Home Trees and shrubs Personal self-improvement: program, ways and means. Why self-development is so important

Personal self-improvement: program, ways and means. Why self-development is so important

I'm on the sidelines life necessary for a blog... First for everything, I want to welcome our lovers of malt from the past international day to chocolate (11 limes) and those who love photographers from the Day of the photographer (12 limes). For the first I do not overdo it iz chukulyadami, and others - more. Well, now it's getting started.

Today I want to talk about taku rich yak self-elaborated... Ajah with a skin day, a dark, fateful life of people, something to get into and get to grips with. For be-as-you-like people self-elaborated- natural process. Who else is there for, and for whom is it needed?

Almost from moral and rosy self-comprehension. Wait a minute, there are forty people, and it’s wonderful to miss it and it’s like that, it’s not like that. I can talk about those who, on the singing stage, Lyudin zupinya at the development. Povazat taku lyudin smoothly, as it is not uncomfortable.

Otzhe, self-satisfying - the last, without interruption, the development of specialness. I see a natural path - people learn, change and understand with a stretching out of life, take in the knowledge of the situation, as they trawl with it, so for the help of the people themselves - won the wisdom of the people who know, postulate self-elaboration and refinement of human qualities and navikiv, natural and religious glances.

The rosy and spiritually specialness has been promoted, as the whole hour is pragmatic to the thorough understanding of the moral values ​​and the denial of knowledge, if you want people who are inert and less intelligent and ambitious, like in everyday life, so in the kar'er plan. Even if people have high moral principles, they don’t give up, there’s a fountain of ideas for robots, and everyone is eager to be afraid of it, obviously, and every now and then, I’m constantly advancing my professional life.

Morality and mind were respected and scratched. At that hour, like people, like "stand on the ground" at their own development of the riverside mouth of the rear.

As for the physical insight, then the skin's mind is in its own way. For cholovіkіv tse, call up, the figure is extended, a healthy way of life, vіdmovі vіdmіnіt wіth a nasty little call, pumped up іyazi. For a woman, the most frequent is the string of talia, the garnish viglyad and the healthier food. In a word, the price of a robot over a thoroughly detailed mind and a callous view of the mind of physical training and spirit. Effortlessly to the point of perfecting, but still demand robots over themselves - training the strength of the will, physical rights, seeing the kind of speech for the people.

Everywhere the specialness of the whole life is pragmatic to self-sophistication - both moral, spiritual and aesthetic, as well as physical, that professional, and not pinching over itself.

True, the stimulation of the skin people for self-development can be healthy. At the same time, you can develop your own ideas and reconnect, vzhayuyu self-elaboration of the unrecognizable process, for which there is no way to bring comus. Є people who have a mustache of life stimulate before the development of bazhanya, I will succeed in the car’s or rozbagati, but a person who can’t just be ambitious by herself, but always self-sufficient in tonus and to be afraid of right now.

Whether it’s a vipad, the development of a specialty, a crochet before advancing the level of intelligence, dying that’s the result of moral values, spirituality, we want to help people to achieve success in life, to achieve the best in life.

Independently from that chi you see grati in shahi, who can play Sudoku, and if you can, win a new MOV - whatever you see, it will be self-satisfying. And so chi inakshe, in life you can know everything that is good for you. To that, the skin of us is pragmatic to great and pratsyuvati over itself, without which it will be uncomfortable to be successful.

Reading time 7 minutes

Many people would like to develop and work on themselves. But in most cases, when you have already decided to develop, the question arises: "Where to start?" In this case, the best solution would be to make a plan for self-improvement.

What is a self-help plan and why is one needed?

For most "newbies" on the path of self-improvement, the lack of guidance is a huge obstacle. Their goal is to "begin to evolve" so vague and foggy that they become like a ship in the ocean that has gone off course and has no map, no compass, or anything at all to point it in the right direction.

In order not to get into such a situation and become “experienced sailors”, you need to make a clear route for yourself from where you are now to where you want to be. This route is a self-development plan. In short and clear, this plan describes all the actions necessary to achieve your goals within a certain time.

Examples of such actions include:

  • Reading certain literature
  • Attendance at seminars
  • Conferences, abstinence from bad habits, etc.

But first things first.

First Steps to Writing a Self-Improvement Diary

In order for us to understand in which areas it is necessary to achieve the best results, it is important to be aware of our desires. There are several initial steps that will help us with this.

1. Awareness of desires

This will be the first step towards creating a personal growth plan. Think and decide for yourself which goals will bring you the most happiness, satisfaction, and benefit. Also keep in mind that the goal should be clear and measurable.
Striving for "knowledge of a foreign language" will lead you little. Choose a specific language, a specific level of proficiency that you need.

For example, there are six levels of language acquisition in English. Let's assume that the “Advanced” level will be enough for you for comfortable and easy communication with foreigners. In this case, you just write the installation: "Speak English at the Advanced level."

