Home Beneficial properties of fruits What does it mean to hit in a dream? Why do you dream about being beaten? Dream interpretations. List of used literature

What does it mean to hit in a dream? Why do you dream about being beaten? Dream interpretations. List of used literature

This dream means hidden dissatisfaction with someone or circumstances, various fears, jealousy and negative feelings. A dream that you are beating a person means anger, which for some reason you cannot show in reality, a struggle of motives and the activity of the dreamer himself in the fight against unfavorable circumstances.

Pay attention to whether you know the beaten person, whether there is aggressiveness and anger against him or not, and why you began to beat him.

This is why such a dream occurs most often.

When dreams are not interpreted

Usually, those who practice martial arts or play aggressive games on the computer, watch movies with superheroes and various plots, have dreams in which they can start hitting someone, often some character from the game or an unknown aggressor. Usually the dream book does not interpret such plots, since it is simply processing of information.

It happens that they do not appear in a dream immediately, but after a few days. However, such a dream does not mean anything. Therefore, if night pictures practically repeat movies or games, or you start hitting enemies using various techniques, then you should not look in a book about why you have such a dream. Since the dream book does not interpret such dreams.

The struggle of motives and feelings

This dream is most often expressed in sleep by various aggressive qualities, often fighting strangers and bullies, creditors and strangers. Usually fears and various feelings are presented in the form of various aggressors and are organically woven into the plot of the dream.

For example, a young guy is afraid that hooligans will beat him up and take away his new smartphone or tablet. He carefully hides this thing, trying not to be noticed by hooligans. And in a dream, he can see the beating of a person who wanted to decorate the phone or is trying to do so. The plot of such a dream is very transparent and does not require lengthy interpretation.

Why dream of beating an opponent in the face, even a stranger? Such a dream is an indicator of jealousy and a heightened sense of ownership. You are probably missing something in your personal relationships or are not fully trusted. Often a man, comparing himself with others, begins to feel that he is worse, that he falls short of the ideal, so he begins to see lovers in a woman’s bed and beat them, or next to her. And this is also an expression of feelings of jealousy and aggressiveness, as well as victory over one’s own self-doubt.

Sometimes a person has a feeling of resentment towards a relative or friend. In life, he cannot fight back and resist it in various ways. Therefore, beating such a person in a dream means expressing one’s suppressed feelings and gaining victory over them. Such a dream also means a struggle of motives. The one that is suppressed is presented in the form of an unpleasant person or relative whom you are going to beat.

Women's dreams

Why does a girl dream of hitting a man in the face or just a stranger? This dream means a desire to stand up for oneself or resistance to various feelings and thoughts of other people. If you dreamed that you began to hit a man in the face who was pestering him, then such a dream means independence, independence and the desire to assert oneself in the modern world.

Most likely, she will resist persistence, other people's activity and pressure from others. Sometimes the dream book interprets such a dream to mean that life will force a feminine person to show masculine qualities, which she will resist, trying for everyone to look after her and for everyone to like her.

Why dream of beating a drunken husband or guy on the street? The dream book writes that this means that you do not understand his creative potential and inner world, that is, what is dear to him. Perhaps you do not like his circle of friends and hobbies, and deep down you wish that he belonged only to you or was different. If such a dream is dreamed by a woman who has a husband, then the dream book writes that she does not want him to drink.

Unexpected guests.

Hitting a stranger means loss.

Beating a subordinate means you will lose the respect of your colleagues.

Husband, wife - expect divorce due to infidelity;

Children - family troubles associated with distrust of you on the part of household members.

To beat a stranger - you will soon learn about the death of a loved one whom you have not seen for a long time.

Enemy - luck has turned away from you; yourself - you are not destined to achieve what you want.

A defenseless person - you will cause failure or disaster in your life.

Beating an animal means sad events await you soon.

Hitting a dog - irreconcilable differences will lead to a severance of relations with your best friend;

Beating a cat - you will learn about betrayal that was hidden from you for many years;

Beating a horse with a whip - a false conspiracy is being hatched against you at work.

Imagine hitting someone playfully: without malice, as if jokingly, lovingly. The main thing in this visualization is to get rid of anger and come to a state of joy and play.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream Interpretation - Beat

Hitting someone means people will praise you.

If you dreamed that a stranger beat you, it means defeat and disaster.

If you saw your mistress beaten, it means eternal love.

If you see a beaten dog, your true friends doubt you.

Seeing a beaten cat means your neighbor will slander you.

Beating yourself in the chest means losing a relative.

If you knock on the floor, it means a promotion (for a bankrupt this is a good dream).

If you are beaten to death, trouble and grief will soon end, leading to a happy life.

