Home Trees and shrubs Analysis of the feta poem "sad birch". Comparative analysis of poems by A.A. Feta “Sad Birch” and S.A Sad Birch fet type of rhyme

Analysis of the feta poem "sad birch". Comparative analysis of poems by A.A. Feta “Sad Birch” and S.A Sad Birch fet type of rhyme

“Tyutchev and Fet” - What are the features of the poetic language of each poem? Let's note the time of writing. Listening to messages and conversation: FET (Shenshin) Afanasy Afanasyevich is a famous Russian poet. Reading poems. "Summer evening". What kind of personality does each poet appear to be? Features of the poetic world Tyutchev Fet.

“Lyrics of Fet” - Lyrics and fate of A. A. Fet (1820-1892) Lesson II. Nature never left Fet indifferent. A combination of realistic and suggestive: realistic with unclear. Nature and landscape are only the first plane of poetry, but the main theme is love. Let's determine the topic: what is the poem about? Critics of aesthetics directions. The poem has no plot, no event.

“The Life of Fet” - Fet died on November 21, 1892 in Moscow, two days short of turning 72 years old. Buying an estate. S. Solovyov. Literary successes prompted Fet to leave the service. Military service. Mutual respect always reigned in the house. Autograph of the poem “Alter Ego”. For many years the poet sought to obtain nobility. The beginning of a creative journey.

“Fet poetry” - Continued to write poetry. Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich 1820 - 1892. At the end of the 1870s, Fet began to write poetry with renewed vigor. Born in October or November in the village of Novoselki, Oryol province. The difficult path of life developed in him a gloomy outlook on life and society. The poet prepared the fifth issue, but did not have time to publish it.).

“The Poet Fet” - George Sand, French writer. She lit a cigarette and threw the match on the floor. Fet’s personality, fate, and creative biography are unusual and full of mysteries. But the wedding of Fet and Maria Botkina took place. Everything is as usual in a girl's album. So Afanasy “changed his last name” for the second time and turned into Fet. "Domestic Notes".

“Fet’s Poem” - Night. Goes to execution. Dawn. Secrets of existence. The rose also symbolizes natural beauty as a source of poetic inspiration. The night is beautiful. 1820 - 1892. “With one push, drive away a living boat...” October 28, 1887 It is not by chance that a night landscape appears in A. Fet’s poem. F. Tyutchev and A. Fet. A. Fet.

The birch tree is rightfully considered one of the main symbols of Russia. Many songs and legends have been written about her, and poems that are deeply lyrical have been written. Most often, the birch was compared, of course, with a Russian beauty. After all, her figure is white and thin, and her lush green braids, and even earrings - everything is like a village girl. Emigrant writers who found themselves far from their homeland especially missed Russian birches. For example, Teffi in her story “Nostalgia” wrote with pain: “Every woman here knows - if the grief is great and you need to lament - go into the forest, hug the birch tree and sway with it, go away with tears all along with it, with the white one, with your own, with a Russian birch tree! Therefore, the birch tree accompanied the Russian people both in sorrow and in joy. So on Trinity Sunday, one of the most famous and beloved church holidays, a young birch tree symbolized the strength of the awakening earth, so they decorated the house with its branches inside and outside, especially carefully laying out the branches behind icons and behind window frames. Before the holiday, the birch tree was “curled”, i.e. the branches were braided and twisted into a wreath, and then beads, ribbons, and scarves were hung on it. Directly on the holiday of the Trinity, round dances were held around the birch tree, and then they “developed” it and drowned it in a pond, so that it would give all its strength to the first shoots in the fields and contribute to the well-being of people.

Since Trinity is celebrated in the summer, in the winter, obviously, longing for this joyful warm season begins. Perhaps this is why the 19th century Russian poet Afanasy Fet wrote a poem about the birch, but already in the title he endowed it with the epithet "sad". Naturally, in winter she no longer has earrings, green braids, and the white trunk merges with the white snow.

Why is Fet’s birch tree sad? Perhaps because "It was dismantled by the whim of the frost", that is, in fact, depends on external elemental forces, and the form of the passive participle emphasizes this doom in the best possible way. On the other hand, the word "dismantled" usually used in relation to someone who shines with clothes. The image of a lush beauty involuntarily arises, just in the style of the 19th century. Therefore, in the first stanza of Fet’s poem, some surprise is heard: the winter birch is sad, but at the same time elegant.

