Home Useful Tips How to get pregnant quickly: reliable and proven ways, folk remedies for a quick pregnancy the first time. How to get pregnant quickly and what to do if it doesn't work out How to get pregnant quickly 7 secrets of the posture

How to get pregnant quickly: reliable and proven ways, folk remedies for a quick pregnancy the first time. How to get pregnant quickly and what to do if it doesn't work out How to get pregnant quickly 7 secrets of the posture

Text: Denise Mann, Louise Chang

Not sure how to get pregnant fast? Although you have been ready to become a mother for a long time, and do you treat this with the same zeal as you once did your career? Alas, there is one caveat - you have to wait, and you do not know for sure how much.

7 tips to tell you how to get pregnant

In order to make this wait as short as possible, use the advice of experts - the luminaries of gynecology.

  • 1 Get a medical examination Before you officially start "trying", go through a medical examination. Ask your doctor about prenatal vitamins that contain folic acid, which will reduce the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus. Take a course of vitamins before trying to get pregnant. If you have any health problems, they should be monitored by a doctor until pregnancy. In the meantime, stop by the dentist, drugstore, bookstore, and gym.
  • 2 Stick to the cycle Women should know their cycle and favorable days for pregnancy. Ovulation is the optimal time for fertilization. This is the best time to focus on sex. You can also use special home medicine kits that accurately inform you when you are ovulating. Consider this: The first day of your menstrual period is day one. Start checking from the ninth and continue until you get a positive result.
    Women with a 28-day cycle usually ovulate on day 14, but there are also individual differences, so a 100% guarantee cannot be given.
    Contraceptive use plays a role in birth control. Women spend half of their lives trying to avoid getting pregnant using all kinds of birth control pills or other contraceptive methods, so there is nothing strange about not getting pregnant immediately after giving up these means. Several years ago, there was an opinion that it should take some time after you stopped taking birth control, but now this opinion is no longer true. You may be wondering how to get pregnant immediately after giving up contraceptives. The only problem is that it can be difficult for you to track your ovulation process the first time.
  • 3 Don't waste time trying to find the right poses. There are myths about the correct postures for quick fertilization, but in fact, there is no scientific evidence that the missionary position is better for conception than the position in which the woman is on top. Theoretically speaking, it is better not to forget about the law of gravity, which acts in certain positions, slowing down the flow of sperm.
  • 4 Lie down after sex You've probably heard this advice on how to get pregnant as soon as possible - they say, you need to lie down in bed after sex with your legs up? It is not right. It is good advice to lie down for 10 to 15 minutes, but there is no need to lift your legs up. The position of the pelvis does not change with these acrobatic stunts. But if you stay in the supine position for 10-15 minutes, then the sperm will surely get into the cervix.
  • 4 Do not overdo it Constant sex during ovulation does not necessarily increase your chances of getting pregnant. The value of male sperm decreases with frequent ejaculation. Generally, having sex every night during ovulation doubles your chances since sperm can remain active for up to 72 hours. But, if you enjoy having sex more often, your partner may have a semen test after a few ejaculations. The test will help determine the level of sperm activity.
    Speaking of good sperm reproduction, experts recommend not wearing tight clothes, not going to the sauna too often, and not wearing a cell phone in the genital area. A recent study published in the journal Fertility and Infertility found that men who used a hands-free device while leaving their phone in their pants pocket, in the groin area, had a drop in sperm quality.
  • 5 Try to relieve stress The stressful condition associated with trying to conceive a child can affect ovulation. It can also cause sexual dysfunction and fear of possible failure in men. Take advantage of any healthy opportunities that can help you relax.
  • 6 Lead a healthy lifestyle Exercising regularly is beneficial, but excessive exercise can lead to a lack of ovulation. While this threshold is largely individual, experts believe that exercising seven days a week for 45 to 50 minutes a day can lead to problems with ovulation. This does not mean that you need to give up physical activity, you just need to lower the intensity level.
    • If you are a stickler for strenuous exercise, this can affect the second half of your menstrual cycle.
    • The best option for a healthy lifestyle would be 30 minutes of aerobic activity, such as walking, as well as a correct diet and correct diet will help you to conceive a child faster.
    • Quit smoking. Nicotine, in addition to all the known negative effects of influence, also reduces fertility. Cigarettes affect estrogen levels and ovulation.

