Home Useful tips Russian folk tale: “The pouring apple is a golden saucer.” The Tale of the Silver Saucer and the Filled Apple

Russian folk tale: “The pouring apple is a golden saucer.” The Tale of the Silver Saucer and the Filled Apple

When the evil sisters saw this, their eyes clouded with envy. They grabbed a gnarled stick, killed Mashenka, buried it under a birch tree, and took the saucer with the apple for themselves.

We arrived home only in the evening. They brought full boxes of mushrooms and berries, and they said to the father and mother:
- Mashenka ran away from us. We went around the whole forest and didn’t find her; Apparently, the wolves ate the thicket.

The father tells them:
- Roll the apple on the saucer, maybe the apple will show where our Mashenka is.
The sisters died, but we must obey. They rolled an apple on a saucer, the saucer does not play, the apple does not roll, no forests, no fields, no high mountains, no beauty skies are visible on the saucer.

At that time, at that time, a shepherd was looking for a sheep in the forest, he saw a white birch tree standing, a tubercle dug under the birch tree, and azure flowers were blooming all around. Reeds grow among the flowers.

The young shepherd cut a reed and made a pipe. I didn’t even have time to bring the pipe to my lips, but the pipe itself plays and says:
- Play, play, little pipe, play, little reed, amuse the young shepherdess. They ruined me, poor thing, killed me young, for a silver saucer, for a pouring apple.

The shepherd boy got scared, ran to the village, and told the people. People gathered and gasped. Mashenka’s father also came running. As soon as he took the pipe in his hands, the pipe itself began to sing and say:
- Play, play, little pipe, play, little reed, amuse your dear father. They ruined me, poor thing, killed me young, for a silver saucer, for a pouring apple.
The father cried:
- Lead us, young shepherd, to where you cut the pipe.
The shepherd boy brought them to the forest on a hillock. Under the birch tree there are azure flowers, on the birch tree the titmouse birds sing songs. They dug up the tubercle, and Mashenka was lying there. Dead, but more beautiful alive: there is a blush on her cheeks, as if the girl is sleeping.

And the pipe plays and says:
- Play, play, pipe, play, reed. My sisters lured me into the forest, they ruined me, poor thing, for a silver saucer, for an apple. Play, play, pipe, play reed. Get, father, crystal water from the royal well. The two envious sisters shook, turned white, fell to their knees, and confessed to their guilt.

They were locked under iron locks until the royal decree, the high command. And the old man got ready to go to the royal city for living water. Whether soon or not, he came to that city and came to the palace.

About the silver saucer and the pouring apple

Source of text: V.A. Gatsuk - Tales of the Russian people. A man and his wife had three daughters: Two were dressy girls, entertainers, and the third was simple-minded; and her sisters, and after them her father and mother, call her a fool. The fool is pushed everywhere, pushed around in everything, forced to work; She doesn’t say a word, she’s ready for anything: flying grass, splitting splinters, milking cows, feeding ducks. Whoever asks anything, the fool always says: “Fool, go! Look behind everything, fool!” He sees a tubercle under a birch tree to the side, and on it there are scarlet and azure flowers around it, with a reed above the flowers. The young shepherd cut a reed, made a pipe, and the pipe itself sings and pronounces. EOS Publishing House, Moscow, 1992. OCR and spell check: The Old Man and the Sea (Ernest Hemingway Official Website). dead body dug up. The father clasped his hands, groaned, recognized his unfortunate daughter - she was lying dead, ruined by someone unknown, buried by someone unknown. Good people They ask: who killed and ruined her? And the pipe itself plays and says: “My dear father of light, my sisters called me into the forest, they ruined me, poor thing, for a silver saucer, for a pouring apple; you will not awaken me from a heavy sleep until you get water from the royal well... “The two envious sisters began to shake, turned pale—and their souls were on fire—and confessed their guilt; they were seized, tied up, locked in a dark cellar until the royal decree, the high command; and the father got ready to go to the throne city. ; he runs into the woods, onto a colored hillock, and tears off the body there. As soon as he sprinkled water, his daughter stood up alive in front of him and fell like a dove on her father’s neck. People came running and cried. “So she said, smiled and lifted her sisters; and the sisters were crying in repentance, like a river flowing, they didn’t want to get up from the ground. Then the king ordered them to get up, looked at them meekly, and ordered them to stay in the palace. The king is in the palace; the porch is all in lights like the sun in the rays; the king and queen sat down in the chariot; the earth trembles, the people run: “Hello,” he shouts, “for many years!”

