Home Useful tips Various crafts for Valentine's Day. Paper crafts for Valentine's Day. Simple fabric valentine

Various crafts for Valentine's Day. Paper crafts for Valentine's Day. Simple fabric valentine

If you are wondering what to give for February 14th, make some beautiful DIY Valentine's Day crafts. It is original, unusual, and most importantly, all souvenirs will keep the warmth of your hands. This is the easiest way to convey your feelings and remind yourself. Any gift made in hand-made style will take its rightful place in the interior.

DIY paper crafts for Valentine's Day

If you need to make gifts quickly or in large quantities, use the simplest and most affordable material. If you know some tricks, then even an ordinary piece of office paper can be turned into an original souvenir. Decorative design paper (it can be metallized, mother-of-pearl, embossed, velvet), corrugated or specialized - for scrapbooking will look especially decorative and impressive. Most often, gifts are made in the shape of a heart (one or more), but they also use flowers, images of hugging cats, mice and other characters.

The simplest version of a souvenir, which is made from paper, is a cut out heart, decorated with decorative elements (beads, beads, ribbons, flowers). Children can use plasticine. Buttons or glued facial elements (eyes, nose, etc.) look original.

In order for such a souvenir to decorate the interior, it is worth providing the opportunity to place or hang the gift. To do this, just attach a loop, magnet, stick or stand.

How to make a volumetric inscription

DIY paper crafts for Valentine's Day can be simple or complex. The text in the form of the word “Love”, the name of a loved one, initials or other romantic word will look impressive.

The size of such a gift can be either miniature so that the text fits on the table, like a postcard, or large. Large letters can be used to decorate a wall or you can put them on the floor. The inscription is made both in the form of a relief on some basis, and completely three-dimensional.

The relief can be easily made by twisting many different elements and filling the outline of the letters with them. Volumetric parts are usually made of cardboard or thick paper. To do this, letter shapes are cut out in duplicate, as well as a strip to create the side surface. All parts are glued together with tape or glue. You can decorate the top with any decor or even install lighting inside the structure, for example, from a regular Christmas tree garland. It will be very impressive. Volumetric letters are also made from fabric in the form of soft toys or pillows.

How to make a box

Crafts for Valentine's Day with your own hands can be made not only beautiful, but also functional. Girls, and even adult women, always have a lot of all kinds of little things that they like to store in boxes or boxes. This is exactly the kind of gift you can make yourself.

If you make this souvenir in the shape of a heart, the technology will be the same as when making a three-dimensional letter. And it’s even easier to make a round box. It is enough to take the base remaining from the used adhesive tape, cover it with fabric or satin ribbons, and also cut out several circles of the appropriate size from cardboard to make the bottom and lid. Decorate all the details, connect them together - and the gift is ready.

Using the possibilities of decoupage

You can make beautiful crafts for Valentine's Day with your own hands using this simple technique. If you've never heard of it, its idea is that napkins with photorealistic decorative designs are glued onto a base of wood, glass, metal or other material that has been previously primed (usually with a white compound). Both special decoupage blanks and ordinary table napkins are used. After decoration, the surface is varnished, and you can also use additional decor, interesting effects and adding pattern elements with a brush. This method allows you to create very beautiful souvenirs even for those who do not know how to draw and have not done anything like this before.

They decorate watches, photo frames, vases, wine glasses, and boxes. Use heart-shaped blanks, as well as napkins with romantic scenes.


As a craft for Valentine's Day. Valentine you can make a beautiful card. Most often, the shape is chosen in the form of a heart. If you have designer paper, just cut it according to the template. Glue some decor on the front side, for example, a bow, and write a congratulation on the back.

If you have time, you can make a complex version with cut-out patterns and three-dimensional details. In this case, you will need a hole punch to create shaped holes. They come in the shape of hearts. Scrapbooking kits that contain special decorative paper and other decoration elements are perfect.

How to decorate a souvenir with homemade flowers

If you decide to make a heart out of paper, cardboard or fabric as a Valentine's craft, decorate it with flowers you made yourself. It is easy to make roses from plain or corrugated paper; nylon or chiffon are also used.

