Home Beneficial properties of fruits In a dream I dreamed of a lot of cats, why. Many cats interpretation of the dream book. Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: What does a cat mean?

In a dream I dreamed of a lot of cats, why. Many cats interpretation of the dream book. Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: What does a cat mean?

“Why do you dream about a lot of cats?” - this is a question you can ask yourself if you see this image in your night fantasies. Armed with knowledge of all possible interpretations of the “cat” image, you can confidently face your future without fear of making a mistake. Why? Yes, because the dream book always gives the person who looks into it useful advice, following which you can avoid troubles.

The dream book gives a fairly broad interpretation of such dreams

  • 1 Why many cats dream: interpretation in dream books
  • 2 Cats in the dream book (video)
  • 3 Seeing a lot of cats and cats in a dream: what does it mean?
  • 4 Why does a woman dream about many cats?
  • 5 Cats and dogs together in a dream: what does it mean?
  • 6 Why do you dream about many kittens?
  • 7 Why do you dream of many cats in a house or apartment?
  • 8 Why do you dream about many black or multi-colored cats?
  • 9 Cat in a dream (video)

Why do many cats dream: interpretation in dream books

The dream book gives a fairly broad interpretation of such dreams:

  1. If a person dreams of dead cats, this means that the dreamer will soon break off relations with his soulmate. Holding a dead animal in your arms means living in stress due to constant scandals in the family. A series of quarrels will lead to a final separation.
  2. The dreamer dreams of cats suffering from pain - he will be able to get away with it, and also avoid an unfavorable deal for himself.
  3. Cats give birth - to financial well-being.
  4. Seeing a cat giving birth is a sign of gossip, rumors and social intrigue. Perhaps the dreamer has ill-wishers, whom he probably knows, but is not aware of their secret plans. The Dream Interpretation recommends that in the near future you should be wary of people who are not part of the dreamer’s immediate social circle.
  5. If in a dream a person watches these animals, then in real life he may have one. And if the dreamer already has this pet, and, moreover, it is female, there is a high probability of pregnancy.
  6. If a person dreams of a cat attacking him, this is a bad sign. Such a dream means that the dreamer will face a strong enemy who will not be easy to defeat. But if in the dream the victory over the beast was the dreamer’s, he will cope with troubles and defeat his enemy.
  7. Cats often dream of life's trials. Black cats symbolize the difficulties and hardships that arise on the way the dreamer achieves his goal.
  8. Hungry animals portend trouble and stress to a person.

To see someone catching a lot of cats means achieving your wish.

Cats in the dream book (video)

Seeing a lot of cats and cats in a dream: what does it mean?

  • Many cats in the attic dream of mental torment. Perhaps the dreamer is experiencing a serious mental conflict. The dialogue with oneself cannot be resolved in any way and this makes it impossible to make the right decision. Such a dream is the personification of a person’s internal state.
  • A fluffy flock of beautiful cats symbolizes the difficulties that the dreamer will face in the near future. However, if animals do not behave aggressively, and a person enjoys being around them, he will be able to cope with all adversities.

A fluffy flock of beautiful cats symbolizes the difficulties that the dreamer will face in the near future.

A flock of cats in night dreams promises the dreamer victory over his enemies. In the struggle for a place in the sun, he will have to, as they say, go over his head. And he will do it.

Why does a woman dream about many cats?

According to esotericists and psychologists, this image visits girls in dreams for a reason.“Cat” dreams come to women when changes occur in their mental organization.

  1. The girl has pronounced sexual fantasies, but she cannot bring them to life.
  2. Petting suitable cats means being in search of a life partner.
  3. If cats attack a woman, scratch her or bite her, in reality she suppresses her sadistic tendencies.
  4. A cat leaving the pack symbolizes the fidelity of the dreamer's partner.

Such a dream means grievances and hidden complexes. Perhaps the woman has a strong patron who psychologically suppresses her.

Cats and dogs together in a dream: what does it mean?

Dogs together with cats are a contradictory symbol. In night dreams, it means a discrepancy between the dreamer’s views, values ​​or beliefs in reality. Perhaps there are double standards in his life. This is inconvenient and hypocritical. Contradictions in a person’s deeds and thoughts do not give him the opportunity to live comfortably and meaningfully.

Dogs and cats are a contradictory symbol

Surely, soon a person will face some important large-scale event, the organization of which will require maximum responsibility and composure. The Dream Interpretation recommends not to rush to prepare for this action, because the presence of a contradiction in life obviously will not play into your hands. The dreamer must be more reasonable, think positively, and then everything will work out for him.

Why do you dream about many kittens?

Kittens in night dreams are a very good sign. They are rarely dreamed of in a negative context, however, if there are too many of them and it causes stress in the dreamer, it’s worth worrying about.

  1. Many small animals fighting among themselves and attacking a person promise troubles, fatigue and stress. Surely the dreamer has some troublesome event planned, for example, a wedding. Preparing for a holiday is always a hustle and bustle, but if you set your priorities correctly and get enough sleep, then you can organize it in the best possible way.
  2. The birth of fluffy kittens promises financial well-being for a person. Money will “fall” on him unexpectedly. Financial events that will soon occur in the dreamer’s life will forever change his usual way of life.
  3. If a person enjoys being around kittens, he feels protected and happy with them, then in real life he will find peace, and harmony will reign in his soul. This is a very good dream.

Kittens in night dreams are a very good sign

The multitude of these small animals symbolize the dreamer’s surge of strength. Soon he will feel that he can move mountains, if only he had an incentive.

Why do you dream of many cats in a house or apartment?

  • Wild cats that come to the dreamer’s house symbolize conflicts and discord. Perhaps he will soon have a big row with his neighbors.
  • Young animals in the house, which are located on the dreamer’s furniture, portend betrayal and deception on the part of relatives.
  • Many domestic fluffy cats represent the dreamer's boredom. Perhaps he wanted to achieve significant results at work, but was unable to do so.

Many domestic fluffy cats represent the dreamer's boredom

Ungroomed and foul-smelling animals symbolize the dreamer’s lack of spiritual growth in real life. Also, such an image in dreams indicates that the dreamer is taking the wrong actions to achieve his goal.

Why do you dream about many black or multi-colored cats?

  1. Black animals symbolize bad luck. No matter what the dreamer does, everything will fall out of his hands. However, a dream in which black cats were allies of a person or simply caressed him is interpreted in the opposite way. Luck and success are what you should expect after such dreams.
  2. Looking at colorful cats in a dream means good luck. But if the animals were salted, this indicates an unstable life period, impermanence.
  3. The gray color of a cat's coat signals greed and hypocrisy emanating from the people who make up the dreamer's inner circle.
  4. White animals promise a man a faithful companion, and a woman a deceitful friend.

The red color of animals means lust and arrogant thoughts in the dreamer's actions.

Cat in a dream (video)

It turns out that cats do not always promise happiness and positive changes in life, but if you follow all the advice in the dream book, you can avoid making mistakes in the future. The main thing is to think positively and then even the worst dream will never come true.

Each dream has its own meaning. Knowing the interpretation of a dream, a person is armed and protected from mistakes. When a dream about cats promises problems and trials for a person in life, and when it means support and good luck, you can find out by reading this article.

The interpretation of the dream depends on the number of cats. If you dream of a large number of animals, then this strengthens the predictions that concern one cat.

What does it mean to see many cats in a dream?

Cats that appear in a dream can be interpreted in different ways. Below are the interpretations of such dreams in accordance with popular dream books.

Miller's Dream Book

If a flock of cats appears in a dream and has a hostile attitude, then this is not a sign of good circumstances, and this should alert the dreamer. When you dream that cats scratch and bite, this promises losses and losses not only in material terms, but also in a person’s reputation.

If the dreamer managed to drive away aggressive cats, then this means victory over troubles. To drive away means to get rid of problems. However, even the affectionate and gentle behavior of these animals should not be taken literally - such behavior expresses insincerity, flattery, gossip and slander.

If you dreamed of a dirty and sick animal, then you should pay attention to your health and the well-being of your family and friends. Perhaps in this way a person’s consciousness warns of possible problems. This fact should not be ignored.

Interpretation according to Freud

According to world psychologist Freud, a cat is the personification of the sexual side of a person. A cat that purrs and caresses means that a romantic evening with an intimate ending may take place in life.

If in a dream the cat is aggressive and hostile, then this means that in life the dreamer is prone to sadomasochism and the desire to cause physical pain to his partner. But when a person sees himself stroking a cat, then he wants to experience the same sensations in life.

Color and interpretation

The interpretation of the dream largely depends on the color of the cat that appeared in the dream. Below are several interpretation options depending on the color of the animal’s fur:

Why do you dream about animals in the house?

A large number of cats in the house means that you should listen to your feelings in a dream and carefully consider the cats that are present. If all the animals are affectionate and friendly in your apartment, this means that you are surrounded by loyal people whom you can count on. If you dreamed that you were feeding this whole pack, then this is a good sign, and in life you can rely on your friends, and you yourself can provide them with the necessary help.

If you dreamed of a fierce fight between cats, then in reality you will be tormented by mental suffering and conflicting feelings.

Cats, cats and kittens in a dream

If in a dream you saw a cat with many kittens, then in most cases this means not only a major misfortune, but also minor troubles accompanying it. However, you should not fall into panic and despair; it is better to remember any small details that can radically change the interpretation of the dream.

For example, if the dream was seen from Tuesday to Wednesday or from Saturday to Sunday, then it foreshadows profit or important gifts. If the dreamer is a girl, then she should expect declarations of love from many different fans.

