Home Trees and shrubs Who are the esoteric warriors of light. And who is a warrior of light. The Warrior of Light has two important qualities

Who are the esoteric warriors of light. And who is a warrior of light. The Warrior of Light has two important qualities

  • A total of twelve actors auditioned for the role of Ed. Among them were very famous, for example, Christopher Eccleston. Christoph Waltz and Jason Cope also wanted to play the hero.
  • Edward drives a Chrysler 300 C.
  • Back in 2004, the film company Lionsgate acquired the rights to the film. The film itself was filmed in Australia three years later, and was released only in 2010. The release was timed to coincide with the birthday of the legendary Elvis Presley.
  • The creators of the tape arranged a special photo contest. Participants had to post photos of a world in which almost all the inhabitants would be vampires.
  • One of the characters was nicknamed "Elvis" because of his love for Presley's activities, and specifically for the composition "Burning Love".
  • Mistakes in the movie

  • The 2019 calendar is shown at the beginning of the picture. There you can see that April 1 should fall on a Tuesday. But in reality, in 2019, this day falls on a Monday.
  • In the sequence where Ed heads under the tree to meet Elvis, a bullet-riddled fence can be seen between them, the same shot seen during the confrontation with the soldier. After a while, the military shoot at an absolutely whole fence.
  • The hero's boss, Charles Broomley, welcomes Edward Dalton into his office, touching his elbow with his right hand. In the next frame, it is already the left palm.
  • During a road chase, bullet holes appear in the car window, allowing rays of sunlight to pass through. They arrive practically in a horizontal position, but they must be in a vertical position, because the time of action is noon.
  • The scene in which Ed, still in his vampire state, is reflected in the mirror is often mistaken for a movie glitch. This happens at the moment when the hero notices the beginning of his transformation into a monster. The fact is that if you look closely, you can see a small video camera located under the visor.
  • When Charles was torn apart in the elevator, his stifled, muffled screams can be heard, but at that moment he no longer had a gag in his mouth.
  • While healing in the wine cellar, Ed catches fire, but the plastic heart monitors attached to him do not melt, but continue to work properly.
  • Partnership with God. Practical Information for the New Millennium by Carroll Lee

    Lightworkers and Light Warriors

    Lightworkers and Light Warriors

    Question: How do I know if I am a "warrior of light"?

    Answer: If you expressed your intention to fulfill your contract and be the one you planned for yourself in this life, then you are a "warrior of light." The main thing is the contract. If you express your intention to fulfill a contract by skipping some of the lessons associated with it, this is called "acquisition of a neutral implant" or "liberation from karma." By making this decision and expressing the corresponding intention, you take responsibility for the New Era.

    Question: What should I do as a warrior of light?

    Answer: To continue the thought that started when answering the first question: in the New Age, you hear again and again that the most important thing for a person is to discover and fulfill his contract. "Why is it so important?" - you ask. All the mechanisms of your incarnation on Earth are aimed at finding out if you can understand what your contract is. If you succeed and fulfill the terms of the contract, you not only find peace, but change the vibrations of the entire planet Earth. A person who discovers what his contract is, acquires "graduation status". This status will be of great importance when measuring the total energy and vibration frequency of the planet - and the future of your planet depends on the results of these measurements!

    Therefore, your individual activity can significantly change the whole. Some people do not understand this and think that they will only really help change the planet if their contract includes some kind of courageous global action. Everything is quite the opposite. The most important thing is to find your contract, and what exactly it consists of is no longer important. A peacemaker on a global scale does no more to change vibrations than a children's writer or a person who realizes that his life's purpose is to unite his family, where discord has hitherto reigned. What matters is not what the contract is, but the fact that you found it. Valuable discovery!

    Question: Dear Kryon, you call us lightworkers "warriors". Please explain why you use this word. maybe there really is a kind of "war" going on here? the inquisitive are waiting for an explanation!

    Answer A: Actually, we've already talked about it. We even gave a metaphorical description of your weapons: the sword of truth, the shield of knowledge and the armor of wisdom. These images, of course, are also reminiscent of a battle or war.

    And such associations are valid, for you are fighting the battle with the old energy. It seems to some that weapons are not a very spiritual tool and war is a purely human occupation, so it is strange to many why the Spirit uses the term "warrior of light" so often.

    In dealing with old energy, you often have to use old energy concepts. The old energy you had to face is determined to fight you, so you must act accordingly so that the enemy understands how powerful you are. The enemy understands the old symbolism of the battle, so it is necessary to settle the situation with the help of this symbolism - and then both sides will become winners.