    85% of women can get pregnant within the first year of trying. If a year has passed, and you still have not started buying baby clothes, contact your doctor. Women over 35 are advised to see a doctor after six months of unsuccessful attempts.

The birth of a child is the most important event in the life of every married couple. After all, procreation is the main purpose of every person. The expectation of pregnancy is very exciting, and its happy ending is two cherished strips on the test, which are carefully kept by the mother for the rest of her life.

Such joy overtakes someone suddenly and can even upset. And some women have been trying for years to learn the joy of motherhood, but despite their efforts, they still cannot fulfill their main dream.

Seven ways to get pregnant quickly.

Use ovulation tests

Doctors advise women with irregular cycles to use them. They are needed in order to choose the most effective time for lovemaking in terms of getting pregnant.

In this case, the best result is promoted by intercourse every two to three days throughout the entire cycle.

Check the condition of the reproductive system

Fertility potential can only be determined by a doctor. If a woman has abnormal bleeding, incomprehensible discharge, irregular cycles and painful periods, then it is quite advisable to consult a doctor.

It is necessary to visit specialists - urologist and gynecologist regularly so as not to miss a dangerous disease.

Avoid junk food

Those who consume unhealthy food containing unhealthy fats should give it up immediately.

Do not abuse alcohol

Guy Godkin says alcoholic beverages damage sperm and cause irreparable harm to a woman's ovaries.

In the female body, its excess can provoke disturbances in the sensitive hormonal system.

In men, alcohol affects blood glucose levels. Excess glucose contributes to a decrease in folate levels, which in turn leads to damage to sperm cells.

Reduce your caffeine intake

Excess caffeine in the body can lead to increased production of the stress hormone (adrenaline).

This level of adrenaline can damage the cells of the uterus and reduce the quality of the eggs in women. In men, it provokes increased sperm production, which depletes the body, depriving it of many useful and necessary substances, such as vitamins C, B and magnesium.

Women are more sensitive to caffeine, nutritionists note. If there is a desire to become pregnant in the near future, the consumption of coffee should be reduced to 1 cup a day.

Include vitamins and minerals in your diet

Zinc, selenium, folic acid, B vitamins, vitamin D, vegetable oils, antioxidants are very important. These substances are essential for proper conception and successful pregnancy.

The fact that vitamins and minerals play a decisive role in the body during conception and pregnancy is constantly repeated by nutritionists. For example, B6 contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity, and folic acid contributes to the normal growth and development of the fetus and placenta. It is recommended to be taken by women in advance, about 3 months before the intended conception.

For men, diet and nutrients are key ways to influence sperm quality. Choose foods that are high in antioxidants. Beets, berries, oranges, red vegetables are especially beneficial.

For conception, male sperm must contain between 40 and 300 million cells. Zinc, selenium and arginine will help improve the structure, mobility, motility and strength of sperm.

Female eggs need to get enough iron and oxygen. Experiments have shown that their deficiency can cause anovulation (lack of ovulation) in women. These foods are rich in iron: veal liver, red meat, fish.

Vegetarians and vegans are more susceptible to iron deficiency. Therefore, women leading a similar lifestyle very often have problems with conception.

Keep trying

If, after long attempts and compliance with all the rules, pregnancy does not occur, you should not get upset and panic. It is worth switching to other areas of life a little and distracting yourself. For example, go on a long-awaited vacation as a married couple and enjoy each other's company without thinking about pregnancy. After all, the most pleasant things in life happen when you don't expect them at all.

What you need to get pregnant

The most reliable method, successfully tried by many couples, is intercourse every other day during the period of maximum fertility of a woman. It starts from about the 11th day from the onset of menstruation and continues through the 18th day of the cycle. The smartest approach would be to make love without thinking about pregnancy. After all, constant thoughts about conception lead to a stressful state, which does not in the best way affect the possibility of conception.

The greater the number of intercourse during a woman's fertile period, the higher the chance of pregnancy.

