Home Useful properties of fruits How the Kubans calmed the Timiryazevka. A positive image of the Krasnodar Territory Roman Viktorovich Konovalov, the son of Zolin Galina

How the Kubans calmed the Timiryazevka. A positive image of the Krasnodar Territory Roman Viktorovich Konovalov, the son of Zolin Galina

Good in the south. The snow has melted. In a week it will be +20. Against the backdrop of Moscow, swept with snow, it's just a paradise ... But where without a fly in the ointment. Not even spoons - tanks.

There are two troubles in the Krasnodar Territory - Governor Tkachev and his subordinates. Everything has been said about Tkachev a long time ago, he is like Kashchei the Immortal ... But it will take a long time to deal with his subordinates.

Meet the Lieutenant Governor Zolina Galina Dmitrievna. Sweet lady, isn't it?

Handyman. And manages health care, and education, and culture, and even the media. In December, she became a doctor of political sciences, having defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Socio-political community of the region in the information and communication universe: identical-image discourse”, and before that - Ph.D. “Formation of a positive image of the Krasnodar Territory in the media”. I don't know if it's plagiarism (maybe Dissernet wants to check it out), but it's enough not to die laughing and wonder why she holds the position of lieutenant governor.

So the lady is very preoccupied with shaping positive image of the Krasnodar Territory. What are your first associations with this region? I have the Black Sea, Kuschevka, Krymsk, the persecution of Suren Gazaryan, the Olympics in Sochi, heaps of government dachas, Utrish and the sun. Utrish has already been fucked up, they drank at the Olympics, so only the sun remains. I hope it will not be extinguished by the authorities of the Krasnodar Territory.

Galina Dmitrievna personally participates in the formation positive image. She built a maternity hospital that costs 5 times more than in any other region, which even Putin cursed, and bought a tomograph for 90 (!) Million rubles, which is 4 times higher than the regular price.

I crossed paths with Zolina in Krymsk. She is very positively had an effect on me. I gave out interviews at the Headquarters and reported (lied) that as many as 7,000 volunteers work in the city and they don’t need any help. And you and I remember very well how many volunteers were there and what role they played.

Positively had an effect on Marat Gelman. Organized protests against his exhibition ICONS, because. the modern view of icon painting allegedly offends Orthodoxy and morality. But for the KUBANA festival, where alcohol flows like water, half-naked girls dance, and obscene songs are yelled from the stage, it allocated money from the regional budget, although the festival is a business project. I'm not against the festival and the girls, but the hypocrisy and double standards are just off scale.

And now Galina Zolina is working tirelessly on the roads. Forms positive image of his native land, riding on the opposite lane. And yes, these are not clean roads - the snow has just melted.

In general, Madame has a very strange view of the concept of "positive". Are there readers from the Krasnodar Territory here? Maybe write a friendly letter to the traffic police?

2. Fill out the questionnaire.

3. Insert the text: “From open sources (http://youtu.be/qxjKaxzOXT8) I learned that an Audi car with state number K006KK93, assigned to the vice-governor of the Krasnodar Territory Zolina Galina Dmitrievna, March 12, 2013 at about 9 o'clock in the morning, he repeatedly grossly violated the rules of the road by driving into the oncoming lane. I ask you to identify the offender, the place of the offense and take the necessary measures in the manner prescribed by law.

The Kuban vice-governor failed to defend her doctoral dissertation at Voronezh State University. One of the reviewers called on the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) to check scientific work for the use of administrative resources and corruption.

Galina Zolina created an excellent information occasion. She became, if I am not mistaken, the first official in the country around whose scientific work such a powerful PR campaign unfolded. In fairness, I note that the work of journalists who covered and filmed the entire event was paid. Some of them didn't even try to hide it.

Rumors of resignation

Most likely, Zolina will become the first candidate for departure from the clip of vice-governors of the regional administration. Unless, of course, there is no special agreement between the predecessor and the successor on this score.

A real information war was launched against it.

For example, a little over a month ago, one of the federal media already sent Zolina to resign. It must be said that Galina Dmitrievna did not sit idly by and generously added fuel to the fire.

“I have been asking for a long time to divide the social bloc and assign it to two supervising vice-governors, following the example of a number of other regions, but so far I have to answer for all this myself ... I am very tired,” complained she is in an interview about her never completed resignation.

I've been asking for my resignation for two years now, but the governor won't let me. Therefore, I did not write any resignation letters. If the head of the region says that he no longer needs my services, I will leave right there. In the meantime, I continue to work in his team.

