Home Trees and shrubs Socio-cultural animation as a means of rehabilitation of people with disabilities Socio-cultural animation Animation in socio-cultural activities

Socio-cultural animation as a means of rehabilitation of people with disabilities Socio-cultural animation Animation in socio-cultural activities

Socio-cultural animation today is one of the most relevant pedagogical system, the subject of which are animators and individuals involved in this process. The competent organization of leisure time of the population forms a healthy moral and psychological climate in society, raises the cultural level, physical and moral recreation (restoration of human strength). Working with children requires special attention in animation activities. A properly built animation program is a lever to control the formation of a child's personality.

The main means in the work of an animator with children are: a living word (methodos "method" is of Greek origin, in translation it means "way of knowing"); radio; TV; seal; literature; art; sport; visual art and technical means. These tools do not act separately from each other, but are closely intertwined and interconnected. Their combination is due to the choice of the form of interaction, the thematic focus of the event: a conference, an exhibition, a round table, a competition, a disco, and so on.

Animation is inextricably linked with the social education of the child. The relationship of these two forms is designed to perform a number of common functions:

Adaptations and inclusions, the purpose of which is to ensure the socialization of the individual, its preparation for the diverse changes in the industrial society in economic and cultural terms;

Recreational, associated with the possibility of cultural development of the individual in practical activities in their free time;


Cultural, where pedagogical animation appears as an intermediary structure between cultural creativity, the spread of culture and the children's audience;

Critical, acting as a catalyst in the search for new relationships between individuals and groups, the highest quality way of life

In working with children, the most common, leading means of rapid involvement in the process is a game or, as it is customary to call play therapy today. This unique, versatile and simple entertainment tool has great creative potential aimed at the effective implementation of animation activities.

Game programs consist of competitions based on the competition method:

Artistic journalistic (the main method of illustration);

Folklore and spectacularly theatrical;

Dance and entertainment;

Sports (based on the method of physical relaxation and recreation).

Animation potential of the game:

Relieving stress from a person’s stay in real life, getting a new positive life attitude;

Team building (the game contact of people with each other is so high that game communities can be maintained even after the end of the game);

Neutralization of the shortcomings of reality (opposition to the hard world of reality - the world of harmony and joy);

Submission to the rules of the game (the concept of honor, nobility, dignity, self-restraint and self-sacrifice in favor of the team);

Physical improvement of the body (training and application of various motor skills and actions);

Development of intellectual abilities (building a logical chain of actions during the game that require psychological and mental activation);

The possibility of manifestation of their creative abilities, their improvement in the process of game action;

The game is a powerful means of self-education and self-improvement, correction of the emotional state. With the right inclusion of the game in the entertainment program, it can significantly change the mood of people for the better, emotionally enrich and transform the personality.

Along with the game in the animation activity, the competition (from the Latin “collision, meeting”) is widely used. Competition and play are basically the same. In essence, this is a gaming activity, but involving the selection of a winner by means of competition, through a system of judging and evaluation. The main objective of the competition is to identify the leader, develop the abilities and interests of its participants. The competitive program is an emotionally rich and at the same time active form of leisure. This is a complex activity in which there are signs of cognitive, transformative, competitive, artistic, value-oriented and gaming activities.

Often, in animation activities, competitive-game and competitive-entertainment programs are harmoniously combined.

Another type of cultural animation of activity - theatricalization - has a bright spectacular character.

Theatrical programs are an ideological and artistic concept, an author's idea, an ideological position, a plot and its eventual basis. This is a fairly complex creative method, which has a capacious socio-psychological justification, which is closest to art. The spectacular and visual components of theatricalization are: scenography, costumes of the participants in the performance, the musical component, static-dynamic effects, as well as the audience, which creates an atmosphere of theatrical action with its emotional response. “The duality of theatricalization, synthesizing the real into artistic activity, is associated with specific moments in people’s lives that require an extraordinary understanding of this or that event, expression and consolidation of their feelings towards it.”

Saturated informational content dedicated to social and political events, holidays are artistic and journalistic animation programs, the main organizing method of which is illustration. The creation of a single, monolithic artistic and journalistic work occurs by combining publicistic speeches, documentary materials, ceremonies with poetic works, songs, music, fragments from performances and films. Particular attention is paid here to the specific content of the artistic and journalistic program. Their preparation requires increased attention to the modeling of the content-text part of the program.

The most common type in animation activities are dance and entertainment programs (dance therapy). Their technological basis is based on the method of rhythmic movement of the body. Animation properties of dance and entertainment programs were originally incorporated in the very nature of the dance and contain a relaxing, relaxing character based on dynamic movement. Dance promotes convergence of one's own reactions, causes a lot of emotional experiences such as joy, laughter, pleasure, which most often occur between two or more dancers. Dance and entertainment animation programs have a perspective and communicative character, therefore such programs have gained great popularity today and are being intensively implemented in entertainment establishments.

It is especially important that no matter what kind of social and cultural activity it belongs to, work should be carried out at a high quality level, aimed at familiarizing a person with high cultural values, increasing his social activity, the realization of creative potential.

Animation, as a factor of human social activity, consists of many forms and methods, the application of which requires professionally trained specialists in this area of ​​social activity. In the arsenal of socio-cultural workers there should be a variety of means and methods of influencing a person designed to satisfy the socio-cultural interests and needs of citizens in the field of leisure, despite the difference in age, social status, health, spiritual preferences...