Folk remedies to help get pregnant

Many women gave birth to their long-awaited children, thanks to traditional medicine. After all, it is not for nothing that women have been actively using them for many centuries. A large number of doctors of traditional medicine advise just this way to accelerate the onset of pregnancy.

Knotweed has a positive effect on the condition of the uterus and ovaries. Broth of sage, hops and upland uterus contain phytoestrogens. Peppermint increases the level of progesterone in the blood. Nettle - a source of iron, has a positive effect on fertility and the state of the body as a whole. It is worth noting that before you start taking herbal decoctions, you need to consult a doctor. After all, they have an active effect and can both improve health and cause significant harm.

Chinese doctors advise men who want to conceive a child to drink as much alkaline water as possible. It has a positive effect on the composition of sperm, significantly increasing the chances of conception. In addition to water, it's important to include plenty of fresh herbs and vegetables in your diet. At the same time, it is necessary to completely exclude meat, dairy products and cereals from the diet. They just create an acidic environment in which sperm die.

Why doesn't it work

Why some succeed and others do not is one of the main mysteries of nature. Many doctors and reputable scientists have been trying to solve this mystery for many years around the world, but no one can fully answer this question.

Statistics say that under all circumstances that positively affect conception, it occurs only in 30% of 100 cases. That is, when relatively healthy partners have unprotected intercourse during ovulation, the likelihood of pregnancy is still not high enough.

Factors affecting the possibility of pregnancy

The presence of infectious and gynecological diseases. The first thing to do if conception does not occur in any way is to undergo a gynecological examination. If no violations have been identified on the part of the female doctor, it makes sense to seek advice from an infectious disease specialist.

Age of partners. Fertility declines with age. Some women over 35 may have trouble conceiving. This is a genetically determined feature. In fact, this is not a serious obstacle, it will just take more attempts.

Constant stress and fatigue. When the body is exhausted by work or a series of unpleasant events in life, it is clearly not up to pregnancy.

Diets. Lack of body weight is a direct reason for the inability to conceive. Still would! How the baby will develop if the mother is malnourished. Such a protective reflex has developed in the process of evolution.

Being overweight. The same situation as with diets, just the opposite. The body already needs to work "for two" when the weight significantly exceeds the norm. There can be no talk of any pregnancy as long as the cardiovascular system is working to wear and tear.

Poor quality semen. The number and mobility of spermatozoa mean a lot for conception. Semen quality can be determined using a special analysis. If a man suffers from chronic or infectious diseases, it is worth refraining from planning and receiving appropriate treatment.

Also, the presence of bad habits of the future father can affect the sperm. Then you need to make a choice, which is more important, imaginary pleasures or family happiness. In any case, a normal, self-respecting man simply must take care of his health before starting planning.

If you have been using oral (hormonal) contraception before planning, you must skip at least one cycle before planning. After some drugs, ovulation can take a long time to recover.

What to do if pregnancy does not occur

Here are some helpful tips on what to do if you can't get pregnant:

  1. See a good specialist and undergo a complete medical examination.
  2. Pull yourself together and calm down. It is necessary to understand that with all the efforts made, not all situations can be controlled. It is worth following all the recommendations of doctors and striving for a result, but you should not be too fanatical about it.
  3. Find a group of people who are also striving for this goal. For example, register on the forum of those wishing to get pregnant. Thus, get support and useful advice, acquire a new circle of acquaintances.
  4. In some families, children do not appear immediately, but after a very long time. In this way, nature takes care of the improvement in the life of the baby. When the spouses go through all the moments of "grinding in" and establish their everyday life, an interesting situation comes completely unexpectedly.
  5. You can seek help from a family psychologist or a priest. It will help solve many psychological and emotional problems. Obsession with the birth of a child in some couples causes strong psycho-emotional upheavals.
  6. Do not communicate with people who bring negativity to life.

The psychological aspect of the problem

Scientists have long concluded that women who have not become pregnant within a year or two after marriage are discouraged. They begin to torture themselves and believe that they will never succeed.

Even in the case when from a physical point of view there are absolutely no reasons, such women subconsciously consider themselves infertile. In such a situation, the only correct solution would be to contact a psychologist who will help overcome the barrier.

