Home Trees and shrubs DIY gift for a veteran preparatory group. Creative competition works of children “Postcard to veterans. Postcard “Thank you for the Victory!”

DIY gift for a veteran preparatory group. Creative competition works of children “Postcard to veterans. Postcard “Thank you for the Victory!”

Alexandra Maltseva

As part of the celebration of the 72nd anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, pupils of our kindergarten, together with their parents and teachers, took an active part in the citywide stock« Postcard to a veteran» , organized by the Department of Preschool Education of Syktyvkar together with public organizations "Women's Union of the Komi Republic" And "Women of the city of Syktyvkar".

Target stock: Don’t let the younger generation forget who and at what cost won the most terrible war of the last century, whose heirs we remain, what and who we should be proud of, who to remember.

Tasks stock:

1. Raising in children a respectful attitude towards the history of the Fatherland, veterans war and home front workers during the war years;

2. Creating conditions for revealing the creative abilities of participants;

3. Moral support veterans Great Patriotic War by preschool children and their parents;

4. Search for new non-standard forms of moral and patriotic education.

Our kids are already old enough to participate in this stock.

The jubilant May has opened for us

All hearts for love unspeakable.

May Day has just passed,

The long-awaited Victory Day has arrived.

We honor the winners.

In front of a gray, thinning column

We part, give flowers,

We look at the heroes with admiration.

“Congratulations! - we shout to them. - Hooray!"

But the old people walk silently.

They don't need loud fame,

And our heartfelt "Thank you".

And ours postcards, made with sincere love, speak about our most important veterans:

“We remember, we honor, we thank you!”

The group’s teachers prepared templates in advance for postcards:

And together we set about manufacturing:

The children tried very hard.

This is what we got!

Postcards were placed in envelopes.

And here they are postcards with words of gratitude and congratulations veterans children made together with their parents.

Postcards for veterans from the pupils and parents of our kindergarten.

Ella Sutyagina

Target: manufacturing greeting card to veteran in the shape of a triangle letter.

Tasks: to foster a sense of pride and respect for WWII veterans;

Introduce children to letters - triangles of the war years;

continue to develop practical skills in working with paper, glue, and scissors.

The ink has faded, the printing ink on the postage has faded postcards. Letters from the front are still carefully kept in many families. Each triangle has its own story: happy or sad. With what hope these treasured triangles were awaited from the front!

I thought it would be a good gift for veterans can become a greeting card in the form of such a front triangle.

So, let's start making postcards:

1. Take a white sheet with printed text congratulations.

2. Let’s give this sheet over to distress. (aging effect) with the help of tea. To do this, pour boiling water over several bags of black tea and let it brew for 1 hour.

3. Then use one of the tea bags to apply tea to the sheet on both sides until the entire paper is saturated with it. Remove excess liquid with a paper towel. After this, the sheet can be dried in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 2 minutes or wait for it to dry naturally.

5. All that remains is to complete the registration postcard.

We will need: red napkins, green corrugated paper, St. George's ribbon. The results are as follows blanks:

6. Compose a flower arrangement and glue everything - the postcard is ready!

Dear colleagues, knowing how talented you are, I am sure that ideas for design postcards in the form of a front triangle, a lot will arise!

Thank you in advance for rating and discussing my post!

Victory Day is an expensive and important holiday for all of Russia. We will tell you how to make postcards for May 9 with your own hands in a detailed master class. Elderly people value the attention and care of loved ones and the younger generation. What could be more valuable to a veteran of the Great Patriotic War than a postcard made by a child. Here you will find many templates and practical tips. The postcard for May 9 is a lesson in kindness and respect for veterans.

The simplest option for kids: cards made of colored cardboard. What is Victory Day? These are red flowers, a festive ribbon, fireworks, and Victory stars. A child can do all this: glue and draw. The flowers on our template are multi-colored, let the child’s imagination itself tell you what color they will be.

To work you will need:

  1. Colored cardboard.
  2. Stationery glue.
  3. A piece of foil for fireworks.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Ruler, pencil.

In order to make an interesting postcard for May 9, we need to take a sheet of thick cardboard in light blue or dark blue. This color symbolizes a peaceful sky. Draw 2 parallel lines in the middle of the sheet and carefully make cuts. This will be a vase. Next, bend the sheet of cardboard as in the photo: in one direction and the other. This will make the postcard three-dimensional. You can make a vase, or you can glue green stems and leaves.

