Home Useful properties of fruits How to make a paper pyramid. Diagram with dimensions, step-by-step instructions with a photo. Pyramids in the proportions of the golden ratio - generators of life Make a pyramid according to the golden ratio

How to make a paper pyramid. Diagram with dimensions, step-by-step instructions with a photo. Pyramids in the proportions of the golden ratio - generators of life Make a pyramid according to the golden ratio

Health pyramid

One of the unique remedies is a tetrahedral pyramid, shaped like the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and other pharaohs, located on the Giza plateau in Egypt.

With its (not yet fully explained by science) energy, it rather actively stimulates the vital forces of the sick organism, and that, in turn, already copes with the disease more easily.

In other words, therapy with the help of a pyramid is a unique remedy for many diseases, and even if a person, being in good health, sometimes takes (in small doses) water or eats small portions of food, kept in a pyramid, or sometimes rests in a large or over small pyramids, then the chances of getting sick are minimal.

Making pyramids.

A home pyramid is made from natural material (boards, cardboard, plexiglass, flat slate, plywood, etc.), which has dielectric (insulating) properties, without a single nail and without the use of other metals, which by their field distort the field of the pyramidal space.

The energy of this space should be pure, without any distortion, then the healing properties of the pyramid will be maximized.

A pyramid is a polyhedron, the base of which is a polygon, and the side faces are triangles that have a common size.

At the base of a regular pyramid there is always a regular polygon (for example, a square for a tetrahedral pyramid), and the side faces are equal triangles. The height of the pyramid is equal to the length of the perpendicular dropped from the top to the center of the base (the center of the regular polygon lying at the base of the pyramid is the point of intersection of its diagonals).

In addition to the height, the characteristics of the pyramid are the length of the base and the height of the side face (apothem) of the pyramid.

A home pyramid can have any size, but the ratio of its height to the length of the base must be strictly defined, namely: the length of the base must exceed the height of the pyramid by 1.6 times. This ratio corresponds to the proportion of the golden ratio, or harmonious division.

Thus, multiplying the given height of the pyramid by 1.6, we get the length of its base. To determine the height of the side face (apothem of the pyramid), multiply the given height of the pyramid by 1.35.

It should be remembered that with a doubling of the height of the pyramid, the activity of its action increases many times (50-100 and more). Therefore, if possible, install the pyramids with the maximum height.

One of the edges of the pyramid should be oriented strictly to the north with the help of the compass.

If it is built in a favorable place - on a hill, without metal, far from reinforced concrete houses and structures, far from power lines, embankments and railways, with the help of a compass it is correctly oriented to the cardinal points, such a pyramid works immediately and very efficiently!

In houses and apartments, the pyramids should be placed away from metal objects and structures that violate the natural magnetic field of the Earth and thereby reduce the healing properties of the pyramid. Such items include heating batteries, water supply, sewage, etc. If the houses are made of reinforced concrete structures, the pyramids in them may not be as effective. In this case, it is better to build a pyramid at your summer cottage and restore health with its help.

It should be remembered that any pyramid must be made by a mentally balanced person, who during the manufacture must have good and bright thoughts, and the builder must do this work with a soul.

If the pyramids are built somehow, with a violation of the proportions of the golden ratio, not oriented to the cardinal points of the compass, it can be assumed that they will not bring any benefit, and perhaps even harm.

Dimensions of the home pyramid

Height - Base length - Apothem - Rib length
10 cm - 10x1.6 = 16 cm - 10x1.35 = 13.5 cm - 15.70 cm

15 cm 15x1.6 = 24 cm 15x1.35 = 20.25 cm 25.53 cm

20 cm 20x1.6 = 32 cm 20x1.35 = 27 cm 31.38 cm

30 cm 30x1.6 = 48 cm 30x1.35 = 40.5 cm 47.07 cm

40 cm 40x1.6 = 64 cm 40x1.35 = 54 cm 62.76 cm

50 cm 50x1.6 = 80 cm 50x1.35 = 67.5 cm 78.46 cm

100 cm 100x1.6 = 160 cm 100x1.35 = 135 cm 156.92 cm

250 cm 250x1.6 = 400 cm 250x1.35 = 337.5 cm 392.30 cm

300 cm 300x1.6 = 480 cm 300x1.35 = 405 cm 470.77 cm

500 cm 500x1.6 = 800 cm 500x1.35 = 675 cm 784.61 cm

1000 cm 1000x1.6 = 1600 cm 10x1.35 = 1350 cm 1569.24 cm

It should be remembered that the maximum energy capabilities of all correctly made and installed pyramids (large and small) are possessed by their internal space at the level from 1/3 to 2/3 of the pyramid height. The rest of the space of the pyramids is energetically minimal, respectively, and the return is minimal.

In the upper part of the pyramid, it is advisable to make a small incision so that a hole is formed (for a pyramid with a base of 4 m, the hole diameter is 60-70 mm) - a waveguide that the pyramid needs to release into the surrounding space the excess energy that is formed inside during operation. A hole is also made in the base in the center (for a pyramid with a base of 4 m, the hole diameter is 10 mm). With the help of a compass, three concentric circles are drawn around the center of the base, along which about 30 similar holes are evenly distributed (for a pyramid with a base of 4 m, the diameters of the circles are 100 cm, 250 cm and 400 cm). The holes in the base are necessary for the unhindered reception of the Earth's energy. Shelves are installed at the height of 1/3, 1/2 and 2/3 of the pyramid.

Examples of using pyramids.

In case of severe and multiple diseases, the patient should use the large pyramids for rest - the possibilities of healing in them are practically unlimited. The time spent in the large pyramids is purely individual, for especially sensitive patients - no more than 15 minutes. In case of fatigue, 30 minutes of staying in the pyramid is enough to recuperate and get rid of discomfort.

Indoor pyramids can also be used. The patient rests on a bed without metal, under which up to five (10-15 cm high) pyramids are installed along his body.

For healing the body, empty pyramids are good, but in combination with the intake of pyramidal water or herbal infusions aged for 24 hours inside the pyramid at 2/3 of the height (in the upper part). Even a small fraction of such water benefits the patient. The pyramid infusion is done something like this: put the medicinal raw materials indicated in the recommendation in a container (glass or jar), pour the required amount of boiling water, close with a nylon lid and insist on a stand for the required time at the level of 2/3 of the pyramid height. Water can be stored in the pyramid for a long time.

For all internal pains, for pain in muscles and joints, outwardly in the form of a compress, you can use aluminum foil, which is previously charged in the pyramid for 24 hours at the level of 1/2 of the height using a dielectric support. The foil charged in this way is wrapped with a layer of linen and applied to a sore spot or joint. From above, this compress is closed, secured with a linen cloth or bandage and left overnight. Such compresses are also used for pains of the head, abdomen, chest, limbs. With the help of such compresses, pains usually go away quickly enough - they go away completely!

In addition to healing properties, pyramids are useful for many other purposes.

You can keep the seeds before planting in a pyramid for 10-15 days at the level of 1/3 of the height, while the germination and yield increases by about 2 times.

Pyramids have a beneficial effect on animals. You can build a large pyramid near their place of residence, you can place several small pyramids. The aquarium can be filled with pyramidal water, it can be covered with a pyramid oriented to the cardinal points for 24 hours or more.

In pyramids, especially large ones, perishable foodstuffs can be stored on shelves at 1/3 of the height for a long time without the risk of spoiling. At the same time, their taste even improves.

In small pyramids, on a stand 1/3 of the height, blunt blades and knives are placed for 24 hours for sharpening.

The healing properties of the pyramids.

Pyramid and health

One of the unique remedies is a four-sided pyramid, shaped like the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and other pharaohs, located on the Giza plateau in Egypt.

With its (not yet fully explained by science) energy, it rather actively stimulates the vital forces of the sick organism, and that, in turn, already copes with the disease more easily.

In other words, therapy with the help of a pyramid is a unique remedy for many diseases, and even if a person, being in good health, sometimes takes (in small doses) water or eats small portions of food, kept in a pyramid, or sometimes rests in a large or over small pyramids, then the chances of getting sick are minimal.

Making pyramids.

A home pyramid is made from natural material (boards, cardboard, plexiglass, flat slate, plywood, etc.), which has dielectric (insulating) properties, without a single nail and without the use of other metals, which by their field distort the field of the pyramidal space.

The energy of this space should be pure, without any distortion, then the healing properties of the pyramid will be maximized.

A pyramid is a polyhedron, the base of which is a polygon, and the side faces are triangles with a common size.

At the base of a regular pyramid there is always a regular polygon (for example, a square for a tetrahedral pyramid), and the side faces are equal triangles. The height of the pyramid is equal to the length of the perpendicular dropped from the top to the center of the base (the center of the regular polygon lying at the base of the pyramid is the point of intersection of its diagonals).

In addition to the height, the characteristics of the pyramid are the length of the base and the height of the side face (apothem) of the pyramid.

A home pyramid can be of any size, but the ratio of its height to the length of the base must be strictly defined, namely: the length of the base must exceed the height of the pyramid by 1.6 times. This ratio corresponds to the proportion of the golden ratio, or harmonious division.

Thus, multiplying the given height of the pyramid by 1.6, we get the length of its base. To determine the height of the side face (apothem of the pyramid), multiply the given height of the pyramid by 1.35.

It should be remembered that with a doubling of the height of the pyramid, the activity of its action increases many times (50-100 and more). Therefore, if possible, install the pyramids with the maximum height.

One of the edges of the pyramid should be oriented strictly to the north with the help of the compass.

If it is built in a favorable place - on a hill, without metal, far from reinforced concrete houses and structures, far from power lines, embankments and railways, with the help of a compass it is correctly oriented to the cardinal points, such a pyramid works immediately and very efficiently!

In houses and apartments, the pyramids should be placed away from metal objects and structures that violate the natural magnetic field of the Earth and thereby reduce the healing properties of the pyramid. Such items include heating batteries, water supply, sewage, etc. If the houses are made of reinforced concrete structures, the pyramids in them may not be as effective. In this case, it is better to build a pyramid at your summer cottage and restore health with its help.

It should be remembered that any pyramid must be made by a mentally balanced person, who during the manufacture must have good and bright thoughts, and the builder must do this work with a soul.