Whether it was soon or how long it took, he arrived in that city. He comes to the palace; behold, the sun king came out from the golden porch, the old man bowed to the ground, asking for royal mercy. The king says: “Take, old man, living water from the royal well; when your daughter comes to life, present her to us with a saucer, an apple, and her sister-little sisters.” The old man rejoices, bows to the ground and takes home a bottle with living water


“Thank you, girl,” said the old woman. “For your kindness, here’s some advice for you: when your father goes to the fair, ask him to buy you a silver saucer and a juicy apple for fun.” You will roll an apple on a saucer and say:

Roll, roll, apple,

On a silver platter

Show me on a platter

Cities and fields

And forests and seas,

And the heights of the mountains

And the beauty of heaven.

And if you are in need, girl, I will help you. Remember: I live on the edge of a dense forest and it takes exactly three days and three nights to get to my hut.

The old woman said these words and went into the forest.

How long or how little time has passed, the peasant gathered for the fair.

He asks his daughters:

What gifts should you buy?

One daughter asks:

Buy me, father, some kumac for a sundress.

Another says:

Buy me a patterned chintz.

And Alyonushka asks:

My dear light-father, buy me a silver saucer and a pouring apple.

The peasant promised his daughters to fulfill their request and left.

He returned from the fair and brought gifts for his daughters: one - patterned calico, the other - calico for a sundress, and Alyonushka - a silver saucer and an apple. The older sisters rejoice at the gifts, but they laugh at Alyonushka and wait to see what she will do with the silver saucer and the juicy apple.

But she doesn’t eat the apple, she sat down in the corner, rolled the apple on a saucer and said:

Roll, roll, apple,

On a silver platter

Show me on a platter

Cities and fields

And forests and seas,

And the heights of the mountains

And the beauty of heaven.

An apple rolls on a saucer, poured on a silver one, and on the saucer all the cities are visible, villages in the fields, and ships on the seas, and the height of the mountains, and the beauty of the sky, the clear sun and the bright moon are circling, the stars are gathering in a round dance; Everything is so wonderful that it can’t be said in a fairy tale or written with a pen.

The sisters looked at them, they were overcome with envy, they wanted to lure Alyonushka’s saucer with the apple out of her hands. But Alyonushka doesn’t take anything in return.

Then the sisters decided to take away the saucer with the apple from her by deception and force. They walk around and talk:

Darling Alyonushka! Let's go to the forest to pick berries and pick strawberries.

Alyonushka agreed, gave the saucer with the apple to her father and went with her sisters into the forest.

Alyonushka wanders through the forest, picking berries, and her sisters lead her further and further. They took her into the thicket, attacked Alyonushka, killed her and buried her under a birch tree, and late in the evening they came to her father and mother and said:

Alyonushka ran away from us and disappeared. We walked around the entire forest without coughing. Apparently the wolves ate her.

Father and mother cried bitterly, and the sisters asked their father for a saucer and an apple.

No,” he answers them, “I won’t give the saucer with the apple to anyone.” Let them be in memory of Alyonushka, my beloved daughter.

He put the apple and saucer in the casket and locked it.

A lot of time has passed. At dawn, a shepherd drove his flock past the forest. One sheep fell behind and went into the forest. The shepherd boy went through the forest to look for the sheep. He sees a slender white birch tree standing, and under it there is a tubercle, and on it there are scarlet and azure flowers around, and above the flowers there is a reed.

The shepherd boy cut a reed, made a pipe, and - a wonderful miracle, a wonderful miracle - the pipe itself sings and says:

Play, play, little shepherd,

Play slowly

Play lightly.

They killed me, poor thing,

They put it under a birch tree,

For a silver saucer

For a pouring apple.

A shepherd came to the village, and the pipe kept singing its song.

People listen - they are amazed, they question the shepherd.

“Good people,” says the shepherd, “I don’t know anything.” I was looking for a sheep in the forest and saw a hillock, flowers on the hillock, and a reed above the flowers. I cut a reed, made myself a pipe, and the pipe itself plays and pronounces.