Some ladies live with tyrants, cheaters or loafers. At the same time, they are firmly convinced that the appearance of a child in the family will radically change the situation. Any possible methods are applied in this direction. The absence of pregnancy in this case is a kind of defensive reaction, hinting that the partner should be changed for a long time. Many ladies learned the joy of motherhood in the first few months after they found a new partner.


There is nothing more important than love, pregnancy and the birth of a child in the family. However, not always and not everyone succeeds in doing this quickly and easily. Some couples need years for this, even with the greatest desire and the absence of any pathologies. Why it happens? Why do some people succeed, while others do not? The question has not been fully studied with all the possibilities of modern medicine. Nevertheless, there are many tips that will speed up the pregnancy process and should not be neglected.

If you can't walk past mummies with strollers and look at curly toddlers, it is clear that instincts are playing and you are ready for motherhood.

But, as practice shows, not everyone succeeds the first time, especially if they are over thirty or have problems in gynecology. But do not get upset right away, there are some simple, but quite valid tips on how to get pregnant quickly.

First, the so-called preparatory stage, and then - active actions.

Step 1. Correct menu

The first point that you need to do in order to quickly become pregnant is a special diet, and this task is faced by both partners.

  1. Nutrition for men;
  • Your spouse needs to activate sperm motility as much as possible, and seafood and meat do better with this;
  • For a snack, nuts rich in selenium and zinc are suitable, which have a positive effect on the quality of sperm. By the way, seafood has a positive effect on a man in terms of sexual exercise.
  1. Products for the expectant mother;
  • You will also need seafood for conception, but you will only need to lean on fatty fish rich in omega fatty acids;
  • You cannot do without meat and eggs, since proteins are necessary not only for fertilization, but also for bearing a healthy baby;
  • Look for foods rich in vitamins A and E, as well as folic acid. See the article about vitamins in early pregnancy >>>;
  • An excellent ally in matters of rapid conception is honey, which has a beneficial effect on your reproductive system, it can be taken not only internally, but also locally, in the form of lotions.
  1. Special products;
  • All foods can be divided into two groups - alkaline and acidic, depending on what environment is activated in your body after eating them;
  • There is medical research data, according to which, conception occurs faster if you eat alkaline foods, in such an environment, sperm do not die and the likelihood of conception increases significantly.

You need lemon, which, despite its sour taste, is the most alkaline product, then cucumbers and radishes, celery and beets, Brussels sprouts, garlic, melons, bananas, cereals, especially buckwheat, grapes and pineapple, flax seeds.

Prepare yourself a romantic dinner the night before from this grocery list.

But it is better not to eat meat, milk and fish on the day of conception.

  1. Harmful products;
  • Enemies of quick conception are sweets and other fast carbohydrates, alcohol, genetically modified foods and other harmful products in bright packaging from hypermarket shelves .;
  • But caffeine and tobacco are bad for the male reproductive system.

Step 2. Physical form

You should know that excess weight, in matters of quick conception, is not on your side.

Many couples cannot get pregnant precisely because of the extra pounds.

  1. In men with an exceeding mass index, there is a low activity of spermatozoa, which die earlier than they reach the egg;
  2. In women with a large weight, there are problems in the work of the reproductive system and in the hormonal background, when monthly ovulation simply does not occur.

Note! A strict diet period is not the best time to conceive. Your body is weakened and simply not ready for motherhood.

Interestingly, according to church canons, during the period of strict fasting, bans are imposed not only on food, but also on sexual relations between spouses.

Step 3. Medical examination

If it is important for you not only to get pregnant quickly, but also to bear a healthy baby, then you need to undergo a simple medical examination before conception.

  • You need to pass blood and urine tests, go through a gynecologist and therapist;
  • A gynecological examination is especially important if you have previously had problems in the female line, for example, erosion or bacterial diseases. The specialist will prescribe the correct and effective treatment for you and in the near future you will be ready to fulfill your main role - to become a mother;
  • By the way, if you have a history of cervical bend, don't worry. This does not interfere with how quickly to get pregnant the first time and what position you choose. Read more about this diagnosis in the article How to get pregnant when the uterus is bent? >>>;
  • If you have been taking hormonal contraceptives for a long time, then, literally immediately after you stop taking them, pregnancy may occur;

This is due to the fact that while taking hormonal drugs, your hormonal background and cycle become perfectly clear, and, therefore, the maturation of the egg takes place on clearly defined days.