If the pyramids are built somehow, with a violation of the proportions of the golden section, not oriented to the cardinal points of the compass, it can be assumed that they will not bring benefits, and perhaps even harm.

Dimensions of the home pyramid

Base length

Rib length

10x1.6 = 16 cm

10x1.35 = 13.5cm

15x1.6 = 24 cm

15x1.35 = 20.25 cm

20x1.6 = 32 cm

20x1.35 = 27cm

30x1.6 = 48 cm

30x1.35 = 40.5cm

40x1.6 = 64 cm

40x1.35 = 54cm

50x1.6 = 80 cm

50x1.35 = 67.5cm

100x1.6 = 160 cm

100x1.35 = 135cm

250x1.6 = 400 cm

250x1.35 = 337.5cm

300x1.6 = 480 cm

300x1.35 = 405cm

500x1.6 = 800 cm

500x1.35 = 675cm

1000x1.6 = 1600 cm

10x1.35 = 1350cm

It should be remembered that the maximum energy capabilities of all correctly made and installed pyramids (large and small) are possessed by their internal space at the level from 1/3 to 2/3 of the pyramid height. The rest of the space of the pyramids is energetically minimal, respectively, and the return is minimal.

In the upper part of the pyramid, it is advisable to make a small incision so that a hole is formed (for a pyramid with a base of 4 m, the hole diameter is 60-70 mm) - a waveguide that the pyramid needs to release into the surrounding space the excess energy that is formed inside during operation. A hole is also made in the base in the center (for a pyramid with a base of 4 m, the hole diameter is 10 mm). With the help of a compass, three concentric circles are drawn around the center of the base, along which about 30 similar holes are evenly distributed (for a pyramid with a base of 4 m, the diameters of the circles are 100 cm, 250 cm and 400 cm). The holes in the base are necessary for the unhindered reception of the Earth's energy. Shelves are installed at the height of 1/3, 1/2 and 2/3 of the pyramid.

Working areas of the pyramid

Rice. 2. Working areas of the pyramid

At a height of 2/3 of the pyramid, liquids, water, and herbal tinctures are placed on the shelves for charging with the healing energies of the pyramid.

At a height of 1/2, aluminum foil and metals are charged.

At a height of 1/3, food, grain, seeds are placed before planting, the blades are sharpened.

Examples of using pyramids.

In case of severe and multiple diseases, the patient should use the large pyramids for rest - the possibilities of healing in them are practically unlimited. The time spent in the large pyramids is purely individual, for especially sensitive patients - no more than 15 minutes. In case of fatigue, 30 minutes of staying in the pyramid is enough to recuperate and get rid of discomfort.

Indoor pyramids can also be used. The patient rests on a bed without metal, under which up to five (10-15 cm high) pyramids are installed along his body.

For healing the body, empty pyramids are good, but in combination with the intake of pyramidal water or herbal infusions aged for 24 hours inside the pyramid at 2/3 of the height (in the upper part). Even a small fraction of such water benefits the patient. The pyramid infusion is done something like this: put the medicinal raw materials indicated in the recommendation in a container (glass or jar), pour the required amount of boiling water, close with a nylon lid and insist on a stand for the required time at the level of 2/3 of the pyramid height. Water can be stored in the pyramid for a long time.

For all internal pains, for pain in muscles and joints, outwardly in the form of a compress, you can use aluminum foil, which is previously charged in the pyramid for 24 hours at the level of 1/2 of the height using a dielectric support. The foil charged in this way is wrapped with a layer of linen and applied to a sore spot or joint. From above, this compress is closed, secured with a linen cloth or bandage and left overnight. Such compresses are also used for pain in the head, abdomen, chest, limbs. With the help of such compresses, pains usually go away quickly enough - they go away completely!

In addition to healing properties, pyramids are useful for many other purposes.

You can keep the seeds before planting in a pyramid for 10-15 days at the level of 1/3 of the height, while the germination and yield increases by about 2 times.

Pyramids have a beneficial effect on animals. You can build a large pyramid near their place of residence, you can place several small pyramids. The aquarium can be filled with pyramidal water, it can be covered with a pyramid oriented to the cardinal points for 24 hours or more.

In pyramids, especially large ones, perishable foodstuffs can be stored on shelves at 1/3 of the height for a long time without the risk of spoiling. At the same time, their taste is even improved.

In small pyramids, on a stand 1/3 of the height, blunt blades and knives are placed for 24 hours for sharpening. If a homemade generator is placed in a large pyramid at a height of 1/3 to 1/2, then the pyramid will be able to generate electrical energy. The generator is made from sheets of aluminum, copper or foil-clad plastic. The assembled generator must be connected to a battery, preferably alkaline, paralleling it and with a load. When making such a generator, it should be borne in mind that the more plates there are in it, the more voltage it can give, and the larger the surface of the plates, the more current the generator can generate.

Fig 3. An approximate view of the generator in a horizontal (non-working) position. The working position is vertical. 1 - current-collecting metal plates; 2 - insulating strips (the plates are held with glue); 3 - battery; 4 - load (lamp).
Placement of the generator in the pyramid.

In arid regions, you can make a condenser (storage) of water and collect it from the air by placing the pyramid on a foundation with a slope towards the center of the pyramid with a pipe hole in the center of the base. The pipe is led out at a slope for an independent drain of water outside the foundation. From above, the concreted area is covered with a slide of gravel to the greatest possible height. The embankment is reinforced with a pyramidal frame (possibly metal) covered with a mesh (preferably galvanized). This mounting does not interfere with the free flow and outflow of air. A pyramid with a height of 250 cm is capable of filling a container of 100-200 liters with water per day.

Yakushko, SI

Determination of the characteristic dimensions of the Cheops pyramid through the golden ratio

UDC 133

On the basis of the proposed method for constructing the Cheops pyramid, the true values ​​of its characteristic dimensions were obtained through the integer values ​​of the ancient units of measurement.

In recent years, interest in the theory of Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio has increased significantly in mathematics, computer science and cybernetics. Fundamental research is currently underway in this direction. Scientists from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus have made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of Fibonacci numbers: they introduced the concept of a golden wurf and a wurf sequence as fundamentally new invariants of biological objects with a three-member structure (shoulder-forearm-hand, thigh-shin-foot, etc.) , a generalization of the problem of the golden ratio was carried out and on this basis the law of structural harmony of systems was formulated, an algorithmic theory of measurement and "Fibonacci" number systems was created as new information bases for computing and measuring technology, a theory of hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas functions was developed, phyllotaxis theory and formulate the botanical law of transformation of spiral biosymmetries. Recently, the golden ratio has been found in the cardiac structures of mammals, in the structure of chloroplasts of higher plants, in the rhythms of the brain. Fibonacci organized chemical compounds have been discovered. The principles of age-related dentistry have been developed on the basis of the golden ratio. The golden ratio is present in the structure of DNA, the Earth, the Universe ...

This series of examples can be continued. The golden ratio begins to play an essential role in modern physics: the Israeli scientist Shekhtman discovered quasicrystals with 5-fold (pentagonal) symmetry, which contradicts the laws of classical crystallography; The works of the Polish scientist Jan Grziedzelski, working in the field of the theory of self-organizing systems, allowed a new look at the golden ratio as the proportion of thermodynamic equilibrium in self-organizing systems.

This indicates that all harmoniously constructed objects obey the principle of the Golden Ratio and the human eye immediately, without a deep analysis of the structure of the object, sees its beauty. Analysis shows that as soon as we see an object beautiful, harmonious, this means that its structure obeys the principle of the Golden Ratio.

The golden ratio is the so-called division of a segment in the extreme and average ratio, in which the segments obtained after the division satisfy the equality:


It was found that the value of this ratio is equal to Ф =. The Greek letter Ф (PHI number), which denotes the size of the Golden Ratio, is the first letter in the name of the famous Greek sculptor Phidias, who widely used the Golden Ratio in his sculptural works.

The following method of constructing the Golden Ratio using a compass and a ruler is also known from Euclid's "Elements". Suppose we have a "double" square - a rectangle with an aspect ratio of 2: 1 (see Fig. 1). I. Shmelev gave it the name "two-adjacent square".

The indicated square is already built on the principles of the Golden Ratio, since the ratio of the sum of the values ​​of the diagonal and the smaller side of the right triangle to the value of the larger side of this triangle is exactly equal to the indicated value 1.618:


We obtain by construction a point F (see Fig. 1) satisfying equality (1). To do this, draw an arc from point B with radius AB to the intersection with the diagonal BD, and from point D, as from the center, draw an arc with radius ED until it intersects with side AD of the square. The resulting point F divides the AD side in the extreme and average ratio.

Consider whether the Golden Ratio is present in one of the wonders of the world - in the pyramid of Cheops. It is known that proportions based on the golden ratio are distinguished by extremely high aesthetic qualities and determine the highest proportionality between the whole and its parts. And this means that all ancient structures (palaces, temples, pyramids) contain elements of the harmony of the golden section.

A number of works are devoted to this topic, which claim that the proportions of the golden section were laid in the Cheops pyramid. The hypothesis that the proportions of the pyramid are related to the ratio of the golden ratio was put forward by G. Reber back in 1855, especially since this hypothesis is confirmed by the well-known testimony of Herodotus.

The sizes of the pyramid are estimated differently by different researchers. Thus, the height of the pyramid, depending on the sources, ranges from 146.6 to 148.2 m. The reason for these discrepancies is that the pyramid is truncated. The upper part of the pyramid has an area of ​​10x10 m, and a century ago it was 6x6 m in size. Obviously, the top was taken apart, and it does not correspond to the original one. Now its height from the base to the top is 137.3 m, and the sides of the base are 230.4 m.It is believed that before the loss of the cladding, the size of the side was 232.4 m.

The pyramid has three chambers inside: the first chamber was carved into the rock at a depth of 30 m below the base and not quite exactly in the middle; the second is located in the core of the pyramid just below the apex at a height of approximately 20 m above the base, and the third chamber is located 42.3 m above the base slightly south of the pyramid axis (see Fig. 2).

At the base of the Great Pyramid of Cheops is a rock with a height of approximately 8.2 meters. The perimeter of the Pyramid, located on the granite surface, is perfectly aligned and is a perfect square.