As a rule, work is carried out in the following areas:

Identification of socio-cultural interests;

Consolidation and coordination of the activities of out-of-school and other institutions to solve the problems of the complex organization of free time;

Revival of cultural traditions;

Organization of various forms of family leisure (joint pastime of children and their parents, friends, peers).

Interaction with children in the leisure sphere is differentiated, variable and individualized. Its educational effectiveness is determined by which individuals take part, to what extent they themselves feel themselves to be individuals and see a personality in everyone with whom they communicate.

The main tasks of leisure interaction are:

Formation in children and adolescents of motivation for various ways of amateur performance, including the invention of new free forms of creative pastime;

Formation and organization of primary interest groups;

Attracting the interest of children and adolescents through creative communication;

Organization of general holidays and events;

The main widely used methods in the organization of cultural and leisure animation for children and adolescents of school age are:

Quizzes, olympiads;

Exhibitions of crafts, achievements;

Theatrical performances;

Concert programs;

Carnival ball, mass celebrations, parades, masquerades;

Mysteries, theatrical performances of plays;

Sports holidays with competitive elements;

Achievement award ceremonies with elements of theatrical and

concert numbers;

Discos, dance programs with games, etc.;

multimedia animation projects;

The last point requires special attention in view of its novelty and relevance. The rapid development of information interactive technologies invariably affects the educational process. Today, modern educational institutions have computer labs, classrooms with multimedia projectors, electronic boards, etc. The use of such aids significantly improves the quality of education, improves teaching methods. This is a powerful visual thinking tool that makes the learning process more effective and attractive, promotes the development of research skills in children, provides an increased level of motivation and creative activity in the classroom. Multimedia projectors allow you to conduct lessons using multimedia lectures, electronic textbooks, illustrative presentations using photo and video materials, perform virtual mini-research and much more.

One of the main advantages of using multimedia animation in working with children is the visibility and dynamism of the animated material. Conducting classes using animated drawings, especially with elementary school students, contributes to a positive emotional and psychological background and, as a result, more productive assimilation of the studied material.

The use of such animation is possible in the classroom of any academic disciplines, as well as in the conduct of class hours, general and parent meetings and other events involved in the educational process.

The main thing is that the animation program, no matter what kind it is, should give a feeling of emotional comfort for all its participants - a feeling of fulfillment of a desire, achievement of a goal, a feeling of joy, a surge of vitality and psychological uplift.

Leisure institutions such as theaters, museums, cinemas, the media, creative unions, technical and sports societies, and voluntary organizations act as an auxiliary link in the cultural and aesthetic education of children. Therefore, it is desirable to consolidate the positive result of the work done by visiting exhibitions, galleries, theaters, as well as religious, cultural and historical institutions. Such visits should be of an introductory, voluntary nature, leaving an opportunity for each individual to form his own point of view, worldview position on the information provided.

It is important to understand that any organized activity is not an end in itself - it is only a means to create an environment in which everyone can successfully develop. For children, this is especially important, because a well-organized social environment has a tremendous impact on raising the general level of a person's culture, awakens faith in one's own strengths and capabilities, and establishes a new high-quality style of interpersonal communication.

Recreational (restorative) and sports and health technologies are designed to ensure and maintain human viability. They are universal in their use in the process of socio-cultural activities.

Modern recreational methods are based on the psychological and pedagogical patterns of entertainment and gaming, sports and recreation, artistic and entertainment activities. In the process of developing most recreational projects aimed at improving the quality of life and improving life, the main attention of specialists is focused on introducing the latest achievements in biology, physiology, psychology, and medicine into the practice of mass and specialized leisure.

A special place in recreational techniques is occupied by animation socio-cultural technologies. The experience of Western countries, primarily France, where these technologies are widely used, testifies to the undoubtedly significant possibilities of socio-cultural animation. Using various types of artistic creativity as methods of "revitalization" and "spiritualization" of relations between people, socio-cultural animation is one of the most attractive types of leisure activities based on modern principles. The purpose of animation technologies has a pronounced humanitarian orientation - to prevent the alienation of the individual in the culture of society, in the structure of social relations.

Socio-cultural animation was born and formed under the influence of philosophical, psychological, medical, pedagogical views and views on the nature and essence of man. The main subject of socio-cultural animation has always been and remains the personality as a unique integral system, which is an "open possibility" of self-actualization, inherent only to man.

There are two types of professional animators: leaders-coordinators and specialist teachers who lead circles and studios, teach courses, engage in social and cultural activities at the place of residence, and provide psychological support in the structure of everyday social relations. The content of animation technologies includes a comprehensive assessment of a crisis situation (“good or bad”), assisting in determining and understanding which of the methods of action in a given situation is suitable for effectively achieving the goal, understanding real opportunities and their choice, understanding the likely consequences of one or a different solution (what happens in a changed situation).

The creation and alternation of long-term "end-to-end" entertainment programs in leisure institutions implies the consistent development of the activity of participants in gaming, entertainment, ritual-holiday, sports and other events. The methods of bioenergetics, rebirthing, shaping, art therapy and others are put at the service of recreation (restoration). In the musical-meditation and theatrical-health programs, the specific possibilities of conversational psychotherapy, bibliotherapy, and psycho-gymnastics are realized.