  • Another thing is the uterine spiral. In this case, conception is possible three or more months after its removal;
  • It is worth postponing conception and in case of termination of pregnancy or miscarriages, for a period of at least six months.
  1. The state of the uterus and the activity of egg maturation are positively influenced by such medicinal plants as the uterus and knotweed, as well as sage;
  2. They are taken orally, in the form of a tincture. Please note that sage will help with a low content of the hormone estrogen, with other hormonal disorders, this remedy is powerless;
  3. Various lotions also contribute to rapid conception. So, you can put tampons, abundantly moistened with honey, into the vagina for several days. Such manipulations increase uterine blood circulation, have a nourishing and regenerating effect.

Step 5. Simple calculation

There is nothing clever about how to get pregnant quickly the first time. And the secret is in your menstrual cycle.

So, it's time to arm yourself with a calendar with the dates of the beginning of your menstrual cycle and proceed to the calculations.

  • The most favorable time for a quick conception is from 10 to 18 days of your cycle, please note that the day, not the calendar number;
  • During this period, you ovulate, and if your cycle is 28 days, this is approximately 13 days of the cycle, if 30 days, then 15.

Note! How to quickly get pregnant after menstruation is two days before ovulation and the day of egg maturation. It remains for you, having identified your own favorable days, to work well on future offspring.

  • By the way, the time of ovulation can be found out in a thermal way, when the body temperature is measured, rectally, while the indicators should be 37 degrees or using a special ovulation test, which can be purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy.

Step 6. Auspicious aura

From the stories of your friends, you probably know that pregnancy, as a rule, comes when you are not expecting it at all. And the reason for this is calmness.

  1. When partners enjoy being close to each other, without focusing on the physiology of conception, then the process itself goes as it should;
  2. Imagine what the results can be if you just think all the time how to deliver the sperm to the right address. Tension and nerves in love affairs will obviously be superfluous;
  3. The answer to what to do in order to quickly get pregnant is simple - go on a joint vacation at the sea or in the mountains, away from problems and fuss;
  4. You can use spa treatments, massages, aromatherapy, all of them will help you relax and get maximum pleasure.

Step 7. Kamasutra for expectant mothers

It turns out that even the way you make love to your partner influences the process of conception. It's time for you to find out in which positions it is faster to get pregnant.

  • In matters of conception, you should not reinvent the wheel, because the traditional missionary position is perfect for fertilizing an egg;
  • The main thing: at the end of the act, do not jump up immediately, but lie in bed, while raising your legs high in the "birch" position familiar to you from physical education lessons;
  • Keep in mind that the style of penetration for quick conception should be deep, you can put a pad under the buttocks to raise the pelvis towards the partner;
  • To get pregnant quickly and, at the same time, conceive a healthy and strong baby, take a look at the Internet course I want a baby: the truth about conception that obstetricians do not tell.

I wish you a healthy pregnancy!

Many couples of different ages have difficulty conceiving a child. This process is complicated by the absence of one hundred percent guarantees of the birth of a healthy baby in a short time from scientists.

Gynecologists have nevertheless developed several effective methods and tips on how to quickly get pregnant for women of different ages. Quite simple actions will help to bring the moment of the child's appearance in the family as close as possible.

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Absolutely all ways to get pregnant quickly work only in a healthy body. To exclude any deviations that could affect conception, both partners must undergo a medical examination. A woman needs to visit a gynecologist and get tested for an extensive examination. In some cases, an ultrasound scan may be needed. The man needs to visit a urologist.

The general rules for both partners are examination by all specialized specialists of the polyclinic to exclude any chronic diseases.

Further advice on how to quickly get pregnant with healthy partners boils down to controlling the woman's ovulation cycle. To determine the most favorable day for conception, you must constantly monitor the menstrual cycle. Ovulation is the time when the egg is ready for fertilization from the ovary. The period lasts 1-2 days, after which the cell dies.