It is also worth noting that the time period for which you plan is playing a role here. Wouldn't you be surprised if you can't thoroughly learn a new language from scratch in one week? Therefore, objectively assess your strength.

2. Divide goals into multiple subgoals

Set specific sub-goals that will give you a clearer idea of ​​the result you are aiming for. For example, language proficiency includes the skills of speech recognition by ear, reading, reproduction of their texts orally or in writing, as well as knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.

In the study of a foreign language, such subtasks can be:

  • vocabulary for 5000 words
  • knowledge of all grammar rules
  • speed of "mindful" reading

Such indicators give an objective picture of where you are now and how much more work you have to do. remember, that the more numbers in your "tasks", the more real they seem to you.

Another advantage of "dividing" one goal into several is that it is always much easier for us to tackle something less complex and smaller in scope. Agree, “Learning English to Advanced” is more morally difficult than “Learning 5000 words” or “Achieving reading speed of 200 words per minute”.

3. Results-based actions

After you have decided on your plans and made a list of smaller tasks to achieve them, you can start creating a list of specific actions. It is important here correctly distribute the amount of daily / weekly work.

If you want to lose 5 kg in a month, then you need to lose at least 1.25 kg in weight per week.
For convenience, you can create a table of "weeks", where you will enter the daily "steps" towards your landmark. For example, in order to read 50 books in a year, you need to read about 1 book per week. On average, a book contains about 300 pages, which is about 40 pages per day.

Thus, you get the visual indicator that you should focus on throughout the year. Simply put, 40 pages / day = 50 books / year. By the way, the most optimal time for “hitting the target” is 1-3 months.

Of course, your goals can be for a year or five years. In this case, monthly achievements should bring you closer to fulfilling higher and more significant plans. Therefore, make sure that they do not contradict each other.

4. Self-discipline and introspection

We certainly need discipline to stick to our plan. The first weeks are especially difficult, when useful things have not yet become a habit. It is a well-known fact that it takes a person 3 weeks to develop a habit or 21 day... Already three weeks after the start, you will experience much greater discomfort from the fact that you did not do what you planned. Once the daily task is easy enough, you can make it a little more difficult. For example, learn not 14 words a day, but 16. Run not 15 minutes in the morning, but 18.

Life is very unpredictable and we often have to settle for one at the expense of the other. It is possible that due to some circumstances, you will not be able to meet your daily / weekly "quota". This is totally normal.

However, the problem for newbies is that they give up after getting off their schedule (albeit not very significantly). It's never too late to rehabilitate yourself and get on with your work. And in order to reduce the number of "force majeure", which has such a detrimental effect on the mood of people, we need introspection. He assumes that every day we summarize some of the work done. We look at our plan and assess ourselves: have all the tasks of self-improvement been completed? If not, what was the reason for the failure? How can we avoid this in the future, etc.

Be sincere with yourself and if you are corny lazy - admit it to yourself. Recognition of the problem, as you know, is already half of the solution. All successful people talked about this, and you should remember this too: "Never give up!"

Pitfalls on the path of self-improvement

It often seems to beginners that the most interesting thing is setting a plan and goals for self-improvement, but their daily implementation very soon turns into an annoying routine that does not bring joy at all. To avoid this development and make each stage of your growth enjoyable and comfortable, you can try the following.

First of all, you need to understand that the human psyche is very changeable, it always adapts to what is happening around. This means that her needs are changing. What does this mean in practice?

And the fact that after some time following your plan, you can wake up one morning with a clear understanding that the goals that you set for yourself a couple of weeks ago are not yours at all. Maybe they were never yours. At such moments, it is important to listen to yourself and honestly answer the question - I really want to do this or I am doing this because others expect this from me or for some other reason.

The second important rule is you can always abandon your plans if you don't like them... Suppose, after a couple of weeks, after you have made your plan for self-improvement, you realize that you are not interested in these goals, but at the same time you cannot bring yourself to abandon them. The process no longer brings pleasure, you force yourself to carry out the intended, and all this does not bring results.

In this case, it is always important to honestly admit to yourself that you no longer want to do this, for whatever reason.

Love the process

Another equally important point when drawing up a plan for self-improvement is appreciate the results achieved... It is very important, especially at the initial stage of any new business, to record and appreciate even the smallest results. Remember how a child is praised for all sorts of little things.

Pay attention to your achievements, even if they are small. Praise yourself, encourage yourself. Having formed a positive reinforcement, you will learn to enjoy the first small steps, you will stop devaluing yourself, you will begin to enjoy the process itself, not expecting the big goal that you once set yourself. After all, as the Eastern wisdom says: "The result is a side effect of the practice."


