Home Useful Tips White bumps on the back of the pepper leaves. Why did pimples appear on the seedlings of peppers? Picking pepper seedlings

White bumps on the back of the pepper leaves. Why did pimples appear on the seedlings of peppers? Picking pepper seedlings

Kira Stoletova

The appearance of the leaves is the main indicator of the health of a plant, instantly revealing the presence of infections, pests or mistakes in care. Pimples on pepper leaves occur quite often. They can be caused by various reasons, from completely harmless to leading to death.

  • Causes of education and symptoms

    Bumps on leaf plates occur due to the presence of one of the following problems:

    • oedema (leaf edema);
    • scale insect or aphid;
    • thrips;
    • spider mite.

    To correctly determine the source of tubercle formation, it is necessary to carefully examine the affected leaf plate using a magnifying glass. Moving pimples indicate the presence of aphids, motionless brown (less often green or cream) - scale insects. White or greenish bumps that look like warts are a symptom of foliage swelling. White blisters and cobwebs are formed when infected with spider mites, and lightened spots on the stems and leaf plates are formed when infected with thrips.

    In addition to the color characteristics of the tubercles, each type of leaf lesion has a number of other symptoms. From them you can understand what the problems are connected with.


    The cause of physiological edema is a failure at the cellular level, due to which the liquid does not have time to be absorbed by the leaves and stagnates in the form of tubercles. This process can be triggered by such factors:

    • excess moisture in the soil;
    • hypothermia of the root system;
    • lack of sunlight or additional light;
    • high air humidity;
    • stress due to a sharp change in temperature and light conditions;
    • too tight planting of the shoots to each other.

    In oedema, green or white tubercles look like watery capsules, dense to the touch. If too many of these pimples form on the leaf blades, the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

    Scabbard and aphids

    The main sign of damage by these pests is the presence on the foliage of a sticky substance (pad), produced in the process of insect life. Seedlings can become infected from the soil or due to the proximity to already diseased crops.

    Symptoms of aphids or scale insects in pepper:

    • growth arrest under proper care conditions;
    • twisting and yellowing of leaf plates;
    • slower growth of sprouts;
    • the presence of a honeydew;
    • a large number of larvae and adult insects on the inner side of the leaf.


    The main external sign of the defeat of pepper by these insects is lightened spots, which over time begin to merge into one. Several generations of pests are formed during the year. Seedlings infested with thrips quickly weaken and die without proper care.

    Thrips are masked on the leaf, located on the back of it. Without a special examination, it is extremely difficult to notice the defeat of these insects at an early stage, but the larger the population becomes, the easier it will be to determine the infection by the yellow color and openwork network of leaf plates.

    Spider mite

    Spider mites mainly inhabit the lower part of the leaf plates, occupying the entire plant as it becomes infected. Adults (10-20 days from the moment of oviposition) very quickly migrate from one bush to another, capturing the entire landing area.

    The tubercles, when infected with a spider mite, are located on the underside of the leaves, and a thin cobweb entwines parts of the shrub. At the extreme stage of damage, the plant can be completely covered with cobwebs. It should be borne in mind that these pests are carriers of a large number of serious viral infections and fungal diseases that are dangerous to plant life.

    Control methods

    Pimples on pepper seedlings can be a herald of serious problems and even plant death. All the more important is timely intervention and a set of measures aimed at improving culture.

    The choice of effective methods of struggle completely depends on the causes of the appearance of pimples. It is also important to consider the general condition of the plant. Sometimes pests have to be removed manually.

    Actions for leaf swelling

    Swelling of the leaves is not a disease, therefore, does not imply treatment, but the following measures should be taken to alleviate the condition of the seedlings:

    • limit the number of waterings;
    • maintain an optimal temperature regime of the air (about 20 ° C);
    • organize drainage holes in containers with seedlings to drain excess moisture;
    • lengthen the duration of daylight hours by connecting daylight bulbs;
    • temporarily cancel fertilization;
    • control the acidity of the soil;
    • distribute the seedling bushes so that there is sufficient air circulation and all the seedlings have access to light.

