Home Fruit trees The birth of a person is when the spirit enters the body. Channeling. About children. When does the soul enter the body? On the infusion of dead souls into the bodies of the living

The birth of a person is when the spirit enters the body. Channeling. About children. When does the soul enter the body? On the infusion of dead souls into the bodies of the living

[email protected] 04.02.2014

The soul enters the body of the child (fetus) - approximately at the end of the third month, plus or minus a couple of weeks.

Those. that's where it came from that abortion before 3 months is not murder and sin.

[email protected] 08.02.2014

I generally read that the soul of a child, in general, a couple of months before conception, flies over a woman and looks at her, as if deciding whether she is worthy of becoming his mother or not.

This is absurd. The soul does not choose the body, everything depends on the parents. In what state of thoughts were the parents at the moment of conception, what desire did they have in relation to the unborn child. The purer the benevolence for action of the parents, the higher the emotional and energy surge, respectively, and the higher in spiritual development the soul will instill in the conceived child. It is not for nothing that drunks give birth to handicapped children with various mental disorders.

Isn't there murder? But nothing that the heart beats from 6-7 obstetric weeks, i.e. from 3-4 weeks from conception? It looks great on an ultrasound. Those who make abortions for themselves (a woman), others (doctors) or push for it (a man), of course, can amuse themselves that they say there is nothing there until 3 months, but the truth is the truth and everything will be exacted later. You need to think ahead so you don't have to make a difficult choice later. However, for many it is easy, it’s business, I went to cut a piece of clot out of myself ..

In fact, all participating souls know about what will happen and how to happen even before the formation of a pair of fetal producers ("parents") - there are only small variations associated with turning off the memory of these preliminary agreements.

It is rather strange that the author presents the soul (something intangible after all) in the form of some kind of physical object, that energy from the soul can be "drained, turned off, withdrawn" ... Energy is energy, that there are no limits for it: can fill the Galaxy, can fit in a zirconium atom ... Orthodox theologians say that the soul is infused at the moment of conception ... And it is not clear why the topic of abortion causes such a stir? To kill the unborn is a terrible sin! For some reason, no one, foaming at the mouth, discusses the topic of murders in general. Somehow inconsistent and illogical. Recall the same Mowgli children. picked up and fed: a goat or a she-wolf) and remains. And from a person in him only belonging to the biological species "homo sapiens". ". And if we proceed from the idea that the soul chooses its earthly experience in advance ... And more e for those who forgot "for a minute" that there is no death

No death guys! There is only an endless chain of rebirths from one body to another! The soul is immortal and indestructible! Only our body dies and only in the 3rd dimension, because the 3rd dimension of the Earth is mortal. In other dimensions they live forever, there is no death.

I wonder where and who says (what culture and / or country) that killing an adult is in the order of things? That this happens, like abortion, is not the norm. And everywhere it is punishable by law. Just the fact that there is no parallel in this with abortion is illogical.

And here the harmonious choir of defenders of freedom to dispose of one's own body, destiny, etc. understandably intervenes. Like, it was still not enough not only to tell me to have an abortion or not, but also to punish! All this is understandable, there are different situations and double standards are inevitable - according to medical indications or from a rapist, a pregnancy can be terminated.

But when this is put on stream and a woman’s internal attitude to this is as simple as washing her hands (mostly in Soviet times due to the denseness and downtroddenness of a woman + lack of contraceptives) - it’s sad.

I do not undertake to discuss questions of karma and fate, we do not know this. But "destined" is very closely connected with the free will of the one who realizes this fate for the victim - the executioner. It is also a game - who chooses what. And then everything is weighed.

What is not the "norm" is to give birth to an unloved, unexpected, unnecessary child. He already feels in the womb: whether they are waiting for him, they want him ... And if a woman does not listen to herself, but to the "civilized" society and gives birth, stepping on herself throat, but pleasing uncles-aunts (especially uncles who are far from the topic a priori), suggesting that this is "not good", then cripples both his life and the life of a child. He will already be born with the feeling that he was forced to give birth, that he we are not happy that he is not loved ... He will generate exactly the same perception in the world, because he simply does not know another. There are a lot of examples in life, unfortunately. In the end, it all comes down to elementary human unconsciousness and irresponsibility: " what am I doing? why am I doing it? for what? And the perception of death, of course, in our culture, at least, is clearly inadequate. Death, in the form of murders or abortions or otherwise, is the norm. This is how life on planet Earth works. "There are no immortals on this earth ..."

Well, you agreed .. "Death in the form of murders or abortions is the norm," because. no bemertium anyway. All clear. Now I especially agree that some people are better off not being born to certain parents. Unfortunately, the deaths or crippled "parents" of the fate of many tortured children confirm this.

But it often happens that at first a woman is shocked by an unexpected pregnancy (again, it is necessary to protect yourself, because pregnancies "in spite of" pills, spirals, condoms or infertility are very rare, more than due to stupidity and ignorance - and then there will be no problem of choice , this is more humane for everyone), and then she decides to leave the child and he is the most beloved on earth, it’s impossible to even imagine that he would have been killed at the very beginning and he was gone. But this is for women who are normal by nature, who initially leave a child not because of society (heh, it’s interesting to know at least one such case where a woman does not want, but society directly insists and she gives birth), but in spite of him, especially in the old days .

Society, unfortunately, has become so deeply rooted in the human interior that the majority are not really aware of what they are doing at the behest of their own soul, and at what moments they are driven precisely by instilled from the outside, imposed models and stereotypes of thinking and behavior. No the need to directly put pressure on a person, it’s enough to tell someone that doing something is bad, most, without looking and asking the question: “why, actually“ bad ”and on what basis does he determine what is“ good and what is bad "" will pick up and an insecure person will lead, although for everyone there is only one authority - he himself.

In the best case, ideally, as they say, it is advisable to prepare for conception (not to mention birth) almost a year in advance. Prepare both mentally and physically for both spouses. Then neither an unexpected pregnancy nor a shock, respectively, is possible. and awareness of one’s own actions, one’s own life. But, this is ideal. But everything happens in life. And children give birth to children. in nature: only a ripe and matured fruit is capable of producing viable seeds.

In any case, we deviated from the topic. The question is about the soul, how and when ....)

And good night!

Nothing old, any energy has its own clear structure, any ability is the most complex and subtlest energy system, Dasha is also the most perfect on Earth and in many worlds the most complex energy system created by the Creator. Dasha is not a cloud, not something amorphous and shapeless and primitive that does not have a clear structure...

Completely agree with you. Any violent termination of life, no matter at what age, is considered a crime. And the soul is not the spirit. The soul is material and immortal, but there are cases in which even the soul can die if it allows itself to do so. But this is a separate conversation.

According to your version - a fool, since she does not immediately know whether she will move into a viable body or not.

In your, again, version, it turns out that the bodies are stamped as God puts on the soul (sorry for the pun), and then the souls crowd over the babies and choose who to move into. Preferably more durable. And then why do children die on the 41st and 54th day? The soul did not calculate something?))

Everything is much more complicated than you think. The soul chooses such a child and such parents in order to fulfill its destiny in the next life as much as possible and, rather, the choice of the soul is not its personal initiative. In the afterlife, it undergoes a series of examinations and is given a certain direction with recommendations. this is also a lesson for the soul, she probably ignored the recommendations given to her. I have proof of how such a soul is punished. I received it from an obsessed, settler who for some reason wanted to talk with me. The interview was recorded by av VORDE. ("Demon")

The human body consists of a physical body (Form), a program body (Soul) and a creative body (Spirit). I will not talk about the composition and purpose of the bodies, this is a long conversation.

The physical and program bodies (Soul) are formed at the moment of fertilization of the egg. Abortion is a planned murder.

The spirit (creative body, divine spark, aura, consciousness, etc.) is formed from the moment of its appearance in the mother's womb and through her body, and then the formation goes on throughout life until the manifestation of wisdom. Wisdom comes to everyone, but not everyone lives up to it.

those components (spirit and soul), which, as they say here, "inhabit the physical body" because, according to the idea of ​​(re)incarnation, EXIST before, during and after the "invasion", and this means that they communicate before, during and after on subtle planes. And not only father, mother and child, but also other relatives, neighbors, inhabitants of the entire planet. Everyone is in a common contact field - they cohabit or at least coexist in the same contact = communication space, therefore everyone knows about each other and what will happen, and what is and what was ... But in the physical. the body does not reach consciousness.

Explain reincarnation in terms of the structure of the human body? The settlement can always be understood in someone else's apartment. What if the owners are there? In other words, moving in takes place in an empty apartment. This is the software body. It does not know and does not remember the past, it is a standard program of the physical body's vital activity. Yes, this is part of the basic program of the Earth, part of God, but this is a program with all the ensuing consequences. No more and no less.