The original entrance is located on the north side 25 meters above the base. A narrow tunnel leads downward at an angle of 26 0 31 "to the lower chamber. At some distance from the entrance, another tunnel begins, leading to the upper chamber at the same angle as the first. Further, the tunnel passes into the Great Gallery, 47 meters long (see Fig. . 2).

The pyramids of Egypt, erected almost 3000 years BC, remain mysterious today both in terms of the technology of their construction and the knowledge that the builders of the pyramids possessed. One of the biggest mysteries of building pyramids is the methods of calculating structures by the most ancient architects, according to which the design and construction of objects in Ancient Egypt was carried out. Finding these dimensions is complicated by the fact that the results of measuring the parameters of ancient objects with a standard meter are always fractional. And this despite the general belief that the ancient Egyptians were not familiar with fractions. And until the harmony of the proportional relationships of its characteristic dimensions is found, it is impossible even to come close to unraveling the secrets of the pyramids.

Consider how the Cheops pyramid is consistent with the Golden Ratio. The golden irrational number F was known in ancient Egypt. Studying the geometry of the figures carved on the panels, the architect I.Sh. Shevelev drew attention to the fact that on one of the panels the architect is holding wands in his hands, correlated with each other as 1 :, and expressed an intuitive assumption that this attitude testifies to the knowledge of the ancient Egyptian architect Khesi-Ra of the laws of the golden section. The architect I.P. Shmelev conducted a thorough study of the geometric proportionality of the figures and the compositional structure of the panels and, using interconnected numerical material, showed that the priests of Ancient Egypt, long before the school of Pythagoras, possessed the theory of harmony associated with golden proportions.

The angle of inclination of the diagonal of the double square is


The obtained value practically coincides with the angle of inclination of the tunnel of the Great Gallery 26 0 31 ". It would be easy to combine the diagonal of the double square with the Great Gallery, but it does not fit well inside the pyramid if it is placed on the base of the Pyramid.

The picture changes dramatically if the level of the lower chamber is taken as the base of the pyramid (see Fig. 3). The double square ABCD, combined with the level of the lower chamber, harmonizes the pyramid, as it were: the lower chamber becomes connected with the main pyramid; The Great Gallery and the tunnel leading to it run exactly on the diagonal of the double square; the tunnel leading from the entrance to the pyramid to the lower chamber coincides with the diagonal of the small double square DEFG, equal to a quarter of the initial double square ABCD; the upper chamber is at the intersection of the diagonals of the double square.

Figure 3 - Scheme of combining a double square and a Cheops pyramid in section

Only the middle camera remains unconnected. To do this, divide the small double square DEFG in half and draw a circle from point J, the diameter of which is equal to the smaller side of the small double square DEFG. The intersection of this circle with the diagonal of the original double square gives us the starting point of the Great Gallery, and the intersection of the horizontal line drawn from this point with the vertical axis of the pyramid exactly coincides with the middle camera (see Fig. 4).

It remains unclear from which constructions we get the top K of the pyramid. The angle of inclination of the faces of the Cheops pyramid by various authors ranges from 51 0 50 "to 51 0 52". There are various approaches to calculating the true tilt angle of the pyramid faces.

It is believed that the angle of inclination of the pyramid faces is estimated through the integer ratio of 14: 11, which is formed with good accuracy by the height and half of the base. However, as the author rightly believes, during the construction, the dimensions were set in whole numbers, and not in irrational ratios of fractions.

In our time, it is found that all the processes associated with the vital activity of living organisms, to one degree or another, are associated with the same golden numbers, which determines the more and more intensive study of these connections, but, oddly enough, not the properties and geometry of the numbers themselves. ... One of the elements of these properties is the formation of a golden right-angled triangle. A. Siliotti also suggests taking the "most perfect", the golden triangle as a basis (see Fig. 5). It is constructed as follows. Let there be a right-angled triangle GDK. From the vertex of the right angle G, we lower the perpendicular to the hypotenuse DK. He divides the triangle into two - upper and lower. In the upper triangle, we again drop the perpendicular from the vertex of the right angle R to the hypotenuse GK. She will again divide this triangle into two parts. All the resulting triangles are similar to each other, and the FRK and GDR triangles are equal to each other.

Point R divides the hypotenuse DK in the mean and extreme ratio, that is, in relation to the Golden Ratio. The large leg GK of the Golden Triangle is the average proportional between its hypotenuse and the smaller leg. The presence of such a proportion between the sides can serve as another definition of the Golden Triangle, which is called in the pyramidological literature "Kepler's triangle" or "Price's triangle", i.e.

GK 2 = DK x GD (4)

When this ratio is fulfilled, the area of ​​the pyramid face is equal to the square of its height. It was by this equality of areas that Herodotus determined the proportions of the Cheops pyramid.

In the commentary, which D.D. Mordukhai-Boltovsky accompanies the discussion of the above testimony of Herodotus, it is said: “if we consider a triangle, the hypotenuse of which is the apothem of the lateral facet, the vertical leg is the height of the pyramid, and the horizontal leg is half the side of the base, then it is easy to see that apothem has the same relation to height as height to half of the base; in this lies the embryo of the principle of the golden section, or division of a segment in the extreme and average ratio, which should have been known to the Egyptians around 450 BC. "

Professor A.P. Stakhov in his work also substantiated the calculation of the height of the pyramid through the "golden triangle", in which the aspect ratio corresponds to the proportion Ф :: 1, i.e. the aspect ratio of the right-angled triangle GDK is = 1.272. In this case, the angle of inclination of the face is 51 0 50 ", which is in good agreement with the results of numerous measurements.

If we have decided on the angle of inclination of the faces, then what should we take as a reference point: the height of the pyramid or the length of the base? When measuring the pyramid, the side of its base was first measured, and then the angle of inclination of the face was determined using the theodolite. From these data, the height of the pyramid was calculated. Therefore, the accuracy of measuring the side of the base could be of the order of 1 cm, and the accuracy of determining its height is much lower. Based on this, it is logical to take the side of the base of the pyramid as a basis.

Naturally, we should be interested in the true size of the length of the base, which existed before the facing of the walls of the pyramid was removed. It is believed that the length of the side of the base of the pyramid is 232.4 m. Knowing this size, as well as the angle of inclination of the faces, it is easy to calculate all the other dimensions of the pyramid. However, in doing so we get fractional numbers that were unlikely to be laid as the basis of the Great Pyramid. According to A.F. Chernyav. during the construction of ancient monuments of Russia and Egypt, each size contained a whole number of fathoms or their elements. In this case, the parameters of objects, measured as an integer, are always fractional when measured with a standard meter.

To determine the integer values ​​of the characteristic dimensions of the Cheops pyramid, it is necessary to know what system of measures the Egyptians used when building the pyramid. Most researchers refer to the book by N.A. Vasyutinsky, in which he examines the size of the pyramid through the system of measures adopted in Ancient Egypt, namely through the "royal cubit" equal to 0.466 m. In this case, the length of the base of the pyramid approximately corresponds to 500 "cubits" ... But the above reasoning shows that the base of the pyramid is an intermediate value, and its true size is at the level of the lower chamber. In this case, it is necessary to look for another system of measures.

The founder of the new Russian mechanics, academician of the International Academy of Informatization at the UN A. Chernyaev believes that the ancient system of measures, which was also used in the construction of the pyramids, has been preserved in church construction. He, based on the works of A.A. Piletsky, introduces the concept of "Vsemera", using the system of ancient fathoms. The author substantiates the multiplicity of all fathoms to the golden number F, and shows that all the parameters of the pyramids (height, side, diagonal of the base, side edge, apothem) are multiples of an integer number of different fathoms, remaining fractional in meter measurements.

However, in the same work, he himself says that “fathoms do not have“ real ”lengths. Fathoms are not a measuring instrument and therefore have no length themselves. " That is, fathoms do not have metricity, but are only a "measurement tool, a proportioning tool."

Many researchers believe that there are ancient measures of length, the values ​​of which should be related to the size of the Earth. English researcher Professor Tom put forward the idea of ​​the existence of a "standard" unit of measurement, adopted in the ancient world. He called it a "megalithic yard" equal to 2.72 feet or 0.829 m. This value he obtained on the basis of numerous measurements of the characteristic dimensions of ancient structures, which date back to 4700 - 3700 BC. in the Iberian Peninsula and the British Isles. According to the author, somewhere between 3200 - 3100 BC. dramatic climate change has taken place everywhere, with serious implications for Europe and the world. It is found that around 3000 BC. there was a sudden climatic shift. Prior to that date, Egypt and North Africa as a whole had a much wetter climate than they do today.

That is, there was a clear violation of the global climate regime. It marked the end of the most stable warm climate since the Ice Age, called the "Atlantic Climate Period." This same period is considered the beginning of dynastic Egypt, marked by an unexpected flourishing of complex cosmogony, writing and exquisite visual arts. Those. the builders of ancient megaliths moved to different parts of the Earth, including Ancient Egypt. In this case, it can be assumed that the megalithic yard remained the characteristic unit of measurement of the ancient Egyptians, used in the construction of the pyramids.

Therefore, having asked the known dimensions of the Cheops pyramid, we will bring them to the integer values ​​of the sizes, taken in megalithic yards (m.i.). Then the size of the true base of the pyramid will be 336 m.i., which corresponds to 278.544 m. From this one can obtain the characteristic dimensions of the Cheops pyramid (see Fig. 6).

In fig. 6 shows the main dimensions of the Cheops pyramid in megalithic yards, and the scheme according to which the ancient Egyptians built this pyramid is shown in Fig. 4.

Figure 6 - Dimensions of the Cheops pyramid

(dimensions are given in megalithic yards)

As a result, we obtained the main dimensions of the Cheops pyramid through the Golden Section using ancient measures of length - megalithic yards (m.i.). At the same time, the height of the pyramid is 212 meters, which corresponds to 175.748 meters, and the height of the ground part is 177 meters. or 146.733 m, which is in good agreement with the known data. Then the length of the base of the terrestrial part of the pyramid is 280 meters. or 232.12 m, which is also consistent with the known measurements of the pyramid.

Thus, the height of the Cheops pyramid increased by 30 m and became equal to 175.7 m.Based on the approach proposed by the author, the heights of all known pyramids (Egyptian and South American) must be calculated not from the surface of the earth, but from the base of the lower chambers.