    The complex of these actions helps to avoid the formation of pimples in the future, if unfavorable environmental conditions served as their cause.

    Actions in case of pest infestation

    If pimples on the leaves of pepper seedlings appear due to harmful insects, it is necessary to promptly carry out a set of measures to combat them:

    • Chemical measures - treatment of the plant with synthetic insecticides (preparations for the destruction of insect pests). This is the most effective method, potentially hazardous to human health; it requires additional safety measures.
    • Physical measures - rinse with soapy water or alcohol, or kill insects by hand.
    • Biological measures - the use of their biological enemies (insects and birds) against pests or the use of microbiological preparations.
    • Natural insecticides - folk recipes, tinctures and decoctions (based on garlic, onions, pepper, tobacco, laundry soap, ash, wormwood, ground red pepper, kerosene, ammonia, etc.).

    When treating a plant, the individual characteristics of each insect species should be taken into account. For example, trixs are extremely resistant to any control measures and require at least 2 treatments in one season (with the use of several drugs at the same time). It is much easier to get rid of a spider mite: it is enough to water the seedling abundantly and put a plastic bag on it for a couple of days, because these insects do not tolerate moisture very well.

    A change in external conditions also contributes to a decrease in the population of insect pests: the introduction of moderate watering, frequent ventilation, isolation of infected plants. The success of the fight depends not only on the use of the correctly selected remedy, but also on when it was started to be used.

    Prevention of the formation of pimples

    The problems associated with the formation of tubercles during the cultivation of pepper seedlings can be avoided by methodically carrying out a set of preventive measures. We include:

    • disinfection of seed (with potassium permanganate solution, ash, "Baktofit" or "Albit");
    • thorough loosening and mulching of the soil;
    • preventive use of insecticides or folk remedies (twice a season);
    • development and use of an optimal watering and humidification system;
    • regulation of plant access to light, the use of additional lighting sources;
    • Growing pepper. Why do pepper leaves and flowers fall? Spider mites and root rot. Video

      Peppers (part 12), we treat against pests 04/27/2015


      Bumps on the leaves are a common sign of unhealthy seedlings. The appearance of pimples can be provoked by the defeat of the plant by pests or a violation of the growing conditions. Timely measures taken can save pepper seedlings and contribute to the formation and ripening of a rich harvest.

      These problems are often faced by novice vegetable growers. By adhering to the recommendations for care, they can be avoided.

    Why do bumps appear on pepper seedlings? Is it a disease, improper care, or pests? How will pepper seedlings behave then? Will the presence of pimples affect the quality of the fruit?

    Pimples appeared on pepper seedlings

    Each seedling of pepper has its own manifestations, and pimples are no exception. But it is possible to determine what it is. If the bumps are brown and remain in place all the time that you observe them, then the seedlings are struck shield. In the presence of a scale insect, they can also be green or cream in color.

    Viral diseases of pepper seedlings

    Viral diseases of pepper seedlings are activated in an unfavorable environment. For example, peppers are at low air temperatures and high humid air. There may be another option: too moist soil, faded lighting. Correct maintenance problems, water in moderation and regularly, monitor how the pepper seedlings behave. If the problem gradually began to disappear, then after a while you can expect its complete disappearance. In the future, continue with proper care and do not lose crops.

    It also happens that the pepper does not want to recover. If the problem is definitely a viral or perhaps bacterial disease, then you need to cut off the damaged areas - leaves, shoots, roots - treat them with biological products, close the wounds with wood ash powder.

    Further care of pepper seedlings

    (2 rated, rating: 5,50 out of 10)

    Bell peppers are one of the vegetable crops that are suitable both for eating raw and for preparing salads, main dishes, and for preservation. But in order to get a rich harvest, it is initially necessary to properly grow and prepare seedlings for open ground.

    And during this period, you can face various troubles, since the culture is quite gentle and demanding on conditions. For example, farmers most often notice that strange white pimples have appeared on pepper seedlings. What caused this phenomenon and how to eliminate it - we will deal in detail with all the reasons in this article.