But the creative body is formed by the personality itself, it does not move anywhere after the death of the physical body, but together with the program body (both are saved as a clot of informational energy in the form of a personality) to recreate its physical body. The creative mind is the goal of the Universe, its highest value, and that is why each individual is priceless.

Why is the concept of reincarnation stubbornly present in Hinduism? All origins of religions are formed through people, the first mistake of understanding gave rise to an avalanche of mistakes in the future. Although you can continue to believe. Blind faith is the most objective, it does not require verification of the truth.

Further, our creative mind is largely blocked from the program body, and hence the physical one, precisely by our stupidity, misunderstanding of the structure of the human body. Yes, and it's hard to imagine what we would have done with our own physical form, from the "trunk" and fish scales. It is not the physical body that controls the mind, it is matter.

The lifetime of the physical body is determined by the program body. But first, what is the whole structure of the body for? In essence, everything works for the formation of a creative body (actually the earthly mind). Through the physical body (carrier) the software body is transformed into a creative mind. The parameters of information energy do not play a role here, it is constantly replenished, extracted from the information field. In the course of a person's life, a creative body is gradually formed, forming different shells, compacting them. At the same time, nearby, actually forming rationality, sensuality, emotionality are formed earlier than others and are constantly replenished, regulated. The last shell responsible for the connection of the individual with the Earth's info-field is formed for a long time and not for everyone, here it is necessary for the shell of intelligence to gain its normal density.

The death of the physical body releases the programmatic and creative bodies, but they are composed of informational energy and cannot die either. In practice, a clot of the Pure Mind is formed, a kind of virtual twin of a deceased person living in the info-field of the Universe. The double (or remnant) of the personality retains the entire archive of information of the deceased person.

The question arises, is it possible to return from the info field to Earth (or, as the ancient ancestors said from Navi (Neyavi) to Yav) ?. Since all the information of a deceased person is preserved, it is really possible (after all, matter is composed of programmatically structured energies of space, static and kinetic). So far, this has never happened before (the example of Christ does not count, there was a dense holography). There are two main obstacles: the reaction of the first-born and living people, the second is the desire of the individual to return. The rest is technological questions.

Well, yes, from the point of view of astrology and the Jewish Torah, the creative body completes its formation at the age of 42. As you know, it is recommended to read the Torah only after 40 years. But this is about physical consciousness. body (organism), and not about the soul and spirit .. The latter exist separately from the body, around or accompany it and are associated with it (in your opinion, they manage, program). But I think that there is a softer connection, more freedom - a pure associative connection.

and about the phenomena from the other world to the poetic - so there is a report at the 1st international conference, about which there is a topic in http://site/group/zhizn-after-death/6028598/ group "Life after death" - there are reports and articles about these phenomena - from the famous lawyer Victor Zammit.

Which other? Has he gotten younger? Lives forever? Or upgraded your body? The program performs its tasks. Yes, there are self-learning programs. But they also perform the same tasks with less or more overhead.

as for me, there is neither "movement" nor "eviction", but there is only a manifestation from the thin world in the thick one and the reverse process - it's kind of like showing the tongue and then removing it, leaned out and went away, appeared and disappeared, but it , what-is-disappears_from_sight_here does not cease to exist..

And by advanced practitioners, such a transition is carried out not only through aging and dying of the physical body, but also through disassembly-assembly and other energy transformations. Energy is transformed separately and it is only a medium for information (forms).

And since everything-that-is is an ESSENCE ORGANIZED INTO AN ORGANISM, consisting of a hierarchy of organisms nested in each other, then it and all organisms internal to it, have consciousness, reflect, i.e. have behavior, evolve, implement food chains, etc.

there is such a thing - regression hypnosis - where patients “remember” all this or, more simply, “see”, and how they are born and how a fetus is born from a fertilized egg, and how they exist before that, etc. But all this is seen from outside, i.e. from the side of the subconscious separate from the body.

note that the subconscious mind always refers to itself in the third person - never "I" but always "he" or "she" or even "it". This is precisely because it exists outside the physical body. Those. no "invasion" actually occurs

The so-called subconscious is a shell of the creative mind, and external, drawing information from the information field of the Earth. It has nothing to do with the soul. Although if you confuse a hedgehog with a snake, then you can.

Once I worked part-time in one office, where I was introduced into hypnosis and I collected information about certain devices. You can get any information, but there is one but! If the question is put correctly, there will be an accurate and detailed answer. If you yourself get confused with the question, you will be told so much crap, Maslov's revelations will seem like a pale shadow.

You will not tell a first-grader about Newton's binomial, or will you still try?

One of the nice hypotheses that has the right to exist. The main thing is without these abstruse assumptions: everything ingenious is simple. I really want to believe that this is happening, and the people who acquired this knowledge had perfect vision and hearing.

I will only express my thoughts on the article. The soul moves in a short time after birth. Somehow I got into a conversation with a working spirit from the office of souls. It was the time of my interest in the soul. As always, he gave an indefinite answer to all questions. That is, it is almost impossible to get specific information from the subtle, and this is my conclusion based on the repetition of answers. In many cases, the dialogue is accompanied by video, that is, showing the subtle world The background was cut by the dynamics of movement, that is, the working spirits moved the containers down. To my question, what kind of movement, the answer was: work. , the beginning and content, which he knew, since he was an aries. So subtle hinted at the main content of the soul. Does my version have the right to exist to judge you (the soul is a character according to the sign of the zodiac).

Anton.solop***@m*****.ru 08.07.2014

I can talk about the greats. For 30 years your body has been cooked, and you live like an ordinary person, but then you reboot in your mind and you understand that you have not just a spark of God inside, but he is all by himself. Then you accidentally begin to communicate with him and just as accidentally become his friend. Jesus and Buddha are the same reincarnation.

In recent years, the views of scientists on the structure of the World have changed a lot. Today, the concepts of the structure of matter and man proposed by them allow us to confidently speak and partially explain the possibility of the emergence and life of "uninvited guests" in the human body, but the role and consequences of their activities are clearly underestimated, and most often simply not considered.

My practice of working with patients shows that the reason for the origin of many diseases of the physical body, mental disorders, family and industrial troubles, speaking the language of the household level, lies in the conditions imposed by the essential to the human body. Our Planet is the intersection of positive and negative Worlds (energies), which we consider as good and evil.

Essences are woven from negative energies of black-gray and dirty-colored tones. They have a mind, possess multifaceted psychic and extrasensory abilities and can manifest them through the human body. With the energies bestowed on me, I manifest them, get in touch with them and determine what they are woven from. What power they have, where and whom they serve, what are their goals, and what are the timing of their programs.

With the manifestation of the essence, a person undergoes drastic changes in his appearance, look, voice, behavior. During the dialogue with the essence, I build ways to expel it. The practice of exile and the experience of negotiations allow me to draw the following conclusions. Energetic entities instill and connect to a person at the time of stress, infliction of damage, curses, meditations, through the sleep channel, during alcoholic and drug relaxation, when a person creates a field of envy, evil, resentment, hatred, slander inside himself.

Inhabiting a person (in any of his organs), energy entities make “connections” and pull positive energy from a person (they feed on his energy), influence the course of his thoughts, actions and actions. The human body begins to collapse, and the person himself turns into an experimental creature, sick and suffering, both physically and mentally. There are also other symptoms: inside a person feels a moving lump (of various sizes), someone's evil obsessive thoughts.

Many have now rushed to master magic and are turning to "specialists" in inflicting damage on death, on eliminating rivals, on a love spell ... But none of them think about the fact that at this moment he becomes a conductor or servant of the forces of evil. After an examination by doctors, for example, a woman came to me with a complaint about the deterioration of her health (gradual loss of vitality). Doctors could not determine the cause. When manifested, I discovered that a black channel stretched from it into space. I revealed the reason for the origin of this channel: a year ago I went to the “specialist” for a love spell for my husband. After her repentance, awareness and several sessions, her health returned to normal.

Due to the new energies that come to Earth, many people have their third eyes open, they begin to see the invisible to ordinary people. It must be remembered that the forces of evil are always active, they can appear in the images of saints, relatives, loved ones, loved ones ... Appearing in a dream or in reality, entities draw the energy of love through these images, causing a person to suffer. In a woman, the image of a man in black constantly appearing in a dream formed a strong sense of fear. And there are many such examples, in all cases images of evil spirits appeared at the sessions.

No wonder it is said in the Bible: "The time will come, and the angels of darkness will appear to people in the clothes of angels of light." Over the years, in the spaces manifested through a person, many different laboratories have been discovered for growing robotic entities, viruses of various diseases, computer viruses for laying and destroying human consciousness, programs for destroying love and families, human spirituality. And this is being done by the forces of evil to capture our Earth (they say it is a very beautiful planet), to enslave people. Their program is "More Evil and Discord on Earth". We all need to think seriously, cleanse ourselves of inner evil, envy, flattery, cunning, servility, passion and help people, cleanse ourselves of these vices, do not forget to pray, only then we will protect ourselves and our beloved mother - the Earth.

