Home Trees and shrubs Rostislav Ishchenko recent articles 7. Rostislav Ishchenko: "Zaporozhets" beyond the Danube. The new alignment of forces in the world: what the G7 summit and disputes over Russia showed

Rostislav Ishchenko recent articles 7. Rostislav Ishchenko: "Zaporozhets" beyond the Danube. The new alignment of forces in the world: what the G7 summit and disputes over Russia showed

Political scientist Rostislav Ishchenko - the latest video covers the current situation in Ukraine and the military-political situation in the Donbass. Analysis of international politics from a leading specialist in the countries of the former Soviet Union.

Rostislav Ishchenko in the Formula of Meaning program (video) latest 20-09-2019 Ukraine and Donbass

Political scientist Ishchenko in the program Formula of Meaning from 26-04-2019 Ukraine and Donbass

In today's meeting, political scientist Ishchenko and host Kulikov discussed Ukraine after the elections and Russian passports for Donbass. Why the possibility of issuing Russian citizenship appeared right now and what the law on languages ​​in Ukraine leads to.

Rostislav Ishchenko - Formula of meaning (video) 29-03-2019 Ukraine and elections

The election race in Ukraine remains a central topic for political scientists. Petro Poroshenko is losing positions in the ranking, but he looks to his own future with confidence. Why do some deputies leave the ruling faction in the Verkhovna Rada.

Political scientist Ishchenko – Formula of meaning (video) latest 22-02-2019 Ukraine is preparing a provocation?!

According to political scientist Ishchenko, Petro Poroshenko is ready to launch a new provocation in the Kerch Strait. A weak rating in the election race is forcing the incumbent president of Ukraine to take a desperate step.

Political scientist Ishchenko – Formula of meaning 15-02-2019 Ukraine today

The political situation in Ukraine remains the focus of the political scientist Ishchenko. Will Petro Poroshenko give up the presidency and which of the contenders has more chances. Undercover intrigues and the struggle continues.

Political scientist Ishchenko — Formula of meaning (video) 23-11-2018 Ukraine changes the constitution?!

Latest events in Ukraine from political scientist Rostislav Ishchenko and presenter Dmitry Kulikov on Vesti-FM. Why did Petro Poroshenko need changes to the constitution and what will the country's irresponsible approach to the basic law of the state lead to.

Political scientist Ishchenko in the Formula of Meaning program (video) 09-11-2018 Did Marchuk agree on peacekeepers?

Today's speech by political scientist Ishchenko in the Formula of Meaning program began with a discussion of the coordination of peacekeepers in the Donbass. Who needed searches of public activists in Kyiv and what to expect from Poroshenko.

Rostislav Ishchenko — Formula of meaning (video) 02-11-2018 Sanctions against Ukraine

In today's program Formula of Meaning, political scientist Rostislav Ishchenko and presenter Dmitry Kulikov discussed the current situation in Ukraine. Russian sanctions against Ukrainian politicians and Angela Merkel's visit to Kyiv.

The Formula of Meaning last issue 02-02-2018

In today's issue of the Formula of Meaning, Rostislav Ishchenko and Dmitry Kulikov discussed new militant groups in Ukraine. Who manages the created structure, what are its goals and what to expect from them. At whose expense the "people's squads" are financed and what they will do in the near future.

Complete edition of the Formula of Meaning February 2 discusses: Russian athletes are acquitted; the cold war is an alternative to the hot one; Putin's meeting with confidants.

Rostislav Ishchenko latest

Political scientist Ishchenko, Dmitry Kulikov and Gia Soralidze discussed the current situation in Russia and the world. Ukraine is rushing towards destabilization at all times, the Americans need new conflicts. Unlike past centuries, when they fought for land, today they are fighting for income, Ishchenko believes. Americans are losing income and they don't like it. Video .

Complete edition of the Formula of Meaning discusses:

  1. Dialogue on Syria in Sochi
  2. Year of the Trump presidency - guest Mikhail Leontiev
  3. 100 years since the dissolution of the constituent assembly
  4. Ishchenko about Ukraine

Political scientist Rostislav Ishchenko - the last interview on the Politver channel

As Rostislav Ishchenko said, the latest news from Ukraine, namely the law of de-occupation of Donbass, did not bring anything new to the life of the country. On the one hand, Petro Poroshenko dreams of staying in power as long as possible, and on the other, a group of Ukrainian oligarchs who want to overthrow the incumbent president for their own selfish interests.