If you order someone to beat another person to death, then that person will be your trusted friend.

If a patient sees such a dream, it means a speedy recovery.

Interpretation of dreams from

Any dream carries a piece of information, so experts recommend taking a closer look at all the moments, even the smallest ones. So, if you want to know what you dream about when you are hit in the face and whole body in a dream, we advise you to read the text below.

Such a dream is interpreted in different ways, it all depends on who is beating you and what, in your opinion, caused the quarrel. If this is a person who is unpleasant to you in real life, and you are to some extent afraid of him, then be careful.

If this is a complete stranger to you, then the dream immediately changes its meaning. The symbolic meaning of such a dream promises troubles and conflicts in the family and at work. Get ready for a dark streak in life. You should regard such a dream as a call to be careful in all your actions. Take a closer look at the people who surround you, you will probably find someone who wishes you harm.

A fight with a stranger promises loud scandals in real life, and these proceedings will be public and loud. The mental world of dreams is primarily what the sleeper experiences, so a dream in which you were beaten carries a symbol of mental and emotional relief in a relationship. Therefore, if someone beats you severely in a dream, then be sure that this someone will react to you in the same way in real life. Perhaps in life your offender will hide all his anger in his “fist”, but his reaction will be just as aggressive.

If you dreamed that you were fighting with your loved one: girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, etc. - such a dream promises peace and prosperity in future relationships. As a rule, this can happen in a dream after a quarrel or disagreement in real life. If you are hit on the cheeks or face, this means that during the quarrel your pride was hurt. Beating your loved one in a dream because he cheated - rest assured that this is a category of dreams for relaxing the psyche. Perhaps you have accumulated a lot of negative emotions, and in a dream you were able to clear your psyche of negativity.

If you fight with a person you know, then in real life expect disagreements and discord in business. If the fight happened with a complete stranger, then big problems await you; get ready for the fact that you will have to solve them, perhaps even in court.

After the fight, you saw that you received serious injuries or wounds, then the consequences of the showdown in real life will lead to a number of unpleasant events. If in a dream you were beaten without blood or wounds, fortunately a series of failures will soon end, rest assured that everything will work out.

In any case, it is important to take a closer look at all the details of the dream, remember and analyze it well. After all, even a small thing can carry an important meaning.

Freud's Dream Book

If a person dreams of beating in a dream, then the dreamer subconsciously dreams of sexual contact with sadistic and cruel, perverted elements, wants to feel power over his partner.

The dreamer may have a dream in which he is beaten in his sleep. What could this mean? If a person feels that he likes these sensations of pain, then he subconsciously longs to be a masochist, he is attracted to moral and physical humiliation.

If the dreamer himself beats up a person, then he dreams of getting closer to a certain person, and he is not interested in public opinion on this matter. It is important for him to satisfy his own desires and impulses, and not to adhere to moral standards. This dream also shows a certain tendency towards sadism, which in the future may appear quite unexpectedly.

If the dreamer beats children in a dream or comes up with punishments for them and carries out his intentions, then he is inclined to his own satisfaction and is not interested in the desires of others.

Miller's Dream Book

If the dreamer is seriously and cruelly beaten in a dream, then one should expect negativity. It is quite possible that a person will soon become seriously ill or his health will deteriorate greatly. A dream can also mean a warning; an attack on a person may occur in real life.

If a person sees his enemy in a dream. who is heading towards him and is about to hit him, then you need to carefully remember the details of the dream and the emotions that were experienced during it. If the dreamer is afraid and trembles with fear, then a real enemy will appear in life who will put a spoke in his wheels. A person will face serious troubles or betrayal in the near future. If the dreamer managed to overcome fear, then troubles will pass him by.

The dreamer expects joy and happiness, good news.

In the event that the dreamer himself hits someone, there may also be several interpretations. If he strikes with a knife, fist, or other types of weapons, then soon experiences and serious conflicts await him. The scandal will reveal all the shortcomings and unpleasant sides of this person. If the dreamer beats someone with a club, then he will soon go on a useless and difficult trip. In real life, stoning will allow you to defeat enemies and enemies and restore justice.

If the dreamer managed to kill the animal or person who attacked him, then this portends him great success in business, climbing the career ladder, and overcoming difficulties. If the dreamer is dealt a fatal blow, then a serious test awaits him. Soon he will have to experience extremely negative emotions.

If the dreamer is beaten with a whip in a dream, then you definitely need to take a closer look at your loved one. It is quite possible that the beloved has an admirer who is trying to take him away and ruin the relationship.