About foul language.

There are words that carry Light. Everyone around perceives them correctly, without duality. Swear words are originally built in a negative plane. By pronouncing them, a person is already a generator for generating negative energy. In the case when a person swears too often, the "essence" of the demon level is attracted to him, which can move in and live inside him, only increasing the generation of obscene expressions. Both at the level of words, and in thoughts, thoughts.

There is an opinion that obscene language is an integral part of the Russian language. In my opinion, this position is wrong. Obscene expressions in spiritual people, as a rule, do not cause anything but persistent rejection. And fortunately, they are absolutely not interested in whether the obscenity is such an integral part of their native speech, they are always ready to stop foul language. I am well acquainted with the problem of foul language already in childhood. If you build a conversation with the child competently, confidentially, then he will tell about everything that worries, and that he is afraid to tell his parents. Often, showing the situation, I see - the child swears with obscene words, and I ask a specific question. Most often, it is recognized immediately.

Some children report that they do not say bad words out loud. They are present in their thoughts. This is connected, as a rule, with the introduction of the “essence”. But children are not able to distinguish where their thoughts are, and where others', invested. Over time, having lost control of consciousness, they begin to use foul language in words. In conversations with children, I always explain what swear words carry, what destructive power they have. I recommend taking a piece of paper in a cage, and if swear words are spinning in your head, write them on a piece of paper until your head is clean, free of them. Then fold in four to burn with the words: “As this sheet is burned, so are my obscene words burned.” And so you should work on yourself every day, several times a day, until there is a mat either in thoughts or in words. I recommend that parents initially monitor this tendency in children and take measures to eradicate it.

Essences of fear in dreams.

Many of those who come to see me tell their dreams. It is rare to find a person who does not pay attention to his dreams or does not have them at all. And it often happened that unpleasant events occurred after they had dreams that they felt were significant and remembered by them. During sleep, the mind that controls our body is turned off. The body rests, gains strength, we do not control what is happening to us. Having accumulated sufficient experience, I now know that a sleep channel passes through a person, connecting him with other worlds, and through this channel an impact on the consciousness and subconscious of a person can occur - a kind of laying of programs for his further perception of the surrounding world and behavior. The dark forces do not miss this opportunity, and then the further implementation of their programs is entrusted to this person. If he believes in the future reality of his negative dreams and inspires this confidence in others by communicating with them, then he takes the next step towards the materialization of these dreams, and he himself becomes a conductor of dark forces.

So, a woman approached me, alarmed by the fact that she often sees dreams that portend troubles and misfortunes to her acquaintances, and these dreams, as a rule, come true. By nature, this woman was a sympathetic and benevolent person. Seeing someone close to her in a dream, she was in a hurry to convey to people the contents of her dream. She was very worried that the predicted misfortunes were coming true, and a tense situation developed around her. She began to be afraid. I asked: “Are there positive, good dreams?” She replied that very rarely. I began to go to the reason for what was happening and asked if she saw the same dream several times? It turned out that there was such a dream: some kind of chase, a feeling of fear and danger. This dream was distinguished by its clarity and, repeated from time to time for twenty years, took away a lot of strength from her, while the inner feeling of fear increased. Then this recurring dream was replaced by a series of "prophetic" dreams, which further increased her inner anxiety and fear, and they brought her to me.

I asked her to remember that dream in detail, and through these memories I mentally entered the dream space of twenty years ago. When this space manifested, it turned out that at that time damage was done to her, and dark forces connected to her, which blocked her consciousness and organized their own channel from negative energy - the channel of negative dreams. Through this channel, she saw everything very clearly and, being a sensitive person, she succumbed to the reality of dreams, their fears.

Instead of fighting her fear, she began to spread it among her loved ones, hurrying to tell them dreams in all details. She absorbed the received negative information as a program and gradually became the conductor of these negative programs. Inside her, fear was created and grew, which went beyond her. After working with a woman, I removed the damage. Her dreams were gone. The life of the herd to normalize. She no longer felt the wary glances of her loved ones. I felt more warmth and love from them.

About the infusion of dead souls into the bodies of the living.

On one of my usual visiting days, a young woman came to me. Her appearance was unhealthy: a pale face, dull lifeless eyes. A casual conversation began, from which one could understand that her life from the outside, both at work and at home, may seem prosperous, but she is more and more seized by a state of complete indifference. By nature, she is an energetic person, she tries not to succumb to a bad mood and does everything for this, suppressing her inner apathy and melancholy, but she is afraid that her strength will not be enough for a long time, because a feeling of dead space begins to arise around and inside her. Work has begun. By manifesting her space and asking her questions along the way, I began to find out the cause of her condition. I ask:
- Which of your friends, relatives or relatives, recently died or drowned?
“I had a childhood friend,” he answers, “we were friends with families. Relations between us were very close and warm, but he died in a car accident that happened in front of me. His name was Andrey. I was very upset by what happened, and then I began to see him in a dream. We talk as if in reality, just like before. But lately I've been noticing that I often use his words or do things the way he would. I even started talking like him. There are a number of other unexplained phenomena. Andrei often had a headache, and now I have the same headaches. And yet, I began to notice that I had become very coarse, I had masculine character traits. All this bothered me very much, and I decided to turn to you.
The session continued. In the area of ​​the solar plexus and abdomen, the woman felt an icy cold. Her stomach began to retract, as if trying to stick to the spine. I began to examine this cold clot of energy, already knowing that it was the energy of a dead soul, I was familiar with the coldness of this energy. I ask a question:
- Who are you?
“Andrey,” the woman gives me the answer, having heard these words inside herself.
"Why did you possess a living person?" I ask persistently, reproachfully.
- During the catastrophe, he died instantly, - Andrey says through a woman, - my soul flew out of the physical body, and for some time I could not figure out what had happened. I saw my friends from above, who were following me in the car. I saw how scared they ran up to my body, I saw their grief. But I did not have enough energy, I acutely felt the need for it and went to this woman. I did not know what to do, and ... entered the body. Now I understand that I did it illegally, no one gave me permission, but then I did not find another way out. I feel guilty, I understand that the living does not need dead energy, especially she, because I treat her with great respect. I now pray to God to take my soul and I am very grateful to the angels who brought me to you. I beg you to help my soul go to God.
Andrei said goodbye through me to his loved ones. I conveyed some wishes to my family and asked for forgiveness from everyone. A heavenly channel was lowered to him, and the angels took him away. At the moment when the dead soul left the body of the woman, she sobbed heavily, but there was a separation of his soul from her body, immediately after this a deep breath, exhalation, and the woman's sensations completely changed. Her eyes sparkled and filled with life, light, joy.

Usually, when a person dies, a channel descends over him, through which angels send his soul to a place determined by it according to earthly developments. In the case of sudden, instantaneous death, this may not happen. And so it happened with the soul of Andrew. The soul can move into a person whom the deceased loved very much. This is a difficult test for the soul, and being in a hopeless state, it can move into the body of a loving person, it attracts this soul. If the soul is weighed down by the heavy, negative energies of its sins, then it can be abducted by dark forces. The moment of a person's departure from life is one of the most important. The Church helps believers. But any person can be caught by sudden, sudden death. Take care of your soul.

Conversation with essence.

After reading the book “Take care of your soul and body”, a young man came to the reception. His name was Oleg. He could not explain why in his life there was no place for love, joy, and literally all actions were subordinated to some kind of program. Inside, he felt a constant struggle, anxiety, fear. At the same time, sometimes, it seemed to him that he was very strong, powerful, and his brain was able to work like a computer. The feeling of superiority over people led to a firm understanding that he could somehow influence people and subordinate their will to himself. This feeling of inner split hindered him, made him uncomfortable.

During the session, he began to shake violently, his arms twisted unnaturally, his head was constantly tilted to the side. It was difficult to straighten up, for a short time. I offered to try to manifest in the universe. Oleg agreed without hesitation, because he felt that the symptoms of the capture of the "entities" of the human body, which I described in the book "Take care of the soul and body", are inherent in him.

I showed "essence" and she began to talk to me through a man. I should note that the “essence” turned out to be highly developed. These are rare, you can say that I had a good catch that day. It was a robot with some human structures from another space. Feeling the level, I set out to get as much information as possible from him to help people. He was clearly unhappy with being discovered. He moved into Oleg when he was 4 years old. And lived in the body for about twenty years.

The conversation was interesting and intense. And I decided, having recorded the conversation with the permission of Oleg on a dictaphone, to convey to you, readers. My task is to help you prevent the possible introduction of uninvited guests into your life and not lose your human qualities, energies, and not become robots. The conversation turned out to be long, more than three hours. We touched on a wide range of issues. For better understanding, it turned out to be appropriate to group the entire conversation by topic. Without changing anything, I cite the most interesting passages from our communication with the “essence”. In the above dialogue, I. is me, and S. is "essence."