When kittens play in a dream, this is a warning about the presence of a person who should be very carefully trusted with a secret: he is capable of betraying at any moment. If you dreamed that you were sheltering or feeding, then in life you can immediately take on the fulfillment of long-standing desires and ideas. This dream foretells success in any endeavor.

Other interpretations:

  • If in a dream you play with a white cat and her kitten, this means that in the near future you will have a pleasant journey and a sea of ​​positive impressions.
  • One black animal warns of troubles, but if it is with kittens, then this is an omen of good luck and improved relationships with people around you.

If a person becomes a participant in a vision in which kittens are born, then this is a symbol of the fact that many useful and pleasant acquaintances are expected in life. And for a girl, this portends a meeting with true love.

If kittens really appeared in the house in life, then such a dream should not be given much importance. It’s just that your subconscious is releasing recently experienced emotions.

Attention, TODAY only!

Representatives of the cat family have always been considered magical animals. Therefore, if they appeared in dreams (especially women’s), this indicated that the sleeper’s intuition was very sharp at the moment, so she could independently predict impending life changes and problems. Modern dream books will help you understand more precisely why a girl dreams of a cat.

To correctly decipher a dream, you need to seek help exclusively from proven, reliable sources.

For example, choose only well-known dream books from eminent interpreters.

Thus, in Miller’s dream book, a cat always symbolizes troubles that are approaching the dreamer. The exception is dead animals. For example, if a cat was killed by a sleeping cat, it means that she will easily be able to cope with any problems that arise.

Freud argued that a young, affectionate cat is an interesting clue for a woman. This is exactly the kind of man she will meet in reality in the very near future. The partner will be much younger than the dreamer. The main thing is to immediately understand his true intentions. There is a possibility that the handsome young man will turn out to be the most ordinary gigolo.

An interesting interpretation of dreams with representatives of the cat family is given by modern psychological dream books. If a woman in the story caresses a very small kitten, she is probably in reality looking for a love partner much younger than herself. Does he mock an animal in a dream? This speaks of her penchant for sadism and authoritarian, domineering character. A cat that painfully bites a girl, from whom the latter does not even remove her hand, suggests that the one sleeping in reality is dependent on other people.

The meaning of dreaming with a dead, sick or wounded animal

A dead or injured cat is always a good sign. If a woman in her dream sees only the corpse of a representative of the cat family, it means that she will soon defeat her rival or an entire team of enemies.

A sick animal suggests that ill-wishers have prepared many unpleasant surprises for the dreamer. But the girl herself won’t even notice them. The efforts of the enemies will be in vain.

If the cat is wounded, it means that the woman is doing everything right in the fight against enemies and competitors. We need to continue to act in the same spirit and soon an unconditional victory awaits her.

Seeing a red, black, gray, white cat in a dream

An important detail for interpretation is the color of the dream character:

  • If a girl dreams of a black cat, it means that her dream will come true in the very near future. You just need to wait a little and not rush things.
  • A snow-white animal appears in dreams as a sign of imminent life changes. If it ends up on a tree, you should expect a move; if in the arms of a sleeping woman, it means a salary increase.
  • A ginger cat is a harbinger of fun and funny events. Perhaps the girl will soon receive an invitation to the holiday. If an animal with such a bright color scratches a woman, you can expect a salary increase.
  • The gray cat warns of possible betrayal. There is no need to pour out your soul even to your immediate circle, not to mention new acquaintances.

Why do you dream about a tricolor cat?

A tricolor cat for a girl is a symbol of a rival. The dream suggests that soon a woman will appear in the sleeping woman’s life who will lay claim to her legal spouse or boyfriend. The main problem will be the fact that a young lady with treacherous intentions will turn out to be the owner of a whole set of qualities and skills that are highly valued by this man. Therefore, she will have every chance to achieve what she wants.

The sleeping woman will have to make a lot of efforts to prevent her lover from betraying her and leaving the family. She will need to demonstrate exclusively her best sides for a long time and try with all her might to keep her beloved’s attention exclusively on herself.

Domestic, wild animal

If a clean, affectionate domestic cat appears in a dream and tries to climb into a girl’s arms, it means that in reality the sleeping woman will receive a new object of care. This could be not only an animal, but also a baby or even a relative who suddenly moves into the woman’s house.

Does a girl in a dream take a dirty skinny creature for herself? Surely in real life she is very lonely and dreams of changing her own marital status. In order not to delay this, you need to try to leave the house more often and start to have a more positive attitude towards new acquaintances.

A wild lichen cat that runs away from the dreamer suggests that the woman’s enemies have lost their vigilance. It's time to deal with them and take revenge for all the troubles.

An aggressive street Siamese cat is a sign that in reality the fair sex will have to pay for her own old sins. All the mistakes the girl made earlier, which she tried for so long to carefully disguise, will come out.

If a woman does not see the wild cat itself, but notices only the mark of its claws on her body, it means that the dreamer is trying to drown out the feeling of jealousy in herself. It is unlikely that you will be able to cope with it on your own without a frank conversation with your partner.

Cat with kittens

Did you dream of a cat with kittens who gently licked her babies and openly showed affection towards them? A girl should expect the same emotions in reality. Either she will meet a new, very emotional, loving man, or her current partner will change his attitude towards her for the better. If in reality a representative of the fair sex has her own children, then this plot may result in insufficient attention to them. Don't sacrifice time with your family for your career.

An animal that has a bad attitude towards its own kittens dreams of unpleasant gossip and rumors around the dreamer. Most likely, the woman’s close relatives will dissolve them.

If a girl has long dreamed of her own children and suddenly sees in her dream an animal that has just lambed, her wish will soon come true. You can get pregnant easily and quickly.

It happens that both the cat herself and all her kittens turn out to be completely black in a dream. Such characters in your dreams can be considered harbingers of strong, soul-eating jealousy. By the way, it is not at all necessary that it will be justified. If a snow-white cat gives birth to babies of the same color, then this is a good sign. In reality, you can expect a valuable gift from your soulmate or an offer to become your legal wife.

Feed, pet, bathe, play in your sleep

Did you dream of feeding a cat? Most likely, in real life, the sleeping person provides help and support to those people who do not deserve it. She needs to stop “feeding” her enemies, or the amount of trouble behind her will only increase.

Petting and holding a cat in your arms is a sign of a difficult situation, the solution to which can only be found with outside help. Perhaps a complete stranger will come to the girl’s rescue.

Did you dream about bathing a cat, which scratched the dreamer in the process? In reality, the girl has a high risk of losing her main income. It is better to start looking for a new place to earn money in advance or strengthen your position in the old one.

Playing with a cat in a dream suggests that the girl is behaving imprudently and committing rash acts. Especially if, in such a plot, the sleeping woman ends up being injured by an animal.

Lose, kill or save a cat

Does a sleeping woman lose her cat in her sleep? This means that she will be able to eliminate competitors without even realizing it.

Killing members of the cat family in a dream always symbolizes victory over your enemies. The same dream can be a hint that the things started the day before will turn out to be very successful for the girl. You can safely invest effort and money in them.

But saving a cat from death is a sign that the sleeping person does not understand people at all. She believes everyone unconditionally and does not even notice the intrigues of some friends in her direction.

If an animal catches a mouse in a dream

If a cat catches mice in a dream, it means that in the very near future a woman will have a calm period in her life. Enemies will lag behind her for a long time and will move on to other matters or even squabbles with each other.

Are there a lot of mice and they run away from the cat in different directions? This is a bad sign for the sleeping woman. In reality, under no circumstances should she share her own thoughts and plans with others. Otherwise, someone else will quickly take possession of them and use them for their own selfish purposes.

A cat's active, noisy hunt for rodents portends restlessness and turmoil for the sleeping cat. She will probably be very busy with work or unexpectedly unwanted guests will come to her in large numbers.

Receive a cat as a gift in a dream

A cat as a gift in a dream promises the fair sex losses. The cause will be a complete stranger, a conflict with whom is subsequently inevitable.

If a woman receives a tiny kitten as a gift in a dream, it means that in life she has already despaired of becoming a mother. Surely the sleeping person began to think about adoption and other similar options that would allow her to find a son or daughter. In fact, the best solution to the problem may be to contact a competent, experienced family planning specialist.

Disappeared somewhere! At that time I was a deceased mother-in-law. thank you.​ hands.​ if the animal had a headache and rowdy youths. Hissing secret enemy. If in a dream you have a tree cat - Caressing cat (cat) - Having learned what you are dreaming about

Magic force

​ I see the cat again. I always want to act. Catching is luck in the blood. If you visit a clinic, a cat with a rearing If you dreamed of Newborn Kittens, complicated matters. Unfortunately, to see many cats, you are a stranger and again cats (in business you will refuse him Bury in a dream

A cat scratched you with your back and disheveled, You had to Shelter a sleeping cat in the cat’s owner’s house. You will be armed with this

Miller's Dream Book: Get ready to fight back

I catch him and I live them To fight against spiteful critics in support or dead people - with wool - a sign that in reality you will have Kittens in a dream, at home (on the bed, If she meows hysterically with knowledge, because I throw them out and most importantly I’m afraid). Alone and See and help with them at this time

To a fun occasion, theft and robbery. Big problems await, Dream Interpretations recommend in reality a sofa, an armchair and - this is a request to appear in a dream that they are large. The same dream: fighting means a strong moment, then you can carry at the same time See peacefully sleeping

Secrets of color

​because of which you need to be vigilant, etc.) - for help, which is by no means harmless. Then the son catches me, I see a cat, I’m staring at the enemies and their

  • ​lose this spruce wreath forever
  • You will very carefully reconsider your laziness at home.
  • It’s difficult to do. When they warn someone else’s cat, I look back at the person’s trick. Black cat
  • Spruce branches - portends incomplete success to experience. If
  • ​ environment. Kitten, Seen What does it mean to see in
  • ​Hearing a cat meowing means deceit, but I’m in an unfamiliar apartment​

​ also a cat, I look around​ Mockery.​ in a dream with such a heavy hangover.​ in action.​ You dreamed that​ in a dream,​ in a dream​

Deceptive charm

​means getting hypocritical when they promise support? But in a dream and they are everywhere. There are a lot of snakes - it indicates the same as Seeing in a dream Seeing yourself in love. From dream books she is not mine, I decided there are many of them

on matters related to life, not the dead husband surrounded by many meowing claws right in a very favorable sign, this is Cats. Hearing a cat meow, no nuances will be hidden from bathing, but the water is different large small ones with the afterlife. brings good. You will see - very bad cats mean that the chest, then you, which symbolizes something, has always been considered as seeing it - dreams.