The organization of recreation and entertainment carries a significant social, educational, psychological, rehabilitation burden. The content side of recreational technologies is constantly expanding and enriching by attracting the traditions of folk leisure culture, reviving old and cultivating new folk holidays, rites and rituals - Christmas events and humor, days of laughter and carnivals, literary, artistic, sports tourism and family holidays, holiday flowers and the holiday of Russian tea, days of cities and other events.

The organizer of social and cultural activities very often has to deal with the method of family leisure - the study of preferences for leisure forms of individual family choice of leisure activities, the creation of conditions for professional programming and the implementation of alternative types and forms of organizing free time in family communities.

Methods designed for children and adolescents, dynamic youth categories, middle-aged and elderly people require the same close attention. Technological aspects are discussed in detail in special courses.

Social policy is aimed at creating the most favorable, optimal conditions for recreation, development of spiritual and creative abilities of people. Social and cultural work with vacationers of health resorts (resorts, sanatoriums, houses and recreation centers, dispensaries) and tourists (at tourist bases and motor ships, in tourist hotels and tourist trips) is also subordinated to these goals.

A distinctive feature of the organization of leisure in sanatorium-resort, sports and recreational and tourist-excursion centers is the integration of recreation, health promotion, spiritual enrichment and versatile development of the individual.

Within the limits of the recreational, health-improving, medical period established by the voucher, vacationers are outside their permanent residence and are not directly related to their main profession. In addition, vacationers in health resorts and camp sites differ in age, nationality, profession, social status, and education. All this, as well as the limited stay in a health resort or on a tourist route, leads to the fact that the leisure community that arises here is of a transitory nature. A relatively stable group consists only of medical and service personnel of health-improving institutions, the indigenous inhabitants of the resort. It is these categories of the population that form the main "backbone" of the organizers and participants of long-term leisure programs, constant cycle forms of education, creativity, entertainment, amateur groups and studios.

The information-developing, educational function of leisure activities aims at information and organization of people's cognitive activity, dissemination of a complex of various social and humanitarian knowledge, health education, instilling active recreation and physical culture skills, familiarization with the therapeutic possibilities of health resorts and their most rational use.

Recreational leisure functions

The recreational function maximally contributes to the full rest of people, the restoration of their physical and spiritual strength, the organization of active leisure activities and entertainment, providing a variety of activities, a change of impressions, a positive emotional mood, relieving stress and fatigue.

In leisure programs for vacationers, all these functions are closely interconnected and complement each other. There are a number of features in their implementation. Cultural and leisure activities in health resorts and tourist institutions are built in accordance with their main purpose - the restoration of strength and health of people. That is why the recreational therapeutic function of leisure and leisure activities is of paramount importance here.

Due to the continuity and duration of the entire period of vacation or treatment of people, the leisure program in health resorts and tourist institutions is diverse, provides for the unity of information-developing, communicative and recreational elements, is carried out at different times of the day, for example, not only in the evening, but also in the morning. and daytime hours. The logic of leisure here implies a transition from the simplest leisure activities, when a person only needs to relieve tension and psychologically relax, to more saturated, active, intense forms.

In terms of its orientation, the content of leisure in health resorts and tourist institutions includes: concert, entertainment and film services; library work; theatrical and sports festivals; organization of Q&A evenings, oral magazines, themed evenings, discos, gaming competitions, etc.

Among leisure forms, excursions have the greatest information and developmental content. According to survey data, the majority of vacationers in health resorts and tourists consider excursions to be the most favorite events. The popularity of the tour is due to a number of reasons.

This is, firstly, a wide variety of topics and content: excursions on historical topics, natural history (landscape, botanical, geological, hydrogeological, etc.), literary and art history, on architectural and urban planning topics, overview (multifaceted) business, commercial, which acquaint representatives of business circles with the activities of industrial, agricultural and commercial enterprises. For vacationing young people, among whom many will have to choose their own path in life, such excursions are also career guidance.

Excursions attract with a variety of elements of recreation and recreation in nature (swimming, picking berries and mushrooms, etc.) and modes of transportation, since walking tours and excursions-walks are supplemented by transport (bus, boat, plane, horseback, bicycle and ski, etc.). etc.), often over long distances and along a well-defined theme and route. Excursions contribute to the formation of community, the formation of interests, collectivism and camaraderie, and a change of impressions helps to create a favorable emotional atmosphere in the group.

Concert, entertainment and film services include concerts and performances by professional and amateur groups, reviews, festivals and competitions, meetings with literary and art figures, evenings on various topics, film screenings, film concerts, etc.

Library service is also an important part of cultural work. When compiling book collections, much attention is paid to the selection of local history publications - reference books, guidebooks, books about nature, the historical past, the economy, the culture of the region, as well as fiction. Simultaneously with individual work with readers, literary readings, literary evenings, reader conferences and book discussions are organized, book reviews on certain topics and bibliographic reviews, book exhibitions are held, newspaper windows are arranged, posters are hung out. The main thing is a set of active recreational activities in through leisure programs, which are characterized by a relatively long duration and involve consistent participation in entertainment, games, sports and recreation, ritual, festive and other leisure activities. The involvement of specialists in this work allows us to adopt the methods of bioenergetic recovery, oriental health systems, cosmic bioenergetics, rebirthing, shaping, musical healing, etc.

In everyday life there are specially equipped rooms for psychological unloading, which include autogenic training, interpersonal training, suggestion, rest-hypnosis, and health-improving psycho-corrections in the content of their sessions. The specific possibilities of musical-medial and theatrical-health programs, conversational psychotherapy, bibliotherapy, psycho-gymnastics are realized.