Start of a conversation. Who is in front of me?

I. Are you a man or a woman?
C. Man.
I. From Earth or another planet?
C. From another space.
I. Of what energies are you woven?
C. Earth, stone, fire.
I. What was the purpose of moving into Oleg?
S. I just live, I just exist.
I. And what right did you have to move into a human body?
S. Why not? Everyone has to live somehow.
I. But the physical body is created by God and no one is allowed to live in it except the Divine soul.
C. Possibly. But at the moment there is an opportunity, why not take advantage of it.
I. But now Oleg came to me for a session. And you understand that you will be expelled from the physical body.
S. Yes, I understand. But you do not think that everything is so simple and everything will work out right away.
I. If God brought Oleg, then the exile will go with God's help.
S. Let.
I. Your strength is falling?
S. I am still strong enough to do whatever I want.
I. What do you own?
C. I can control a person's thoughts and partly his actions, but not yet constantly.
I. Can you control the thoughts of Oleg or other people?
S. I only work with one person who is subordinate to me.
I. It turns out that Oleg is robotic?
C. Not completely. I can't regularly exercise control over everything.
I. You are from evil, so at some points you control Oleg so that he becomes worse?
S. Someone is worse, someone is better.
I. It’s better for you, but for Oleg it’s worse. Are you influencing Oleg's soul?
S. Probably not. Rather, I'm interested in the energy of the physical body.
I. Tell me, what causes evil in a person?
S. Due to the burning of various thoughts in Yourself.
I. And emotions?
S. Yes.
I. What are you like? Do you have an image?
C. Mask, shell.
I. So you're a shell?
S. Yes. And protection.
I. Explain.
C. On the one hand protection. On the other hand, everything that comes from inside and outside remains in me. I release some kind of energy, both inward and outward.
I. And what are these energies?
C. Mostly negative and many people feel it.
I. What is your program?
S. My program is to live on my own and support my life activity at the expense of human energy. If a person cannot support my life, then he will leave.
I.I.e. Oleg is alive as long as he can keep you alive?
S. Yes.
I. Suppose he leaves. What will happen to you?
S. I am moving into another space.
I. What do you have there, in your space, you have?
C. Only the owner can know this.
I. And who is your master?
S. I never saw him. But it is something very powerful. He gives me various orders, wishes.
I. Do you accept them at the level of vibrations?
S. Yes, at the level of vibrations.
I. What is life like in your space?
C. One owner. Everyone is subject to him, doing his will. What he wishes and according to our law.
I. Is there no other choice?
S. No.
I. As I understand it, you have both men and women?
S. Yes, men and women. It depends on how it is easier for us to interact with a person. We don't know where we're coming from, but we clearly know what kind of person we can interact with.
I.I.e. you come to earth for a specific person?
C. If we are told that we can interact with any particular person, then this is always the case.
I. How do you move into a person? How do you come from another dimension?
S. I can't answer exactly. I don't have such information.
I. How do you get into the human field?
C. Through his environment, parents.
I. Through the parent field?
S. Yes, through parents and people who are often around.
I. Do they form a positive or negative field?
C. They form different fields. But, as a rule, a person is already ready to do business with us.
I. So, you create a negative field. Or does the person who creates it provoke another to some actions, thoughts?
C. Or vice versa, it does not provoke.
I. And if it doesn’t provoke, then the Human experiences stagnation?
S. Yes. And then he is forced to look for where he can get additional information. He must constantly exchange information with someone. With certain people, certain fields.
I. Oleg communicates with different people, works with information of different levels. Are you collecting it?
C. Collection, analysis. Subjugation of those who can be subdued. Make people dependent on you. Then they weaken and for some reason it is beneficial to me.
I. Are you an information gathering robot?
S. This is one of my tasks.
I. What other tasks?
C. Prepare other people.
I. For the resettlement of the same robots?
S. I don't know who will be resettled in them. I speak only for myself. I don't have access to higher information. I only get final orders. I know that I received an order, and I must carry it out. The one who gives the order is the master.
I. And in what organ are you mainly located?
C. Part of the spine and head. My center is in the head. And for the rest, I imagine, as I said earlier, something like a shell covering a part of the body, the chest. And masks on the face, sometimes I look through the eyes of Oleg.
I. Specify if Oleg wants, for example, to smile, but you don’t want to. What then?
C. Very simple. So he won't smile. But this should not arouse the suspicions of others. He should not be an outcast among people, he should be in constant contact with people.

Beauty is in the understanding of "essences".

I. Earth is a very beautiful planet, do you like it?
C. Beauty is a subjective concept.
I. I understand. In your understanding, what is beauty?
C. Beauty is a manifestation of strength. Just a show of strength.
I. Well, give an example.
S. For example, there is some person. Not Oleg, but another. And I managed to suppress him, he was under my influence. I like this picture. It's beautiful, agree.
I. I don't understand it. I do not understand how beauty can be found in the enslavement of man.
C. Then tell us about your understanding of beauty.
I. Beauty is the work of the soul, its radiation of light energies. The space that is inside a person goes to the level of the Universe. And the man himself harmonizes everything around him, develops a worldview. Such is the powerful energy of a pure, unpolluted soul. This is what beauty is.
S. I don't understand.
I. I know you don't understand, but it's beautiful. That is why you, taking advantage of the opportunity, especially in childhood, block the souls. You know that they can become strong in the future, they will have a huge potential, a range, if they are not enslaved. I agree?
C. Possibly.
I. The Heavenly Father is the Creator. The soul is a part of it, and it creates through a person.
S. Well then. The only thing I can say is that we are beings of different planes and with different energies. The creator of the soul interests me insofar as he can prevent me from controlling a person.

The struggle between "entities" for a person.

I. Are there many "entities" on earth?
S. Yes.
I. Do you have a fight with some of them?
C. If it is noticeable that something exists in a person and this something is rather weak, then if there is an order from the owner, this “essence” can be completely forced out.
I. Do you force such people out?
C. Yes
I. Where do they go? Are you destroying them?
S. We only repress. They go somewhere outside, leaving an empty place. Where they go, I don't care.
I. Is there a struggle for the human body?
S. Yes.
I. And how are the animals? Do you also live in animals? Or do they have a different kind of "entity"?
S. I suppose a different kind. My aim is to live in a human team. It is quite difficult for any dog ​​to subdue people, you must agree.
I. Unfortunately, there are some people who have already begun to obey the animals. This is already present on Earth. I faced.
S. Well, there is something to work on.
I. There is an eternal struggle around man. It turns out that the human body, like a computer, is a complex system. And this system must be able to manage. If you govern incorrectly, then, consequently, you are subject to some kind of universes.
S. Right. Any error in the program leads to various consequences.
I. Then why are there no rules on Earth that clearly define what exactly a person is?
S. Who needs it? Who needs to write such rules?
I. It turns out that a person is like a laboratory, and certain experiments are carried out on him?
C. Everyone has their own goals. I have one, maybe someone is guided by others.
And good. Streams of Light energies are flowing through me, and I really want the human body to be freed from any "essences".
C. Exempt for what? To be controlled by some other force?
I. No. The body has a soul. It is important to give it development. Then a sense of peace will develop. The energies of Love, joy will become the norm for a person. People will begin to strive for harmony, respect for each other, for everything Light. Heavenly Father created man to be happy. Created on a living, beautiful planet Earth. The human soul works for creation, and you only for destruction.
S. Well, how about creation. Agree that man was created in such a way that sooner or later he will collapse. We are destroyed from the moment we are born.
I. And why do people get destroyed?
C. There probably is such a program.
I. But who made a mistake in the program? The soul is infused into a person at the moment of birth, right?
S. Yes.
I. It is instilled so that a person can be happy. The Bible says the same thing.
C. There is much written in the Bible. I have read this work. Yes, there were people and righteous people who lived, if my memory serves me, 800-900 years. But then they left. Because they had their own program. They could not help but leave, because the body is not eternal, it was created that way. This means that there is a program for the destruction of the body. Is not it?
I. The program of destruction may exist, but the matter is different. I will continue my thought. A person is given a soul at birth. The soul on Earth evolves, gains experience, and then goes to another space. This living substance goes into the Light Space. And the fact is that there are people whose soul functions correctly. They live in harmony, Love. Light around them. Yes, they encounter difficulties and hardships on the way, but they overcome them with dignity. Because they control their body, thoughts, emotions, actions. They, not you, are "entities". These are strong souls, strong people. Yes, the body is destroyed. If the human soul functioned correctly, then at the end of the life path it will go to the Light Space. She will succeed easily, because she is filled with Light energies.
S. Very interesting.
I. Yes, yes. At least life is easy without you. Not the way Oleg has to now - hard, difficult. You feel good, you are still the owner of Oleg's body. Therefore, for control, he put into Oleg's head a stable idea that a person is destroyed from the very beginning, from birth. Nothing like this. Oleg came to me to destroy your program. So that he can live happily, get married, raise children and always enjoy life, cultivating Love. That is why he came. You don't belong in his body.
I. Tell me, can you enter another person's field without his permission?
S. In any case, it is necessary to establish contact and find some gap.
I. Vulnerable spot?
S. Yes. After that, you can make an impact.
I. On Earth, this can be attributed to the level of psychology, the ability to establish contact.
S. Yes, contact must occur. I say a lot. Usually so many words are spoken in four days. I do not like it.
I. Is it a loss of energy for you?
S. Yes.
I. As I understand it, you stand up for life on Earth. If it is not there, then you cannot exist.
S. Yes.
I. Tell me about cloning. It is clear that in such a shell there will be no Divine soul. Are these "entities" preparing bodies for themselves? Will you be able to inhabit such a body, or will there be certain protection systems?
S. Yes, "entities" do it. Who exactly is behind this, I do not know. Prepare shells for yourself. Who will be settled in them, I also do not know.
I. And what level of information is of the greatest interest to you?
C. Mostly about the strengths and weaknesses of people. What they can get hooked on. Or what they can do to us. Interested in everything. We have to exist somehow. The person is perfect for us.