    Now imagine another scenario: despite the fact that you have powerful flamethrowers and lasers at your disposal, each member of your team takes up a sword, a huge sword shining in the sun! You put on armor - they will surely protect you from flimsy native spears. And then the natives stop! There will be no fight. Showing off your strength in a way that they understand you have completely fixed the problem. The natives understand that it is wiser to either run away or go to negotiations. Either way, both sides win. If the natives run away, then that is their choice. Nobody forced them to do so. If they want to negotiate with you, they will have to step over their own fear - and this is the first step towards enlightenment. No one harmed anyone, everyone benefited. Now do you understand why a group of enlightened people carry ancient weapons with them? Perhaps this is only a metaphor, but it fully reflects reality.

    The battle with the old energy takes many forms. It doesn't have to be fighting other people. Very often this is a struggle inside a person who is looking for light inside to illuminate those wastelands of his soul where there is no love. It is there that the "dark side" of man lives. This is not some evil force opposing good. It's just that part of the human being where there is no love.

    Dear ones, we repeat again: there is no greater power in the universe than love. She serves as your comfort and shield. And the sword of truth is a symbol of your new strength, which allows you to overcome the remnants of the old.

    Question: Dear Kryon, it seems to me that there is a significant group of lightworkers born in the mid-1950s. Are these years really remarkable?

    Answer: Aha! Finally someone noticed! Thanks dear for the great question. Yes! These are the same people who had children in the 1970s. Now they are about forty. All of you who were born in the 1950s came to Earth with great enthusiasm. There was a potential for change on the planet, and you all knew it. And you also knew that your children and grandchildren would have the opportunity to bring the planet to graduation status.

    Remember that when you are on the other side, you know the same thing that we do. We have already said how delighted we are with what has happened on Earth over the past fifty years! The potential for this has been around for a long time, but you didn't know it until measurements showed the planet was in harmonic alignment, indicating a readiness to move forward. Thus, all those born in the 1950s should have been adults by the time this happens. The potential for 11:11 and 12:12 was already there. Is it any wonder that you wanted to be here and participate in this?

    And here is the stunning news: it happened! You asked to participate in events that could potentially lead to the greatest changes in consciousness that have ever happened on the planet. In the next fifteen or sixteen years, your system of time coordinates may change! The ancient prophecies have lost their power, the future of the planet has changed, and you have to play your part in creating this future.

    Therefore, people your age belong to the generation of those who first gained the potential to see their Higher Self. Your generation has given the planet more lightworkers than any other, but now more young people are joining you. It is thanks to you that this has been made possible, and I salute this age group. Now you understand why you were born then and not later? Some of you are lamenting that they are too old now. You would like to be younger. But then you would not be standing at the origins of the glorious process of renewing the Earth. Everything is appropriate! You are loved because you agreed to come first!

    Question: For most of the lightworkers I know, the past year was especially difficult and stressful. Now that this year has come to an end, how would you rate the success of the lightworkers and the planet as a whole?

    Answer: You're right. The closer lightworkers come to critical mass when the planet can take the next step in raising the vibration, the more you begin to feel. Tension will persist for some time. Now the main thing is to understand the need for tension, come to terms with it and learn how to work in such conditions. You will face considerable difficulties, but they must be overcome in order to achieve the results you are striving for. Dear ones, please don't be afraid of change and challenges. You have no idea how important your efforts to overcome these obstacles are.

    Your work in the past year, which included the difficulties you mentioned, raised the Earth's vibrations much more than my work started in 1989. You are moving forward at such a tremendous speed that all the predictions given by the channels and mediums of the early 1990s are no longer true. In fact, your work has allowed humanity to "jump" through several periods of learning and stages in the development of the Earth, which would seem to you much more difficult than the experienced year. In connection with the extraordinary acceleration of the growth of the vibrations of humanity, we have already had to postpone your meeting with your cosmic neighbors three times, and we will have to change plans again.

    Therefore, we repeat that no entity - not even the one that speaks to you now - can accurately predict your future. It is a moving target that moves much faster than we might expect.

    The only constant at this point, when according to your linear time, there should be a shift in measurements, is 2012. Regardless of how you realize your potential, the coordinates of this window in linear time will remain unchanged.

    To answer the second part of your question, you did a very good job, and the proof of this is how difficult it was! Now change is in the order of things for you. You anticipate difficulties and deal with them calmly. As your vibration level increases further, you will be even more relaxed about things like those that have been troubling you for the past year. We deeply honor you for your work!