If the dreamer is beaten in a dream, then you also need to pay close attention to the parts of the body that were hit. Getting hit in the teeth means an imminent quarrel or scandal, injured fingers are harbingers of the appearance of envious people and enemies, a blow to the nose means deterioration of well-being and illness. It is also worth looking at those around you in real life and figuring out who is a friend and who is an enemy.

Getting hit in the stomach means problems in business and work, demotion or dismissal, and those around you will most likely lose respect for the dreamer. If the blow was received from a knife in the heart, then you should expect troubles in love relationships, betrayal and betrayal.
If a person beats himself in a dream, then soon he will be able to achieve his goal, he will succeed. If the dreamer hits himself with an ax, then this portends good luck and benefit. If a person beats a stranger with a stick, then soon he will have a new faithful comrade and friend.

Vanga's Dream Book

If the dreamer received a strong blow to the cheek, then he is highly dependent on the opinions of others, and is unable to realize himself and become free. A person needs self-affirmation to believe in himself and achieve harmony. It is better to do what seems right and not pay attention to others and their opinions.

If a person himself hits someone on the cheek in a dream, then his plans and intended goals will fail, he will not succeed.

Beating someone with a whip or whip means incontinence in emotions, an extremely nervous mental state, and even a breakdown. The dreamer will expose his feelings to everyone, which will play a bad joke on him. This will simultaneously ease his soul, but will also make him repent of what he said and be ashamed of himself.

If a person sees that he is being brutally beaten in a dream, then he needs to think about his actions and stop. In reality, the dreamer may make the wrong decision in an important situation due to haste and frivolity. It is imperative to think carefully about the matter, and then only carry out certain actions, otherwise his life may change radically for the worse.

If a person beats an unknown person, he will soon receive unexpected news.

If the dreamer skillfully dodged the blow, then he will get out of trouble with virtually no losses.

If the dreamer comes to the defense of a certain person in a dream and feels a blow on himself, then he will lose a lot due to the incorrect behavior of his family and friends.

Loff's Dream Book

If the dreamer is beaten by several strangers in a dream, then he is seriously afraid of something and experiences fear. It is quite possible that he is afraid of a specific person or certain life circumstances, or is worried about a certain reason. You need to change the situation and stop worrying.

If in a dream a person independently attacks a stranger, then he is very angry with a specific person; he is faced with a situation from which there is no way out. It is imperative to let go of the negative, otherwise losses in real life cannot be avoided.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

If a person beats himself on his own, then soon he will finally achieve his goal and defeat a strong opponent.
If the dreamer beats someone, then he will make the right decision and good luck is guaranteed.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If a person is beaten in a dream, then he is very afraid of someone, experiences extreme negativity in real life, and is worried about a certain reason.

If he beats someone himself, he will definitely make the right decision in a difficult situation, and as a result, his life will change for the better.

Modern dream book

If the dreamer sees himself being beaten, then in real life he is tormented by his conscience; he has an act behind him for which he very much repents and regrets. These could also be thoughtless words spoken in a fit of anger. If the dreamer is hit on the head, then the person wants to impose his own opinion on everyone. If the dreamer was beaten by deceased relatives, then he will soon become seriously ill.

If the dreamer sees a stranger being beaten, then he will greatly regret his actions in real life. If he sees his lover or spouse being beaten, then he is afraid that the relationship will end and is worried about this.

Other interpretations

What does it mean to dream in which a person is beaten by several strangers? It is quite possible that the dreamer has low self-esteem, so you must definitely get rid of this problem and believe in yourself. This may also mean that a person has certain phobias and fears that he does not risk talking about. You need to try to visit a psychologist and explain your emotional experiences.

If the dreamer saw a fight and could not stay away, but began to separate people, then he is trying with all his might to change his life, he is not satisfied with the real situation.

If the beating occurs in a basement or underground, this means that the past reminds of itself, the person in real life is tormented by memories and worries. And if the beating occurs in the air or in the sky, then soon the person will begin to undergo big changes in his life.

Dreams for girls

If a girl sees in a dream that she is being hit in the face, then there are several interpretations. If her lover or spouse inflicts blows, then you must take a close look at your relationship and observe the laws and traditions in family life. Only in this case will the spouses be happy, and the marriage will last a lifetime. Well, if a woman herself strikes her husband, then she considers him to blame for serious troubles, he greatly offended her.

You need to pay less attention to quarrels and problems, because in most cases all this is passing. If a woman sees in a dream how she beats her lover on her own, then the relationship does not lead to anything good.

Strange dreams

When in a dream a beating occurs with all its might, and blood should have appeared, but this never happened, then in real life a person will recognize a stranger who will turn out to be a reliable and devoted friend or lover.