    The main factors that provoke such damage to seedlings are:

    1. Improper care. This is affected by either excessive soil moisture, or lack of light and fresh air, or both reasons in combination.
    2. Diseases. Peppers most often infect such pests as spider mites, scale insects, aphids.

    Why are pimples on peppers dangerous?

    Each of the causes of damage to seedlings of peppers in the form of pimples carries a certain threat.

    Improper care

    With excessive moisture and lack of light, the leaves begin to "swell", pimples are formed on the seedlings of peppers. All this ultimately leads to Oedem's disease or is popularly called "dropsy of peppers".

    It is not difficult to distinguish such a phenomenon - several leaves are covered with dense, wart-like or white mold-like tubercles, seemingly watery.

    At the same time, part of the root system dies off, and if the care of the seedlings is not corrected in time, it may eventually die completely. If measures are taken in a timely manner, then the situation can be corrected, the plants will recover.

    Spider mite

    It is a sucking arachnid insect. Of all the species of such a pest, peppers are most often affected by one - Tetranychus urticae. He pierces the leaves and sucks the juice out of them, and then weaves a web and lays his eggs in it. The larvae hatch within 25 days.

    The first signs of infection are precisely the strange pimples on the seedlings of peppers. If you do not understand the reason, then further you will observe how the foliage acquires a marble hue, some individual sheets are completely covered with cobwebs.

    As a result of the activity of this pest, plants die on seedlings, since they still do not have enough strength to fight. If the spider mite infects already adults in the open field, then this is fraught with a loss of yield by more than half.


    There are 2 types of pests here - the scale insect itself and the false scale insect. On a plant, both species look like brownish-brownish-yellow plaques or strange pimples. The danger of these pests is that they suck the juice from the leaves, depriving the plant of nutrients. As a result, the leaves turn yellow, dry out, fall off, and the young and still immature plants themselves die.

    Important! It only takes a couple of hours for the larvae of a normal scale insect to hatch from eggs, so infection and damage to pepper seedlings occurs literally with lightning speed.


    Aphids are another fast-growing pest that infests the surface of both stems and leaves. Like other insects, it feeds on aphids on seedling juice, very quickly bringing it into an absolutely unviable state.

    What to do? Control measures to eliminate bumps

    The measures that will be appropriate if bumps appear on the leaves of the peppers depend on the specific cause. Therefore, initially deal with it. Further - act according to the situation, focusing on the recommendations below.

    Unsuitable conditions of detention

    The simplest case, in which it is enough to accurately organize the correct mode of keeping seedlings.

    What to do to remove bumps:

    1. Carefully remove damaged leaves - they cannot be restored.
    2. Reduce watering in the next 2 weeks, taking into account the dosage just below the standard. It is better to use the syringe watering technique directly under the plant roots or in the trays. If this is usually done once every 2-3 days, now the interval can be doubled.
    3. Move the seedling containers to a lighter area with good access to sunlight.


    To combat the spider mite, which caused the appearance of incomprehensible pimples on pepper seedlings, different methods are suitable.

    If everything is in order with watering and maintenance, create conditions of high humidity for several days.

    For this:

    1. Water the seedlings liberally.
    2. Cover with plastic wrap for 3 days.
    3. Make sure that the seedlings themselves do not suffer during this period.

    You can effectively get rid of this pest with the help of special preparations.

    The following tools help a lot:

    • Akarin;
    • Sunmight;
    • Fitoverm;
    • Vermitek.

    Prepare solutions exactly according to the manufacturer's instructions. The procedure is carried out twice with an interval of a week. The foliage is sprayed on both sides.

    Important! Please note that the tick can migrate, including to indoor plants. Therefore, place the seedling containers at a distant distance or better in another room.

    Aphids and scale insects

    If the reason that pimples appeared on the leaves of the peppers is aphids or a scale insect, take urgent measures. To get started, manually clean the foliage from pests with an unnecessary toothbrush.

