Home Useful properties of fruits Everything about keyword operators in Yandex.Direct. Why do we need operators in Yandex Direct and Wordstat? Direct requests in quotes benefits

Everything about keyword operators in Yandex.Direct. Why do we need operators in Yandex Direct and Wordstat? Direct requests in quotes benefits

In order for the user's request to be satisfied, a competent selection of key phrases and is not enough. It is important to understand that Yandex does not take into account the order and number of words, their word form, as well as prepositions and conjunctions.

For example, entering the phrases “photoshoot for a girl” and “photoshoot for girls” into Yandex Wordstat in turn, we will see the same results.

For certain keywords, choosing a match type is necessary, because without it, the advertising budget can simply be wasted.

Impressions will be only when typing in the Yandex search line a request containing any word forms of the key phrase you specified. This is singular or plural, cases and so on. But only with regards to these words.

Due to this type of match, you will be able to get rid of non-targeted requests that will reduce the CTR of the ad and click the budget. However, when choosing this type, be careful, as potentially profitable key phrases that have additional words or missing some of those that we quoted can also be excluded.

Request: “Photo shoot for a girl”

Phrase matching keeps words in a certain order and does not “let” additional words into the phrase. They are added only before or after the key phrase. This takes into account all word forms and stop words (prepositions and conjunctions).

Request: [Photo shoot for a girl]

It is impossible not to mention that for quality, you can combine characters within the query. This will help you create ads that exactly meet the needs of users, which in turn will save a lot of money.

Many SEO specialists know that the method of collecting frequency from Yandex.Wordstat has one significant drawback - there is no difference in the frequency of requests that have the same words, but in a different order. For example, even the exact match operator "!" gives the same frequency for the queries "online movies" and "movies online":

But we know that this is not really the case. There are a certain number of people who searched for "movies online" and there are a certain number of people who searched for "movies online" and the numbers don't have to be equal.

How to find out the "true" frequency of a search query in Yandex?

Until recently, everything was not easy: optimizers had to go to tricks to understand which word order in a query is more frequent. Here, the frequency of keywords from Google AdWords and the most frequent word form given in the left column of Yandex.Wordstat came to the rescue, but all these methods were extremely far from ideal.

But quite recently, everything has changed for the better: Yandex.Wordstat began to support the "" operator (square brackets), which previously existed only in Yandex.Direct! This operator, according to Yandex, "Allows you to fix the word order in the search query."

What does this mean in practice? Now, using this operator, we can finally find out the "true" frequency of any query in Yandex!

As you can see, the query "online movies" actually has a search volume 10 times lower than "movies online"!

And of course, this operator is now supported by our RUSH ANALYTICS service!

How to use it?

If this option is enabled, then all selected types of frequency (except general) will take into account word order. That is, if you marked only the frequency “keyword” (in quotation marks), then the frequency for the query “[keyword]” (in quotation marks) will be collected. And if you marked 2 types of frequency: “in quotes” and “with an exclamation point”, then both of these types of frequencies will be collected with a new operator. In other words, when the checkbox is checked, the standard frequencies are replaced by similar ones, but taking into account the word order.

Attention! "General" frequency (broad match without all operators) is not supported with the new option "Consider word order"! When working with the new option, please select only the frequencies "" and "!".

The search algorithm is a set of mathematical equations that do not perceive human speech. In order to optimize the work of artificial. intelligence, Yandex has reserved operator symbols that allow you to clarify the meaning and meaning of the search phrase. It often happens that a person means one thing, and Yandex gives him something completely different. It is in such cases that operators are needed to narrow the search circle. They can also be combined with each other in a variety of combinations to achieve maximum results. Mathematical symbols, punctuation marks and hashtags are used as special characters.

How it works

Let's look at specific examples to understand how the tools work and simplify the optimization of an advertising campaign.

How to use the "+" plus operator

The search engine never pays attention to conjunctions or prepositions. Therefore the request in a beige sweatshirt Yandex.Wordstat recognizes how beige sweatshirt.

Accordingly, the attention of the user will be presented with sites that correspond to such requests as beige sweatshirts, sweatshirts with beige elements etc. In order for Yandex not to ignore the preposition, it is necessary to use the “+” operator before it without a space, together.

For example:

+ in a beige sweatshirt

The most popular example for demonstrating the work of the Yandex algorithm is keywords from foot to foot. This request provokes two conflicts at once:

  1. Without the use of the "+" symbol, the machine will only consider foot leg.
  2. Phrase foot leg- this is a duplication, Yandex does not perceive it.

As you can see, without operators, Yandex removes the double of the word “leg” and takes into account only one

Therefore, if you do not enter an operator symbol before each key phrase, the final query will look for Yandex as simply legs. Therefore, to account for each word, it should look like this:

+ from + legs + to + leg

How to use the "-" minus operator

It helps to ignore certain words. It is especially in demand when working with high-frequency requests for Direct and YAN.

