, wash the floor. Since every job is paid, do not forget and do not regret praise for him. With a gentle smile, admire his care, skill, diligence, patience. If you find the right approach to your loved one, then your life with him can be very happy. It is also better to entrust finances to him. The husband will never forget to pay or buy on time. The pedant will screw in the light bulb in time and call the plumber. Your life with a pedant is no lost things, unfulfilled promises, order in things and documents. And yet, it is very important - pedantry and alcoholism are not compatible concepts. How does it feel? With such a husband, you will never feel alone. Think, add up all the pros and cons, consider all the pros and cons, add your temperament to everything - get the result. Which? I can't say that - your choice, your decision.

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