    1. Wash the leaves with a soapy solution made from 5 g of shavings and 1 liter of water.
    2. Spray the seedlings with a solution of 20 g of liquid soap, a few drops of ammonia and 2 liters of water.
    3. Prepare a solution of wood ash or tobacco dust and water. Proportion - for 1 glass of powder 1 liter of water. Infuse the mixture to combat aphids and scale insects for 1 day. To enhance the mixture, you can add 1 tbsp just before pollination. liquid soap. The treatment is performed every morning for several days in a row, until a clear result is noticeable.

    Also use special chemicals.

    In this case, the following will be effective:

    • "Confidor";
    • "Karbofos";
    • Aktara;
    • Fury;
    • Aktelik;
    • "Phosbecid".

    Prevention measures

    So that there are no more problems with pepper seedlings - neither in the form of incomprehensible pimples, nor other signs of disease or plant death, observe the following preventive measures.

    General rules:

    1. Sow seedlings as early as possible.
    2. Observe the distances between individuals.
    3. Water with warm, preferably settled water.
    4. Normalize the temperature range for the seedlings and provide good access to sunlight.
    5. Remember to loosen the soil.

    Choosing the right soil

    For growing seedlings of peppers, ready-made store-bought soil mixtures, which include all the necessary substances, are excellent.

    If you use land from your site, then:

    • Do not take the soil on which nightshade crops grew last year.
    • The earth is well suited after garlic, carrots or onions, mustard, rye.
    • Add peat and ash to the soil - usually 1 part of the additives is taken for double the volume of the soil itself.

    Disease prevention

    Any disease does not arise from scratch.

    Most often, there are certain prerequisites for this, for example:

    1. Contaminated soil. To eliminate this factor, be sure to disinfect the soil before planting seeds, regardless of whether it is land from your garden or purchased. Choose any convenient technique for this - calcining, steaming, processing with potassium permanganate, freezing.
    2. Infected seed. To protect seedlings from pests, seed treatment before planting with a solution of potassium permanganate will help. Usually, 3-5 g of potassium permanganate powder is diluted in 10 liters of water. The planting material is kept in a disinfectant mixture for about half an hour. A solution of ash is also suitable, for the preparation of which they take 2 tablespoons. powder per 1 liter of liquid. You can also use special preparations, for example, "Albit", "Baktofit".


    It is necessary to harden pepper seedlings in order to prevent the appearance of pimples on the leaves after transplanting into open ground only when the leaves become sufficiently dense and elastic. Otherwise, the result may be the opposite: all seedlings will die.

    Rules of procedure:

    1. Temperature - 10-12C.
    2. The first 2-3 times the seedlings are taken out into the open air for a maximum of 2-3 hours. Further - each time the hardening time is extended by 1 hour. In the end, they leave it for the whole night.
    3. Plants are placed not in the sun, but in the shade.


    The root system of the peppers is very delicate, so the pick is performed very carefully, adhering to the following recommendations:

    1. Make the first pick no earlier than 2 full leaves are formed - approximately a month after planting the seeds.
    2. Disinfect the container into which you will transplant the seedlings. Peat pots are best suited for this purpose, which also serve as a nourishment for peppers.
    3. Prepare a suitable potting mix following the recommendations above.
    4. Take the plants by the top, lower them into a new hole about 5 cm.
    5. Tamp the soil a little and water the seedlings.

    Top dressing

    1. The first feeding of peppers for their full development is carried out on the 14th day after the pick. The second - after another 10 days.
    2. The most effective preparations for feeding seedlings are Krepysh, Lux, Agricola, Fertika.

    Careful attention to seedlings and ensuring normal conditions for their development is the key to a good harvest in the future. Therefore, do not ignore the necessary care measures and respond in a timely manner if you suddenly appear pimples on the leaves of peppers or other damage.

    Back in February, a hardworking summer resident is preparing for the summer season. With love, he buys the best soil for seedlings, takes out his seeds from the bins or buys elite varieties, plants seeds and rejoices in the emergence of seedlings, the first leaves. And when the peppers that have sprung up together have grown a little and begin to ache, this greatly upsets the summer resident who has invested love and the best expectations from a rich harvest. When confronted with seedling disease for the first time, he begins to search the Internet for clues, posting photographs and describing the problem.