Suppose the situation is that the company is engaged in the sale of sundresses. It is necessary to conduct an advertising campaign for summer models. If you use a simple query: summer sundress, the output will include a lot of garbage and inappropriate keys. The use of the “-” symbol will allow you to clean the output from unnecessary results. In this case, you need to enter in the search:

summer sundress - photo - internet - patterns

You can also use the "-" minus symbol when collecting the semantic core for Yandex.Direct and YAN. Using the aforementioned Yandex.Wordstat, there is an option to identify non-targeted queries and add the necessary keywords with a minus sign. This will provide a more reliable understanding of the target audience and will positively affect the effectiveness of YAN.

Similarly, you can work with programs for the selection of key phrases.

How to use the quote operator ” ”

The operator is used to fix the phrase and the number of keywords in it. Therefore, when displaying impressions, only the key phrase in quotation marks, as well as its various forms, will be taken into account. This is convenient for monitoring competitors' Yandex.Direct.

On the example of the same sundresses, you can show how this operator works. The symbol allows you to completely exclude junk queries from the search results and see the pure statistics of impressions of the searched phrase. This is useful when you need to assess the demand for a particular product or service.

Thus, when working with Yandex.Wordstat, you can enclose the necessary expression or keyword in quotation marks and view the output for the required parameter, excluding unnecessary words using the operator.

Consider the mechanism of the operator. Suppose that there is a need to create an advertisement for Yandex.Direct or YAN for the query "evening makeup". Let's create a trial version and two types of campaigns. In the first, we enter the key phrase without any characters, and in the second - with quotes.

At the end of the testing period, you can get a report comparing these two groups, or rather the effectiveness of their advertising. As practice has shown, the exact query with the operator was effective, just like the wide one. Thus, we can conclude that for YAN it is possible to create advertising campaigns based on high-frequency keys in the exact match. However, this is not as beneficial as using mid-frequency and low-frequency queries.

It is worth using quotation marks wisely and carefully, because with their help it is possible to cut off too many potential impressions. It is better to resort to testing before deciding whether quotes are needed in this case or not.

How to use the "!" Exclamation point

This symbol fixes the word form of the keyword to which it precedes.


Then the campaign will be displayed in Yandex.Direct for the following queries:

man in beige sweatshirt

woman in a beige sweatshirt

girl in a beige sweatshirt

And the following requests will be ignored:

where to buy in beige sweatshirt

classic beige sweatshirt

Another example:

How to use the () operator

This symbol is used to group two keywords into one expression using the "|" operator, which translates as "or". Using this symbol reduces the number of requests to one, which is very convenient for planning a campaign in Yandex.Direct or YAN.

Let's suppose that it is necessary to separate YAN requests regarding the color of a sweatshirt into a separate campaign. How to do it with the specified operator?

Raw material:

Sweatshirt beige

Sweatshirt red

Sweatshirt fuchsia

By using the parenthesis character, you can shorten it all to a single key:

Sweatshirt (beige|red|fuchsia)

With the help of the operator in question, you can reach the audience that enters the query "Sweatshot" and specifies its color.

However, the operator has its drawback - an inaccurate title that does not directly respond to the user's request. This is a big minus for Direct and YAN. If there were 6 keywords in the campaign, then 6 titles would be used, and in this way only one generalized title can be created.

How to use the square bracket operator

The use of a symbol helps to fix the current order of the passphrase. The most obvious and widely known example of the usefulness of the use of square brackets is the advertising of railway tickets. Typical situation: you need to come up with a relevant title for a user who needs a boarding pass from Pskov to Krasnodar.

If you do not use the square bracket operator, then ads in Yandex.Direct and YAN will be shown in inappropriate queries. Suppose a user needs a ticket from Krasnodar to Pskov, and he will be shown our advertisement offering return tickets. It doesn't suit us. To fix this problem, you need to properly format the key phrase with brackets: Train ticket [Pskov Krasnodar].

Another example:

How to use operators together

The symbols-operators discussed above can be combined, achieving the most acceptable solution and fully implementing the tasks set for Direct and YAN.

Suppose we sell sweatshirts with the symbols of a certain musical group. And we decided to attract buyers with requests with the name of the song of this group. And at the same time, it is necessary that the impressions be carried out only for the key phrase “in a beige sweatshirt” in exactly this and no other correspondence.

The first step is to use the square bracket operator. Thus, we will fix the word order in the key. The word form can be fixed with an exclamation mark, and the expression itself - with quotation marks. It's also a good idea to use "+" before the preposition, but this is not a required item, since we already have quotation marks.

So, the final look of the key phrase will be as follows:


Only in this case, you can receive impressions from requests in a beige sweatshirt and no others.


Operators are a very useful tool, and using them makes life much easier when setting up an advertising campaign in YAN. Above, we discussed the special characters offered by Yandex.Direct for setting up key advertisements. However, the use of the parenthesis operator, for example, is not very welcome, since we receive only one ad for different combinations of keywords and cannot create more precise, specific ads for each keyword, this nuance should be taken into account. That is why such a special character is very rarely used.