    Stakhov A., Sluchenkova A., Shcherbakov I. Da Vinci Code and Fibonacci Series. - SPb .: Peter, 2005 .-- 320 p.

    Stakhov A.P. Under the sign of the "Golden Section": Confession of the son of a student. Chapter 7. Mathematics of Harmony. 7.2. International seminar "Golden section and problems of harmony of systems" // "Academy of Trinitarianism", - M., El. No. 77-6567, publ. 14169, 2007.

    Handbook of Elementary Mathematics. Geometry, trigonometry, vector algebra. P / r P.F. Filchikov. - K.: Naukova Dumka, 1967 - 442 p.

    Babanin V. The mystery of the geometry of the pyramids in the Egyptian triangle and in the golden section. URL = http: //www.shaping.ru/ mku / babanin03.asp

    Pyramid of Cheops - characteristic dimensions. URL = http: //www.board74.ru/ articles / geometry / heops. html

    Another hypothesis about the size and proportions of the Cheops pyramid. URL = http: //www.egyptportal.ru/content/view/131/26/

    Siliotti A. Egypt. Pyramids. Atlas of the wonders of the world. - M., BMM AO, 1999.

    V. Zamarovskiy - K.: Veselka, 1988 .-- 373 p.

    Vasyutinsky N.A. The golden proportion. - M., St. Petersburg: DILYA, 2006 - 367 p.

    Furlong D. Stonehenge and the Pyramids of Egypt. Keys to the Temple of Life. - M.: VECHE, 1999 .-- 400 p.

    Shmelev I.P. Pharaoh's architect. Russian art. - S.Pb, - 1993.

    A. I. Shchetnikov Golden ratio, square roots and proportions of the pyramids at Giza. URL = http://www.nsu.ru/dassics/ Pythagoras / Pyramis.pdf

    The gold of the heavenly account (conversation with A.F. Chernyaev) - Science and Religion. - No. 7-8. - URL = http: //kladina.narod.ru/chernjaev2/ chernjaev2.htm.

    Chernyaev A.F. Gold of Ancient Russia. - M. - 1998. URL = http: //kladina.narod.ru /chernjaev/chernjaev.htm.

S. Yakushko. The determination of volume of pyramid of Kheops through a "gold section".

On the grounds of the offered way of the building of the pyramid of Kheops are received true importances its typical sizes through integer of the value of the ancient units of the measurement.

Published: Naukove Vidannya: A modern picture of the world: nature, suspension, ludin: collection of scientific workers / State Vishny chief mortgage "Ukrainian Academy of Banking Rights of the National Bank of Ukraine". - Sumi: DVNZ "UABS NBU", 2008. - 320 p.

Yakushko SI, Determination of the characteristic dimensions of the Cheops pyramid through the golden section // "Academy of Trinitarianism", M., El No. 77-6567, publ. 14858, 22.07.2008

The unusual properties of the pyramids are set forth in such a large volume of relevant publications that they could be used to construct buildings much larger than the famous pyramids of Giza. Simple, harmonious and at the same time, mysterious forms of these ancient structures have been found practically on all continents of the planet Earth, and what is especially surprising, not so long ago, an American research probe brought to us their images from the surface of Mars.

The most ancient site of the pyramids on earth is Tibet.

Around the sacred mountain Kailash, which also resembles a pyramid in its shape, there is a whole complex of ancient pyramidal monuments. Their mutual arrangement is so reminiscent of the structure of the genetic code - DNA molecules, that a hypothesis appeared about the involvement of this complex, created by the mind unknown to us, to the emergence of life on Earth.

On the territory of China there is a complex similar to the Tibetan one, but the authorities restrict access to this mysterious place.

In South America, there is the sacred valley of the Incas, also consisting of a complex of temples and pyramids. There is a legend among local residents that this complex was built in time immemorial by fair-skinned and fair-haired people.

In the center of the famous Bermuda Triangle, on the seabed, a pyramid was discovered, surpassing the size of the Cheops pyramid. Its smooth, polished edges are made of an unknown material that resembles glass or ceramics.

Not so long ago, a complex of 37 underground pyramids up to 45 meters high was discovered on the territory of Crimea. Their material is heterogeneous and consists of metal oxides and organic compounds. The Crimean group of researchers put forward a hypothesis about the cosmic function of the pyramids, which play the role of special generators of torsion fields, the so-called generators of the shape, in which the torsion field is formed without rotation. In this capacity, the pyramids perform the functions of receiving and transmitting devices connecting the bowels of our planet with the Cosmos.

According to one of the hypotheses, the Egyptian pyramids on the Giza plateau, which include the most famous pyramid of Cheops, were built more than 10 thousand years ago by representatives of the legendary civilization of Atlantis. The civilization of the Atlanteans in many respects surpassed ours in terms of its level of development, however, they did not avoid internal confrontation, which caused a global catastrophe. As a result of this catastrophe, Atlantis disappeared into the depths of the sea.

Ancient Egypt, in which the Atlanteans had their settlements, on the eve of the catastrophe, became the site of the construction of giant pyramidal structures. The Atlanteans built them with the expectation of transferring their colossal knowledge about Nature and Space to a future distant from them for many millennia. This knowledge is hidden in the geometry of the pyramids, in their mutual position, in those mysterious dungeons, which, with the help of ultra-modern technology, discovered under the pyramids by Japanese researchers.

It was in our difficult time of changes that the mysterious messengers of the past revealed to those seeking knowledge some of their secrets.

The most significant discovery was the fact of the presence in geometry pyramids of Cheops of the principle of the Golden Section... This principle was first formulated by Euclid: the ratio of the whole to its larger part should be equal to the ratio of the larger part to the smaller one. If you divide a straight line segment into two unequal parts in such a way that its length (a + b) relates to the greater part (a) in the same way as this greater part to the smaller part (b), this will be a graphic representation of the principle of the Golden Section.

Everything connected with natural systems is subordinated to the principle of the Golden Section - these are the proportions of the human body, the structure of the genetic code - DNA and RNA molecules, according to this principle, the sound and color series, the system of chemical elements and the periods of revolution of the planets of the solar system are built.

Everything that gives a person a sense of harmony was created according to this “golden principle”.

In the Cheops pyramid, the principle of the Golden Section is reflected in the section triangle along the axis of symmetry in the vertical plane (Fig. 3)

The sum of 2 equal sides of an isosceles triangle GCF refers to its base as well as the sum of equal sides and base to the sum of equal sides, i.e .:

Such equality is possible only if the angle of inclination of the faces of the CFG pyramid is 53 degrees. It is this tilt that takes place in the Cheops pyramid, which can be conventionally called classical.

The pyramid, built according to the principle of the Golden Section, generates with its shape a special torsion field, which harmonizes the surrounding space, putting in order everything that is in the zone of its influence. This is the only harmonious combination of the size of the base of the pyramid and its height that allows it to work most efficiently in the "Earth-Space" mode, which will be discussed in the next chapter. Probably, it is this factor that explains the following, tested in practice, properties of the pyramids:

Neutralization of harmful radiation from pathogenic zones.
With the help of pyramids, by selecting their height and relative position, it is possible to neutralize or reduce to a value safe for humans, the dangerous influence of geopathogenic zones, both natural and technogenic in nature. Pyramids are used both in open areas and indoors, for example, to neutralize geopathogenic zones in an apartment. It should be noted here that the torsion field of the pyramid reaches its maximum value when its faces are oriented strictly to the cardinal points. Usually, using a compass, one of the faces of the pyramid is oriented towards the north.

Neutralization of harmful radiation from a computer, TV, electrical appliances.
Pictures of the aura of a person exposed to these radiations, made with the help of special equipment before and after the installation of the pyramid - a neutralizer, really show the restoration of the aura sizes oppressed by harmful radiation. Instrumental studies have also shown a decrease in the level of an overestimated radiation background of a room to a safe for humans after installing a pyramid-neutralizer in it.

General improvement of the human body.

Numerous examples from the literature on pyramidology allow us to state the facts of the beneficial effect of the pyramid field on the human body. Under its influence, the duration of diseases is significantly reduced, metabolic processes in the body are stabilized, and the healing of wounds and fractures is accelerated. Under the influence of the energy of the pyramids, viruses and bacteria die, thereby preventing the spread of epidemics.

The properties of water charged in the upper third of the pyramid's volume are especially interesting. It has a rejuvenating effect on the human body, strengthens the immune system, relieves chronic fatigue syndrome.

Our compatriot, the famous Egyptologist Mikhail Vladimirovich Saryatin, who took the literary pseudonym Enel, conducted a series of experiments with pyramids in the 60s of the last century, identifying several types of their radiation. One of them, which the researcher called the "Pi" ray, destroys tumor cells and destroys microbes, the second, the "Omega" ray - rejuvenates and heals the human body, increases its immune properties.

This short list by no means exhausts the list of amazing properties of the pyramids discovered today. Nevertheless, as an "exotic", it is worth mentioning such a rather unusual property of the pyramid field, such as the sharpening of razor blades. This effect was discovered by the Czech engineer Karl Drabl in the middle of the last century. During a trip to Egypt as a tourist, an inquisitive Czech noticed that after his visit to the pyramid of Cheops, the dull blade of a safety razor, which accidentally ended up in his pocket, regained its novelty. Intrigued by this effect, Druble made a model of the pyramid and conducted a series of experiments showing that the greatest blade sharpening effect occurs at a height of 1/2 to 1/3 of the base of the pyramid. In this case, the pyramid was oriented with its face to the north, and the edge of the razor placed in it was oriented to the west. Subsequently, he patented his discovery.

However, the most interesting thing in this story is the results of research on a blade sharpened in such an exotic way. Photographing through a microscope and spectral analysis showed that its structure was restored due to the introduction of an additional mass of metal, and it was from the same deposit where the ore containing the metal of the main blade was mined. All this is very reminiscent of teleportation, known from fantastic plots - the instantaneous movement of a material object from one point in space to another.

How to make a pyramid yourself or how to make a pyramid at home?

It is to this question that we will try to get an answer and practical advice in this article.

Making a portable pyramid of the "golden ratio"

For more than 4 years I have been making not very large pyramids in the proportions of the "golden ratio" (the size of which I substantiated on the basis of knowledge of the wavelength of our material world, equal to 7.23 cm), and during this time they have proven themselves very well, even despite such miniature view. Let's start with them.