Some consequences of the influence of "entities".

I. The long-term practice of my work allows us to conclude that most of the "entities" tend to destroy people. You may be the exception, but that doesn't matter. Tell me, do you have information about their varieties on Earth?
S. I don't.
I. And I see that there is.
S. I have seen some, but I cannot say how many there are. I just know they exist. There are aggressive ones who try, being in a person, to quickly destroy him.
I. Are there those who bring people to psychiatric hospitals?
C. These including.
I. What are these "essences"?
C. They, having settled into a person, do not orient themselves to him. Execute their program. Unfolding, they trample on subtle structures, the physical body of a person. Some of the people can resist, but some centers quickly turn off for someone, and he becomes what he becomes.
I. Robotic?
C. Someone yes. And someone "essence" leaves, leaving an empty shell.
I. Is there a capture of the soul? Or something different?
S. I personally have not come across such people, I cannot say. The only option that I observed was that a strong “essence” came into a person, trampled certain centers inside him. Received a large amount of energy during the destruction of a person and then left the body. What was left of the man was a mangled shell.
I. What, then, is a person?
C. He remains a person unable to perform any functions. Sometimes it is destroyed on the physical level, and then it cannot be restored, sometimes on the mental level. In this case, he can still be helped to return to reality by feeding with energies, if you concentrate them on a destroyed place.
I. I thank you for the information, an interesting conversation. Do you know what pleases me the most?

How does Islam understand life before birth?

Does a child have a soul or spirit before birth?

When does he get a soul or spirit?

Or is there life before conception?

What is the role of blood in life?

It is said that life is in the blood, because we get life when we get blood in the womb and we stop living when we die and our blood comes to rest. We will try to open the point of view of Islam on all the above questions in our article.

What is life before birth in the understanding of Islam?

Life is a series of molecular events and biochemical reactions in every cell of the human body, events and reactions that should not be confused with the ruh (human soul), about which we have very little knowledge. Life begins in the embryo at conception. And this despite the fact that life existed even in the predecessors - the egg and spermatozoa, which were in the testicles and ovaries. In fact, both the male sperm and the female egg contain life before fertilization takes place, but they do not have a soul (ruh).

The Quran says:

“The time has passed when a person was in complete obscurity” (Sura al-Insan “Man”. 76: 1)

It is hard to imagine that 150 years ago we did not know that only one spermatozoon out of the millions present in the father's sperm at one time can fertilize only one egg and allow the child to be born, and the remaining millions of spermatozoa die in the process. Now that we are aware of this struggle for survival, we are well aware of how fortunate each of us is to be alive today.

This is the only male cell (sperm cell) that contains the X or Y chromosomes that determine the sex of the future offspring. The child becomes a female if the chromosomes are in the XX combination and becomes male if the chromosomes are in the XY combination.

The Quran says:

“O people! Fear your Lord, who created you from one person, created a couple from him and settled many men and women descended from both of them. Fear Allah, in whose name you ask each other, and be afraid to break family ties. Indeed, Allah is watching over you." (Sura An-Nisa "Women". 4:01)

“It was He who created you from a single soul and from it also created a spouse, so that he (i.e. Adam) would find peace with her. When [Adam] came together with her, she bore a light burden and began to walk with him. And when she became heavy from the burden, they turned to Allah, their Lord: “If You grant us a pious [son], then only to You [rush] our gratitude.” (Sura al-Araf “Barriers.” 7:189)

Just a reminder. We should never blame a wife if she does not give birth to a male child, as some do. This is because male sex determination is present on the husband's Y chromosome and can only be realized through his sperm.

Does a child have a soul (ruh) before it is created in the womb?

No. A child does not have a ruh (soul) until it is created in the womb.

When does a child get a soul (ruh)?

Muslim scholars believe that human life begins shortly after the fourth lunar month of conception, when the fetus becomes viable, that is, worthy of living. Of particular significance are certain events reported by Abdullah ibn Mas'ud, who reported that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“Indeed, each of you is formed in the womb of his mother for forty days in the form of a drop of semen, then he stays (there) for the same amount in the form of a clot of blood and the same amount in the form of a piece of flesh, and then an angel is sent to him, who blows the spirit into him. And he receives a command to write down four things: the destiny (of a person), the duration of his (life), his deeds, and also whether he will be happy or unfortunate ”(Al-Bukhari).

Ibn Abbas stated that the process of blowing in the spirit takes place within 10 days after the 4-month period has ended. If the fetus has died, before this period, then there should be no Janaz prayer (prayer for the dead). It should also be noted that the process of breathing in the spirit is inherent in man. Animals don't have roc.

Muslims accept that the soul is what Allah says in the Quran:

“... then he gave him a proportionate appearance, breathed into him from his spirit and gave you hearing, sight and hearts. But how small is your gratitude!” (Sura as-Sajda "Bow" 32:9)

“When I cast him out and breathe into him of My spirit, then fall down on your face before him and strike him with your forehead.” (Sura al-Hijr 15:29)

If Allah had not breathed His own spirit into the form of clay, we human beings would have been statues of clay without life and without a soul. In this breath that comes from Allah, and which we call Rukh, all the potentially positive qualities of a human being are embodied. They must probably be present in this Rukh that enters the fetus in the womb and the fetus becomes viable shortly after the four lunar months of conception.

Is there life before conception?

Yes. Before conception, there is life. It lies in the life of the spermatozoa and the ovum, which do not have Roc.

What is the role of blood?

Physically, blood acts only as a nutrient. It can be completely drained from the whole body and replaced, and the person will still live and have a soul. The heart can be removed from the body (as is done with a frog's heart when it is placed in a saline solution) and it will keep pumping blood for several days. The heart will be alive for a few days, but where is the soul?

If one limb is amputated, that limb does not have a soul, although it still contains life and the limb can be returned to the body. So again, where is the soul? All four limbs may be amputated, but the soul may still be intact.

Then the soul is physically in the blood? No, because the blood can be completely drained and replaced. Is the soul in the germinal layer of our sexual organs, such as the testicles and ovaries? No, because the soul is still present in the absence of our reproductive organs. Although we know that the soul is somehow present in a living organism, we do not know where it is located.

Besides, it can be a futile exercise to look for the location of a spiritual entity about which Allah has given us very little knowledge. The Qur'an clearly states that Rukh is a divine work whose secret is known only to Allah. This is stated in the Quran:

They will ask you about the soul. Tell:

“The soul came into being by the command of my Lord. It is given to you to know very little about it” (Sura al-Isra “Night Transfer”. 17:85).