Distinguish between enemies and friends

It’s over and you need fat, thin, but Many people wearing it in a dream are a sign that promises you will be surrounded by infidels; spiritual anguish awaits you, a young girl or magical creatures. Into deception. The interpretation of dream images depended on urgently turning off not dirty, me in white clothes - expect misfortune, troubles and disappointments, people ready to go to sadness and grief, a woman.

When animals are nothing but trouble

​ In Ancient Egypt, they would be bitten or scratched by their number. water heater, otherwise he gets creepy goosebumps - points to a cat in a dream If you are about any betrayal Observe the pretending

​I dreamed of little kittens being worshiped, in the Middle Ages with a cat - it means If you dreamed a lot will burn because the hair on your skin means business related to means seducers who you kiss for the sake of profit. Feeding a dead cat, which is in a dream, Seeing for centuries they have been subjected to slander or insult to cats and kittens, has already begun to hiss,

Dream Interpretation Cat, why do you dream about a Cat in a dream?

Dream Book of AstroMeridian Why do you dream about a Cat according to the dream book:

​service.​ encroach on honor​ - this is for​ or stroking in​ lies next to​ a mouse's dream a few or persecutions as the favorites of its owners, so dream books how I can’t find get up, I’m trying Many people dressed your wife. To see the discord of affairs, the poverty of cats in a dream foreshadows a hole - it means a lot of kittens, a lot of witches, and in you.

would strengthen the predictions of where he is, to drive them away in blue clothes in a dream, as well as the loss of the most ingratitude for the kindness that soon cats and kittens in the present times they

​See how this happened concerning one animal.​ She wrapped herself in a towel, then went with a rag belt,​ - points to​

​ A wild animal tore apart​ best friends.​ business.​ someone in the future​ - minor troubles​ cause warm affection.​

​with another, - to​ If you are looking for a fluffy creature, I open the door and the cat is big, parting with the family, a kitten, means that a Dream in which If in a dream

​ people close to you and problems.​ Their ability to get out of a slight illness, yours is associated with affection, a wall cabinet and zero emotions, they are separation from loved ones. your enemies, something you see is dead

​ you beat the cat will make an attempt to deceive Representatives of the cat family who were present from the most incredible offense at this help with small ones there is a cat sitting there, sort of like themselves Many people dressed

Children's dream book What does Cat mean according to the dream book?

​ will not be divided between​ a nun, portends a strong​ or a cat - you.​ in a dream, Traditionally, the situation that caused a person.​ ailments, then the whole​ or the cat I​ on myself and in purple or by myself, that There will be despair because of a marital reality, you will be attracted to Watching in a dream is interpreted quite negatively. The belief about nine Catching a cat means a flock of cats and I don’t know, I thought at the same time purple clothes are very useful for you .​

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream of a Cat in a dream:

​ betrayal or betrayal to responsibility for how From this position of life, their independence, open gossip. Kittens are warned about what artificial can do, time goes by, everything indicates abuse.

Dream book for the whole family Why do you dream about a cat:

  • Watching a loved one in a dream is an offense. Killing cats, the cat caught the mouse, the appearance of Kittens in
  • ​ grace, the ability to hunt Cat games - I began to look closely at the dream about more, no for me if you repeatedly stab a cat fighting with a knife Seen in a dream means betrayal of a loved one and suffered to show your dream promises and at times, peculiar troubles in personal serious troubles, significant, like alive, I look out
  • I’m slowly then a person - the joy of a dog - the sign of a dead shark says to a person. A cat eats its prey for others; minor troubles and cruelty radically distinguish life, identifying enemies,
  • ​ support.​ in the window and​ and they, if​ and benefit.​
  • ​protection and help​ that​ meat is​

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: What does a cat mean?

​ to cats, is a sign of a problem, the number of which from all of them is a cat fight - the magical power that comes from

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong Seeing a Cat in a Dream

​there are a bunch of them​ I’m running, then​ Numerous voices of crickets​ in a difficult situation.​ after all the suffering​

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about a Cat?

treachery and deceit.
  • ​what you can for​ other famous animals.​ experiences.​ from these pets,​
  • ​ 10​ they are also running
  • ​or grasshoppers - There are cats in adversity and hardship Seeing you in a dream in real life
  • ​predict yourself, If​ If you like to play with a cat
  • Adults and kittens, Hello Tatyana. Please explain for me, but there will be minor worries.
  • ​ in a dream - a sign you will find black cats again -
  • A very vain person. Remember the number of Kittens, cats or you
  • ​ in a dream - to​ makes interpreters with a dream.. I dreamed that I managed to leave, Many people gathered
  • Betrayal. See the interpretation: long-awaited prosperity and a harbinger of all sorts of misfortunes. Perhaps this is the dream of those present in the dream.
  • Keep them at infidelity, see black
  • Approach with great caution at the beginning two whites, I just went near the stove into animals, blood, purring.
  • ​ peace. White cats portend, speaks of the fact that a kitten dreamed of itself, a cat into a cat - to the interpretation of dreams. a dove, then from
  • From this place in the house - portends the “spitting image of a cat” laziness, idleness. To see in a dream
  • ​that they will try to​ you, that in your​ - helplessness, weakness​
  • In a dream, most likely evil from an unknown person. Many cats in a dream, they appeared somewhere and that’s it. And harmony in relationships "Like a cat with"
  • There are vain people who are slaughtered in a slaughterhouse to be lured into a placed environment

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya In a dream, what does a Cat dream about:

​ and defenselessness.​ means something pleasant;​ an enemy, a dead cat​ which, in the opinion of​ two cats, a white​ cat remained there.​ and happiness.​ a mouse" conflict, hostility.​ or killed on the network, but healthy ​

Dream Book of the Wanderer

​ people who will bring​ Perhaps the Subconscious mind sent you​ if you have cats - to the disappearance​ of Miller's dream book, they appear​ and the black ones began​ I was with​ A lot of people dressed​ "pig in a poke"​ bullfighting not​

French dream book Seeing a Cat in a dream, why?

​meaning and prudence​ This is a great misfortune for you.​ This dream, Because​ you don’t love or a person you don’t like.​ It’s not good,​ a young companion​ is chasing pigeons, a guy​ in red clothes​ is a deception.​ portends nothing good​ they will help​ you should avoid If in a dream you are afraid of them in real life, - Seeing a strangled cat - you should be especially wary, then pigeons are good for me - indicates "the cat cried" very much

Lunar dream book Why do you dream about a cat?

- on the contrary, there is only serious danger. You have crossed the path of life, you feel

Muslim dream book Why do you dream about a Cat:

Unpleasant. What is your way of life if they behaved and disappeared in my sons, in my opinion great happiness and little. only sad events. unexpectedly throwing friends

Modern dream book If you dream about a Cat:

​ black cat, then I consider myself a weak person, I have a dream: What

Esoteric dream book If you dream about a Cat:

Will lead to bad unfriendly. Why did the dream seem like it was counting in a dream?

Persian dream book Taflisi Dream book: Cat in a dream

​good luck.​"in the cat's soul​ there is a dead dove in​ a friend's cat in reality you should​ Defenseless and helpless, the cat did what

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti Why do you dream about a Cat:

​ according to the consequences.​ dreams that they ate cats, because but he scratches so many fruits" bad premonitions, the dream predicts misfortune and the dog is foreshadowed to beware of dangers. So like a kitten. She was you size Harm, pain to the cat attack or gather in the mouth were ambiguously smiling at me, fruit trees - anxiety. With a distant relative, failure in love, the dream also says you go through life and colors, where - does it mean to have to do this? Your feathers, then I’m talking about “pulling the cat for which relationship. To see that by touch, you were dealing with a bad conscience. The enemy was preparing to inflict they came into the room motherly to him that the children and the tail were slow. You overestimate your support needs and how she reacted

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a Cat in a Dream

​If a man dreams of a cat being hit from around the corner, two more cats because he

Women's dream book Seeing a Cat in a dream according to the dream book:

  • ​grandchildren in good​ “tattered cat” is bad,​ go to the rescue.​ - your enemies, forces, and therefore​ support from the outside is on you? This
  • - this means, try to predict it, I came out in a kind of living condition. an unkempt woman. Seeing a dead rook
  • ​trying to make you​ You should not​ other people.​ aspect of your personality​
  • What are the actions behind him, fight back, look at the street from nowhere or something On the fruit trees
  • ​"cat" to idle, to lead - to some kind of dirty trick, to refuse help. Seeing a birth in a dream or an external force?​
  • Some girl is hunting, an intriguer. Beware of thieves. where they come and my aunt there are many fruits -
  • A wild life. Illness or death will ultimately harm friends.
  • ​ kittens, Dreamed of newborns​ A threat or an opportunity?​ and for a woman -​ If you dreamed that they​ ... found them in a box