So, we will make the so-called classical shape of the Pyramid, very similar in appearance to the shape of the most famous Pyramids on the Planet - the Egyptian pyramids.
But as I said, for our calculations we need knowledge of the primary value - 72.3 mm. I use this value to calculate all subsequent sizes of the Pyramids and explain it with simple logic. If the wavelength of our three-dimensional world is 7.23 cm, then in order for the Pyramid as an object of this living space to enter into harmonious resonance and alignment with the energies of this world, this value must be taken into account as the basic unit of the geometric dimension of the Pyramid model.

For those who want to learn more about the number 7.23 cm, read the book "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life", chapter two (2), although I came to this number from my spiritual search and analysis of the secret laws of our dual world.

The next operation is necessary to bring the geometry of the Pyramid to the standard of the "golden section". And for this we need to know the coefficient of the "golden ratio", which is considered the key to understanding the divine harmony of life. This is a well-known number in many sciences, from mathematics and geometry, to architecture and medicine, not only all the main mysteries in the geometry of the Egyptian Pyramids are associated with it, but also many parameters in the work of the heart and human biorhythms.

So, we have a segment of length and a factor of 1.618.

When multiplying 72.3 mm by a factor of 1.618, we get a size of 116, 981 mm, so we round this value to 117 mm. This will be taken as the size of the length at the base of the Pyramid or the size of the base of the triangle required to make the side of the Pyramid.

If this length is not enough for you, multiply the number 116.981 again by 1.618 and get the length size for the model with large sizes.

Well, we continue to work with these numbers 72.3 mm and 117 mm.
For our Pyramid with the geometry of the classical shape, we will have the following: the height of the Pyramid is 72 mm, the length of the base of the Pyramid is 117 mm.

In order for us to make a geometric unfolding of the parts for our Pyramid model, we need to know the dimensions of the triangular faces from which this Pyramid will be assembled. One size we already know is the length of the base of the Pyramid, equal to 117 mm.
Knowing the law of Pythagoras, we will quickly find the apothem of the Pyramid. We need the height of the Pyramid and half the length of the base of the Pyramid.
Using the Pythagorean formula, we get the number 92.769 and round it up to 93 mm.
So we have everything we need for fast, and close to the standard of the classical form, building a portable model of the Pyramid. Our model will consist of the following parts: four triangles with dimensions 117 mm (base of the triangle) and 93 mm (height of the triangle), in the version of the hollow Pyramid. And plus the square of the base of the Pyramid with dimensions of 117 mm by 117 mm, in case our model needs to make the bottom.

And then we take the ruler, the handle and the material from which our mini-pyramid will be made. Everyone has heard for a long time that it is better to make the Pyramids from dielectric materials (cardboard, plywood, fiberboard, plastic, glass, etc.).

We will not leave this tradition either, although I will explain the following from myself: pyramids can be made from different materials and even from conductive ones, that is, from metal, but it is worthwhile to correctly understand the nature of such manufacturing, and it lies in the fact that the pyramid is the maximum should be homogeneous, both in its geometry and in the material of construction. If it is wood, then it is all made of wood or in combination with dielectrics. If it's metal, it's all metal. Point attachments based on screws, nails and bolts are not desirable, especially if the main material in the structure is a dielectric, since these point attachments will create a different nature of the fields, relative to the general field of the Pyramid, which will create "noise bursts" in the energy sector. Pyramids.

On our piece of working material (in my case, this is plastic) we mark out the parts - first, measuring the size 93 mm, for the height of the triangles, and then 117 mm for drawing the triangles, taking into account the length of the base. The whole scheme is clear in the photo application.

And in this order we mark all four sizes of triangular faces. And then we take up the tool - some for scissors, if it is cardboard, and who for a knife for plastics or a saw, in the case of plywood or fiberboard.

In a minute or two, you should get four identical triangles, which will serve us for gluing the three-dimensional figure of the Pyramid.
But if you had thick material, then you will need to spend more time removing the side chamfers to accurately connect the adjacent edges in the triangles.

Here you can go in several ways, or again take up the basics of geometry and calculate the angular values, and then divide the angle in half, and already taking it as a template, rebuild the tool for chamfering, or go experimentally and, first, remove a little chamfer along edges, and then attach triangles to check. And so in a couple of passes, you will make a fairly accurate fit of the parts. As a result, everything should converge to a point at the top of the Pyramid, this will be a quality work.

It is also necessary to remove the chamfer at the base of the triangles, for the Pyramid to fit along the horizon, but here there will already be a slightly different angle. Although see for yourself, even without this the Pyramid will already be solved.

We come to the assembly and gluing of the parts of our Pyramid. To do this, you need to carefully lay out all the triangles on the table and fold their side to side, so that a Pyramid is formed in a flat pattern. And from the outside, fasten the edges of adjacent triangles, for example, with tape, self-adhesive paper or glued pieces of paper. And already at the stage of the last triangle, you can raise the assembled model so that the triangles touch the bases of the table, and the sweep itself curls up into a Pyramid, forming a volumetric model. Here then it is necessary to precisely glue the first and fourth faces, combining the points of the corners at the top and at the base of the Pyramid. If your figure turned out to be stable, then turn the Pyramid over and, having access to the inside, go along the seams and fill them with glue. After that, check again that the square of the base is preserved, and allow time for the glue to seize.

At this stage, we will have a hollow model of the pyramid, and this will be enough for many, since it is with access to the pyramid's dome zone that you will be able to work with it more efficiently.

In the case when you want to have a Pyramid with a closed bottom, you should start preparing the base of the Pyramid with a size of 117 by 117 mm and then gluing the dome of the Pyramid with a square base.

When the glue on the seams of the Pyramid has completely hardened, you can carefully remove the previously applied pieces of adhesive tape at the joints of the edges and now your Pyramid will be strong and whole.

Imagine that we have a source of energy, a force field or a stream of light, this is good in itself, but this field has a very wide range of effects, but we still need a certain target task in the work of this force and we need to adapt this stream informationally for yourself, that is, to impose some kind of useful structure.

In other words, imagine that the Pyramid is a kind of analogue of a filmoscope, that is, certain fields of rotation are created in it, like the luminous flux inside a filmoscope. And our task is to superimpose useful information on this field, just like in a projector, images are superimposed on the luminous flux. The pyramid gives a field of beneficial influence, and the task of the master is to direct this field to the solution of more specific problems. And for this we need to learn more about color therapy and energy-informational impact on the sympathetic and mental nature of a person.

Healers, scientists, doctors and people engaged in spiritual practices have long and successfully used and know about the positive impact on a person, his mood and health of color vibrations and special energy signs, matrices, mandalas and pantacles. Color causes an intensification of certain processes both on the subtle-vibrational plane of a person's aura and on the physical plane in the work of his organs and systems. Therefore, when you have a source of power in the form of an operating Pyramid of the "golden section", it will be very correct to give its external qualities a certain information program tuned to a pleasant perception for you.

It can be a specific color of your Pyramid; applications or patterns made by you on the edges; just a pasted photo or flower cut from a magazine; good wishes for yourself or a loved one, written by hand, or in another form, but most importantly with love and from the heart; a small icon of a saint or Archangel and it is better if it is in a circle; prayer, command, verse, everything that is close and dear to you according to the power of Faith and your aspirations for good. Now you are here the creator of your future and the magic of good (in the understanding of the law), now completely in your hands and bright thoughts.

Create and envelop your Pyramid with ideas and thought-forms, because it has the law of the fourth dimension and therefore is a connecting link and conductor to the higher octaves of life.

And for those who are no longer so young, but full of desire to live, more and more, I will advise a very correct method. Believe it or not, or know and believe, and even better, study the work on wave genetics, and then you will learn and believe that information can be transferred using light, vibrations and subtle fields of thought , love and intention. This method can be attributed to the field of juvenology - the science of preserving and prolonging youth. It's simple but very effective!

You need to choose a series of photographs or hand-drawn portraits where you were young, beautiful and cheerful. Next, take your source of power - the Pyramid, and place on its edges the photos you like or at least one photo on one edge. And then you need to put your Pyramid to the cardinal points and try to peer into your young face in a relaxed state and remember how good it is to be young and how happy you were at that time. At this time, thanks to your joint work with the Pyramid, the transfer of information about your youthful state will take place, and the Pyramid will already charge you with this energy. But it is even more correct if you start charging drinking water with your "rejuvenating" Pyramid.

To do this, you need to take a glass or jar filled with water and cover them with the dome of the Pyramid, while exposing it to the cardinal points. Such water will have a number of beneficial properties, including information about your youth, read from a photograph and your emotional memories.

Drink to your health and strengthen your strength, health and spirit. I hope your faith, dreams, hopes and imagination will help make this method and your Pyramid even more useful, life-affirming and magical. I love you and wish you all good and peace!

Source pyramid.org.ua/articles/my-pyramid/180.html

The unusual properties of the pyramids are set forth in such a large volume of relevant publications that they could be used to construct buildings much larger than the famous pyramids of Giza. Simple, harmonious and at the same time, mysterious forms of these ancient structures have been found practically on all continents of the planet Earth, and what is especially surprising, not so long ago, an American research probe brought to us their images from the surface of Mars.

The most ancient site of the pyramids on earth is Tibet.

Around the sacred mountain Kailash, which also resembles a pyramid in its shape, there is a whole complex of ancient pyramidal monuments. Their mutual arrangement is so reminiscent of the structure of the genetic code - DNA molecules, that a hypothesis appeared about the involvement of this complex, created by the mind unknown to us, to the emergence of life on Earth.

On the territory of China there is a complex similar to the Tibetan one, but the authorities restrict access to this mysterious place.

In South America, there is the sacred valley of the Incas, also consisting of a complex of temples and pyramids. There is a legend among local residents that this complex was built in time immemorial by fair-skinned and fair-haired people.

In the center of the famous Bermuda Triangle, on the seabed, a pyramid was discovered, surpassing the size of the Cheops pyramid. Its smooth, polished edges are made of an unknown material that resembles glass or ceramics.