The main thing is to get pregnant quickly 100 percent - to ensure regular intercourse precisely during the onset of ovulation. Some women feel the onset of ovulation physically. During this period, aching pains in the lower abdomen appear.

Ways to get pregnant quickly with your first child often include basal temperature control, since this is the most reliable option. The temperature on the desired day is at its lowest level, after which it gradually begins to rise.

In order to quickly get pregnant without making a mistake with the calculations, you can simply use it to determine ovulation. They are freely available and are used in a similar way to pregnancy tests.

To quickly conceive a child, just knowing the right day is not enough. It is necessary to take into account the information that male gametes need 10 hours to reach and fertilize an egg and, if sexual intercourse occurred on the day of ovulation, then the oocyte (egg) may die much earlier than the moment when the sperm reaches it.

Successful fertilization is guaranteed only with regular intercourse. It is enough to have sex every 1-3 days. With more frequent intercourse, the chance of getting pregnant does not increase, since the quality of sperm deteriorates due to a decrease in the concentration of sperm in it.

A common myth about how to get pregnant quickly is the recommendation of special positions for sex. In fact, it has not been scientifically proven that an increase in the chance of conception depends on the specific position of a woman. Of course, when choosing a position, you need to take into account the law of gravity, but only with the convenience for both partners.

It is not necessary to perform acrobatic tricks with raising the legs to accelerate fertilization. It will take a lot of effort and will increase the chance of getting pregnant only through self-hypnosis.

7 secrets on how to successfully conceive a child at home

Summarizing the above information and adding other expert advice to it, you can highlight 7 secrets of how to quickly get pregnant:

  1. Obligatory health of future parents.
  2. Correctly calculating the moment of ovulation and using it to increase the chance of conception. You can accurately determine the onset of the ideal period for conception in several ways: by measuring the basal temperature;
    monitoring the consistency of cervical mucus;
    using a pharmacy test;
    using the pelvic ultrasound procedure.
  3. The use of lubricants during intercourse should be avoided as they significantly reduce sperm quality.
  4. You should choose the most comfortable position, taking into account the laws of physics, but not overdo it.
  5. The full health of partners guarantees not only examination, but also the maintenance of a correct lifestyle during the period of conception. It should be alcohol, improper food and certain medications that can inhibit sexual function.
  6. Negatively affect the state of the body and stressful situations. During pregnancy planning, they should be completely excluded.
  7. Women need to give up strong physical exertion, since they contribute to a change in hormonal levels and shifts in.

Reviews of real women and doctors about the listed 7 secrets of how to get pregnant quickly are extremely positive. Nevertheless, experts recommend not to overdo it and find a "middle ground" in every piece of advice.

The attending physician will tell you more about how you can quickly get pregnant at home.

What can you drink from medicines?

When planning a pregnancy, many specialists may recommend additional medication. What a particular person needs to drink is determined only by a doctor. General recommendations are reduced to providing the body with vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and other useful substances.


Proper nutrition can provide the body with everything it needs in its normal state, but when bearing a fetus, much more nutrients are required. Folic acid is the first thing to drink to get pregnant quickly. Lack of this vitamin (B9) increases the risk of miscarriage and leads to infertility in women. Its presence in the diet guarantees conception and ensures the full development of the unborn child.

Other vitamins that you need to drink when planning a pregnancy include tocopherol (E), ascorbic acid (C) and vitamins from group B. In addition to them, experts recommend enriching your diet with polyunsaturated fatty acids, iodine, etc. Substances contribute to the normal course of pregnancy, strengthening the immunity of the expectant mother, improving metabolism and the proper development of the placenta and uterus.

Nutrients for planning and pregnancy

Dietary supplements

This category of drugs is something between medicines and food. Supplements contain the same vitamins, minerals and other substances that are beneficial to the human body. If you wish, you can take them to saturate your body, but only with the permission of your doctor. Not all drugs are recommended for pregnancy and pregnancy planning.


