Home Helpful Hints Catch river fish in a dream. Why dream of catching. If you happened to catch fish with the hands of a man

Catch river fish in a dream. Why dream of catching. If you happened to catch fish with the hands of a man

Most of the explanations of what dreams of catching fish sound very life-affirming. The dream interpretation considers what he saw in a dream to be a favorable sign. The size of the catch directly indicates the level of well-being. Sometimes it happens to catch a warning symbol that will tell you what twists of fate to expect. Often interpretations contain erotic overtones.

Miller's predictions

Miller's dream book considers successful fishing as a harbinger of a tedious task, which, however, can be successfully completed.

This is not the only explanation for dreaming of catching fish. The lack of a catch means that it's time to put worldly priorities in place and pay attention to the most valuable ones.

If you happened to see another fisherman in a dream, the circumstances will turn out well. It is only important not to miss the favorable moment.

Men's fun

Dream Interpretations very controversially interpret what a man dreams of catching fish. In the dream interpreter of Nostradamus, the symbol means uncertainty, a difficult unpredictable situation.

If a man dreamed that he was fishing for fish one after another, the English dream book promises him a series of troubles. It is very likely that their source will be the person whom the dreamer tries to help.

Sigmund Freud has an explanation for why her husband dreams of catching fish. Perhaps the dream reflects doubts about male viability. Loff's dream book promises a man a career and social upsurge and a completely natural increase in well-being.

Women's dreams

Interpreting why a woman dreams of catching fish, the dream book first of all mentions pregnancy. At the same time, it should be noted that the interpretation of sleep is addressed to an adult woman. For a young girl, such a plot promises a romantic relationship.

If you are lucky enough to see friends on a fishing trip in a dream, you should wait for replenishment in their family. If a girl dreamed that she was fishing and immediately released the caught prey, in reality the dreamer runs the risk of passing her happiness by.

Follow the float

The dream interpretation explains what dreams of catching fish with a bait. Most predictions are favorable. In reality, the sleeper will be able to get what he has long dreamed of.

Fishing with a bait in a dream happens to decisive and independent individuals who are used to choosing their own path.

If in a dream only fry fall for the bait, the dream book portends painstaking work. A monotonous process that requires concentration will require a lot of time and effort, but the result will be worth it.

Setting up networks

When in a dream you decide to wield a network, the dream book marks your ability to make the most effective decisions and find the shortest paths to the goal. No wonder money sometimes comes to you.

If you dreamed that you were trying to catch something with a torn net, in reality you would have to face injustice and disappointment.

Without aids

If you dreamed of trying to catch a fish with your bare hands, in reality, the likelihood of making an ill-wisher increases.

Catching fish with your hands in a dream represents fussiness and disorganization. To see how an outsider catches with his hands happens to inert persons, lovers of shifting their worries to others and watching how their affairs are progressing through other people's efforts.

Who got hooked

Soothsayers pay attention to which family the caught fish that you dreamed of belonged to. The fact that in a dream you were not left empty-handed already indicates that you can overcome difficulties. It remains to find out what this or that variety is dreaming of.

  • Did you happen to see a catfish on a hook? Solve the financial issue with brilliance;
  • Crucian promises malaise and an attempt at deception;
  • A pregnant perch portends the birth of a son, a pike - a daughter;
  • The caught shark promises that a new acquaintance will be pleasant and useful;
  • Trout caught in a dream will bring wealth and good luck.

Sometimes the image in a dream makes it clear that the body lacks phosphorus or calcium.

Special signs

Catching a big fish portends a real surprise, often a delightful love adventure. Wangi's dream book reports that catching a big fish will save you from exhausting litigation: the enemy will be in the hole that he has prepared for you.

A net with live prey promises good luck and profit, with a dead one - hard times are coming. There is a high chance of an unsuccessful or unwanted pregnancy.

An instance without a head warns against ridiculous mistakes that can be fatal. Fishing during spawning promises honestly acquired wealth.

Fishing spots

Catching fish in an aquarium symbolizes external restrictions that impede spiritual development.

If you dreamed of a catch caught in the river, the sleeper will learn a lot about his abilities, which will be pleasantly surprised.

If you dreamed of fishing in big water without shores, the situation in reality is unstable.

What other dream interpreters say

The psychoanalytic dream book reports that fishing is in a dream for those who are too concentrated on current affairs. Most likely, in the end it will be possible not only to solve the urgent problem, but also to receive material rewards for this.