Messengers of darkness beat you in your sleep

If a person sees in a dream otherworldly creatures who show strong aggression towards him, then soon he will fully feel what material and everyday problems are, and will experience a breakup or other problems. If a sick person sees such a dream, then soon his health will deteriorate even more. If an empty wallet is present in the same dream, then the person may become seriously ill for a long period of time.

What can bring success at work?

If a manager beats his employees, then in reality he will receive good news and a promotion. The financial situation will improve significantly, a promotion will definitely occur or the person will receive a bonus. It is quite possible that he will be transferred to another department and his salary will be significantly increased. Such dreams can only be seen for good.

Children and fights

If children beat their parents in a dream, this means that in reality they are seriously lacking attention. They get it through tantrums and blows. Parents need to think about why their child sees such dreams and reconsider their attitude towards him. It is possible that they are too busy at home and cannot pay enough attention to their baby. This may cause undesirable consequences in the future.


If a brother is beaten in a dream, then in real life a person should expect danger. Enemies are going to attack your brother or slander him. If a person himself fights with relatives in a dream, then he misses and yearns for them greatly. It is quite possible that a loved one will soon move far away or has already done so. Such a dream personifies the affection of relatives.

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Speaks of emerging shifts in the psyche, of a desire for sadism, masochism, or the emergence of various phobias, desires and ideas.

If you hit someone- this symbolizes your tendency towards sadism, your willingness to inflict physical or mental pain on your partner in order to more fully satisfy your desires.

If you get hit and you enjoy it- you have a tendency towards masochism; To obtain full sexual satisfaction, you will gladly undergo physical and mental torture.

If you beat (kill, destroy) insects or small animals in a dream- you have a tendency towards pedophilia.

If you hit or kick the corpses of people or various animals and birds- you are prone to necrophilia.

If you hit, punish children- You get the greatest pleasure from self-satisfaction.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

If you dreamed that you brutally beat a defenseless person- such a dream is a harbinger that you are on the verge of a big failure in life or even a disaster, for which you will only have yourself to blame.

A small fight in a dream without any serious consequences- means that your tension in relationships with others subsides, so that in reality no special conflicts are expected.

Beat up your husband or wife in your hearts- a sign of forgiveness of long-standing adultery or simply calming jealousy.

Jewish dream book

Beat a man- a loss.

Solomon's Dream Book

Beat the animal- infidelity.

Beat a man- illness, melancholy.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Are you being hit or are you being hit? Who are you fighting? Is there a reason to fight?- Emotional themes associated with such dreams are dominance, persecution, control over someone and aggressiveness. It is very important to understand the scale and result of the beating. Is this just a normal fight or could it be fatal?

If you are the aggressor- most likely, you are tormented by an insurmountable fear or anger that is asking to come out, you need to give it a way out. The person you hit represents aggression. Another version of the scenario portrays yourself as the victim.

If strangers hit you- they can personify both certain people from your everyday environment (boss, husband or wife, etc.), and fear of someone in general. Often we find ourselves a target for the blows of some archetypal figures. An example of an archetypal figure in this case, older guys who always bully the younger ones. Such a dream is typical for periods of formation.

Modern combined dream book

If you see in a dream that someone, in a fit of anger, rushes at you and begins to beat- this is not a good sign. You can expect family troubles and disagreements with loved ones.

Beat a child- means that in the near future you will take advantage of some advantages that you received undeservedly.

Eastern women's dream book

You see that you are being beaten- it means someone really wants to see you.

You yourself beat fiercely- this means that secret relationships will become obvious to others.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Hitting a person or animal in a dream- to family scandals.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Hit the dog- to break up with a friend, beat the cat- to treason.

Whip a horse- break up a false conspiracy.

To break dishes- to a scandal.

Beat a man- to loss.

Beat a child- to profit.

Beat your wife or husband- to a long family life.

Beat subordinates- to the good.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Beat yourself- you will completely achieve your goal; get beaten- well-being; think about hitting someone- you are waiting for some suitable opportunity; see someone getting hit- you will regret something; see a lot of people fighting- You will be a witness in court.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If someone hits you in a dream- this means family troubles.

If your husband hits you- this means that the mistakes you have made will cause disorder and turmoil in the family, disagreements and condemnation of you from members of the household.

Get beat up by friends- to well-being.

Seeing someone else getting hit- you will have to regret something.

Feeling the desire to beat someone in a dream- you are waiting for an opportunity to take revenge on someone.

Watch a fight in which both sides hit each other with equal success- will have to act as a witness in court.

Beat yourself in a dream- means, in reality, to fully achieve the goal.

Beating children- make serious mistakes in their upbringing.