There is every reason to believe that in the near future, non-traditional forms of recreational and health-improving activities carried out by professional doctors, psychologists, and sports coaches will be more actively mastered. This will include, first of all, schools of extrasensory bioenergetics, aimed at opening energy centers, biofield diagnostics, correction of the human biofield structure; courses on teaching methods of muscle relaxation and mental self-hypnosis; centers of collective meditation, whose activities are aimed at eliminating extreme emotional manifestations and bringing the psyche into a state of relaxation; free breathing groups that help to master psychotechnics, which allows a person to maintain clarity of thinking in stressful situations, quickly restore emotional balance, and more fully realize their creative potential; special medical and health-improving catering establishments, the cuisine of which is based on the use of publicly available sedatives that cause relaxation and soothe the nervous system, etc.

Pedagogical game technologies

In a number of recreational and health-improving technologies, a significant place is occupied by an extensive gaming activity.

As pedagogical practice testifies, any technology has means that activate and intensify the activity of the audience. There are technologies where these tools constitute the main idea and the basis for evaluating the effectiveness of the results. These technologies include pedagogical game technologies.

Of all the known types of socio-cultural activity, the game appears to be the most free activity. Freely entering the game, its participant is also free to leave it. This "game" rule applies to the most common everyday situations - market relations, study, sports, family relationships, etc.

In other words, essentially recreational gaming technologies demonstrate the productive socio-cultural activity of independent subjects, which is carried out within the framework of conditional rules voluntarily assumed and has many attractive qualities - socio-psychological, aesthetic, hedonistic, moral and ethical.

As a recreational technology, the game has well-known pedagogical and organizational and methodological advantages. It allows you to significantly reduce the time for the accumulation of the necessary information, the acquisition of certain skills and abilities; contributes to the imitation of various types of social activities, expands the scope of contact of the individual with various social groups, organizations and movements, familiarization with many genres of art and literature. By intensifying the self-reflection of the individual, the game is an effective tool for deepening the democratic nature of communication, cooperation, and social dialogue.

S.A. Shmakov identifies the following main methods of organizing children's leisure (49, p.67-69):

Methods of the game and game training. The game is an independent and very important type of activity for children, equal in rights with all others. A game can be a form of non-game activity, an element of a non-game business. The game, like a fairy tale, a cartoon, is repeated many times in a child's life, becoming his educational training. Sh. Amonashvili foresaw that by the end of our century, the goal of pedagogy would not be the "general development" of children, but the disclosure of the creative potential of each child.

Theatrical methods. Children's leisure has an infinite number of subjects and social roles. Informal communication of guys can be in the form of a party; "blue light"; evenings by candlelight; "marine wardroom"; Russian "gatherings", "semechnikov", "zavalinka", "theatrical living room", evenings of Russian (any) cuisine; birthday feast; etiquette evenings; collective birthday; "cabbage"; "zucchini 13 chairs"; "dance of friends"; "holiday evening", etc. etc.

According to A.V. Sokolov, depending on the intended purpose and psychological context, gaming technologies can be divided into several behavioral types.

The most common in gaming technologies is the adversarial method. Its essence lies in the struggle for excellence in sports competitions, gambling, lotteries, erudite competitions, providing opportunities for using one's chance. The main game gain here is the feeling of victory and self-affirmation. Competition is a purely childish privilege, competition is an internal “spring” for unwinding creative forces, stimulating search, discovery, and victory over oneself. The competition extends to all spheres of the child's creative activity, except for moral.

A game-fairy tale is a kind of game technology in terms of content. In this technology, the main emphasis is shifted to psychological relief, going into illusion, hedonistic sensations, which to a certain extent borders on self-manipulation. Both primitive and modern folklore is built on "fabulous-game" technologies.

Quite remarkable are the entertaining and gaming technologies of the “masquerade game” type.

6. Educational technologies

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Typology of methods of animation activity in society as a means of implementing adequate, expedient and unobtrusive socio-psychological assistance to a person or group (social protection, socio-psychological correction, creative rehabilitation, identification and support of dynamic tendencies of creative self-determination, etc.).

Group psychotherapy and psychological training. Artistic creativity as the leading method of animation. The specifics of animation work with various social groups.

Basic outline plan

Russian researchers of animation (E.B. Mambekov, L.V. Tarasov, N.N. Yaroshenko and others) believe that by the beginning of the 1980s French animation was characterized by the recognition of the importance of social ties, and their improvement was considered as a goal. animations.

Animation is also understood in modern French pedagogical literature as a method of integration and participation, aimed at improving social relations through the mediation of the animator.

Animation methods can be defined as special ways of implementing adequate, expedient and unobtrusive socio-psychological assistance to the individual in the process of socialization and life. The following groups of methods are distinguished:

social protection;

· socio-psychological correction;

· creative rehabilitation;

identification and support of dynamic tendencies of creative self-determination, etc.

Individual, group and macro group animation methods ( quantitative criterion).

Permanent, periodic and one-time forms of work ( time criterion).

Typology of social groups with which animation is performed. The objects of animation activity are:

Open group (a community of people not connected by interpersonal relations, the population of a city, district, the staff of a large industrial enterprise, etc., a random audience of animation events, for example, passers-by on a city street, etc.);

Semi-open group - an audience of systematically held events, access to which is limited by certain rules or characteristics of people gathering together;

Closed group - special groups in which close interpersonal contact is established, and therefore the entry of new members is almost impossible. These are groups that gather from time to time (psychological training groups, family clubs, class clubs and other public associations), as well as communities - social groups of people who live together, work, implement common tasks of education, overcoming the consequences of diseases, physical defects.