In the second stanza, the poet’s joy increases because the branches of a winter birch tree remind him of bunches of grapes, and this comparison, at first glance, seems inappropriate in winter. The impression is enhanced by the oxymoron “the whole mourning outfit is joyful to look at”. How is this possible? Is mourning compatible with joy? The most surprising thing, perhaps, for the reader of the 21st century, is why white is a mourning color, since it is more common to associate mourning with black. Perhaps in the middle of the 19th century (and the poem was written in 1842), it was more traditional to perceive the deceased in a shroud - a funeral attire, and it is usually white. And yet this outfit "pleasant to look at" poet.

In the last stanza the play of light of the morning dawn ( "Dennitsy") brings the birch tree to life so much that the poet is afraid of any changes in it and does not want the birds to shake off the snow from its branches. Then she will lose the charm of the charm of sadness, and the hero will no longer experience the range of feelings that he has already experienced. It is important to note that the hero of the poem very openly expresses his feelings towards the described tree: "at my window", "pleasant to look at"(it’s clear whose point of view is meant), "I love... I notice", "I'm sorry". Such an attitude is not typical for landscape poetry, which is why, probably, such a poem cannot be considered a landscape. It is rather an expression of feelings and experiences, which is more typical of elegy.

In conclusion, it remains to add that the words "branches", "Dennitsa", characteristic of the style of the 19th century and the style of Fet himself, are already archaic in our time, but they give the sound of the verse pomp and solemnity.

The analysis of “Sad Birch” is not the only essay on Fet’s work:

  • Analysis of the poem by A.A. Feta “Whisper, timid breathing...”
  • “The First Lily of the Valley”, analysis of Fet’s poem

Card No. 5

A. A. Fet

Sad birch
At my window

And the whim of frost

She's dismantled.

Like bunches of grapes

The ends of the branches hang, -

And joyful to look at

All mourning attire.

I love the game of Lucifer

I notice she has

And I'm sorry if the birds

They will shake off the beauty of the branches.

    The poem was written in 1842, more than a century and a half ago. The word is evidence of this morning star(dawn, morning dawn). What other expressions or words in this poem sound archaic?

    The poem is filled with admiration for life. Even in the mourning attire of a winter birch tree, the poet’s gaze finds beauty. What makes this sad birch tree happy?

S. Yesenin

White birch

Below my window

Covered with snow

Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches

Snow border

The brushes have blossomed

White fringe.

And the birch tree stands

In sleepy silence,

And the snowflakes are burning

In golden fire.

And the dawn is lazy

Walking around

Sprinkles branches

New silver.

    What feeling does the white birch evoke in the poet? What time of day does he describe it?

    Yesenin's birch is shyer, more modest than Fet's. She covered with snow, like silver. The double prefix in the word covered brings poetic speech closer to folk speech. Yes and a word sprinkles indicates the same thing. Yesenin is a man of a different environment, and this immediately affects his vocabulary. A poem is like a song. But Fet’s is more of an urban romance.

What is the difference between Feta birch and Yesenin birch?

Returning again and again to the work of my beloved poet, Afanasy Fet, I never cease to admire the simplicity and completeness of his thoughts and, at the same time, every time I am convinced that his poems, accessible to everyone, are not so clear-cut. Here is his “Sad Birch” - a short and seemingly understandable poem, when studied in more detail, makes you think and reflect.

What is the author describing to us? The white birch tree that he sees every day from the window of his house. And this beauty stands, shackled by winter frosts, and therefore sad, but at the same time decorated, dressed up by the helpful winter-winter. And it’s unclear whether we should rejoice for this frozen beauty, or sympathize with her sadness.

The author makes the reader worry, and how could it be otherwise? How can you tell if a birch tree is happy in its dress, which looks like bunches of grapes? It seems that both the author, observing the life of the winter beauty, and the tree itself are thinking with tenderness about the past summer, about the warm time, when instead of artificial “grapes” the main symbol of Russia was decorated with real, simple, but painfully familiar earrings.

And yet, the birch tree, dead in the frost, as if dressed in a shroud, is not a sign of the end in this poem, since the morning star plays on its branches - and the poet notices this. And if so, then the spring time will come, when not the birds, but nature itself will shake off the winter beauty from the birch tree, and it will dress in its usual, so dear and familiar carved greenery, and will delight the observer, proving again and again that life goes on.

