Home Useful tips State training according to 44 Federal Laws. Courses on government procurement and commercial tenders. Education requirements for contract service employees

State training according to 44 Federal Laws. Courses on government procurement and commercial tenders. Education requirements for contract service employees

Procurement training is an additional educational program for specialists involved in procurement to meet state and municipal needs. The purpose of the programs is to improve existing competencies and (or) obtain students involved in procurement for state, municipal and corporate needs, new competencies in the field of functioning of the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs, and (or) increase professional level within the framework of existing qualifications in the field of procurement.

Federal Law No. 44-FZ dated April 05, 2013 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, and services to meet state and municipal needs” entered into force and introduced new requirements for state and municipal customers. It has been established that procurement must be carried out by qualified specialists who have professional education in the field of procurement and have the necessary knowledge and skills.

In order to carry out work today and provide services to meet state and municipal needs, you need to be a successful and sought-after specialist in this market, you need to improve the level of your professional competencies. Receiving additional professional education can play a significant role in this matter.

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In accordance with the requirements of the law on the contract system, contract service employees and contract managers must have an education in the field of procurement. Questions often arise about what kind of education we are talking about. In this article we will look at what types of public procurement training currently exist and where is the best place to get such training.

All customers, without exception, are required to create or assign. Legislative requirements are established for them, and one of them is: customers are required to improve the level of qualifications and professional education of employees of contract services and commissions, including through advanced training or professional retraining in the field of procurement (Article 9 No. 44-FZ).

According to the requirements for the professional composition of the customer’s commission and the composition of the contract service, the commission must be formed from persons who have undergone professional retraining or advanced training in the field of procurement or who have special knowledge related to the procurement object (Part 5 of Article 39 No. 44-FZ). Contract service employees and contract managers must have higher education or additional professional education in the field of procurement (Part 6, Article 38 No. 44-FZ).

Distance online course “Management of state and municipal procurement:, or . Advanced training according to 44-FZ with the issuance of a certificate.

So that customers can conduct their purchases competently and not fall under unscheduled inspections and fines from regulatory authorities, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia has developed recommendations that, in fact, are direct guidelines for action.

See Guidelines for the implementation of additional professional development programs in the field of procurement.

Regulations and deadlines

The minimum period for mastering advanced training programs in the field of procurement must be at least 108 hours for employees of contract services and purchasing commissions of the customer. For managers of customer organizations - at least 40 hours.

Recommended forms of training are full-time and part-time. If an educational organization conducts training on a part-time basis, then the full-time (classroom) part must be at least 40 hours (for heads of customer organizations - at least 16 hours).

During training, distance educational technologies can be used, including online classes using Internet resources. The essence of this form of training is simple. A person gets access to educational materials (most often this is a course of video lectures) and, after studying the materials, completes homework (takes testing). Based on the test results, a corresponding certificate of advanced training is issued. All that is required from a person is free time, a computer and Internet access. He chooses the time of his training independently.

Online training is convenient because the employee does not take time off from his main job and undergoes training at a time convenient for him. In modern conditions, this form of training is very relevant, since almost every person has a computer (laptop, tablet, smartphone) and Internet access.

It must be remembered that in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 76 of Law No. 273-FZ the following may be allowed to master additional professional programs:

  • persons with secondary vocational and (or) higher education;
  • persons receiving secondary vocational and (or) higher education.

Please note that, according to methodological recommendations, specialists of the customer’s contract service must undergo retraining every three years.

Where can I get training in public procurement?

We recommend attending seminars and conferences on 44-FZ and 223-FZ. In addition, for those who have no time, there is a convenient format - webinars. You can find out all the latest information from the world of procurement with practical application without leaving your home or without leaving your workplace. By the way, participants can ask questions online on topics that interest them.

Our experts review the most current and important topics. You will refresh your knowledge, learn all the innovations, and figure out how to properly participate in electronic trading. Webinars will be useful for both beginners and experienced professionals.

If you decide to improve your qualifications and obtain the appropriate document, then electronic trading courses are suitable for you. There is quite a large selection of such educational programs on the Internet. But please note that courses for customers and suppliers may differ greatly. For example, specialists in the field of government procurement are trained in procurement planning, drawing up schedules and procurement plans, posting information and working in the Unified Information System, concluding contracts, etc. The course program for suppliers may include information about digital signatures, training on passing accreditation at sites, drawing up applications for participation, selection, evaluation and participation in tenders, obtaining a bank guarantee, and ways to defend your interests.

We provide face-to-face and distance training in tenders. You can gain valuable knowledge while being in Moscow or in any corner of Russia. You can check the class schedule and get advice on the optimal form of training for you from our specialists.