Beat the animals- to illness, sadness and loss.

Defend from dogs- loyalty, from the cat- treason, from a snake- victory.

Beat flies- peace in the family, harmony between spouses, happy love for single people.

If you are being hit with a stick and you are screaming- this portends false rumors.

Beat someone with a stick- they will ask you for advice, for which they will later express gratitude.

Breaking dishes - slander will not destroy your well-being.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Hit a person or animal- illness, loss.

Dream book of the 21st century

Beating subordinates in a dream- to their obedience, wife- to her betrayal, husband- to a new friend, a pleasant surprise, a find, beat with a stick- to strong friendship.

Receiving blows from the living in a dream- to family happiness, all good things. From the dead - to troubles, melancholy.

Lunar dream book

hit someone- show fairness; to be beaten- fear, horror.

Beat your wife- her infidelity; being beaten portends bad things.

Chinese dream book

People beat you with a mallet- portends a disease.

An official beats you up- foreshadows mourning for parents.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Beat your wife- infidelity; subordinates - obedience; strangers- unknown villain, and beat yourself- road; beaten to be from subordinates or dead- illness, loss, mourning.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Hit someone yourself- to reconciliation and internal harmony; they hit you - good luck.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

hit someone- you will make peace with your enemies, someone you know will appear / not for good, a person will come and curse and do harm; by myself- road, achievement of plans; husband's wife- disease; husband wife- wait for guests / will change; children, husband, wife- family joy; children- family troubles; stranger- find the truth / harm, loss; enemy, villain- success in business; animals- illness, sadness, losses; assistants- they obey you; the deceased himself will be beaten by his henchman- troubles.

see dead cattle- loss.

Eat broken beef- help.

Esoteric dream book

You are hitting someone- your negative emotions are looking for a way out, you are ready to take your anger out on others.

You are being beaten- your fears and phobias. We need to change the situation and relax.

Dishes- depending on what exactly. In any case, your emotions will ruin everything.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

hit someone- to a fair decision, reconciliation and personal agreement; to be beaten- fear.

Collection of dream books

If you hit someone in a dream- victory over difficulties or your ill-wishers awaits you

If you observe in a dream that someone angrily rushes at you and begins to beat- this is a bad sign. You can expect problems in the family and conflicts with loved ones.

Beat a child- in the near future you will use the benefits that you received by chance.

Beat a man- to loss; animals- to melancholy and despondency.

Broken, crushed eggs- to a loss.

If you dream that you are hitting someone- the dream warns you of the need to restrain your impulses, otherwise you may harm yourself.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Why dream of beating a woman:

To beat someone - to a fair decision, reconciliation and personal agreement; to be beaten is fear; hit in a dream - quick luck.

1 Beat on Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Seeing beating in a dream means:

Broken, crushed eggs are a loss.

1 Beat on Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Hitting a dog means breaking up with a friend, beating a cat means treason.

Beating a horse with a whip means breaking a false conspiracy.

Breaking dishes means a scandal.

Hitting a person means loss.

Hitting a child means profit.

Beating your wife or husband means a long family life.

Beating subordinates is good.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Beat on Combined dream book

Hitting in a dream means:

If you see in a dream that someone angrily rushes at you and starts hitting you, this is a bad sign. You can expect problems in the family and conflicts with loved ones.

Beating a child - in the near future you will use the advantages that you received by chance.

1 Beat on Dream book of the future

Meaning of sleep: beat:

Hitting a person means loss; animals - to melancholy and despondency.

1 Beat on Solomon's dream book

Hitting an animal is infidelity.

To beat a person is a disease, melancholy.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Beat on Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

To beat someone - you will make peace with your enemies, someone you know will appear / is not good, a person will come and curse and do harm; yourself - the road, the achievement of your plans; husband's wife - illness; husband wife - wait for guests / will change; children, husband, wife - family joy; children - family troubles; unfamiliar - find the truth / harm, loss; enemy, villain - success in business; animals - illness, sadness, losses; assistants - obey you; the deceased himself will be beaten, the henchman will be in trouble.

1 Beat on Electronic dream book

To beat in a dream means:

Hitting children means bad manners, bad upbringing and family troubles.

1 Beat on ABC of dream interpretation

Seeing dead cattle is a loss.

There is broken beef - help.

1 Hit Loff's dream book

Why do you dream of beating a woman?

Are you being hit or are you being hit? Who are you fighting? Is there a reason to fight? - Emotional themes associated with such dreams are dominance, persecution, control over someone and aggressiveness. It is very important to understand the scale and result of the beating. Is this just a normal fight or could it be fatal?