Not so long ago, a complex of 37 underground pyramids up to 45 meters high was discovered on the territory of Crimea. Their material is heterogeneous and consists of metal oxides and organic compounds. The Crimean group of researchers put forward a hypothesis about the cosmic function of the pyramids, which play the role of special generators of torsion fields, the so-called generators of the shape, in which the torsion field is formed without rotation. In this capacity, the pyramids perform the functions of receiving and transmitting devices connecting the bowels of our planet with the Cosmos.

According to one of the hypotheses, the Egyptian pyramids on the Giza plateau, which include the most famous pyramid of Cheops, were built more than 10 thousand years ago by representatives of the legendary civilization of Atlantis. The civilization of the Atlanteans in many respects surpassed ours in terms of its level of development, however, they did not avoid internal confrontation, which caused a global catastrophe. As a result of this catastrophe, Atlantis disappeared into the depths of the sea.

Ancient Egypt, in which the Atlanteans had their settlements, on the eve of the catastrophe, became the site of the construction of giant pyramidal structures. The Atlanteans built them with the expectation of transferring their colossal knowledge about Nature and Space to a future distant from them for many millennia. This knowledge is hidden in the geometry of the pyramids, in their mutual position, in those mysterious dungeons, which, with the help of ultra-modern technology, discovered under the pyramids by Japanese researchers.

It was in our difficult time of changes that the mysterious messengers of the past revealed to those seeking knowledge some of their secrets.

The most significant discovery was the fact of the presence in geometry pyramids of Cheops of the principle of the Golden Section... This principle was first formulated by Euclid: the ratio of the whole to its larger part should be equal to the ratio of the larger part to the smaller one. If you divide a straight line segment into two unequal parts in such a way that its length (a + b) relates to the greater part (a) in the same way as this greater part to the smaller part (b), this will be a graphic representation of the principle of the Golden Section.

Everything connected with natural systems is subordinated to the principle of the Golden Section - these are the proportions of the human body, the structure of the genetic code - DNA and RNA molecules, according to this principle, the sound and color series, the system of chemical elements and the periods of revolution of the planets of the solar system are built.

Everything that gives a person a sense of harmony was created according to this “golden principle”.

In the Cheops pyramid, the principle of the Golden Section is reflected in the section triangle along the axis of symmetry in the vertical plane (Fig. 3)

The sum of 2 equal sides of an isosceles triangle GCF refers to its base as well as the sum of equal sides and base to the sum of equal sides, i.e .:

Such equality is possible only if the angle of inclination of the faces of the CFG pyramid is 53 degrees. It is this tilt that takes place in the Cheops pyramid, which can be conventionally called classical.

The pyramid, built according to the principle of the Golden Section, generates with its shape a special torsion field, which harmonizes the surrounding space, putting in order everything that is in the zone of its influence. This is the only harmonious combination of the size of the base of the pyramid and its height that allows it to work most efficiently in the "Earth-Space" mode, which will be discussed in the next chapter. Probably, it is this factor that explains the following, tested in practice, properties of the pyramids:

Neutralization of harmful radiation from pathogenic zones.
With the help of pyramids, by selecting their height and relative position, it is possible to neutralize or reduce to a value safe for humans, the dangerous influence of geopathogenic zones, both natural and technogenic in nature. Pyramids are used both in open areas and indoors, for example, to neutralize geopathogenic zones in an apartment. It should be noted here that the torsion field of the pyramid reaches its maximum value when its faces are oriented strictly to the cardinal points. Usually, using a compass, one of the faces of the pyramid is oriented towards the north.

Neutralization of harmful radiation from a computer, TV, electrical appliances.
Pictures of the aura of a person exposed to these radiations, made with the help of special equipment before and after the installation of the pyramid - a neutralizer, really show the restoration of the aura sizes oppressed by harmful radiation. Instrumental studies have also shown a decrease in the level of an overestimated radiation background of a room to a safe for humans after installing a pyramid-neutralizer in it.

General improvement of the human body.

Numerous examples from the literature on pyramidology allow us to state the facts of the beneficial effect of the pyramid field on the human body. Under its influence, the duration of diseases is significantly reduced, metabolic processes in the body are stabilized, and the healing of wounds and fractures is accelerated. Under the influence of the energy of the pyramids, viruses and bacteria die, thereby preventing the spread of epidemics.

The properties of water charged in the upper third of the pyramid's volume are especially interesting. It has a rejuvenating effect on the human body, strengthens the immune system, relieves chronic fatigue syndrome.

Our compatriot, the famous Egyptologist Mikhail Vladimirovich Saryatin, who took the literary pseudonym Enel, conducted a series of experiments with pyramids in the 60s of the last century, identifying several types of their radiation. One of them, which the researcher called the "Pi" ray, destroys tumor cells and destroys microbes, the second, the "Omega" ray - rejuvenates and heals the human body, increases its immune properties.

This short list by no means exhausts the list of amazing properties of the pyramids discovered today. Nevertheless, as an "exotic", it is worth mentioning such a rather unusual property of the pyramid field, such as the sharpening of razor blades. This effect was discovered by the Czech engineer Karl Drabl in the middle of the last century. During a trip to Egypt as a tourist, an inquisitive Czech noticed that after his visit to the pyramid of Cheops, the dull blade of a safety razor, which accidentally ended up in his pocket, regained its novelty. Intrigued by this effect, Druble made a model of the pyramid and conducted a series of experiments showing that the greatest blade sharpening effect occurs at a height of 1/2 to 1/3 of the base of the pyramid. In this case, the pyramid was oriented with its face to the north, and the edge of the razor placed in it was oriented to the west. Subsequently, he patented his discovery.

However, the most interesting thing in this story is the results of research on a blade sharpened in such an exotic way. Photographing through a microscope and spectral analysis showed that its structure was restored due to the introduction of an additional mass of metal, and it was from the same deposit where the ore containing the metal of the main blade was mined. All this is very reminiscent of teleportation, known from fantastic plots - the instantaneous movement of a material object from one point in space to another.

Source: Russian Institute of Creative Skills. From the cycle: "Native words: the revival of lost meanings."

Pyramid and health

One of the unique remedies is a tetrahedral pyramid, shaped like the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and other pharaohs, located on the Giza plateau in Egypt.

With its (not yet fully explained by science) energy, it rather actively stimulates the vital forces of the sick organism, and that, in turn, already copes with the disease more easily.

In other words, therapy with the help of a pyramid is a unique remedy for many diseases, and even if a person, being in good health, sometimes takes (in small doses) water or eats small portions of food, kept in a pyramid, or sometimes rests in a large or over small pyramids, then the chances of getting sick are minimal.

Making pyramids.

A home pyramid is made from natural material (boards, cardboard, plexiglass, flat slate, plywood, etc.), which has dielectric (insulating) properties, without a single nail and without the use of other metals, which by their field distort the field of the pyramidal space.

The energy of this space should be pure, without any distortion, then the healing properties of the pyramid will be maximized.

A pyramid is a polyhedron, the base of which is a polygon, and the side faces are triangles that have a common size.

At the base of a regular pyramid there is always a regular polygon (for example, a square for a tetrahedral pyramid), and the side faces are equal triangles. The height of the pyramid is equal to the length of the perpendicular dropped from the top to the center of the base (the center of the regular polygon lying at the base of the pyramid is the point of intersection of its diagonals).

In addition to the height, the characteristics of the pyramid are the length of the base and the height of the side face (apothem) of the pyramid.

A home pyramid can have any size, but the ratio of its height to the length of the base must be strictly defined, namely: the length of the base must exceed the height of the pyramid by 1.6 times. This ratio corresponds to the proportion of the golden ratio, or harmonious division.

Thus, multiplying the given height of the pyramid by 1.6, we get the length of its base. To determine the height of the side face (apothem of the pyramid), multiply the given height of the pyramid by 1.35.

It should be remembered that with a doubling of the height of the pyramid, the activity of its action increases many times (50-100 and more). Therefore, if possible, install the pyramids with the maximum height.

One of the edges of the pyramid should be oriented strictly to the north with the help of the compass.

If it is built in a favorable place - on a hill, without metal, far from reinforced concrete houses and structures, far from power lines, embankments and railways, with the help of a compass it is correctly oriented to the cardinal points, such a pyramid works immediately and very efficiently!

In houses and apartments, the pyramids should be placed away from metal objects and structures that violate the natural magnetic field of the Earth and thereby reduce the healing properties of the pyramid. Such items include heating batteries, water supply, sewage, etc. If the houses are made of reinforced concrete structures, the pyramids in them may not be as effective. In this case, it is better to build a pyramid at your summer cottage and restore health with its help.

It should be remembered that any pyramid must be made by a mentally balanced person, who during the manufacture must have good and bright thoughts, and the builder must do this work with a soul.

If the pyramids are built somehow, with a violation of the proportions of the golden ratio, not oriented to the cardinal points of the compass, it can be assumed that they will not bring any benefit, and perhaps even harm.

Dimensions of the home pyramid

Height - Base length - Apothem - Rib length
10 cm - 10x1.6 = 16 cm - 10x1.35 = 13.5 cm - 15.70 cm

15 cm 15x1.6 = 24 cm 15x1.35 = 20.25 cm 25.53 cm

20 cm 20x1.6 = 32 cm 20x1.35 = 27 cm 31.38 cm

30 cm 30x1.6 = 48 cm 30x1.35 = 40.5 cm 47.07 cm

40 cm 40x1.6 = 64 cm 40x1.35 = 54 cm 62.76 cm

50 cm 50x1.6 = 80 cm 50x1.35 = 67.5 cm 78.46 cm

100 cm 100x1.6 = 160 cm 100x1.35 = 135 cm 156.92 cm

250 cm 250x1.6 = 400 cm 250x1.35 = 337.5 cm 392.30 cm

300 cm 300x1.6 = 480 cm 300x1.35 = 405 cm 470.77 cm

500 cm 500x1.6 = 800 cm 500x1.35 = 675 cm 784.61 cm

1000 cm 1000x1.6 = 1600 cm 10x1.35 = 1350 cm 1569.24 cm

It should be remembered that the maximum energy capabilities of all correctly made and installed pyramids (large and small) are possessed by their internal space at the level from 1/3 to 2/3 of the pyramid height. The rest of the space of the pyramids is energetically minimal, respectively, and the return is minimal.