    Pepper bumps can appear for various reasons.

    Often there are cries for help, about pimples on young pepper leaves. If pimples appear on the leaves of your pepper seedlings, there may be different reasons, we will try to help you and consider different options. Preventive measures are needed to avoid or minimize seedling disease. All nightshade peppers, tomatoes, eggplants are prone to the same diseases. Agronomists recommend not neglecting crop rotation, not planting solanaceous plants in the same place for up to 3 years, taking breaks.

    Soil and Seed Preparation - Healthy Seedling

    Before you start growing healthy and strong seedlings, you need to carefully prepare the land for planting seeds. If you take your own land, take it not after nightshades, but it is advisable that onions or garlic, carrots grow on it before that. And after harvesting, ideally, green manures (mustard, rye, rape, etc.) were sown, which enrich the soil with nitrogen and improve its quality. But even in this case, it is better to prepare the soil for planting by adding compost or rotted manure, sand for looseness, what a particular crop requires.

    Pepper loves the addition of peat and wood ash. It is necessary to disinfect the earth from diseases.

    If the soil was bought in the best stores and it is beautifully written there how it is saturated with trace elements and useful substances, taken from the best points of the planet Earth from under the most thawed glaciers, and so on, you can believe this, but it is better to steam and disinfect this valuable land. Often it is packaged when changing land in greenhouses and the land, in addition to added fertilizers, is full of a bunch of diseases. How to steam the soil properly?

    There are several methods, in country conditions you can steam in a water bath for half an hour, at home, it is recommended to warm it up in the oven no higher than 70 degrees for half an hour. You can use freezing in winter by exposing the soil to low temperatures, or it is good to shed the soil for seedlings with a hot solution of potassium permanganate until it evaporates completely.

    The land purchased in the store should be steamed in a water bath.

    Seed preparation

    Seedling diseases do not come from anywhere. Their suppliers are contaminated soil and seeds. If you want to avoid the questions "what are the pimples on the leaves of my pepper?" - take preventive measures. This will significantly reduce the risk of disease and bring the desired harvest closer. Seeds of their own or purchased - must be disinfected, or, as experienced gardeners say, "etched". How to do it? For disinfection of seeds, it is recommended to lower them for 30-40 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

    It can be disinfected with ready-made, low-toxic agents: "Baktofit", "Albit" or with a solution of ash in a ratio with water for 1 liter of water 2 tablespoons of wood ash. Dip the seeds in the solution for 5 hours in a gauze bag. If you do these simple manipulations, the risk of getting diseases of pepper seedlings will be minimal. But if the disease is already there and the information is late, we will figure it out.

    Bactofit effectively destroys fungi and bacteria

    Pimples on peppers

    What are these pimples on the leaves of tender pepper seedlings? Let's consider the options. The most harmless of the options, you overflow your seedlings and there is not enough light for it. In such a situation, swelling of the leaves occurs, Oedema. This problem is more common in greenhouses, it is necessary to reduce watering and reduce humidity by ventilation. At home, it is enough to change the conditions, reduce watering and change the place to a more sunny one and the problem will disappear.

    Another cause with similar symptoms of the disease is spider mites. First, "pimples" appear on the leaves of pepper, similar to white bubbles, then the spread increases, and cobwebs appear. The mite is harmful to seedlings. One of the methods of dealing with it is to create conditions of high humidity in which the tick dies. Water the plant abundantly and cover with plastic for 3 days. Make sure that the pepper itself does not suffer and does not burn in this shake from the high temperatures of the "greenhouse".

    Of the ready-made chemicals for tick control, the following are suitable:

    • Fitoverm;
    • Akarin;
    • Vermitic;
    • Sunmight.

    When moisturizing spraying, carry out the procedure in the morning or in the evening, otherwise water droplets can burn pepper leaves with the help of the sun and you will rack your brains about the cause of new, burn spots.