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    These are not some superheroes, but they can be. They are called "warriors of light". These are people-guides who set out to contribute to the improvement of the world through the use of subtle matters and positive energy.

    By touching the lives of other people, they can positively influence their destinies by sharing their experience, warmth, love, support, inspiration.

    But how to understand if there are “warriors of light” among your environment? Maybe it's even you?

    Transforming evil into good

    These people have developed their intuition so strongly that it is not difficult for them to distinguish low or high frequencies in space. Thanks to their benevolence and compassion, they are able to turn dense dark energy into good, dispel evil and fill the space around them with vibrations of good and positive. They are able to tune a person to a positive wave.

    Guardians of the Light

    These people are always filled with high vibrations. Their presence helps others even in difficult times. Their smile gives light, hope, inspiration, support.

    It can be your spiritual teachers, mentors, teachers, influential people.

    Healer Warriors

    Often such individuals have the gift of clairvoyance. In addition, they develop the ability to heal people both physically and spiritually.

    Giving knowledge

    These are people who have opened their third eye and developed a powerful intuition. Through their activities, they motivate other people to act, help them realize their aspirations.

    These people are interested in other worlds, astral travel and many other spiritual tools.

    Warrior leaders


    These people have so strengthened their consciousness that they can turn thought into reality. Meditation and visualization are powerful tools to enable them to achieve their goals.


    They know how to create situations in which people can unite due to the coincidence of interests, common points. Sometimes, even unintentionally, they manage to connect the fates of people purely on an intuitive level.

    The Warrior of Light has two important qualities.

    Firstly: he is a Lightworker who does daily, perhaps painstaking work for the sake of daily bread.
    Secondly: he is a creative person who dreams of a high flight of the soul, he reads useful books, meets like-minded people. It is important that these qualities converge; for this he has a bridge in his mind, through which high thoughts pass into everyday life.

    A warrior of light comes into this world without a staff and sandals, and there is no sign that he is a saint. If his life is bright, open and honest, then holiness comes later. He knows that he was sent by a part of the Universe, he teleports in the Fire Shroud through the cosmic spheres; throwing off the shroud, incarnates in a human child.

    Warrior of Light - Knight of the Spirit. The sword is his justice, the Shield is his patience. He is simple as a dove and wise as a serpent.

    The warrior of light always remembers the good. And in this he is helped by angels and all heavenly powers. At sunrise, he kneels and thanks the CREATOR for the divine cover that overshadows him.

    A warrior of light is able to see beauty because it carries the beauty of nature within itself. The world is like a mirror in which everyone sees their own reflection.

    The warrior of light suffers in silence, he knows that the word has great power, a careless word destroys the efforts and time spent in search of harmony.

    The warrior of light listens to his soul, gets rid of unnecessary feelings and sensations with the help of creative impulses - composes poetry, draws pictures, sings or dances. King David played the harp and participated in ritual dances, he was truly a Warrior of the Spirit and a Man of Light.

    Warrior of Light Rejects Past Suffering, good for nothing on the way, he understands that suffering is always pointless and futile. All negative feelings are rubbish of boredom, mentally burns the ashes of despair in the magma of the Earth.

    The warrior of light keeps in memory the kind and good that was born out of difficulties.. If they are passed with honor and dignity, confidence is born in overcoming new obstacles.

    A warrior of light always knows how to separate the useful from the vain. The warrior of light penetrates beyond the horizon with his thought, he has a great desire to make this world brighter and kinder, and this is very important for him.

    A warrior of light knows that every deed has a lasting effect.. He looks at the world as an observer and does not seek methods of dealing with it. He is the transformer of the world with the help of creative, spiritual ideas. His soul is filled with joy when he sees changes for the better.

    Warrior of Light makes time for meditation. At sunset or at sunrise, one indulges in the contemplation of spiritual levels and divine fields of reality. His meditation is directed towards a clear correct work of the mind, where there is no place for the chaos of thoughts, but there is purity of thoughts and deeds.

    The warrior of light knows that there are no roads - easy, and doors - wide. Courage and a little audacity help him move forward. Faith keeps him from the rough blows of fate.

    The warrior of light allows his intuition to work more freely.. He does not hide his fears and complexes in the subconscious, but consciously sees their cause. Liberation from fears with the help of Willpower and Fortitude of Character is his personal spiritual growth.