In the upper part of the pyramid, it is advisable to make a small incision so that a hole is formed (for a pyramid with a base of 4 m, the hole diameter is 60-70 mm) - a waveguide that the pyramid needs to release into the surrounding space the excess energy that is formed inside during operation. A hole is also made in the base in the center (for a pyramid with a base of 4 m, the hole diameter is 10 mm). With the help of a compass, three concentric circles are drawn around the center of the base, along which about 30 similar holes are evenly distributed (for a pyramid with a base of 4 m, the diameters of the circles are 100 cm, 250 cm and 400 cm). The holes in the base are necessary for the unhindered reception of the Earth's energy. Shelves are installed at the height of 1/3, 1/2 and 2/3 of the pyramid.

Examples of using pyramids.

In case of severe and multiple diseases, the patient should use the large pyramids for rest - the possibilities of healing in them are practically unlimited. The time spent in the large pyramids is purely individual, for especially sensitive patients - no more than 15 minutes. In case of fatigue, 30 minutes of staying in the pyramid is enough to recuperate and get rid of discomfort.

Indoor pyramids can also be used. The patient rests on a bed without metal, under which up to five (10-15 cm high) pyramids are installed along his body.

For healing the body, empty pyramids are good, but in combination with the intake of pyramidal water or herbal infusions aged for 24 hours inside the pyramid at 2/3 of the height (in the upper part). Even a small fraction of such water benefits the patient. The pyramid infusion is done something like this: put the medicinal raw materials indicated in the recommendation in a container (glass or jar), pour the required amount of boiling water, close with a nylon lid and insist on a stand for the required time at the level of 2/3 of the pyramid height. Water can be stored in the pyramid for a long time.

For all internal pains, for pain in muscles and joints, outwardly in the form of a compress, you can use aluminum foil, which is previously charged in the pyramid for 24 hours at the level of 1/2 of the height using a dielectric support. The foil charged in this way is wrapped with a layer of linen and applied to a sore spot or joint. From above, this compress is closed, secured with a linen cloth or bandage and left overnight. Such compresses are also used for pains of the head, abdomen, chest, limbs. With the help of such compresses, pains usually go away quickly enough - they go away completely!

In addition to healing properties, pyramids are useful for many other purposes.

You can keep the seeds before planting in a pyramid for 10-15 days at the level of 1/3 of the height, while the germination and yield increases by about 2 times.

Pyramids have a beneficial effect on animals. You can build a large pyramid near their place of residence, you can place several small pyramids. The aquarium can be filled with pyramidal water, it can be covered with a pyramid oriented to the cardinal points for 24 hours or more.

In pyramids, especially large ones, perishable foodstuffs can be stored on shelves at 1/3 of the height for a long time without the risk of spoiling. At the same time, their taste even improves.

In small pyramids, on a stand 1/3 of the height, blunt blades and knives are placed for 24 hours for sharpening

For a number of years in Russia, research has been carried out on the Pyramids in the proportions of the Golden Section. During these years, the Pyramids were built in Zaporozhye and Voronezh, in the Belgorod and Tver regions, in Krasnodar and Togliatti, in Uzbekistan and Bashkiria. There are 15 pyramids in total.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we are talking about a Pyramid with a specific geometry based on the proportions of the Golden Section. The diameters of adjacent balls in a sequence of balls, inscribed in this Pyramid, form just such a proportion.

Areas of the Space of the Universe with sufficiently dense material objects (for example, the Solar System) undergo changes (curvatures) of their structure under the influence, including the mental activity of the Mind, inadequate to its Habitat. Inharmonious events in the nearest space and distant space aggravate the situation. The result of the curvature of Space, deviations from the structure of its state of Harmony are all earthly troubles: crimes, diseases, epidemics, earthquakes, wars, regional conflicts, social tension, economic cataclysms, lack of spirituality, moral decline.

The pyramid in the area of ​​its activity directly or indirectly corrects the structure of Space, brings it closer to the state of Harmony. Everything that is or falls into this Space begins to develop in the direction of Harmony. In this case, the likelihood of all of the above troubles will decrease. The dynamics of mitigation and elimination of all negative manifestations significantly depends on the size of the Pyramid and compliance with all geometric relationships. With the doubling of the height of the Pyramid, its active effect increases approximately 10 5 - 10 7 times.

In the area of ​​influence of the Pyramid, phenomena appear that today can be attributed to phenomenology. Even with a frost of 40 degrees Celsius, ordinary water does not freeze inside the Pyramid. With a sharp shake of a bottle with such supercooled water, it freezes in 2-3 seconds. If you look at the Pyramid with a locator in the wavelength range of 10 cm, an ion column several kilometers high is visible above it. A similar picture is given by power units of nuclear power plants, nuclear waste disposal sites, and other high-energy facilities. At the same time, the radiation situation around and inside the Pyramid does not differ from the background values. Many substances significantly change their physical and chemical properties: semiconductors, carbon materials, etc. It is surprising that these substances come to life. Their properties change according to a sinusoidal law in time with a sufficiently large amplitude. There is a spontaneous charging of capacitors, the temperature threshold of superconductivity changes, and the scale of physical time changes. The immunity of animals that have been in the zone of influence of the Pyramid is significantly enhanced. The viability of cellular tissue affected, for example, by HIV infection, increases many times over. The malignant process in the body is blocked. Medicines multiply their specific properties even when the concentration is reduced many times, such effects disappear from their use.

Bringing the field structures of a person or groups of people into a harmonious state is of exceptional importance for man and mankind. The state of these field structures is how we fit into the surrounding world, how harmonious we are with it and in it. This is how we are in harmony with other structures and factors of the surrounding world, for example, with pathogenic microbes and viruses, with the ozone layer of the atmosphere and the surface layer of the lithosphere, with the social and economic situation in society, with the level of energy supply of material objects, incl. including biological.

The influence of the Pyramids is equally beneficial for humans and for bacteria and viruses. The pyramid is a natural factor that brings the entire biological system of the planet into a state of Harmony, changes its governing structures. The impact of the Pyramid reduces the mutual pathogenicity of humans and bacteria, humans and viruses, etc. Humanity has an opportunity to get rid of hepatitis, AIDS, malignant tumors and other diseases that threaten the very existence of humanity within the next few years. Pathological childbirth will become an exception, and the relationship of newly born children with the outside world will be as harmonious as possible. The concept of “prevention” will be filled with real meaning.

The same logic applies to other negative processes. In the case of earthquakes, we will talk about the stress control structures in the lithosphere. In the case of social and economic problems - about the control structures of tensions in society, etc. The mechanism of manifestation of these processes is the same, the same and their root cause is the curvature (inharmonious) of space.

In my opinion, the concept of biblical Paradise should be considered not in the geographical sense, but in the sense of the structure of the environment, the structure of the space in which we live. How close this structure is to the state of harmony depends on how our life corresponds to the concept of the biblical Paradise.

One of the Pyramids was built on the shores of Lake Seliger in June 1997. Its height is 22 m, the length of the base side is 11 m. The radius of its active action is hundreds of kilometers. Using this structure as an example, let us consider the essence of the influence of the Pyramid and the mechanisms of its propagation.

The flow of groundwater from the Valdai Upland, passing in the zone (space) of the Pyramid, receives (accumulates) information about the structure of this space and delivers it to the watershed of the Volga, Dnieper, Western Dvina and many smaller rivers. Through the channels of these rivers, streams and their tributaries, information enters the territory of these water streams, where the harmonization of the spatial structure takes place. The lithosphere and atmosphere are powerful means of transmitting information. Information is most actively disseminated along special lines and structures of these media, for example, faults or air currents.

Water at the water intakes of settlements, getting into the water mains, transfers this information to all city communications, buildings, enterprises, various structures and, of course, people. Food, drinks, medicines, having been inside the Pyramid, also become carriers of this information.

An important means of transferring information are crystalline substances, for example, stones, minerals, with their correct orientation on the ground, especially when many of them form a closed loop. The space within such a contour significantly improves its structure even in very large territories, for example, regions, countries, zones of regional conflicts.

The transfer of information (impact) from the Pyramid can be localized within the territory. The objects of such localization can be hospitals, schools, places of entertainment, places of deployment of troops and special forces, objects of increased danger, mines, hazardous industries, nuclear facilities, vehicles, including airplanes, spacecraft, zones of environmental disasters, individual houses, apartments, people. The mechanism of action in this case will be the same.

In September-October 1997, the actions described above were carried out on the territory of the Moscow, Leningrad, Tver, Samara, Saratov regions, including regional centers and other large cities. At the same time, the emphasis was placed on Moscow and the nearest Moscow region. It will take only two to three weeks to transfer information from the Pyramid, located, for example, on Seliger, to the territories of countries such as the USA, Germany, Japan, England, Australia, etc. The process of intensifying these influences will continue for several years.

I would note the effectiveness of these effects:

- in places of accumulation of nuclear waste and nuclear fuel, including resettlement zones. In this case, optimal changes will occur not only in the substance of nuclear fuel, but also in the design of protective equipment, for example, in the Chernobyl sarcophagus, the hull of the Komsomolets submarine, and other similar burial grounds, in nuclear warheads. The structure of underwater currents and atmospheric flows at the sites of disasters will change in an optimal way.

- in seismically active areas, including the surfaces of seas and oceans, seismic activity will decrease several times due to the optimal distribution of stresses in the lithosphere.

- with shallowing of lakes and seas, with the onset of deserts, with abnormal fluctuations in the level of groundwater.

- on the territories of burials of chemical, bacteriological wastes and other toxic substances. In this case, the toxicity of waste will decrease both due to chemical and physicochemical processes, and due to more subtle transformations.

- in areas with a high probability of forest, steppe fires, floods.

- in areas with a high probability of atmospheric cataclysms, including typhoons, tornadoes, tornadoes.

- in areas with ozone layer anomalies, other problems of protection from biologically harmful radiation, including electromagnetic.

- in the territories of social and environmental disasters.

- in territories with a difficult epidemiological situation, the likelihood of diseases and the appearance of malignant formations decreases several times.

- on board an aircraft, submarine, spacecraft, the likelihood of accidents and any emergency situations is significantly reduced.

- the level of human adaptation to environmental conditions increases.

- in places of oil production and processing, its viscosity decreases.