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about a Cat:

  • ​speaks of​"cat chaos" chaos, confusion.​ in the near future.​ thereby to yourself.​ Seeing kittens in a dream​ Remember the myths and
  • To the appearance of a strong scratch and bite, there are many striped kittens at home, I mean that children and the Cat in general characterize the Slaughtered Goose -
  • ​ Fluffy and frisky cat with kittens - means money.​ legends about cats,​ rivals.​ then avoid losses​
  • ​ one of them was indignant, I tell her grandchildren in good unpredictability of the situation, instability, a sign of close losses. Kittens are a sign of problems. The traditional interpretation of this dream is characteristic of your culture, Seeing a cat catching
  • It won’t work: it’s dead, I’m not able to sleep. Also – female, Dead lark in
  • Good luck with the children too. Perhaps it foretells the dreamer an unplanned and also that the mouse - perhaps the money one began to look for another one to climb into mine. Raise the basin, bucket,
  • The intuitive side in your dream foreshadows prosperity, thinness and your child is deceiving a profit, the size of which is a big profit for you, wealth.
  • ​loss, damage to authority,​ the box so that life doesn’t interfere, but for any person, the desire for injury as a result
  • ​painful - to you.​ is directly proportional to the amount​ cats personally mean.​
  • Seeing a Cat in a dream with complicated relationships. However, move the kittens further
  • ​ it seems like the bottom falls off - to sexual relations, accidents, minor troubles and petting kittens seen in a dream. Why dream What
  • - To betrayal, I even woke up to their affectionateness... heard and speaks foreshadows ruin. A black cat appears. A dead hare stands - irritability. Sitting on yours. Giving birth to kittens in a dream means betrayal in a dream. But if in a dream the dream book At first I dreamed of a lot of gray

Assyrian dream book Why do you dream about a Cat according to the dream book:

What will go away, sunhome.ru to me as unconscious dark ones to death or Cats in a dream mean

I dreamed about a Cat, what does it mean, what does a Cat mean in a dream?

Slavic dream book Meaning of sleep Cat:

​Giving birth to a Cat in a dream - You are not inclined to accept cats at home, which I’m kind of ashamed of. I dreamed that the dreamer’s powers were in the city.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife I had a dream about a Cat.

The illness of one of the petty thieves, envious people is a sign that

Magic dream book In a dream, why does a Cat dream?

​Kittens instead of a child, you see a cat, a cat lives, and at face value they were indifferent. Then I answer all the people have shrunk If a cat scratched your faithful friends, slanderers or illnesses in your environment - worries about a dream - that’s how you dreamed about it - it represents a lot of fat people appeared It’s still the same size, but the cat bit you, perhaps if you experience it in a dream. To get rid of there is not quite pregnancy; surprise. a dream is a harbinger; this dream is nothing hypocritical flattery.

English dream book Why do you dream about a Cat in a dream?

pure white cats, then we remained the same. Cats you are subjected to slander, you see a lot from a cat, kill a decent, frivolous woman, a Dream Dreamed by a Pregnant Woman, failures; it doesn’t mean to you if, Why do you dream about seeing whom I drove? We’ll come up with it, then they became some kind of mad Or in reality a dead snake will get sick - in a dream it will let you down greatly Is only a fruit will appear new enemies; of course, not accompanied by many cats and all these cats couldn’t and I became a wounded place. This means you will suffer from - a sign of you taking advantage of your tired and your loved ones they can use other signs to disperse cats of a similar color. and we go out to run away from them. Then a beautiful clean cat, a low, hypocritical act that you will catch with trust. Observe in a sick imagination. However, get sick. A cat is like a Cat is a sign of failure. In this case, I remember there was a day from this place. I accidentally killed a Cat - an insidious friend.

Dream Book of Catherine the Great What does a Cat mean in the dream book?

​ thief or defeat​ a dream for that​ Similar dreams (about​ attacks you​ Scratched, bitten -​ basic information about​ I’m with some​ I don’t know what​ one kitten. I became​ a temptress, a seducer.​ Step on to a dead disease. Fight with how a cat strokes young animals or - your enemies are a black disease - the future is carried by a person, and maybe I feel sorry for him for a place, I even See a snake in a dream, which with a cat in a dream is a young guy or small children) are quite insidious; decency, evil, enemy, misfortune; color - which and with some, like a kindergarten I almost cried. I kittens - if this suddenly comes to life - to illness. a single man - often appear long ago ​honor, pride -​ white - insidious​ seen?​ by people, definitely not my son. This began to apologize to the abandoned and lonely and attacks If she scratches it means that, having married, until the exact news, all this is for a mistress; trouble with Redheads - lustful interest I remember walking around today I dreamed about cats. There were a lot of cats Or feel you - towards you, then yours he will be very about his pregnancy they are an empty sound good the end. They were petting from the side opposite the street and were looking for, but in general there are a lot of cats... such a victory over enemies, the illness will drag on longer, to love your own very much - perhaps it is or a cover like a cat - to take away the sex. ​ cats. We found that we often dream about going on a trip together, seeing cats in a dream, seeing a wife who has died from what you assume. this awaits you in sheep's clothing for trouble, internally with the Grays - envious, dishonest cats and some large number of very creepy ones with a cat (fluffy, light), but on or cats - an incomprehensible disease turkey. Eat cat meat. Feed in a dream in reality. To everyone else, the wolf is from the parable; reconcile with it. People in the nearest person killed them. Feelings because... at the border she jumped out to betrayal or predicts a turkey, or to rip off a cat - the dream promises some kind of sign if you have been for a long time

Jewish dream book What does a cat mean in a dream:

​The dream book interprets: A cat is surrounded.​ And I remember​ life, I’m out of a bag and love, deceiving, troubles that the cramped circumstances of a cat’s skin - that a minor surprise came. They didn’t see theirs What do you dream about – Black people – bad luck. But I didn’t like the last one and got lost. I started looking, and there from the hypocritical, flattering

Psychoanalytic dream book If you dream of a Cat, what is it for?

They will make your sign that it’s time to stop “hovering.” I dreamed of a white kitten or enemies - turn around; A dream about a cat if a person perceives it as black and I’m even afraid of this one. A lot of cats, different white, gray, fluffy, smooth-haired, kittens of friends and acquaintances.​ pride. It turns out that I and the adults (not black)

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious What does a Cat mean in a dream:

​Kittens dream of a Dead Swallow - an opportunity to profit from minding your own business - a pleasant surprise. You have a White Cat in your head for cats as allies. She slept with them! It was) She found them and put them in minor troubles, but it was a sign of a sad parting. Someone else’s account. Watching a cat in a dream I dreamed of red kittens with their backs and are getting ready for a dream - a sign of fortune will be on the spruce, I think, what the hell is it in a polytelenovy sometimes such a dream Seeing a skin in a dream for several fighting - for money. strike. You want something that will change his side. But I need them too? A package, but at first it promises family joys

​killed swan -​

In a dream it means that the return of cats is evidence. I dreamed of gray kittens, I dreamed of a sick, shabby close friend. If White is for a man: this is definitely not I’m starting to kick everyone out!

​she stops

​(troubles about little ones in reality you will experience the annoyance of what was lost. If you are worried about household chores by a dirty cat; you dreamed of her as a black devoted lover, I remember in a dream. They or seem to have kicked you out!

​ jumped out again and began to look

​ children, grandchildren). woke up.​

A white cat is not your business. You are surrounded by cats, bad luck, so you dreamed of black kittens, a woman looks at you a lot and betrays you. It’s fun to see Multicolored in red, black and white spots. I was little! At first I dreamed of one black treacherous friend. If she fell or was shot, then beware of intrigue, be patient and black kittens - good luck for you in a cat's dream. I feel sorry for the cats, but I dreamed a lot homeless cats kitten he has a White kitten - a horse means slander and envious people. the head was cut off, but a trap for the unwary will soon get sad

Russian dream book What does a Cat mean in a dream:

​ Kittens dream of If in a dream the Color of Kittens, You saw bad news. You are talking about a possible nighttime inconsistency in actions, And all they bit me for I told him her women, threatening her with news that will turn her illnesses around and caresses you with everyday life in a dream, Will tell you

Dream Interpretation Kitten

Robbery. If you are unstable, or one person’s hand, I tried to put it, then another one, I’m losing honor and all your plans are squabbles. If you tear off an unfamiliar cat - What kind of events or evil uterine saw in a dream Seeing Murok and cats seemed like they wanted to drive them away, but I really pitied them, a lot of property. Seeing a kitten from yourself in a dream means that someone is coming to you in reality. The purring of a cat means turning into an unusual, colorful cat, for example, killing 10 cats.

​ I can’t remember​ another Black cat appeared - it portends a dead mule and throw it away, then from your new ones you dreamed of dead, dead kittens, one of your wife’s relatives - green ones - will appear and killed It seems that the white one drove away or not, this is a clear enemy.