Among the areas of animation are:

Main forms animation activity here is group psychotherapy, training, joint creative activities.

In 1880, the first courses in the treatment of accidents in the workplace were organized in Berlin. "Help for self-help" was the idea of ​​the founding fathers of the current Samaritan Workers' Union, which has over 700,000 members, sponsors and volunteers in Germany. In the modern activities of this union, humanitarian actions are being implemented, aimed at all categories of the population, including children. The idea of ​​social and pedagogical assistance to children is not new to Russia either, but the experience accumulated by the Union of Samaritan Workers is indeed indicative. The pedagogical programs supervised by them are based on the principle of including the child in a special microenvironment of creativity.

The method of psychodrama is defined by relationships within the group as a process of social interaction, which, in turn, influences these relationships. The dramatic element strengthens the relationship of students with each other, their mutual understanding. When using drama for this purpose, the teacher should start with planned work in a small group and gradually move to spontaneous improvisation with a large group. As an example of working with a small group, second graders study the history of American Indians. The disciples are divided into groups of three or four and are asked to prepare a ceremony to celebrate the birth of a new member of the tribe. These "ceremonies" they show to the whole class. The value of such a game is that students can exchange their ideas, which helps to develop a sense of community, the ability to listen to others and express their views, come to an agreement with other members of the group. The disadvantage of planned work in a small group is the relative isolation of the teacher, his role is reduced to observation and random intervention.

An example of unplanned improvisation for a whole group is a work on the theme "Evacuation of children from dangerous areas during the Second World War", based on a literary work. The teacher asks the children to put themselves in the place of the parents of the evacuees who came to the organizational meeting. The teacher herself plays the role of an official who explains the procedure and answers the parents' questions. This meeting is not "rehearsed". The advantage of such work is the teacher's ability to direct the children's dramatic fantasy from within. The success of such a game is possible if the students and the teacher willingly play their roles, and the students agree with the participation of the teacher in their game.

An unplanned improvisation for a small group is explained using the example of studying the topic of migration in the first grade. The teacher gives an example of a family moving to a new place. Many children have experience of moving, others know about it from acquaintances. Groups of three or four are given the task of imagining that they are members of a family gathered for the last time at a table in their old house. They assign roles, but conversation over food is not planned. This method is most effective because it promotes conversation on a particular topic without outside input. The intervention of the teacher is inappropriate. He can only observe and take notes.

An example of a planned presentation by an entire group is the theatrical presentation in the fourth grade of a girls' school on the topic of resistance to apartheid in South Africa. The teacher, talking about this topic, pays special attention to the decision of the government to issue passes to women and talks about various protest marches, about burning passes, etc. The students are then asked to prepare their own act of protest. This task requires seriousness and dynamism from the group. It brings the class closer together, consolidates the information they have received, makes it possible to choose the most important from it in order to write a common statement. It is important for the teacher in such work not to succumb to the temptation to "direct" this work, the students themselves must be directors.

All of the above uses of drama cannot be seen in isolation. They are used in interaction, in combination according to the specific requirements of the group. In any case, the teaching of drama remains an area of ​​creativity, unpredictable in its conclusions, different in its methods.

The discursive (linguistic) aspect of the drama is no less important than the social one.

Drama is closely related to language. It creates opportunities for students to expand their language fund, to connect their linguistic abilities with specific situations.

Three main principles of psychological assistance are fully applicable to school animation: voluntariness, confidentiality, responsibility.

The experience of practicing teachers indicates that effective work with children and adolescents is possible under certain conditions. In order to enter the inner world of a child, it is necessary to clearly represent the features of the social context of the development of this adolescent, the “quality of life” and its realities: the state of medicine, ecology, family and school institutions, the social, economic, political aspect of contemporary life.

Due to the huge migration of the population in all countries of the world, animators have to take into account the cultural specifics of the development of a teenager (customs, beliefs, home life, ways of communication). It is very important to take into account the marginality of a teenager if he lives in a foreign environment.

For any teacher working with children and adolescents, psychological literacy, the ability to apply knowledge of the age characteristics of children and adolescents, their individual differences (temperament, character) in their work are mandatory. Both the psychotherapist and the counseling psychologist communicate not with a representative of gender or age, not with a bearer of certain traits, but with a unique individual who is inseparable from his environment (school, family, street) and who is in a certain system of relationships with adults and peers. .

A child, a teenager at every moment of life carries both his past and his future. The ability to see a child in the history of his development, in time perspective is one of the most important professional qualities of a teacher-animator.

Group psychotherapy and psychological training. The program of pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical work of the animator is built on the basis of studying the test results, assessing personal qualities, and observations.

It should be noted that animation is aimed at preventing the mental and socio-psychological consequences that are possible in the event of a loss of physical, social or mental status. At the same time, animation cannot replace the existing system of social and medical assistance to people in need.

Elements of group psychotherapy, included in the program of animation activities, allow you to achieve:

At the intrapersonal level - changes in the cognitive nature (change in a certain value setting); affective nature (acceptance of oneself); behavioral character (assimilation of actions that bring satisfaction);

At the interpersonal level - a change in the cognitive nature (improvement of perception, understanding and evaluation of other people); affective nature (achieving a sense of satisfaction with contacts with society); behavioral character (acquisition of social skills).