The high-level week, which traditionally opened the current 74th session of the UN General Assembly, seems to have determined the outcome of the event initiated by the American "philistinism in the nobility" and the Russian kick of the presumptuous tradesman Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova reacted to Bely's publication ...


Political scientist, president of the Center for System Analysis and Forecasting Rostislav Ishchenko, as part of his vlog on the YouTube channel of the publication Ukraina.ru, told whether Andriy Parubiy would be put in jail. The State Bureau of Investigation of Ukraine has opened a criminal case against Parubiy in the case of the Odessa…


The presidential election campaign in the United States has not yet begun, but Trump has already demonstrated that his strategic ability to conduct a maneuverable information war, in the face of superior enemy forces and means, has not only not blunted over time ...


The President of the United States began a hot time. Another election campaign is on the way. The Democrats technologically blocked his foreign policy initiatives in the first two years of his presidency and, relying on their people in the State Department and in military circles, are actively sabotaging ...


Political scientist Rostislav Ishchenko believes that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson chose the right policy by deciding to withdraw the country from the EU without an agreement. He explained his point of view in the section “Ishchenko answers questions from the audience” on the YouTube channel of the Ukraina.ru publication. Formerly British…


Political scientist, president of the Center for System Analysis and Forecasting, columnist for Rossiya Segodnya MIA Rostislav Ishchenko answered a number of questions from the PolitRussia online magazine: - Trump and Biden: whose victory in the 2020 elections is more real? - USA: who supports the Democrats, and who supports the Republicans? ...


Oligarch Rinat Akhmetov will get a chance to catch up with businessman Igor Kolomoisky if a strong opposition forms in power. Political scientist Rostislav Ishchenko stated this in the section “Ishchenko answers questions from the audience” on the YouTube channel of the Ukraina.ru publication. By his…


The European Parliament (EP) adopted a resolution with a beautiful and, most importantly, almost correct title: "On the Importance of European Memory for the Future of Europe." That is, it turns out that there is a certain separate historical "European memory", which only the EU countries have. Scary even...


The new young Ukrainian government is being scolded. A lot of bad things are said and written about him and Prime Minister Alexei Goncharuk. Like, they have no specialized education, no work experience, in general they are miserable Soros grant-eaters, throughout their useless ...


By October 1, the government of Ukraine must submit to the Verkhovna Rada several bills to ensure the country's economic growth. This is stated in the decree of Vladimir Zelensky. The most important measures in this direction will be the lifting of the moratorium on the purchase and sale of land ...


On the morning of September 20, protests were held throughout Ukraine against the decision of the President of the Republic, Volodymyr Zelensky, to lift the moratorium on the sale of land. The organizer was the All-Ukrainian Agrarian Council, which is sure that the country will be sold to foreigners through legal…


Political analyst Rostislav Ishchenko told Ukraina.ru how the head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Arsen Avakov, could remain in power. According to him, while remaining in power, Avakov not only receives guarantees from criminal prosecution, but also retains the opportunity to conduct a serious active ...


The mood in the Donbass allows us to say that the region's entry into Russia is becoming an increasingly realistic option for the development of events in the east of Ukraine. Political analyst Rostislav Ishchenko stated this in his vlog on the YouTube channel of the publication ...


On Wednesday, Russian envoy to the contact group Boris Gryzlov said that Kyiv, at a regular meeting of the group held in Minsk, disrupted the implementation of the agreements of advisers to the heads of the Normandy Four countries by refusing to sign the Steinmeier formula. In Ukraine, they have already started talking ...


If one of the competitors of the American leader Donald Trump, the former vice president, Democrat Joseph Biden, wins the US presidential election in 2020, he will try to win back Trump's initiatives. This was reported to Ukraina.ru by a political scientist…

The high-level week, which traditionally opened the current 74th session of the UN General Assembly, seems to have determined the outcome of the event initiated by the American "philistinism in the nobility" and the Russian kick of the presumptuous tradesman Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova reacted to Bely's publication ...