    A warrior of light is always in search of answers to the questions posed to him by life., he clearly understands that some aspects of reality are like complete madness, but he continues to unravel the Mysteries of Being.

    The warrior of light is full of thirst to remake the WORLD into the Wonderful Island of Happiness, and this thought creates it into an indestructible cover of LIGHT.

    A warrior of light cannot do without love, the need to give warmth and affection is inherent in its very nature, like the need to breathe, eat and drink. If the day is over, and the Warrior of Light has not experienced a drop of happiness, then something is wrong in his life.

    The warrior of light has transcended the science of loss, bitterly feels the indifference of friends or the departure of a loved one, but he is ready to look for his own mistake and not blame the coincidence for this.

    A warrior of light is sometimes like flowing water flowing around obstacles that are encountered on the way.. Its power is like the power of water! No one will break water with a hammer or pierce it with a knife, and the most powerful SWORD in the world will not even leave a scar on its surface. Softness, fluidity, plasticity A Warrior of Light learns from water.

    The warrior of light is like a rock, people can build their dwellings in its canopy, which gives protection from destructive storms. He is very attentive to everyone around him, and is happy with the small miracles of everyday life.

    A warrior of light does not stay idle for long, because the deadly sin of laziness can lead him into a languid stupor of dark evenings when time passes ... and nothing else. “This is the first day of the rest of my life,” read the inscription on the wall of the Chinese emperor. This means that every hour and every day should be lived for the sake of serving people and GOD.

    The warrior of light realizes that fate sends him a repetition of an unfavorable experience for the sole purpose- to teach him what he did not want to learn from the first lesson.

    A warrior of light asks for help from a merciful God and discovers the Great Laws of the Cosmos, reacting to any signs dictated by various situations. When deeds are righteous and thoughts are crystal clear, help from above is sure to come.

    The warrior of light is sometimes unnecessarily humble and believes that he is not worthy of grace and a miracle. He does not hide the feeling of loneliness under the guise of independence, but he believes in his own abilities and does not shout at all corners about his valor and virtues, although he really has them.

    A warrior of light feels a blood relationship with all living things.. A stone on the road, birds and animals, mountains and streams, seas and rivers, flowers and valleys greet him - the son of the Earth.

    The warrior of light is an excellent strategist, he will never resort to deceit, but he will be able to confuse the enemy and, in order to achieve the goal, calls on the game of the mind, the game of ridicule, is not ashamed to leave the battlefield, throwing a cry for a truce with the enemy.

    The Warrior of Light is sometimes pursued by Evil, he, without losing his composure, invites Evil into his tent. Evil calls for retribution, the Warrior of Light calls for forgiveness. They look into each other's eyes for a long time and the Warrior of Light offers friendship and harmony. Evil, devastated by the Light of his soul, quietly disappears from sight.

    The Warrior of Light lives the day wisely, creatively. During the day, he does good deeds, at night - the body rests, relaxing as much as possible. He always believes in miracles and they do happen. He is sure that a lofty idea is capable of transforming something in this defiled world. For every defeat, the Warrior of Light has two victories.

    The Warrior of Light does not take part in the dirty struggle for power, does not join parties, does not adhere to radical ideologies. He is for PEACE and BROTHERHOOD throughout the world.

    The Warrior of Light is not made for insults, he knows that being offended is stupid - this is a sign of imperfection.

    Warrior of Light refrains from criticism, he is the embodiment of patience and tolerance, but under adverse circumstances acts smart and subtle.

    The Warrior of Light uses the computer on rare occasions., ignores virtual games, avoids the traps of the internet.

    The Warrior of Light keenly feels the pumping of emotional fluids, therefore, karmic contacts are not of great importance for him, he always puts protection for the inviolability of his Aura, therefore he closes all points of exit of vital forces.

    The Warrior of Light is not only capable of strong love, but ready to experience passion for a woman in its original form of pure energies and astral currents, without losing your mind.

    The Warrior of Light is athletic, accurate, does not smoke or drink alcohol, and also limits himself to animal food.

    A warrior of light rejoices when he loves, upset when he is sad, indignant when he sees injustice and cruelty. He knows that he lives in a world of illusions, and he is sure that somewhere behind a mysterious veil there is a perfect world where there are neither wars nor violence; into this bright world, his heart is torn like a bird.

    The Warrior of Light rewrites his personal history, the opinions of others cannot change his path.

    The Warrior of Light unites the Mind, Spirit and Soul with the personality into a single whole and acquires the destiny of the enlightened. The Warrior of Light builds his spiritual world with creativity on the basis of Good and Love.