There are also special pills to help you get pregnant quickly. They are prescribed to women only with the inaction of all of the above tips and the absence of conception for more than 1 year. The drugs are aimed at stimulating the maturation of eggs, threading their life or preparing the uterus for pregnancy. All medications are hormonal, therefore, they are prescribed only by a specialist in extreme cases. The doctor identifies the problem and selects the most appropriate medication. The most popular pills for women to get pregnant quickly are:

  • Klostilbegit;
  • Puregon;
  • Profazi;
  • Pregnyl;
  • Utrozhestan;
  • Duphaston;
  • Cyclodinone.

For those who have used contraceptive pills for a long time, conception does not occur for several months after they are canceled. This is considered the norm. Do not sound the alarm.

More and more women want to have a second child after 40 years, and therefore more and more often ask questions about how to quickly get pregnant at this age. It is known that having a healthy offspring is not a guarantee of quick conception after 40 years, even with the same partner. Most often, you cannot do without medical care and taking hormonal drugs, since during this period women are already at the moment of extinction of her reproductive functions.

To quickly get pregnant at 40, you should adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Seeking the help of a doctor at the "balzac" age should be after 6 months of unsuccessful attempts. Don't wait any longer.

Grandma's methods

Some medicinal herbs contain analogs of female hormones that can increase the chances of conception. Plants act milder, but, like drugs, they may have contraindications. Before using them, you need to consult your doctor.

The most effective and popular grandmother's method is. The Siberian plant has long been considered the guardian of women's health. The preparation of a medicine requires all of its ground parts.

Often phytotherapy is carried out with plantain and knotweed.

Before using any herbs, you should consult your doctor.

Review overview

All reviews of how to get pregnant quickly come down to a psychological attitude. Women assure that without a true desire to hug their child, no physical action is meaningful.

Psychologists confirm that self-hypnosis has a very strong effect on the body of any person and when trying to get pregnant, one should think only about a positive result.


  1. Scientists still doubt the guarantees of any of the methods listed in the article, but gynecologists assure that they are all working. Everyone is able to speed up the moment of conception, but only by following all the advice at once, you can get a quick result.
  2. With long unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant on their own, medicine always comes to the rescue.
  3. In order to meet your unborn baby as soon as possible, you should not rely on chance. You need to immediately seek help from a doctor.

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Any woman dreaming of a child consciously creates a family, prepares herself mentally and physically. But the long-awaited pregnancy still does not come. A year, two, three passes, and still nothing. What is the reason for this delay? After all, the gynecologist assures that everything is in order. Let's try to understand a number of factors that prevent women from getting pregnant.

The main thing in the article

Why can't I get pregnant quickly?

If doctors have not diagnosed infertility, then all is not lost. Although not everyone is discouraged with such a diagnosis, nowadays this is also being treated. Often the reason for not conceiving is a number of factors that a woman simply does not pay attention to, but it is worth eliminating them, and everything will work out by itself. The main reasons that interfere with conceiving a child include:

Is it possible to get pregnant the first time?

Even absolutely healthy women cannot always get pregnant the first time. As you know, pregnancy occurs during ovulation, which can last only 15 hours (on average, the duration of ovulation 15–32 hours), and during this time you need to have time to have sexual intercourse. After all, both the woman and her husband probably work. But this is not a fact of 100% pregnancy.

Sperm can "walk" on the female genitals for 5 days before reaching the egg, and during this time she has time to "burn out", and the moment of ovulation is missed.

Of course, you should measure your basal temperature and seize the moment for better conception, but you should not hope that everything will work the first time. Do not give up, sooner or later it will happen anyway, and the less you cheat yourself, the faster you will get pregnant.

What to do to get pregnant quickly?

For a faster conception, a woman, for her part, must also take certain steps. Sitting on the couch and saying, "Why can't you?" - it's as easy as shelling pears, but to stop feeling sorry for yourself and start acting you need strength.

We will analyze in stages what will contribute to the fastest conception.

Sex positions for fast pregnancy

Doctors treating pregnancy difficulties recommend choosing the right time and position for conception. Then the chance of success is greatly increased. And an orgasm and moral satisfaction will only contribute to conception.
The correct posture is the key to success. Watch the video for which poses should be preferred.