If you are an aggressor, most likely you are tormented by an insurmountable fear or anger that is asking to come out, you need to give it a way out. The person you hit represents the source of aggression. Another version of the scenario portrays yourself as the victim.

If strangers beat you, they can personify both certain people from your everyday environment (boss, husband or wife, etc.), and fear of someone in general. Often we find ourselves a target for the blows of some archetypal figures. An example of an archetypal figure in this case, older guys who always bully the younger ones. Such a dream is typical for periods of formation.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Hit Hasse's dream book

Why dream of beating a woman:

Beat yourself - you will completely achieve your goal; to be beaten is well-being; thinking about beating someone - you are waiting for some suitable opportunity; to see someone being beaten - you will regret something; see a lot of people fighting - you will be a witness in court.

1 Beat on Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Seeing beating in a dream means:

Hitting a person or animal means illness, loss.

1 Hit the Moon Dream Book

To beat in a dream in the dream book is interpreted as:

To beat someone is to show justice; to be beaten is fear, horror.

Beating your wife means her infidelity; being beaten portends bad things.

1 Beat on Azar's Dream Interpretation

Hitting in a dream means:

A slaughterhouse where butchers slaughter cattle for meat and cut off pieces for you, a sign of an unfavorable division that will be made by someone.

Beating animals is boring.

Beat your wife or husband - someone will kill you.

Beating animals is boring.

Beating a donkey means you are harsh with your loved ones.

To beat someone with a rod is to have a tendency to give advice.

hitting a person is a loss.

1 Beat on Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Meaning of sleep: beat:

A person kicks you - acquiring wealth.

If you beat your wife or concubine, you will lose your strength.

A wife or concubine beats you - misfortune, trouble.

A stranger hits you - you will gain strength.

Women fighting - portends illness.

Brothers fighting among themselves is a great happiness and benefit.

Seeing a person being killed portends great happiness.

A man pricks you with a bamboo tag, a stick - happiness, prosperity, good luck.

Stabbing a person repeatedly with a knife brings joy and benefit.

Fighting with knives with someone so that blood is visible is happiness.

People hitting you with a mallet portends illness.

An official beats you - portends mourning for your parents.

If you inflict a wound on yourself with a knife or an ax, it portends great success and benefit.

1 Beat on Russian dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of beating:

If you hit someone in a dream, victory over difficulties or your ill-wishers awaits you.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Beat on Esoteric dream book

Why you might dream of hitting:

You hit someone - your negative emotions are looking for a way out, you are ready to take your anger out on others. You are being beaten by your fears and phobias. We need to change the situation and relax. Dishes - depending on what exactly. In any case, your emotions will ruin everything.

1 Beat on the Online Dream Book

To beat in a dream means:

If you dreamed that you beat others, in life make peace with those with whom you have been quarreling for a long time; In general, this is a bad sign; perhaps you have an ill-wisher.

If in a dream a wife beats her husband, his health will deteriorate in reality, if vice versa

Strike your secret passion - your relationship will soon become public knowledge.

To dream that you are spanking children means expect problems with relatives.

A dream in which you hit people unknown to you promises losses, strike someone who is weaker than you

If you dream that you want to beat someone, in reality you are driven by the desire for speedy retribution.

Witnessing a fight in a dream means you will be upset.

If you dreamed that you were beating animals, it means problems with your health and finances.

At the same time, swatting a fly in a dream means family well-being, meeting your soul mate.

If you dream that you are kicking a dog, a quarrel with a close friend awaits you; hit a cat in a dream

If you dreamed that you were whipping a horse, someone’s insidious plans will fail.

A dream in which they beat you is a good sign, but only if it is not the dead who do it

If you dreamed that you smashed dishes into smithereens, a quarrel cannot be avoided.

Dreaming of beating your loved one means discord and scandals; you will have to reconsider your relationship with each other. Troubles in the family or in couples who have been together for a long time.

To beat a person with a stick - in life you will have to help someone, become a faithful assistant in difficult matters.

Beating a girl means living together happily ever after, in complete harmony with each other.

You dream of beating your wife - in her life she may have a lover or a double life. In order not to be tormented by guesswork, try to have a calm conversation and find out whether this is really so.

Hitting the face - unconsciously you want to harm someone, to get even with the offender. Suppress these destructive desires in yourself, try not to hold a grudge against your ill-wishers.

To beat a woman, according to the interpretation of the dream book, a man will face problems of an intimate nature.

Being a child means troubles in the family, mutual rejection of each other's values, different interests and prerogatives on the horizon.

To beat a person you barely know is to triumph over reality trials. Or the dream is a warning to control your rage and anger.

If you dream of beating your husband, a real, deep feeling connects you with him. His love is as strong and reliable as yours.