First, a few well-known facts. The Orthodox Church, as well as other branches of the Christian Church, has a sharply negative attitude towards modern reproductive technologies and, in particular, in vitro fertilization. One of the most significant objections to IVF, in my opinion, is the following postulate: during IVF, one or 2 of the best embryos are often selected, the rest are destroyed - the human soul exists from the moment of conception - selection of embryos is a murder equivalent to killing a person already born - IVF is akin to a mortal sin. All other objections, by and large, in my opinion, are just empty rattling of beautiful words.
At the same time, as everyone understands, the key to understanding the problem is the question - when does the soul appear in the embryo, i.e. From what moment can he be considered a full-fledged person. The traditional point of view of the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as the Vatican, on this issue is from the moment of conception, which, by the way, differs from the position, for example, of the same Muslims or Jews. Jews, for example, believe that the soul of an embryo appears on the 40th day after conception, Muslims - on the 120th. However, the position of Christians on this issue has always seemed unshakable to me, although it raised some questions - for example, if a person’s soul arises at the moment of conception, then what happens to it when, say, an embryo at an early stage of development divides and twins are formed. I must say that I am a believer, however, I do not consider myself a great specialist in the field of theology, and therefore I have always listened in this respect to the position of the Church Fathers, who, by virtue of their “profession”, should know and understand this issue much better than I do, and I used to trust the opinion of professionals.
However, I recently came across a very interesting essay on the Internet. Its theme lies outside the plane of IVF - this is the attitude of the church towards abortion; however, the author, investigating the problem, for obvious reasons, inevitably rests on the question of the moment when the soul appears in a person. And the author devotes most of his material to this issue. In the bottom line - not everything is so clear in the position of Christians on this issue. There is abundant evidence that, according to the apologists of religion, the soul in the embryo arises at a certain stage of its development. The current position of the Church on this issue, as well as on many others, is the "official" of today. In my opinion, the author proves this quite convincingly. However, I repeat, I am not a specialist in theology; in any case, I clearly understand that my knowledge on this issue is much more modest than that of the author, so I will neither argue nor agree with him, but I invite you to form your own opinion on this issue (material below). I highlighted in bold those moments that I consider especially successful for proving the opinion expressed by the author.