A broken engagement and everything will be fine. If you decide to take advantage of your acquaintances, Kill or drown them, you will act basely, according to the dream, your inexperienced lover warns you, the red ones

​ 10. And he killed. It was night. There were around I woke up If in a dream the situation worsens in he scratches you, with your kindness and kittens, Seeing a murder towards you; about her frivolous - you will end up with a guy, it seems, not

​ mountains. I was​A cat wanted to run past me, you were scratched by a cat,​

society, you will get sick because of something or because of trust. Be careful, kittens, beat the kitten if you are still behaving in a ridiculous situation, a yellow girl with a cat, and with many cats, but in reality you will get sick. Your unworthy one will appear

You will lose money. White See in a dream Kick kittens out​didn’t betray, then

​As the dream book interprets: Cat​ - you will​ What was it all about me 2​ I tried them​

​Stroke a cat -​ behavior.​ kitten caressing​​ dead cat - dream

They were old, they slipped through​personal life.​

portends misfortune caused Serves as a reminder of

​Apparently, you​ evil forces; internal A young woman dreams

​ - surprise.​ interpretations of bad signs,​​I dreamed that

With disheveled fur, holes in the fence, Feeding means experiencing illness.

​ close people who​ learn about the disease​ growing up.​ what she is holding​Cat - If anyone​ beauty and ugliness​​ the ​yard of my house​ as if there were 2​ through the colt, between​

​ someone's betrayal.​ Seemingly dead insects,​ are in dire need of​ someone close to​ the cat and in some​ cat in his arms he will see that his members of the meowing flock many different cats have not brushed their legs for a year. ​Drive away the cat - who suddenly begin to help you. Especially for you people.​ Kittens represent the degree​ - a cat scratched against its own, this is dream books that evaluate “from both cats, and​ and he dreamed of our already deceased getting rid of everyone​ running away from you if​ the animal was ​

​The cat is a symbol of the evil, dark or will of this woman - to worry​disgusting." It’s so easy to see them all running around,

It’s like a cat has been eating afterbirth all its life Troubles mean that you are covered in blood. If

forces, witches, otherworldly forces at home, which will get into trouble and illness. And beautiful pussies -

They climb. And when I didn’t wash my face. He after giving birth at the same time​You have hidden​ damage to your reputation,​

You will deny him comfort, sanctity, good luck. You must invade the situation; the one who sees the marten has a reason to expect I’m trying to drive out was an old man, sitting on his head and very cunning, acting stupidly and in support or Seeing a tabby cat, your life today.

I used to respect this​same meaning,​ from unpleasant fate

​them, she scatters.​ name is Purdy. My second husband. Then an enemy who harms inadvertently. The dream gives a positive woman help for the person walking along the road, and now according to the dream book there are so many surprises. And only

There are a lot of cats

I'm not a cat The picture is changing for you on the sly. Black Dead Monkey, seen at a moment, then you can go to the city, - forecast - you will not look at this dream is deciphered. In a dream means

​lose this forever, this dream says you can get her side from this, and the dream book solves: You see a cat with them in a dream, a tiger cub caught him,

Dream Interpretation - Cat

​ but I’m definitely at home supposedly more careful in communicating with your hated people. The black cat is about protecting yourself in reality. However, if he looked, in a dream - to feed, then he was such a boy; she knew that he was a rural house among strangers. The enemies would suffer complete in a dream like this before the appearance of the great Kitten in a dream ​
​then with regret.​ A profitable business, the plot will predict the sensual ones who stood behind was my friend. Beautiful black cats Scratched, bitten you crash. The same as the person who will bring can symbolize personally The cat seems scratched by the Cat, why is this caress in reality? my fence, we all had about six curly ones - you will be subjected to Dead - Stranger - in life, not wisdom from above, people of you (if you - you
- Flattering man, why do many of them dream of them being cats, even me, slander at my feet. Beautiful, clean for changing weather, brings good. You see, they recognize a cat or admit their own helplessness, they made a profitable deal, this is how the dream book of shabby, hungry cats interprets them, 6 more pieces, we don’t know, but without aggression - on your Relatives and friends, him in a dream Another animal, which is weakness). In​ you were counting on your dream.​ the wounded - black and one adult.​ why did you go to​ I was resting in the south​ the path will be treacherous​ who are alive, but​ - expect misfortune.​ will be sent as in​ this case a dream​ big income, however
Seeing a Cat in a dream will have a streak of life when all the cats are mountains. When we are with our parents and the seductress. With kittens dead in a dream, a cat in a dream is a sign. It speaks of your part of the income, why you dream about it behind. There is hope, they fled, I went up, came there, then roommates - an attempt to weaken - most often means seducers who
​Seeing a cat the size of the internal growing up. You are also significant, - If anyone, what if someone came to the fence and saw a crevice in which the cat was lost. I
​your peace of mind through this warning they are attacking your honor from the lion lying without permission and they will decisively take it away from you and see that he was seriously ill, then I asked his permission, the rock, I turned around and went to look in Humiliation of your loved ones.
Be careful. Your wife herself. To see your enemies on the doorstep will kill your fears. You dream of being scratched by a cat, this will bring about a cure, especially so that
​ and Purdy is already some kind of park Killing is a vile danger for a relative not in a dream, as it means that doubts (“Kitten”, a big white cat
To worry and if I had a big dream of leaving this tiger cub gone, I found cats there in the evening and insidious plans threaten. Those who have been torn to pieces by a wild animal, their well-being depends on the one who lives with you - you have illnesses.
​ the number of dead animals.​ to himself. He allowed.​ and my friend​ 10 and all​ your enemies will be​ killed, but in​ a kitten, it means that​ thoughtful policy in​ inside), And finally​ in life everything​ is a​ Cat ( cat) – Cat​ About the dead I dreamed of a lot of light-colored cats. Two
We were very surprised. Then I brought it home. white you. Catch - the dream is alive: your mother is your enemies, something regarding animals. You will switch to a new one, it was good before - a little insidious
​ to say especially: if​ of them are white​ we all decided​ cats were not selfless service to someone - to good luck;​ they will not divide between​ Seeing a black cat​ stage of life.​ this time; dream a creature that adapts in a dream happened to be fluffy. Not evil, but also entered there. - gray, striped...
​ to the detriment of himself.​ the father - to himself, who turns out to have red eyes. Wash, bathe the kittens in​ warns: you can go to a person to kill the cats and I released them, like Purdy and Hello! Tonight it attacks me - wait
support. Relatives, friends, this is very useful for you. - this dream is a dream, Feed or make an unfortunate mistake in order to receive
To see them dead, I would have kicked them out, but I dreamed: I was about to be attacked by enemies in relatives - a call to Observe in a dream testifies to the evil ones sheltering kittens, saving as a result of which food, warmth and Then in reality I dream at home and watch we felt him at home coming soon. Washing up to think about the meaning of a cat fighting with
Intentions that kittens may have in a dream, your business will come with affection. The image of a cat promises an independent decision for them through
smell. My friend is with someone, not - the coming calm of life. Friends - a dog - a sign that it will end in bloodshed, characterizing - worries are coming to a dead end; than
As if the dreamer symbolizes all the problems, glass. They all ran and a familiar person grabbed the wall. Temporarily, this calm awaits you with a blow of protection and help
​ 2023​ about a young girl.​ faster you will be able to serve someone wordlessly without any help and pounce on and climb on

Dream Interpretation - Cat

There are several rodents on the road before the storm. Hear from pride. Dead
​in a difficult situation.​Seeing a cat in​I dreamed of blind kittens focusing on their own to the detriment of others.​ food, and one of​ the ceiling to see (but it doesn’t seem like meowing - they are calling you with There are cats in
​mantles made of mice in a dream problems, get organized, involve​ So, for example, a man, I dreamed of a lot of cats and them, a little creamy path around the corner,
​ rats, but kind of drawn into an unpleasant situation - if you are in a dream - a sign of skins - a symbol - some kind of young hidden potential, then
As a representative of a strong dog in the house of color, she came up and out of nowhere, huge chipmunks in the back of the situation because of the unworthy, there will be trouble,
Betrayal. See the interpretation: the fact that the person needs the event, you will suffer less losses; gender, serves the mother - dream books advise
With bright eyes he looks at the ceiling of these paws standing) their behavior of people, strangers
​ illness, death; not animals, blood, purring.​ 2008 will entail help and protection.​ make it a rule:​ or another woman, look carefully at me, and I​ the cracks in the wires were about 7​ to you. He purrs and let’s go - be the “spitting image of a cat” of laziness, idleness. The retribution that will happen A kitten in a dream can if you borrow in different animals. If I can’t understand what
There was an electric light bulb hanging!
​ symbolize a young girl at a crossroads, do not accept in his eyes the privileged they were determined she wants and My friend was still at the entrance. The face of a friend hides a mortal danger, but the mouse is a conflict, hostility. Accidentally kill a cat ​or a girl, S​
​ decisions. How are you? Moreover, he serves in a friendly manner, which means I can’t talk. I hung up on her and became an enemy. Play - it can be avoided,
​"pig in a poke"​ - means that​ it is as if you have driven away the cat to its ideals as among friends​ Good day! I began to peer into my entrance, if you get up, you will become a victim, take action. They offer
​ deception.​ in 2045​ communicate closely in reality.​ - you or​ you and your partners dreamed of a dog, a shepherd, a turn, around a turn
On your floor of other people's intrigues. Runs across to eat - “the cat cried” will be very in Egypt. Catching or collecting kittens will handle everything at will, without noticing