Alyonushka’s father and mother happened to be here, and they heard the shepherd boy’s words. The mother grabbed the pipe, and the pipe itself began to sing and say:

Play, play, dear mother,

Play slowly

Play lightly.

They killed me, poor thing,

They put it under a birch tree,

For a silver saucer

For a pouring apple.

The hearts of the father and mother sank when they heard these words.

Lead us, shepherd,” said the father, “to where you cut the reed.”

Father and mother followed the shepherd into the forest, and the people went with them. We saw a tubercle with scarlet and azure flowers under a birch tree. They began to tear apart the tubercle and found the murdered Alyonushka.

The father and mother recognized their beloved daughter and cried inconsolable tears.

Good people, they ask, who killed and ruined her?

Here the father took the pipe, and the pipe itself sings and says:

Play, play, father of light,

Play slowly

Play lightly.

My sisters invited me to the forest,

They killed me, poor thing,

They put it under a birch tree,

For a silver saucer

For a pouring apple.

You go, go, father of light,

To the edge of the dense forest,

There is a plank hut there,

A good old lady lives there,

It will give living water in a bottle.

Sprinkle me a little with that water -

I'll wake up, wake up from a heavy sleep,

From heavy sleep, from the sleep of death.

Then the father and mother went to the edge of the dense forest. They walked for exactly three days and three nights and reached a forest hut. An ancient old woman came out onto the porch. Her father and mother asked her for living water.

“I will help Alyonushka,” the old woman answers, “for her kind heart.”

She gave them a bottle of living water and said:

Pour a handful of native soil into the bottle - without it the water will not have any power.

The father and mother bowed to the ground and thanked the old woman, and went back.

They came to the village, poured, as the old woman ordered, a handful of their native soil into a bottle of living water, took the feverish sisters with them and went into the forest. And the people went with them.

We came to the forest. The father sprinkled living water on his daughter and Alyonushka came to life. And the evil sisters got scared, turned whiter than a sheet and confessed everything. People grabbed them, tied them up and brought them to the village.

People gathered here. And they decided to punish the evil sisters with terrible punishment - to drive them away from their native land. And so they did.

And Alyonushka again began to live with her father and mother, and they loved her more than ever.

There lived a man and his wife, and they had three daughters: two were dressy girls, entertainers, and the third was simple-minded, and her sisters, and after them both father and mother, called her a fool. The fool is pushed everywhere, pushed around in everything, forced to work; She doesn’t say a word, she’s ready for anything: flying grass, splitting splinters, milking cows, feeding ducks. Whoever asks anything, the fool always says: “Fool, go! Look behind everything, fool!” A man goes to the fair with hay and promises to buy gifts for his daughters. One daughter asks: “Buy me, father, some kumac for a sundress”; another daughter asks: “Buy me a scarlet Chinese shirt”; and the fool remains silent and watches. Even though she’s a fool, she’s a daughter; I feel sorry for my father - and he asked her: “What should you buy, fool?” The fool grinned and said: “Buy me, dear father, a silver saucer and an apple.” - “What do you need?” - the sisters asked. “I will roll an apple on a saucer and say the words that the old woman taught me - because I served her a roll.” The man promised and went.

How close, how far, how long, how long was he at the fair, sold the hay, bought some gifts: for one daughter a scarlet Chinese dress, another for a sundress, and for the fool a silver saucer and a juicy apple; returned home and shows. The sisters were happy, they sewed sundresses, but they laughed at the fool and waited to see what she would do with the silver saucer and the pouring apple. The fool does not eat the apple, but sat down in the corner and says: “Roll, roll, apple, on a silver saucer, show me cities and fields, forests and seas, and the heights of the mountains and the beauty of the skies!” An apple rolls on a saucer, poured on a silver one, and on the saucer all the cities are visible one after another, ships on the seas and shelves in the fields, and the height of the mountains and the beauty of the skies; the sun rolls after the sun, the stars gather in a round dance - everything is so beautiful, it’s amazing - no matter what you say in a fairy tale, you write it with a pen. The sisters looked at each other, and they themselves became envy, trying to lure the fool out of a saucer; but she wouldn’t trade her saucer for anything.

