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Types of bindings in magic. Energy connections between a man and a woman. Magic and magical tools

I would like to know more about such studies, if any are being conducted. Thank you in advance!

Yes, this is supported by scientific research. When water is exposed to other influences, such as electromagnetic, acoustic fields, etc., it reacts to them and cannot retain the initially acquired properties and information. This is due to the fact that water molecules, connecting with each other through short-lived hydrogen bonds, form closed structures consisting of tens and even hundreds of water molecules - water associates, or clusters that are able to respond to external influences. In addition, water molecules can additionally take on a variety of states of vibration and rotation. Presumably this is the possibility of storing information with water.

The fact that water has a memory for various chemical and physical (energy) influences and can be a kind of information carrier has recently become increasingly recognized in the scientific world. Vibrations of water molecules can be recorded spectroscopically and, depending on the frequency, can be beneficial or harmful to the body.

Frequencies of vibrations found in water that are unfavorable to the body:

1.8 Hz - corresponds to water containing heavy metals, also recorded in cancerous tissues;

5.0 Hz - causes apathy and nausea in many people;

32.5 Hz is the normal frequency of a quartz clock (upgrading to a 1.0 MHz quartz clock is desirable, however this is currently quite expensive).

Frequencies beneficial to the body include 1.2 Hz, 2.5 Hz, 10.0 Hz, as well as the 7.8 Hz frequency found in nature, called the Schumann frequency, which plays an important role in brain function.

Water, according to some researchers, is a two-phase system - a crystalline liquid with intensive processes of crystal formation, intermolecular bonds (hydrogen bonds) with the formation of conglomerates of hundreds of molecules and an infinite number of possible forms of the liquid crystalline phase in water, which is called a complex lattice structure. Such a lattice system has many different vibrations and produces a large number of natural frequencies. This frequency spectrum is a physical copy of the geometric structure of water and undergoes characteristic changes during certain life processes."

The most striking example is the effect of low-intensity millimeter-wave electromagnetic radiation (EHF radiation), which has been intensively studied over the past 25 years throughout the world on various biological objects (from bacteria to human tissues and organs) and water-based model systems.

A review of existing works on the effect of millimeter waves on biological objects indicates the possibility of the existence of mechanisms for the interaction of EHF waves with cells of plant or animal origin, which affect fundamental aspects of their life activity and the functioning of cell membranes.

The fact that in all living substances the percentage of water content is very high determined the direction of the search for the primary mechanisms of interaction of EHF EMR with biological objects. However, since the latter represent highly organized structures, this can lead to certain difficulties in identifying the mechanisms of the influence of radiation on them, since the high organization of the system significantly complicates the picture of its response to external influences. The problem of EHF impact on water is part of the general problem of the impact of weak external factors of different physical nature, such as electromagnetic waves, radio waves, etc.

The primary target of any radiation is water. The fact that water plays a significant role in the interaction of electromagnetic oscillations with biological objects has been known for a long time. For example, it was experimentally discovered that the action of ultra-high frequency radiation stimulates the formation of hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2 in water. This means that it must contain sufficient quantities of OH – radicals. The same fact of the presence of H 2 O 2 is also observed when water is exposed to radiation, which, although it is of an electromagnetic nature, is harder (its quantum has a higher energy) than EHF EMR.

In addition, water is a source of its own ultra-weak and weak alternating electromagnetic radiation. The least chaotic electromagnetic radiation is created by structured water. In this case, the induction of a corresponding electromagnetic field may occur, changing the structural and information characteristics of biological objects.

Since electromagnetic radiation in the EHF range is strongly absorbed by water, and living objects contain a lot of water, the main effect of the radiation should be observed near the boundary on which the radiation falls, and sharply weaken as it moves away from it. However, experiments with a protein solution did not confirm this. The researchers found that the result of EHF exposure does not depend on the depth or distance to the boundary. Water was exposed to electromagnetic radiation in a wide range of frequencies (from 4 to 100 GHz), and its reaction was observed in the decimeter wave range with a frequency of about 1 GHz (1 GHz = 10 9 Hz). In the 1 GHz range, water's own radiation was recorded.

One of the results of these studies was the presence of resonances in water at frequencies of 50.8 and 51.3 GHz, i.e. When exposed to EHF EMR with such frequencies, a sharp increase in the power of its own radiation was observed in the 1 GHz range. The indicated frequency values ​​are in good agreement with theoretical calculations, based on the hexagonal structure of water.

When studying the impact of EHF EMR on biological objects and identifying the primary mechanisms of this impact, it is necessary to take into account the cluster structure of water. At a phase boundary (the interface between water and gas or water and a solid or, for example, living tissue), clusters line up along the corresponding boundary and unite in their movement. This structure has a large dipole moment, which means it must both respond to an external electromagnetic field and itself be a source of electromagnetic radiation of a certain frequency during thermal motion.

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