Then we cut a rectangle of green cardboard for the stem and roll it up:

We got these flowers. We glue them with glue to the stems and then to the vase.

You can make these voluminous red stars:

All that remains is to glue the inscription cut out of red cardboard (templates included). “Fireworks” can be drawn on the top of the card, or cut out small stars from foil and glue them.

To make it easier to make a postcard for May 9, you can use all kinds of templates: print them or draw them by hand.

Such an interesting postcard for May 9 will turn out if you try to make the work more complicated. Such postcards are also called paper tunnels. The principle of this technique is to make an interesting three-dimensional image. The technique is used when working with theatrical scenery, in large children's books and for voluminous postcards made by hand. We will do the work step by step.

To work you will need:

  1. Colored cardboard.
  2. White and green corrugated paper.
  3. St. George Ribbon
  4. Glue stick for paper.
  5. Model knife.
  6. Ruler.
  7. Pencil.

First, we draw a mock-up sketch of the future postcard.

Fold a sheet of office paper in half. We draw templates for our postcard for Victory Day:

Carefully cut out the contours with a breadboard knife.

We attach the cut out paper templates to colored cardboard and trace the outlines with a pencil.

We cut out our blanks with a knife. From a sketchbook, cut out a sheet of the same size as ½ of an office sheet.

We add small details to our blanks, cut out stars, a propeller, and glue them onto cardboard. On a sheet of drawing paper we draw a bright fireworks display with felt-tip pens. On the reverse side we write congratulations on Victory Day.

We decorate the top layer of the card with apple tree flowers, leaves and St. George's ribbon. For apple tree flowers, cut out circles from corrugated paper, three for each flower. Fold the circles in half, ⅓ and then ⅓. Trim the edges to make a flower. We cut the first and second and third petals. We need the flower to be cone-shaped.

Place all 3 parts of the petal inside each other. We cut out circles from thick paper and glue our flowers on them.

The stamens for the flower can be made from 0.3-0.5 cm wire. We wrap the wire with paper or cotton wool, making thickenings at the ends. We make a hole in the center of the flowers and insert the stamens there.

We cut out the leaves from green corrugated paper and glue them to the base of the flower.

We decorate the top part of the card: glue the St. George ribbon and flowers.

From the album we cut out 2 rectangles 10.5 cm wide. The height of the rectangle is equal to the height of the postcard. Draw lines at a distance of 1.5 cm, bend the sheet along the lines. It turned out to be 2 accordions.

We collect the postcard itself. Glue the sheet with the fireworks design to the accordion.

Glue the next layers.

The result was a beautiful three-dimensional postcard.

Postcard for a veteran

Goal: making a postcard for Victory Day.

Objectives: strengthen the ability to use scissors and glue, develop imagination, fine motor skills, and cultivate patriotism.

Materials: cardboard, colored paper red, green, St. George's ribbon, scissors, glue, sample work.


Educator:- Victory Day is a celebration of the victory of the Red Army and the Soviet people over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

The memory of those feats that Soviet soldiers accomplished, bringing Victory Day closer step by step, will never fade. The events of those days and the symbols of victory - May 9, 1945 - will forever remain in our memory. Flowers are a tribute to respect and memory. What flowers exactly represent a symbol of victory? And bouquets with red carnations immediately come to mind. We all associate these flowers with Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. Therefore, during the celebration of the Great Victory in our country, it was carnations that became the most popular flowers in every home. Persistent scarlet buds are a symbol of courage and blood shed by soldiers on the battlefields. The carnation expresses fierce struggle and crushing victory. This solemn and mournful holiday is associated with red flowers.

I'll take red carnations with me,

Ribbon from the Order of Victory -

Today we are celebrating with the whole family

A holiday given to us by our great-grandfather.

The sun is shining brightly - a glorious morning!

And in Moscow the troops are on parade.

Veterans are the main ones on this holiday,

Awards glitter on their chests.

And the war - seemingly distant -

This day seems to be close again:

Unusually quiet and strict,

I’ll stand silently by the obelisk,

By the eternal raging fire,

Which is lit in honor of all the fallen heroes.

Grandmother's wound is not healed:

Great-grandfather on the list of missing persons...

To veterans with warmth of heart

I will give carnations bright flames -

Like part of the great eternal fire -

Our gratitude, our memory.