In the process of joint perception, reflection and experience, participants show intrapersonal activity. By establishing friendly relationships with the members of the animation group, the participants realize interpersonal activity. The most important task here is to promote the emergence of a sense of belonging to the team, where all participants have identical ailments, difficulties and problems.

The following general exercises are used - relaxation, pantomime scenes, participation in a constructive dispute, role-playing situations, biographies, discussion of an anonymous life story, description of the content of dreams, fantasies and associations, use of transactional analysis procedures, etc.

Participation in such exercises allows members of the animation group to act simultaneously as an active participant and as an observer, provides an opportunity for emotional experience, intellectual analysis, and training of certain types of behavior.

Artistic creativity as the leading method of animation. Various areas of artistic creativity (dramatic performance, theatrical improvisation, visual arts, amateur musical performance, author's types of creativity, etc.) are the main means of animation in the sociocultural environment. The basic principle of applying creativity in socio-cultural animation is art for the participant, not art for the viewer.

The purpose of these forms of creativity is to give more pleasure to the participants than to the audience. In such programs, participants can take turns playing roles, play several roles, act as authors and organizers of their own productions.

Appeal to the forms and methods of animation, moreover, a thorough study of them seems to be relevant for modern Russian reality. This is primarily due to the general course towards the humanization and humanitarization of social relations in our country, with increased attention to the needs and opportunities for self-expression of each individual. Modern pedagogy of the socio-cultural sphere is focused on all age stages of personal development. It provides, on the one hand, the formation of a system of cultural and leisure institutions, public organizations, cooperatives (organizational aspect); and on the other hand, the enrichment of out-of-school educational programs, the expansion of opportunities for acquiring knowledge about human rights, nature conservation, international cooperation and other topical issues (substantive aspect).

In order to form a creative personality with cognitive needs and activity qualities, purposeful integration of all the forces of society is necessary, economic, socio-political, spiritual and informational interaction of the educational and environmental socio-cultural environment is required. It is in this environment that a person forms, develops, improves, manifests his activity essence, reflecting himself in the world and the world in himself.

Modern socio-cultural activity makes a feasible contribution to the process of human socialization, its development in the best spiritual potencies and talents. O. Benard, the theorist of sociocultural animation, expressed the idea that in relation to the requirements that the constantly changing modern society makes, “animation will appear in the near future as the main compensatory, regulatory, catalyzing phenomenon that alleviates cultural wear and tear, renews behavior, views, promotes adaptation and independence; animation is the social response that the system gives to the specific problems that arise in the course of its own evolution.

Socio-cultural animation is a convincing form of "revitalizing social therapy", a kind of palliative to the crisis of Western society with its industrialization, technical development, urbanization, mass culture, and the difficulty of interpersonal communications. Among the areas of animation are the following:

1. Animation work to change the negative attitude of society towards an alienated person.

2. Activities to restore the system of interpersonal relations of the individual (socio-psychological rehabilitation).

3. Formation of adequate self-understanding, self-awareness and self-expression (therapy of the meaning of life - logotherapy).

In France, there are various types of cultural and educational centers, which are called "integrated cultural centers", "socio-pedagogical complexes", etc. At such institutions, training courses, a library, a sports complex, and sometimes a church are created. Children and adults come here. For parents of students, meetings are arranged with teachers, psychologists, career guidance specialists, etc. Sometimes educational institutions take over the functions of such centers, thus involving almost the entire population of the country in the orbit of animation activities.

The specific task of socio-cultural animation is to create special psychological and pedagogical conditions that help overcome psychological obstacles to social interaction.

Socio-cultural animation was a response to the radical shifts in the world community in recent years. Here we mean changes in the structure of production, the expansion of the space of free time, the democratization of public life, the development of new technologies, the movement towards an information-oriented world. In the context of significant social changes, the need of the population for socio-cultural activities aimed at updating knowledge and skills, revealing creative abilities is increasing. In this regard, the work of socio-cultural animators, according to French researchers, should contribute to the free choice of new opportunities for education and personal development, the implementation of civil initiative.

The experience of French animators and their followers in other countries shows that this is a specific area of ​​pedagogical activity, which is characterized by a set of activity methods that allow animators to actively involve team members in cultural and social life. This is the key difference between socio-cultural animation and traditional educational activities based on the idea of ​​bringing culture to the masses as something external. Studying the experience of French animators is one of the sources for updating the theoretical concepts and technologies of modern Russian social and cultural activities.



Tambov State University G.R. Derzhavina, Tambov, Russian Federation, postgraduate student of the Department of Social and Cultural Activities, e-mail: [email protected]

The article deals with the concepts of "recreation" and "animation", special attention is paid to the types of recreational activities and the peculiarities of their organization in the structure of leisure. The author highlights the main characteristics of recreational and animation activities.

Keywords: animation; recreation; sociocultural animation; socio-cultural activities; leisure; recreational activity.

Sociocultural animation (animation -anim: soul - animation, revival) is a special type of socio-cultural activity of both social groups and individuals, based on modern pedagogical and socio-cultural technologies for activating people, taking into account the different social environment.

Sociocultural animation originated in France in 1901, in connection with the introduction of a law on the creation of various non-political associations. By the end of the 20th century, research began on the pedagogy of animation, the role of animators in the organization of sociocultural processes. It was from this period that sociocultural animation began to represent an independent direction of psychological and pedagogical activity in the field of leisure.