    Spider mite on pepper leaves

    Aphids, scale insects and false scale insects can cause bumps or pimples on the foliage of young pepper. These pests can pass from houseplants, even if you have prepared the soil and seeds. For aphids and scale insects, the appearance of the honeydew allocated by them is characteristic - a sticky liquid on a leaf. The false scale does not emit such a secret, and it can only be distinguished easily by separating it from the shell. How to protect the plant from these pests? Soap-ammonia solution works effectively. Add 20 grams of liquid soap and ammonia to 2 liters of water, process the plant.

    Of the finished chemicals, the following are effective:

    • Karbaphos;
    • Fury;
    • Confidor;
    • Aktara.

    The shield itself must be cleaned by hand, using a toothbrush or a cloth moistened with alcohol (soap) solution. After removing the pest, it is necessary to treat it with Aktelik, Fosbecid solutions. The use of neem oil is recommended, promising a good effect against pests.

    Hardening of seedlings

    It is not necessary to harden pepper seedlings until the leaves become dense, since they are extremely sensitive to strong drops in temperature. It is enough for the temperature to drop to + 12, as the young leaves will instantly wither, and in the future they will die. It should be remembered that any seedlings will grow more slowly in the cold. The plant can be taken out only in a closed balcony and in sunny weather. To prevent the soil from drying out, it is necessary to monitor regular watering and spraying.

    Only strong and well-formed pepper seedlings can be hardened.

    Important points when growing

    • it is necessary to start sowing pepper as early as possible;
    • be sure to observe the distance between plants;
    • dive sprouted seedlings in a timely manner, trying not to damage the root system;
    • carry out frequent spraying;
    • carry out abundant watering with warm water;
    • observe the temperature regime;
    • selection of high-quality soil for sowing seeds;
    • timely loosening of the soil;
    • during the fertilization period, observe the dosage of the drugs;
    • it is necessary to plant the plant in areas where there is no shade. The more sun, the better for the pepper;
    • tie up the plant if necessary.

    You cannot insure yourself against all diseases, but forewarned means armed. For a gardener, you need to know preventive measures, methods of struggle and get a good harvest of pepper through labor.

    Avoid epidemics in your garden, and if this happens, try to provide the necessary assistance to your plants in a timely manner.

    Getting a large harvest of beautiful peppers is the dream of every gardener. Only dreaming is one thing, but making your dreams come true is another. When growing a vegetable, there are two main dangers, the presence of which reduces all work to zero. One of these dangers is disease. Moreover, the diseases are not only those from which you need to defend yourself already in the garden, there by itself, but those that develop in cups, when the seedlings are only getting stronger. What can threaten pepper seedlings at the stage of their cultivation?

    Infectious diseases

    Black bacterial spot

    At the beginning, small watery spots appear on the leaves, after a while the spots darken, a yellow stripe appears along the contour, then the leaves dry and die off. To prevent the disease, you must:
    - qualitatively disinfect the seeds, since black spot is transmitted precisely through the planting material;
    - near the seedlings, maintain the temperature at + 25-29 ° С;
    - ventilate the room;
    - spray young plants with Bordeaux mixture (1%).

    If pepper seedling leaf disease is hard to bear, preventive methods and simple remedies do not help, they switch to more serious drugs. In this case, contain the disease, and if possible, "Baktofit", "Fitolavin" or "Gamair" will help to completely get rid of it.


    The most "popular" sore of young plants. At home, it may appear due to carelessness or banal laziness, or "come" into a house with poorly disinfected soil. If these two points coincide, then the fungus will definitely be on the leg of the plant. What does this black leg look like? When the fungus has activated, a darkening in the form of a ring forms on the leg near the ground itself, the ring rots over time, the plant dies. So that the disease does not appear at all, you cannot:
    - use the soil from the garden without processing;
    - thicken the planting;
    - water a lot;
    - keep the soil in a hardened, not loosened state.

    If the black leg manifests itself, they switch from prevention to treatment or suspension of the disease.