Beating your father in a dream means that in life he will not be threatened with illnesses and illnesses, his health will be at its best, and he will not have to worry about his health.

1 Beat on To the Dream Interpreter of 1829

If a girl dreams of beating, it means:

Beating one's subordinates in a dream means their obedience.

Beating your wife in a dream is a sign that she is unfaithful; to beat people beyond your control means to suffer a loss from something and generally portends something unpleasant; hitting yourself means the way.

To be beaten in a dream by someone else is a good sign and foretells the acquisition of important benefits from something.

To beat them or kill them to death means imprisonment or death penalty for criminals of the laws;

1 Hit the Dream Book of the 21st century

Why do you dream of beating a woman?

Beating subordinates in a dream - to their obedience, a wife - to her betrayal, a husband - to a new friend, a pleasant surprise, a find; hitting with a stick - to strong friendship.

Receiving blows from the living in a dream means family happiness and everything good. From the dead - to troubles, melancholy.

1 Hit Freud's dream book

To see beating in a dream means:

To beat someone means to perform sexual intercourse or to seek the shortest route to it.

Often such a dream speaks of emerging shifts in the psyche, a desire for sadism, masochism, or the emergence of various phobias, desires and ideas.

If you hit someone, then this symbolizes your tendency towards sadism, your willingness to inflict physical or mental pain on your partner in order to better satisfy your desires.

If you are beaten and you get pleasure from it, then you have a tendency towards masochism; To obtain full sexual satisfaction, you will gladly undergo physical and mental torture.

If you beat (kill, destroy) insects or small animals in a dream, then you have a tendency towards pedophilia.

If you hit or kick the corpses of people or various animals and birds, then you are prone to necrophilia.

If you beat and punish children, then the greatest pleasure you get from self-satisfaction.

1 Beat on French dream book

Interpretation of a dream about beating:

If you dream that you are hitting someone, the dream warns you about the need to restrain your impulses, otherwise you may harm yourself.

Beating your husband in a dream is a sign that his love for you is sincere and deep.

Hitting your lover (mistress) in a dream is a harbinger that your secret affection will soon be revealed to others.

1 Beat on The correct dream book

Interpretation of a dream about beating:

wife - her infidelity; being beaten portends bad things

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Beating in a dream predicts:

Hitting a person or animal in a dream means family scandals.

1 Beat on Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Why do you dream about Beating:

To beat someone yourself - to reconciliation and internal agreement; they hit you - good luck.

1 Beat on Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Beating your wife is infidelity; subordinates - obedience; strangers are an unknown villain, and beating yourself is expensive; to be beaten from subordinates or the dead - illness, loss, mourning.

1 Beat on Dream book of Nina Grishina

To beat someone means to transfer your strength and potency to another.

Beating subordinates is their obedience.

The wife is her betrayal.

Beating your mother means worrying about her, thinking about her.

Beating the sick means their health.

Outsiders - their crime against you.

Pushing a passerby is a new thing.

Hitting someone without a break is a joy at work.

To give a slap means to quarrel with your wife.

To pinch is slander or wealth, depending on the dream.

Scratching is a loss.

To beat the mummers is a surprise.

Beating Jews is expensive.

Beating your husband is a new friend, a godsend, a pleasant surprise.

Hitting with a stick means friendship.

To be beaten is to acquire strength and power from a friend.

Receiving blows from the living means family happiness, everything is fine.

From the dead - trouble, melancholy.

For a man to receive a slap or a slap in the face is a gift / a call for caution.

For a woman to receive a slap in the face from a man is a woman’s disease.

From a woman - friendship.

To be a beaten husband is all good and his love is special.

Brother, sister, relatives beat you - get help from them.

1 Beat Miller's dream book

They beat a sleeping person - it’s not good, family troubles, disagreements; hitting a child - you have unfairly gained an advantage over someone.

1 Hit the Small Dream Book

If you dreamed that you were breaking dishes, then in reality your lack of self-confidence often has a very detrimental effect on the course of your affairs. For a wife to see a dream in which her husband beats her means that unfortunate circumstances will bring discord into the family. A dream in which a strong wind blows in your face means that you will be able to confidently move along your intended path, regardless of any difficulties.

1 Beat on Dream book alphabetically

Why do you dream about Beating:

If someone hits you in a dream, this means family troubles.

If your husband hits you, it means that the mistakes you have made will cause disorder and turmoil in the family, disagreements and condemnation of you from members of the household.

Being beaten by friends is a sign of well-being. Seeing someone else being beaten means you will have to regret something.

Feeling the desire to beat someone in a dream means you are waiting for an opportunity to take revenge on someone.