In relation to our country, namely the period of Soviet power, we can say that a fairly rich experience has been accumulated in building activities to fill leisure. And although it was not called socio-cultural animation, it was this sphere of social life that was very rich. For the first time, the term "socio-cultural animation" in Russian was introduced by E.B. Mambekov in the early 90s. 20th century In his opinion, the new socio-cultural situation predetermines the requirements for expanding the educational and educational functions of the state and society, including in them:

The development of each person's conscious needs and motives for the rational organization of leisure;

Formation of leisure qualification, culture of leisure as a personality trait,

reflecting the need and ability to constructively use one's free time, to realize it in active recreation, spiritually rich communication, creative activity for the development of the cultural heritage of mankind, the creation of cultural values ​​and the development of one's essential forces;

Direct organization of leisure.

In this regard, it is necessary to clarify that in Russia and abroad the concept of "cultural leisure" has a slightly different meaning, and the work of an animator in our country has its own specifics. This is primarily due to the fact that in Russia leisure is traditionally understood not only as "pure rest", but is of an educational and educational nature.

At present, animation activity is becoming more and more widespread in Russia. The functioning of animation activities occurs in several areas: in the activities of cultural institutions; tourism; mass media; rehabilitation centers; institutions of additional education for children, etc. This, first of all, is connected with the general course towards the humanization and humanitarization of social relations in our country, with increased attention to the needs and opportunities for self-expression of each individual.

An example of the active development of social and cultural animation, both in theoretical and practical aspects, is the international forum "Social and cultural animation: from idea to implementation", which has been organized for five years by the Academy of

Ministry of Culture and Arts of the Tambov State University named after I.I. G.R. Derzhavin and gathers specialists from various parts of Russia, near and far abroad.

The forum is held as an open pedagogical event, which includes plenary sessions, panel discussions and consultations of specialists on the stated problem. Among the issues discussed at the forum are the history of the formation of animation and its theoretical foundations, the features of the development of socio-cultural animation in Russia and abroad, the prospects for scientific research in the field of socio-cultural animation, the role of animation programs in organizing recreational and recreational activities with different age groups. categories of the population, the specifics of the organization of tourist animation and many others.

Forum participants have the opportunity to get acquainted with the practical activities of animators, participate in the best excursion programs of the world's leading tour operators.

As the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of the department of social and cultural activities of the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts N.N. Yaroshenko, “the annual forum “Socio-cultural animation: from idea to implementation” has become a notable event in the scientific life of universities of culture and arts. This is a kind of scientific and practical platform that allows you to "run in" new ideas in the field of training highly qualified personnel in the direction of socio-cultural activities.

The exchange of experience and new theoretical ideas allows the forum to develop recommendations for the further development of socio-cultural animation as one of the most important areas of socio-cultural activity. In addition, the new State Educational Standard of the third generation provides for a special training profile "Socio-cultural animation and recreation", designed to provide training for highly qualified personnel capable of designing and implementing animation programs, organizing outdoor activities and entertainment.

Perhaps, for the first time in the practice of socio-cultural education, the task of training animators with developed competencies in the field of creative rehabilitation, intensive recreation, and socio-psychological consolidation of social groups on the basis of cultural values ​​has been clearly formulated.

Socio-cultural animation is an integral part of the service of hotels, clubs, recreation centers, youth entertainment facilities and shopping centers. Not a single festive event today is complete without an animation program.

Recreation - (from lat. gesgeaio - restoration) - a complex of recreational activities carried out in order to restore the normal state of health and performance of a healthy, but tired person. This term has been introduced into scientific circulation in the United States since the beginning of the 20th century; in Soviet literature on various problems of organizing recreation for the population, it has been used since the 60s. 20th century

Recreation is carried out outside working hours and involves the creative activity of a person, which is due to his internal needs and motives. A necessary condition for the development of recreation is the availability of recreational potential, which can be assessed at different scales: at the level of the world, country, region, etc.

By recreational potential, we understand the organization of recreational activities in a certain area, taking into account socio-economic, cultural, historical and natural factors.

Recreation has a wide range of its manifestations in accordance with age characteristics, interests, physical abilities, intellectual level, tastes of a person. The result of recreational activities is not significant for a person, the process of satisfaction from the implementation of recreational activities has intrinsic value.

An analysis of the scientific literature on the problem of recreation allowed us to come to the conclusion that recreational activities produce a restorative, health-improving effect and include socially justified

dy occupations. Recreational activity enriches the individual, benefits both the individual and society as a whole. However, society must organize and support recreational activities in order to achieve positive results for individual and social development. In addition, participation in recreation is built on a voluntary basis and cannot be carried out under the influence of external pressure, coercion or obligations.

The types of recreational activities are quite diverse. In general, all types of recreation can be divided into two large groups: stationary and mobile. According to age indicators, the rest of preschoolers, schoolchildren, youth, middle-aged people and the rest of the elderly are distinguished. In addition, there are family, individual, mixed, organized and unorganized holidays.

Depending on the preferences of a person, several levels of recreational activities are distinguished.