And why, one wonders, such a status lady needed protection? According to some reports, she is aiming for the chair of the rector of the Kuban State University.

Failure in Voronezh

However, the other day failed protection doctoral dissertation in Voronezh.

This is not the first attempt to acquire such a high scientific status. In December 2012, Galina Zolina, to put it mildly, unsuccessfully, submitted her other work to a Moscow university for the degree of Doctor of Political Sciences - “The Socio-Political Community of the Region in the Information and Communication Universe: Identical Image Discourse”.

The Academic Council was not imbued with the ideas of the official's dissertation. The video of the defense has been uploaded to Youtube video hosting.

Ms. Zolina's trip to Voronezh was not advertised. However, the fact that it would not be easy for a doctoral student was evidenced by the fact that negative reviews about the work appeared long before the defense itself took place.

In particular, some Internet resources cited a review by Pavel Balditsyn, a professor at the Department of Foreign Journalism and Literature at Moscow State University:

“I would like to stay within the framework of a calm scientific debate, but the author's abstract I read does not allow me to do this. The very title of the dissertation is bewildering - it is illiterate in the use of words and the heap of two genitive cases - both from the point of view of the Russian language and from the point of view of communicative science, ”the document says.

Pavel Balditsyn. Photo: taday.ru

The piquancy of the speech of the scientist was added by the fact that he is the brother of the former deputy chairman of the government of the Stavropol Territory and the former editor-in-chief of Stavropolskaya Pravda, Vasily Balditsyn, who is now secretary in the Union of Journalists of Russia.

Check for corruption

“The language of the abstract is deliberately scientific, but there is no real scientific character here,” the professor continues to destroy the dissertation. - If we free the text of the introductory part from complex, and sometimes abstruse phrases, we have before us a newspaper article or a speech at a meeting with a call to promote the achievements of the Krasnodar Territory. This region is native to me, and I cannot agree to be represented in such texts.”

The scientist’s conclusion is simple: “this text has nothing to do with philology” - the presented dissertation has nothing to do with philology, nor with the science of communication and journalism in general, it does not at all meet the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission for this kind of work, and does not deserve to be awarded desired degree.

“In addition to this, the position of the dissertation council is also surprising, unanimously accepting the work that Zolina twice and unsuccessfully tried to defend in other places. I would like to apply directly to the Higher Attestation Commission with a request to check this case for the use of administrative resources and corruption,” the review practically turned into a statement to law enforcement agencies.

“This dissertation only imitates scientific work,” this is a quote from a review by Irina Levontina, senior researcher at the Department of Theoretical Semantics of the Vinogradov Institute of the Russian Language, Russian Academy of Sciences. “Awarding a doctoral degree for this work would be a manifestation of disrespect for the work of real philologists and would cover with indelible shame the academic council in which this defense would take place.”

As a result of a secret ballot, ten members of the council supported the applicant, six did not. The chairman of the council recalled that "at least two-thirds of the votes" are required to obtain the status. Galina Zolina lacked one "for".

Millions for PR

In the administration of the Krasnodar Territory, Galina Zolina oversees the Kuban media, and was also responsible for the image of the former governor of the Kuban, Alexander Tkachev. And this is a significant expense.

For example, in 2015 the Kuban White House will spend almost 800 million rubles on building its image. This is a lot. For comparison, the head of Sakhalin, Khoroshavin, who was arrested for corruption, was accused, among other things, of having spent 411 million on his image - an amount half that in the Kuban.

According to the approved budget of the Krasnodar Territory, the regional state program "Information Society of Kuban" this year provides funding in the amount of 870.7 million rubles, including 560.6 million for the support and development of the media, that is, almost 1.6 million rubles a day.

In general, the acting governor of the Kuban, Veniamin Kondratiev, has something to puzzle over.

Last Thursday, April 23, it was presented to the public. Many questions hung in the air of the regional administration hall.

Firstly, which of the Kuban VIPs with the acting governor is not on the way? Secondly, will a new team be formed? And if yes, then who from the previous team of numerous top officials will enter it?

Moreover, Veniamin Kondratyev transparently hinted at the imminent personnel showdown: “I know the region, I know the region, I know the strengths and weaknesses of its life. And, believe me, everything that made him strong, and those who made him strong, I will take with me. And what made him vulnerable and who made him vulnerable, I don’t go along with them.”


Galina Zolina, a former vice-governor of the Kuban, has been working in Moscow for a long time, but traces of her influence in the local media still remain. Yuga.ru tried to explain what it is connected with and what it is about.