The easiest way to make flowers is from regular tinted paper. It is enough to cut the circle in a spiral from the edges to the center. Twist the resulting workpiece tightly. To make petals from nylon, a wire frame is used, onto which the material is stretched. Chiffon is used to make roses and other flowers that turn out quite realistic. Blanks are made both from individual parts and from long strips assembled onto a thread, for example.

How to sew a pillow

If you want to please your loved ones with an unusual accessory for decorating the interior, make a sofa bed with a corresponding theme.

The easiest way is to make a heart, but you can use a couple in love. All forms are usually simplified, so cutting them out of fabric and stitching them together is not difficult.

Be sure to leave seam allowances and sew along the wrong side, leaving an opening for turning and stuffing.

Making a souvenir from fleece

It is very easy to make crafts for "Valentine" with your own hands from a material that does not require processing of seams, as it does not crumble. The details of such souvenirs are sewn together on the front side. The decor can even be simply glued on. So, you can make magnets, pendants, soft fabric cards, and decorations on sticks. Use your imagination and you will do great.

for Valentine's Day

In this way, different gift options are made. It will be beautiful and practical to make a necklace, earrings, pendant or bracelet. In all this, you can use the theme of hearts and the corresponding color scheme.

No less interesting are decorative souvenirs that will decorate the interior. Trees made in the form of two intertwined trunks and branches look original and romantic. Each has its own color. Such a souvenir will symbolize the love and inextricable relationship between you.

As you can see, you can make a wide variety of crafts for Valentine's Day with your own hands. Choose those ideas that you have the patience and time to implement. Any hand-made souvenir, even the simplest one, will bring joy and good mood to the people you love.

For Valentine's Day, I asked myself: what DIY crafts for Valentine's Day can you make with your child? And we made wonderful hearts that decorated the apartment doors. You can find other uses for them; I described my ideas in the article.

Hello, dear parents, schoolchildren and everyone who is looking for an interesting idea for decoration, gift or just creativity for this unusual, but such a pleasant holiday. According to psychologists, every living thing needs love. So why not take February 14th as an opportunity to express it? People are all different, for some it is difficult to do this in everyday life, for others, on the contrary, they splash out their feelings on the chosen one with interest. But this month we are all thinking about how to deliver pleasant moments to loved ones and people dear to us.

From the first of February, in our home, immersion in the festive atmosphere traditionally begins. There are pillows with the inscription LOVE on the sofa, candles and decorations that match the theme on the table, and a heart is hung on the door to the nursery every day. I also try to give a festive look to the doors and sometimes they get large wreaths, like, or small ones. It is them that we will talk about now.

DIY crafts for Valentine's Day with your child

So, such a craft is suitable for children from 6-7 years old, my son is now just 6.3. For kids, an adult can make the basic blank and give it out for decoration. Older children, 8-10 years old, will cope with the whole process on their own. Well, adults who take the idea can modify it at their own discretion. Here, as they say, everything is limited only by your imagination.

You will need:

  • Thick cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • heart template of the selected size (preferably);
  • wooden coffee sticks;
  • liquid silicone or other fast-hardening glue.

To make your heart neat, I advise you to print out any template from the Internet and trace it on cardboard. Then you need to draw another one inside the cut one, measuring the guidelines with a ruler or printing another smaller heart. It is easier to cut out the internal space with nail scissors. As a result, we will get blanks like in the photo above.

Ideas for use

You can vary the number of blanks depending on the idea. I can give you a few:

  1. This decoration can serve as a frame for a photo that you will give to your best friend or boyfriend. Then you will need only 1 blank. There should be two of you in the photo, choose the most joyful moment that you managed to capture. And if you have a family, several of these frames with a picture of each family member in each will decorate your interior.
  2. Attach a stick (like a Chinese chopstick) to the craft, wrap it with a beautiful ribbon and put it in the bottle. If desired, the container can also be decorated festively. A similar gift would be perfect for your husband’s desk or to decorate his coffee table at home. What I am can be found in a separate article.
  3. Garlands are my weakness; I immediately want to make them out of everything! And if you reduce the size of the hearts, you will get a wonderful garland on the mirror, mantelpiece, or on the headboard.

Let's start tinkering - step one

Coffee sticks, as well as ice cream sticks, are sold here in the Dominican Republic in craft stores and school supply departments. Therefore, there were plenty of them in our bag. This natural material is perfect for working with children, and my son and I have already made, cute and even.