Individual intensive training in Moscow

Designed for one person or a group of up to 5 people representing one organization. The direction of training is the same for everyone and is determined during an initial consultation with the specialist who will conduct it. Geographically, training is carried out at our training center in Moscow in Sokolniki or with a visit to your office within the Moscow Ring Road.

Distance learning throughout Russia

Distance training in tenders is carried out using Skype and is designed for one person. The direction of the training process is discussed with a practitioner before training.

Intensive group training in Moscow

It is carried out when recruiting a group of no more than 6-8 people of the same level. Group training follows a pre-planned program with answers to questions from each participant.

An individual approach allows you to flexibly build the program, depth and schedule of training to effectively solve your problems.

“Contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works and services”, 144 teaching hours, on the basis of the corporate department of Sberbank-AST.

Head of the department: Ph.D. Nikolay Yuryevich Andreev - Advisor to the President, Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, General Director of Sberbank-AST CJSC

The program includes () materials on work in accordance with 44-FZ. In-person classes (including a workshop on working on the Sberbank-AST electronic trading platform) can be conducted both in Moscow and in other regions. The training materials provided are constantly updated. The time and place of face-to-face classes is agreed upon with the students. For a group of 5 or more people, the teacher can come to you to conduct classes (Moscow and the Moscow region. In other regions, the size of the group for on-site classes is agreed upon).

Duration of training - 3 weeks. The cost of training is 18,000 rubles.

After completing the training, consultations by phone and email are free and without time limits!

License for the right to carry out educational activities, series AAA No. 001088, registration No. 1063, issued on March 21, 2011 by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, for an unlimited period.

Full-time courses

“Management of state and municipal procurement”, 108 teaching hours: classes 2 weeks, 5 days a week. .
Place of classes: Moscow, Aviamotornaya metro station.

The cost of advanced training is RUB 24,800.

The program includes workshops in a computer class on working on the official website and electronic trading platforms. Start dates for full-time studies:

Duration of training - 3 weeks without traveling to Moscow
The cost of training is 15,000 rubles.

Materials, tests, answers to questions - at a time convenient for students. As surveys of listeners show, the result significantly exceeds their expectations.

Program « Contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works and services» , 144 teaching hours:

August, 26th there are places
9th of September there are places

After completing the training, consultations by email are free and without time limits!

Conditions necessary for completing training using distance learning technologies:
Availability of a computer with Internet access;
Availability of an email address;
Computer experience at user level.

Those who complete the training receive:
certificate of advanced training under the program of additional professional education

The right to free and ongoing consultations on operational issues.

The certificate gives specialists the right to be a member or chairman of procurement commissions, an employee or head of a contract service, a contract manager, and the organizations where these specialists work, the right to act legitimately in the field of organizing and conducting tenders.

Issues related to advanced training, incl. training in accordance with 44-FZ, and the issuance of corresponding certificates, are under the control of supervisory authorities and regulated by regulatory legal acts.

Federal Law 44 (Law on the Contract System) contains a provision for the preferential inclusion in the commission of persons who have undergone professional retraining or advanced training. Also, all contract service employees or contract managers must undergo special training (advanced training courses).

In accordance with the Action Plan for the implementation of Federal Law No. 44-FZ of April 5, 2013 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, and services to meet state and municipal needs,” the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia have created a working group that should submit to The Government of the Russian Federation proposals for the formation of a personnel training system in the field of procurement (Article 9 of the Federal Law).

Currently, methodological recommendations have been sent to educational institutions conducting advanced training courses in the field of procurement. It is recommended to prepare training programs of at least 108 academic hours ( 72 hour programs are only suitable for suppliers!) and be sure to conduct a final certification.

Advanced training course “Contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” for training specialists in the field of procurement, updating their knowledge and skills in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ.

For contract service specialists and contract managers, managers and members of procurement commissions.

The content and scope of the course fully comply with the “Methodological recommendations for the implementation of additional professional development programs in the field of procurement” dated 03/12/15 of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development and the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, as well as the Professional Standard “Procurement Specialist”, approved by order of the Russian Ministry of Labor dated 09/10/15 No. 625n. The lectures include methodological explanations of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation on procurement using various methods of determining a supplier (contractor, performer), as well as recommendations from practitioners in the field of procurement.

The training program has a practical orientation and is structured according to the logic and sequence of actions of the customer in organizing the work of the contract service and contract manager in accordance with the Contract System defined by Federal Law No. 44-FZ. Students who successfully complete the course are issued a Certificate of Advanced Training in the established form.

Tuition fees and discount programs

Currently, there is a special price offer for training in the advanced training course “Contract system in the field of procurement for state and municipal needs (44-FZ)”.


Part-time form

Remote form

From the above price offers there are discounts on training for socially significant customer organizations, as well as a discount on the number of students sent for training from one organization.

A 10% discount is provided to kindergartens, social security agencies, medical institutions, educational institutions, scientific organizations and orphanages.