Guys, today we will make an applique.

Physical exercise: “We will defend the world” (performed in pairs).

One two three four five. Alternately connect the fingers of both hands.

We will defend the world! They shake hands with each other.

We will stand at the border, straight arms stretched forward.

We'll get all the enemies. Step, lunge forward.

Let's smile more often, turn to the sides, smile at each other.

Don't quarrel and fight! They hug each other.

Completing of the work:

Take red paper and cut out 3 circles from it. We bend each circle in half, stack the circles on top of each other. Using scissors, we make tooth-shaped petals on the sides. Opening the circles. Using scissors, divide each circle into two equal parts. Next, fold the petals like an accordion. Let's straighten it out a little. And we begin to make flower buds. To do this, you need to place the first part horizontally. Glue the second part on top of it, but at an angle. This will give the carnation volume. In the same way, but in a mirror form, we attach the third, fourth, fifth and sixth parts. Now you should cut out the base of the flower and the stem from green paper. We connect all the blanks together to obtain the finished clove. And here our colored paper carnation is ready.

Now we cut out the St. George ribbon and glue it to the bottom of the flower. Our postcard for our beloved veterans is ready!

Summary of an integrated lesson for Victory Day.

Krivolapova Oksana Leonidovna, teacher of the senior group

Subject: “Postcards for veterans!”
Target: education of patriotic feelings in older preschoolers.Tasks:

Educational: expand children's ideas and knowledge about the Great Patriotic War, Victory Day;

continue to teach children to cut out and make cards from different papers;

develop fine and gross motor skills, coordinate the movements of both hands, and exercise visual control.

Educational: continue to teach children to carefully complete a given goal, use scissors, PVA glue, and markers;Educational: respect the feat of our soldiers;

Integration of educational areas: communication, artistic creativity, safety, gaming, physical education.

Types of children's activities: gaming, cognitive, productive, social - communicative, motor.Dictionary: defender, Motherland, Fatherland, warriors, veterans, obelisks, memorials, honor memory.Preliminary work: viewing photo albums “Battle of Stalingrad”, “Capture of Berlin”, illustrations about the Great Patriotic War, viewing monuments to fallen heroes. Conversations about soldiers, learning poems, songs and listening to music about the Great Patriotic War.

Equipment: presentation dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, audio recordings of musical works about the war, D. Tukhmanov’s song to the poems of V. Kharitonov - “Victory Day”, blue cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue pencil, PVA glue, white napkins, colored markers.

Methods and techniques: verbal methodvisual methodgame method,

practical methods.


Organizing time: a white dove flies in.

Educator: guys, why did a white dove fly to us?

(children's answers)

Educator ( reads a poem )

Fly, pigeons, fly,There is no barrier for you anywhere.Bring it, pigeons, bring itOur greetings to the peoples of the world...


(children sit on chairs)

Guys, who can tell me what holiday we celebrate on May 9?

(slide-2) (children's answers ).
Educator: right, why is it called “Victory Day”?

(our soldiers defeated the Nazis). ( slide-3)
Well done!

The song "Holy War" is playing (slide-4)

We listen to the first verse, and then the teacher talks along with a barely audible continuation of the song.

The Great Patriotic War lasted 1418 days—that’s four long years.(slide-5-6-7-8-9)

Why is it called the Great Patriotic War?(children's answers)

(because all the people, young and old, stood up to defend their Fatherland, their Motherland, this is the largest war in the history of mankind).
And finally the long-awaited day came when our army cleared the land of fascists and captured the main city of Germany, Berlin. (Display of the illustration “The Capture of Berlin”) (slide 10)

On May 9, 1945 the war ended with our victory. (slide 11)

Victory Day, what kind of holiday do you think (the most solemn, sad and joyful holiday for our people) , it is dedicated to the Great Victory over fascism. We remember with gratitude our glorious warrior-defenders who defended the world in a fierce battle.(slide 12-13).

What do you think we owe to soldiers, sailors, lieutenants, captains, generals?(that we now live under a clear, peaceful sky ). (slide-14-15)

Eternal glory to them!The recording of the song “Victory Day” is played. Educator: How many of you would like to read poems about Victory Day?Child. May holiday - Victory DayThe whole country celebrates.Our grandfathers put on military orders.