On the other hand, the end of the poem suggests that the state of the birch tree could not be more consistent with the poet’s current feelings and experiences. That is why he is afraid that the birds will disturb the cold beauty of the birch and interrupt that invisible spiritual connection that has arisen between the numb tree and the author. Some kind of tragedy, anguish is felt in this short poem, despite its certain pomp and solemnity.

And just think, 12 lines, how much meaning, how much depth. And this is all Fet.


Fet's poem "Sad Birch"

SLIDE topic, goal, tasks



Lesson type:

Lesson on discovering new knowledge (lesson-research)

Basic technology:


Interdisciplinary connections:

Russian language, the world around us, art

Forms of work:

Work in pairs.

The purpose of the lesson:

Acquaintance with Fet's work, developing the ability to memorize poetic works, using associative techniques.


1. Reveal the idea and meaning of the poem

Teach expressive reading

Learn a poem by heart

2. Develop students’ speech, articulation apparatus, diction;

mental operations: memory, attention, imagination.

3. To form an emotionally sensitive attitude to reality and a personal vision of the world around us.

Knowledge, abilities, skills that students will acquire during the lesson

1. Subject:

Students will learn to read expressively and learn a poem by heart.

2. Metasubject:

A)cognitive UUD:

Students will learn to use various techniques for memorizing poetic text.

b)communicative UUD:

Students will learnexchange information, interact with the teacher and classmates while working in pairs;

Express your thoughts and prove your point of view;

V)regulatory UUD:

Students will learn to control their speech when expressing their point of view;

Develop the ability to carry out your actions according to the model and your own plan;

3. Personal:

Students will learn to be tolerant towards each other and respect the opinions of others.

Equipment: presentation, portrait of A. Fet, Explanatory Dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov.

Lesson summary

Lesson steps


Teacher activities

Student activities

Organizational moment


Ready for the lesson.

Checks readiness for the lesson, sets students up for positive work

Monitor readiness for the lesson.

Regulatory UUD:

Personal UUD: students develop learning motives; positive attitude towards school.

Self-determination for activity.

Lesson topic

Read the word: YAISEOP.

Who can tell what the lesson will be about?

Today we will go into the world of poetry.

Read the sentences:

    Poetry of a winter morning.

    Poetry of the winter forest.

    Poetry of native nature

What is poetry?

Try replacing the word with another wordpoetry ? (Beauty).

Read these sentences again, replacing the wordpoetry in a wordbeauty .

    beauty winter morning.

    The beauty of the winter forest.

    The beauty of native nature

So what is poetry?

How many meanings does the word have?poetry , let's turn to the dictionary of S. M. Ozhegov.

    Poetry – poems, works written in verse.

    Poetry is the beauty, the charm of something.

What might the topic of the lesson sound like?

What problems can we solve during the lesson?

What do you think you will learn in the lesson?

Offers a task.

Leads to a new topic.


Gives scientific knowledge.


Complete the task.

Draw a conclusion and determine the topic of the lesson.

Subject UUD: Learn to work with words.

Cognitive UUD: Learn to analyze, dDraw conclusions as a result of joint work between the class and the teacher.

Regulatory UUD: Learn to predict upcoming work.

Communicative UUD: Learnexpress your attitude towards what is being studied.

Personal UUD:among studentsmotivation to learn is formed.

II. Speech warm-up

In the world of poetry, words fall into a certain order, and we hear beautiful poetic creations

Read the words, pronouncing the sounds clearly:

birch trees, frost, morning glory, birds

Do these words sound like poetry? Why?(They add up and end the same way).

What is a morning star? (rays of dawn)

Do we pronounce all words the same? (With different intonation)

Read the phrase: Like bunches of grapes,

The ends of the branches are hanging.

Now try to pronounce it by sayingher enthusiastically

And if you say itwith surprise ?

Asking questions.

Offers options for tasks.SLIDE

Enriches students' vocabulary.SLIDE

Working on diction.


Answer questions.

Learn to pronounce sounds clearly.

Get to know a new word.

Subject-specific LUDs: Find answers to questions based on the material being studied.

Regulatory UUD: learn to control their mood.