The number of sticks you will need now directly depends on the size of the cardboard blank. Distribute the first two at an angle at the top, setting the slope for the subsequent ones. And one at the bottom in the middle so that the desired shape stands out clearly.

If you are an adult, the best glue option is hot silicone. It sets instantly and there is no need to wait for it to dry completely. But a hot gun is contraindicated for children, and I can definitely say that working with cold silicone was no worse. In any case, I advise you to cover your work surface; we just took a white sheet of paper.

The next step I would recommend is to lay out the entire heart with chopsticks. This way you will make sure that there are enough of them and you will understand at what angle and at what distance they should be located. It is worth continuing the cage from top to bottom. Try to position the stick so that it completely covers the cardboard, but does not go beyond the line, that is, keep its end on the cut line. A 6-7 year old child can easily cope with this.

Thus we reach the middle. Then we start from the top again, now on the other half, and finish the first step of work.

Step two

The continuation of the work is painting. And although acrylic paint lays more beautifully on wood and does not require a second layer, in its absence you can get an excellent result with gouache. This is exactly what we used.

You will need:

  • Brush;
  • red paint;
  • newspaper.

Try to paint the boards not only on top, but also on the sides. And if your craft will be visible from all sides, then it’s worth covering both sides, although you will only decorate one. Gouache should be reused after drying the first layer. We did it on the terrace, it took 10 minutes.

Step three - decoration

This is the most creative part of the work, so, as always, I took out all kinds of materials that are stored at home and provided them for my son and me to choose from. We sat together, but each chose the style of his craft independently and they turned out completely different, not similar to each other.

Immediately what the child wanted to do was continue coloring! At first I was even confused, but it turned out that all I needed was white paint and cotton swabs.

Then we tried everything: pom-poms, heart stickers, rhinestones, beads, confetti and even colorful feathers. And we came up with DIY Valentine's Day crafts that suit everyone's tastes. I think they would be perfect as a gift.

Result of work

Initially, we wanted to decorate the entrance to our rooms, so I glued loops, now with hot silicone. I really like the combination of natural materials and contrasting styles. Delicate heart shape and stiff bristles.

Or we could leave them on the terrace and please the neighbors, as we have done more than once. But Alexander was persistent: “I want my heart on my door!”

And here is the door of the children's room, on which one new heart appears from February 1 to 14 with my confession to my son. My followers on the Facebook page saw the very first heart and the story associated with it. Subscribe, if you are interested in receiving news of my ideas, because I don’t have time to put everything into articles.

If you didn’t have time to do something similar for your loved one or children, as in my case, don’t worry, because you can arrange a one-day surprise. Sign fourteen hearts at once and hang them on Valentine's Day. Even our dad, having stolen one blank from me, decided to write a confession to his boy.

Dear readers, I hope you liked our crafts, which are easy to make with your own hands using available materials. I will be very pleased if you share the articles on social media. networks, to do this you just need to click on the buttons below. Let's together bring a little warmth and love into the hearts of loved ones. Happy holiday to everyone!

Crafts for Valentine's Day are easy to make with your own hands using available materials.

It is not necessary to buy expensive materials and spend money on luxurious gifts.

I suggest you surprise your loved one not only with delicious food, but also beautifully decorate your home with crafts.

What our chosen ones value in us is not how much money we spend on doing something nice, but how much of our soul we put into it.

Show your love, show your feelings and reveal the other side of yourself. After all, men first evaluate a woman as a housewife or needlewoman.

Craft for Valentine's Day “Couple from Love is”

I was inspired to make such beauty by “Love is” chewing gum wrappers. My daughter loves these rubber bands and we have a lot of candy wrappers.

Looking at one of them, I liked the candy wrapper with this image. I decided to bring it to life.

For DIY crafts we need:

  • cardboard;
  • crepe paper of different colors;
  • scissors;
  • ribbon;
  • a simple pencil;
  • PVA glue.

Depending on the idea, you yourself select the necessary paper colors. You can replace crepe paper with regular napkins - it will be even more convenient.

Since I couldn’t find the napkins in the colors I needed, I made them from crepe paper. Which, by the way, makes very beautiful ones.