The evil sisters walk around, call, and persuade: “Darling sister! Let’s go to the forest to pick berries and pick strawberries.” The fool gave the saucer to her father, got up and went into the forest; wanders with his sisters, picks berries and sees a spade lying on the grass. Suddenly the evil sisters grabbed the spade, killed the fool, buried her under a birch tree, and came to their father late and said: “The fool ran away from us, disappeared without a trace; we went around the forest, we didn’t find her, apparently the wolves ate her!” It's a pity for the father - even if his daughter is a fool! A man cries for his daughter; He took the saucer and the apple, put it in the casket and locked it; and the sisters shed tears.

A shepherd leads the flock, blows his trumpet at dawn and goes along the forest to look for a sheep; he sees a hillock under a birch tree to the side, and on it there are scarlet and azure flowers all around, with a reed above the flowers. The young shepherd cut a reed, made a pipe, and - a wondrous miracle, a wonderful miracle - the pipe itself sings and pronounces: “Play, play, little pipe! Amuse the father of the world, my dear mother and my dear sisters. They ruined me, poor thing, from the world They sold it for a silver saucer, for an apple." People hear - they come running, the whole village turns to the shepherd; They pester the shepherd and ask who they killed? There is no end to questions. “Good people!” the shepherd says. “I don’t know anything, but I was looking for a sheep in the forest and saw a hillock, flowers on the hillock, a reed above the flowers; I cut the reed, made myself a pipe, the pipe itself plays and pronounces.”

The fool’s father happened to be here, hears Pastukhov’s words, grabbed the pipe, and the pipe itself sings: “Play, play, pipes, dear father, amuse him with his mother. They ruined me, poor thing, sold off the world for a silver saucer, for an apple.” “Lead us, shepherd,” says the father, “to where you cut the reed.” He followed the shepherd into the woods on a hillock and marveled at the beautiful flowers, scarlet and azure flowers. So they began to tear apart the tubercle and dug up the dead body. The father clasped his hands, groaned, recognized his unfortunate daughter, and she lay dead, ruined by someone unknown, buried by someone unknown. Good people ask who killed and ruined her? And the pipe itself plays and says: “My dear father, my light! My sisters called me into the forest, they ruined me, poor thing, for a silver saucer, for an apple; you will not awaken me from my heavy sleep until you get water from the royal well.” The two envious sisters shook, turned pale, and their souls were on fire, and confessed to the barn; they were seized, tied up, locked in a dark cellar until the royal decree, the high command; and the father got ready to go to the throne city.

Whether it was soon or how long it took, he arrived in that city. He comes to the palace; Here the sun king came out from the golden porch, the old man bowed to the ground, asking for royal mercy. The Tsar-Hope will say: “Take, old man, living water from the Tsar’s well; when the daughter comes to life, present her to us with a saucer, an apple, and her sister-little sisters.” The old man rejoices, bows to the ground and takes home a bottle of living water; he runs into the woods onto a colored mound and tears off the body there. As soon as he sprinkled water, his daughter stood up alive in front of him and fell like a dove on her father’s neck. People came running and cried.

The old man went to the throne city; They brought him to the royal chambers. The sun king came out and saw an old man with three daughters: two were tied by the hands, and the third daughter was like a spring flower, her eyes were a heavenly light, the dawn was on her face, tears were rolling from her eyes, like pearls were falling. The king looks and is surprised; He became angry at the evil sisters, and asked the beauty: “Where are your saucer and pouring apple?” Then she took the casket from her father’s hands, took out an apple with a saucer, and the king herself asked “What do you, Tsar-Sovereign, want to see: your strong cities, your brave regiments, ships on the sea, wonderful stars in the sky?”

She rolled a liquid apple on a silver saucer, and on the saucer, one by one, the cities were displayed, in them the regiments gathered with banners, with arquebuses, and stood in battle formation; commanders in front of formations, heads in front of platoons, foremen in front of tens; and firing, and shooting, smoke formed a cloud, closed everything from my eyes! An apple rolls on a saucer, poured on a silver one: on the saucer the sea is agitated, ships swim like swans, flags flutter, they shoot from the stern; and shooting, and shooting, smoke formed a cloud, closed everything from my eyes! An apple rolls on a saucer, poured on a silver one: in the saucer the whole sky flaunts, the sun spins after the sun, the stars gather in a round dance. The king is surprised by the miracles, and the beauty sheds tears, falls at the king’s feet and asks for mercy. “Tsar-sovereign!” she says. “Take my silver saucer and a pouring apple, just forgive my sisters, don’t destroy them for me.” The king took pity on her tears and pardoned her request; She screamed in joy and rushed to hug her sisters.