Political scientist, president of the Center for System Analysis and Forecasting Rostislav Ishchenko, as part of his vlog on the YouTube channel of the publication Ukraina.ru, told whether Andriy Parubiy would be put in jail. The State Bureau of Investigation of Ukraine has opened a criminal case against Parubiy in the case of the Odessa…


The presidential election campaign in the United States has not yet begun, but Trump has already demonstrated that his strategic ability to conduct a maneuverable information war, in the face of superior enemy forces and means, has not only not blunted over time ...


The President of the United States began a hot time. Another election campaign is on the way. The Democrats technologically blocked his foreign policy initiatives in the first two years of his presidency and, relying on their people in the State Department and in military circles, are actively sabotaging ...


Political scientist Rostislav Ishchenko believes that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson chose the right policy by deciding to withdraw the country from the EU without an agreement. He explained his point of view in the section “Ishchenko answers questions from the audience” on the YouTube channel of the Ukraina.ru publication. Formerly British…


Political scientist, president of the Center for System Analysis and Forecasting, columnist for Rossiya Segodnya MIA Rostislav Ishchenko answered a number of questions from the PolitRussia online magazine: - Trump and Biden: whose victory in the 2020 elections is more real? - USA: who supports the Democrats, and who supports the Republicans? ...


Oligarch Rinat Akhmetov will get a chance to catch up with businessman Igor Kolomoisky if a strong opposition forms in power. Political scientist Rostislav Ishchenko stated this in the section “Ishchenko answers questions from the audience” on the YouTube channel of the Ukraina.ru publication. By his…


The European Parliament (EP) adopted a resolution with a beautiful and, most importantly, almost correct title: "On the Importance of European Memory for the Future of Europe." That is, it turns out that there is a certain separate historical "European memory", which only the EU countries have. Scary even...


The new young Ukrainian government is being scolded. A lot of bad things are said and written about him and Prime Minister Alexei Goncharuk. Like, they have no specialized education, no work experience, in general they are miserable Soros grant-eaters, throughout their useless ...


By October 1, the government of Ukraine must submit to the Verkhovna Rada several bills to ensure the country's economic growth. This is stated in the decree of Vladimir Zelensky. The most important measures in this direction will be the lifting of the moratorium on the purchase and sale of land ...


On the morning of September 20, protests were held throughout Ukraine against the decision of the President of the Republic, Volodymyr Zelensky, to lift the moratorium on the sale of land. The organizer was the All-Ukrainian Agrarian Council, which is sure that the country will be sold to foreigners through legal…


Political analyst Rostislav Ishchenko told Ukraina.ru how the head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Arsen Avakov, could remain in power. According to him, while remaining in power, Avakov not only receives guarantees from criminal prosecution, but also retains the opportunity to conduct a serious active ...


The mood in the Donbass allows us to say that the region's entry into Russia is becoming an increasingly realistic option for the development of events in the east of Ukraine. Political analyst Rostislav Ishchenko stated this in his vlog on the YouTube channel of the publication ...


On Wednesday, Russian envoy to the contact group Boris Gryzlov said that Kyiv, at a regular meeting of the group held in Minsk, disrupted the implementation of the agreements of advisers to the heads of the Normandy Four countries by refusing to sign the Steinmeier formula. In Ukraine, they have already started talking ...


If one of the competitors of the American leader Donald Trump, the former vice president, Democrat Joseph Biden, wins the US presidential election in 2020, he will try to win back Trump's initiatives. This was reported to Ukraina.ru by a political scientist…

The West is beginning to realize that the world is changing, American hegemony is fading away and it is necessary to negotiate with Russia, says Rostislav Ishchenko, president of the Center for System Analysis and Forecasting.

Washington is considering venues for the 2020 G7 summit, hosted by Donald Trump.

At this year's summit, the US president put forward a proposal to return to the G8 format, but the opinions of his colleagues differed. At the same time, Moscow not only showed no interest in such a “tempting” offer, but directly stated that, in fact, it didn’t really want to, but if you convince, if you offer something interesting, then the topic can be discussed. The Kremlin made it clear that it is possible to restore the format, but Russia must be persuaded by offering it something tempting.

I am sure that in Eastern Europe, and especially in the post-Soviet space, most, if not all, politicians have not understood what is happening. Big white people invite these Russian savages to the same table with them, and they wander around. The many-voiced choir: "Take us in return!" - did not ring out just because they know they will not take us. But Ukraine still managed to teach the “seven” about life and explain who it has the right to invite for cooperation and who not.