The interpreter of the Wanderer calls to move on to active actions from a wait-and-see position. The esoteric dream book is encouraging that fishing will bring great luck and greatly increase the authority of those who are not afraid to take responsibility.

In most cases, if you dream of catching fish, this means future changes, including sleep for pregnancy. The article offers truthful interpretations of sleep, including why the fish is headless, in an aquarium, dead and with caviar.

Catching a big fish in a dream with a bait

Sleep fishing in clean (clear, muddy, dirty) water, in a river, in a sea, in an ice hole

If the fish in a dream does not swim in dirty water, you can count on success, otherwise there will be obstacles to completing the work you have begun. If you dream of a dead fish, the bitterness of loss awaits you ahead. If you catch and catch for a long time, you can count on difficulties in life that you can cope with, but subject to confidence in yourself and your abilities.

Seeing fishing tackle and a net means that unexpected income or inheritance awaits you, and if it breaks, then expect grief. If you dream of fishing hooks that you are holding, then you can control your destiny, and everything will work out for you.

For a woman, and no matter what kind of water is fishing, catching fish is a rich husband and a happy marriage.

In a dream, to fish with a husband, a harpoon, for a man, a woman

If you are fishing with your husband, then each of you will face failures at work and major troubles. Catching fish in a dream with the hands of a man and a woman portends new enemies. If fishing is a bait, you can count on family well-being and the search for a new partner with whom you will have a good time.

A dream in which there is a harpoon speaks of interest in your person by the opposite sex. Catching fish with a harpoon in a dream promises pleasant adventures on the love front. Men dream about this as memories of fishing, and according to Freud, women should prepare for pregnancy.

What does it mean to catch fish in a dream to let go, not to catch, eat it

If the caught fish was released, you will lose the chance for well-being or the opportunity that you have long dreamed of. There may be problems with the conception of offspring.

Catching a large, beautiful and big fish means that a woman already knows what choice she should make from guys and vice versa. There is a fish in a dream, this is a need for a proper rest in order to cope with problems.

In a dream, to fish with a dead person, on a net (nets, net), spinning, on a worm, on a pike (in winter), with hands, under water

If a dead man appeared in a dream, this is not good. Sometimes a deceased or corpse on a fishing trip means that you should go to church. Gear or nets dream of cunning plans that can come true. Catching alone is always a success in any business.

Spinning fishing and a large catch speak of the successful completion of any business, including the most hopeless one. To dream of catching fish on a worm symbolizes good health and financial well-being. Catching with hands, a net or a fishing rod is a clear symbol of income or a new child.

Why is it in a dream to catch fish with a net, from ice

Catching on ice is always a disease, and using a net means that you should expect a reward for the work done.

There are dream plots that you should not share with everyone in a row, so as not to inadvertently tell more about yourself than you want. This is exactly what happens when you need to find out why you dream of catching fish. Whatever details in a dream attract attention, it is better to decipher them alone with the dream book.

Passion and pragmatism in Enigma's dream book

In a dream there is a contradiction between the action and the object. An attempt to catch something is connected with the pursuit of profit, but the catch itself does not promise amazing material income. But the fish personifies sexual sensuality, and this adds spice to the interpretation of the dream book.

Dream Interpretation Enigma believes that in the duality of the plot lies an intrigue that turns the search for the correct interpretation into a fascinating investigation. Let's get on with it without delay.

Let's get acquainted with the fundamental provisions, consider typical and rare plots, and summarize. You will have no doubts about what you dreamed of catching fish.

Miller: see dead or alive

Gustav Miller in his dream book notes a big difference between fishing in a dream or seeing it already dead.

Why dream alive? According to the psychologist, she personifies happy love. They watched a flock frolicking in clear water - which means that there will be an opportunity to receive generous gifts from fate. They tried to catch, but to no avail - it will take considerable self-control to withstand the trials that will fall to the lot of the dreamer.

Dead promises loss. To see a lifeless carcass on the hook is to give up hope. Long caught or mined in a ruthless way, it prophesies farewell to a person or a familiar way of life. Rotten on the shore predicts losses. I dreamed of a massive pestilence - Miller predicts significant damage.

What does a fisherman's catch mean

Watching how they themselves caught a fish in a dream is an application for profit, and if luck accompanied another, then the bonuses will float past. However, do not rush to get upset, these are not the amounts that you should worry about. In addition, a fresh catch in someone else's bucket also portends a small additional income.