The king looks and is amazed; He took the beauty by the hands and said to her affably: “I honor your kindness, I will distinguish your beauty; Do you want to be my wife, the good queen of the kingdom?” “Tsar-sovereign!” the beauty answers. “Your will is royal, and over the daughter is the will of the father, the blessing of her own mother; as the father orders, as the mother blesses, so I will do.” The father bowed to the ground, they sent for the mother - the mother blessed. “I have another word for you,” the beauty said to the king, “do not separate my relatives from me; let my mother, my father, and my sisters be with me.” Here the sisters bow at her feet. "We are unworthy!" - they say. “Everything is forgotten, dear sisters!” she tells them. “You are my relatives, not from other sides, but whoever remembers the old evil is out of sight!” So she said, smiled and raised her sisters; and the sisters cry in repentance, like a river flowing, they want to get up from the ground. Then the king ordered them to get up, looked at them meekly, and ordered them to stay in the palace. Feast in the palace! The porch is all lit up, like the sun in its rays; The king and queen got into the chariot, the earth trembles, the people run: “Hello,” they shout, “for many centuries!”

An old man and an old woman lived and they gave birth to three daughters. Two girls were smart, and the third was called a fool. Father was a fisherman. Once he caught a lot of fish and decided to go to the city. He was going to the city for shopping, two smart daughters asked him: “Father, buy us a silk sundress.” - “I’ll buy it.”

But the fool doesn’t ask for anything. And she was not a fool, but she was quiet and polite. Her name was Tanya. Her father went to her and asked: “Why don’t you ask for anything, daughter? What should I buy you?” - “I don’t need anything, father.” - “But how? Your sisters are asking to buy silk sundresses, but you don’t ask for anything!” - “Buy me, father, a poured apple - a golden saucer!”

The old man finished his business and went to the city. He arrived in the city. I went to the market and bought a sundress for my older daughters, and bought a golden saucer for my youngest daughter. He bought all the gifts and went home.

So he brought gifts for his daughters. The older, smart daughters combed their hair, put on sundresses and went for a walk, while the youngest daughter stayed at home.

She combed her hair, put on a shirt, sat down, put a golden saucer on her knees, and a poured apple on it and said:

Play, play, saucer,

Roll, roll, bullseye:

Show me the fields and seas,

And wide meadows,

And shooting, and firing,

And the beauty of the mountains,

And the height of heaven!

As she said, so all this appeared: fields, and seas, and wide meadows, and shooting, and shooting, and the beauty of mountains, and the height of heaven!

The older daughters saw her apple and saucer and became jealous. So they ask their younger sister: “Our dear sister, let us play with a pouring apple - a golden saucer!” - “Play!”

The sisters took a liquid apple - a golden saucer and began to play. The eldest said:

Play, play, saucer,

Roll, roll, bullseye:

Show me the fields and seas,

And wide meadows,

And shooting, and firing,

And the beauty of the mountains,

And the height of heaven!

As she said, so all this appeared to the sisters: fields, and seas, and shooting, and shooting, and wide meadows, and the beauty of mountains, and the height of heaven.

The older sisters fell in love with the pouring apple - a golden saucer, and they began to persuade the younger sister: “Give us, sister, the pouring apple - a golden saucer, and we will give you our silk sundresses!” - “No, sisters, you can’t do that! Bulk apple- a golden saucer is a treasured gift from the priest! Ask the priest - maybe he’ll buy it for you, but I don’t need a silk sundress.”

The older sisters are very angry with the younger one, but they don’t tell her about it. Some time passed when younger sister forgot about everything, they began to persuade her: “Come with us to the forest to pick strawberries.” “Come on, sisters,” Tanya answers them.

She went with them. The sisters came to the dense forest, took her and killed her. They killed Tanya, buried him under a tree, and took the liquid apple - a golden saucer - for themselves.

The older sisters came home from the forest and said to their father: “Our little fool has gone somewhere! And we looked for her, looked for her, clicked, clicked, but we never found her,” “Where did she go?” - asks the father. “We don’t know... Look, the biryukki tore them to pieces.”