Almost two years ago, on April 28, 2015, the media of the Krasnodar Territory published news that blew up the Internet. Although local, Kuban, but nonetheless. "Vice Governor Galina Zolina resigns and will move to a new job".

At first it seemed incredible. Then everyone came to their senses - what else, in principle, could be expected from a sharp change of power in the region. A few days before, Alexander Tkachev, who had been the head of the region for almost 15 years, left for the post of Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. “The role of Galina Zolina in the team of the former Kuban governor would be best described by the term “comrade-in-arms”. She is not just a long-lived vice-governor (10 years in this post is a term), but a compatriot Alexandra Tkacheva, a truly devoted person to him, almost a member of the family., - wrote Yugopolis.

Former vice-governor Galina Zolina is not only plastic Atamani sunflowers, pseudo-Cossacks, ostentatious ecstasy of journalists and authorities at annual media festivals, personnel leapfrog in the social sphere. Behind the folklore façade is a prudent and domineering man who, over a decade of being in power, has received serious resources in his hands.

Guessing and conjectures, assumptions, supposedly insider leaks of information that Zolina is leaving for work through the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Only a lazy representative of the Kuban journalism did not write about the resignation of the vice-governor then. But some in publications about Zolina carefully chose their words. For example, "Live Kuban" was among those who immediately published Galina Dmitrievna's personal comment about her future employment.

“I am currently in hospital for treatment.<...>On the first day I applied for resignation, after the end of treatment I will move to a new job through the ministrytoculture of the Russian Federation", - Zolina then told the publication, while others referred to "sources in the regional administration."

And then the former vice-governor suddenly disappeared. There were rumors again. The fact that Zolina is sick and she was given a large room of her own in the second regional hospital. Or she flew to Germany for treatment. Searched in the Ministry of Culture. Waiting for her to write another dissertation or at least flash in some photo essay next to the former boss Tkachev. But she was nowhere.

Meanwhile, the media and publishing companies close to Zolina's entourage slowly but surely continued to work. Many of them still exist today. Yuga.ru tried to analyze open data about some of them and describe what happened to them in two years.

LLC "Editorial office of the television and radio company" Ekaterinodar "

The main asset affiliated with Galina Dmitrievna is the Editorial Board of the Yekaterinodar TV and Radio Company. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the company is located in the very center of Krasnodar, a house with convex balconies on Rashpilevskaya, Krasnaya and Ordzhonikidze. The founders are Peter Gaivoronsky (46.8%) and Alexei Zolin (53.1%), the son of the former vice-governor. The general director is Elena Kalashnik, ex-head of the regional department for youth affairs, who recently headed the editorial office of MK in Kuban.

In addition to the local broadcasting of the STS TV channel, Yekaterinodar TRC owns the Moskovsky Komsomolets in Kuban franchise and the Live Kuban website. Internet domains registered to the same organization www livekuban and honest-pensionerskoe.rf - the website of the newspaper published by the Kuban Periodicals. Until recently, she also owned Komsomolskaya Pravda-Kuban, a franchise that, according to experts, could cost 15 million rubles. Already from this amount it is clear what resources the company manages.

Taken together, it turned out to be a clip for the formation of the media agenda in the Krasnodar Territory. Including the protest. However, apparently, since during the years of Galina Zolina's curatorship over the media, there was little left of independent journalism in the Kuban, Elena Kalashnik, a 42-year-old graduate of the Bryukhovetsky college-state farm, who had not previously worked in the media, had to manage the holding.

MK in Kuban and MK Sochi

MK na Kuban plus its sister company MK Sochi are regional editions of the popular federal publication Moskovsky Komsomolets. Huge circulations and a long-term reputation are great helpers in distributing the right materials and publications to the right people.

Unlike the federal "MK" (according to the rating of "Medialogy" - the seventh place among the print media in Russia), its Kuban application can hardly be called a successful media project. "MK-Kuban" did not make it into the top 20 of the annual regional citation rating of the same "Medialogy". On the other hand, this is a convenient personal platform for “custom-made” materials and outright stuffing against the new regional team.

The editor-in-chief of the weekly "MK in the Kuban" is the same Elena Kalashnik. In 2012-2015, she headed the youth policy department at the suggestion of Zolina. Former colleagues admit that women have a lot in common in leadership style. April 11, 2017 in "MK in the Kuban", where the author criticizes the poor patriotic education of the Kuban youth, who went to the rally for Navalny. It turns out that the head of the media, who himself educated young people a couple of years before, now, after the fact, allows him to criticize the fruits of his own labors - or in two years everything has become so neglected.