Watching a fight in which both sides hit each other with equal success means you will have to act as a witness in court.

Beating yourself in a dream means fully achieving your goal in reality.

Beating children means making serious mistakes in their upbringing.

Beating animals means illness, sadness and loss. To defend yourself from dogs is fidelity, from a cat is treason, from a snake is victory.

Beating flies means peace in the family, harmony between spouses, happy love for single people.

If you are beaten with a stick and you scream at the same time, this portends false rumors.

To beat someone with a stick - they will ask you for advice, for which they will later express gratitude.

Breaking dishes - slander will not destroy your well-being.

1 Beat on Dream book of the 20th century

If you dreamed that you brutally beat a defenseless person: such a dream is a harbinger that you are on the verge of a big failure in life or even a disaster, for which you will only have yourself to blame.

A small skirmish in a dream without any serious consequences: it means that your tension in relationships with others is subsiding, so that in reality no special conflicts are expected.

1 Beat on Islamic dream book on the Koran and Suna

Beating oneself in the face - a pious woman slapping herself on the face with her palms indicates the joyful news for her about the birth of a boy after she had already despaired of it, for the words of the Most High read: “And they (the angels) told him (Ibrahim) the good news about wise boy - a baby. But then his wife came forward and, slapping herself in the face in amazement, exclaimed: “After all, I am not a fertile old woman!” (Sura Zariyat, 28, 29). Sometimes this means deviation from the commandments of Allah, disobedience to Him and comprehension of His punishment if the blows are too strong and are accompanied by screams.

1 Beat on Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Why do you dream about Beating:

  • Hitting someone with a belt in a dream means you will make an enemy in the near future. The more furiously you hit, the more cunning your enemy will be.
  • If you dream of beating someone with a whip, you will witness an unpleasant argument in which you will have to take someone’s side.
  • They beat you in a dream - you will be in a humiliating situation, but you will come out of it with dignity.
  • If you happen to hit yourself, this is a positive dream that promises you good luck and achieving your desired goal.
  • You only intended to beat someone, but did not fulfill your intention, which means that in reality, before acting, you will have to wait for the right opportunity.
  • In a dream, there are a large number of people fighting, a mass brawl - most likely, you will need to appear in court as a witness.

1 Beat on Modern dream book

  • If you happen to beat a person or animal, in reality you will have to experience some kind of loss or experience longing for something so far unattainable for you. Sometimes a dream predicts illness.
  • If you dream of beating children, expect family problems in reality. Or you yourself will behave inappropriately.
  • If a poor person sees how he fights with a wild ferocious beast, fights with predators, this is a good sign, saying that his life will soon change radically, wealth and high office await him.
  • If a rich, influential person dreams of beating an animal, this is a prediction that he will soon have to endure shame and lose his influence.
  • Why dream that your husband beats you - this means that the mistakes you have made will cause disorder and turmoil in the family, disagreements and condemnation of you from members of the household.
  • Why dream that you are beaten by friends - this means well-being.
  • Feeling the desire to beat someone in a dream means you are waiting for an opportunity to take revenge on the person.
  • Why dream that you are watching a fight in which both sides hit each other with equal success - then you will have to act as a witness in court.

1 Beat on Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Beating - A dream in which an angry person hits you does not bode well; disagreements in the family are guaranteed.

To beat a child - you will gain an advantage over another person in an ignoble way; perhaps you will be harsh with your child.

1 Beat on Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

  • Hitting - hitting someone yourself is a warning that your overly emotional actions in reality can bring you a lot of trouble. Therefore, you should restrain your impulses, keep them in check.
  • In a dream, a woman hitting her husband or loved one is a very good sign, indicating that he really has sincere and deep feelings for you.
  • If you are not bound by marriage, beating your secret lover or mistress in a dream is a warning that your relationship will soon become public. In reality, you probably should be more careful or just break up.
  • Dreaming of beating someone with whom you are in a quarrel means that you will very soon make peace with this person and come to complete agreement with him.
  • If you saw in a dream that you were the one being beaten, this may be a warning that in reality you will have to experience fear.

1 Beat on Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

  • Hitting - beating yourself with a stick or mallet is not a very good omen, indicating that you may soon get sick. If you have not been examined by a doctor for a long time, it makes sense to do it right now, this way you can catch the disease at its very beginning.
  • You saw that an official, a representative of the government, is beating you, this is a sad omen - you will probably soon have to go into mourning for your parents.
  • Dreaming of beating someone means that you will be able to find a common language with this person and come to complete agreement. In the case when you and a person were in a quarrel, and you happened to beat him, in reality you will be able to reconcile.

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