To see an already hopelessly dead fish in the cage is always a loss, however, also insignificant. We bought it in a dream from a fisherman and then found that it was spoiled - to unnecessary expenses. Touching rotten meat means a deterioration in health.

Catch luck on the hook?

Hooking symbolizes real attempts to act cunningly, to achieve one's own through acquaintances or through blackmail. The result depends on the outcome of fishing in a dream - if you dreamed of leaving not empty-handed, this means the successful completion of the “multi-move”, the resolution of painful problems.

  • Network - indicates a mature business plan.
  • A boat full of a network of bream - it will be possible to bring the plan to life.
  • Gear problems are obstacles on the path of life.
  • Leaky mesh - flaws in the project.
  • The prey is off the hook - a sign of lost profits.

Fishing means thinking about sex

“The most interesting interpretations of the plot in which they were fishing relate to the analysis of sexual preferences and forecasts for changes in intimate life. Thanks to Freud, he summarized the ancient interpretations, confirmed and supplemented them with his own research, and then presented the conclusions to the public.

It must be admitted that his piquant prophecies are invariably confirmed, and the plot itself has become a classic example of a prophetic dream. So, in Freud's dream book, the symbol of the penis is a fish, and catching it in a dream is the same as imagining sexual intercourse.

Risk of disorders

If the focus of attention in a dream was shifted to what adventures they were fishing with, then a problem is outlined in intimate life: it is not possible to free consciousness from worries even during sex. Thus, you deprive yourself of pleasures, create the basis for sexual disorders.

If you dreamed of being left empty-handed, then the dreamer is afraid to make a mistake in bed. The advice of a psychiatrist is to rewind memories to the moment of the first bad experience and leave it in the past.

For a man about potency

Catching a fish and grabbing a slippery, nimble, beating tail is a sign of a healthy erection, holding it in your hands for a long time is a hint of masturbation abuse. The meaning of lifeless - it personifies impotence in the dream book.

Why does a guy dream of eating a fish dish? In a love relationship, he acts as a consumer. He does not care at all about the feelings of his partner or the consequences of intimacy - these are not his problems.

Women's fantasies

If a woman observed Putin, then dream books believe that she is devoid of prejudice and often changes partners. She dreamed that she was cooking and eating an ear - love adventures make her happy.

If crucian carp in the river itself goes into the hands, then you have to wait for children, grandchildren, replenishment in the family of a friend or close relative. It is easy to check the prediction - pregnancy will soon become noticeable.

What and why did a pregnant woman dream

It is curious that pregnant women also catch fish in a dream. It would seem that their interesting position does not need to be confirmed, then why is this action dreaming?

If the lady is single, then she will successfully marry a rich and attractive admirer, despite complicating circumstances. If she is married, then dream books suggest that she lacks emotions, unrestrained sex. Gutted a carcass - is on the verge of an emotional breakdown. If a familiar person shares a catch with a pregnant woman, then in reality she feels attracted to him.

Fishing lunch

Cleaning dirty scales in a dream portends small losses. Eating what you managed to catch is a sign of solving routine tasks using the usual available methods, without overstrain. According to the Muslim dream book, it is useful to watch companions in a dream - to notice acquaintances means to receive a warning: you should carefully look after your surroundings. Why dream, what was the ear boiled from?

  • Pike - set up a trap for the enemy.
  • Predatory piranha - win the fight.
  • Small perch, carp - an insignificant benefit.
  • Flounder - a meeting with a loved one.

Why dream of a dead man with a fishing rod

Looking in a dream at a long-dead person who was fishing is by no means a burden. This is a peaceful dream. On the contrary, often there is a bright memory of a conversation with him. If it was a relative, his words are prophetic. Tips do not have to be memorized, on occasion they themselves will pop up in memory.

What you should not do in a dream is give something to a dead person or take something from him. But if this already happened, and he passed the fishing rod or shared the bait, then the dream books advise you to make an appointment with the doctor after waking up, just in case.