On the same day, the publication published a text authored by a former employee of the press service of the governor of Kuban, Galina Titarenko. In it, she criticizes no less sharply all the current work on information support for the current head of the region, Veniamin Kondratyev, and complains that the Kuban has practically ceased to exist in the federal information field.

Titarenko worked for many years in the information team of Alexander Tkachev (and, accordingly, Galina Zolina) and for some time managed to stay in the updated composition of the press service of the regional administration under Kondratiev. After some time, she moved to the press service of the regional Ministry of Agriculture, and about six months ago she completely quit the administration. Judging by the posts on Facebook, the ex-civil servant has always been straightforward. And from the beginning of this year, remembering her colleagues personal grievances, she began to talk in detail about the details and hardships of her former work. The first entries at first seemed like a cry of despair from an unemployed person, but then their number and intensity of appearance turned into a kind of daily author's rubric. And then suddenly an exit to a new level - the publication in "MK in the Kuban". The text, which seemed to be extremely important for the media holding, was every day and word for word duplicated on the Living Kuban - only with a different heading.

"Live Kuban"

Another publication that is part of the Ekaterinodar media holding, which is managed by Peter Gaivoronsky, is Live Kuban. The media, which was created as an absolutely independent and unique product for its time in the regional media field, came under the full control of the authorities even under Alexander Tkachev (Yuga.ru wrote about how other media managers were involved in this, who, among other things, kept the governor’s twitter ), but eventually became private again. In the last two years, the publication has turned into a kind of hybrid of the REN TV channel and Life News - scandals, intrigues and yellow headlines. The lion's share of today's Live Kuban traffic is occupied by copy-paste of pseudo-scientific sensations, as well as the publication of ridiculous criminal reports without any editing and news with a bias towards some yellowness.

A significant part of the site's traffic for a long time was not news, but individual blog entries created specifically for search traffic - for example, videos of popular domestic television series were posted there. The lifespan of such pages was comparable to bursts of user attention to them. Of particular interest are visits to the currently deleted page. And by the end of 2016, she took the chair of acting. Rector of the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after V.I. K.A. Timiryazev. Reviews about her work so far are mixed. The faculty of Kuban agricultural journalism has not yet been opened in Timiryazevka, but it is clearly noticeable that Zolina brought her own special, southern style of work to the famous agricultural academy. And also - the head of his dissertation, the former dean of the journalism faculty of the Kuban State University, Nadezhda Kravchenko, for the position of head of the press service.

Meanwhile, a former employee of the press service of the administration of the Krasnodar Territory, whose devastating text was published by MK in the Kuban and Live Kuban, boldly and unambiguously posts photos of the “prettier” Zolina on her Facebook. I wonder if the changes in the appearance of the acting will be reflected. rector at the oldest agricultural university in Russia. Especially his land assets, attempts to seize which caused a wave of protest among students and teachers of Timiryazevka.

A long-time colleague of Alexander Tkachev joined the "Kuban team" in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

Galina Zolina, in 2005-2015 who served as vice-governor of the Kuban, was appointed director of the department of scientific and technological policy and education of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. It consists of 4 departments: science and innovation, education, organization of scientific research, agricultural consulting and retraining.

Galina Zolina has been the head of the Department of Science and Technology Policy since July 2016, according to the materials of the department. On July 28, as a representative of the Ministry of Agriculture, she took part in the forum of rural youth of the Central Federal District in the Tver region.

It is known that the previous director of the Department of Science and Technology Policy and Education, Elena Metelkova, left her post at the end of May 2016. Until mid-July, acting Yury Egorov was the head of Depnauchtekhpolitika.

Galina Zolina has been working in the team of the current head of the Ministry of Agriculture for a long time. In 1999, she became Deputy General Director of Agrocomplex Firm CJSC, which was then headed by Alexander Tkachev. After his election as governor of the Kuban in 2000, she received the position of adviser on the media and social policy, and since 2005. served as Lieutenant Governor for Social Affairs.

In 2007 Zolina defended her Ph.D. thesis "Formation of a positive image of the Krasnodar Territory in the media." According to the Anti-Plagiarism system, the originality of a scientific work is 30.3%, citations are 10.18%, borrowings account for 59.49%.