The road calls them in the morningTo the ceremonial parade.And thoughtfully from the thresholdThe grandmothers look after them.Child . What is Victory Day?This is the morning parade:Tanks and missiles are coming,A line of soldiers is marching.

What is Victory Day?This is a festive fireworks display:Fireworks fly into the skyScattering here and there.Educator:

I know that you are very clever and brave. Let's play.

Physical exercise “Salute”

Everything was quiet around

Stand up straight with your arms down

And suddenly - fireworks! Firework!

Hands up

Rockets burst into flames in the sky

Fan out your fingers

Both there and here!

Wave your arms above your head with your fingers open

Above the square, above the roofs

Sit down, stand up, hands with open fingers

Above festive Moscow

Soars higher and higher

The fountain of lights is alive!

Raise your hands up

2 times

To the street, to the street

Everyone is running happily

Easy running in place

They shout “Hurray”!

Raise your hands up and shout “Hurray!”


To the festive fireworks!

Fan out your fingers

Wave your arms above your head left and right

Children sit on chairs, continuation of the presentation


Guys, who do we congratulate on Victory Day? (Children's answers )

( grandparents, veterans). ( slide-16-17) Educator: That’s right, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, those people who fought, worked in the rear - in factories, built railways, tanks, airplanes, made weapons

People do not forget their heroes. Songs are sung about them, poems are dedicated to them. Many monuments were erected in their honor. One of them is located near the Kremlin wall. This is the “Eternal Flame” - a monument to all soldiers who fought the Nazis. The eternal flame is a constantly burning fire, symbolizing the eternal memory of the exploits of our brave soldiers.(slide-18)

Educator: I want to tell you about one memorable place - the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, which is located in the Kremlin, in the Alexander Garden. No one knows his name, but everyone knows that he fought bravely and why the unknown soldier died. So now the Eternal Flame burns without going out! (Showing the illustration “Eternal Flame”) . (slide 19)

What do you think people think about when they stand near the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier? (Children's answers ) Educator: Listen to how it sounds again:“We are thinking here about how we should live, study, work in order to make our life even better and more beautiful, so that our country becomes even stronger and stronger, so that enemies never dare to attack it, and so that there is always peace on earth!”

Child: Peace is the most important word in the world,Our planet really needs peace.Adults need peaceChildren need peaceEveryone needs peace!Educator: Not all soldiers returned home. Many died defending the land from enemies.(slide-20-21)

How many of you know and can read a poem about monuments and obelisks?Child: "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten" -Burning inscription on a block of granite.The wind plays with faded leavesAnd the wreaths are covered with cold snow.But, like fire, at the foot there is a carnation.No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.Child: Above the grave, in a quiet parkThe tulips bloomed brightly.The fire is always burning here,A Soviet soldier is sleeping here.

We bowed lowAt the foot of the obelisk,Our wreath blossomed on itHot, fiery fire.Educator:

Guys! Soon there will be a great holiday - Victory Day!

What can we do to please veterans? (children's answers)


Someone will spend it with their family, remembering their relatives and friends who had the opportunity to meet the War. Many of you will go to the parade with your parents. If you see a person with orders on May 9, what should you do? (come up and congratulate them on the holiday, say “Thank you!” for the fact that they defended our country, our homeland from enemies ). Veterans will be pleased that we all remember that difficult, wonderful victory.(slide - 22-23)

Educator: Fireworks can be heard across the country in honor of those who fought for their Motherland.. (slide-24-25)


Do you also want to give gifts to veterans? Now each of you will choose what kind of card he will make.

Children prepare blanks for postcards. (cut out the St. George ribbon and paint it, make carnations from napkins; cut out flowers, a dove, a St. George ribbon).

Let's play with our fingers before we get down to work.

Finger gymnastics “Festive fireworks”

Lush bouquets

Fingers clenched into a fist

Blossoming in the sky

Extend your fingers

Like sparks of light

Petals sparkle

Wiggle their fingers

Asters flash

Blue, red

Blue, purple -

New every time!

Squeeze and unclench with fingers

And then the river

Raise your hands up

Golden flow.

What it is?

Wiggle their fingers

Festive fireworks!

Fan fingers

The children continue their work, pasting the blanks onto postcards (the music “Victory Day” plays). After making the postcards, a discussion of the results is held, and the children will give the postcards to labor veterans.

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