    The Warrior of Light is always ready to offer help, explain, tell, help, but only if the person is ready to learn. He can repeatedly explain the same thing, the main thing is that everything should reach his Student correctly; but does not insist and does not force the Student to do, even for the benefit of himself, if the person - the Student does not want to go further along this Path and does not want to Learn more. A person of Light or a Warrior of Light always reserves the right for a person to choose his own Path.

    Warrior of Light considers himself an ordinary person - and this is his chosenness.

    “There is no law over grace,” says the New Testament. Here the influence of the Technosphere ends - and liberation begins.

    In March 2014, the group "Lyapis Trubetskoy" presented the album "Matryoshka". On the official website of the Belarusian rockers, the choice of the name is explained in more than detail. The article contains such expressions as “a collective image of a “Russian” during the Cold War”, “a drunken and aggressive creature threatening the world with Khrushchev’s shoes and missiles”, “a monster with imperial ambitions”, and so on.

    But the scandal flared up not even around the title track. A flurry of emotions - both positive and negative - swept the song "Warriors of Light".

    First of all, it is worth mentioning one more publication on the site lyapis.com. It says that all the compositions from the Matryoshka record were born back in 2012, so you should not associate them with various events that have been disturbing social and political life in the post-Soviet space in recent years.

    The history of the song "Warriors of Light" began in a more than peaceful atmosphere, when Sergei Mikhalok was resting in warm climes. In an interview with Pavel Sheremet from Ukrayinska Pravda, he spoke about how he composed the composition and what he tried to convey to the audience:

    "Warriors of Light" I wrote in the Dominican Republic... looking at blue whales, remembering Captain Blood. All my youthful, romantic books and everything I liked about pirates are their first anarchist republics. Some kind of gentleman's agreement: we don't touch these, we divide the booty, we go back and forth together. And it's all there, in the Caribbean. That's why I wrote this song.

    Struggle as the only possible way of the poet and artist. What needs to be romanticized? Quixotic. And invent windmills.

    As you can see, the main idea of ​​the song is quite harmless, but it managed to arouse the indignation and even the rage of a huge army of Russian jingoistic patriots. This is due to the activists of the Ukrainian Euromaidan, who created a video clip in which footage of the Kyiv confrontation between revolutionaries and security forces was superimposed on the "Warriors of Light". Naturally, the “warriors of light” did not mean the fighters of the “Berkut” and other defenders of the power of the then President Viktor Yanukovych. Soon the song became something like the unspoken anthem of the Maidan.

    According to Michalk, this news took him by surprise. However, it does not seem that she upset the musician. Subsequently, she spoke in Kyiv to the protesters, and later presented an official clip in which all the same motives are clearly traced.

    In the aforementioned interview Sergey explained:

    "Warriors of Light" is a pathetic anthem. It is about everyone: about the little people of the revolution, about the big people of the revolution, about unity, about a big society, about how collective cretinism, which in most cases wins when fear, aggression, something else, suddenly reborn into a collective creative Start. Turned into a huge force that just broke ...

    For me Maidan has always been David. He has always been small. And the system - Goliath ... And then it turned out that little David grew, showed such power that he defeated Goliath. And the goliaths turned out to be not goliaths, but golems, because they did not have any bonds between them ...

    Ukrainian truth

    So we can say that the song was clearly artificially “attached” to the events in Ukraine, but the author liked this move.

    In the spring of 2014, the composition rose to the top of the popular charts "Chart Dozen" of the Nashe Radio radio station.

    The video clip for the song "Warriors of Light" was directed by Alexei Terekhov. His work was awarded the Steppenwolf-2014 award.

    • The song was performed by the sailors of the Ukrainian minesweeper "Cherkassy" before the last assault on the ship by the Russian military on March 25, 2014.
    • As of the second half of May 2015, the unofficial video for "Warriors of Light" posted by Alex Karpenko has been viewed by more than 7,200,000 YouTube users.

    Lyrics of Song "Warriors of Light"

    Ruby pieces, dawn suns
    Chop evil passions, burn inside
    Jump above the sky brother and sister
    Golden sparks - bonfire splashes

    Rejoice in the hammer in a strong hand
    Waterfall, youth - in a fast river
    Beat the drum - pam, pam
    Barricades, friends, noise, din
    Warriors of Light, Warriors of Good
    Guard the summer, fight until the morning
    Warriors of Good, Warriors of Light
    Jah Rastafarai fight till dawn

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