Evgeny Kadosov. THE HUMAN FETAL AT THE EARLY STAGE. Theological reflection
In Orthodox literature, one often reads controversy regarding women performing artificial termination of pregnancy (or, simply speaking, abortions). It is clear that the sinfulness of this act cannot be questioned by Christians. A more interesting question, however, lies elsewhere: when does the formation of the human personality take place in the womb, and from what moment does the human fetus become a human being? Opponents of abortion very often argue their position by the fact that the fetus is a full-fledged human person from the moment of conception. Therefore, they argue, abortion, even at an early stage, is murder, and mothers who commit it are subject to the penance of murderers. However, this question is far from being so unambiguous from the point of view of Orthodox Tradition.
1) Canonical aspects
Supporters of the opinion that even an unformed embryo is a full-fledged human personality like to refer to the second canonical rule of St. Basil the Great, which, among other things, states: " She who intentionally destroys the fetus conceived in the womb is subject to condemnation of murder. We do not have a fine distinction between the fruit that has been formed, or that which has not yet been formed."However, they usually do not quote the rule in full, and after all, it further explains why St. Basil does not make this distinction:" For here a penalty is due not only for what had been born, but also for what she told herself: inasmuch as wives, from such attempts, very often die. With this, the destruction of the fetus also copulates, like another murder, from those who deliberately dare to do this.". That is, the point is that during an abortion there is an attempt of two murders, and not one: firstly, the fetus, and secondly, endangering the life of the mother herself, because many women die from abortions (as you know, suicide is one of the gravest sins in Christianity, and an attempt on him is no less a sin than an attempt to kill the fetus.) This is more clearly evidenced by the text of his eighth rule, also related to the problem under discussion:
Also, if someone makes someone drunk with a secret composition (even if it was for some other reason) and kills: we recognize such a free murderer. This is often done by wives, attempting to use certain charms and charms, attracting some to love themselves, and giving them medical compounds that produce clouding of the mind. Although such, having caused death, did not do what they intended: however, for magic and forbidden occupation, they are ranked among free murderers. Therefore, those who give medicine for the eruption of what is conceived in the womb are murderers, just as they accept infanticide poisons.
This canon adds a third aspect: "magic". After all, abortions at that time were done by "composing deadly potions", which automatically made a person a murderer. It is for the above reasons (risk of suicide and sorcery) that St. Vasily awards penance to a free killer for the abortion of an unformed fetus. Renowned canonist ep. Nicodemus (Milash), interpreting the second rule of St. Basil the Great writes: The wife who killed the fetus conceived in the womb is condemned along with the murderer, firstly because she killed the fetus, and secondly because she exposed herself to mortal danger, since for the most part women themselves die from this"
Other canons (canon 21 of the Council of Ancyra, canon 91 of the Council of Trullo) also subject abortionists to the penance of homicides, but do not go into details.
2) Patristic views
The question of whether an embryo is a human was raised in the Old Testament. There is one important passage in the book of Exodus: When people fight and hit a pregnant woman, and she throws it away, but there is no other harm, then take from the guilty person the penalty that the husband of that woman will impose on him, and he must pay it through intermediaries; and if there is harm, then give soul for soul"(Ex. 21:22-23). ​​It seems that the status of the embryo is not mentioned here. However, the problem is that in the Russian text of the Bible there is an inaccurate translation. In the Slavic text (and, accordingly, the Septuagint, which it follows ) this place is read like this: " As soon as two husbands fight and strike the wife of non-idleness, and her baby comes out unrepresented, let it be vanity: if the husband of that wife lays it, he will give it appropriately. If he is depicted, let him give soul for soul". That is, the logic of the rule is as follows: if the baby already has the appearance of a person ("depicted"), then the culprit of his death will be tried for murder, and if not, then a much less severe punishment is assigned. Obviously, the author of the book of Exodus considers only a mature fruit, as Blessed Theodoret of Cyrus confirms: “The Church, in obedience to the words of God, especially abhors this teaching of heretics, is turned away by fables and other false teachers and, believing Divine Scripture, says that the soul was created together with the body and does not have the beginning of its creation in a material seed, but by the will of the Creator comes into being through For the divine Moses said that Adam's body was first created, and then God breathed in the soul. With Kerdon and Marcion, we do not call this inspiration any part of the Divine essence - we affirm that this designates the nature of the soul, namely that the soul is a rational and thinking spirit. And in the laws, this same prophet taught us even more clearly that at first the body is formed, and then the soul is inhaled, for he said about the one who struck the pregnant woman: If a baby goes out is depicted, let it be an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and so on: , and this on teaches that a baby formed in the womb is animated, and an unformed one is not animated. So, Job, worthy of all praise, said to the Lord: Remember, as Thou hast made me clay, yet again You return me to the earth. Or is it not like a mammal has crushed me, hast thou let me down like cheese? Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh, Thou hast stitched me together with bones and sinews (Job 10:9-11). And, having shown by this the previous formation of the body, then he added a hymn about the animation of the body, for he says: Thou hast laid life and mercy with me (12); after this he also mentions guardianship: Thy visitation save my spirit (12); then he preaches God's omnipotence: You have this in you, we know, as if you can do everything, and nothing is possible for you (13). God honored the body with this advantage in time, in order to establish equality. Since he created the soul immortal, and the body mortal, he gave seniority to the body in time, so that the soul would not be magnified before it, prevailing both in nature and in time.(Abbreviated exposition of divine dogmas, 9. About man).
The theological basis in this case is the iconographic argument. Only that which has an image can be a man human. Accordingly, a being that does not externally have a human appearance is not a person. The ideal image of man, of course, is Our Lord Jesus Christ incarnate, and "humanity" can be measured by proximity to this image. St. Theodore the Studite, one of the pillars of the doctrine of icon veneration, writes in complete agreement with the previous fathers: “Of course, it is true that the image of Christ was in Him as in the prototype even before it was received through art. nothing can be called a prototype if it does not have an image on the substance transferred from it.
And further: "To say - the Lord created me - means the same as to say - the Lord gave me a shape. If, due to the fact that it is not written "The Lord created me", or "The Lord clothed me with a body," one cannot say that He did not do this, then in the same way - in view of what is written - the Lord created me - everyone who wants to think rightly should be understood in the same way as He gave me the outline. For creation even for those who little is understood, there is a property of limitation and outline.(Anti-Heretics 3.9).
In complete agreement with the Eastern fathers were the Western fathers. Blessed Augustine, in his interpretation of the Exodus, states that the human soul cannot exist in an unformed body. Before taking on the form of a man, the embryo has only a vegetable or animal soul; therefore, early abortion is not murder. “It (Scripture), therefore, does not extend the concept of murder to the unformed embryo, for certainly what is still in the womb cannot be considered a person ...
If, however, the embryo is still formless, but already has a soul (for the great question of the soul cannot be discarded by a quick judgment), then the Law cannot be extended to murder, for the living soul in the given to you has no feelings if what is in the flesh is not yet formed and therefore not endowed with feelings." (On Exodus 21:22-25).
Augustine is followed by Blessed Jerome : "The seed gradually takes shape in the womb, and its abortion cannot be considered murder until the individual elements and limbs take on an external shape". (Letters 121, 4).
This position was adopted by the Western Church, becoming part of the famous Gratian Decree. Summing up the views of his predecessors, St. Thomas Aquinas writes in the 1200s that immediately after conception, the embryo has only a plant soul, which is then replaced by an animal one, and, finally, when the fetus takes on the shape of a person, it has a rational soul: "The vegetable soul, which appears first when the embryo lives the life of a plant, disappears and is replaced by a more perfect soul, nourishing and sensitive, and then the fetus lives an animal life; when it disappears, it is replaced by a rational soul brought in by God." (On the Truth of the Catholic Faith, book II, ch. 89).
It is worth mentioning that the doctrine of "gradual humanization" described above was approved as a dogma of the Catholic Church by the Council of Vienna in 1312 and was never officially rejected by the Vatican.
3) Platonism and Aristotelianism in anthropology
The root of the misunderstanding of this problem lies in the uncritical perception of the Platonic philosophical doctrine. According to Plato, the body is the "dungeon of the soul", that is, the main essence of the human personality is in the soul, and not in the aggregate "soul + body". Therefore, if the soul is given to the embryo at the moment of conception, then it is from that moment that the person exists as a full-fledged hypostasis, even if the body of the embryo has not yet formed. It should be noted that, despite the great value of Plato's philosophy as a whole and its influence on patristic theology, many of its moments gave rise to a number of heresies, and as such it was eventually condemned at the Council of Constantinople in 1076 (Council of John Itallus).
In contrast to Platonic philosophy, Aristotle's system does not oppose the body to the soul. The soul is "entelechy", that is, the formative principle of the body. The body is not something external to the soul, but is formed according to the ideal principle embedded in the soul. In other words, our body for us is not a random vessel in which the soul is placed (just like wine can be poured into a glass of any shape), but the shape of our body, facial features, structure, and so on, which distinguishes one human personality from another. , are such precisely because this person has this soul, and not another. The body reveals outside what the soul hides in itself. It is not for nothing that one can determine to a certain extent his spiritual qualities by a person’s face, and our passions always “manifest themselves”: if a person falls into mortal sins, then this is reflected in his appearance, just as when, on the contrary, he spends time in repentance and cleansing. Unlike the philosophy of Plato, the system of Aristotle as such was never condemned by the Church, but, on the contrary, was the basis of Christian scholasticism, both in the East (St. John of Damascus) and in the West (St. Thomas Aquinas).
Those who claim that a person is a person from the moment of conception, consciously or unconsciously accept the Platonic, and not the Aristotelian paradigm, and, accordingly, go against the patristic Tradition. If the hypostasis of a person is identified with the spiritual principle (soul), then the body is something external for the hypostasis. Hence the soul can preexist the body (as Origen taught), or the Hypostasis of the Logos in Christ is identified with the "spirit" (Appolinarius of Laodicea). Disputes about what is formed first - the soul or the body - also arise from this reason. The patristic theology on this score says, in contrast to Origenism, that the soul is formed together with the body, but what is important here is not so much the “time of formation”, but the realization of the fact that the soul and body are not two substances independent of each other that are mechanically combined with each other, even if they are formed at the same time. Neither the body can be separated from the soul, nor the soul from the body. This connection is not broken even at the moment of physical death - this is taught by the Orthodox tradition of veneration of holy relics. And the life of the future age for people will continue in resurrected bodies, and not in the form of a purely "spiritual existence." And these bodies will resemble those that were on earth, but transformed. We can only guess what they will be in reality, but it is clear that the saints and the righteous will have them beautiful, and the unrepentant sinners will be ugly and repulsive.
The human hypostasis, however (in contrast to the Platonists), is not equal to one soul, but includes the fullness of human nature: the spiritualized soul and body. Accordingly, until the body has developed sufficiently to show the image of a person, it is theologically incorrect to speak of a full-fledged human personality. About an unfinished house that has not yet taken on the shape of a house, one cannot say that it is a house, even if it is completely designed on paper. On the contrary, when he already has windows, doors and a roof, he is a house, even he is not yet finished inside.
4) Modern Controversy: Article by Abbot Theognost (Pushkov)
For a clearer illustration of the views presented above, let us take an article by Hieromonk (now Hieroabbot) Theognost (Pushkov). The work we are considering is called "Orthodox Anthropology on the Conception of Man", and it is devoted to clarifying the question of from what moment the embryo is a human person. O. Theognost is convinced that the embryo becomes such from the moment of conception. How does he justify this?
First of all, the fact that Fr. the hierarch abbot completely ignores the numerous patristic statements on this subject. Moreover, the issue of Ex. 21:22 and the interpretations of the holy fathers on this place are not affected by them absolutely. The only person he indirectly mentions in this connection is the blessed Theodoret of Cyrus, but here Fr. Theognost gets off with an argument about the crypto-Nestorianism of the latter. This remark may be true, but above we have exhaustively shown that not only bliss. Theodoret, but also a whole host of both Western and Eastern fathers of various eras, agree that a person becomes a person only after the formation of the fetus in the womb. No direct words of other fathers regarding the fact that a person is a person from the moment of conception are also given to them. The main weight of the argument of Father Theognost falls on the episode about the Annunciation. He writes, for example, the following: In Christology, the doctrine of the unity of the Hypostasis of Christ is very important. There is no human hypostasis in Him; From the very first moment of the emergence of human life, this life was the life of God incarnate!". We can only agree with this. However, the question arises: what, then, does the incarnation of Christ have to do with the question of the status of the human fetus at an early stage of pregnancy? Indeed, in Christ 1) there was no human hypostasis 2) there was no proper fertilization of the male seed, from which the embryo then develops. There was a mysterious descent of the Holy Spirit onto the Virgin Mary, there was an acceptance by the eternal Word, the Second Hypostasis of the Most Holy Trinity of human nature (but not hypostases!). The conception of Christ in this respect is a supernatural thing, an exception from the general series, and in no way can serve for comparison with ordinary human reproduction.
Christ, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, existed and exists eternally. There was no birth at the time of the Annunciation new human personality but the eternally existing Hypostasis of the Logos assumed human flesh. Christ hypostatically existed both 100 and a thousand years before the incarnation, but other people receive personal existence only with the emergence and development of the body. This difference is what St. John of Damascus means when he says the following about the Annunciation: "Then he overshadowed her, as if the Divine seed, the Son of God, the hypostatic Wisdom and Power of the Most High God, consubstantial with the Father, and from her immaculate and purest blood formed for Himself the firstfruits of our composition - flesh, animated by the thinking and rational soul, - not through fertilization by the seed, but creatively, through the Holy Spirit. At the same time, the human image was not formed through gradual increments, but was immediately completed.(Exact Statement of the Orthodox Faith 3.2).
That is, in the case of ordinary reproduction, the human personality is formed gradually. This process begins from the moment of fertilization and ends when the embryo acquires the image of a person. Christ, originally and eternally, having all the hypostatic properties, at the moment of incarnation takes on human flesh, remaining the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity. The mechanism of seedless conception for us, of course, will forever remain a mystery. However, it is worth remembering that the traditional "fertilization of the egg" (and the male seed in general) was not there, so the stage corresponding to the "unformed embryo" in this case could be absent altogether.
However, the key argument of Theognost is the following statement: "" There is no nature without a hypostasis, "and therefore what is in the womb from the very first moment of" emergence "or" conception "has its own hypostasis. And this is the hypostasis of man". True, according to the patristic teaching (expounded, for example, by St. Basil the Great in his letters), nature does not exist without a hypostasis. But the converse statement is also true: a hypostasis cannot exist without nature either. And the nature of a person consists, according to Orthodox teaching, from a rational soul and body.Moreover, the body must have the image of a person, according to the iconographic argument of St. Theodore the Studite.If this image does not exist, then it is impossible to speak in the strict sense about human nature and, accordingly, about human hypostasis.
This is where other absurdities come from. For example, opponents quite correctly indicate Fr. Theognostus on the fact that a large number of fertilized embryos die during conception. If an embryo is a person from the moment of conception, then it turns out that dozens of microkills occur with each such act? O. the priestly abbot dismisses this argument as follows: " Well, a lot of embryos die on their own, so what? In the Middle Ages, there was a high infant mortality, now its relapses are taking place. So what? Death, as a tragedy of our kind, entered the world, and we do not bear the blame for it.". However, the comparison with infant mortality and death in general as a tragedy of the human race is incorrect here. People were not directly guilty of high infant mortality: it was precisely the general consequence of the fall and our imperfection. The development of science and technology has largely solved this problem. However the death of embryos is a direct consequence of certain human actions: if there were no sexual intercourse, then there would not be these inevitable (!) deaths. But who put sexual desire in a person, forcing him to reproduce with the need in this way? God. follow the logic of Father Theognost, then it is God who is responsible for the death of many human personalities, which occurs at every copulation of a man and a woman ...
5) Practical and ethical considerations
The most important thing to note in connection with the foregoing is that while early termination of a pregnancy is not murder, it still remains a mortal sin, as noted in the canons of the Orthodox Church (2nd right. Basil the Great and others). The motive for writing this article was not to "justify abortion" but to refute the false theological assumptions that a pre-formation fetus is considered a human being. A conscious abortion is unacceptable for a Christian, and its commission should entail appropriate canonical and disciplinary sanctions on the part of the pastors of the Church.
However, there are other points of interest. So, very often among the Orthodox it is customary to distinguish between "abortive" and "non-abortive" contraceptives. At the same time, abortion drugs are denied on the grounds that they lead to murder, while non-abortive drugs, on the contrary, are considered “permissible”. Above, we showed that the death of an unformed fetus is not murder, and therefore, in principle, there is no difference between "abortive" and "non-abortive" contraceptives. However, something else is important: to what extent are these means acceptable in the life of a Christian? Even if abortion at an early stage is not murder, it was still never considered acceptable by the Fathers of the Church. Sinfulness here consists in resisting the Divine will, in preventing new life from entering this world. The position of the Catholic Church, which generally prohibits any type of contraception other than "natural", is more theologically consistent on this issue than the views of some Orthodox authors.
A more complex issue is "medical abortion", that is, surgical intervention leading to the death of the fetus, in case of a threat to the life of the mother. In those cases where the embryo has not yet acquired human outlines, the admissibility of the operation cannot be questioned. For an abortion at a late stage, undertaken to save the life of the mother, the corresponding words from the "Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church" (XII, 2) are quite applicable: “In cases where there is a direct threat to the life of the mother during the continuation of the pregnancy, especially if she has other children, it is recommended in pastoral practice to show indulgence. A woman who terminates a pregnancy in such circumstances is not excluded from Eucharistic communion with the Church, but this communion is conditional her personal penitential prayer rule, which is determined by the priest who receives confession.
Recently, the issue of artificial termination of an ectopic pregnancy, which is a special case of abortion for medical reasons, has become a special subject of discussion. Rupture of the fallopian tubes, which is often fatal for a woman, usually occurs at the end of the second month of pregnancy, that is, just before the start of the period when the embryo begins to take on the shape of a person. Consequently, from the point of view of Orthodox anthropology, surgical intervention in this case will not be murder and, accordingly, is morally and theologically justified. The life of a mother here is a disproportionately great value.