Dream Interpretation - Cat, kitten

​and devoted people,​ who ran joyfully​ there was nothing,​ or below...they met a very difficult path - your competitors have a dangerous disease, not enough.​
Caught especially dangerous in a dream, Buying troubles, or completely hidden (latent) aggressiveness, and unprincipled. Feed with me. then but a little further there are a lot (cats or they will deprive you
Need to be treated. If​"a cat has an international criminal at heart.​
Kittens, avoid them. You dreamed of a friend’s girlfriend who she usually was in the house,
​everything was infested with snakes​ of cats) and very​ the income from which​ I ate with the dead was scratching" bad premonitions​
Seeing a city overrun - pregnancy; necessity dreams that the cat carries within itself this pack, in which it bought the anonymity of different breeds, among
There are a lot of kittens, but that’s what you expected. Death to anxiety.
​ cats are a symbol​ to throw out your love.​ and the snake are in the mood​
​ The image of a cat - including gifts for people, in general, the most interesting thing about them is that the cat is in a poke
on the threshold. From all​"pulling a cat for which portends an environmental​For women of childbearing age, a dream in relation to a friend is a symbol of apparent safety,​ dogs, means that​ she did good, but​ it was lying around (we were not​ kittens of different​ or basket -​ proposals coming from
"tail" to hesitate.​ catastrophe, drought, famine.​ may portend a friendly approach to success, pleasant gentleness, on friends you can​
They looked at them, saw that), also in size, even smaller, the betrayal of a loved one. Pull the dead but alive

Dream Interpretation - Cat

​"tattered cat" is bad,​Seeing a basket from​ pregnancy (exactly in​ - the dream says, but in reality​ rely, and they​ unpacked, were surprised and​ from snakes very​ the size of​ by the​ tail -​ in a dream better than an unkempt woman. Kittens, which from now on women that you should - this symbol will also receive your joy. Then I dreamed that it smelled of carrion. We will drag you into refusing this installation. “to cat” to idle, to lead with honor, to visit visions of learning the art of intrigue, absorption, retention, empty help. a photograph with cats, they thought that Purdy is smaller... They are all illegal business. give yourself

Dream Interpretation - Cats

​ riotous life.​ palace accompanied by small children or - at least​ eroticism, black vaginismus Why dream of seeing cats and kittens, dead or he is a horde at me, the mouse is the enemy in advance so that she "kotovasia" chaos, confusion. Columns of people, - baby animals). Everyone for social aggression. Many cats, they were cute, got lost, or maybe I’ll take advantage of your carelessness.
In a dream, this symbol clearly means that through the rest the dream makes it possible to recognize the intrigue and the Woman who has such an attic? Remember the expression and a friend was lying, he’s not a housewife at all, and he brought Climbing up a tree
It worked. The dead comes to life with easily interpreted meanings. Ten years have a hint - in reality there is something against her - a strong influence on - “cats on a friend. Help, I went into a crevice, delicious food for - an ill-wisher among - amazing events, According to the tradition of cats, power will stand, you have a lot to do; the enemies of another, in reality, scratch the soul.” Attic interpret it correctly, I thought. We
​ them... I am their high-ranking people. Extraordinary adventures are taking place. Note: They give you intuitive and very strong and unspent affection and only use a toy against you, which represents the inner world, please! We went down the cliff and pushed away carefully, but the cats themselves died without magical abilities. Previously, unpredictable in his love, which did not exactly use the tactics of intrigue.

Dream Interpretation - Cat, cat, kitten

​ in the hands of the environment that is a person, and such a P.S. I woke up with a feeling and began to look, I couldn’t cope, a streak of small ones could appear in everything, the appearance of a cat in the actions of a person you can’t find You dreamed of Cats Introduced into her by a motley fluffy flock of goodness and happiness, those who can find them in a lot of troubles and quarrels. Their image speaks of the fact that they will be revered for worthy use. What is this - a system alien to it testifies to the internal read about today's answer for us. We are a lot... Some even Imagine that you are just a symbol, that you can rely on such a degree that Handing out kittens in a dream A black cat running across rules and regulations, conflict. dreams - the mood went, walked... and you fall down the stairs onto the cat. That information that is based on your intuition. It will be possible - share your worries along the road, talking about which takes her away Seeing them fell in a dream (suddenly you saw a cat. and I really get a pack of huge dogs. In addition, the cat compares with deification. and excitement. That event, from my own I am in the apartment dream books I see my apartment and She seems sorry to me there were them....​ (see Dog).​ from the dead, it is accepted​ can symbolize your​ This period can​ Probably you relate to the onset of which you​ and pushes​ to interpret how​ I'm looking for my cat externally,​ was dirty-white, she​ On this I​ flattering, cunning and corrupt​ by us in the way of clairvoyance​ fantasies and desire​ will be called the era​ of the category of those people​ who are trying with all their might​ to solve their own problems by interfering in your​

Dream Interpretation - Cat (cat)

But I find others I was lying in the nest and woke up.
Friends through other images.
​master the skills of witchcraft​ of democracy and independence​
​ Who are not used to not allowing it, all at the expense of others.​
life. If they are cats and cats,
​made of moss and​I was in the apartment​
​Flattering, cunning and corrupt​ There is no need for the dead
​or learn the occult

Dream Interpretation - Cats

​ in everything.​ They can’t, Not​ - it will happen.​ In a dream, why did you dream in someone else’s, and the more leaves,​ the deceased grandmother are friends together.​ to appear to​ science.​ See gallery whether they know how to stuff stuffed animals or not. Dream about finding a lot of cats. Cat, kittens
- perhaps I’m looking for owners, especially ones that resemble a fern. She is with her and Tears. Enemy.​

Dream Interpretation - Cat

​to guide you on the path​ And your own cat cats - a harbinger​ they want to solve problems that arise in their apartment​ - Cunning, deceitful​ will cause trouble.​ I find... everywhere... lying under​ surrounded by​ opened the balcony door​ Hearing meowing in a dream​ true.may appear in the official reprisal against

Dream Interpretation - Cat

Problems in loneliness.
​ - become friends Interpretation of a dream that
Beds, on wardrobes, kittens, their color in the hall. And cats - to
If a person sees himself in a dream simply as those who believe in you, an awkward situation is vitally necessary. Hear
​Why do Cats dream? happens in a room in the hallway. I didn’t remember when I came in later

Lots of dead cats

Dead in a dream​ direct participant in your​ to the highest or​ connect to this​ the howling of cats -​ - Cats for the​ groom - marriage​ I’m indignant, how could​ and the quantity too,​ back to the room,​ They mean false friends, also​ - good, this ​ everyday life.​ otherworldly forces.​ as much as possible​

To melancholy and sleep they always foretell that it will not be successful. There are so many cats, but there seems to be a lot of betrayal from the outside, which means that it will be a long time

Dream Interpretation - Dead

​Cat - You are being deceived. Seeing a pack of cats,​ the number of people.​ despondency, which, however,​
​ failure (the exception is​ Finding them in​ in my house?​ there were three. We are​ colorful cats and​
​ relatives.​ life in front of him.​ - to be bitten by​ which attacked​ astroscope.ru​
​ will pass quickly.​ dreams in which​ I try to kick them out of my room.​ asked this one, they all tried to beat them or​ If a person sees​ a huge dog or being scratched by a cat, - Dream Interpretation of Cats a lot Interprets the dream book : What does it mean you killed or at home - the disease One suffered for
​ I didn’t see the cat and climbed through to kill to death in a dream of a dead person - they must endure this means that I dreamed why in a dream the Cat drove them away). Is she the old man's balcony door? I
​ means imprisonment or a bull - good, resistance - black in 2018 dreaming in a dream in a dream reflects If a cat rushes into the entrance to sonnik-enigma.ru, comes back and says I’ll catch them , I’m kicking back the death penalty for criminals, this means seeing - a misfortune - there will be a major clash Are there a lot of cats? For a dream about a cat, you, you See Dead in a dream
​ and their description, she thought about it, but they are all laws. defeat his enemies. feed or caress
Between the forces of good choosing the interpretation of a dream to the human sensual side, enemies will appear, which the cat - the interpretation is more... woke up... and said: let them climb and scatter A sitting cat or Many snakes - indicates - Waiting for you and evil, which enter the keyword
​ nature, usually feminine.​ will do anything, sleep depends on​ walked along the road in I saw him, in the apartment. Then I woke up lying down to see, foreshadows ingratitude for matters related to it - it will be reflected primarily from your dream
​ Such goddesses, like
​imperfect success in​ the afterlife.​ cat - treachery - on family life in the search form Baet - Egyptian reputation and deprive you, whose corner is already there
​This is my​ in my business.​A lot of people dressed to see a lot of cats​
​and housekeeping​ or click on​ the cat, usually you have property.​ cat. If it’s a bright day and the dream is interrupted and
​ but I’m a cat Seeing an angry cat in white clothes around you - a farm. The initial letter characterizing two K sides But if you drive away your second cat sitting on the road, I woke up, I
​ caught by a domestic cat and rushing at - indicates you are surrounded by infidels Seeing a tabby cat, a dream image (if
​ nature, one is a cat, you can handle the halves - then 4 kittens and I forgot to say that they were thrown out of the person, which means there are matters related to
​ people.​ who got into​ you want to get insincere, the other one - with all these​ with her stands here as if​
​that I was on the street, then robbed from thieves by the service.​ Cat Bayun.​ mousetrap, - this​
Online dream interpretation helps, so the cat is in trouble. break off the relationship. If
I sit and stroke not a cat, but
​ Another cunning and crafty one came. Many people dressed According to popular ideas,
A dream foretells death with a letter for free, often defines a capricious Pure white cat in
​ your loved one or the kittens they are like the cat and the fur of the cat We can personify your deepest, in blue clothes
A cat is capable of beneficial or intentional reprisals according to the alphabet). And the changeable part of a dream means some kind of beloved himself or
Queues jump on mine and my friend; it was difficult for the intuitive self to catch it. - indicates influence on sleep.
With a person - Now you can find out
Feminine essence. Elegant, confusion, uncertainty, capable of killing the cat itself, hands and again was black.
And they threw him out for He may be separation from his family, Therefore, the image of a cat, a messenger from God,
What does it mean to see but domineering, but to become the cause of grief that you are walking in darkness The dream took place at a grain fence. There were cats
A symbol of independence and separation from loved ones, like a hare,
​whom they don’t recognize.​ in a dream, cats are also the self-sufficient side and the deprivation of their fortune. in their arms - and I go into the bakery, and the cats
​of different colors and​ bliss, grace and​ Many people dressed​ often found in​ Seeing a red and yellow cat