Look in a dream at the place of fishing

Why dream that you were in a dream on a river or an ice floe? Or maybe they fished a sad carp with a net from the pool in the market? The more trouble in a dream, the more adventures in reality, the more emotional the dream, the richer life. Dream Interpretations find an explanation for ordinary or strange circumstances:

  • To be in the winter at the river hole - to dangerous changes.
  • To cut a hole in transparent ice is the end of a quiet life.
  • Fishing in your own bathroom is erotic fun.
  • Catching a veiltail in an aquarium is a dream come true.
  • Hooking aquarium guppies with a net - to small earnings.
  • Choosing a fat carp in the store pool is for money.

How to choose the correct interpretation?

Out of the many prophecies of dream books, how not to miss the one that applies specifically to you? If a girl tried to fish with her hands, under all other circumstances, the decisive moment is conception. She held in her hands - someone else's pregnancy. I used gear and tricks - business forecasts. Enjoyed touching the scales - well, it's about sex.

Hands are not the easiest thing to do, even if you do it only in a dream. Dream Interpretations regard such signs as warnings. Catching a fish in a woman’s dream is a special dream that, depending on some details, can prophesy a wide variety of events. Consider how such a night vision is interpreted in different dream books.

Miller's dream book

According to this dream book, if a woman caught a fish with her hands in a dream, in reality she will be able to win in the upcoming trials prepared for her by fate. If, moreover, there was a person nearby who did not manage to catch anything, this means that the dreamer's competitors will be left with nothing.

If in a dream the fish was in the hands of a woman for only a short time, and then slipped back into the water, this indicates a possible loss. That is, a break in relations, a quarrel with relatives, dismissal or trouble at work is possible. The main thing is not to let the fish go in a dream. Then night vision will mean only positive changes in life.

Also in Miller's dream book such a dream is interpreted for pregnancy, which will happen to a woman in the near future. This is a favorable night vision. It should convince the woman that the pregnancy will go well and her baby will be born healthy. By the way, this interpretation of sleep also has a scientific justification. It's all about the special hormones produced during pregnancy, due to which a woman becomes overly sensitive and insightful.

What is the meaning of the dream in which the fish was caught and then thrown ashore? In interpreters, such a vision is defined as the presence of problems with conception or portends an imminent miscarriage if the woman is already pregnant. However, in some cases, such a dream is an expression of a subconscious fear of infertility or the loss of a child. In any case, if a woman saw such a vision, she should behave very carefully and take care of her health.

What does it mean to catch a fish in a woman's dream with her hands? This may indicate that her character is too eccentric and unstable. If this is true, then such a vision in this case does not carry any danger.

ABC of dream interpretation

Any dream in which a fish is present is interpreted by the alphabet of dream interpretation as expressing deep subconscious processes.

If a woman sees that she is fishing together with a man, this prophesies her an early intimate relationship. Therefore, she should think about whether she needs such connections in order to avoid unnecessary problems.

To catch a fish in a woman’s dream with a bait means that soon she will meet a representative of the opposite sex. Moreover, it will develop into further romantic relationships and even marriage.

For a woman who is already in a family relationship, a fish in a dream is an addition. This means that a successful pregnancy awaits her very soon.

Catch in a dream then turned out to be dead, or seeing fish bones is a bad sign. This can prophesy a break in relations due to betrayal, betrayal.

American dream book

In the American dream book, catching a fish in a dream does not bode well. On the contrary, this is a rather bad omen. Seeing a fish in a dream, a person should be extremely careful in the near future. He should protect himself and his family from possible misfortunes.

If a woman catches fish in a dream for a long time, but this does not bring her any results, and she is forced to return home with an empty bucket, this may indicate failure. Failure awaits her in the upcoming business (be it personal or professional).

According to the American dream book, a fish caught in a dream in clear water promises a woman a long loneliness. During this period, she will feel unnecessary.

Seeing in a dream the fish that other people eat - the success that a woman so wants to achieve will come to someone else. This will bring her deep disappointment.

In a dream, the fish escaped from her hands - a woman will soon be parted with a loved one or girlfriend, as well as a quarrel with one of her relatives.

Women's dream book

In a women's dream book, such a vision is a very good sign.

If a woman caught a lot of fish in a dream, this portends her an imminent improvement in her financial situation. And luck will come quite unexpectedly.

Catching fish in a dream for a lonely woman can prophesy her an early acquaintance. It will eventually develop into a romantic relationship.

For a woman who has long wanted to get pregnant, a dream about fishing is very favorable. A dream in which she caught a large fish promises a long-awaited conception of a child. A woman can prepare for a joyful and desired event.