I think that in the West the situation is perceived more adequately. At the very least, the positions of the Italians, the French, the Germans, the Japanese, and the Trump administration indicate that in these capitals of the West (perhaps to varying degrees) they have realized that the world is changing, American hegemony is fading into the past, and it is necessary to negotiate with Russia (in any format).

This position is shared by most politicians in Eastern Europe and the near abroad, as well as representatives of the Russian pro-Western opposition.

All these people sincerely do not understand and do not believe that it is possible to voluntarily refuse such a "generous" offer. They are looking for a hidden meaning in the Russian position. Someone argues that Moscow cannot resolve this issue on its own, being bound by an alliance with China, someone - that the Russian leadership simply cannot instantly change the course of a running propaganda machine and therefore is forced to play for time before, dazed with happiness, rushes into the arms of the West. They believe it because that's what they would do.

But let's turn to the facts and answer two questions:

Did Russia need to strive for the "format of eight" in the 90s?

How relevant is this format now?

In the 90s it was justified

Many today answer the first question in the negative, rightly pointing out that Moscow has not received anything material from membership. She was only preached to, looking at her like Widow Douglas looked at Huckleberry Finn: a boy good at heart, but so wild and antisocial that he needed to be kept strict and brought up harshly (for his own good, of course). Nevertheless, I would venture to assert that in the specific conditions of the 1990s, membership in the G8 (even in the original 7+1 format) was a serious diplomatic victory for Russia, although it did not really bring any material benefits.

It must be remembered that at that time the West regarded Russia as a country that had lost the Cold War. In parallel, the issue of reforming the system of international relations (including the UN) was discussed based on new realities that required the institutionalization of the West's victory. There was nothing new and nothing unnatural in this. Every serious world conflict ended with a revision of the system of international relations. After the First World War, the Versailles system and the League of Nations were created. After World War II, they were replaced by the Yalta-Potsdam system and the UN.

The issue of reforming the UN and other international structures, due to the fact that the Yalta-Potsdam reality has sunk into oblivion, is still standing. But in the 1990s, international mechanisms were going to be reformed without Russia and contrary to Russian interests. There were circles in the West that considered it necessary to secure for Russia the status of a country that had been defeated in the global confrontation.

Let me remind you that after the Second World War, the UN was originally created without Germany and Japan. The permanent members of the UN Security Council (who have the right to veto) include only the five victorious countries. Moreover, when the UN charter was written and the organization was created, no one knew yet that these five states would become the leading nuclear countries. So nuclear power was attached to their status as permanent members of the Security Council, and not status to nuclear power.

The real political status of the country in the system of international relations has an invisible but significant (often decisive) influence on its diplomatic and military positions, and military and political power not only reinforces the statements of diplomats, but also allows you to effectively defend your financial and economic interests.

Russia managed to avoid the division of the post-Soviet world into winners and losers, with all the ensuing unpleasant consequences. She was recognized as an equal, accepted into the club of leading world powers, invited to discuss the fate of the world, to develop global political and economic decisions. More then was not required, and it was impossible to achieve.

Proposed tens format

Today the circumstances have changed. In fact, the whole world is represented in the "Group of Twenty" - a forum of the twenty most developed states that really control the world economy. The "Seven" has not controlled it for a long time, and in military-political terms, it is also not capable of dictating its will to the world.

As one of the leaders of the G20, Russia really does not feel much need for the G8 format.

She is there alone in the face of her seven geopolitical opponents. At the same time, Moscow has made it clear that it currently considers the G-10 format to be the most productive (this is the G-7 expanded to include Russia, India, and China).

This format includes countries that actually control more than 60% of the world economy, about the same percentage of the world's population and absolutely surpass the rest of the world in terms of military power. Moreover, the G-10 format includes both countries that were beneficiaries of the old (outgoing) political and economic system, as well as new leaders. Finally, the pan-Eurasian political and economic system created by Russia and China cannot be complete without the participation of the European Union, and stability in the Asia-Pacific region requires the settlement of the Chinese-Japanese-Russian-American tangle of contradictions.

However, the Kremlin did not definitively refuse to participate in the G8 format either. He only pointed out its secondary nature and the need to interest Russia in anything other than a simple presence.