Communication UUD:studyexchange information.

Personal UUD:studyrespect the opinions of others.

III.Updating of reference knowledge

Today we will meet with great Russian poets.

Read his name. A.A. Fet Who is familiar with the poet’s work?

Shows a portrait.SLIDE

Perceive visual and verbal information.

Subject-based learning tools: learn to perceive information.

Cognitive learning activities: students develop attention and memory.

Lesson stage - I will demonstrate the discovery of new knowledge.

IV.Discovery of new knowledge



VII. Reflection.

VIII. Lesson summary.

IX. Homework.

Both beautiful and slimShe stands among her friends.
And the dress is striped.

Which tree do you recognize... a birch tree?

Listen to the poem.

1. Auditory perception (listen to a poem performed by me)

"Sad Birch"
A. Fet

Sad birch
At my window
Only by the whim of frost
She's dismantled.

Like bunches of grapes
The ends of the branches hang, -
And joyful to look at
All mourning attire.

I love the game of Lucifer
I notice on her
And I'm sorry if the birds
Shake off the beauty of the branches

Makes riddles.

Stimulates student interest.

Introduces the text.

They solve riddles.

Perceive the text by ear.

They share their impressions. (Did you like the poem? What mood does the author convey?)

SLIDE verse

2. Visual perception (verse on the board and read independently) Presentation

What pictures were presented?

Find figurative expressions:




Checks the primary perception of the text.

Organizes reading for students.

Teaches how to work on text.

Share their impressions of what they heard.

Read the text.

Evaluate their emotional impressions.

Answer based on the text.

Subject UUD: Students, working on the text, learn to find figurative expressions.

Cognitive UUD: The ability to compare, analyze, and draw conclusions is formed.

Regulatory UUD: learn self-control.

Communicative UUD: learn to listen and understand the teacher’s speech,interact with him.


3. Game moment (The teacher starts, and the children remember and continue)


Sad... birch
At my... window,
Just a whim... of frost
She's sorted out...

Like bunches of... grapes,
The ends of the branches... hang, -
And joyful for... glance
All mourning... attire.

I love the game... Dennitsa
I notice... on her,
And I’m sorry... if the birds
Shake off the beauty... of the branches

4. Motor th (read the verse and do the movements)

SLIDE (birch)

SLIDE (window)…,

5. Visual (pictures) 1 quatrain

Runs the game.

Stimulates student interest.

Uses an exercise aimed at developing manual motor memory.


They remember the end of the line.

They read the text and perform the movements at the same time.

Remember the text from

Sad birch

At my window

Only by the whim of frost

She's dismantled.

SLIDE teacher drawing

6. Mnemonic tableteachers. 2 quatrains

7. Independent Job. 3 quatrains.

I continue to analyze the lesson

8. Preparation for reading by heart. Jobin pairs.

9. Reading by heart .


Shows a mnemonic table.

Supervises students' work.


Evaluates and analyzes reading.

based on illustration.

Reproduce the text from the table.

Create a mnemonic table.

They read to each other.

They read it by heart.

Subject UUD: learn to read expressively, memorize a poem.

Cognitive UUD: students develop visual, manual, figurative memory; studytransform information from one form to another.

Regulatory UUD: learn to controlcarrying out one’s actions according to the model and one’s own plan,exercise step-by-step control of your actions, focusing on showing movements.

Communication UUD:learn to evaluate the results of classmates, interact with them while working in pairs; express your opinion in the process of activity.

Personal UUD:studyshow your attitude to the work.

VII. Reflection.

1. What do you remember?

2. What surprised you?

Will this be useful to you in life? Where? When?

Whether you liked the lesson or not, show it with facial expressions (frown or smile)

Asking questions.

They answer, analyze and evaluate their participation in cognitive activities.

Regulatory UUD: learningcarry out cognitive and personal reflection.

Communication UUD:adequately evaluate your work.

VIII. Lesson summary.

What did you learn in the lesson?

What have you learned?

Asking questions

Regulatory UUD: learn to analyze the results of the level of mastery of the material being studied.

Communication UUD:adequately evaluate your work.

IX. Homework.

Try to learn A. A. Fet’s new poem by heart at home, using your favorite memorization method.

Write it down in a diary.

Personal UUD: Students develop interest in new educational material.

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