Entry of the Soul into the body.

The soul of an unborn baby already knows what difficulties and torments it will have to go through, and therefore the Soul of the unborn child does not feel great joy from coming into this world.
The Soul first projects itself in the form of a holographic field Image and builds its specific earthly body on the basis of this Image. This Image is a hologram and dictates to the dividing cells when and where the legs, arms, head should grow. The Wave Image is filled with matter. The holographic field Image is connected with the Physical Body at the moment when the egg receives the sperm.
The soul comes to the egg earlier if it sees that the mother is pushing away the father, i.e. the egg repels the sperm. A woman overcome by fears is unable to accept what a man offers her.
She sees herself in her neighbor and begins to push him away. The soul sees this and comes with love to balance the mother's fears. When the Soul connects with the egg, it also connects with the woman herself. The woman no longer repels the man with the same force, and the sperm enters the egg. Thus the Soul helps itself to incarnate in the Body.
"Pregnant women sometimes get sick of male chromosomes."

During pregnancy, there is a mutual exchange between the body of the mother and the fetus. A woman is simply "forced" to acquire certain features and characteristics of her unborn child, otherwise the fetus will not survive. After all, the embryo carries the heredity of the mother and father, and any foreign organ, any foreign cell is rejected by the body. The fetus receives half of the genetic program from the father, which is not native to the mother's body and must be rejected as alien. In order not to be mistaken for a stranger, this lump of new flesh must adapt itself and help mom adapt. At the fifth week of pregnancy, a woman's body begins to receive countless different "messages" from the embryo. These "messages" are transmitted to the mother through chemicals such as hormones. The embryo also sends stem cells, which "colonize" the mother's bone marrow and "settle down" in it. The lymphocytes they produce remain in the mother's body for life. Through the baby, the mother receives "inheritance" some genetic "gifts" from her husband, delivered to her body with the cells of the "messenger" - their joint child. A woman, through the child developing in her, acquires at the physiological level certain features of her husband. The information received by a pregnant woman from the embryo is necessary for the body of the expectant mother to more easily adapt to the new creature developing in her.
If a man does not do what a woman wants, then what he gives will be rejected, even if a child is desired. Her immune system can rebel and, for the sake of its own salvation, push out of the body what it does not accept.

Every Soul (Consciousness) comes to the Physical Body in its own way. The Soul enters the "Body" in a different state of Consciousness.
The first is the entrance of the Soul in full Consciousness, but it is lost during the maturation of the fetus and exit from the womb.
The second is the entrance of the Soul in full Consciousness, where it matures and leaves the womb in full Consciousness. In full Consciousness, it will be very difficult for the Soul to survive all the sufferings of maturation.
The third is the entrance and exit of the Soul in an unconscious state.

When the time comes to inhabit the Body, the Soul will be drawn into the Divine Light. With a lost or barely preserved memory, the Soul returns to Earth, falling into a TUNNEL filled with Light. Gradually, the Soul loses consciousness and slips into a state similar to deep sleep, being awakened in the womb of its new mother.

When the Soul descends into the Body, at that time it is shaken by the most powerful vibrations, accompanied by various kinds of whirlwinds. A certain period must pass until the bursts calm down, until the high-speed vibrations subside, until everything gradually returns to normal. At this moment, the Soul is especially vulnerable to all sorts of dangers.
Finally, the Soul unites with the body at the age of one, sometimes at the age of 3 or 5 years. Every child is an individual in and of itself. His soul, according to the doctrine of the transmigration of souls, returns to Earth not for the first time. The energy field of each person stores information about his past lives. On top of this information, information from the current life, received from their parents and relatives, is superimposed, as it were. All this is bizarrely intertwined into a single whole.
If a child is desired in the family, he will be very sociable and affectionate. If the child is unwanted, then he will be withdrawn and irritable. The most difficult cases are when the birth of a child is not desired by the mother herself, the father or their parents, that is, the closest people.
The child already in the womb feels who and how treats him. Any negative thoughts and emotions are reflected in his fate, he will be uncommunicative, he will have a lot of complexes that he will need to get rid of throughout his life. The mother's pregnancy will be complicated. And the child himself will subsequently be born weak and painful.
And woe to that grandmother who, not recognizing her daughter-in-law or son-in-law, does not even want the birth of children from this marriage. In the future, no matter how much she surrounds her grandson or granddaughter with attention and care, she will never be able to win their hearts and receive the love and attention that we all expect from children.
That is, the canvas of human destiny is woven from thousands of tiny threads, each of which has its own special meaning. A person in this world does not exist by himself - he is part of a huge interconnected system.
The Soul enters the Body through one of the chakras. Which chakra the Soul will enter depends on how spiritually developed it is. If the Soul is on a semi-animal level, or if this is an early incarnation for it in the Human Kingdom, then it will enter through one of the lower chakras. And if a person has spent many previous lives in search of spirituality, then the Soul will enter the Body through one of the upper chakras. This entry determines his motivations and life goals. During the development of spirituality throughout life, Prana gradually rises to the upper chakras.

The appearance of the child.

The mother can influence the appearance of the unborn child. The fetus is a plastic substance, which a mother can give a beautiful or ugly shape, or a resemblance to some person or persons, can leave an imprint or image on it that was vividly present in her imagination during pregnancy. At a critical, emotionally intense moment, it can act on the sensitive surface of the fetal fetus, which can perceive this image.
"Wealthy Greeks used to set up beautiful statues near the bed of the future mother, so that she always had perfect images before her eyes."

A child who wants to please the mother looks like the mother.
A child who wants to please his father looks like his father.
Whoever wants to please both parents inherits from both the most advantageous external traits. Whoever wants to please himself does not look like his parents at all. Whoever likes originality is not like anyone else, he is original. A child can look like a grandmother or grandfather, which means that he, while in the womb, wanted to please his grandmother or grandfather. This child was born out of the love of a grandparent. This desire can change, and, accordingly, a person during his lifetime can repeatedly change his likeness.
The outward resemblance of a child to one of the adults is an expressed gratitude for the vital support provided by this person. The element of similarity is a sign of expression of love and appreciation.
Who does not want to please the mother, looks like her outwardly, but has a certain flaw or a birth defect. If a protest against the mother arises after birth, then a defect also arises at the same time.
Whoever does not want to be liked by his father, his resemblance to his father is broken by some flaw or deformation of the skeleton.
Who protests very strongly against parental illusions is born with anomalies of the facial part of the skull. This is how the desire of the child to be himself is realized. It can also be a severe retribution for your own protest from a previous life. Cosmetic and operational elimination of defects is successful for those who release an internal protest against their parents.
A physical flaw is always filled with spiritual abilities, for everything in Nature is balanced.

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