Since the West is clearly not yet ready for the G-10 format, one of the ways to interest Russia could be to offer Moscow to informally represent the interests of states that are not yet in the G-8 in the G-8. There are other proposals that take into account reality. In fact, Russia insists on raising its status in the system of international relations, based on the changed alignment of forces.

At the same time, it will be satisfied with both a special status in the G8 and the preservation of the status quo.

More on the topic

The US presidential election campaign has not yet begun, but Trump has already demonstrated that his strategic...more

The high-level week, which traditionally opened the current 74th session of the UN General Assembly, seems to have determined the outcome of the event initiated by the American "philistinism in the nobility" and the Russian kick of the presumptuous tradesman Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova reacted to Bely's publication ...


Political scientist, president of the Center for System Analysis and Forecasting Rostislav Ishchenko, as part of his vlog on the YouTube channel of the publication Ukraina.ru, told whether Andriy Parubiy would be put in jail. The State Bureau of Investigation of Ukraine has opened a criminal case against Parubiy in the case of the Odessa…


The presidential election campaign in the United States has not yet begun, but Trump has already demonstrated that his strategic ability to conduct a maneuverable information war, in the face of superior enemy forces and means, has not only not blunted over time ...


The President of the United States began a hot time. Another election campaign is on the way. The Democrats technologically blocked his foreign policy initiatives in the first two years of his presidency and, relying on their people in the State Department and in military circles, are actively sabotaging ...


Political scientist Rostislav Ishchenko believes that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson chose the right policy by deciding to withdraw the country from the EU without an agreement. He explained his point of view in the section “Ishchenko answers questions from the audience” on the YouTube channel of the Ukraina.ru publication. Formerly British…


Political scientist, president of the Center for System Analysis and Forecasting, columnist for Rossiya Segodnya MIA Rostislav Ishchenko answered a number of questions from the PolitRussia online magazine: - Trump and Biden: whose victory in the 2020 elections is more real? - USA: who supports the Democrats, and who supports the Republicans? ...


Oligarch Rinat Akhmetov will get a chance to catch up with businessman Igor Kolomoisky if a strong opposition forms in power. Political scientist Rostislav Ishchenko stated this in the section “Ishchenko answers questions from the audience” on the YouTube channel of the Ukraina.ru publication. By his…


The European Parliament (EP) adopted a resolution with a beautiful and, most importantly, almost correct title: "On the Importance of European Memory for the Future of Europe." That is, it turns out that there is a certain separate historical "European memory", which only the EU countries have. Scary even...


The new young Ukrainian government is being scolded. A lot of bad things are said and written about him and Prime Minister Alexei Goncharuk. Like, they have no specialized education, no work experience, in general they are miserable Soros grant-eaters, throughout their useless ...


By October 1, the government of Ukraine must submit to the Verkhovna Rada several bills to ensure the country's economic growth. This is stated in the decree of Vladimir Zelensky. The most important measures in this direction will be the lifting of the moratorium on the purchase and sale of land ...


On the morning of September 20, protests were held throughout Ukraine against the decision of the President of the Republic, Volodymyr Zelensky, to lift the moratorium on the sale of land. The organizer was the All-Ukrainian Agrarian Council, which is sure that the country will be sold to foreigners through legal…


Political analyst Rostislav Ishchenko told Ukraina.ru how the head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Arsen Avakov, could remain in power. According to him, while remaining in power, Avakov not only receives guarantees from criminal prosecution, but also retains the opportunity to conduct a serious active ...


The mood in the Donbass allows us to say that the region's entry into Russia is becoming an increasingly realistic option for the development of events in the east of Ukraine. Political analyst Rostislav Ishchenko stated this in his vlog on the YouTube channel of the publication ...


On Wednesday, Russian envoy to the contact group Boris Gryzlov said that Kyiv, at a regular meeting of the group held in Minsk, disrupted the implementation of the agreements of advisers to the heads of the Normandy Four countries by refusing to sign the Steinmeier formula. In Ukraine, they have already started talking ...


If one of the competitors of the American leader Donald Trump, the former vice president, Democrat Joseph Biden, wins the US presidential election in 2020, he will try to win back Trump's initiatives. This was reported to Ukraina.ru by a political scientist…

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