- in materials science, traditional technologies for the production of superhard substances, composite materials are undergoing serious changes, a breakthrough in obtaining new energy sources becomes possible.

- solving the problems of drug addiction, alcoholism.

- reducing the level of social tension, including in regions with a difficult operational situation, regions of religious fanaticism and fundamentalism.

- over the course of several years, the level of crime has been significantly reduced, the aggressiveness and cruelty of its manifestations decreases.

- solving the problems of energy information protection at all levels, including the protection of territories, premises and individuals from psychotropic influences.

- a significant increase in the average life expectancy of a person. In 10–20 years, it will be at least 100 years.

- in agriculture, the yield increases by tens of percent.

To start the described processes on any territory, it is enough to lay a closed contour of stones that have visited the Pyramid along the border of the territory. This action will be identical to that as if the Pyramid was erected over this territory. It is advisable to repeat these works 3-5 times during the year. Drawing an analogy, it is possible to extend these actions to the scale of the entire planet by laying such a contour along the equator, or by placing a certain amount of stones into near-earth orbit. So, on October 25, 1998, a cargo of crystalline substances processed in the Pyramid was delivered to the Mir orbital station. For the first time, an impact on a truly planetary scale was carried out. With each orbit of the Mir station around the Earth, this impact will intensify.

It should not be assumed that the impact of the Pyramid cancels out the fundamental laws of the Universe: the laws of the material world, karmic laws, etc. the ground sways underfoot; If earlier seven generations were responsible for a person's misconduct, now the punishment can be that a person, say, twists his leg. Both, according to the Law of Harmony, should be enough for a person or the population of the city to realize the reason for what happened and to correct their further path.

It must be borne in mind that the Pyramids have a powerful effect, therefore, one should be very careful in understanding these influences, and even more so in the construction of the Pyramids. It should be remembered that as soon as we move away from the described geometry, as soon as we have three sharper or more gentle Pyramids, we move away from the main thing - from Harmony. We will receive powerful effects in both positive and negative aspects. Suffice it to recall the pyramids in Egypt, Mexico, Peru, etc. I think that one or more pyramids of a specific size and specific geometry are enough for our planet. It is very strictly necessary to approach the height of the Pyramids. Perhaps a height of 44 m or 88 m will be the maximum permissible for the planet. The 44 m high pyramid is planned to be built in 1999 in the Moscow region.

All of the above is based on joint experiments with a number of research institutes of Russia, leading clinics, as well as on hypotheses, analogies and expert assessments. The scale of work carried out and research results, their significance, both social and economic, have no analogues in world practice. Obviously, in both humanitarian and commercial terms, the Pyramids project has no equal in the twentieth century.

The pyramids of the golden ratio


This is a story about the world of forms. Look around you, everything around us has a form. We are so used to it that we don't seem to notice it. Well, unless we get a start about the pretty legs running past or the clearly outlined crimson lips seen in the subway. Then our instinct tells us that behind these forms interesting content can be hidden. Thus, we subconsciously penetrate at once into two laws of nature. The first is that content is hidden inside each form. That is, the processes that take place inside the form are different from the processes that take place outside the form. The second - different forms correspond to different content. This means that the interaction of substances, fields, energy flows within one form occurs in a different way than in a form different from it. Then, by changing the shape, you can change the interaction. These principles are the basis for the construction of the pyramids. Why pyramids? For now, we will make the assumption that, in terms of the sum of the features, the simplicity of construction plus the effectiveness of the impact, the shape of the pyramid, in modern terms, turned out to be more competitive.

The pyramids were built for a long time. Every advanced ancient civilization in America, in northern Africa, in Asia considered it necessary to install at least a dozen pyramids. Since they were built of stone, a large number of pyramids have been well preserved to this day. Various scientific and non-scientific research was carried out in the pyramids. But no one was able to answer the question of how the pyramids affect the surrounding nature and what is the impact on the bowels located under them. After all, for this it would be necessary to destroy the pyramids and see what will happen next. You can go the other way. See what is there first. Then build a pyramid and wait to see what happened. Russian Alexander Golod managed to go this way. He built in Russia several pyramids of the golden section with a height of 12 to 40 meters. What happened after the construction of the pyramids? One pyramid was built on the shores of Lake Seliger. After its construction, the ecology of the lake began to improve rapidly, although the opposite had happened before. The construction of a group of pyramids in Bashkiria on oil fields had a strong impact on oil-bearing formations, reducing the viscosity of oil, thereby increasing its production from wells. This means that the impact from the pyramids spreads not only along the surface of the earth, but also deep below it. Due to what the changes occur in the space surrounding the pyramids, because in A. Golod's pyramids there are no energy sources, only four inclined walls. It turns out that the pyramids interact with the Earth. More precisely, with the streams of energy flowing in the Earth and on its surface. The effects that occur around the pyramids are a kind of feedback from the interaction of the Earth's energies within the pyramidal shape. And as we can see, the effects of the influence of the pyramids of the golden section, built by A. Golod, have a very favorable effect on nature. What are the pyramids of the golden ratio? But first, let's talk a little about the golden ratio.

We learned about the proportion of the golden ratio from Leonardo da Vinci, who lived in the Middle Ages. He prompted us that the dimensions of a person's body, that is, arms, legs, head, torso, are in a ratio determined by the number 1.618 or the numbers derived from it 0.618, 0.382. He called this ratio "golden". Prior to this, the mathematician Fibonacci discovered a sequence of integers arranged in ascending order. The result from dividing two adjacent numbers in this sequence gradually approached 1.618. It turned out that the numbers of this sequence are found everywhere in the living world. For example, leaf cuttings adjoin the plant stem in a spiral. Hazel leaves are located after 1/3 of a revolution, for oak - 2/5 of a revolution, for poplar - 3/8 of a revolution, for willow - 5/13 of a revolution. The numbers 1,2,3,5,8,13 are Fibonacci sequence numbers. When studying the divisibility signs for the numbers of this sequence, it turned out that the number 5 plays a special role in it. However, even earlier, Pythagoras showed us how, using geometric constructions, one can divide a straight line segment into two parts that are in the ratio of the golden ratio. Pythagoras was not so much a mathematician as a philosopher. He connected the numbers of the decimal system of counting with the principles of constructing the world and the universe. Each number has its own philosophical meaning. In order to understand where the golden ratio came from, let's try to plunge into the world of Pythagoras.

Number one

According to Pythagoras, the number one corresponds to something primary, the most important, primordial and from which the entire Universe will subsequently be created. This primary contains everything and rests in itself. From our vocabulary, the word "god" is most suitable for this primary. And God could have rest in himself as much as he wanted, but since he contains everything in himself, including the living, then he himself, in his own way, is alive. And striving is inherent in all living things. What can God strive for if he has everything? Perhaps only one thing - to the knowledge of their capabilities. How can God know his capabilities? After all, cognition is movement, and God then rests. And then God has a plan or program. Let's call it the Divine Word or Logos. It is not given to us to understand this program, it is only God knows, but it is possible to assume that God needed conditions for the manifestation of himself for the purpose of knowledge. So God creates the Universe, including the living world, and, at the same time, you and me. He endows the living world with feelings and reason so that you and I can feel and realize God, that is, the world around us, as well as save this information until our life ends. Then God takes this information into himself, as the people say - God has cleaned up.

From what to build the Universe from God did not raise questions. Only from yourself. There was no other, as they say, by definition. There is only one construction method, or rather its beginning. This is the separation of a part or division into parts.

Let's try to choose a geometric figure corresponding to the number 1, that is, the image or symbol of God before the moment of separation. All religious sources suggest a circle or circle. In a volumetric image, a circle will correspond to a ball or sphere. Take a closer look at the circle. All its points are removed at the same distance from its center. Complete symmetry, complete balance, complete rest. And if you look at the spinning ball, you get the impression that it is standing still. However, with all this unity, a latent duality is already outlined. The diameter of the ball is equal to two radii.

This means that the sphere will be the most primary element in the construction of the Universe. The whole world around us also consists of spheres, manifest or hidden. How can you build from spheres? There are not so many options. Since the sphere has only one parameter - diameter or radius, they can differ in the size of the radius. You can make sequences from spheres of the same or different sizes by directing them in a straight line, as if putting balls on an axis. If two or more sequences with balls intersect at one point, then a spatial structure of balls is formed. And if now the balls are slightly moved apart from each other, then a painfully familiar picture in the school chemistry classroom rises before your eyes. This is a spatial model of the crystalline structure of a substance, consisting of wires and colored balls. Atoms can be thought of as spheres, the size of which is limited by electron clouds. Then the properties of substances are determined both by the size of the atoms-spheres included in them, and by their mutual arrangement in space.

Number two

The number two according to Pythagoras corresponds to the process of dividing God into two parts, opposite to each other. We call this poles. Positive and negative, masculine and feminine, yang and yin. The separation occurs due to the initial impulse of energy embedded in the program - Logos. The divided poles are part of the whole and therefore they have an eternal striving towards each other. I could not find a geometric figure corresponding to the number 2. Maybe the readers are more fortunate. The process of splitting in two gave rise to mirror symmetry. Everything in the universe has mirror symmetry, explicit or implicit.

Here I would like to draw your attention to right-angled triangles. All but one right-angled triangles have no mirror symmetry. However, the presence of a right angle suggests that this triangle can be rotated around the leg and complement itself, creating a symmetrical shape called an isosceles triangle. Rectangular triangles act as a tool for studying isosceles triangles and pyramids. Pythagoras paid due attention to right-angled triangles, leaving us, among other things, the theorem on the aspect ratio in this triangle - the famous "Pythagorean Pants".

Let's talk a little about the method of our study of the pyramids. It was said above that the spheres are the primary forms of which all things are built. All other shapes, including the pyramids, will be secondary. The inner essence of the pyramid, its purpose, is determined by the sequence of spheres inscribed in it. If you cut the pyramid in half with a vertical plane passing through the apex, then an isosceles triangle is formed on the cut. The sequence of the circles inscribed in the triangle will correspond to the sequence of the spheres inscribed in the pyramid. An isosceles triangle has the property: the size of each circle inscribed in it in the direction of height differs from the size of the following circle by the same number of times. That is, there is a number that can be multiplied by which to calculate the radius of any circle in the sequence. This number will be the main characteristic of both an isosceles triangle and a circle.

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