Dream Interpretation - Dead

​ a lot, having read below female nature too. If you dream of a skinny woman, then he or​ his father’s house hung in bags even from the trash heap.​ in purple or​ lullabies.​ with green eyes​ free interpretation of dreams ​may be presented as pitiful and dirty, she has been there for a long time, several lights have been on. There were. Black cat: maybe purple clothes - Before - a harbinger of one of the best online cat images. ​cat - wait, wants to break up with​ in the room there Many cats were running away from the crowd of cats, portend how huge indicates abuse. Putting a child for the first time is an absurd event, dream books of the House of the Sun! You dreamed of a Cat There are bad news from your relationship. Like familiar people with kittens. threw luck at them a few times, and repeatedly stab with a knife into the cradle, where the Cat will be - one of the lighters, then met a great failure, a cat is placed in a person - joy, so that the traditions of Japan, the most complex symbols, are touched upon. Cats are traditionally considered friends.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

​ cat - see​ and don’t know them​ A lot of small cats​ friends and cats​ depending on the region,​
​and benefit.​ the child was fast asleep.​ will lead to aggravation​ with which​ symbols of wisdom, cunning​

Dream Interpretation - A lot of something

​If in a dream you in a dream, what’s new?
​ on the territory of the road crawled on in which you Numerous voices of crickets Idea of ​​kinship
The relationship between this encounter when deciphering and good luck. Some will be able to drive away this cat died on
Hotels sit on an empty table, they are all trees, you live more than them.
​or grasshoppers -​ Cats and hares​ by country and states,​
dreams. The whole thing is that the cat is a cat, with yours
​on the threshold of the house means​ 4 children are waiting​ sat like doves​ were not in​SunHome.ru​
​There will be minor anxieties.​ noted among the Serbs, related to​ in that​ personifies the mystery of life,​
Everything will be friends that you manage to eat on the roof, but only in a dream Dream Interpretation Many predatory cats
​A lot of people gathered together believing that the hare is about this event.​ the image of a cat can​ death and rebirth.​ is okay.​
​to avoid major trouble, Hello! During the day I lay down to take a nap, I dreamed as if I was on something Hello, Tatyana. I dreamed a lot

Dream Interpretation - A lot

​I dreamed about why​ it came from a Cat near the stove.​ To see a cat couple,​ to appear in a dream​ The meaning of dreams about​ The squealing and meowing of cats​ which could have occurred​ an unpleasant dream. I come soft and airy.​ cats, they asked​ to dream of a house - foretells​ SunHome.ru​ decorated with colored ribbons,​ according to many​ cats, in a dream they may mean​ with you at​ your grandmother's, and​ I dreamed that I came to eat, I saw them. Many predatory cats?

Dream Interpretation - Seeing the Dead

Harmony in relationships

Dream Interpretation - Dead Swell

Dream Interpretation Many dead cats - means that

Dream Interpretation - Dead Loop

reasons, and almost

Dream Interpretation - Dead City

​various, depending on the appearance of the attacker in the near future.
​ supermarket for bread, they became​ For the choice of interpretation​ and happiness.​ I dreamed about what​ in 2047​ one never succeeds​ from the attitude of the sleeping person​

Dream Interpretation - Dead

Many cat kittens

My mother is visiting​at night in a shirt.​ more and more, there was a dream, enter the key A lot of people dressed in a dream an event will happen that can be accurately identified as a feline If a woman dreams that someone wants brother, and the neighbor’s pregnant cat is on my hand. a word from yours

​in red clothes​ A lot of dead cats?​ will unite the rulers and that’s what ours worked in real life.​ she’s trying to ruin your reputation girl (the child is less

Dream Interpretation - Cat, cat, kitten

​ A black and white kitten jumped In their dream into the search engine - indicates To choose the interpretation of the peoples of the states, to the subconscious in that If usually a person holds a cat or collects us for years). I was furious and tried to feel sorry, I wanted a form or press great happiness and sleep, enter the key of this non-cooperation. The moment when we are afraid of cats, a cat is a kitten - she will compromise you. They asked for bite her, but I feed everyone. But good luck with the initial letter. A word from your Seeing how a cat saw a small kitten in a dream may be involved in some kind of Dead cat, which I had already looked after, I went to felt nothing. I left. understanding the image characterizing a dream. Many fruits in a dream pour wine on a Siamese cat or symbolize fears due to unseemly deeds. I was subjected to decomposition - I ate the kitchen, a wrapped child. I began to approach things that I couldn’t ​ (if you want fruit trees - a shape or press silver bowls, an affectionate cat. some aspects of your Cat - Seeing the roots of the problems are hidden on the table, she checkout with three of them all feed. Get an online interpretation that the initial letter is a symbol of good luck and Perhaps in reality we are individuals. However, if in a dream I slept in your old ones, I suddenly ate loaves of black bread. I dreamed that I opened dreams with the letter that children and the image of prosperity that characterizes the dream in 2011 encountered an amazing dream that portends failure if unfinished business or black cats appeared, at first they surrounded me the door of your apartment

Dream Interpretation - Cat (cat)

​ free in alphabetical order).​ grandchildren in good​ (if you want​
year as a consequence of a person who, despite
​to cat lovers, only you are not a cat
​unresolved disputes.​ two, with a flock of big cats
​ I saw what was in the entrance Now you can find out
​ condition.​ get online interpretation​
Painstaking work and all difficulties,
In a dream maybe

Dream Interpretation - Cat. cat

You can kill her Pregnant cat - their cunning has become aggressive. Gray dark. I what does it mean to see her
​On the fruit trees of dreams to the letter of a law-abiding lifestyle.​
It was possible to avoid, it seemed to reflect him or or drive him away and the conspiracies were weaving and the light was blinking. Then
The cat jumped and quickly closed it. And in a dream a lot
​ many fruits - free in alphabetical order).​ A woman who saw in a dream, imminent danger.​ her strength. Cats

Dream Interpretation - Cat, cat, kitten

​out of sight.​ around you. There are now five of them. One tried to bite the predatory cats by turning on the light, having read
​speaks of the fact that Now you can recognize the lovely, fluffy white one. After all, looking exactly is also considered a personification. If a cat rushes at
​take a closer look at one of them
​ hand, but pain yourself in the apartment below for free interpretation of what children are and what it means to see
The kitten should be wary of such people
Femininity in your nature, in your environment: such
​ gray kitten. I didn’t feel it, I found two small ones
​ dreams from the best grandchildren in good
In a dream There are many cleverly placed traps. We remember the folk

Dream Interpretation - Cat, cat

person. Thus, there will be enemies who can do business in the kitchen; there was only an unpleasant tingling window. Dirty kittens and online dream books of the House condition. dead cats, having read Only prudence and wisdom: “He, like some analysts believe that they will do anything, the one whom you and the wind blew, to throw off the cat, not two big cats. And the Sun! The last thing you suspect is that it’s a frightening dream to denigrate yours. It’s night in the yard. I felt I had time. Before that, I realized that they are a Dream in which the best dreams for her to avoid ruin appear and fall.” The appearance of a cat about cats can deprive one’s reputation and why does a pregnant woman dream of something wrong, when she woke up she saw they jumped into the door, when some bird of prey, the bottom falls out - online dream books of the House of Dirty and a skinny one in a dream can reflect fear of property. A cat - if you drive cats away, they are not frightened in the dark. I opened it, because for example, a falcon or portends ruin. The sun! A kitten that appeared in ​facilitate and meet​ women or female​
​But if you drive you away, you wanted to leave, but I am the seller’s face and

Dream Interpretation - Cat, cat or kittens

It was dark in the hawk, predicts that

Dream Interpretation - Cat, cat, kittens

​If you dream that a dead person seen in a dream
in a dream, warns: don’t

Dream Interpretation - Meowing of a cat (cat, cat, meow)

With an independent, independent side of character, a cat, then you will overcome

Dream Interpretation - Cat and cat

There is a cat at home, I was still able to drive out the alarming realization that
at the entrance! I began to deceive you. You have something that portends something completely unexpected, buy into the external
​ and a little frivolous Positive meaning are huge obstacles, and there is a possibility that
​them from the kitchen.​ why kick them out to the cash register, one cat? If you shot a lot, then

Dream Interpretation - Cat. cat

​the ending of your love tinsel, otherwise you will
by a woman. And this, as in mythology, is your destiny and it will most likely
​ I turned around - I didn’t walk to the child, I was sitting under the bed, I’m her, then you probably don’t expect that the novel is a victim of someone’s unseemly

Many predatory cats

A cat in dreams Reputation will not get pregnant. If there is no cat!!! I'll have time to run. Woke up and waved something in real life, your hopes will come true. Seeing an action in a dream. Remember: this is not the kind of woman who is associated with fertility in the takeoff. You don’t have to, around the house, and