So, to summarize:

  • Decide what you need. Set clear, concrete goals for yourself that are limited in time.
  • Divide your goals into several “slices”. This is how you will track your progress.
  • Make a to-do list for each day (week, month) that will bring you closer to achieving your goals.
  • Get into the habit of doing the right things as soon as possible, and review your work every day.
  • Listen to yourself throughout the entire process and honestly answer the question - do I really want this?
  • Do not be afraid to give up previously set goals and change them. As you change, so do your goals.
  • Praise yourself for even your smallest accomplishments. Don't expect great results right away, enjoy the process itself.

The self-improvement plan, as the most important condition for self-development, will fully provide you with everything you need to achieve what you want. It provides the exact coordinates of what you are striving for. Most importantly, a self-improvement plan gives you the ability to believe in the attainability of your goals!

From now on, you can rightfully consider yourself a captain who knows exactly where and when his ship will arrive! In the process, you can always adjust your goals and ways to achieve them. Perhaps, after some time, your list of goals will be replenished with new ones, and the tasks for achieving them will become even more varied and interesting.

Everything is in your hands. Develop with pleasure, achieve your goals and do not forget about the most important nuance! There is no limit to perfection, which means that self-development is an endless process!

Hello friends, Pavel Yamb is in touch. Today's topic of conversation will be about what self-improvement is: a program, ways and ways of developing each of us.

Why is self-development so important?

Yes, because any marking time leads to stagnation, and then leads to complete degradation and decline.

Therefore, if you want to move towards a better life, then you need to develop, improve your skills and improve.

A person who disregards the laws of evolution is doomed to moral death.

How can you motivate yourself in order to strive to improve your own self?

Calm down, friends. There is always a goal for personal self-improvement.

This could be:

  • material and professional interest;
  • belief;
  • ideas;
  • love

Let's take a closer look:

  1. Well, with a material interest, I hope everything is clear. We all want to live curly, and this is not forbidden to us.
  2. With professional growth, too, probably everything is clear.
  3. Beliefs are impulses of the soul, noble motives and other lyrical deviations from the rough reality.
  4. Ideas. For the sake of lofty ideas, people are capable of much. If a person has hammered something into his head, then it can be difficult to persuade him.
  5. Love is a feeling that makes us brush our teeth, use a handkerchief, wash our face and run grueling sneakers to lose weight. This motive is perhaps the strongest.

Criteria for motivation

Time management is one of the most important skills to achieve success and set goals. You have no idea how the right time management can increase your productivity! Live to the maximum.

To develop properly, you need your character to meet certain conditions.

  1. You should be prone to introspection, self-assessment, self-criticism.
  2. You need to compare yourself with comrades, naturally, the best of us.
  3. To temper character like steel and strengthen willpower, shattered by bad habits.
  4. Strive to ensure that you have a pre-planned personal self-improvement program and planned stages for future growth.

Alas, some of us do not strive for lofty ideals; they are quite satisfied with the passive state in which they are. Many people think: why am I going to work, do unnecessary body movements, if I'm already fine? From hunger, it seems, I am not fluffed, I have enough for beer, why should I work on myself?

That is, the problem of personal self-improvement does not exist for such comrades.

These thoughts have ruined the lives of more than one person. In such a comfortable state, you can soar long and tediously in the clouds, forever forgetting about your career.

I believe that none of you would want such a fate.

If you have a propensity for personal growth, and high earnings are not an empty phrase for you, then you will not sit idly by, but will create all the conditions for personal self-improvement.

So. Let's define the terms that we will use to define the categories of personal growth:


Striving to improve positive qualities. This type of behavior is typical for people who are aimed at further improving performance.


A behavioral factor that is caused by the desire to improve self-esteem. An attempt to achieve an increased social status and significance in the assessments of others.


Researching your pros and cons. Exploring your own uniqueness in comparison with other people. An attempt to analyze life, study your own biography.

Search for your destiny

Attempts to comprehend life and realize the place that you occupy on this earth. This is a very difficult question, since many do not find the answer to what they were born for until the end of their lives.
You can search for your own destiny throughout your entire conscious life. Long and ineffectual.

Sometimes, only at the end of earthly existence, a person sometimes understands: why he was created and why life was lived.

  1. M. Norbekov - "The Fool's Experience"
  2. N. Hill - "Think and Grow Rich"
  3. D. Carnegie - "How to Make Friends"
  4. R. Kiyosaki - "Rich Dad Poor Dad"
  5. D. Allan - "How a Man Thinks"
  6. L. Tzu - "The Art of War"
  7. D. Chopra "Seven Spiritual Covenants", "The Way of Love"
  8. R. Bach "Jonathan Livingston Seagull"
  9. S. Johnson "Where is my cheese or know your dream"
  10. V. Sinelnikov "Love Your Disease", "The Power of Intention"
  11. B. Tracy "Peaking"
  12. P. Spenn "In seven years from beggar to multimillionaire"
  13. R. Sharma "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari"
  14. P. Coelho "Alchemist"

That's all, friends. You learned in this post what are the main ways of personal self-improvement, and you can start to practice. And I say goodbye to you until the next article.

See how an hour a day of self-improvement can change your life:

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