Fast and reliable way to get pregnant

So far, humanity has not come up with anything more effective than the time of ovulation and healthy sperm. If a woman has a stable cycle, then it is quite possible to calculate the time of ovulation. This requires a thermometer and a calendar.

Rectal temperature should be measured daily in the morning, but doctors say that this method is not the most reliable. It is better to take advantage of the modern achievement of science - a test that measures the time of ovulation. What it is and how it works, see the video.
If during the year you are trying in vain to have a baby on the days of ovulation and are sure that your partner is completely healthy, then you should seek medical help. In cases where a woman is over 35 years old, you need to go for help in six months.

Getting pregnant quickly after taking birth control pills

Hormonal birth control pills- This is the most common method of contraception in women who have a stable, active sex life. But sooner or later the moment comes when there is a desire to have a child.

Birth control pills inhibit ovarian function, and as a result, ovulation does not occur. After the hormonal drugs are stopped, the reproductive organs begin to restore their functions and work in an intensive mode.

Interesting fact: Gynecologists practice prescribing hormonal birth control pills for women who are trying to get pregnant. Within a few months of taking them, the ovaries "rest", and after refusing the pills, they work in an enhanced mode, which promotes conception.

It will not work to get pregnant immediately after giving up the pills, since the body must rebuild. Moreover, the older a woman is, the more time he needs for this. And in order for the moment of conception to come faster, and you can bear a healthy baby, you must:

  • After refusing the pills, undergo an examination by a gynecologist. He must confirm that the reproductive organs are fully performing their functions.
  • Wait 4-6 months, so that the hormonal background in the body is adjusted, the menstrual cycles are stabilized.
  • Take a course of taking vitamins. A sharp change in the usual supplementation with hormones from the outside has a rather strong effect on immunity, so a course of vitamins will not be superfluous.

If, after 6–8 months after refusal from drugs, the course has not stabilized, then you should consult a doctor.

How to get pregnant quickly after menstruation?

In medical practice, cases have been recorded more than once when a woman turned out to be pregnant after intercourse during menstruation. There are exceptions, but they do exist. It is possible to get pregnant after menstruation in the first days, and here's why.

First, the uterus begins to prepare for possible conception on the second day after the end of menstruation. The endometrium grows in it.

Secondly, in some women, the egg matures 5 days after the end of menstruation, and sexual intercourse that happened on their last day may well become decisive, because "tadpoles" can live up to 5 days in a woman's body.

There are cases when several eggs mature in one cycle, then pregnancy occurs unambiguously. Hormonal disruptions can also serve as an activator of conception.

Get pregnant quickly after 30 years

In addition to tracking ovulation, a correct daily routine, a balanced diet and other conditions described above for a quick pregnancy, the following factors must be considered.

  • Sperm maturation cycle. Under normal conditions, sperm cells mature within 48 hours. In other words, partners who have sex every other day are more likely to conceive than those who do it every day.
  • Go on vacation to the sea. Stories about families returning from vacation pregnant are a dime a dozen. During vacation, the body relaxes, climate change does its job, you relax and do not burden yourself with constant worries. The body at this time is hormonally tuned and the miracle happens by itself.
  • Enjoy sex. Let go of the situation, because sex is needed not only in order to conceive a child, it needs to be enjoyed. Only in this case will there be an effect.
  • Time of year for conceiving a child. It is better to give preference to spring, when everything is born (we play on the subconscious) or autumn, when the body has been saturated over the summer with all kinds of vitamins and microelements and can "feed the belly".
  • Times of Day. It is generally accepted that children are best conceived in the early morning, so love morning sex and start your day with it. So you will increase the possibility of conception, and after the "tasty" awakening you will walk in high spirits all day long.

Traditional methods and tips for a quick pregnancy

Traditional medicine has some recipes that promote early conception, here are a few of them.

There are also folk signs that say that for conception you need:

  • eat a bitten bread or apple for a pregnant woman;
  • trying on things of a pregnant woman;
  • sit on a chair after a pregnant woman.

Try all possible and impossible ways, if you believe, turn to God. You can find prayers for conception. Don't give up. Only to those who “knock on all doors” and stubbornly go to the goal, no matter how hard it is, the stork brings the cherished child.

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