A 20% discount on training is provided for ten or more students under one contract, as well as for organizations of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol.

If there is a significant number of group students sent for training by the customer, as well as when concluding a second and subsequent training contracts, we may offer an additional individual discount on training, or additional free expert and consulting services for the customer organization.

Features of our training according to 44-FZ

The VShDO training center was created as an educational institution of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Samara Region. Expert and consulting work in the field of organizing state and municipal procurement for more than 15 years is one of our core competencies. The courses are based on many years of experience of specific specialists - we teach only what we successfully do ourselves.

  • Courses on 44-FZ are taught only by teachers who have extensive practical experience in the field of procurement, which allows students to gain real knowledge and substantive answers to emerging questions.
  • We use a modern distance learning system that is as close as possible to the face-to-face format, with a simple and comfortable interface for the listener and the ability to constantly communicate with teachers.
  • Regulatory documents related to the advanced training course under 44-FZ are constantly available in the form of a legal framework structured by topic, which we continuously keep up to date.
  • As an additional privilege, students who successfully complete our advanced training courses on 44-FZ receive free consulting support in the field of procurement for three months.
  • At the request of the customer, if a group of students is completed, our teachers are ready to conduct training on 44-FZ on the customer’s territory with on-site visits to conduct face-to-face classes.
  • If you choose a full-time or part-time course of study, the student can independently choose the number of full-time classes based on the level of existing training and master the rest of the course according to 44-FZ without interrupting work.

When conducting face-to-face classes, not only Federal Law No. 44-FZ and related regulatory documents are considered, but also civil, antimonopoly, budget and labor legislation, anti-corruption legislation, the basics of office work and archiving, as well as other aspects necessary for a full-fledged and competent work in accordance with the norms of current legislation.

When working with customers, we focus on the needs of specific students and are ready, in the event of concluding an agreement to train a group of employees, to include in our course program additional materials on the specifics of procurement of your organization. If there is a need for an in-depth study of work practices in the field of procurement, individual training for the student is possible according to a separate curriculum.

Curriculum for advanced training course on 44-FZ 144 hours

Name of sections and disciplines




practical lessons

Module 1. General principles and provisions of the contract system

02.001 Introduction to the specialty. Fundamentals of the contract system.

02.002 Features of the contract system. Planning and justification of purchases. Monitoring, control, audit and protection of the rights and interests of procurement participants.

02.003 General provisions for procurement.

Analysis of examples, exercises. Answers to questions on the topics of sections 02.001-02.003.

Completing the training assignment and testing on the topics of sections 02.001-02.003.

Carrying out practical tasks as part of the preparation of the final work.

Consultation with the teacher on sections 02.001-02.003, which students might have difficulty studying.

Module 2. Regulatory framework of the contract system

02.004 Requirements for procurement participants, evaluation of applications and description of the procurement object.

02.005 Contracts. General requirements.

02.006 Execution, modification and termination of the contract.

Completing practical assignments on topics 02.004-02.006.

Analysis of examples, exercises. Answers to questions on the topics of sections 02.004-02.006.

Completing the training assignment and testing on the topics of sections 02.004-02.006.

Consultation with the teacher on sections 02.004-02.006, which students might have difficulty studying.

Module 3. Competition. Normative base

02.007 Competition. Notice, tender documentation, submission of applications.

02.008 Competition. Opening envelopes, reviewing applications, concluding a contract.

02.009 Competition with limited participation, two-stage competition, closed competition.

Completing practical assignments on topics 02.007-02.009.

Analysis of examples, exercises. Answers to questions on the topics of sections 02.007-02.009.

Completing the educational assignment and testing on the topics of sections 02.007-02.009.

Consultation with the teacher on sections 02.007-02.009, which students might have difficulty studying.

Module 4. Electronic auction. Normative base

02.010 Auction in electronic form. Notice, documentation about the auction, submission of applications.

02.011 Auction in electronic form. Review of applications, procedure.

02.012 Auction in electronic form. Conclusion of a contract.

Completing practical assignments on topics 02.010-02.012.

Analysis of examples, exercises. Answers to questions on the topics of sections 02.010-02.012.

Completing the educational assignment and testing on the topics of sections 02.010-02.012.

Consultation with the teacher on sections 02.010-02.012, which students might have difficulty studying.

Module 5. Other methods of procurement

02.015 Purchase from a single supplier.

Completing practical assignments on topics 02.013-02.015.

Analysis of examples, exercises. Answers to questions on the topics of sections 02.013-02.015.

Completing the educational assignment and testing on the topics of sections 02.013-02.015.

Consultation with the teacher on sections 02.013-02.015, which students might have difficulty studying.

Test exam

Consultations to prepare for the control exam (final certification work).

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