Idiomatic dream book

In an idiomatic dream book, a fish in water means quick luck for a woman. Perhaps she is waiting for a big win or career advancement.

If a woman caught a fish in troubled water, then this may speak of her impure hidden thoughts, aspirations, doing business that can bring suffering to another person.

If a girl bathes in a pond and sees a swimming fish next to her, this says that everything is fine in her life. That is, she feels like a fish in water.

Imperial dream book

For a woman, catching a fish in a dream means an early pregnancy. Here the following parallel is drawn: the fish is mobile like a spermatozoon, which seeks to capture the egg.

If a woman did not catch, but only smelled her, this may indicate that the pregnancy will be terminated at an early stage, when the girl herself will not know about her yet.

To catch a dead fish with an unpleasant odor in a dream means general trouble. In the near future, the girl will not have the most favorable period in her life.

Intimate dream book

Catching a fish in a dream for a woman can promise her a love relationship that will drag on for a long time.

If a girl in night vision cannot catch a fish, although she makes every possible effort to do this, this may indicate her sexual dissatisfaction. The inability to relax is the main problem. Having seen such a dream, a woman should start working on herself. That is, learn to experience pleasure with your loved one, completely relaxing and surrendering to intimate pleasures.

Treating a man with a caught fish in a dream can mean that a woman is doing everything and even too much to satisfy him. Having received such a sign, she should think. Is she doing the right thing by trying to be a good lover for her partner, but completely forgetting about her own feelings?

If a woman is fishing, but cannot catch anything for a long time, this may mean her desire to find a soulmate, which cannot turn into a reality. The girl should change her search tactics!

Catching a big fish in a woman’s dream and then accidentally letting it out of her hands means that she can embarrass herself in bed in front of her man. However, her feelings about this will be much stronger than the current situation is worth.

Eastern dream book

Catching a fish in a woman’s dream, according to the Eastern dream book, means an early pregnancy. If the girl then escaped from her hands, this may indicate a miscarriage.

If in a dream a woman admires small fish at the bottom of a reservoir, but does not have tactile contact with them, this may portend a pleasant event. It will give her aesthetic pleasure.

Russian dream book

Fish in a dream book for a woman means positive changes in her life.

To catch a big fish with a bait - to succeed in a career or get a new job. Moreover, the new occupation will be more paid and prestigious.

Catch a fish in a dream with your hands - to the imminent addition to the family.

Being eaten by fish in night vision is a numerous but pleasant chore.

This creature in a dream can become a reflection of the state of a woman who in reality experiences difficulties in any business. That is, the girl beats like a fish on ice and cannot achieve the desired result in any way.

To watch fish in a pond or aquarium is to take a position of non-interference in any business.

Swimming together in the same pond and trying to fish with your hands - success in work is expected in the near future. It is possible that there will be career advancement, new perspectives.

Catch a fish that turned out to be frozen or dead - to an unsuccessful romance.

Islamic dream book

The vision associated with the fish makes us remember the story of one person who shared it with Ibn Sirin: “I have a dream in which my servant and I are sitting at the same table and having lunch with one fish and its entrails.” To this the sage replied to the man: “Be careful with your servant. It may harm you personally or your family.” Following Ibn Sirin's advice, the man discovered that his servant was sexually harassing his daughter.

According to this story, a vision in which the dreamer shares fish with another person may mean that he is doing some meanness to him.

Also in the Islamic dream book, catching a fish is interpreted as gaining success in the near future. If the individual is large, success will be stunning, if it is small, then the amount of luck will be appropriate. However, in any case, such a dream in the Islamic dream book is interpreted as positive.

If a person fries the caught fish, this promises him financial well-being and a quick profit.

If the caught individual turns out to be salty, this means random income.

Icelandic dream book

The Icelandic dream book interprets the fish to be seen as a good dream, an omen of good events in a person's life. The only exception is if a woman has caught a large fish, the bones of which prevent her from eating her meat. This may be an omen of an early parting with a lover or a quarrel with a best friend.

If a woman caught a lot of small fish and cooks it on her own, this suggests that in the near future she will have small financial expenses. They will bring her joy and pleasure.

To see a fish in a large pond means for a woman the onset of great need. It is also possible unfavorable financial condition in the family.

Italian dream book

In the Italian dream book, the fish seen in a dream is a positive sign for the dreamer. She is a symbol of life, fun, health and financial well-being.

Catching a fish in a woman’s dream with her hands prophesies that she will receive large profits.