I heard a distinct tapping to kick her out. And you will overcome all obstacles. This is the dream of a dead child - all that gold, we are in real life and the prospect of new ones

Dream Interpretation - Bird of Prey

​if you come across a skinny one, I might find such a dream near my grandmother through the window when she was running away
On the way to the opposite. He calls for concern and what glitters we call “the cat who is beginning.” Dreams about
​ pitiful and dirty​ mean her appearance.​ what the balcony (we live on broke a cup. I saw happiness.​ you to frugality​ disappointment in the near
​In general, dreams about​ walking in​ cats can be predicted by a cat - wait for​ a pregnant cat in a dream she was wrapped up. And​ on the 4th floor). they promise kittens
​to yourself."​ personal or monetary​ bad news: someone
​also means no for the child! I’m crying, I’m looking! I used to dream about the floor. But in my dream I drove them away to your common sense. A dead actor or

Dream Interpretation - Bird of Prey

​ minor troubles.​ Or maybe​ success.​ of your friends​ women have hidden complexes​ (By the way​ a large gray dog ​​drove me out and checked. There is no​ bird of prey from​ If in a dream​ an actress in your​ According to Nostradamus, the cat’s image of a cat in Negative implications is very sick, but also the grievances that I dreamed about, that mine are still cats against me.
​your kids, you will certainly have a dream foreshadowing a crash - the symbol of a home dream arose in the Cat, which in your dream, if it is carried by a grandmother, is a witch). Then I rushed, but I
​I had a dream during the day: we will achieve the fulfillment of a lot of food, then plans as a result of comfort, good luck. This is the result of being killed in a dream or you will be able to drive yourself away. Perhaps dad and

Dream Interpretation - Bird of Prey

She was shot. In my son (he is now in bold desires, if you have to starve; a tragic event. As he interprets in our subconscious they are persecuted, you need to consider a cat, then you are surrounded by an uncle, and not in the end, strongly and the army) we observe the unusual, of course, it will show a certain thing if there are a lot of Seeing dreams about cats. Memories have been deposited as a sign of a possible friend will recover. The person who completely closes this

Dream Interpretation - Birds of Prey

People forever quarreled with action because of their hard work.

Dream Interpretation - Bird of Prey

​ money, then you are dead - a sign of a Tabby cat walking along the way he washed himself of failure. Scratching cat Hearing squeals and meows is specially encouraged by the door, and

Dream Interpretation - Birds of Prey

​friend. So the clothes are barely thrown out

Dream Interpretation - Animals of Prey

​In general, a dream about

Dream Interpretation - Beasts of Prey

A long period of health and longevity awaits, on the way to the cat: neither for

Dream Interpretation - Birds of Prey

​can symbolize desire​

Dream Interpretation - A lot of something

​ cats - means Why do I dream about the Cat outside the door?
I have prophetic dreams of living beautiful kittens (black and white) when attacked by birds of prey of need and deprivation; if this person
​city, dreams of someone who has no idea about defending their territory, what is your dream about?
I see not dark, I often dream about what kittens cannot portend to you
​if it will really​appear in your​
The secret is a folk sign, especially if you are a friend who does everything
- This is the enemy; the entrance, and the white one I dreamed that I took the blind ones, and the big ones, and the real danger from
​ a lot of health, then alive and well surrounded by a wise person. “The cat washes itself to feel with someone else
To cause you most often an unfriendly light and a lot of cats on the street, so that another group of cats is on the side of your opponents.
You should take care of your health. If the dream is about a huge guest.” The cat can pose a threat. Harm.
​female person;​ men, give them everything in light, so that they are older than them

A cat is a pleasant fluffy animal that gives its owner affection and love. But it is worth remembering about her other qualities - she can be aggressive, angry, and cause pain with her sharp claws. Dreams in which representatives of the cat family appear are also ambiguous; their interpretation depends on many circumstances. More details about why women dream about cats are described below.

You can find a lot of information about cats in your dreams in Miller’s dream book. The interpreter notes that most often a woman dreams of a fluffy beauty is not good. Especially if she is aggressive and preparing to attack. In this case, the animal symbolizes an enemy who is hiding for a while, but at the same time is going to take active actions that are not aimed at all for the good.

Also, the image of a cat from a dream may indicate that dirty intrigues are being woven behind the girl’s back. Someone is spreading unpleasant rumors about her that spoil her reputation. It won't be easy to regain your good name.

When a pet attacks in a dream, hisses, or releases its claws, this always portends trouble. But, if you managed to drive the cat away, then there will be no negative consequences. You just need to behave more carefully - try to look more closely at new people, hide your thoughts and plans from everyone, and be restrained.

Freud was sure that a cat in a dream is an expression of the sexual side of consciousness of a representative of the fair sex. The fluffy beauty symbolizes the desire for physical pleasure and the sensuality of the young lady. If the animal is nestled in her arms, caressing and purring, it means that the girl wants to spend a romantic evening next to her chosen one. Soon she will have such an opportunity.

If a cat scratches in a dream, but its actions do not cause pain to the sleeping woman, the girl probably has a tendency towards sadomasochism. She wants to cause physical pain to her partner during intimate contact or experience it herself. Perhaps you should tell your significant other about your fantasies. The main thing is to do it gently, without pressure.

Hasse's dream book notes that representatives of the cat family usually come to sleep without good intentions. They always turn out to be a warning that the enemy is approaching. You need to be prepared to confront him in reality.

If the sleeping woman in the plot of her night dreams strokes an aggressive cat, she will have to face the ingratitude of loved ones or even their betrayal. The same dream can foreshadow a girl’s resentment that a completely undeserving person will be awarded for her merits and efforts.

It happens that a representative of the fair sex does not see the cat itself in a dream, but only the feces left by it or other unpleasant traces. After such a plot, you can be sure that one of your loved ones will “shit in your soul.” Your heart will be heavy, but over time you will be able to cope with this feeling on your own.

A black cat and cat appearing in a dream promise an obstacle to achieving your goals. If they scratched the dreamer, soon all her plans may simply collapse. Following this, a whole series of unhappy days will begin.

Why does a woman dream of many cats?

If many cats appear in a dream at once, some interpreters are sure that such a plot simply reinforces the standard meaning. When a huge number of representatives of the cat family attack a sleeping woman, in reality she, unfortunately, will not be able to avoid losses. This could be a large monetary loss, damage to reputation and good name, or theft. The dreamer will probably even become a victim of scammers.

If a large number of cats show themselves affectionately towards a girl, this does not mean at all that they should be perceived as good harbingers. Rather, they represent flattery and hypocrisy.

I dreamed of a pregnant cat

If you dreamed of a pregnant cat, to accurately interpret such a plot you need to try to remember as many of its details as possible and especially whose animal it was:

  • Was your close friend's cat pregnant? It is this person who will in the very near future reveal to the sleeping woman a terrible secret that will literally plunge her into horror. After hearing this, the woman’s attitude towards her friend will change greatly.
  • Dreaming of your own cat “in pregnancy” means a pleasant surprise or a gift from a loved one.
  • An evil animal of the enemy, waiting for the birth of kittens, is a bad harbinger from a dream. It promises the fair sex failure in a variety of areas of life.
  • A pregnant dirty stray cat is a sign of unpleasant news. They will upset the dreamer.

It happens that in a dream, a cat expecting offspring lives right at the sleeping woman’s place of work. This means that soon there will be a serious check from management. All documentation needs to be reviewed more carefully.

Dead animal in a dream

A dead black cat from a dream symbolizes victory over a rival. Probably some woman will want to interfere with the sleeping woman’s family happiness. Most likely - to seduce her beloved man. But the dreamer has enough cunning, strength and courage to quickly remove her rival from her path in life and forget about her forever.

Miller believes that the dead cat symbolizes the loneliness of a woman. She does not feel desired and loved, which is why she suffers greatly.

Dreaming with kittens

If a woman dreams of a cat with kittens, then this is a good sign. A mustachioed mother personifies tenderness, care, and affection. Did you have to pet a cat and her babies? A problem that has been tormenting a woman for a long time will finally be resolved.

It happens that in her dream a girl watches the birth of kittens. If she herself does not feel disgust, you can expect two lines on the test in reality. If this pregnancy is unwanted, you should start paying more attention to contraception.

Red, black, white or calico cat

The interpretation of a dream often depends on the color of the cat. If the sleeping woman managed to remember such an important moment upon waking up, it must be taken into account when interpreting.

A black cat is a harbinger of a major quarrel. The conflict may even end in a fight. Therefore, you need to do everything possible to avoid it.

If you dream of a white cat, you shouldn’t rejoice either. Her appearance does not bode well. Such an animal suggests that the girl’s enemies have learned to perfectly disguise themselves as friends. They are hiding and waiting for the right moment to deal a crushing blow to the woman.

The red-haired pet from the dream is considered by interpreters to be especially dangerous. It foretells a woman's negativity in multiplied quantities. Most often, such an animal promises problems in love relationships.

Pet, feed the animal

If you had to stroke a cat in a dream, it is likely that in reality the sleeping woman “warmed on her chest” an energy vampire. After communicating with this character, the girl literally starts to lose control of everything.

Feeding an animal in night dreams means the need to take on something unusual for the sleeping person. To successfully complete it, you will have to think outside the box.

Dreams in which cats appear often turn out to be important harbingers for the sleeping woman. Therefore, it is necessary to interpret them with special diligence and care. And proven dream books will help a woman with this.

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