    1. The soil is spilled with a disinfectant - a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

    2. After that, the soil in the places of infection is covered with calcined sand (preferably fine and river sand) so as to close the dark ring on the stem. You can replace potassium permanganate with a solution (3%) of copper sulfate.

    3. In the case when the plant does not want to recover in any way, it is removed.

    After the preliminary procedures, first planting, and after a couple of days, the soil is treated with the preparations "Fitosporin", "Bactofit" or "Fitolavin".

    Downy mildew (downy mildew)

    Perinosporosis for pepper seedlings is not a typical disease, but sometimes it manifests itself and you need to know what to do with it. When plants are infected, yellow spots of various sizes appear on the leaves, which over time increase, darken, the leaves, and then the plant disappears. The disease develops on thickened plantings in stuffy rooms. The first thing to do to diseased plantings is to spray them:
    - water with soda (dissolve 2 tablespoons of soda in a bucket of water);
    - sulfur solution (in 3 liters of water dissolve 20 grams of the substance);
    - Bordeaux liquid (1%).

    From the means more feasible use "Gamair", "Ridomil Gold", "Glyokladin" or "Kuproksat".

    White rot (sclerotinosis)

    The disease is somewhat similar to the black leg. Only here, instead of a dark ring on the stem, a white coating of fungus appears, gradually spreading up the plant. Infection of plantings occurs if it is cold in a room with seedlings (below + 15 ° C), damp, ventilation is not carried out. At the onset of the disease, pepper seedlings are processed:
    - lime fluff, if there is no such in the farm, then wood ash;
    - milk whey (2 liters per 6 liters of water).

    An advanced disease is treated with Oxyhom, Profit, Previkur or Abiga-Peak drugs. As a prophylactic agent for sclerotinosis, a solution is suitable: water - 10 liters, copper sulfate - 2 g, - 10 g, zinc sulfate - 1 g. Solution for foliar dressing.

    Non-communicable diseases

    Bumps appeared on the leaves

    Not always sweet pepper seedling leaf disease has such that they need to be treated with folk or chemical means. Problems often arise, the solution of which boils down to correcting mistakes made during planting maintenance. True, sometimes harmful animals "bring" plants to disease, but this is a separate conversation. Nevertheless, in both cases, the seedlings are cured. But now about the pimples and why they appear. May be:
    - plants do not have enough sun and at the same time there is an excess of moisture;
    - aphids have settled on the leaves;
    - the planting was occupied by spider mites.

    In the first case, treatment is reduced to restoring the growing conditions for seedlings. Regarding harmful animals, and methods of their destruction were discussed in the previous article. By the way, aphids and mites, in addition to pimples, can cause curling of leaves.

    There are white spots on the leaves

    It so happens that the rules of cultivation are observed, everything is done as needed, and the leaves of young plants are covered with spots. What is the reason? There are several reasons for this trouble.

    1. Spots appear if the cups with seedlings are in the sun, and water drops fall on the leaves during watering.

    2. Drops of top dressing on the plant also lead to discoloration of the leaf surface. The plant gets burned. Only in the first case, when watered - solar, and with careless handling of dressings - chemical.

    An insufficient amount of potassium in the soil is another reason for the appearance of light spots. The introduction of a solution of potassium nitrate into the soil (1 tsp. Fertilizer per 2 liters of water) helps to correct the situation. In the absence of such, a solution of wood ash is suitable (1 tbsp. L. Without a slide per liter of water).

    Leaves curl

    Sometimes the leaves of pepper seedlings begin to curl. Why?

    First. The plants are missing something. In particular, if there is little potassium in the soil, the leaves simply curl. If phosphorus, then plus to twisting, they begin to turn yellow. This happens, for example, when they forgot to feed the plantings. To restore the balance of trace elements, solutions will be required: the first - water (10 liters) and a teaspoon of potassium nitrate, the second - the same amount of water plus 600 grams of ammophoska.

    Second. The entire leaf grows unevenly, that is, it curls due to the fact that the hard veins lengthen faster, the pulp gains volume more slowly. But here you don't need to fix anything, everything comes back to normal over time.