If a girl caught an individual and then gave it to a man, this may mean that intimacy will soon take place between them.

A dream in which a woman takes a fish from a guy means the opposite - a lack of desire to have an intimate relationship with him. That is, this person is not at all interesting to her as a man.

If a woman caught a fish, cooked it herself and eats it herself, this speaks of imminent career success. A good result can be achieved through your own efforts.

Seeing in can talk about problems in family relationships or loss of health. Such a dream portends a disease that will cause a lot of trouble.

Culinary dream book

Catching a fish in a woman’s dream, according to a culinary dream book, promises her a quick profit, financial stability.

A big catch - to multiple diseases.

To catch small fish in a dream is to experience disappointment and pain from unfulfilled expectations in reality.

To see a woman asleep or dead is to experience ruin or a break in relationships.

Lunar dream book

If a woman of childbearing age caught a large fish with her hands, this is a dream for pregnancy.

If a girl in a position dreamed that she gave birth to a fish, this means that she will give birth to a weak and underweight child. If such a dream is still dreamed by a non-pregnant woman, it may mean the imminent onset of this situation. Moreover, the pregnancy will take place with complications.

To see a woman in is a great success for her. Such a dream can be an omen of successful employment or career advancement.

Mythological dream book

In Slavic folklore, fish is used as a symbol of self-knowledge.

If a woman dreamed that she was swallowed by a fish, this means that she will be successful in all endeavors, whether it be professional or personal life.

To see such an individual from afar is to go traveling soon.

In a Muslim dream book, fish in water does not bode well. If she constantly gets hooked, this can mean a lot of trouble and problems in the near future.

If a woman caught a fish and dried it on her own, this indicates an approaching depression. The disease will be difficult to overcome.

Psychoanalytic dream book

The fish in the psychoanalytic interpreter is a symbol of the phallus. The dreams in which a woman sees her are somehow connected with her intimate desires.

Treat a man with fish - to the emergence of a sexual relationship with him.

Catching in cold water, under ice - such a dream can mean a quick cooling of feelings for your partner.

To see a fish swimming in the other direction - to the betrayal of a lover. Such a dream also indicates the intention of a loved one to leave for another woman.

If a woman dreamed that she was eaten by a fish, this may indicate that subconscious desires will soon take precedence over consciousness. It also means that she is on the verge of making an irreparable mistake.

If a woman was eaten by a fish and then torn out, it means that she will be able to defeat her bad desires. She will also be able to find stability in an intimate relationship with her partner.


Now you know the interpretation of dreams about fish. From the article it becomes clear that fish in dream books for women is interpreted very differently. We hope that this information was useful to you. Now do not be alarmed if you see a fish in night vision. This is very likely a good sign!

In every dream there is some kind of hidden meaning or prophecy. Catching fish in a dream is a special sign, the interpretation of which is offered by different dream books. For the most part, the meaning of this night image is associated with responsible deeds, new projects and important achievements. However, there are other interpretations. In any case, a dreaming fish is good. Such a dream often promises women pregnancy, and men - financial well-being and prosperity.

To catch fish in a dream according to Wangi's dream book

Fishing in Vanga's dream book is of particular importance. The interpretation of such a dream varies depending on the details of what is seen. For example, fishing in clean water means good news. According to Vanga's dream book, such an image portends:
  • good luck
  • professional success;
  • family joys;
  • happy change in life.
When you dream of catching fish in troubled waters, you should prepare for imminent difficulties. It will be especially difficult to find like-minded people, associates, reliable partners in real life. A warning is a vision when the dreamer has to fish without a head. The prophecy advises against getting euphoric over initial successful results. This could turn out bad.
If you catch fish in a dream, but it turns out to be without scales, then some health problems are likely. Such an image directly indicates the need to consult a doctor with your ailments or undergo a routine examination for prevention.