March 2015 The Academic Council of Voronezh State University voted against awarding her the degree of Doctor of Philology in the specialty "Journalism" following the defense of her doctoral dissertation "The Universe of the Mass Media of a Social Community: Identical Image Discourse".

April 28, 2015 the new head of the region, Veniamin Kondratiev, on personnel changes in the administration of the Krasnodar Territory. Galina Zolina was among the first to resign. In the media, that she was "invited to work through the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation."

After his appointment as Minister of Agriculture of Russia, Alexander Tkachev formed a team in the department from former subordinates in the administration of the Krasnodar Territory.

Thus, the former first vice-governor of the Kuban, Dzhambulat Khatuov, now occupies the chair of the first deputy head of the Ministry of Agriculture, the former deputy governor and senator Yevgeny Gromyko works as a deputy minister. In addition, the former vice-governor of the Kuban for domestic policy Vladimir Svezhenets heads the department for rural development, and the ex-minister of construction, architecture and road infrastructure of the Krasnodar Territory Valery Zhukov heads the department of land reclamation.

Krasnodar. Nov 27 - New Kuban. As NK wrote earlier, employees, students and graduates of the Timiryazev Academy planned on November 26 with a demand to return direct elections of the rector to the oldest agricultural university in the country. The participants of the action call for an objective assessment of the work of Galina Zolina. According to the current colleagues of the former vice-governor of the Kuban, Alexander Tkachev's comrade-in-arms fired more than 150 people from Timiryazevka in a year.

According to the organizers of the rally in a group on the Vkontakte social network, the Moscow administration refused to hold the rally.

Prefecture of the Northern Administrative District represented by Deputy G.I. Izutdinova REFUSED to approve the holding of the rally on November 23, 2017 with a violation of the response (within 3 days - in accordance with the Federal Law of June 19, 2004 N 54-FZ) and the lack of approval from the balance holder of the territory of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education RGAU-MSHA named after K. BUT. Timiryazev. In connection with the existing violations of the law on rallies, we are preparing a lawsuit in court. At the same time, a new notice to hold the rally will be submitted. The date, time and place will be announced later, - (the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved - note "NK").

So what did Galina Zolina not please the teaching staff of the Timiryazev Academy?

A fellow countrywoman and a close associate of the ex-governor of the Krasnodar Territory and the current Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Alexander Tkachev, went to work in Moscow almost following her boss: under Veniamin Kondratyev, Zolina did not find a place in the administration of the Kuban. First Galina Dmitrievna, and then, at the Timiryazev Academy,. Even then, the appointment raised a lot of questions, because Zolina had neither a specialized education nor an appropriate academic degree.

According to Timiryazevka employees, Zolina brought with her many specialists from Krasnodar - for example, Nadezhda Kravchenko, the former dean of the Faculty of Journalism of KubGU. And for experienced teachers, protege Alexandra Tkacheva created unbearable working conditions, reducing wages to ridiculous sizes.

Dozens of people, even those who worked at the university for 20-30 years, left their jobs. Instead, they hired new ones, many came from Krasnodar. Dance and vocal ensembles that perform at university holidays are also pulled up from there. From the Kuban, now products are being transported to Timiryazevka - from Agrocomplex CJSC (the enterprise belongs to the family of Alexander Tkachev - NK note). Of course, the path is not short, but who counts, writes Sobesednik.ru.

Along with this, the interior of the academy began to change in the favorite style of the new rector.

Artificial flowers, artificial cows, a 30-kilogram either a peacock or a rooster. This is all in an agricultural university, where all this living creatures and plants are in their natural form! - Professor Alexander Solovyov does not hide his indignation.

However, behind these tasteless, but, in fact, innocent transformations lies, perhaps, a more serious goal. As we wrote earlier, last year, Timiryazevka, with the support of President Vladimir Putin, managed to defend 100 hectares in the Moscow region. However, the media write, the Ministry of Agriculture has not given up hope of winning back expensive lands from the Academy. Allegedly, because of this, it was Galina Zolina who was appointed rector.

It's too yummy. We know that after the scandal Minister Tkachev had a conversation with Deputy Prime Minister Shuvalov behind closed doors. Whether they abandoned the original idea or decided to act differently is unknown, but just at that time Zolina's candidacy arose, - Sobesednik.ru quotes its source.

Opponents of the former vice-governor of Kuban believe that after the dismissal of dozens of experienced employees, there will be no one to look after huge plots and hectares of land will fall into disrepair. Then, perhaps, the issue of transferring land for housing construction will again become relevant.

NK will continue to monitor developments.

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