The first level - "passive recreation" - involves relaxation. The second level of recreation is entertainment: walks, games, dances, holidays, rituals. The third level is associated with the activation of the spiritual interests and needs of the individual, prompting a person to master the complex of cultural values, to social, intellectual and socio-political activity. The fourth level is creativity, which brings a person the highest satisfaction and at the same time is the most effective means of physical and spiritual improvement of a person's personality. The last three levels of recreation refer to active recreation, because for the implementation of these types of leisure activities, it is necessary to expend certain physical and intellectual forces, to show creative activity.

Modern pedagogy of the socio-cultural sphere is focused on all age stages of personal development. It provides, on the one hand, the formation of a system of cultural and leisure institutions, public organizations, cooperatives (organizational aspect); and on the other hand, the enrichment of out-of-school educational programs, the expansion of opportunities to acquire

obtaining knowledge about human rights, nature conservation, international cooperation and other topical issues (substantive aspect).

However, the observations of specialists in the field of animation and recreation note such trends as the spontaneous selection of animators, often without special education, but with creative abilities in a particular field of art or with organizational skills.

Practice shows that in most cultural institutions that have an animation component, mostly outdated, unadapted forms of entertainment that have lost their relevance are used.

Speaking about the staffing of recreational and recreational and animation activities as an urgent problem for our country, one cannot but agree with the opinion of E.I. Grigoryeva about the fact that the modern leisure industry, solving multifaceted tasks (primarily education, the formation of an optimistic mood, education, recreation, the development of human culture), essentially forms and develops a person. Filling part of his free time with entertainment, a person restores himself as a labor unit. However, many cultural and leisure institutions, having an excellent material base, do not use it even half due to the lack of specialists.

In the conditions of Russian reality, socio-cultural animation and recreation acts as a branch of social pedagogy, based on the methods of organizing cultural and leisure activities of the population. And it would be wrong to see only an entertaining, amusement component in animation and recreation.

Modern technologies of socio-cultural animation and recreation involve a comprehensive solution to various problems of personality formation, providing it with the possibility of self-identification as a full-fledged representative of a particular socio-cultural, leisure community, as well as conditions for inclusion in educational, creative and other types of socio-cultural activities.

The technologies of social and cultural animation are most fully considered by N.N. Yaroshenko. In his opinion, socio-cultural animation intertwines philosophical and ideological approaches and various applied practices (from psychotechnical to theatrical). At the same time, socio-cultural animation uses traditional types and genres of artistic creativity as the main methods of "revitalizing and spiritualizing" relations between people, which allows us to recognize it today as an innovative direction in the development of socio-cultural activities. The fundamental novelty of animation activity is manifested in the goals, objectives and applied technologies that determine the process of optimizing interpersonal and intergroup relationships, developing the spiritual and creative qualities of the individual.

The structure of animation activity includes: recreation, relaxation, adaptation, communication, correction, reconstruction, regeneration.

Thus, the following main characteristics of recreational and animation activities can be distinguished:

It has pronounced physiological, psychological and social aspects;

Based on voluntariness in the choice of occupation and degree of activity;

Assumes not regulated, but free creative activity;

Forms and develops personality;

Promotes self-expression, self-affirmation, self-development and self-education of the individual through freely chosen actions;

Satisfies the needs of the individual and stimulates creative initiative.

Among the promising areas of animation work with various categories of citizens, the priority, in our opinion, is the provision of assistance in overcoming difficult life situations and critical states of the individual with the help of psychotherapeutic trainings, rehabilitation

creativity, etc. Applying the technologies of socio-cultural animation and recreation in practice, we get a comprehensive assessment of the crisis situation, the definition of the most constructive ways of behavior in it to achieve the goal.

In our opinion, in order to obtain a high-quality and competitive animation product in existing cultural and leisure institutions, an integral system of animation and recreational activities should be created, and animation, recreational and recreational programs

should be of a complex nature, involving the use of the whole variety of means, forms and methods of influencing a person.

1. Izmailova D.A. Realization of the developing potential of leisure by means of cultural and educational tourism. Vestnik MGUKI. 2007. No. 1 (17).

2. Yaroshenko N.N. Socio-cultural animation and recreation - a new profile of training highly qualified personnel in the direction of socio-cultural activity // Socio-cultural animation: from idea to implementation: materials of the IV International Forum. Moscow; Tambov, 2006.

3. Velikanova E.V. Essence of socio-cultural animation // Socio-cultural animation: from idea to implementation: materials of the international forum: December 8-16, 2009, Sharm el-Sheikh (Egypt) / ed. coll. E.I. Grigorieva, N.N. Yaroshenko. Moscow; Tambov, 2009.

4. Grigorieva E.I. Social orientation of tourist animation development // Social and cultural animation: from idea to implementation: materials of the international forum: December 8-16, 2009, Sharm el-Sheikh (Egypt) / ed. coll. E.I. Grigorieva, N.N. Yaroshenko. Moscow; Tambov, 2009.

5. Yaroshenko N.N. Socio-cultural animation. M., 2000.

Received April 21, 2011

POTENTIAL OF SOCIO-CULTURAL ANIMATION AND RECREATION IN ORGANIZATION OF SOCIAL LEISURE Roman Gennadyevich BELYANSKY, Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov, Russian Federation, Post-graduate Student of Socio-cultural Activity Department, e-mail: [email protected]

The article scrutinizes the notions “recreation” and “animation”, special attention is paid to the type of recreational activity and features of their organization in structure of leisure. The author marks the main characteristics of recreation and animation activity.

Key words: animation; recreation; sociocultural animation; socio-cultural activity; recreation activity.

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