    Third. Spider mites and aphids again. The vital activity of these harmful individuals on the plant leads to curling of the leaves.

    If, according to the gardener, leaf twisting is not associated with the listed reasons, then you should check the "components" of the microclimate in the room with the seedlings - temperature, humidity, lighting. Deviation from the norm of something will lead to disease of the seedlings of peppers, with the subsequent waste of the time required to treat it.

    Leaves turn yellow

    Pepper seedlings in cups or seedlings transplanted into open ground begin to turn yellow if:
    - the glass is smaller than needed, the roots have grown in a small volume, intertwined, began to die off;
    - the plantings do not have enough nitrogen, fertilizing with urea is required (a tablespoon of fertilizer per bucket of water);
    - improper watering, little or much water;
    - it is cold for landings at night, the temperature is below plus 12 ° С;
    - the roots were damaged during transplantation into the open ground.

    For the information of novice gardeners. When planting pepper seedlings in the beds, you should not only be careful so that the root system is not damaged. Digging in the plant roots in the hole, you also need to level it.

    Seedlings grow poorly

    A nuisance of those when the seeds were planted, the sprouts hatched, even a few leaves appeared, and that's it. Further, the pepper either does not grow at all, or very badly. What influenced growth and what should be done?

    1. Poor planting material. The seeds somehow sprouted in the damp ground, and then - stop. There is nothing to help here, except perhaps to try to reanimate the plants with top dressing, although it is unlikely. Better to transplant everything.

    2. About dressing. An excessive number of them, in principle, like their lack, inhibit growth.

    3. Incorrect planting of seeds, namely, deepening them into the soil. Too deep planting, and the germination time, and further development of plants is delayed. Everything will work out if you pick a little soil from a glass of pepper.

    Lack of light, improper watering (little or a lot of water), low air temperature (should be 22-26 ° C) will also prevent the seedlings from being full.

    Advice! According to practicing gardeners, if the pepper seedlings have stopped growing, they immediately begin to grow as needed, if they are transplanted into another container with fresh soil and poured with a solution of calcium nitrate (1 tbsp. L. Nitrate per 10 liters of water).

    Seedlings wither

    Excluding pests and diseases, there are several reasons to become lethargic in pepper seedlings, but they are all at the level of the human factor, and therefore must be corrected. Plants wither when:
    - are in direct sunlight all day;
    - the soil is either very wet or dry;
    - there are drafts in the room;
    - high humidity;
    - the soil is skinny, there is no additional dressing.

    There is nothing to treat, of course. All the diseased will grow as soon as the causes of the disease are eliminated.

    Seedlings are pulled

    The disease is artificial, provoked by the person himself. Simply put, when the plantings are not watched, they grow. Reasons for pulling seedlings.

    First. The seeds were sown in one container densely, it turned out not a small bed, but thickets. With proper watering, the plants will not have enough light, they will begin to stretch. It happens the other way around. If the seeds are planted according to the scheme, there is enough light for the grown peppers, but they are watered excessively, the plants will also stretch.

    Second. A certain air temperature is required for just emerging sprouts. During the day, 17-19 ° C, at night about 15 ° C. At a higher temperature, the seedlings grow sharply.

    Third. When everything is correct, and there is little lighting, the pepper will “look for the sun”. Lighting is added by exposing the cups to the "sunniest" window, plus backlight lamps.

    Top dressing is not the least important for the health of seedlings. In the soil, without anything, nothing grows. Rather, the plant stretches, but nothing comes out. The first feeding of peppers is carried out as soon as 2-3 leaves have appeared. For the first time, gardeners recommend fertilizer "". In the future, you can go to "Shining-2", "" or "Epin".

    On this disease, the seedlings of peppers ended, of the main ones - that's all. Having understood the causes of a particular disease, it becomes clear that all diseases are largely provoked by the person himself, by his laziness or carelessness. Therefore, paying attention first to the preparation of seeds and soil, and then to the grown young plants, you can be sure that the pepper seedlings will either not hurt at all, or just a little.

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