Fishing: Freud's dream book and its interpretation

In Freud's dream book, fishing is interpreted in a very original way. Such a night vision, according to the legendary psychologist, reflects the psychological state of the dreamer. Live fish in his understanding is identified with the sexual organ of a man. Moreover, a fluttering catch indicates an erect state of the penis. Accordingly, catching fish, according to Freud's dream book, means directly the sexual intercourse itself. If the dreaming fish turned out to be dead, then this is a sign of a lack of erection or even impotence. In Freud's dream book, catching fish and keeping it still alive in one's own hands denotes a tendency to self-satisfaction. When you dream of a large fish, you should not place high hopes on your own efforts. It is believed that they will be empty and ineffective. However, the interpretation of such a dream still insists on trying to do something and try to change the result.
Why dream of catching fish? To dream of the process itself, according to Freud's dream book, denotes difficulties of a sexual nature. It is likely that in bed it is difficult for a person to relax, being next to his partner. Sexual acts do not give him pleasure. Sometimes if you dream of catching fish, this is a warning about the necessary rest. You need to immediately adjust your daily routine. Catch a lot of fish in a dream - a chaotic and erratic sex life. If you had to fish in a dream and not catch anything, then this indicates certain phobias associated with the opposite sex. You are probably afraid to enter into intimate relationships, as you are overcome by a fear of sex. It is likely that the dreamer is simply afraid of not meeting the expectations of his sexual partner. Pulling fish out of the water according to Freud's dream book is a good sign. He promises the dreamer replenishment in the family. Most likely, in the near future he will have a child or a grandson.

Miller's Dream Book: Fishing - Various Interpretations

Catching fish in a dream: what can such a dream mean according to Miller's dream book? This interpreter offers his own view of such an image. Do you see live fish? Does she swim in clear water? This is a good sign! According to Miller's dream book, such a fish means:
  • happy, mutual love;
  • obtaining wealth;
  • generous gifts;
  • professional success.

In Miller's dream book, fishing with nets is a special image. He portends the successful overcoming of difficult trials. The difficulties will turn out to be so serious that they can significantly undermine the dreamer's state or even break him. If in a dream you do not catch fish, but buy it in the market, then this is an excellent omen. Probably, very soon harmony and prosperity will come in your life. The dream promises joy, financial prosperity and the beginning of positive changes in the dreamer's life. Fishing in a dream and not catching anything means, according to Miller's dream book, the unfulfillment of desires. It is likely that the hopes that the dreamer has are not destined to come true. Seeing a fish in a dream when someone else catches it is a warning. Perhaps in the near future fate will prepare serious tests. However, you should not be afraid of them, as the dreamer will solve all problems and successfully overcome any difficulties.

Catch a big fish in a dream according to Longo's dream book

Catching a big fish, according to Longo's dream book, is good luck. Catching a large fish in a dream means success and prosperity. All things will succeed, and desires will come true.
Catching a big fish according to Longo's dream book is an important sign for women. Such an image can be interpreted as a probable pregnancy. That is why, if becoming a mother is not included in the dreamer's plans, she should be careful. When a young girl caught a fish in a dream, she should expect victories on the love front in the near future. Moreover, a dream can promise a happy marriage with an attractive young man. However, there are other interpretations in Longo's dream book: fishing in some situations is a prophecy, portending disappointment, deceit, falsehood, danger.

Why dream of catching fish according to Hasse's dream book

Why dream of catching a big fish according to Hasse's dream book? Catching fish in a dream is a negative image, according to Hasse. If a person in night dreams does not catch fish, but buys it, then favorable changes in the dreamer's life are not planned in the near future. To catch a large fish with a bait in a dream - for an upcoming important event or business. But catching a very small fish in a dream means, according to Hasse's dream book, poor health and illness. A dream in which a person sees not catching fish, but a ready-made dish from it, prophesies wins and good luck. It is likely that you will be lucky in the lottery, and the cash prize will be quite large.
If you dream of catching fish with your hands, especially by the tail, then this dream can be interpreted as a negative image. Maybe an ill-wisher, an envious person, or a real enemy will appear in the dreamer's life. However, there is no need to be afraid of it. This problem can be dealt with in two ways.

Why dream of catching a big fish according to Loff's dream book

Catching fish in a dream, according to Loff's dream book, is an unstable symbol. It can be interpreted in different ways. Most often, the image is "tied" to the ability to conceive a child and his upcoming birth. Loff's dream book interprets dreams about catching fish according to Freud's principle. However, he identifies the catch not only with the phallus, but also with the material condition. According to Loff's dream book, catching fish in a dream is good. Probably, the dreamer may go on a trip or a trip in the near future. You can also interpret such a dream as the satisfaction of material needs.
A dreaming fish in a dream is a multifaceted image. That is why it is impossible to interpret it unambiguously. The main thing is to remember that thoughts are material, and do not despair if the interpretation from the dream book turned out to be negative!

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