Summing up, we can make the following recommendations for using Yandex Direct operators:

  • Use negative keywords. They will help limit the range of our ads for those queries that do not suit us or do not at all correspond to the subject of the ad.
  • Consider query semantics. It is worth paying attention to whether changing the form of key phrases or rearranging them in any way can affect the client's intentions.
  • Use the parenthesis operator carefully or not at all if you plan to show your ad for a variety of queries.
  • The quote operator is worth testing, and more than once, so as not to cut off too many impressions.

Using these recommendations, you can correctly and accurately set up your ad on search or advertising in YAN, getting the maximum benefit from it. You just need to take into account some of the nuances and use the operators wisely, testing them first to make sure that everything is done correctly. Only with the right approach can you achieve the desired result.

We will learn how to competently compose key phrases for advertising campaigns in Yandex.Direct and what types of keyword matching are.

As the theater begins with a hanger, high-quality contextual advertising begins with the selection of keywords. You need to carefully approach the formation of keywords for your future advertising campaigns.

In this we will come to the aid of special operators or, otherwise they are called "keyword match types". It's special character set to clarify key queries to most accurately determine the audience your ad will be shown to.

For clarity, let's look at examples. Let's start with Yandex.Direct.

Main keyword match types in Yandex.Direct

Without operators- broad match, all queries containing any word forms of the given phrase will be included, as well as queries with the inclusion of the key phrase and its word forms.


  • your phrase: I'm selling an apartment,
  • it will also be shown by the phrases: sell an apartment, sell an apartment, sell 1 apartment, buy sell an apartment, sell an apartment house, sell a share + in an apartment, etc.

Operator " " (quotes)- shows ads only for this phrase and its word forms ( phrase match), ignores queries containing the inclusion of this phrase.


  • your phrase: I'm selling an apartment,
  • the ad will also be shown for the phrases: selling an apartment, selling an apartment, selling an apartment, etc.,
  • the ad will not be shown for the phrases: I am selling an apartment in the summer, I am selling 1 to an apartment, I am urgently selling an apartment, etc.

Operator! (Exclamation point)- shows your ad only for the given form of the word ( exact match).


  • your phrase: !I sell an apartment
  • the ad will also be shown for the phrases: I sell apartments, I sell 1 apartment, I sell an apartment urgently, etc.,
  • the ad will not be shown for the phrases: sell an apartment, sell an apartment, sell an apartment urgently, etc.

If you put before each word in the key phrase operator!, then your ad will be shown only with the exact word form specified in the search, without taking into account additional relevant phrases.

Operator + (plus)- allows you to force the request to take into account prepositions and conjunctions, which, as a rule, are ignored by the search engine.


  • If you do not put the + operator, then the phrase "toys for children" = the phrase "toys for children".
  • To count impressions for the exact phrase, you need to specify "toys + for children".
  • In this case, your ad will be shown according to the exact word form and all its variations: toys + for small children, toys + for children 5+, avito toys + for children, toys + for children catalog, etc.

Operator - (minus)- on the contrary, it allows you to exclude queries containing these words or phrases from the display.


  • If you are interested in an audience that wants to buy toys for children, then you need to exclude phrases from the query that clearly do not have selling functions: toys + for children with their own hands, toys + for children photos, toys + videos for children, etc.
  • In this case, you add negative keywords to the phrase: + toys for children - with your own hands - photo - video, etc.

To work with key phrases, use the service from Yandex -wordstat.yandex.ru. There you can select your region, check all matches of your keywords, choose the most accurate phrases and highlight your audience.

It's all for today. Next time we will analyze in detail the operators that are in Google Adwords. They differ from operators in Yandex.Direct. Even broad match looks completely different in both services. But let's keep the intrigue...)

In order for contextual advertising to bring interested visitors to the site, it is not enough to choose keywords, it is important to use them correctly. One of the basic stages is the selection of a suitable type of match. In this article, I will explain what types of keyword matches are and how to work with them.

How do Google Ads match types work?

This type of match is designed for the widest possible coverage: advertisements will be shown for all possible search queries related to the keyword: for misspelled phrases, in different word forms, in different word order.

It is advisable to use this type when you need to attract the maximum amount of traffic, or you work with a very narrow topic. Learn more about working with broad match.

When using broad match for search campaigns, you need to carefully select your negative keywords (I'll talk more about this later).

In campaigns targeting the Display Network, keywords are more likely to be broadly matched so as not to narrow the reach.

Using a modifier, you can control which words will appear in search queries. At the same time, words can be in different word forms and with errors, and their order does not matter.

By default, you cannot select this match type in the account interface or Google Ads Editor.

You need to select a broad match and add a "+" sign to each word (use autocorrect for convenience). Please note that the keywords “+buy +gift” and “+gift +buy” are duplicates (“keys” in your account that compete with each other).

Before prepositions and conjunctions, the “+” sign can be omitted so that advertisements are shown both for phrases containing a preposition or conjunction, and without them.

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