The father loved his younger daughter and doted on her. He cried hard for Tanya. He does not believe his older daughters that the youngest is lost, and even more does not believe that she is not alive in the world. My father cried for a week, cried for another and a third, and still couldn’t believe that his Tanya was no longer alive. “Look, the envious women took her into the forest and abandoned her,” he thinks to himself.

There was a shepherd in the village. He drove the lambs to graze in the forest where the sisters took Tanya. He drove and drove his herd - and came across a hillock-grave in the forest. A reed grew on that grave. He sat down on a hillock to rest, took out a knife and thought: “I’ll cut a reed, make a pipe and play on it.”

He cut a reed, made a pipe and started playing.

He plays the pipe, and the pipe plays guitar:

We were all three sisters,

We went to the forest to pick strawberries,

For strawberries, for raspberries...

My sisters killed me

My sisters ruined me

And they disappeared from the white world -

For a pouring apple,

For a golden saucer!

The shepherd was amazed. He thinks he imagined it. So he decided to play again. He plays the pipe, and the pipe plays guitar, and says plaintively in a girlish voice:

We were all three sisters,

We went to the forest to pick strawberries,

For strawberries, for raspberries...

My sisters killed me

My sisters ruined me

And they disappeared from the white world -

For a pouring apple,

For a golden saucer!

Evening has come, a shepherd is driving a flock of lambs into the village. He drove it to the village, walked along the run and played the pipe, and the pipe played guitar and said plaintively in a girlish voice:

We were all three sisters,

We went to the forest to pick strawberries,

For strawberries, for raspberries...

My sisters killed me

My sisters ruined me

And they disappeared from the white world -

For a pouring apple,

For a golden saucer!

The father heard these words, hurried to the shepherd, and asked him: “Give me the pipe.” The shepherd gave him a pipe.

So the father started to play on it, and the pipe itself began to play:

My dear father,

My dear mother!

We went to the forest to pick strawberries,

For strawberries, for raspberries,

My sisters killed me

My sisters ruined me

And they disappeared from the white world -

For a pouring apple,

For a golden saucer!

Then the father began to cry bitterly. He cried and asked the shepherd where he found such a pipe. He told him everything.

Then the father went into the forest, found a hillock, dug up the ground, and saw Tanya lying down. He took out his daughter, and she was dead. He brought his daughter home. Then the old sorceress told him: “Go to the king and get living water from his well. Sprinkle your daughter with that water, she will come to life.”

And the older sisters-villains, when they saw the murdered woman, began to cry. They roar, howl, and tear out their hair. They became afraid.

Father went to the king living water to take from the well, and the king asks: “What do you need water for?”

The father told everything to the king. Then the king says to him: “If the girl wakes up, then bring her to me, and let her take everything with her!”

The father arrived home, sprinkled water on his dead daughter - she stood up. He took his daughter, a juicy apple and a golden saucer and took her to the king.

We arrived before the king. As soon as the king looked at the old man’s daughter, he fell in love with Tanya. The king forced her to play with a pouring apple - a golden saucer. Tanya took the liquid apple - a golden saucer and said:

Play, play, saucer,

Roll, roll, bullseye:

Show me the fields and seas,

And wide meadows,

And shooting, and firing,

And the beauty of the mountains,

And the height of heaven!

As Tanya said, everything immediately appeared: fields, and seas, and wide meadows, and shooting, and shooting, and the beauty of mountains, and the height of heaven.

Then the king said to himself: “This is the kind of girl I should take as my wife.” I thought and thought and asked the fisherman’s daughter: “Will you marry me?” “I’ll go,” Tanya answers, “only, Father Tsar, let my sisters live with me.” I feel sorry for them, don't punish them! Let them live with us.” “Let them live,” said the king.

The king got married. They began to live. They live and love each other. The Tsar dotes on Tanya: she is both beautiful and polite.

Her sisters envy her, but they can’t do anything. So the fisherman’s daughter lives with the king, and the envious sisters get angry. They lived like this for a long time, and now the king sees all sorts of bad things going on with his wife’s sisters. He endured, endured, and even drove them out of his state. I drove it away and calmed down.

After that, the Tsar and Tanya began to live well and get along well and make good money.

I visited them and drank honey beer.

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