How to make a craft for Valentine's Day “Couple from Love is”

We will do it using the trimming technique.

This technique involves gluing paper onto a surface in the form of small bags.

To do this, you need to cut the paper into strips and make squares measuring 2x2 cm. The larger the square, the higher the pile will be.

Take a sharpened pencil and place it in the center of the square.

When you glue the bag, coat it with glue and twist it lightly.

To make the base of a pair of cardboard, you need to draw the outlines of a girl and a boy. They don't need to be clear or you have any artistic talent.

Draw outlines from the picture, or in my case, the candy wrapper, and cut them out.

So I drew and cut out the moon and the couple.

We insert the sticks inside the vase, pushing them into the paper. We press the paper firmly and strengthen the sticks on top with it.

You must first attach the hearts to the sticks using super glue. Then mask with paper of the appropriate color.

We will have a topiary with an angel, so we cut it out, copying it from such a drawing.

We cut it out with a stationery knife and make small holes on the wings.

You can leave the angel white or glue beautiful paper. That's what I did!

We also need to make an arrow. Cut out the tip and plumage from red paper and glue it to a wooden stick. By the way, you can take a stick from an old paint brush.

So now we close the vase with tulle to give it a romantic touch. You can place beads, chains, sequins and other decorations inside the vase to cover the paper.

Tie the tulle with a ribbon to make a bow.

Now glue the angel onto one heart and the arrow onto the other. The arrow must pass through the heart, supposedly piercing it.

The result is an interesting craft for Valentine's Day, which can be placed on the holiday table, light candles and cook!

Your chosen one will be pleasantly surprised and will definitely please you in return!

Crafts for Valentine's Day

This article contains the most interesting handmade ideas for Valentine's Day. We hope that with our help, your significant other will remember this day for a long time. So, we will surprise you with all kinds of hearts, let's go!

For these romantic crafts you will need colored paper, scissors, glue, sometimes even wire and salt(!), but we can promise you that you won’t need any special skills and you won’t need secret ingredients that can only be “obtained on a full moon by spitting through an empty well!”

1. Decorate the house!

Lovers' wreath on the door

Cut out a circle with a diameter of 30-40 cm from plain white paper. Cover it with cut out hearts. Choose the desired tone yourself - the wreath can be made more delicate, using white and light pink hearts, or it can be more passionate, choosing red and burgundy colors. You can make it in a trendy combination of pink and black or in a gothic style using black and red hearts. You can also choose different sizes of hearts - this will make the wreath more voluminous and textured.

You can decorate a door, window or hang it on the wall with a wreath.

Garland of hearts

We string the cut out hearts onto a thread. A very simple and beautiful decoration. Please note that the hearts can be strung either crosswise or lengthwise. If you string it across, you get a vertical garland that can be used to decorate a doorway.

If along, then horizontal - such a garland can be hung on the wall, decorated with it on a bed, a window, or pulled across the entire room under the ceiling.

It's even easier to make a garland with clothespins. Then it is better to cut the hearts out of thicker paper so that they do not become deformed due to the clothespin. And of course, you can attach romantic wishes, favorite photographs, memorable candy wrappers and tickets to such a garland.

Romantic little things

Remember how, as children, we “grew” crystals on sticks in a saline solution? Try making these crystal hearts for February 14th!

The heart can be made from colored wire, after which it must be placed in a concentrated saline solution (gradually add salt to warm water until it stops dissolving). You just have to wait a few days, and to make the heart grow faster, change the solution to a new one every 2-3 days.

And, of course, candles! Decorate candle stands with hearts, but don’t forget about fire safety!

2. Make your own valentines!

The most important paper heart on this day is your Valentine's card. And you can make it yourself and it will turn out no worse than store-bought, even more original! For example, you can send...

Message in an envelope

We string 6-8 hearts on a thread and put them in an envelope...

You can write words on each of the hearts, which will form a phrase as you pull out the hearts. Do not confuse the beginning and the end when putting the message into the envelope, otherwise you will end up with “I love you, I am Zina” instead of “Zina, I love you” :)

A couple more options with envelopes - mini messages with nice words and compliments and an envelope that opens into a heart

Valentine card with candles

I award this idea the first place in terms of romance in our selection - a card with candles (small cake candles will do)

Card with hearts

Here are some easy, cute ideas for designing romantic Valentine’s cards:

Another idea for a voluminous card with two hearts flowing into each other - it turns out to be a very symbolic valentine. It will only take you 10 minutes to create it - follow our instructions and this is what you will get in the end

Button hearts

Cool cards are made with button hearts - bright and cheerful

Postcard - romantic lottery

Valentines cards with photos

A happy photo of you together can be the best Valentine for Valentine's Day. Add a line of wishes in Photoshop, a few hearts and insert it into a nice frame. Or make a heart from your small photographs

And of course, Origami Valentines . Watch this simple video tutorial that shows you how to make a beating heart out of a piece of paper.

3. Let's have fun with our colleagues!

To do this you will need plastic (and basically any) soldiers! On the hearts we write heartbreaking requests for help, such as “Elena Arnoldovna, you killed me with your smile!”, “I can’t fight these feelings anymore!” “I’m dying of love for you,” “I’m completely smitten by your gaze!” We “distribute” the hearts to the soldiers and place the regiment dying of love on the tables of colleagues, window sills and in the cupboard for coffee cups.

4. Let's have a romantic tea party

Cute tea bags. We have already written about this in more detail. You can decorate the entire tea ceremony in a romantic style.

5. Making heart bookmarks for a book

What could be simpler - take two hearts of different sizes and glue the small one onto the large one (only the top part, and the bottom bookmark will just “cling” to the desired page!)

6. Bouquets of hearts

We fasten 6-8 hearts together with a pin, attach the pin with the resulting bud to a “twig”, which can be a wire, a cocktail tube or a real tree branch. The flower is ready. We make 5-7 flowers for a bouquet, of different sizes and shades. We “decorate” the petals with wishes and compliments!

And this option will especially appeal to those with a sweet tooth - we secure the flower not with a pin, but with a lollipop candy

7. Delicious love. Cooking a romantic breakfast for your loved one

We will delight our loved one with goodies on this day. I will not include a recipe for baked salmon with exotic sauce in this article; there are many similar instructions on the Internet. Let's focus on the beautiful presentation. Pancakes and scrambled eggs can be prepared in special molds. You can cut hearts from all kinds of fruits and vegetables: carrots, strawberries, bananas, apples and kiwis.

8. Flower romance

Where would we be without flowers on this romantic holiday?! Let's make a beautiful, tender heart out of carnations using these instructions

10. Wrapping gifts for loved ones

Also check out our selection of heart boxes that you can make with your own hands using simple patterns

Evgenia Smirnova

Valentine's Day is the brightest day for lovers. They give each other cute gifts and write letters of love. When I invited the children to make gifts for their most beloved people, and they, of course, turned out to be mom and dad, they gladly agreed. We had to cut out a lot of hearts! As a result, we ended up with such a collective work - heartfelt sunshine!

When I started photographing him, the sun suddenly came out!

The cards turned out to be bouquets of hearts like these, and the vase was also a heart.

And today the children asked me, what else will we do? There are a lot of hearts left, I thought a little and this is the result!

The gifts are ready, all that remains is to give them!

Love is the most wonderful feeling on earth! Keep your love, cherish it, grow it! And she will certainly make you happy! I wish you great and bright love!

Publications on the topic:

On February 14, many countries around the world celebrate Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day. On this day it is customary to give flowers and sweets.

It’s still February and the jasmine is not blooming, but love makes the heart beat stronger. Valentine united lovers, and Valentine's Day is called in his honor.

February 14 is an amazing day, a bright holiday, when you can safely confess your love. Those who celebrate this holiday give gifts to their loved ones.

Soon there will be a holiday called Valentine's Day, which has become a favorite holiday in our country. Now the children and I are going through the topic: “Animals of Artik.” I.

Hello, today I will show you a master class on making a candlestick. Valentine's Day is coming soon and you don't know what.

Entertainment scenario for the senior group “Valentine’s Day” Children go into the hall and sit on chairs listening to music. accompaniment Song about friendship (from the film “Masha and the Bear”) Presenter: He came to us.

Scenario for an open parent meeting “Valentine’s Day” to the music “True Friend” the children enter the hall) Presenter: We are glad to welcome you to a romantic holiday! Valentine's Day is a holiday.

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